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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 547

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 547 

Monday, April 13th 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Rainbow 8/11
Rainbow 9/11
Rainbow 10/11
Rainbow 11/11
The B-2 Ufo
UFO Magazine Vol.7 #3
Dr. David Jacobs


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Rainbow 8/11
Date: 5 Apr 92 12:28:20 GMT

=========Rainbow part 8===============================================

Complete disclosure about the many methods of and reasoning for the
need to siphon monetary funds from the public domain into `no audit
trail' private account structures in support of all undisclosed
Policy Committee related activities, including clarification of
all coincidental side effects benefiting other hidden agenda type
objectives. Invisible manipulations through any banks or related
systems. Drug based systems, Mafia relationships, including their
inherent value as a basis to declare a state of National Emergency,
etc. Oil based excessive profit taking systems with high yields,
used secretly.

How the funds are privately moved and ultimately the reason for
them being put to use for secret activities, including among other
things secret advanced craft systems, Moon/Mars developments and
operational extraterrestrial Earth host bases. I know the thought
of possible retaliatory action from these same potentially hostile
aliens is by no means welcomed, but we would not be alone in any
sincere effort put forward.

Disclose all actual known truth and reasoning about weather and
environment related activities world wide. Include suppressed
knowledge from and preceding Nikola Tesla's time as project Rainbow
director, up to his death, and subsequent secret activities or

The truth of this planets true tentatively serious terminal
conditions. Include truth as discovered both by time window/travel
through event-horizons in association with the Phoenix/Rainbow
related derivatives and other means. It must be disclosed to the
world populace soon through global media, even if it is hard for
people to accept. Much of the fear to do so is exaggerated. A
sincere introductory production, tying to all the present efforts
already instigated by way of the Hollywood movies related to these
difficult subjects, can now be attempted by many respected
government officials. A public introduction in one of those P.B.S.
style roundtable discussions set up for a perpetual multi-day
session. It must be attended by the U.S. President, the ultra-
secretive Lord Maitreya person from the Malta super-powers
meeting on the Navy ship, Policy Committee[ behind a curtain with
voice scramblers or by remote link if needed ], and other such key
figures. All this should be covered by the main C-SPAN channel(s)
and one station in each city as well as some others playing
undistorted repeats of the events which are all to be uncensored.

Any and all alien representation should also be present at the
meeting(s), along with crafts for public display with several landed
and secured for tours and short demonstration trips.

I will be present at your meeting in some form if you allow it, to
help moderate this most historical and important moment in the
twentieth century. I only ask that you put your prides aside, and
allow me in.

You would all be surprised at the power of truth, and how the masses
will find the incredible strength to forgive in humble self
recognition at the presentation of such deeply penetrating eye opening
undeniable understanding truth as I have in mind.

I and many of my friends will help in all ways possible if you so
elect to allow it, otherwise many of you will likely end your earthly
existence through your present applications of blind
misunderstandings. The choice is yours, and you have heard these
words from other sources. Many of us have come past and present to
speak to your world leaders as ONE on these matters. Please note,
that not even I or my friends will attempt to change the laws of
Advanced Electrodynamic Physics which we are sworn to protect and live

Genuine intent followed by action towards a full initiation of
activities exposing the total UNRESERVED knowledge to the very best
of all collective (including extraterrestrials) abilities to the
world, of this series of situations and events, is the prerequisite
for peace and obtaining more substantive help from the more
progressive extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces.

The many are bound to their hard earned time tested spiritually
integrated perception of the `universal articulate interdimensional
understanding of science' non-interference principles. Principles
which they learned to base their more progressive life values on, when
many of them separated from the Earth group at various points in time
both long before and after our reaching Earth. Many on Earth go back
to the Orion human/genetic debacle association of long long ago far
away; many EGOs were just more stubborn than the rest? Many on earth
were likely well portrayed by the Dark forces in the `Star Wars'
movies portrayal of the TRILATERAL Insignia's and malevolent dying
aliens values. Those migrating to earth now, who gave our Shadow
government potential instruments of devastating global oppression, in
trade for a harvest of humans.

