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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 493

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 493 

Sunday, October 27th 1991

Today's Topics:

Possible FTL signals generated by Marquette University Scientists
Crop Circles And Spontaneous Combustion
Re: FOX Show
The End of freedom
FPP article
Pysch hypotheses
Re: Dr. Fredrick Bell
1991 Crop Circles
Pysch Hypotheses
Crop Circles and spontaneous combustion
Possible FTL signals generav>c
Position Paper
Possible FTL signals


Subject: Possible FTL signals generated by Marquette University Scientists
Date: 22 Oct 91 21:32:06 GMT


I have read three articles in legitimate journals of the microwave/RF
profession of efforts by a George Giakos and a Prof. T. Koryu Isii of Marquette
University in Milwaukee describing successful transmission of a radio wave
(non-TEM mode) at high frequency (from 8-10 Gigahertz) at speeds exceeding the
normal intrinsic value 'c'. As absurd as it sounds at the outset, the theory
it is based on is valid. In electromagnetic wave propagation, there is a
quantity called Phase Velocity, which can be greater than light, but no one
until now has believed that you could do anything with it because no energy
packets (of photons, etc.) could go faster than 'c'. This mathematical oddity
in the theory has been ignored experimentally after a few attempts failed to
disprove the theory.
Giakos and Ishii (mis-spelled above--no editor, sorry) constructed a
normal x-band waveguide and sent pulse-modulated microwaves thru them in non-
TEM mode (having to do with magnetic and electric field parameters of the light
itself) to a reciever a known distance away. What they found was that if
you measured the velocity of the modulated pulse, you get v>c. They even did
it with an open air transmitter. At 0 degrees (dead straight online), the
velocity was c, but as you moved the angle of the receiver by degrees, the
velocity increased. They report velocities of the pulses up to 5.0 e+08 m/sec
which is faster than light's 3.0 e+08 m/sec. My question is, if light is not
going faster than its painstakingly defined value, what kind of particle/wave
is making the antenna oscillate with the pulse? Is it some kind of super-
luminal pseudo-photon (the infamous tachyon), or what? I have heard nothing
about this research in the normal press (science news, scientific american,
etc.). I got copies of the articles from the author, who has an e-mail
address (maybe I can find it). For reference, the articles appear in:

Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 4, No.2, Jan. 20, 1991
and ' ' " " vol. 4, No.3 Feb 1991

as well as Microwaves and RF (magazine), August 1991, p.115

I am not an expert in microwave physics, I deal mainly in computer
programming for cosmic ray research, so I have no idea if this has already
been shot down or is being ignored. I can't find any flaws in the math,
and don't know enough to make quantitative statements about the experiments.
For what its worth, they claim the error is less than 0.1 %, small enough to
prove they are getting values of signal propagation > c. Interesting at
any rate (no pun intended, but laugh if you want). :)

Korac MacArthur
UNH Space Science Center


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Crop Circles And Spontaneous Combustion
Date: 23 Oct 91 03:56:00 GMT

Hi Robert,

In regards to your ball lightning question, a rather
interesting case was reported last year at the 1990 Ball Lightning
Conference, held in Budapest. The incident took place on May 25,
1989, in a field by the roadside near Kerecseud, a village 65 miles
from Budapest. The victim was a 27 year old engineer WITHIN WHOSE
BODY, it is conjectured, ball lightning formed. The man had stopped
his car and walked to the edge of a field about 30 feet distant to
urinate. Suddenly, his wife, who had remained behind in the car,
saw that her husband was surrounded by a blue light. He opened his
arms wide and fell to the ground. His wife ran to him, noticing
that one of his tennis shoes had been torn off. Amazingly, his wife
was able to stop a passing bus that was filled with medical doctors
returning from a meeting. Unhappily, they immediately pronounced
the man dead.
At the autopsy, a hole was found in the man's heel where the
shoe had been. The lungs were torn and damaged, and the stomach and
belly were carbonized! This is indicative of internal combustion,
just as the blue light is suggestive of atmospheric electricity,
while the damaged heel and shoe are denotative of electrical
grounding. No other effects of local atmospheric electricity were
noticed. The sky was overcast and conditions possibly suitable for
a thunderstorm. The couple had earlier passed through a
thunderstorm when 35 miles away, but at the site of the tragedy it
was dry and rainless. Do you feel this incident may help to explain
the cases of so called "human spontaneous combustion"?

