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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 483

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 483 

Tuesday, October 1st 1991

Today's Topics:

More On Crop Circles
Stanton T. Friedman
Los Angeles To License Psychics?
UFO Events Calendar
Corder posting
Bentwater,Uk On Unsolved Mysteries
Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
Ufology Quiz #2
Re: Kansas disappearances
Re: Implants
Alleged tunnel borer


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: More On Crop Circles
Date: 30 Sep 91 03:34:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from David M. Schiff
* Originally dated 09-29-91 17:51

From: schiffd@cs.Colorado.EDU (David M. Schiff)
Date: 29 Sep 91 19:19:17 GMT
Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Computer Science
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors

I recently attended a presentation on the crop circle phenomenon put on
by two locals who became interested and conducted their own research by
travelling to England, seeing the circles themselves and talking to
researchers there. They also obtained many amazing photographs which
formed the core of the presentaion.
Among the things they said:

1) Concerning Doug and Dave -- The original story only claimed they had
faked about 200 circles, not all of them. The news service that supplied
the story is a fake and the town given is supposedly used by
MI5 to plant disinformation stories. There was also supposedly a
meeting of the National Security Council on the circles. Nobody knows
what went on at the meeting.
Yeah, I know, there's a conspiracy behind every rock - I'm just reporting:-)

2a) There's a loss of phototropism in the plants inside a real circle.
Actually she (Kit) said last year the plants would stay bent over and
continue to grow whereas this year the original stem would stay
bent but a new shoot would grow skyward. Nevertheless it seems
it should be a simple matter to separate the fakes from the "real"
circles by merely observing them over some time interval to see
if the stems try to right themselves or not. She said this
was in fact observed.

2b) The seed heads of the plants inside the circles don't contain
any seeds!!

3) Some sort of crystallographic analysis was done on cross-sections of
plants taken from both inside & outside a circle. They displayed slides
which showed very marked differences. exactly what was done or how, or
how many samples were examined, etc. was not mentioned and I don't think
they knew.
Interestingly, she said that while there were many physical scientists
over there weren't any biologists involved. It would seem to me that
biological analysis of the plants could be very important.

4) This past summer, Japanese researchers cordoned off a field with
burglar detection equipment over night. The next morning when the
fog lifted there was a "circle" in the field. Infrared detectors
didn't detect any bodies in the field.

5) They had a slide of one pictogram which was supposedly verified as
being a perfect Mandelbrot set. I don't know anything about Mandelbrot
sets but one gentleman in the audience did and was very impressed.

I must say I take all this with a very large grain of salt, but nevertheless
found the photographic evidence to be quite impressive. If hoaxers are
doing it I take my hat off to them.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Stanton T. Friedman
Date: 30 Sep 91 03:39:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from Michael Corbin
* Originally dated 09-29-91 20:37

For those interested and in the Colorado area:

MICAP (Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena) will host
Stanton T. Friedman, a leading nuclear physicist and UFO lecturer, for two
conferences scheduled for Sunday, October 27, 1991, at the Glen Miller East
Ballroom at CU in Boulder starting at 7:00 P.M., and October 28, 1991, at the
Lindsey Auditorium at DU in Denver starting at 8:00 P.M.

As many of you know, Stan is considered to be very well informed on various
matters concerning UFO research. He has been featured on numerous national
television programs, the latest on the Ron Reagan show.

If you wish further information, contact me voice at 303-431-8796, or email me


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Los Angeles To License Psychics?
Date: 30 Sep 91 03:45:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Paranormal"
* Originally from Kevin D. Quitt
* Originally dated 09-25-91 17:54

From: (Kevin D. Quitt)
Date: 25 Sep 91 18:33:43 GMT
Organization: 3D systems, inc. Valencia CA
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.paranormal

The Los Angeles Police Commission, in an effort to reduce the fraud
perpetrated on the public (to the tune of several million dollars a year
in Los Angeles) by crooks using soothsaying as a front, has recommended
to the L.A. City Council that the city charge a $450 license fee for
soothsayers, so that they can be registered and regulated.