Many of us in selfish stubbornness just couldn't except good sound
advice from the very very advanced elders or benevolent aliens[17],
and consequently just simply had to find out in the virtual school
of hard rock block knocks. Most of us cut ourselves off from our
higher birthright selves as well as the very advanced inner
technical knowledge for intergalactic/interdimensional star ship
travels. A result of our ever continuing abuses and ego based
conquest driven irreverent warring actions. Many of the
progressive extraterrestrials of today where once effected by, or a
part of our relatively downward bound spiral cycle. A cycle
related group association from when it was on an interplanetary
scale long before we came to earth where we had to take up
residence. We lost our last space travel abilities, coming to rest
in Lemuria and Atlantis, along side the indigenous races that
already existed on earth before our arrival. And we then blew
those civilizations up also. All you can find now are the remnant
underground secret transport tunnels and bases[18] that some of the
more progressive ONEs made back then. Some of which they later
continued to use into the present. Some other present day tunnels
may have come under hostile control. After the hard core bad
bunch, which had control of the master planetary power generating
unit, went up in a very big fusion bomb styled thermonuclear

-------Cont in Rainbow pt 9--------------------------------------------


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Rainbow 9/11
Date: 5 Apr 92 12:30:21 GMT

============Rainbow part 9===========================================

In one or more of the civilizations in Orion and on Earth some
technologist had disabled and bypassed many of the initially very
conservative multiple redundancy safety systems servo loop settings in
order to draw ever increasing levels of power outputs for use in
supplying high energy weapon systems and force field shield related

Well, someone finally slipped up while working on a servo loop
regulating system reference field modulation generator, which went
into regenerative runaway, causing megawatt+/CC energy densities to
form, inducing fusion heat levels in all the imperfect crystal
lattice anomaly locations that were thermally very tolerable under
normal intended use. This caused subsequent thermally induced
lattice breaches which propagated into stable unimpaired crystal
lattice areas which finally lost sufficient nuclear resonance
integrity to where this whole crystal volume occupying the top
~500ft half of the massive generator tower section created one
giant fused super heated avalanching homogenous hyperspace rip of
incredible proportions.

That explosion resulted in an immense cloud following the curvature
of the earth as far as the eye could see from a hundred thousand
feet up, with a very large bulging yellow/orange/red/grey
persistent plasma blister over where the central
generator/continent once was located. I suspect it sent a very
large ripple through the local time-space which was felt by many in
our area of the continuum.

Some artifacts should have been found by now if this vision has any
Earthly basis in fact, or are they being kept secret, like some of
the presently existing seemingly perpetual suppressed NONPOLLUTING
energy sources?

WHY? There had developed several ambitious dissenting unabated greedy
factions( just like today?) which in the end were fighting amongst
themselves for a greater share of the control in the big decaying
empire pie controlled by the tyranicle overlord of that time. His
name might be Tyrantus in the old vernacular.

The present day progressive life respecting extraterrestrials, some
of which are our cousins that escaped the inevitable disaster
because of their ability to see into the future thanks to their
more progressive integration at that time. They escaped by going
to their secretly constructed giant underground
civilization/bases. Bases with suspended artificial sunlight
generators timed to give synthetic day/night periods. And to other
remote locations before the final debacle. They continue to see us
as their blood brothers and sisters which they altruisticly LOVE
very dearly. While trying to the best of their ability to fully
respect everyone's free will to choose at any moment, sometimes
one of them trips up and joins us on the Earths surface while
resolving their balancing lesson. I prefer to view Earth from a
safe distance, disassociated from its ways and self imposed
hardships sometimes.

