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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 526

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 526 

Wednesday, January 22nd 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

the other Mark
Re: Maitreya 2/2
Puerto Rico
Re: Maitreya 1/2
Re: 11:11
Light show in Scranton
Update: 300K remains
Crop Circles
Diffraction for viewing UFOs
Maitreya - just a good guy
Re: Siberian Encounter


From: Steve.Rose@p0.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Date: 14 Jan 92 21:56:00 GMT

KB> Last night's TV news carried an item about the discovery of a complex,
KB> gigantic wheat paddock crop circle in the south-east of South
KB> Australia-my home state. Sorry, folks, it's a man made one created for
KB> a U.S. car maker's advertising campaign. Apparently it looks like the
KB> Buick car emblem and the US film producers came "down under"

How much you want to bet some people won't buy that excuse? ;-)

Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@p0.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: DEUTERIUM
Date: 15 Jan 92 15:45:01 GMT

I think I'm have either forgotten all my chemistry (from 25 years ago it
might be expected) or they changed Duterium. I'll have to do some research
now and get back to you. One thing about crop circles is the constant search
for high strangness that is attached to them. I think most people will agree
that slightly over a year ago it was accepted that very few or no sightings
were associated with CC's. Soon after they became more popular and gathered
more public interest, UFO's because associated. Now the proponents are
turning ou strange and unusual chemistry associated with them.

We already know that one of the primary experts can't tell a fake from the
real thing, even when he is told in advance it's a fraud. Unfortunatly the
people who are at the center of this phenomenia are not credible or
consistent. They continue to waffle and produce new incredible "evidence" to
keep interest active. You know from experience that some people in the UFO
community have the same history and are now discounted as wild story tellers,
while others attempt to find answers to questions.

My personal view is that they are trying too hard to find anything that
might not fit. It's a forced issue most of the time. What ever happened to
the changes in molecular structure which were supported by some wholistic
nutritional lab?

I'd like to know what causes Crop Circles and if they have connections to
something more unusual than a natural phenomenia. Somehow the fringe
scientists have taken over with one sensational theory after another. One
thing I do know for certain is it's great for book sales and speaking
engagements. I reject the commercial motives which drive the issue, it's
tainted information just as much as any other disinformation from any other

What's you opinion of the credibility and motivation of these people?
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: the other Mark
Date: 16 Jan 92 05:30:01 GMT

You can reach the other Mark Rodeghier at the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO
Studies in Chicago at (312)271-3611.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Re: Maitreya 2/2
Date: 16 Jan 92 19:48:02 GMT

LB> Help! My first instinct, when reading what you just
LB> posted, it to run in panic! I don't want to have anything
LB> to do with such people with such notions. It makes me
LB> dizzy, and IMHO, anyone who finds comfort in
LB> such droolings, is lost!
LB> Thanks for posting! All this means to me is that for
LB> hundreds of years, people (some people) have been looking
LB> for a Hero to rescue them. Didn't the Germans see Hitler
LB> as such a Hero? Does George Bush see himself as such a
LB> Hero when he talked of The New World Order?


Do you see a parallel here between the more radical teachings of "New Age"
and Nazism?

The phrase "New World Order" was only mouthed by Bush. In truth, it was
coined by Alice Ann Bailey as far back as the 30's and 40's. The phrase
is VERY prominent in all of her books.

I posted it, because like you, I'm alarmed as well. I've taken the
time recently to investigate the New Age movement,Benjamin Creme,Tara
Center and "Maitreya" and it looks like "Sieg Heil!" to me. :-(

"you vill bow to Maitreya or you vill either be shot or sent to ze
FEMA camps"

I recommend you get a book called "The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow"
by Constance Cumbey, available at most Christian bookstores. She
has produced a definitive expose' on this whole mess.


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Date: 16 Jan 92 19:55:03 GMT

JG> Wackenhut has 40,000 employees and annual revenues of $550
JG> million.
JG> These guys are getting biger.

Thanks for the info. Makes you wonder what's up here?


