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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 571

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 571 

Monday, July 13th 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

K2 Report - Conclusion
Re: What Can We Do? (And Swamp Gas Journal!)
Re: Sociopaths
Nasa Ufo Debate W/ Oberg,
Planet MU1990....
Re: Package
K2 and the Phoenix Group
Planet MU1990....
Re: What Can We Do? (And
JFK/UFOS and the Press
Crop Circles
Crop Circles


From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: K2 Report - Conclusion
Date: 5 Jul 92 05:12:07 GMT

<<<<<<..Continued from previous message>>>>>>

* * *

Report # 3 By Staff # 2: Date: August 11, 1989, Time: 1500 PDT
Location: K-2

Following the events of the night before, I made a quick trip to
check out the K-2 area.

Observation: There was a "burned" or scorched area on the
ground, 30 feet in diameter, at the LZ-1 (landing zone 1)
apparently, where an object had landed. In the rush to get there,
I forgot to take my camera. No pictures were obtained. After
further checking out the area, I left. I decided to return the
next day with a camera to get pictures of the burn marks.

* * *

Report # 4 By Staff # 2: Date: August 12, 1989, Time: 1300 PDT
Location: K-2

Observation: Another quick trip to K-2 -- this time with the

"This second trip -- brought a surprise. The burned round mark
on the ground wasn't there (the one I had observed the day
before. The 30 foot diameter burned area). It looks like "
(the Greys) had removed everything that would show they had
landed there. I did some digging, but there was nothing to show
for it. They had replaced the ground (the burned area) with new
soil, including the dead grass that covers the ground. They seem
to know we are on to them, and are making it difficult for us to
prove anything. From now on, the camera goes with me everywhere."

See Exhibits 19 and 20.

Memo August 12, 1989 From Staff # 1 To: Staff # 2

Our contacts in the Air Force verify that on the night of August
10, 1989, at the time indicated in Report # 1 of that date, that
eight F-4's, scrambled from Beale AFB, CA. They had a brief
radar-lock, on a "bogie" in the area described. However, they
lost the target, due to ground clutter when it suddenly descended
into the mountainous terrain. They returned to the base when a
further sweep of the area proved fruitless.

You're right, the AF had a blip on their radar, but lost it when
the ship dropped into that 20-mile approach corridor between the
valleys and the radar dead zone.

* * *

Comments by Staff # 1 Date: 8/15/89, Time: 1300 PDT

The events taking place, as described in the preceding reports,
indicate on-going activity at the K-2 site. This activity, adds
weight to the conclusions and evidence gathered by our Survey
Team. Those findings were included in the "K-2, Special Report"
Dated 7/28/89. These recent events taking place at K-2 validate
our initial findings.

* * *

Comments by Staff # 1 Date: 8/29/89

Observations of night-time activity at K-2, over the past month,
indicate that alien crafts are making supply runs at two week
intervals. All of our attempts, on site, to photograph or video
tape their arrival, unloading and departures have failed. The
aliens seem to detect our presence even though we have made every
effort to remain concealed. On two occasions, from our concealed
location, we have observed one of their craft making a landing
approach. The craft suddenly veers off, about two miles from the
base, and quickly leaves the area. For both practical and
economic reasons we cannot continue this surveillance. In our
opinion, we have validated the existence of the base and the
alien activity associated with this site.



Previously, we mentioned the extreme curiosity exhibited by U.S.
Forest Rangers, and their barrage of questions while we conducted
the scientific survey of K-2 in July of 1989. The reason for
their conduct and questions became known in August of 1989 and
during the course of subsequent investigations at K-2. Refer to
Exhibit 21.

As a result of the public disclosure of the Alien Base revealed
in this report, it will prove most interesting to observe what
action is taken by any unit of the U.S. Government to deal with
this situation. It is doubtful they will allow an Alien Base to
operate right under their noses.

This would be an excellent occasion for the public, in large
numbers, to camp out at the K-2 site, use their home video
cameras to record what activity occurs and whether they are
ordered to leave the area.

Also, without a doubt, it is not difficult to predict a scenario
in which well-paid and learned government experts will proclaim
that no alien base exists at K-2. In the interim, nobody would be
surprised, would they (??), if the area was suddenly fenced off
by a double perimeter chain-link fence and patrolled by security
guards. The public may even be denied any access to the area.
Now, what would that suggest to you?