The Police Commision report notes that one difficulty in the
licensing is that it is not possible to tell "true psychics from fake

Kevin D. Quitt srhqla!venus!kdq
3D systems, inc. 26081 Avenue Hall Valencia, CA 91355
VOICE (805) 295-5600 x430 FAX (805) 257-1200

96.37% of all statistics are made up.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Deane.Ward@p0.f8.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Deane Ward)
Subject: question?
Date: 28 Sep 91 17:07:07 GMT

Hi Jim:
I have both taped conversations that would interest you. I have the Art Bell
program with John and the interview with George Green. Without too much delay
I will get them to you. I would like any information you might share with me
on the Mount Shasta report ofn UFOs that was reported just a few days ago. I
heard a reference to this incident last night Sept 27th. on the Art Bell talk
show. Either the report was made during the first hour of his program that is
not carried on KTAR or that was the half-hour or so that I decided to sleep.
I did talk to Chuck Christian and gave him the information that he wanted. I
hope that you have heard from him by now. If not I'm sure you will in the near
Am driving myself crazy doing some (lots) of comparative records and am going
nuts. (More than usual, anyway.) Have finished the first volume of my first
project and preparing to start the second one.
The second prediction by Green, that the Mideast controversy would erupt again
began Thursday the day after he did hit exactly the earthquake on the 17th.
He did err in the intensisy of the quake. He thought it would be between 8 and
10 on the SCALE. It was only 5.1.
Interesting though. Continuing to monitor and see what else I can find. Tried
the shortwave he said he was active in discussions with his alien friend but
have come up with blanks so far.
Still its interesting!
Tell Mary Hi, and best regards,
Deane Ward (Norma) on radio. It creates less problems that way.

Deane Ward - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Deane.Ward@p0.f8.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: UFO Events Calendar
Date: 28 Sep 91 17:32:00 GMT

> * The following are some upcoming events that will focus on UFOs. I
> * share this with you in the hopes that the more people that know the
> * truth, that the truth will be known by more people. I am in no
> * way involved with any of these events and share this for information
> * purposes only. If you know of other UFO-type events, I welcome email
> * in this regards. Enjoy.
> *********************************

Thank you, David. A regular posting like this is very needed here.

> Nov sometime CUFOS
> Santa Barbara Center for Humanistic Studies
> Santa Barbara, CA 93190-1611
They're doing another one? Great! The first one was excellent!
> Col. R. O. Dean, USA, SHAPE UFO Commission
Is this how Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean was listed? Interesting....


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Micap
Date: 30 Sep 91 21:05:00 GMT

> There have been some messages back and forth recently about
> MICAP -- I don't have my copy of News.Asc handy, but thought you might
> want to post a general info message on the boards so people will know
> what MICAP is. (One thought it was a military thing!)

Well, it is a bit early for an announcement network-wide, but here goes...

MICAP is an acronym for the Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on
Aerial Phenomena. It was founded in April of this year to address the growing
need for objective, scientific study of the UFO enigma. It was fashioned in a
similar fashion after the old NICAP (National Investigative Committee on
Aerial Phenomena) which was a well-known group headed by the late Major Donald
Keyhoe. Keyhoe's ambitions were not fully realized because of a series of
events that took place within his organization. MICAP will organize a global
effort at focused research, the establishment of approved scientific and
investigative standards, among other things, which will bring about a
cooperative among the various existing, reecognized groups. We have solicited
the cooperation of a number of groups and will be making a formal announcement
in the near future.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Corder posting
Date: 30 Sep 91 21:21:00 GMT

The following is the report on Dr. Scott Corder, whom we featured in our
International Predictions Registry some time ago. Keep in mind that ParaNet
heavily disclaimed this material from the start as our investigation into
this matter yielded considerable unreliable information. It is posted for
your information only.

