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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 542

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 542 

Wednesday, March 25th 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Sighting Reports
Sighting Report - Fireball
Sighting Report - Photos
Sighting Report
Re: Mel Noel/kirkwood
Don Ecker on Radio
Re: Cable Radio Network
Line-up: Weird Nite
Sighting Report
Re: Message CIS
earthquake monitoring
Sighting Reports
92 UFO Con-ColoSpgs
Starting a UFO "Think Tank"
Milton Bilkum Cooper


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sighting Reports
Date: 19 Mar 92 14:46:00 GMT

ParaNet, in conjunction with MICAP (Multi-national Investigations Cooperative
on Aerial Phenomena) will start publishing various sighting reports that it
gets in the network. What follows are a selected few. If you have a sighting
report, you can submit it via netmail at FidoNet 1:104/422, Internet at, or phone it in at 303-431-8796, or mail it to MICAP, P.O.
Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172.

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sighting Report - Fireball
Date: 19 Mar 92 14:47:00 GMT

Notes Report by Profile

Contact: Betty ID/Status: FIREBALLS
Date Notes
--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

3/09/92 : 10:46 pm This report of a large fireball traveling
over Colorado was reported in the media. Betty called to describe her
sighting. She was in Greeley, Colorado, when the event was witnessed.
It was about 5:30 P.M. on January 30, 1992. She was traveling on
Highway 34 between 11th and 17th Avenues in Greeley when she saw the
large fireball. It traveled over the NW corner of Greeley, to the west
in an arc. It was described as being 4 times the size of an average
shooting star. It was very bright with yellowish streams coming from


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sighting Report - Photos
Date: 19 Mar 92 14:48:00 GMT

Notes Report by Profile

Contact: Bob ID/Status: SIGHTING REPORT
City: Loveland, CO
Date Notes
--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

3/09/92 : (mcorbin) Bob xxxxxxxx is a professional pilot and owner of
xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, a publishing company providing information for
pilots. He was flying with a friend on November 24, 1960, north of
Henry Lake in Montana. This area is just north of Yellowstone National
Park in Wyoming. They first spotted the objects about 10 miles north
of the lake which puts them just over the border from Utah into
Montana. They were flying at 13,500 feet in a NNE direction. Bob was
piloting the plane, a Cessna 170. The witness with Bob was Bud xxxxxx.
At first Bob thought the objects were jets. They were traveling from
north to south. The objects altitude was estimated to be about 7000
feet, which is below the plane. The objects began to circle to the
right and came around about three times. The Cessna was traveling at
140 knots. Bud took over the plane and banked it so Bob could take a
picture. He shot the first picture (in our files). Bud then began to
take the plane down for a closer look and another picture. At
approximately 9000 feet, Bob shot the last of the picture roll and got
a good shot of them. He estimated that the objects were traveling at
1000 miles per hour. They were bright, almost white, and gave the
impression of possibly metallic. He observed that the objects banked
when they turned and were not fixed-wing aircraft. They shot off into
the NW and were gone. Bob did not notice any interference to the
plane's engine. He did not observe the compass and was not wearing the
headphones for the radio to determine if there was any interference of
this equipment.

The pictures are very good and show five objects to be flying below the
plane. On examination, the objects do not appear to be fixed wing


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sighting Report
Date: 19 Mar 92 14:49:00 GMT

Notes Report by Profile

Contact: Ted ID/Status: SIGHTING REPORT
Date Notes
--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

