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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 492

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 492 

Wednesday, October 23rd 1991

Today's Topics:

Re: FOX Show
1991 Crop Circles
Basterfield article
UFO shows
Re: Erol Torun/DMA
Re: Micap
Crop Circles and spontaneous combustion
Our buddy takes flying lessons
Marfa lights/skeptics
National Geographic special on Crop Circles
1991 Crop Circles


From: Linda.Bird@p0.f8.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: FOX Show
Date: 19 Oct 91 23:14:40 GMT

Hi Jim.

Well, heck! As you know, I didn't see that Fox show, but later when I was
driving over to see the CUFOS photo exhibit, I thought that maybe, just maybe,
a show like this could be useful in getting the subject before the general
public. But if it has as many holes as you say,

> They started to do a fairly credible job on the cover-up, and hit on the
> disinformation angle, then they focus on Lazar, who is Disinformation Suspect
> #1. Didn't anyone tell them there IS no Department of Naval Intelligence?
> Fellow ParaNetters, be prepared for an onslaught of inquiries from your
> friends and neighbors who never thought much about UFOs. All of a sudden
> they're gonna be real interested, and that's good, but they're gonna say to
> you, "Hey, what about that Lazar guy?", and that's bad. Because as soon as
> they find out how squirrely his story is, they're gonna be real
> disillusioned, and we may not get them back.
> What a shame.

Then, you are right -- the general public will now scoff at the whole
subject. Most people do not have the interest nor time to read volumes of
literature, to sort out all the squabbles among ufologists, to JUST WAIT AND
SEE what will develop next! They hear of ONE hoax (such as those Two Old
Coots in England) and they throw their hands up into the air, and say, "See?
It's all a hoax!"

Yet, these same people will blindly believe other things without ever
investigating it or listening to an opposing argument. I speak for myself
here who dared to challenge my family's religious beliefs. But that's another



Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@p0.f8.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Musselwhite@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Musselwhite)
Subject: Roswell
Date: 21 Oct 91 02:55:00 GMT

I am new to Paranet, but I have found nothing in this section about
Roswell, the most dramatic example of what is happening and the most
dramatic example of the government (almost) screwing up. What am I
Steve Musselwhite - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Musselwhite@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: 1991 Crop Circles
Date: 21 Oct 91 03:08:00 GMT

Michael Chorost, Director of North American Circle, P.O. Box 61144
Durham, NC 27715-1144 has just sent me a copy of his latest report
entitled _The Summer 1991 Crop Circles: The Data Emerges_,
published by the Fund for UFO Research, P.O. Box 277, Mt. Ranier,
MD 20712. What follows is extracted from his report.

Marshall Dudley believes he has identified yttrium-88 and bismuth-
205 in soil samples taken from the oval formation at Beckhampton,
U.K. formed on August 2/3, 1991. These are non-naturally occurring
short-lived isotopes, so their presence, once confirmed, will be of
great interest. (Y-88's half-life is 107 days; Bi-205's is 15.3
days.) The samples also registered sky-high alpha/beta particle
readings of 198% / 45% respectively when compared to control
samples. Dudley is a systems engineer for Tennelec/Nucleus of Oak
Ridge, TN, and manufactures gas flow counters, which are
instruments designed to detect extremely minute quantities of alpha
and beta radiation.

Dr. W.C. Levengood, a biophysicist living in Michigan, specializing
in plant and seed development, has also made some remarkable
discoveries. One was that the growth nodes on plants taken from
within authentic circles had become significantly enlarged when
compared to control plants. He hypothesizes that some energy input,
possibly heat, caused the cells in those nodes to swell, causing
lasting but not fatal damage. Mechanically hoaxed circles did not
exhibit the same effect. Secondly, Levengood discovered a high
incidence (40%) of seed malformation in plants taken from the
Newton St. Loe formation, whereas virtually all control seeds were
normal. Thirdly, microscopic examination of the node cells revealed
that the pits in their cell walls had become larger and more
visible. This is what Levengood hypothesizes would occur if
something heated the water inside the cells so rapidly that the
cell walls swelled and forced the pits to expand.

Michael also mentions the plasma vortex quintuplet sets that I have
observed, photographed/video-taped, and previously posted
applicable documentation about on this echo.