(C) 1991 ParaNet(sm) Information Service. All Rights Reserved.
ParaNet File Number: 00117

DATE OF UPLOAD: June 30, 1989
CONTRIBUTED BY: Michael Corbin and Jim Speiser

By Michael Corbin
ParaNet Director

DENVER, CO--Recently ParaNet placed a file in it's News
Library concerning Dr. Scott Corder and his on going battle with
the medical authorities in the state of Kansas over his 'strange
beliefs' about UFOs. According to the article (31789KS.UFO), Dr.
Corder came to fame after claiming to be in contact with an
'Amorcan' named 'Peter' who claims to represent the 'good side of
the force.' This relationship between Dr. Corder and Peter has
yielded some highly controversial material, which you will see,
has been instrumental in his medical license being revoked and
his career as a medical doctor stopped short. What little
background that we have on this thus far seems to indicate that
Dr. Corder and a confident, Donna Butts, have had some prophetic
and apocalyptic revelations told to them by this entity known as
the Apostle Peter.

I recently interviewed Dr. Corder by telephone at his home
and he told me what has led up to this point. What I found
particularly interesting was the story that he told me about how
he came to the attention of the Medical Review Board for the
State of Kansas. Dr. Corder was an investigator for CUFOS and
was contacted by them to investigate Donna Butts' story of having
alien contact. Upon contacting Ms. Butts, Dr. Corder began to
become involved in what was taking place between Ms. Butts and
'Peter.' He began to become concerned when he was told that
President Bush could be in danger of an assassination attempt in
late 89. He was instructed by 'Peter' to send this information
to the White House and he was shortly contacted by the FBI and
investigated for providing this information. During the course
of the investigation, the FBI notified the Kansas State Medical
Board and Dr. Corder was ordered to undergo psychiatric
examination in Topeka, Kansas immediately or his license to
practice medicine would be revoked without further notice. Dr.
Corder did attend one evaluation and was ordered to attend a
second one. He refused at this point citing that it was a
violation of his privacy. Shortly after that his license to
practice medicine was revoked. I asked him if he had had any
complaints of malpractice and he told me no. In response to all
of the publicity that Dr. Corder had been receiving, People
Magazine contacted him about doing a story on his contact. Dr.
Corder agreed, however shortly after that, People Magazine
withdrew citing that they had been contacted by government agents
and told to "shelve the story." At the time of this writing,
this has not been verified, but we will check this out. Dr.
Corder sounded very sincere, however the nature of the
revelations are very apocalyptic and remind one of Biblical
prophecy. A full story on this case will be provided following
the investigation by ParaNet.

What follows are a list of predictions that were sent to
ParaNet concerning the future according to 'Peter.' Please note
the UFO and UFO related predictions that are made and how they
relate to the environmental and economic predictions. Before
reading this material, it is suggested that you familiarize
yourself with the article mentioned above so that you may get a
better background about Dr. Corder. ParaNet is also conducting
an investigation into the nature and content of the material. At
this time, we are rating this as highly unreliable and
unsubstantiated and wish our readers to understand that until the
investigation is complete, this material must be viewed with a
high level of skepticism and caution. Again, the nature of this
material is highly controversial and ParaNet does not make any
warranties about it's truth. We will continue to update this
material as it becomes available. Your comments are welcomed.


Current Prophecies: written on June 11, 89


1. Oklahoma earthquake (4.0 to 6.0) soon, probably before Aug.
2. New leader of Iran, new [Iattola, ibid.], is worse than
first. Small war breaks out in Persian Gulf, USA is involved.
3. Probable attempt on President's life in August. 89, if he is
in the southeastern USA during that month.
4. Huge earthquake located on Kansas/Missouri stateline now to
late Aug. 89.
5. Ivan comes to USA in 89 and easing into power in Russia in
late 89. Ivan is the False Prophet. [ed. note: We are
attempting to find out who 'Ivan' is.]
6. Dormant volcano erupts in Hawaii in 89.
7. Hurricane in Gulf of Mexico in 89, UNPARALLELED!
8. Events to bring the Bush Administration down in late 89.
Possible nuclear warhead? Nicaragua involvement?
9. Limited nuclear exchange between now and March, 1991.
10. Government in trouble with evil ET's. Comes to us for help
in 89.

89 and/or 90

11. Giant earthquake in China. Late 89 or early 90.
12. New oil reserves in US in 89 and 90.
12a. Space shuttle of USA is intercepted and retained by UFO in
89 or 90. Released after several hours. Causes panic. All
defense locations shut down during interception. Same thing
happens with Russia later the same year.