3/19/92 : (mcorbin) 7:13 am Ted called me the other day to report
that he had a sighting. He was referred to us by Norm xxxxxx, a person
who has been attending our meetings. Ted works with Norm. According
to Ted, he was returning from a business trip from Alliance, Nebraska
(NB), during the latter part of February, 1992. He was travelling
south on Highway 385. He turned west on Highway L62A. This was
approximately 2:30 A.M. He noticed that his car began to run very
rough. He became concerned over this as he realized that he was in a
very remote area and he wondered what he would do if his car stalled.
He noticed some lights out in the distance to the right of his vehicle,
which would be to the north and west. They appeared to be three
lights. He thought that they may be oil rigs, but the lights were
moving and they appeared to be very low to the ground. He also noticed
that they were moving toward him. As he crested a hill, the lights
were moving across the roadway in front of him about 200 feet ahead.
His lights caught an oval-shaped object moving across the roadway with
what he thought to be a cow or horse hanging underneath the object as
it moved across the roadway a few feet above the ground. The animal
was wriggling. The object continued to move and moved off to the
distance at which point his car began to smooth out and ran fine all
the way back to the Berthoud area where he lives. He stated that the
object frightened him and he thought about calling the sheriff and
decided against it. He is checking his logs to determine what date
this occurred.


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Re: Mel Noel/kirkwood
Date: 19 Mar 92 22:56:00 GMT

>You mentioned that one of the originators buys the Govt. line
>on the explination of the OO's. What is the Govt. line? I am
>guessing it's scrap minning equipment, or what do they say?
Hi Pete,
That's the kicker, the guy who I've talked to doesn't say
exactly what the government line on the Ogden Objects is, only that
the gov't didn't think there was anything unusual or exotic about
the things, whatever they are. Also, the Govt Line is they dug up
two of these massive objects (if they knew what they were, why dig
up the second one?), took a look at them, photographed, tested and
sampled them, decided they were nothing special and then reburied
them BOTH. My source says this is preposterous and says he has
reason to believe that one may have been reburied but the other was
carted off for more detailed study -- things like trying to
determine what the metal is, what the writing is on it and why it's
there, etc. He has names of 4 researchers who're supposedly still
working on the project and wanted to know if I'd track them down for
him. One was at UCLA but recently went back to China. (I did a
story last year involving trying to reach an English-speaking doctor
in Japan and, not speaking Asian languages, had a huge phone bill
and zip results for the effort of trying to contact the guy that
way, so I am NOT optimistic that I could reach this man by phone,
though letters _Might_ work. Maybe.) Another's supposed to be in
Germany. And the other 2 are pretty vague. Lots of digging, in
other words. It's more than the story justifies from my end, but IF
he really has something on these people and if they really are still
doing this research, then that lends some credence to what he says
about the Gov't Line being, um, shall we say slightly off the mark.
They don't seem to be trying to claim that it's mining equipment or
buried submarine testing devices or anything specific. Of course,
if I could get a precise location and name or some HARD evidence, I
could get a quote from that end, "what is the government's answer to
this question?"
but no such luck. Now it turns out the original guy
-- the one who was on the site, who's a buddy of my source -- was
prevented from seeing where he was driven when he was taken to this
location. He has guesstimated the distance and direction.
Sorry I can't give something more substantial here. I'd SURE like
to know the answers myself.
Peggy Noonan - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Don Ecker on Radio
Date: 19 Mar 92 23:00:00 GMT

>I think it's time for me to invest in a Sat dish so I can get
>the show. I may not be able to afford all the TV goodies, but
>just for audio I hear there is loads out there. I could also
>hear you show finally.
Hi Pete,
I've just heard from Rick Barber who doesenver's KOA Radio
(850 a.m.) "Weird Night" once a month and he's going to be calling
Don Ecker today to see if they can work something out for Don to be
on Rick's show tonight. That'll be sometime between midnight and 5
a.m. It's worth a try to see if you can pick it up during the wee
hours -- normally the show airs in 38 states but it's not uncommon
at all for people to call in from further away (skip, probably.)
I don't know what time Don would be on, but I'm really eager
to hear the show myself.
Peggy Noonan - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Re: Cable Radio Network
Date: 19 Mar 92 23:08:00 GMT

>5 working computers, four with modems, run a four line BBS on
Wow, you're a veritable electronic arsenal! (Bon-bons and soap
operas indeed! Aarrrggghhh!
>If anything paranormal or unusual comes up, I'll be sure to
Sounds great -- keep us posted!
>By the way, just found out that Cahokia and Aztalan (two larger
>sites with truncated pyramid mounds) have sun alignments.
>Summer solstice is confirmed, and others suspected. Also
>learned last night that there are two other related sites no
>usually mentioned. One in Trempelau, WI now has Cahokia type
>artifacts confirmed. Other in Red Wing, MN has the truncated
>mound type associated with these tribes.