In my apparently inalienable deterministic choice of my reality, I
see a timeline. One where my truth precipitates, associatively in
conjunction with my responsible recognition of past actions
projecting into the present, an explosion of revealing penetrating
truth. A truth resounding from all corners before a `compassionate
and just' reborn world population resoundingly rededicated to
expanding the deepest responsibilities and life respecting tenants
of the Constitution to new frontiers of expanding undreamt

Does anyone wish to join me into one of my many futures? I will be
waiting there, for you to join use, always! Let me know if I can
help, I promise that one of my very capable sisters, brothers, or I
myself will always be only a thought away, and WE can bring
everything to bear for a progressive cause. Now, what is your

My life promise to all: `I promise with all that I AM, that the choice
shall eternally be yours, and yours alone, even if it is to kill US,
but abuse of any sentient being by another will never be tolerated

1.4.1. (10/02/90; Rainbow Traveler[, <city>][, <state>][, <country>],
Earth[, Phone:<nearest UPI office>]...)
The road, for all who take it, appears to entail a very high regard
for life in ALL forms, based on truthfully bearing witness to all
that one experiences, devoid of any and all intent towards deceit
or pretense.

All humanity/beings, MUST collectively/INDIVIDUALLY take full
unconditional responsibility for all that appears to have
transpired. NO lynch-mob hangings of anyone for past indiscretions
belong here.

All participants either ALLOWED themselves to be edged along or
they were PUSHING. All the things were done with indifference to
the truth signs everywhere. HAD just ONE million gone to
Washington with their sincerest unrelenting action in step with
their honest thinking caps, then suffering WOULD have been stopped,
all know this in their hearts. It was the most selfish act for
anyone to turn their back on themselves by doing anything less for
US. This does not exclude indifferent alien ET races that were
drawn into this experience reality!

OUT of sight, OUT of mind? Afraid not. <-
Therein lies the true blame, MY APATHY...

It appears that somewhere down the road everyone at any moment of
their own choosing will have the opportunity to shed the skin of
self-centered isolated divisional self by replacing it with the
recognition of themselves as one and the same; both the person
across the way and in the mirror. They will come to recognize all
of humanity, including all races here and from seemingly distant
space as being the one and same. The one they see upon looking
deeply into the center of their being in a vast mirror. A mirror
where all can see what they have precipitated as a consequence of
actions and links to their virtual past parallel timeline
experiences/lives. Likewise, what they can participate in, by
choice, during the virtual future. A future which they select at
this every `now' instant moderated through interdimensional
probabilistic electrodynamicly bounded physics principles. A
choice moderately guided by the instantaneous total associativity
balance sheet of their virtual being, this every indexed moment!
This the force of interdimensional LIFE in action!

It appears that in accord with our integration and balance we shall
all find new insights, freedoms, responsibilities, and vistas to
experience into eternity from this moment infinitely onward!

Your Sincerest Friend Eternally,

Rainbow Traveler

----------Cont in Rainbow pt 10=========================================


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Rainbow 10/11
Date: 5 Apr 92 12:31:22 GMT

========Rainbow part 10===============================================

---- [1]: `Alternative 3' by Leslie Watkins and David Ambrose : ISBN 0-
7221-1126-6, from a most credible `Science Report' documentary by the
same name although it started initially as the `Brian Drain'
investigation, aired in Great Britain on ITV 9.0. It was immediately
banned from viewing worldwide, and the principal censor Leonard Harman,
Assistant Controller of Programmes (Administration), was later
Expedited by either a `hot job' or a `telepathic sleep job', for his
carelessness in letting such a potentially damaging ultra-top-secret
revealing credible report slip out. A document:" November 24, 1971,
FR: The Chairman, Policy Committee, [ Department Seven ], TO: National
Chief Executive Officers, SU:"
adopted `The Smoother Plan', a procedure
which was consequently designed with multiple manned cover
addresses/appropriate handwritten letters/more authentic looking pre-
embarkation photographs, to allay fears or suspicions in the immediate
6 month post-movement `break-off period's of Designated Movers
supposedly moved abroad. It is only employed selectively to reassure
those few, whose MORE than usual scrutinizing anxiety might constitute
a security risk. Physically and mentally mutilated `Components' are
very seldom missed. Also addressed are the suppressed environmental
heating problems, kept from the public in regards to it's extreme
seriousness. A MUST HAVE book, ~70% accurate?