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Puerto Rico
Date: 16 Jan 92 20:10:04 GMT

WS> Been hearing a couple of rumors:
WS> 1. In late Nov early Dec, over Puerto Rico, 2
WS> F-14's played tag with a UFO in front of lots of people AND
WS> a TV camera from the local station. I've heard several
WS> people talk about it, but no one who has seen/has access to
WS> the video. According to Hard Copy production staff, they
WS> were outbid for the video by another 'news' organization.

Doesn't appear to be a rumor, as there might actually be something
to this. Jorge Rey has been translating articles from the Puerto
Rican newspaper, "EL VOCERO" for quite some time and put this
info on MUFONET. In addition, Jim Greenen gave me some newspaper
articles,also from the same paper which I took and had translated
and put on alt.alien.visitors, on Usenet. It appears that a "flap"
has been going on for some time in PR and I have a very interesting
clipping here with a phenomenal picture of a craft being observed
by several people. We've heard that the FBI had moved in and
restricted access to the Laguna Cartagena area of the island, as there
were several reports of craft being observed both entering and leaving
the lagoon there.

Meanwhile, Bob Dixon just released the "official" SETI protocols in
the sci.astro newsgroup on Usenet of "What does ET want and what will
we do when when and if we manage to contact ET"

Gee Bob..why don't you go to PR and find out? :_]

By the way, I understand that Jorge Martin has a video of the F-14's
buzzing the UFO over PR.

WS> 2. The Feds are going to come clean. Been able to
WS> trace this to a Dr. Robert Carr at the Univ of Southern
WS> Florida who is tied to the Feds somehow.

If the FEDS are going to "come clean"...doesn't that make a complete
mockery on why we're spending billions of dollars on SETI?


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Re: Maitreya 1/2
Date: 16 Jan 92 20:15:05 GMT

SR> DA> He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions.
SR> DA> Christians know Him as the Christ, and expect His imminent return. The
SR> DA> Jews await Him as the Messiah; the Hindus look for the coming of
SR> Come on, Don. Even for you... this "Hal Gurney's Network
SR> Bandwidth
SR> Wasters"
series is a low blow...
SR> ...I think. ;-)

Well, Steve...let me introduce you to a kill file :-)

You don't think I actually believe this goddamnable heresy now do you?

Anyways, I thought it would be interesting to share the info with
everyone else on the echo, seeing as how Maitreya pops up from time
to time.


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: 11:11
Date: 16 Jan 92 22:39:16 GMT

It was supposed to happen last week. I was being somewhat rude and humerous
by mention the non-event. I'm sure an update will come out with new figures
for 2011 or something so we can all wait for nothing to happen again. The
major flaw is that time and dates are a human creation, unrelated to any
cosmic syncronicity with numerology. The Chinese calendar and Hebrew calendar
to mention just two, are not the same year as ours. I believe we run Julian
because there was an adjustment made in the dates way back when. Another
factor is BC and AD which means it's set upon an unknown date selected by
some people with wisdom.

The date and time we use are human inventions.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Light show in Scranton
Date: 17 Jan 92 16:34:07 GMT

From: HALLRL%morekypr.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU

I was watching channel 2 news out of New York City last week on my satellite
and saw a report on a strange story out of Scranton, PA. Evidently a couple
hundred people reported seeing quite a few lights doing acrobatic maneuvers
in the night sky. I believe it was JFK International could not pick up any
unusual radar signals, so they sent up an observation plane. The pilot
conferred the sighting but could not get close enough the distinguish any
details about the lights. Has anybody heard any other details about this



Subject: Update: 300K remains
Date: 17 Jan 92 22:36:55 GMT

From: David Elmore Coleman <>

The search for the study on 300,000 year old remains continues...

Elisabeth Mateus Yoshimura (ah, maybe she just married a fellow
Japanese professor who is Japanese...) wrote back in response to
my letter to her. She writes:

... I have talked to some people of this group that
work with TL dating, but they have never made any
measurement of human samples, just pottery and rocks,
and they also don't have the study that you need. I think
that the article in the French journal that you've mentioned
is of a research group in Rio de Janeiro, whose leader was
Prof. Jacques Danon (I believe that he is retired now).
Maybe you can find [the article's] reference in Physics Abstracts.