Fascinating new info, Pete! Can you give me any sources on this?
Reason I ask is OMNI never did publish that piece I wrote on Cahokia
(changes at the magazine) but might be interested in reconsidering
if there's sufficient new info to pique their interest again.
Thanks for the update on this!

>For anyone reading this and asking what this has to do with
>Paranormal, it's the pyramid connection. North Am indians made
>flat-tops out of dirt, South Am used stones (because they had
>them) of a similar design. The ones in Egypt are pointed, and
>no known pointed tops are found in the Americas. So next time
>someone says there's a connection between pyramids and Mars,
>consider that there is little connection between the pryamids
Peggy Noonan - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Line-up: Weird Nite
Date: 20 Mar 92 00:20:00 GMT

Tonight's the night -- It's "Weird Night" on KOA radio, 850 AM
(Denver & 38 states) and one of the guests (assuming plans work
out as expected) will be Don Ecker of _UFO MAGAZINE_ and MICAP.
Should be some really good stuff, so be sure to set your clock
for midnight and catch all the good stuff. It's a call-in show,
so if you have questions you can get answers. The number's
(303) 623-8585. I'm not sure what time Don will be on the
program but the show lasts from midnight to five a.m.
Anyone who wants to contact the host, Rick Barber, can reach
him at the station or on Prodigy (his number is CHTH90A) or
I'll relay messages. He may also be checking in here soon...

Here's the line-up for tonight:
midnight - 1 a.m..... Duchand Garci' (sp?) author of "Faces
in the Smoke"
about spirits and
shamanism, magic, voodoo, etc., he's seen
people floating in air
1 - 2:00 a.m............Doug Taylor, from UNARIUS, says he's been
on a UFO and will tell us about it
2- 3:00 a.m.............Don Ecker of ParaNet & UFO Magazine and
KIEV/Cable Radio Network in LA's UFO weekly
program -- assuming all goes as planned
3- 4:00 a.m.............Mary Shenk -- she was dead and came back
to life and will talk about that and her book
and how life's just an interruption in the
continuum of love
4- 5:00 a.m.............Prof. Alexander Avian -- this is the scientist
who says we should blow up the moon.

Peggy Noonan - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sighting Report
Date: 20 Mar 92 03:26:00 GMT

Notes Report by Profile

Contact: Dennis ID/Status: SIGHTING REPORT
Date Notes
--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

3/09/92 : (mcorbin) Dennis xxxxxxxxx is a resident of Salt Lake City,
Utah. He has several stories concerning sightings in his area. The
first story concerns some friends that he has who were hunting about 10
years ago. They were hunting in the Book Cliffs area around Vernal,
Utah. The last name is xxxxxx. The sighting was in the morning hours,
in daylight. There are also pictures that were taken by these people,
however they are extremely reluctant to show them to anyone. During
the morning, several hunters observed a disk-shaped object flying
through the sky. They observed the craft doing this for about 20
minutes, and it was up to a half mile away. A bit later, several of
these witnesses came upon the object in a clearing. They observed
beings on the ground around the object. Dennis's friend took pictures
of the object and the entities. There were also several other hunters,
all unknown to Dennis's friend who observed the craft. The pictures
were sent to a photo finishing lab, and when they came back, at least
three of the 15 on the roll were missing. This frightened Dennis's
friend who now refuses to talk to anyone about the sighting. Dennis is
going to attempt to make contact with them and ask them to speak to me.