---- [2]: See in a Law Library,`The Federal Register': Executive
Orders: 10995-11005, 11051, 11490. Reagan's "REX 84", a highly
classified National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) #84, is a
"secret appendix" to a SERIES of Executive Orders. Some such orders
are E.O. 12148 & E.O. 12356 enacted by Reagan. The "emergency" has
already been secretly called! Another element of "REX 84" officially
called "Directive 84" orders a secret all agency track down of so-
called "terrorists" [, actually TRILATERAL/ Global 2000/ New World
Order/ One-World Government's "Newstates Constitution"
subjugation/genocide resistance movements, and anyone that speaks out
against the IRS, administration policies, or other unconstitutional
activities being conducted by our U,S. Administration] worldwide. The
10 federal districts being used illegally by various government
agencies( Post Office, IRS, SSA, and banking ), are to become the
"Newstates" under E.O. #11490. Please note, any public official
supportive of these plans IS committing a bona-fide act of TREASON
against the Constitution and against the People. "Directive 84" [NSDD-
84] is also provisioned with secret "Citizens' Concentration Camp"
plans and no less than 12 giant regional 15,000 - 25,000 person
facilities at various key defense commands across the U.S., including a
very big `Alaska-Siberian Asylum' 1-million acre government [must-not-
Expedite ] opponent brainwashing "mental health" complex. Where
bizarre and tortuous experiments are conducted in the search for
effective methods to control essential political prisoners. It can
hold many more than 25,000, out of view from prying eyes. It can
however be indirectly located as "restricted area" airspace on the
general aviation pilot maps of Alaska. Others are: Vandenberg AFB, CA;
Same for airspace maps above other secret activities, like Groom Lake
Complex and S-4 near Las Vegas airspace.
And check H.R.4079, etc. also in Law Libraries. Much goes back to the
beginnings of the secret unconstitutionally functioning National
Security State as characterized by the National Security Act(see
N.S.C.'s NSC-68 tax structure) with the easily envisioned purpose of
keeping the population docile. Citizens coming to know too much met
with harsh treatment. The highway system of today was also initially
set up by forces other than the highway lobby to play a military urban
deployment role in quick movement/deployment of forces for purposes of
population control/suppression if needed! ...... The list goes on...

80071, Springfield, MA 01138-0071, accurate insiders chronology of
psychiatry and eugenics.

---- [4]: "America's Secret Establishment"by Antony C. Sutton, ISBN 0-
937765-02-3, fresh VERY revealing look at a shadow government main
center stage invisible force, `The Order' by meticulous researcher. A

---- [5]: `UNITED STATES IN SEARCH OF ENEMIES' by John Stockwell, pub:
WECAN Publishers, 504 W. 24th, #79, Austin, TX 78705, Annotated
National Security Reading List plus history/present info from insider
CIA whistle blower. This list is a good annotated review of many works
also, and therefor of value.

---- [6]: `THE STRECKER MEMORANDUM' by Dr. Robert B. Strecker, Pub: THE
STRECKER GROUP, 1216 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Actual AIDS
origins and serious suppressed dangers.

---- [7]: "Descent Into Slavery" by Des Griffin, ISBN:-0-941380-01-7,
Emissary Pub., 9205 SE Clackamas Rd, OR 97015; Contains early history
behind world events, and largely defines role/relationship of Goyim.
<See also bases[#] footnote reference material>

---- [8]: "Nostradamus' Untold Story: His Unpublished Prophecies" from
Inner Light Pub., Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903;

---------Cont in Rainbow pt 11-------------------------------------------


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Rainbow 11/11
Date: 5 Apr 92 12:32:23 GMT

==========Rainbow part 11=============================================

---- [9]: "BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" by William Cooper, Pub. 1991, 500pgs,
ISBN 0-929385-22-5; see section `Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.
MUST HAVE `all insider areas/laws/activities under one cover'
blockbuster #1 [as of 2/23/91] reference book of the 90's, w/ rare
official reproductions of top level documents, available from: William
Cooper, 19744 Beach Blvd, Ste. 301, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. This
`first to be had book' in any collection requires a stout constitution
of mind, extremely needed and revealing core blueprint of their plans
for us, if they get the chance for FEMA: "REX 84":(Directive 84).
Document based objectivity and discernment as taught in schools and
universities is a fraud, when THEY commission abundant fraudulent
writings of prevarications designated as honest and authentic proof at
the highest levels! An earlier outdated alternative "Fourth Reich of
the Rich"
by Des Griffin ISBN:0-941-380-00-9, see section `Master Plan'
Illuminati: Protocols.