There is much more information and substantiation in Michaels
report, which I would be happy to share with those interested.
Michael's conclusions are summarized as follows:
1) The phenomenon induces radiation anomalies. 2) It appears the
plants are heated both rapidly and briefly. 3) Plants are sometimes
scorched, particularly grasses. 4) Plant cell walls swell,
elongating cell wall pits, leaving "stretch marks". 5) Induced
developmental anomalies in seeds. 6) The circles may correlate with
aquifers (water saturated rocks such as chalk and limestone) 7) The
circles do correlate, at least grossly, with ancient megaliths. 8)
The quintuplet may be artificially duplicable. 9) Hoaxes may be
able to be distinguished from genuine circles with laboratory
tests. 10) Some formations may represent or symbolize known
objects. 11) The circles do correlate geographically with some well
documented sightings of unidentified luminous aerial objects.

Thanks Michael, for your admirable achievement...Sheldon

Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Basterfield article
Date: 21 Oct 91 03:09:00 GMT

Hi Keith, and many thanks for your article _UFO Abductees and
Contactees: Psychopathology or Fantasy Proneness?. I haven't had a
chance to read it yet, but will soon, and I'll be back with
questions and comments.

In exchange, I am air-mailing to you tomorrow the latest updated
analyses of the 1991 crop circle season. I think you'll find the
data most intriguing.

Thanks again for your generosity and interest.


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: UFO shows
Date: 21 Oct 91 03:10:00 GMT


BROADCAST DATE: Friday, 27-Oct-91
NETWORK: USA (cable)
PROGRAM TITLE: "Beyond Reality"
STARRING: Shari Belafonte

DETAILS: "Ten years ago, Jenny Lambert's
mother was abducted by a UFO.
Now, they're back."

COMMENTS: Don't expect too much, folks


BROADCAST DATE: Sunday, 24-Nov-91
PROGRAM TITLE: "National Geographic Explorer"

DETAILS: Mike Chorost acted as technical
consultant. He says it's well done, from
an objective perspective.

COMMENTS: Watch it!

Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Roswell
Date: 21 Oct 91 06:27:00 GMT

Ok Steve, go into the the files area and read this file"Roswell.upd" under
the read a textfile online. That is current or ask around you will get a
response on that..
Take Care
Mike Keithly

Mike Keithly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@p0.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Subject: Re: Erol Torun/DMA
Date: 14 Oct 91 20:27:59 GMT

CM> they did their jobs so well. As for the rest of the peranent
CM> Intelligence community, I continue to think that they are potentially
CM> more dangerous to our own liberties than they are to most of our
CM> adversaries.

Naw...just watch the Supreme Court in the coming years ahead, now that
Bush has them all sewn up.

Or just look at the particulars of those ramrodded 'Anti-Crime' bills
which will make your 'liberties' looked like Germany of the '30s. :(

...Why blame Spooks? They just follow orders.

Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@p0.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@p0.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Subject: Re: Micap
Date: 14 Oct 91 20:31:56 GMT

BJ> Steve,

BJ> Duh, I don't know why he doesn't just call, in fact I believe he does
BJ> occasionally call, but mentioned to mesomething about how neat it
BJ> would be to get the echo 'live'. I am a mere babe in the woods in this
BJ> FIDO, net, stuff.

Live!? After all we do to make Memorex tape BETTER than live?? :-)

BJ> --- RemoteAccess 0.03+

Hey...why the outdated software? Try RA 1.01 or QBBS 2.75 or SBBS 1.12

Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@p0.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Crop Circles and spontaneous combustion
Date: 21 Oct 91 14:56:15 GMT

From: Robert Trevelyan <>

Does any one have any information on human spontaneous combustion?
I have just heard the UK BUFORA message number 98 in which Jenny Randles
likens the the energy of such strange events to the energy which is
associated with the creation of crop circles. She even asked if anyone
has any information on spontaneous combustion to contact BUFORA.
I am very interested in this as Jenny Randles has always seemed to have
been in the plasma vortex camp, is this a change of heart.

( BUFORA run a recorded message service call UFOcall on 0898-121886 )
( usually a load of waffle but sometimes is interesting. )

The Doug and Dave hoax was also mentioned and was claimed to have been
started back in about 1976 in Australia and from what I can remember the
Tuly incedent was claimed by them. We all know that this is rubbish but
I am amazed that no-one has challenged D+D yet on this or any of the
other claims they have made with no proof.

It looks as if the desired effect has happened, get a couple of people
to own up to creating the crop circle phenomenon, blast details of it
across the world on the front page of some newspaper, and never come
forward with proof. The majority of people who were skeptical about
the phenomenon have now dismissed the whole thing as a hoax .

I and many other circle researchers are trying to disprove D+D's claims
but it is very difficult to disprove something without exact details of
the circles they claim to have created.
To my knowledge D+D have claimed about 200 but there is no list of which
two hundred.

The farce continues...