13. Bob Dole, of Russell, Ks., becomes the next, greatest and
last president of the United States. Temporary "white house"
set up in Russell. Russell bombed and Dole escapes.
14. Governments acknowledge UFOs in late 89 or early 90.
15. Open contact with governments by Amorcans, (The Good ET's or
16. Earthquake in California--unbelievable!
17. Contact with government by Creasians, the evil ET's or
Angels, is revealed.
18. Stock market crash, again.
19. New virus killer reaches USA. Hideous sores with most
people susceptible.
20. Cures for arthritis, cancer, M.S. very probable.
20a. Nuclear plants in Russia and USA experience nearly
simultaneous explosions.
21. More fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and devastating
weather patterns [excalate, ibid.] by two witnesses for God.
22. Ozone becomes worse and by 91 temp. rise of 10 to 30 degrees
around the world.
23. Russia closing seaports and war begins.

1990 to 91

24. Pollution in streams and rivers and finally oceans, so bad
that sea life explodes, turning water to blood.
25. Food shortages and radiation sickness in USA. Result of
drought and limited nuclear strike between Nicaragua and USA.
26. True Anti-Christ arising.
27. Rioting and panic, caused by stock markets, droughts,
unemployment, food shortages, and UFOs.
28. Land masses, (small islands), simply disappearing. 90-93.


29. People killing and burning those with new virus. At first,
quarantined, then destroyed.
30. Easing out of fossil fuel.
31. Floods begin from melting icebergs, into 1992, from increase
in temperatures around the world.


32. New economy and temporary prosperity set up by Anti-Christ
when he takes power.
33. Creasians, the Darkside Et's or evil angels, activating
subconscious programming of subjects, causing insanity and
instantaneous combustion.
34. S.D.I. deployed in defense of world against UFOs, but
ineffective even with countries working together.

Note: These prophecies were received by Donna between about
March, 87, to February, 88.



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Sudduth@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Sudduth)
Subject: Bentwater,Uk On Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 1 Oct 91 05:15:00 GMT

> > Also, one of the most interesting facts about this case was the time lag
> > of one of the observer's shadow on the UFO from the background lights.
> > He noticed that his shadow had about a half second delay lagging behind
> > his movements (suggesting some sort of time displacement?????)
>What an extremely specific and painstaking observation to make
>when one is in the presence of a UFO....where'dya hear this

"Wallace and the men with him walked around the object and noticed
an interesting effect. Their own shadows were cast onto the object,
probably by the bright "
light-alls" in the field. Not only did
their shadows bend upwards at the head, but as they walked and the
stopped, the shadows would appear to advance one pace more and then

-Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood
page 216 about the Rendlesham Forest case.

(I guess my memory fabricated the half second delay - but it does
sound like some sort of delay!)
Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Implants
Date: 1 Oct 91 05:27:00 GMT

JS> $200,000???????????? HEY DAVE! CAN I HELP??????!!!!

And to think some people still believe ufology isn't lucrative!

BTW, I also understand that David and Budd are going to begin
travelling around the country teaching regressive hypnosis. Pretty
neat stuff coming from an artist and history professor.

But what do I know, I'm a pharmacist/jeweler.

I still have to talk to you about a few things, Jim. I'll try to
call you again soon.


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
Date: 1 Oct 91 05:32:19 GMT

From: (David Jones)

* I share this with you in the hopes that the more people that know the *
* truth, that the truth will be known by more people. *

I recently attended the Whole Life Expo in San Jose. Richard Hoagland took
part in two talks and one panel discussion, which he moderated. He indicated
that he was now revealing information that he had never before revealed. I
share with you my notes. I present this with the knowledge that in order
to fully understand this material; in order to be able to corroborate or
disprove what he claims, you must first review the evidence that he presents.
This which I state should be obvious but, as I have woefully discovered, many
readers of this will jump to conclusions before doing their homework. I
apologize for any redundancy and pray you will forgive my incompleteness.
Any discrepancies are most likely my misunderstanding rather than Richard's