---- [10]: White paper: >>"Bush/Hussein": If you are tired of the news
not telling you anything except what Bush wants you to know and
believe, then this report will give an answer to most of your
questions. Use the facts to stop the WAR PR on your radio talk shows.
Bush wants a WAR,Why? It's not Hussein! From: KC&ass.

---- [11]: White papers:>>"The CIA's New Role in DOMESTIC LAW
: (200Pgs) Since 1979 & 1982 the CIA has been authorized
to collect intelligence on the domestic population to be used in
criminal and civil cases by other agencies of government. How?and Why
has been documented by KC&ass. in over 200 pages of U.S.Law. A White
Hat on the CIA? Worse yet, HR 4079 still sits in the sub-com. on crime
while much of it has been passed/&more in 3 other crime bills. The
people are losing all their rights this year[1991]. >>"The Anti-
Abortion Agenda for 1990's"
: What is behind the latest anti-abortion
fever that has swept the nation and legal system? How far will it go?
These questions are the subject of this study and may be uglier than
anyone knows. If this government has its way abortions will be part of
a eugenics program targeted for the year 2000. Women should be outraged
by the agenda and the reasons for it. Rep's from KC&ass. have already
done radio talk interviews on this topic. No-one has any rights!
>>ALL THREE PAPERS ABOVE AVAILABLE: KC&associates, 13510-A Aurora Ave.
North Suite 108, Seattle, WA 98133; It is getting harder than ever to
get Mr. Hulet(KC depass) on any Radio Talk programs on the above due to
the Hosts going Mainstream for ratings and popularity. Controversial
topics are being well oiled and softened. You may have to rely on these
papers along with other sources and make your own voice heard. Bush
wants a WAR? Why?

---- [12]: To quote Samuel P. Huntington, American Politics-pg81:
"Secrecy is (thus) necessary to hide the facts of power, and deception
is necessary to make those facts appear different from what they are.
The latter is the natural extension of the former: secrecy is the
shield of power and deception the cloak of secrecy. Deception becomes
an inherent aspect of the relationship between the government and the
public, between political leaders and followers. The hypocrisy that
seizes all of the people some of the time is common coin for some of
the people-their leaders-all of the time. Government institutions are
made to appear more open and responsive to public opinion than they
are. Political leaders also must appear to reflect the will of the
people more than is actually the case. They have no choice but to
Kowtow to the appearances of democracy....The demands for democracy in
government produced both more democracy and more deception. Because
people in the United States expect government to be more democratic
than it can be, the government must make itself appear more democratic
than it is."
page 82.

---- [13]: `The Empire of "THE CITY"', by E.C. Knuth. A well
researched study of influence connection from the British octopus over
the last 130 years. 1983; Avail: C.B.C.A., Box 638, Hawthorne, CA

---- [14]: (02/23/91) H.R. 4079 may have been secretly passed just as
S.B.2834 was passed and H.R.4079 may be Public Law 101-647 signed into
law by President Bush on November 29,1990. If this has occurred, then
we are ALREADY subject to a FEMA takeover. This info by a
Congressional staff member has not been verified as of January 8,1991.

---- [15]: `Say "NO!" to the New World Order' by Gary Allen; Concord
Press, Box 2686, Seal Beach, CA 90740; a summary of general facets
behind the shadows.