It's something of a Catch-22 situation for the government. Any
action taken to suppress the alien base will be revealed and
noticed by the public, and any inction, hoping people will forget
it, allows the aliens to continue their operations. It's a bad
situation for the aliens, as well. All the publicity and people
hanging around the area will disrupt their activities. Somehow,
the term "poetic justice" seems correct in this situation.
Perhaps you'll agree.



Exhibit 1: Quincy - La Porte Area Map.

Exhibit 2: Aeronautical Chart of K-2 Area detailing Military
Operation Areas (MOA's) Boundaries, Radar coverage and approach

Exhibit 3: Expanded Topographic Map of K-2 Site.

Exhibit 4: Text - Detailed Magnetometer Data of K-2, Section 3.

Exhibit 5: K2Q3S3 (Quad 3, Section 3) Magnetic Field Stats
indicating section line numbers, line stations and magnetometer

Exhibits 6 A,B,C,D: K2Q3S3 Top View. Detailed Magnetic Profile
Charts of Section 3 survey lines.

Exhibit 7: K2Q3S3 High-Resolution Magnetic Contour Map of
Section 3, Quad 3, indicating major underground features.

Exhibit 7A: Text - Describing the hidden underground parts of
the Alien base, in the area surveyed, and revealed by the
Magnetometer Data.

Exhibit 8: Text - K2SCARP Magnetic Data (Section 3) Re-Survey of
lines 30, 40, and 50, for expanded details of Item A, line 40.

Exhibit 9: K2SCARP Top View, Magnetic Profile of Lines 30, 40
and 50.

Exhibit 10: K2SCARP Magnetic Contour Map showing expanded
features of Item A on Lines 30, 40, and 50.

Exhibit 11: Photo - of a section of the modern blackop road
fronting the entrance to the K-2 Site.

Exhibit 12: Photo - K-2 Site entrance road and portion of
Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1).

Exhibit 13: Photo - LZ-1 and the Alien Base.

Exhibit 14: Photo - South end of Alien Base and LZ-2.

Exhibit 15: Photo - The mysterious Dike and Pond.

Exhibit 16: Photo - The Rock Scarp detailed on Line 40 of the
magnetometer data.

Exhibit 17: Photo - Medium view of the overall K-2 Site, landing
areas and the Alien base.

Exhibit 18: Photo - Long View of K-2 showing the hidden approach
corridors to the site.

Exhibit 19: Photo - Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1).

Exhibit 20: Photo - Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1) showing landing marks.

Exhibit 21: Text - Describing latest finding regarding K-2.

All of the exhibits listed in this report are contained in the
printed K-2 Report available from the publisher. All printed
versions of the Phoenix Project Special Reports contain the
exhibits referenced in the reports text. Send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope to Advent Publishing Company, P.O. Box 3748,
Carson City, Nevada 89702, for a list of Phoenix Project Special


Very recently, the Phoenix Project conducted an undercover
investigation of the U.S. Forest Service Headquarters at Quincy,
California. That investigation has revealed startling new
information. A Special "K-2 Supplemental Report," will be issued
in the near future. It will reveal this new information and
contain exhibits of the evidence obtained.


ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: ParaNet(sm).Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: UFOCAT
Date: 3 Jul 92 21:52:00 GMT

Thank you for your message re UFOCAT input forms. I will photocopy
another set from my photocopies and despatch them in a couple of weeks
time. Due to the expense of postage due to weight, they will come by
surface mail. I will mail them directly to CUFOS again, so expect them
in about 8-10 weeks.

Keith Basterfield - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Tom.Davis@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Tom Davis)
Subject: Re: What Can We Do? (And Swamp Gas Journal!)
Date: 4 Jul 92 19:10:00 GMT