Dennis reported his own sighting as well. During the summer of 1976
(he doesn't remember the exact month), Dennis was watching the evening
news. Dennis lives right in the middle of Salt Lake about 6 miles from
the international airport. The weather man was reporting on falling
stars, and made mention that this evening would be good to observe them,
after 11:00 P.M. Dennis asked his wife to join him in the yard to
watch the falling stars. They were both in lawn chairs watching the
sky. All of a sudden, Dennis and his wife observed a large
boomerang-shaped object fly overhead. The craft had no lights on, and
made no noise as it moved. He described the object as "huge." It was
traveling ESE, as if it were coming from the airport, however he is
unable to determine the altitude of the object. He guessed it may have
been 12000 feet up, as it was traveling about the same speed as a jet
aircraft would travel as it was leaving the airport on takeoff. At
this point, he and his wife became very frightened and went into the
house. He did not hear any bulletins on the news or any other reports
from any other witnesses.

He also had another sighting around the Laughlin, Nevada (NV) area
approximately 2 years ago with his brother-in-law. They both observed
a lighted object travel across the sky toward the mountains. It
appeared to land and then took off again. It went back the same
direction it had come from. This was a daylight sighting at about
10:00 A.M.

Finally, during August, 1958, in Salt Lake City, Utah (UT), he and his
wife were in a convertible car parked. They were teenagers at the
time. Very late in the evening, he observed a large red ball come out
from behind a building. He described the object as being about 100
feet in diameter, perfectly round, with very sharp edges. The whole
thing appeared to be light as he could not discern any solid features
to the object. It shot straight up, hesitated and then was gone.

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Message CIS
Date: 20 Mar 92 04:14:00 GMT

Hi Peggy,

Imagine my shock to get the Sitchin tape TODAY!! I had forgotten about

Question: do I owe you a blank tape? Don't hesitate to say "yes"
because I have some blanks here, and I probably got them for you!

Anyway, I plan to listen to the Sitchin tape tonight as I have a cute
little play-back machine now.

Haven't been on Compuserve lately, as Loren's computer is hooked up to
it, not mine. He's also been running his little tax business with that
computer, but I'm sure he'll wonder about your message.

Also, today I rec'd a flier from Colorado Ssprings announcing the 1992
World UFO Conference in September. It looks GOOD. Most of the people
speaking sound as if they have they feet on solid ground, and our buddy
Mike Christol (runns a BBS in Kentucky) will be there as a speaker,
too.) Do you have any plans/intentions on going to this? 'd
like to go and think that a lot of you Coloradians will be there!

And, in the same batch of mail, I got a flier from the "UFO Expo West"
folks, and as I browsed through it, I just thought, "Oh, no!" A lot of
people most of us don't take seriously will there. Like Bill Cooper.
Like these two bilkers from Arizona who try to convince people that
there is some alien organization called the "Ashtar Command." Yuk!
Thank God they moved to Malibu! Lest some of you Readers fall into
their trap, avoid Michael and Aurora El-Legion.

On the other hand, Linda M. Howe and Budd Hopkins will be there,too.

Thanks for writing; I was getting worried about ya!


Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: earthquake monitoring
Date: 20 Mar 92 16:12:51 GMT

From: Triopedus Psyplovortisle <>

I know that many of us are interested in the world's earthquakes,
fireballs, and updates of volcanic activity. I found the following
periodical which gives monthly listings and short comments on
all such reports, called the Bulletin of the Global Volcanism
Network. There are at least 25 reports per issue.
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


Subject: petroglyphs
Date: 20 Mar 92 16:14:00 GMT

From: Triopedus Psyplovortisle <>

Another thing I chance-wise found out about.

There is a review in 'Lat Am I L 5(1):99-101 1989, Univ Wisc, Milwauk,
53201, USA' of a book by C. N. Dubelaar, called _The Petroglyphs in the
Guianas and Adjacent Areas of Brazil and Venezuela -- An Inventory with a
Comprehensive Bibliography of South-American and Antillean Petroglyphs_.
This could be of interest to people trying to find evidence of lost
civilizations or 'drawings of ancient astronauts.'
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Sighting Reports
Date: 21 Mar 92 09:22:00 GMT

> ParaNet, in conjunction with MICAP (Multi-national
> Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena) will start
> publishing various sighting reports that it gets in the
> network. What follows are a selected few. If you have a
> sighting report, you can submit it via netmail at FidoNet
> 1:104/422, Internet at, or phone it in
> at 303-431-8796, or mail it to MICAP, P.O. Box 172, Wheat
> Ridge, CO 80034-0172.
> Michael Corbin
> Director