What is strange is that 'pottery and rocks' rings a half a bell. My memory
of the article I read has become faint. It may have been the Mojave
remains were 'human remains' (hence my remembering "human remains") while
the northern South America find was of pottery stuck in an unusual
geological mess of rock. Alas, I will have to write Elisabeth again, and
be more specific, but before this, perhaps I can use the name 'Jacques Danon'
to search anew for the specific article in question.
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Crop Circles
Date: 18 Jan 92 04:41:01 GMT

In a message to Sheldon Wernikoff <15-Jan-92 08:45>
Pete Porro wrote:

PP> I think I'm have either forgotten all my chemistry (from 25
PP> years ago it might be expected) or they changed Deuterium. I'll
PP> have to do some research now and get back to you.

You mean you didn't know the entire periodic table has been revised
as of this year? Except of course for element 115.

PP> One thing about crop circles is the constant search for high
PP> strangeness that is attached to them.

That really should come as no surprise, since there's more than a
modicum of "high strangeness" attached to the cerealogists (I hate
that term) that are searching for the high strangeness.

PP> I think most people will agree that slightly over a year ago it
PP> was accepted that very few or no sightings were associated with
PP> CC's.

If you are referring to the British circles, aerial luminescence
*possibly* associated with circle formation dates back at least 10
years. I am NOT stating that these were UFO sightings per se.

PP> We already know that one of the primary experts can't tell a
PP> fake from the real thing, even when he is told in advance it's
PP> a fraud.

Not ONE expert Pete... several! Andrews was deceived earlier in the
year, with much less fanfare than the Delgado event, as was Meaden,
George Wingfield, Roger Taylor (not to be confused with "Busty"
Taylor), and Archibald Roy, the Astronomer from Glasgow University
in Scotland.

PP> Unfortunately the people who are at the center of this
PP> phenomenon are not credible or consistent.

You can say that again!

PP> Unfortunately the people who are at the center of this
PP> phenomenon are not credible or consistent.

I was only kidding... once was enough.

PP> They continue to waffle and produce new incredible "evidence"
PP> to keep interest active.

... and book, video, jewelry, T-shirt, etc. sales booming.

PP> You know from experience that some people in the UFO community
PP> have the same history and are now discounted as wild story
PP> tellers, while others attempt to find answers to questions.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid there are more of the former than the

PP> What ever happened to the changes in molecular structure which
PP> were supported by some holistic nutritional lab?

Zilch... The purported "changes" were allegedly in the "crystalline
energy pattern"
of the plants. Your guess is as good as mine as to
what that means. No one else seems to no either, and no independent
confirmation of this artifact has been done.

PP> I'd like to know what causes Crop Circles and if they have
PP> connections to something more unusual than a natural
PP> phenomenon.

That's why we're ALL here.

PP> Somehow the fringe scientists have taken over with one
PP> sensational theory after another. I reject the commercial
PP> motives which drive the issue, it's tainted information just as
PP> much as any other disinformation from any other source.


PP> What's you opinion of the credibility and motivation of these
PP> people?

As far as credibility, I can only vouch for Meaden, since I have
personally corresponded with him for about 2 years now. I feel he
is most sincere in his plasma vortex beliefs, and when he commits
an error, he is willing to admit it, eventually. True, he
previously modified his theory to accommodate some of the more
complex formations, but his current position is that only the
simpler circles are authentic (single, ringed, quintuplets, and
variations of these). I feel it's quite easy for one to get caught
up in the thrill of the moment, and forget our obligation to
objectivity. I can sympathize with that. Meaden is making a living
through his circle work, but he is a meteorologist holding a Ph.D.
in atmospheric physics, and was publishing his Journal of
Meteorology long before his interest in crop circles began.

Delgado is, at present, a man whose belief system has been
shattered, as evidenced by the difficult times he's had in recent
British interviews. He is a scientist who has wandered off into the
metaphysical realm, apparently never to return.

Andrews, on the other hand, appears to know exactly what he's
doing. He's a real showman who knows how to captivate an audience
as skillfully as the Pied Piper. He's come out with so much
"evidence", time and time again, with NO substantiation; but his
rats will defend him 'til the end.

I'd sure like to see some resolution to this issue by summer's end
this year, but you can rest assured - whatever the outcome -
someone will be there calling 'foul'.