Regards, Robert
| The views expressed in this document are not a corporate view |
| nor reflect the views of my employer by any means but are my |
| own personal views on this subject . |
| |
| Robert Trevelyan UKnet: |
| AIX Communications VNET: TREVELR at NHBVM7 |
| Voice: +44-(0)256-56144 |


From: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Our buddy takes flying lessons
Date: 21 Oct 91 02:50:54 GMT

In a message to All <19 Oct 91 10:37> Jim Graham wrote:

JG> This may be old to most of you, but I have a GIF of Phil Klass performing
JG> a feat completely out of character, available for download from my bbs.

Ah-HA! I'm glad to see my favorite deKlassified photo making the rounds...


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Marfa lights/skeptics
Date: 21 Oct 91 17:54:18 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

I'm passing along the following two messages about the Marfa lights from the
Skeptics discussion group.


Sender: SKEPTIC Discussion Group <SKEPTIC%YORKVM1.bitnet@VM.USC.EDU>
Subject: Re: The Marfa Lights
To: Multiple recipients of list SKEPTIC <SKEPTIC@yorkvm1.GE.COM>

Stan Schwarz writes:

+ Does anyone know anything about the Marfa Lights?

All I could find was the enclosed article, written by amateur
astronomer James Long of the Georgia Skeptics, who says he
observed the lights. I found the article on a disk circulated by
our Network of Local Skeptic Groups about six months ago, and am
passing it along without comment. An address for the Georgia
Skeptics is appended.

Jim Kutz (

================= Article by James Long =====================

On Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, 1990, Jeff and I (both college
graduates with engineering degrees) went to the city of Marfa, Texas,
to see the well known Marfa Lights. Several reputable news
broadcasts, including the Texas Eight Reporter (a state-wide TV show)
are supposed to have mentioned the Lights, but I can't vouch for this.

The Marfa Lights have been reported since the 1880's. Apparently, the
majority of the sightings have been along State Highway, a two lane
road leading east from the city. The friendly clerk of a rather
shabby motor lodge in the city supplied us with directions to the
'viewing area'. This turned out to be a parking lot on the south side
of the road, roughly ten miles east of the city. The Texas Highway
Department has installed some fifty feet of parking area and a large
permanent highway marker, indicating the viewing site.

The country-side there is an extremely flat plain, estimated at the
time to be about 20 miles across (see the picture). Rather abruptly,
a ring of mountains (probably about two-three hundred feet high) rose
around the edge of the plain. The only vegetation on the plain were
scrub brush and small cacti, no more than a couple of feet tall.
Although visiblity across the plain was unblocked and excellent, there
was the major disadvantage of completely losing any sense of distance.
Therefore, most distances given here are estimates.

^ North ====================XXX================= Highway
/ \ %% Viewing stand.
| %% /
| C %% /
h %%% /
i %% / Estimated to be about
n M %% / twenty miles, maybe less.
a n %% /
t t %%% /
i s %%%
%%% R - Radio antenna light.

Jeff and I arrived at the viewing site about one hour before sunset.
At that time, there were no cars present, except for mine. We had
brought along some dinner, and we cooked it, while waiting for
darkness. Well before sunset, at least fifteen cars pulled up and
parked. A few people brought chairs, and nearly everyone had
binoculars. One middle-aged lady parked immediately beside my car,
and shortly afterwards joined us in conversation.

The lady said that she had been at the viewing site the night before,
as well, and gave us a few pointers on what to watch for. She pointed
out where a red antenna tower light would be seen (not visible at all
in the day-light), and said that the Lights appeared near the tower,
and could be seen dimly moving clockwise along the mountain. She also
said that some were visible far to the north-west.

About a half hour after sunset, the tower light became visible in the
darkness. A few people began questioning aloud if 'that's one of the
Lights', but were quickly assured that it was not.

However, within just a few minutes (ten at the most), a bright white
(not red like the tower) point of light appeared at the base of the
mountains near the tower, and could obviously be seen to move
clockwise along the mountains. After about ten seconds, (and already
about one third of the way along the mountains) the light disappeared.
In less than a minute, another light appeared and repeated the motions
of the first.

This turned out to be just the beginning. From then until midnight
there was a nearly constant stream of Lights. There were two major
patterns visible to the eye. The first pattern was to appear near the
southern edge of the mountains (near the tower), and move about
halfway to the road and vanish. The second pattern was to appear
about two/thirds of the way to the road (or closer), and to stay
motionless. With both patterns, however, there was still a wide range
of variation. The moving Lights traveled at different speeds
(although movement was always easily visible to the eye), whereas the
stationary Lights tended to blink on and off at regular intervals,
before disappearing.