It would appear that all elements of UFO interest read the BBS. My
statement concerning the need for another Hynek and better research
personnel and facilities ended up in the west coast magazine of a UFO
debunking group. For your amusement, I quote, "Tom Davis, a
long-known UFO researcher, has called for an immediate development of a
new UFO center to replace the disasterous fiasco left behind by Dr.
Hynek. In a recent speech, Davis bemoaned the lack of serious
investigation and urged private financial sources to create a new
system for the study of UFOs.
It is the opinion of SOFT that this represents a dangerous
escalation of the myth of UFOs and should not be taken lightly."
Sigh - I have no idea how I became a "
long-known UFO researcher"
unless the writer misinterpreted my statements about having
worked with NICAP or deducted that my interest in the early 50s through
the mid 60s qualified me for such honors. With the exception of a few
reports in the 60s and a single general-pulp article in 1973, and of
course postings on the BBS, I have absolutely no qualifications of
being a "
long known UFO researcher." I will confess to being a writer,
but if I produce a single manuscript on the subject of modern aviation
I am not considered an expert on the subject - merely an informed
All-in-all, the comments in the magazine do not offend me as
much as they scare me. It would seem that a group so intent on
debunking those who are seeking an answer to a very real phenomenon
(whatever the solution to that quest may finally be) succumb to the
very type of reporting and analysis which they say most readily
supports their claims as to the failure of such research. Specifically,
messy reporting. A few lifted lines out of context, an assumption or
two and I am suddenly an expert with a long history in the field.
Nonsense. Absolute nonsense. To members and supporters of SOFT, may
I suggest that a careful evaluation be made concerning the publisher
and editor of your fledgling group. While I applaud the intent of the
Society of Free Thinking, I find it's title a bit presumptious and urge
its membership to adhere to a more productive course of critical
evaluation and philosophical exploration.
Whew, well with that said, I think I'll go watch the next episode of
Star Trek. As we like to say here in Washington state, "
Oh, waiter,
reality check please."

Tom Davis - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tom.Davis@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Tom.Davis@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Tom Davis)
Subject: Re: Sociopaths
Date: 4 Jul 92 19:30:00 GMT

The personality type you are discussing has long been a major concern
in religion and psychic research. The essence is that such a
personality perceives the area in which he manipulates as being an area
of lost causes and that the followers of such causes are also lost.
Ergo, easily mislead and controlled.
It is the same perverted thinking of a child molester; pick out the
loneliest, most dissolutioned child, separate him from others his own
age, make him doubt parental and social care for him and authority over
him, present yourself as an all-knowing source of resolution for
whatever ails the child and - you have a willing victim.
Sadly, UFOs like any topic which does not provide tactile proof of
its own existence, draws to it many who cannot find solice in reality.
Personalities who are long asea in virtual non-reality become expert in
leading others down the same path.
My personal recommendation is to give any one or any organization
claiming to have "
the" answer to UFOs, or special contact with aliends
who have singled them out as the dispensers of special knowledge a
rather wide berth. As a rule such individuals will eventually publish
some self-pity jargon about being un-loved and dis-believed and about
their intent to take their proverbial ball and go home; indicating that
all the doubters will now suffer from the lack of knowledge they could
have had.
Those who communicate with me on this BBS know that I am an advocate
of UFO research. I am not a leader in the field; indeed certainly no
expert. I do, however, believe that it is long past the time that we
begin to rid ourselves of reliance on entrepreneurs and sociopaths.

Tom Davis - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tom.Davis@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Nasa Ufo Debate W/ Oberg,
Date: 5 Jul 92 04:22:01 GMT

Jim Speiser wrote;

> While I don't go as far as Sheaffer, I have to agree that Don's tone
> wasmore combative than I would like to have seen (as I have already
> discussed with him). I think both sides are lacking in gentlemanly
> conduct here. Can't such a conversation go something like this:

Ah, excuse me? Jim, just what are you speaking about? Combative? As I
explained to you on the phone I asked the same questions that any person doing
journalism would ask. For example, in what capacity was Oberg there and was he
under the constraints of his security clearance? Would you please explain to
me here better than you did on the phone what is combative about that? I
explained to you on the telephone that Oberg told me when he called me, that
he does have a clearance and if it involved National Security he could not
talk about it. Don't you think the audience has that right to know?

> "
In my opinion, the images shown were very likely debris from the
> orbiter, knocked galley west by a thruster firing. In any case, there
> isno reason yet to dismiss such a possibility."

Thats right, and I am tired of people placing words in my mouth. I have yet to
call the object that we are discussing anything other than anomalies. However,
as you well know I told YOU that I had other evidence on this subject. So just
where are you coming from?