Take care,


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vladimir.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: Diffraction for viewing UFOs
Date: 16 Jan 92 05:13:00 GMT

> From: Thomas Lapp <>
> In some earlier messages, people were talking about using a
> spectroscope to break out a light source into frequencies to
> see if the light was from a known type of source.
> A diffraction grating will do the same thing and is easy to
> use. In fact, my latest Edmund Scientific catalog came today
> and offers the following in terms of diffraction gratings:
> Cardboard mounted slides (ie. 35mm slides) are available too:
> 15 for $14.50 (A1307) or 25 for $19.95 (A39502).
> tel for E.S is +1-609-573-6879.
> When taking a physics class I was given one of the cardboard
> slide
> gratings. It works really well, and you can easily see the
> difference between sodium vapor and incandescent and mercury
> vapor
> at long distances. We used them in the lab with flourescent
> tubes
> made from specific gases to see their makeup visually.


We've been using cardboard mounted difraction grating slides for
years. They are cheap, easy to use, and they work quite well.


Vladimir Godic - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Subject: 11:11
Date: 17 Jan 92 19:35:00 GMT

Hello Pete!

PP> It was supposed to happen last week. I was being somewhat rude and
PP> humerous by mention the non-event. I'm sure an update will come out with
PP> new figures for 2011 or something so we can all wait for nothing to happen

Ahh! You also saw through that one quite well, eh? Amazing how they would
hang on to such a pie in the sky date, and quietly push for a NEW one when time
ran out. Can you *believe* the promoters are now crying that this is just a
START date and the whole so-called 'event' is to take up to twenty years time??
Milk 'em dry and keep the change. ;-)

New age...ha. Let's get back to some serious UFOs. :)

Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Maitreya - just a good guy
Date: 18 Jan 92 22:32:41 GMT

From: David Elmore Coleman <>

+ Anyways,I'm doing an investigation into some links I see between this
+ 'Maitreya' and the Gaia cult and their influence on the UN..if anyone
+ can contribute some info..I'd really appreciate it.

The Gaia 'cult'? Gaia is a philosophical idea under review by numerous
indivuals from laypersons to scientists. To call it a cult is similar
to calling psychophysical dualism a cult! Cults are usually small
groups of people with very non-mainstream ideas that are respected by
very few. The philosophy of any given cult generally appears as if
someone could have dreamed up the crazy concept in one evening over ale.

+ --Begin Maitreya pt 1-----------------------------------------------------
+ Article 5744 of talk.religion.newage:
+ From: (Walter D. Pullen)
+ Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage

+ My *opinion* is that Maitreya is not just yet-another 'false prophet',
+ but is *the* false prophet, mentioned in the Bible. From just a little
+ research, I see connections between Tara Foundation and Creme's Share
+ group involved with some UN activity and possibly policy/laws being created
+ by some UN groups. I state my opinion, but do not know that this is fact.