The Lights themselves appeared about equal in brightness to the tower
light (or perhaps somewhat brighter). They never appeared to be
anything other than mere points of light. They appeared quite similar
to distant car headlights, but were always single to the naked eye.
Car headlights eventually were ruled out as a cause, since reports
have occured for over a century. In addition, the map provided to us
showed no indication of a road on the near side of the mountain.

The lady beside us provided a great deal of entertainment. She
posessed a rather large set of binoculars and kept up a running
commentary of the 'antics' of the Lights. Comments, such as, "That
one there is now rounding the bush!', and 'It's coming straight at
us!' kept us amused for a great deal of the night. With our
binoculars, we still could not distinguish any details at that

Jeff and I had been attending the Texas astronomy party, so I had my
eight-inch diameter Celestron telescope with me. For over an hour, I
was too fascinated by the Lights to even remember the telescope, but
eventually I brought it out of the car and set it up. With this
telescope, the Lights were resolvable into obvious fuzzy round balls,
apparently several feet in diameter.

The telescope verified several observations, and provided several more
discoveries. The most significant observation was that the lights
truly were all the way to the mountains. The view through the
telescope allowed each viewer to verify that the lights were passing
behind rocks and cliffs ON the mountain side. Indeed, many, but by no
means most, of the blinking observed was due to a Light passing behind
a rock and being eclipsed by it. The light shed from the Marfa Light
was more than enough to illuminate the rock wall behind the light.
Rocks to the front were obvious from their silhouettes.

A fascinating discovery from the telescope was that several of the
balls were doublets. Often, a single light would appear, and about
fifteen to thirty seconds later, a second, identical light appeared
right beside the first. Indistinguishable with the naked eye, these
balls were obvious pairs through the telescope. These balls would
then begin varying in brightness, one going dim while the other
brightened, and then the first brightening while the second dimmed.
After eight to ten cycles, the balls would usually split up, and
separate into two naked eye pairs. This easily ruled out car

One item I found rather disturbing was that whenever another car
arrived (people kept arriving for several hours into the night), the
watchers already present acted like tour guides for the occult. The
newcomers were quickly treated to a lecture by people that had
received the same lecture themselves no more than twenty minutes
earlier. To my small dismay, Jeff and I fell quite naturally into the
'pro' mode. Having been at the viewing site since before dark, we
made a point of describing all we had seen that night. We never,
thankfully, went so far as the lady next to us, who eagerly
attribruted conscious thought to the movements.

About midnight, the lights tapered off and came to a halt. In all,
there had been lights nearly constantly visible for about four hours.
Rarely was there NOT a light visible, and a good deal of the time,
three, four or sometimes five lights were seen at once.

On the ride back to the campsite, we tried to check the distance to
the mountains. However, after driving about eight miles, our road
turned off to the north. We estimated that we had come less than half
way to the mountains.

In short, watching the Lights was fascinating. All of the suggested
natural causes were quickly ruled out from their appearences. However,
I eventually decided that I really didn't care what caused them. They
were pretty to watch, and provided me with my most interesting
vacation in years.

James Long, Georgia Skeptics


For further information, contact the Georgia Skeptics through the
Astronomical Society of the Atlantic BBS at (404) 985-04-8, or
telephone (404) 493-6857 and leave a message as to how you can
be contacted, or write:

Georgia Skeptics
P.O. Box 654
Norcross, Georgia 30091


Sender: SKEPTIC Discussion Group <SKEPTIC%YORKVM1.bitnet@VM.USC.EDU>
From: Hal Finney <ghsvax!hal%UUNET.UU.NET@VM.USC.EDU>
Subject: The Marfa Lights
X-To: skeptic@uunet.UU.NET
To: Multiple recipients of list SKEPTIC <SKEPTIC@yorkvm1.GE.COM>

I spent the summer of 1976 living with my parents in Midland, Texas.
I heard about the Marfa lights from co-workers, and decided to drive
down to see them. I only went once and just was there for a few
hours, so this isn't a comprehensive observation by any means.

My observations were not at all in accord with those of James Long of
the Georgia Skeptics. Now, I may not have been at exactly the same
viewing location. I was on the state highway east of Marfa, as was
Long. And the view was the same, looking south across a basically
flat plain to a range of low mountains many miles away. But I may
have been at a different spot on the highway. I just picked a turnoff
area on my own, without having received specific directions about any
particular place. At that time the lights were mostly a local
phenomenon and hadn't received as much publicity as they have now.

The lights I observed differed in two ways from what Long saw. First,
they were stationary; and second, they were exactly on the horizon.
Each light was white, like a headlight seen from many miles away. But
they didn't move. A light would appear, be visible for a minute or
two, and then fade away over several seconds. A few minutes later
another light would appear at a different spot. Sometimes there might
be two or three lights visible at once.