Thanks again and best of luck,


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: FOX Show
Date: 23 Oct 91 03:25:00 GMT

Looked to me like that show was basically put together months and
months ago and then put on hold. The best that can be said is, It
could have been worse!

Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 21 Oct 91 17:16:56 GMT

Oh good, I printed the message, and West Bend is North of Milwaukee, but so
am I, I should be able to find that station. Then I'll have to call and find
out what time the air the shows. Thanks much.

The OO is interesting and after reading some of the messages it seems like
most of the information is comming from one source? It would be nice to have
some validation of the claims from another source.

How are things going? HA HA! I warned you not to ask that question, because
I'll tell the truth. Linda Bird asked me and I sent out about a five page
netmail response. I also included that if she didn't reply I'd understand
why. I'm still insane as usual, and smiling as they carry me away to the poor

Nothing paranormal happening around here. The show on Friday attracted much
interest. I'm trying to get some of the people to come over and read the
Paranet areas, so they can get some better information. I had a guy call on
the phone and tell me just about everything they showed (I've got it on tape,
but didn't watch yet) and it sounds like the best cases which we read and
write about on Paranet from day to day.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 21 Oct 91 17:25:49 GMT

The Cash/Landrum incident update was very interesting, since the two of them
had physical reactions to something.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: The End of freedom
Date: 22 Oct 91 09:57:00 GMT

In a message to Clark Matthews <14 Oct 91 13:27> Steve Rose wrote:

> CM> they did their jobs so well. As for the rest of the peranent
> CM> Intelligence community, I continue to think that they are potentially
> CM> more dangerous to our own liberties than they are to most of our
> CM> adversaries.

SR> Naw...just watch the Supreme Court in the coming years ahead, now that
SR> Bush has them all sewn up.

Hi Steve. Well, I'm not sure I can speak for what the court will do -- they've
surprised us in the past. Besides, the tendency toward tyranny/oppression in
this country is not by fiat, but by slow degrees. (Or by quiet *decrees*??)
It started during WWII and has continued through this day. Executive orders,
the worst of which are classified (so they're not even published in the
Congressional Record), have created a virtual "star chamber" anyway. If you
run afoul of parts of the hidden gov't -- you can quite literally disappear
without a trace. Today.

Anyway, I believe that what we REALLY need now is a complete, open
Congressional investigation of all activities of all agencies, bureaus, or
Executive entities that have an intelligence/security function, *or who use
contractors or interface with other bodies* for intelligence/security functions.

The Russians are doing it (they *are* withholding info on certain cases,
notably the Pope plot, because of the "national embarassment" factor. But
PRIVATELY, the former KGB generals will discuss even these sensitive matters.)
Why can't we do it too?

In terms of individual liberty, it seems to me that NOTHING COULD BE MORE
MEANINGFUL these days than "Secret Police Disarmament".

Here we are, watching in amazement as KGB generals openly discuss what their
sinister service *did* and *didn't* do over the last 50 years -- when we really
don't have the foggiest notion what our own intelligence/state repression
agencies are doing *now*. Moreover, there are *so many* such American agencies
-- most of them military, so they can operate without restriction in the U.S.
-- and they all have classified, or "black" budgets.

Pres. G.H.W. Bush has moved to unilaterally disarm part of our nuclear forces
-- but I notice it's business as usual for the NSC, CIA, NSA, NRO, DIA, AFOSI,
ONI, and God only knows what else -- and let's not forget their contractors and
clients. All these nasty, black-budget, black-bag fiefdoms together probably
pose a greater threat to our freedom than the Russians ever did.

SR> Or just look at the particulars of those ramrodded 'Anti-Crime' bills
SR> which will make your 'liberties' looked like Germany of the '30s. :(

SR> ...Why blame Spooks? They just follow orders.

That's what really bothers me -- we can *count* on them to follow their orders!
By contrast, when it came to the clutch last August, the KGB apparatchiks *did
not* follow their orders. With a proud history of 70 years of savage terrorism
and repression behing them -- they couldn't bring themselves to live up to it!
Their instincts were astonishingly humane. Watching the coup fail was as
gratifying as it was astounding.