---- [16]: `ARCTURUS BOOK SERVICE'(POB 831383, Stone Mountain, Georga
30083-0023, ph:(404) 297-4624 ), `Emissary Publications'(9205 SE
Clackamas Road, Clackamas, Oregon 97015, ph:(503) 824-2050), `American
Opinion Bookstore'(4306 Utah, San Diego, CA 92104, ph:(619) 281-1338),
`Loompanics Unlimited'(pob 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA, < A very
good collection of the most unusual/censored/controversial books not to
be found in even the biggest libraries on public viewing shelves.> ),
and others also may be such examples of sources for some censored books
if you can find them by making specific requests at your regular book

---- [17]: Just as in ~1953 when some benevolent supportive aliens
OFFERED to help America and the world under conditions that we actively
seek to stop our `path of self destruction': Bilderberger `Protocol'
style human abuse plans, wanton killing, greed driven environmental
pollution and resource rape, nuclear armaments, etc. in favor of life
respecting truth based ways of harmony. `The Order' said NO WAY, and in
spite of warnings to the contrary followed up on the project Plato
radio contact, made just before the malevolent contact at Hollowman
AFB. Followed with the secret unconsentual treasonous sell-out
"exclusive contact and technology transfer rights for secret
joint/private bases and HUMAN procurement rights to the [soon to be
TRILATERAL enslaved(?)] human race"
treaty at Edwards AFB in ~1954 by
Eisenhower(supposedly visiting the dentist) with the alien `Krlll' and
his ship with the "Trilateral Insignia". I think that Disney made
films, or copies, of the historical planned event where `The Order'
screwed the World People, still exist today, along with others.
Project Rainbow was active in 1954. Relevant penetrating: "The Secret
by Milton William Cooper.

---- [18]: N.A.R.Group, POB 81407, Las Vegas, NV 89180-1407| Feb 90, pg

** End of File **


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: The B-2 Ufo
Date: 7 Apr 92 05:32:00 GMT

In regards to Tony Gonsalves, Anson Kennedy asked;

> >> Could you give me a hint about his research in the meantime?
> UFO Magazine an article about John Scheussler. He doesn't seem to give
> the idea much credence.

Anson, Gonsalves believed that the Hudson Valley UFO was in fact the B-2
bomber. He was trying to prove that the sightings in the Conn. and NY areas
were really the military testing the B-2. He presented a nice thesis but I do
not believe he was on the mark. There were many other things going on in that
area then that I do not believe can be explained by using the B-2 argument.


Don Ecker - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: UFO Magazine Vol.7 #3
Date: 7 Apr 92 05:56:00 GMT

The new issue of UFO Magazine was just sent to press this date. Vol. 7 #3
promises to be a very big and very controversial issue.

The Whistleblowers: The Mel Noel Story. That guy featured in Tim Good's book
"Above Top Secret" and on the Fox TV UFO Sightings: Part I. What is the real
story? Well gang, here it is.

New News from the Commonwealth of Nations; the old USSR. Paul Stonehill brings
us news from Russia and UFOs that are interested in Russian Nuclear Sites.

Puerto Rico is still a "UFO" Hotbed. Greg Bishop brings news from Puerto Rico
on its ongoing UFO "flap", close encounters, etc.

The Forum; Vicki Cooper answers critics on her stance on the Gulf Breeze

CONSPIRACY: Part I The opening of a special two part section: an intro to the
vast array of conspiracy theories currently surrounding the UFO field.

JFK Reappraised; The assassination conspiracy in Stones movie may be closer to
the truth than many would believe, and more akin to the UFO mystery than you
might believe. See what Col. Fletcher Prouty has to say.

New SDI Stuff; What did the Pentagon have to say to UFO about Star Wars?

Plus Dave Jacobs new book, reviews on new videos, and a WHOLE LOT MORE.......

see ya there.....



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From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Dr. David Jacobs
Date: 7 Apr 92 06:09:00 GMT

On April 12th, Dr. David Jacobs will be a guest on my program "UFOs Tonite".
You will be able to pick us up on the Cable Radio Network at 9:00 PM PST and
12:00 AM Eastern. Of course also all the other times in between. You will be
able to ask David questions you may have, discuss his new book "Secret Life"
and find out what is happening right now. Tune in and we will see you there.



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