There is a new paradigm of man`s origins currently evolving in our
consciousness on this planet. Up until now, we have had 2 choices:
Creationism (whatever the Bible says has to be true) and Evolution (Darwinism:
we evolved out of some primordial soup). This new paradigm, as the Sumerians
of Sitchen indicated, is that we came from the Heavens (meaning other planets
in other star systems), a sort of extra-galactic Darwinism. Richard used
phrases like: '... mitocondrial DNA scientists ...' " and "... self-reflective
dimensional expansion' to describe this idea. Using the photographs from the
Mars mission, with 150 foot per pixel resolution, and using techno-hacker
wizardry, he shows that we are in the process of matriculating into racial
maturity. He has created a gorgeous video (currently available) created from
the stills of the Mars mission and made into three dimensional fly-bys of
the face, the pyramids and the city. He quotes Zechariah Sitchen 'someone
is meddling ...'.

In order to completely realize the possible truth of the material presented
in his discussions, you should understand tetrahedral geometry and it's
associated simple trigonometry. Tetrahedral geometry only works with a
360 degree system with 60 minutes of arc and 60 seconds per minute. In
addition, 12 is a fundamental aspect of this system. Richard Hoagland used
two universal constants and their ratio, in order to substantiate his claims.
These two numbers are pi (3.14) and e, the base of natural logarithms
(2.72), and the resulting ratio: e/pi ~= 0.865.

For instance. it you take the slope of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and
divide it by the 60 degrees, it's top angle, you get 0.865. This is
replicated for the pyramids on Mars. Through tetrahedral geometry, he shows
how we are converging on an Universal Geometry. Tetrahedral geometry is what
we have in a 360 degree circle and that which gives us 24 hours in a day,
both with with 60 minutes and 60 seconds. Whoever built the Egyptian
pyramid, had the same knowledge as whoever it was that built the face and the
city on Mars. The Martians used a 360 degree system. Sitchen shows that
the ancient Sumerians (c. 8500 BC) used the 360 degree system and counted
minutes and degrees of arc by 60's, just like the Martians. The Martian year
is equivalent to 687 Earth days. The Fibonacci spiral is a tetrahedral
mathematic. Follow the numbers and follow the logic.....

The Egyptian Pyramids are made of calcium carbonate which has an internal
structure that is exactly like the structure of the pyramid (in Egypt) itself.
There are 20,000 books written on the Egyptian pyramids. It is located 5' 30'
of direct North. This is caused by tektonic plate movements (otherwise it
would be direct north). The plate that it sits on moves an approximate
maximum of 1' arc every 45,000 years. This means that it would take about
247,000 years to get to it's present position. The mean arc location is 4'
which gives about 180,000 years or, an estimation that the pyramids in Egypt
were REALLY build about 214,000 years ago (give or take). The pyramids (in
Egypt) were weathered by water, not wind. This is an intentional
misinterpretation by scholars so as not to get into trouble with their
colleagues and not challenge western religions. The Sphinx dates to a time
to before when the Sahara was desert.

The land forms found on Mars are NOT those done by Nature. The angles formed
by the pyramids are impossible for nature to create. There are too many
variations on the e/pi constant. Even the latitude on Mars where the city/
face/pyramid are found is a function of e/pi. He spent several hours creating
an exquisite mathematical trail showing that the pyramid on Mars, the
pyramid at Gizeh and, co-equivalently, the Sphinx in Egypt, are all more than
200,000 years old. More specifically, about 217,000 +/- 15,000 years. It
is impossible for me to go into all the details, but he had people from 3
different professions, all working independently and unknown to the others,
who had all come to the same conclusions in regards to the age of the Egyptian
pyramids. The D & M pyramid (on Mars) is self-referential (it knows where it
is). It is located at 30 degree North latitude just like the Egyptian pyramid
on Earth..