But our own apparatchiks? You BET they'll follow their orders. The underlings
may be incapable of conscious choice: Remember the disturbing little stories
coming out of Groom Lake, Tejon Ranch, and other places? -- you know, the stuff
about guards "who talked like robots" and cadres of soldiers forced to drink
"pine" while undergoing indoctrination? So bear with me a while longer, and
let me use my "imagination" a bit:

Imagine a corps of military enlistees selected because they have no close
relatives -- perhaps these people are somehow further tested to identify who is
susceptable to intensive hypnotic/chemical conditioning. These would be people
who won't be missed -- with no troublesome wives or parents to insist on seeing
them and note drastic personality changes.

Imagine these people being carefully vetted and then culled out of the military
manpower pool and directed to units where they can be turned into human
monstrosities that would make Stalin, Beria, and Hitler envious. Through
careful concealment of funding, total control of certain geographic areas,
absolute secrecy, and "perverted science" (a fine old phrase originated by
Churchill, to describe the Nazis), this could be done.

So many of these people may not be able to help themselves. In fact, they may
be beyond help entirely.

But the people on top? They know exactly what they're doing.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: FPP article
Date: 19 Oct 91 16:50:00 GMT

To: Dave Webb
Dave I'll despatch a copy of my co-authored FPP article off by
airmail, as soon as possible. Should be with you in about 10-14 days.
Regards, Keith.

Keith Basterfield - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: Implants
Date: 19 Oct 91 16:52:00 GMT

Peggy, in a message on 12th Oct you mentioned a radio show which
included a man who talked about a personal abduction and implant.
Do you by chance have any further details on him?

Keith Basterfield - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: Pysch hypotheses
Date: 19 Oct 91 17:18:00 GMT

Over the years as a lay person I've researched a number of possible
links between main stream psychology and UFOs. Back in the early 80's
I documented in a variety of articles in UFO journals, the topic of
imagery on the sleep/awake interface-hypnagogic and hypnopompic
imagery. It does seem to offer some explanation for certain bedroom
location events in the realms of not only UFO events but also such
things as ghosts. Most out of body experiences also occur during this
Following the imagery trail, I've then looked in fantasy-prone
personality research which is going on in main stream psychology
journals, and with the assistance of sociologist Bob Bartholomew, who
was in Australia , but who is currently in New York, I've suggested
links/parallels to abduction cases. Whitley Strieber's experiences
documented in Communion and Transformation could be explainable in
terms of known pyshological processes or in an "alien/dimensional"
sense-"you pays your money and you takes your pick." From what I
know of Striber's recent statements about what he now thinks
abductions are all about, falls more in line with a psychological
viewpoint than an "alien" one. (Ifanyone reading this has a copy of
Striber's last Newsletter where he spells this out, I'd appreciate
someone either posting it verbatum or perhaps sending me a copy at PO
Box 302, Modbury North, South Australia, Australia 5092. Thanks.)
I also feel that we should pay a lot more attention to recent work on
multiple personality research. I understand that there have been some
case reports where one personality is able to exhibit physical
symptoms such as skin rashes, and literally the next second when a
different personality "comes out" the skin rashes disappears. Here we
seem to have a temporary ability to display physical marks on the
human body. Stigmata cases also exhibit temporary or more permanent
physical marks on the body. The question for abduction research is ,
is it possible to explain the physical marks on abductee's bodies in
terms of known psychological processes-do this research first before
suggesting "alien" intervention and then if you can't explain it this
way, there would be a much stronger case for an extraterrestrial
origin. Loads of resarch needed!

Keith Basterfield - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: Re: Dr. Fredrick Bell
Date: 22 Oct 91 07:25:00 GMT

> Hi Vlad. I've heard it before, but I understand that all of the
> gaseous giant planets put together (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) are
> not massive enough to support self-sustaining fusion.

Hi Clark,
Thanks for that info. I am you know what is a smallest
mass required to support self-sustaining fusion. Supposing there was
a planet large enough to support self-sustaining fusion, how would
that fusion start?


Vladimir Godic - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: 1991 Crop Circles
Date: 24 Oct 91 00:14:00 GMT

In a message to Sheldon Wernikoff <20-Oct-91>, Jim Speiser wrote:

JS> Is this the same Marshall Dudley who wrote the program "DoorWay"? He
JS> also lives in Tennessee... Interesting, I just spoke with him on the
JS> phone.