> data. I personally believe that the side that engages in the LESSER
> amount of personal invective, and uses less emotionally-charged
> language, at least comes across better to the public. Let the facts and
> the data do the yelling.

And Jim I suggest you check the LKL show again and explain to me where I used
personal invective toward Oberg. I would wager you won't find anywhere that I
went after" him. However I don't believe Oberg can state the same. Do you?


Don Ecker - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Andre.Eichner@f10.n2403.z2.FIDONET.ORG (Andre Eichner)
Subject: Planet MU1990....
Date: 2 Jul 92 23:51:00 GMT

Can anybody tell me about the last Earthquake in california?
I heard in radio about a long rip in the ground... but nothing in tv...

What is with the planet mu1990? It pass through our planet in a very smal
distance of aproximate 76000 km...

Great changes of the climate worlwide are predicted.
Any Fido-bbs or point (listed in fidonodelist or paranodelist) can request the
whole newspaper-article (german language) at 2:2403/10@fidonet or
9:1021/2@paranet. Filename: mu1990tx.arj (text) or mu1990fa.arj (PCX)


Andre Eichner - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Andre.Eichner@f10.n2403.z2.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: UK CIRCLES
Date: 6 Jul 92 06:44:00 GMT

Hi Brent!

Long time, no see/hear! Hey, that's one way of checking on crop
circles! Make your own, then see how they compare to what is
considered the "
real thing."

I hope you get some answers (if you know what I mean...)


Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Package
Date: 6 Jul 92 06:56:00 GMT

Hi Vlad,

Oh no! How embarrassing! You already had those articles. <red face>

Thank you for saying you would STILL send me some goodies (don't need
any kangaroos) and I look forward to them eagerly. Do you get the
publication "
UFO Newsclipping Service" published by Lucius Farish in
Arkansas? It is one of my monthly favorites.

Maybe you get "
Flying Saucer Review." If so, is it good and if so,
please post an address. If you can suggest some other good, serious
magazines to read, please let me know. Recommendations are the best
way to find out about magazines.

We just had our Independence Day here, and now must get back to the

Best always,


PS. Could you send me some material written in German? My husband is
fluent in German and can help me read it, then we'll send it on to our
German friends. Or perhaps you also have the name of a good German
publication on UFO's. Danke!

Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Date: 6 Jul 92 06:58:00 GMT

Hi Pete,

Glad you got the articles on Gulf Breeze. Wish I could help you find
out for sure...

Say, where's our old buddy Peggy Noonan? She had disappeared again!

Outta time,


Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Brune@p22.f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Brune)
Subject: K2 and the Phoenix Group
Date: 6 Jul 92 23:07:00 GMT


As section leader of a UFO area on CompuServe, when we read the K2 report
from the Phoenix project we did not quite know how to take it. Was this
another attempt at disinformation, a way to make a few bucks by getting you
to buy their printed paper, or was it for real. So we decided to find out.

A few members of my section got together and over this 4th of July holiday
weekend decided to check things out. What they found you may find
interesting. This was in no way a complete check of the Phoenix groups
claims, but interesting nonetheless. We are planning further expeditions to
the K2 area in the near future and I will keep all advises as to what we find,
since it is of importance to us all.

If you have any questions of comments about this report, please forward them
to me, and if you have CompuServe access may I suggest checking out the New
Age Forum and the UFOlogy/Contacts section.

David Brune [70671,2063 CIS]



Well, I made it back from Pilot Mountain! What a beautiful area. It is remote
and would be a good spot to try and conceal something but I saw no evidence to
support the claims of the Phoenix report. Keep in mind that I was there for
only a short time (1 1/2 days) and I did not have the actual K2 report with
maps and descriptions of where EXACTLY the LZs, base, and entrances were
suppose to be. When I do get the report I will more than likely make another
trip out there just to satisfy my curiousity and keep this thing from growing
into something it probably isn't.

I arrived in Quincy on Saturday at about 5:30am. I then proceeded into the
Plumas Nat'l Forest via the Quincy-La Porte Road. For the next five hours I
just drove around the dirt roads checking things out. There is road
construction in progress complete with earth movers, bulldozers, graters, and
dump trucks. It was a holiday so no constuction was going ons. The existing
dirt roads were eroded, and narrow in places so, IMHO, the construction was not
suspect. This area skirts the Feather River and some of its off-shoots which
is popular amoung trout fisherman. That may be one reason the roads are being
repaired. Also, it appeared that logging was prevelant in the area. Since so
much logging in various areas thoughout CA has been restricted I can see
logging interests putting in $$ to access areas where they are allowed to
harvest, which is what I think is happening.