Mars has two carbon moons. The planet Mars does not contain this carbon. The
moons appear to be asteriods that the Martians, using technology that is
available to us today, moved into Martian orbit and, apparently, to mine.
The two moons are in perfect circular orbits around Mars. Phobos is spiraling
inward toward Mars. The density of Phobos is 1.95 which means that 30% is
missing, or hollowed out, or mined. Richard believes that the Soviets covered
up the truth of this by saying that it was a UFO that grabbed up their
spacecraft and by so doing, knew that the mainstream press would not touch
the story. The Russians probably have close up photos of extraterrestrial
artifacts (a Martain monkey wrench?) and Marina Popovich went around the world
and spread false rumors to put the nail in the coffin in order to cover-up
the Truth. The Phobos orbit is 20 Km off true circular, due to it's decaying
orbit. If it were circular to begin with, it would have taken 217,000 years
to cause it to be off course at it's present rate. Something disruptive
happened on Mars at that time (217,000 years ago). Something attacked the
city there. The Egyptian word for Shinx means, the ending, inferring
an ending of one thing (Martain civilization) -- a beginning somewhere else
(planet Earth).

He speaks of the Nephalim, 'Those who were cast down', or "Giants" and by
so indicating he infers that there was a war of some sort on Mars about
about 217,000 years ago and that they `escaped' to planet Earth.

The ratio of the Earth to it's moon is .272. The moon takes 27.32 (Earth)
days to orbit the Earth. It should be 27.2. If we interpolate the difference
and how much the Earth's moon is moving away, we get 200,000 years ago for
our moon to be the 27.2 he speaks of. Was OUR moon put there by
extraterrestrials that escaped to this planet to mine? Will we find
extraterrestrial artifacts on our own moon? (Maybe we already have?)

Carl Sagan and Richard Hoagland used to be friends. In public, Sagan says
that this information is nonsense, but in private, he says something quite

Richard indicated that he will read anything that will bring him even 1
data point closer to the Truth.

Original cassette tapes of the above may be obtained from the Whole Life
Expo tape people (email me for the number).

Video tapes of the above presentations, and more information on this may be
obtained from Richard Hoagland's organization, The Mars Mission (they publish a
quarterly journal entitled Martian Horizons) from:

The Mars Mission
P.O. Box 123
Danville, CA 94526-0123

* COMING NEXT: My discussions with Wendelle Stevens regarding Grey *
* aliens from the Reticulum Star cluster and his playing of a *
* cassette tape of the sounds of one of their space ships. *

David W. Jones OR


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Ufology Quiz #2
Date: 1 Oct 91 03:15:00 GMT

Hi Everyone:

Ready for the next Quiz??

Who said:

"I've been flying now for 44 years, and I'm the last guy that's going
to say I don't believe they're [UFO's] up there. I've never seen one,
but when Air Force pilots, Navy pilots, Airline pilots tell me they see
something come up on their wing that wasn't an airplane, I have to
believe them."

DATE: November, 1973.


Linda Bird

Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Shaffer)
Subject: Re: Kansas disappearances
Date: 1 Oct 91 07:37:00 GMT

I tend to avoid tabloid television, so I didn't see that story.

It's odd that Scott Corder wouldn't say where they were, but then the story
came out in the newspapers that they were going to Israel.

Jim Shaffer - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Re: Implants
Date: 1 Oct 91 15:32:03 GMT


To: Sheldon Wernikoff: You and Keith refered to David Pritchard's paper on
the Price implant case. You maybe should write David directly about this
case; I don't know his email address. Write to him at the Dept. of Physics,
MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139. Mention my name and Paranet. I could also send
you a copy of the TREAT report if you give me your address, but probably it
is best to get it from him. His opinion which is also stated in the report
is that the penile implant can be explained as earthly material. One point
is that there is a whole zoo of exotic manmade and natural materials being
discovered or revealed when studied with the new ultra-magnification
instruments which will make it more difficult to 'prove' that alleged
implants are alien. It seems like the more new kinds of 'evidence' about
the UFO phenomenon we uncover (like implants and crop circles) the harder
it becomes to prove an alien cause.

I look forward to getting Jacobs book. I know he had a hard time getting a
publisher for it. I don't believe Dave has the time or inclination to
run the Abduction echo. Perhaps Mike should consider getting someone else
to run it.

Dave Webb


Subject: Alleged tunnel borer
Date: 1 Oct 91 15:32:53 GMT

From: (Fraering Philip G)

Might it be possible that one of you people could put the pictures
in electronic format and post?

Phil Fraering

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