Another strange coincidence. I don't know for certain if it's the
same person, but I'll certainly find out.

JS> How were they able to tell the difference between "real" and
JS> mechanically hoaxed circles?

That's's the ones *without* the gray hairs!

JS> Sounds very interesting, and finally, something solid along the lines of
JS> "changes in cell structure!"

Yes, but the real test will be if these preliminary findings
hold true with at least some degree of consistency. As you might
know, at the 1991 MUFON symposium Mike Chorost was talking about
the significantly lower alpha particle readings in a Tennessee
circle. Now, were looking at "sky high" readings in the British
oval. So, we've still got problems.

JS> (Quick 9:1010/100.666)

Using a point address of "666" - Very interesting!
Scott Corder warned me about this. <g>

Take care,


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Pysch Hypotheses
Date: 24 Oct 91 00:53:00 GMT

Hello Keith,

I will air-mail a copy of Strieber's "Farewell address" to you
tomorrow, 24-Oct-91. BTW, I mailed the new crop circle
material to you at the UFORA address, so please be sure to pick
this up. The Strieber material will go to the Modburry North address
as posted.

I agree with your posting to Linda Bird that we must first exhaust
the "psychological processes" explanations before turning to
abductions and alien intervention. Strieber himself says he was
never "abducted", although I am now convinced he is suffering from
a variety of psychological problems. We can discuss this in depth
after you receive the material.

Take care,


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Crop Circles and spontaneous combustion
Date: 22 Oct 91 23:32:14 GMT

In a message to All <21 Oct 91 12:45> ncar!!a wrote:

nc> Does any one have any information on human spontaneous combustion?
nc> I have just heard the UK BUFORA message number 98 in which Jenny Randles
nc> likens the the energy of such strange events to the energy which is
nc> associated with the creation of crop circles. She even asked if anyone
nc> has any information on spontaneous combustion to contact BUFORA.
nc> I am very interested in this as Jenny Randles has always seemed to have
nc> been in the plasma vortex camp, is this a change of heart.

I think the SHC controversy has been pretty well put to rest by a gent here in
the States named Joe Nickell. He showed, to the satisfaction of many, that
there was a strong correlation between SHC incidents, advanced age, ingestion
of spirits or other narcotics, and proximity to an open flame. He also showed
that the "mysterious" effects on the human body (complete consumption, etc.)
were not in fact so mysterious, and were right in line with the normal physics
of slow combustion of a cadaver.

Interesting that Jenny Randles would all of a sudden raise the SHC question in
connection with crop you said, I thought she was squarely in the
vortex camp, and its not like her to suddenly go off on this big of a tangent.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Possible FTL signals generav>c
Date: 23 Oct 91 15:29:29 GMT

In a message to All <22 Oct 91 17:55> ncar!UNHH.UNH.EDU!K_MACAR wrote:

nc> successful transmission of a radio wave
nc> (non-TEM mode) at high frequency (from
nc> 8-10 Gigahertz) at speeds exceeding the
nc> normal intrinsic value 'c'. As absurd
nc> as it sounds at the outset, the theory
nc> it is based on is valid. In electromagnetic wave propagation, there is a
nc> quantity called Phase Velocity, which
nc> can be greater than light, but no one
nc> until now has believed that you could
nc> do anything with it because no energy
nc> packets (of photons, etc.) could go
nc> faster than 'c'. This mathematical oddity
nc> in the theory has been ignored
nc> experimentally after a few attempts failed to
nc> disprove the theory.

I have no idea if this research is valid, however, it makes me wonder how many
great experimental finds go ignored.....Someone at ParaNet should dig into
this. If "Scientific American" (spoken with nose firmly in air) can't handle
it, we should at least try....

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Position Paper
Date: 24 Oct 91 06:18:00 GMT

To all;

While researching the continuing story on Lee Graham for UFO Magazine, I
recently spoke to William Moore of MJ-12 fame. As many of you know, since
Moore's admission at the 1989 MUFON conference he has taken much "flak" from
the UFO arena because of his part in what is now known as the "Bennewitz"

Moore told me that he, Jaime Shandera and the former AFOSI NCO, Richard Doty
have cooperated on a document that he will soon send out to members of his
FOCUS organazation. It has been titled;

"The Scientist, the Government and UFOs; Personal Recollections of the Paul
Bennewitz Affair. A case study in disinformation."