The roads are poorly marked and thus confusing to get around on. I looked for
most of that morning around the Pilot Peak area for the access road leading up
to the lookout station but could not find it. It is probably a four wheel
drive type road and thus not evident to the passer by, which I'm sure I did
several times. The tower placement on top of the mtn. is perfect. It's up
above everything and looks to offer a good view. I decided to hike up there.

The Pacific Crest Trail passes through the area and skirts along the side of
Pilot Peak. The trail head is well marked at PP's base so I took it. The trail
was easy to follow and I took it up to the ridge where I cut off to get to the
lookout station. The last few hundred yards were VERY steep and strewn with
loose flagstone and gravel. On my approach I could hear voices (kids) and then
see some young people in the tower. They had left by the time I got to the
tower. It took three hours to get there and the view alone was worth it. The
station is abandoned and from markings in the cement appears to have been
constucted in 1976. It is very well built and offers an EXCELLENT view, 360
degrees, of the surrounding area. I can't imagine a better way to watch the
area then in that tower. Once up there I could see a dirt road coming up the
mtn and stopping about 100 yards down slope. The last part up to the tower is
'feet only.' I seriously considered going down the road to find where it cuts
off from the main road below but daylight was running out. I poked around a bit
more, took some pictures and headed back down to the trail I had come up on.

When I got back I ate and by then it was dark so I drove out to a vista point
and watched the area for whatever. During the night I drove to different
points of view...and saw nothing unusual. The next morning I slept a bit then
hiked around PP area a bit more.

>From my cursory examination of the area I could not support the fantastic
claims made by The Phoenix Group. However, I did not have a magnetometer,
geiger counter, or any other sofisticated equipment. All I could do was
observe the area through an average persons eyes. I did that and saw nothing
except a beautifully remote area.

The one odd thing I did see was at the Ranger Station in Quincy. As I entered
the parking lot there's a sign showing visitors where to park, employees
parking, and one that reads "
F.S. Heliport NASA." I drove .... over to the
entrance to the "
heliport" which had an open gate and a sign that read--"No
Trespassing $500 and/or 6 months Air Operations Restricted Area."
I could not see beyond the gate because of the forest and slope of the hill.
I wasn't sure if they enforced this notice but didn't want to find out right
then. Why would NASA have a heliport way out there? That I don't know and
couldn't find anyone to ask.

I've been too long winded already...I will get the K2 Report, find specific
locations to search and look things over again. Any suggestions that would
enhance my efforts would be appreciated.



David Brune - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Brune@p22.f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@p1.f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Package
Date: 7 Jul 92 19:12:00 GMT

In a message to Linda Bird <04 Jul 92 23:35> Vladimir Godic wrote:

VG> Your package arrived yesterday (July 3) mit dem (or is it den - sorry
VG> my German is very rusty- where are you Clark?) LUFTPOST sticker.

Hallo Vlad! Leider weiss ich das Wort fuer "
sticker" nicht. My Deutsch is a
bit roestig, too, sorry to say. :-)


Clark Matthews - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p1.f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@p1.f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Planet MU1990....
Date: 7 Jul 92 19:47:00 GMT

In a message to Wolfgang Mattis <02 Jul 92 16:51> Andre Eichner wrote:

AE> Can anybody tell me about the last Earthquake in california?
AE> I heard in radio about a long rip in the ground... but nothing in tv...

Hello, Andre!

There have been a series of earthquakes in California over the past week.
Richter Scale readings were from 3.4 to 7.?. Aber die Frage ist: Sind sie
Nachstossen? Oder Vorstossen? (Are they aftershocks? Or forshocks?)

>From Nevada comes the news that a 3-Megaton H-Bomb was exploded underground a
few hours before the first earthquake! This news has been confirmed by local
authorities in Nevada -- but it has *not* been on the news anywhere in the U.S.
that I know of...

AE> What is with the planet mu1990? It pass through our planet in a
AE> very smal distance of aproximate 76000 km...