I received a free newsletter from the Tara Center after Dr. So-n-so got
my name from Spirit Speaks magazine and recommended I send for the free
newsletter. In it there is mention that the Vatican actually sponsored
a book attempting to compare Maitreya with the Antichrist. The newsletter
considers it worth mentioning only off hand.
I have an excellent friend, psychic channeller Elizabeth Todd, who
gives me free one-hour question-answer sessions every time I visit her, and
who wrote a good number of articles for Psychic Guide magazine (now
sold as Body Mind (&) Spirit,) as did fellow channelers Roger Pyle/Pile
and Lynne Bouchey. The editor of Psychic Guide, Paul Zuromski, along with
those three individuals, once levitated a profoundly stunned 250 pound
man above a hotel conference room table while everyone sat around the
Elizabeth's daughter and a friend attended one of Maitreya's meetings
in an auditorium. Maitreya at one point began slowly scanning the rows in
the audience, and as his gaze passed each individual, the individual felt
a huge beam or bolt of energy for a short period. Elizabeth's daughter and
friend felt this in turn and were confounded. The friend, I believe, had
already been following Maitreya, but Elizabeth's daughter had been skeptical.
Supposedly, Maritreya has been documented to disappear from one audience and
instantly reappear in front of another audience. He also was behind Saddam's
dream that said the missiles were pointed the wrong way, and was unsuccessful
at persuading Bush, during a similar apparition, not to engage in a
Gulf War. I don't know if that related to Bush's seeking of Billy Graham.
Elizabeth's daughter sent Elizabeth material on Maitreya to
Elizabeth and Elizabeth presented the material to her Spirit Guides.
They said that Maitreya is indeed a very powerful entity of sincere heart
and spiritual ambition, but he will be very disappointed to discover that
he is not Amelius/The Christ/Joshua/Hermes Trismegistus (other appearances
of Jesus on Earth.) But, Maitreya is not the Antichrist either.
Jesus and Krishna are not one in the same, although both are fully
united with the Creator. I suppose that Maitreya may find he is not Christ the
hard way, by saying he can do something so grand, but he won't be able to
demonstrate it. How do entities get confused that they could be or are
the Christ? Well, it is sometimes, like in Maitreya's case, when
they feel their oneness with the Creator and with the Christ himself,
indirectly. Many entities, especially 'Raphael' of Starseed Transmissions,
have a very difficult time explaining who they are because of the
oneness they feel, which is considerably greater than Shirley Machlaine's
statement that each of us can rightly say, 'I am god.' The Antichrist would
be a different case altogether. Perhaps the Antichrist remembers the
time when he used to be a united part of the One. I generally agree with
Ruth Montgomery's Guides' statements concerning that ugly individual.
Do you remember Saul or David going to the channeler Endora in the
Bible to speak with long-dead Samuel? Endora, if you believe the Bible,
was a legitimate channeller, but she was, as far as I know, not a Rabbi or
serious go-er of the temples. Well, how come the Christian churches, or at
least the OFFICIAL Christian churches, claim that NO legitimate psychic
channelers exist today. They say all of them are completely controlled by
so-called Satan? First of all, they cannot prove that the New Age message
is truly, at its roots, different than their own. Second of all, is it now
impossible for a good spirit to be channeled, like Samuel, while long ago
it wasn't impossible? Or do these Fundamentalists believe that channelers
have no way to protect against bad spirits while long ago channels had
methods? This is incorrect, as psychics today use
many methods to protect themselves, including prayers, which the Church must
agree would work.**(Note below)

**Surely there are some bad psychics -- frauds and those who do not
care whom they receive and those who channel other parts of their soul, dark
or confusing parts, which assume a name just as does a schizo's individual
personalities. Messages from the latter entities can be positive but dead
wrong at the same time. The mammoth effort of the Urantia book could have
been an example of this. I suspect it is possible that some degree of true
information could be accessed by the soul's 'schizo-part' "channellee" and
mixed in, inadvertently.(End of note)