Moore informed me that he will send out information on this to me in the next
few days, and when the document is ready he will forward a copy to me at the magazine.
When received I will ask permission to upload the text to ParaNet.

If anyone has any questions, I will be happy to forward to Moore.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Possible FTL signals
Date: 24 Oct 91 10:58:00 GMT

Hi, Korac! Please bear with a long quote...

> I have read three articles in legitimate journals of
> the microwave/RF
> profession of efforts by a George Giakos and a Prof. T.
> Koryu Isii of Marquette
> University in Milwaukee describing successful transmission
> of a radio wave
> (non-TEM mode) at high frequency (from 8-10 Gigahertz) at
> speeds exceeding the
> normal intrinsic value 'c'. As absurd as it sounds at the


> velocity increased. They report velocities of the pulses
> up to 5.0 e+08 m/sec
> which is faster than light's 3.0 e+08 m/sec. My question
> is, if light is not
> going faster than its painstakingly defined value, what
> kind of particle/wave
> is making the antenna oscillate with the pulse? Is it some
> kind of super-
> luminal pseudo-photon (the infamous tachyon), or what? I
> have heard nothing
> about this research in the normal press (science news,
> scientific american,
> etc.).

This is *very* interesting... Ever heard of Mirkl/Putoff "Scroll

These are hypothetical constructs from the "Zero-Point Energy"
theories. What is interesting is that Dr. Putoff achieved
results similar to the ones you describe from an experiment that
used a chamber similar to the waveguide you described.

While Zero-Point Energy is really primarily concerned with
extracting energy from near vacuum conditions (and things like
the van der Waals forces & the Casimir effect), photon
augmentation is another aspect of the theory. There's a rather
lengthy text file available at KeelyNet, Tom Albion's THC Online
BBS in Canada, and my BBS on low-energy ZPE phenomena & on
photon augmentation. File name is ZPE5.ZIP.

You might find the whole ZPE series interesting, actually.


PS -- Here's a sample:

[much stuff cut...]

A vacuum between two sheets of metal is not the same as one that is
unconstrained. Some of the modes of the electromagnetic field are
suppressed--the modes which represent waves in the field that are
too big to fit into the cavity.

By changing the size of the cavity, you can lose certain modes.
Groups of scientists around the world have built cavities that rule
out certain modes of vacuum energy, and thus stop atoms from
emitting photons at various wavelengths.

Using a related technique, they have designed and built cavities
that enhance the radiation by allowing the atom to "see" more modes
of the vacuum radiation than it would if there was no cavity.

The results of such experiments allow scientists to explore
otherwise inaccessible areas of quantum electrodynamics, the theory
of electromagnetic fields.

An intriguing theoretical point about the way that atoms interact
with vacuum has been made by Dr Hal Puthoff of the Institute for
Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas.

For every atom there is an energy level below which the electrons
cannot sink. Dr Puthoff suggests that this is because, at the low
energy levels, electrons cannot lose energy any faster than they
pick it up from a vacuum.

It is the vacuum energy that buoys them up, stopping them from
losing all their energy and collapsing into the atomic nucleus.

That means that the vacuum underpins the stability of every atom--
and thus of almost all matter in the universe.

[stuff cut...]

Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346

Page 4

I got copies of the articles from the author, who
> has an e-mail
> address (maybe I can find it). For reference, the
> articles appear in:
> Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 4,
> No.2, Jan. 20, 1991
> and ' ' " " vol. 4,
> No.3 Feb 1991
> as well as Microwaves and RF (magazine), August 1991, p.115
> I am not an expert in microwave physics, I deal
> mainly in computer
> programming for cosmic ray research, so I have no idea if
> this has already
> been shot down or is being ignored. I can't find any
> flaws in the math,
> and don't know enough to make quantitative statements about
> the experiments.
> For what its worth, they claim the error is less than 0.1
> %, small enough to
> prove they are getting values of signal propagation > c.
> Interesting at
> any rate (no pun intended, but laugh if you want). :)
> Korac
> MacArthur
> UNH Space
> Science Center
> --- ConfMail V4.00
> * Origin: Paranet(sm) - The world's leading UFO
> Investigative News Network (1:30163/150)

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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