Thanks, Mike! It's nice to see some information about actual
sightings rather than all the other crap that finds its way onto
these boards. In the event that another "flap" might begin
anywhere, ParaNet can be a catalyst to having people armed with
video cameras "at the ready" in such areas, just in case ...
-- John

John Burke - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: 92 UFO Con-ColoSpgs
Date: 21 Mar 92 16:55:01 GMT

This item found on a Denver area BBS and reposted by 71760,1140

Colorado Springs, Colorado

" A 90's Approach To UFO Investigation "

September 11-13, 1992
Sheraton Colorado Springs Hotel
Interstate 25 and Circle Drive

Thursday, Sept 10, 1992...
Noon to 7pm, Check-in and Registration

Friday, Sept 11, 1992...
8am to Noon, Check-in and Registration
o Testimonials
o Contact
o Channeling
o Psychic Contact
o etc...

Saturday, Sept 12, 1992...
o Abductions
o Walk-ins
o Government
o Media
o etc...
Come as your favorite Alien Creature

Sunday, Sept 13, 1992...
CONFERENCES - to Include:
o Crop Circles
o UFO Data Bases
o UFO History
o Investigations
o etc...
MOVIES will be shown nightly from 6pm to 2am
Conference ENDS at 6pm Sunday night.


A Hospitality Suite will be open 18-20 Hours a day serving
various snack and finger foods.

There are MANY Conferences planned, and a couple of great parties to attend;
to include a COSTUME PARTY where you may come as your favorite alien

will be a speaker on the subject of 'Where we are today', and
'Where we may be tomorrow'.


Pre-registration DEADLINE for Attendees in August 10, 1992


*** BEFORE MARCH 1st, 1992...
ONE PERSON $80.00 $330.00 (1 room/4 nights)
TWO PERSON $110.00 $390.00 (1 room/4 nights)

*** March 1 to May 31, 1992...
ONE PERSON $120.00 $370.00 (1 room/4 nights)
TWO PERSON $165.00 $445.00 (1 room/4 nights)

*** June 1 to August 10, 1992...
ONE PERSON $150.00 $400.00 (1 room/4 nights)
TWO PERSON $195.00 $475.00 (1 room/4 nights)

*** After August 10, 1992 & at the Door...
ONE PERSON $180.00
TWO PERSON $225.00

>>> Special rates are AVAILABLE for large groups or more than 2 people.
>>> Other hotel accomodations are available on request.

ROOM RATE is set by Hotel at $65.00/Single $75.00/Double.
Add 9.6% TAX to total.
A $10.00 per person DISCOUNT is reflected if you buy the
CONFERENCE/ROOM Package together.


Make checks Payable to:

Send to:
1992 World UFO Conference
132 Larch Drive
P.O. Box 15362
Colorado Springs CO, 80935-5362

For MORE information, call: 1-719-444-3324 or FAX:
or MODEM 1-719-392-1107

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




PHONE:(hm)_________________ (wk)__________________
|__| Send me Alternate Accomodation information.
|__| Send me Airline information please.
|__| Send me Campground/Camping information.
|__| Please CALL ME for Alternate REGISTRATION information.
|__| Send me VENDOR/SALES information.

Please duplicate this form and send in for second person
|__| I am the SECOND person in a 2 part registration.

Name of FIRST

FOR _____ PERSON(S):
CONF/ROOM $______.____
add 9.6% Tax ______.____
Amount TOTAL $______.____

@Redirected Via Node 1:104/422 : Sat, Nov 16, 1991 3:34pm
@Via FrontDoor 1:104/422@Fidonet, Nov 16 1991 at 15:35
Peggy Noonan - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Starting a UFO "Think Tank"
Date: 21 Mar 92 22:19:00 GMT

Below is a message from Doug Morrow, who is a recent newcomer to ParaNet.
Address all replies to this to him.