By the horizon, I mean the visual line between the mountains and the
sky. That is where all of the lights appeared. There was no way to
judge the distance to the lights but it was natural to assume that
they came from at or beyond the mountains. They did not appear at the
base of the mountains and certainly didn't appear on the plain between
the mountains and the road, as the lights Long saw did.

My feeling at the time was that this was an effect of atmospheric
refraction, perhaps caused by a layer of warmer or cooler air near the
ground. I felt that this was a kind of mirage, in which we were
seeing a distant source of light that was being refracted and focussed
as it passed grazingly over the mountains.

Because of the fact that the lights lasted a minute or two, and
because they are reported to have appeared for over a hundred years,
my feeling was that I was seeing focussed starlight. I had also been
told that the lights would not appear if it was overcast. Due to the
earth's rotation, stars would be continually rising, and at different
times it seemed possible that different stars would be in position to be
made visible by an atmospheric effect. Perhaps the topography of the
mountains was such that some kind of lensing could occur. Rising
stars would then move through the focus points of the many different
possible lensing positions along the mountains.

Whether this explanation is correct or not, I am puzzled by the
differences from what Long saw. Also, Unsolved Mysteries did a show on
the Marfa lights last year, and I felt that what they showed was
identical to what I saw. Their lights were stationary and on the
horizon. They certainly didn't move and didn't appear partway between
the mountains and the roads. I wonder if Long is the victim of some
kind of local prank? Either that, or what I saw (and what the people
from Unsolved Mysteries saw) weren't the real Marfa lights.

Hal Finney


Subject: National Geographic special on Crop Circles
Date: 21 Oct 91 19:35:38 GMT

From: Mike Dobbs <>

The National Geographic Society will present a special on the crop
circle phenomenon on November 24 at 9pm EST/6pm PST on the cable
network TBS or WTBS. The NGS did considerable filming of the crop
circles this past summer. Those of you who subscribe to National
Geographic magazine will find that they are advertising this show
on the slip cover for the issue that was sent out last week.

Mike Dobbs / Internet:


From: Jim.Dritsas@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Dritsas)
Subject: Hello!
Date: 22 Oct 91 06:55:00 GMT

Hello there everyone! I am a new user here, and I would just like to
introduce myself! I am calling a little north of the border, from Toronto,
Ontario (CANADA). Anyways, I'm glad to be a member, it looks like a
spectacular system.

Well, now the only thing that would be nice was if I lived in Colarado, so
I didn't have to pay any long distance charges!

Well, gota go, running out of time! See you all later!

Jim D.

Jim Dritsas - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Dritsas@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: 1991 Crop Circles
Date: 21 Oct 91 06:50:09 GMT

SW> samples. Dudley is a systems engineer for Tennelec/Nucleus of Oak
SW> Ridge, TN, and manufactures gas flow counters, which are
SW> instruments designed to detect extremely minute quantities of alpha
SW> and beta radiation.

Is this the same Marshall Dudley who wrote the program "
DoorWay"? He also
lives in Tennessee... Interesting, I just spoke with him on the phone.

SW> Dr. W.C. Levengood, a biophysicist living in Michigan, specializing
SW> in plant and seed development, has also made some remarkable
SW> discoveries. One was that the growth nodes on plants taken from
SW> within authentic circles had become significantly enlarged when
SW> compared to control plants. He hypothesizes that some energy input,
SW> possibly heat, caused the cells in those nodes to swell, causing
SW> lasting but not fatal damage. Mechanically hoaxed circles did not
SW> exhibit the same effect. Secondly, Levengood discovered a high

How were they able to tell the difference between "
real" and mechanically
hoaxed circles?

SW> scorched, particularly grasses. 4) Plant cell walls swell,
SW> elongating cell wall pits, leaving "
stretch marks". 5) Induced
SW> developmental anomalies in seeds. 6) The circles may correlate with
SW> aquifers (water saturated rocks such as chalk and limestone) 7) The
SW> circles do correlate, at least grossly, with ancient megaliths. 8)
SW> The quintuplet may be artificially duplicable. 9) Hoaxes may be
SW> able to be distinguished from genuine circles with laboratory
SW> tests. 10) Some formations may represent or symbolize known
SW> objects. 11) The circles do correlate geographically with some well
SW> documented sightings of unidentified luminous aerial objects.

SW> Thanks Michael, for your admirable achievement...Sheldon

Sounds very interesting, and finally, something solid along the lines of
changes in cell structure!"


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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