Satan from the New Age side, which is completely
agreeable with the Bible, is simply a personification of temptation which
all of us must deal with. Lucifer is indeed nefarious in his efforts to
keep Earth dark, but he by no means is being channeled by tens of thousands
of psychic channelers, and tell me, where in the Bible is it stated that
there are 5,783,833,003,725 or more demonic cohorts? I know the Vatican
and Lutheran churches long ago came up with such clearly arbitrary ideas
and yes, calculations.
It seems that by living in bed with politics and
whatever the ideals of the concurrent eras were, the Church evolved along
an un-natural line, in the opposite direction of that which
channeling took during the 19th and 20th centuries. The Church's
most flagrant error in direction, which has still not been fully corrected,
was the Romanesque period of demons, 666, witches and beasts, when only
Saints seemed to have a shot at heaven. During this period or in the
preceding and then continuing Dark Ages, Satan became illegitimately
equated with Lucifer, a fallen high spirit, called an angel by the Jews.
Note that the Bible refers to them as two distinct entities/concepts,
not one same individual.
Had the Romanesque period never existed,
the church would be recognizing New Age channeling of today, which
is really no different in message than the Bible itself. The only differences
are in the emphases. The emphases have evolved, as culture and technology
have evolved. The Church's emphases, as stated, evolved in the opposite
New Age has evolved so much in the right direction that it
is, *once you separate the wheat from the chaff*, banging on the door
of science. It is spelled out in the books of Bohm, Bohm & Krishnamurti,
Capra, myself, etc. You might ask, 'the problem is that there is no
way to separate wheat from chaff.' But that is only a problem if you
only have a superficial understanding of New Age. Unfortunately, many
skeptics, in fact *all* skeptics, confuse the chaff with the wheat,
because the chaff is easy to debunk by *both* the skeptics *and* the wheat.
Take for example the insanely misleading publication by Bay Area
Skeptics looking at prediction rates of psychics in tabloids. To equate
predictions in National Enquirer with those of psychics in general is
ridiculous. It is an assumption that the wheat&chaff (hypothetical real
psychics plus bogus ones) and plainchaff (bogus tabloid psychics) are
equatable. This means Bay Area is assuming that real psychics don't exist
to prove they don't exist.
Bay Area must qualify their annual review of psychic predictions
as not being representative of psychics in general, only of tabloid/Hollywood
psychics. Otherwise *any* uninformed reader will judge psychic predictions
in general as being identical with tabloid predictions. Non-tabloid psychics
have long been angry with tabloids and their 'psychics' as giving psychics
a bad name. Jean Dixon is sort of an in between case, but this is
discussed well by Ruth Montgomery, who finds Dixon to be *on average*
terribly inaccurate, in spite of having some stellar, intrinsic abilities
that made her famous for a number of her correct predictions.
Today, many protestant ministers (estimate 50% in Connecticut)
and even a *committee* of Nebraskan Lutheran ministers, embrace
the afterlife and channeling from a more New Age perspective. At least
five have visited Elizabeth Todd, and even the conservative Woodbridge
Connecticut minister agrees with many New Age principles. A Baptist
church in Connecticut was at last check holding classes on ESP and
related fields.
Outright denial of New Age ideas of Satan, etc is generally
only done by the FUNDIES, the Vatican, and some Catholics. They chose to
live, in an almost mentally violent manner, only in the present, just
as the people of the Romanesque period did.

+ I'd be real interested if anyone else would comment on this and provide
+ any hard references to the UN connections. Who are these people, and what
+ are they doing? What policy are they involved in creating? How will
+ that policy/laws effect us?

UN connections? Maybe? Good!!!

+ If you read any of Alice Bailey's and Creme's soon discover
+ the phrase 'The Plan'.. is repeated endless times. Just WHAT is "The
+ Plan'??

It is common in Christianity to talk about a Plan. When used in a New Age
sense it generally means the natural flow of what will come, not really some
step by step map of details as to what will happen.

+ Don
+ dona@bilver

+ Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
+ UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
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More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (hwee-OATH-tee)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
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Subject: Re: Siberian Encounter
Date: 18 Jan 92 22:33:10 GMT

From: David Elmore Coleman <>

Sheldon, Dec 24-25 are not Christmas in Russia. News programs always
beat this revelation to death, so maybe you just forgot. So, I don't
think the Soviet, Vladimir Kuzmin, should have recalled the exact day.

I'm sure you have read about UFO witnesses not even thinking of getting
their cameras. Also, on Paranet, so that you don't criticize these
witnesses *ever*, remember the article by the member of Georgia Skeptics
in which he said that the first time he gazed at the Marfa lights he
didn't even think of using his camera, which was either by his side,
in the car, or on his person, if I recall correctly? That should put
an end to *all* claims by skeptics that 'Gee, wasn't it *convenient*
that this witness did not think to get his camera, even though he
had it in his living room, ready to go, at the time of the sighting.'
Moen, Klass, crew? cut it out.

Well, similar to the above, I think it is analogous that while talking
to friends or reviewing events to himself, the pilot could have always
thought/said 'yesterday,' "
day before yesterday," or "a couple of days
ago,' and did not think of the number of the day until it was too late.
After all, I don't use number days until at least six or seven days
after an event. If today is the eighteenth, I would not say such-and-such
happened to me 'on the sixteenth' or fifteenth. It would even take some
time, which I probably would not take because I would not care, to
come up with a date like 'last Tuesday' (which then can easily be converted
into being 'the 14th'.) You have to think of what you did on each day to
know on which day you had the experience in the reference frame of the
work week. I hope this clears away your suspicions.
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Unknowingly, he picked up a whirly blue throwstone with strange hieroglyphics
on the opposite side he didn't see, and he tossed it into the sunlit stream;
A note said he had opened a gate to some place indescribable.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

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