76,000 km?!! EEEE-yaaaaAAAAA!!!

AE> Great changes of the climate worlwide are predicted.
AE> Any Fido-bbs or point (listed in fidonodelist or paranodelist)
AE> can request the whole newspaper-article (german language) at
AE> 2:2403/10@fidonet or 9:1021/2@paranet. Filename: mu1990tx.arj
AE> (text) or mu1990fa.arj (PCX)

Andre, koenntest Du mir die Beide Files ueber mu1990 senden? Als File-Attach
zu Hendrik (dabei kann ich ihnen bekommen).

Vielen Dank!


Clark Matthews - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p1.f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: What Can We Do? (And
Date: 7 Jul 92 14:25:00 GMT

TD> "
It is the opinion of SOFT that this represents a dangerous escalation of
TD> the myth of UFOs and should not be taken lightly."


THIS is the kind of thing I've long ranted against in my tirades against
organized skepticism. "
A dangerous escalation"? Dangerous to whom?? I do
wish you would post this in the ParaNet Skeptics echo. I would like to
hear from Rick Moen or Anson Kennedy on this issue. I'm sure they, being
reasonable, will decry it, but I want them to see that the phenomenon of
skepticism as true-believerism is alive and well, and is manifesting
itself not just in some short-sighted individuals but in entire
organizations. Just where is this SOFT located, and are they sanctioned
by CSICOP to your knowledge? (Yes, I know, CSICOP doesn't "
sanction" its
various satellite groups, but there is a great amount of information
exchanged between them).


* OLX 2.1 TD * I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?

Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: JFK/UFOS and the Press
Date: 7 Jul 92 14:26:00 GMT

In answer to those who continually ask why Ted Koppel or Dan Rather
don't do serious UFO stories, I thought the following might be of
interest. It is taken from "
JFK: The Facts and the Theories" by Carl
Oglesby of the Assassination Information Bureau, and while it is, of
course, on a different topic, I think you will all recognize the lesson
it teaches and how it applies to UFOs.

A reporter for one of the big outlets chanced one day to be the only one
of the major media people at the Assassinations Committee's hearing to
get the real point of what had happened that day. Chairman Stokes had
presented a major blast at the FBI and raised the question of FBI
co-responsibility in King's death. It was a dramatic moment....The
reporter who picked up on it had caught a strong story, clearly the lead
of the day. And all the other majors missed it.

The reporter came in the hearing room smoldering the next day, slouched
to his place muttering darkly about getting chewed out by his boss.
Chewed out? For what? For that story about Stoke's speech on the FBI, he
said. But that was a great story, nobody else got it. That's the point,
he said. Why? Because my bosses say that if the rest of the press didn't
get it, too, it must not have happened, and it looks bad when one of us
says something so different from the rest.

What an educational exchange! One had heard things about "
scoops" and
journalistic courage, and now it turned out that the real key to success
in the big time was something else. You had to know how to run with the
pack, because what the "
news" actually was, boiled down, was the
collective opinion of this same pack. If the pack thinks JFK was killed
by a lone nut, then anyone who thinks something else must be another

And, I submit, if the pack thinks UFOs are a laughing matter, then
anyone who thinks otherwise is also to be laughed at.


* OLX 2.1 TD * Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: Crop Circles
Date: 8 Jul 92 07:01:00 GMT

>> military experiments using Laser CO2 or Infra-Red lasers. The tools used
>> are not satellites but other airborne devices.

> Will be looking forward to reading it.


I have written to my contact in the UK who knows Dr Velasco personally and told
him to arrange for papers to be sent to me. As soon as I get them I'll post
them on Paranet.

Vladimir Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: Crop Circles
Date: 8 Jul 92 07:08:00 GMT

> Thanks for post about Dr. Velasco who will present his ideas to CNES
> about crop circle formations. The first thought that popped
> into my mind was do these military operations (which produce the
> circles) also
> claim to produce the circles world-wide, and not just in a small area.
> Did Velasco address that issue?

As I said to Mike in another message, I expect to get Dr Velasco's papers soon
and then we'll find out. Sorry if I gave you an impression that I have already
seen the papers. I posted that message as soon as I received information from
my contact in the UK who knows Dr Velasco personally. I am making arrangements
to have papers sent to me.

Vladimir Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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