Hello, everyone, I'm new to ParaNet, and would like to take a sec and
introduce myself.
My name is Doug Morrow, and I've been active in UFO research and studies for a
while now. I'm in Denver and have had a chance to get to know Mike C. and
ParaNet fairly well. Anyway... I would like to start a UFO "Think Tank" (The
MYCROFT Group). Its primary function would be to discuss and analyze the
various scenarios floating aroud the UFO community. Primarily, we would
propose a specific "theory" concerning the UFO experience, and review the
information supporting or refuting it. For instance, I am aware of at least 5
theories or scenarios that could explain UFO experience as we currently
understand it: 1) The Psycho-Socio/Mythological Process (PSM); There is no
"real" root cause of the phenomena, external to the individual, other than
their awareness of societies beliefs concerning the subject (eg. the witch
trials, meeting with elves, etc.) This implies no human groups using UFOs for
their own ends 2) The TULPA; A tulpa is, I believe, a Tibetan concept wherin
an individual or group can create, through their intense mental imagining, a
momentarilly "Real" person. The more this entity is seen by others, the more
pyschic energy it gets, and the longer it maintains its "reality", which
includes, eventually, mass and independance. 3) External VISITORS; Be they from
outerspace or the dimension next door, the Visitors are essentially separte
from us. 4) Residents of the BORDERLAND; These entities are significantly
different from the Visitors, because they are a part of us and our history (a
la J. Vallees ideas) 5) The MoD Squad; Ultimately, all UFO experiences are
based in human messengers of deception activities. Each one is important, and
should be throuoghly thought out and discussed. It is my belief that we can
significantly advance our understanding of the phenomena, not by looking for
more landing traces or talking with more abductees, but by thinking about what
we know already. Anyone interested in following up on these ideas, please get
in touch.

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Milton Bilkum Cooper
Date: 21 Mar 92 22:33:00 GMT

As of Monday evening, March 16th, UFO Magazine had received five (5) telephone
calls and then several visits from folks that had visited Tim Beckly's Con in
San Diego. The story follows.

According first to Jon Erik Beckjord, noted Bigfootologist, and Crop Circle
investigator during the social get together on Sunday (3/15-92) there was a
party that ended up in Beckly's hotel room. Liberal libations flowed, and all
were having a good time. Beckjord, not always known for his social grace, was
having a chat with someone, and had mentioned to this person his discomfort
when Milton Cooper addressed an audience while imbibing heavily, and then used
profane four letter words attempting to get all to attend his workshop. ( at
$40.00 US a head I might add.)

At approx. this time frame, who would show up but none other than our old
friend Bilkum, and according to the five witnesses I spoke to, Bilkum was
carrying quite a load. ( Chivas that is ) Cooper heard Beckjord, and became
enraged. He ( according to our witness -- Erik -- ) lunged at Beckjord and
pushed him while screaming profane epitaphs at Beckjord. Beckjord of coursed
then pushed our boy Cooper back, stating that "I won't fight anyone that only
has one leg!"
Now just about then, Cooper carrying a heavy load of Chivas, and
just being an all around social guy like he is, screamed ( now this is also
from our witnesses--last count 5 ) "wooden leg!? Did you say a wooden leg!?
I'll give you a wooden leg you "
MotherFu*ker" and he then proceded to kick
Beckjord. By now the punches started swinging, and none other than Bentwaters
Larry Warren threw himself on Cooper, and about 5 or so people broke up this
little punch fest.

By now you may wonder if I just relayed this for the sake of gossip. Nope,
can't say that I have. The reason? Well, Cooper and party are saying that the
reason ol' Bilkum lost it is because Beckjord was over heard making remarks
about Coopers "
wooden leg".

Oh by the way, Cooper now claims that the whole UFO thingy is nothing but
disinfo from the secret government, and all the papers he saw back when he was
in Navy Intelligence was to disinform him. Any of you remember Bilkum here on
ParaNet back in 1988? I and I'll bet Jim Speiser do. And like the man said,
tell me it ain't so Joe!"

Oh how the times do change the stories.


Don Ecker - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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