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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 491

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 491 

Monday, October 21st 1991

Today's Topics:

Special Rel
Pritchs paper
Math On Mars
Re: Weird Night On Halloween
Re: crop circle researchers
Fragments of information
FOX Show
Re: Dr. Fredrick Bell
Special Rel
Fragments Of (mis)Information
Fox Show
Our buddy takes flying lessons
Jupiter as Second Sun


Subject: Time
Date: 16 Oct 91 17:34:31 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

+ But is time a universal *constant*? Is its rate of change (progress) the
+ same everywhere in the universe? What proofs do we have for this
+ assumption? Following onto this, if time is *not* a universal constant, how
+ granular can 'time-flow zones' be? (E.g.: Does the Andromeda galaxy go...

I remember a physics problem I had in college in which we were to write a
grant application for two people to travel around the world and visit lots
of exotic locations - all for the purpose of physics.

The answer was that if you had two highly stable clocks perfectly
synchronized to each other in the same place, and then send them in
opposite directions around the world, staying close to the equator, and
if you take your time doing this, then when you bring them back together
they will disagree. This all follows from fairly fundamental relativistic
considerations of the space-time metric in a rotating frame. I remember
that it wasn't one of the the tougher problems in that course....

You know, I bet you _could_ get a Hydrogen maser in a suitcase these days...


Subject: Special Rel
Date: 16 Oct 91 17:35:26 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

+ had just published his Theory of Special Relativity :-) ] I remember
+ thinking how odd it was that time was a constant in the equations. Einstein
+ had assumed that he had proven that lightspeed (c) could not be exceeded.
+ In my ignorance, it seemed to me that a variable rate of *time* could

BTW, Clark, time is not a constant in the STR. Time is a quantity which is
transformed between reference frames - especially if those two frames
are moving fast with respect to each other. This has been experimentally
confirmed every which way. For example, if you flew by me at high
speeds, I would see your clock ticking more slowly than my identical
clock. The flow of time is _not_ a law of nature - the speed of light
IS (i.e. not dependent on reference frame).

I maintain that to build an FTL ship you need some new physics - not
just a loophole in STR.


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Pritchs paper
Date: 17 Oct 91 03:24:00 GMT

Hello David,

It is important for all of us to be aware of the fact that
researcher David E. Pritchard, of the prestigious Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, is intrepid enough to come forward and
help lay the foundation for alien artifact analysis. Although
sometimes criticized by his colleagues, he remains undaunted in his
quest for the truth.

I agree with Pritchard when he asserts that what may be more
important than the artifact itself is the artifact's "pedigree".
That is, the account of how the artifact came to be discovered, and
corroboration of the statement by other witnesses. I feel that the
pedigree concept holds true for UFO photographs as well.

Performance is one way Pritchard feels an object might be able to
be ascertained as a product of alien technology. He gives the
example of finding a piece of structural material 25 times the
strength and stiffness of the best man made materials. What about
finding something like transparent aluminum?

Composition is another aspect of differentiation Pritchard touches
upon. Isotopic variance in an artifact from earthly natural
abundance would be an intriguing find. For example, finding a piece
of pure carbon that contains 100% of an isotope that only composes
.0001% of terrestrial carbon atoms would be most difficult to

Pritchard also writes about the possible significance of
submicroscopic structures, but warns that many earthly materials
have very strange looking arrangements at the submicron level.
Hence, caution must be used.

In conclusion, Pritchard notes that the most important aspect of
the entire analytical process is the reproducibility of results,
which I agree with wholeheartedly. I personally believe that as
yet, no artifacts analyzed have yielded results that would even
come close to satisfying Pritchard's requirements. (Of course, if
there was free access to some of that Roswell material {if that
exists}, things could change rather dramatically.)

Thanks again Dave for supplying that article.

Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Math On Mars
Date: 18 Oct 91 05:54:00 GMT

Dan Drasin said;

> Don, I attended her talk in Tucson, and did hear her mention the
> Phobos incident. She also showed one of the infamous photos,
> although, as I recall, this was to the people who gathered around
> her after the talk. I could be mistaken, but I believe you were out
> front at the UFO magazine booth during at least some of her talk,
> and therefore might not have caught the mention.

I did not hear Popovich's entire speech, so you very well may be right.

> Hoagland was on to Sitchin (sic) and his material as early as 1984.
> I'm not aware of his being considered a 'mentor,' however. Hoagland
> and I agree to disagree about many things (and particularly about
> how to present them!) but, imho, he has done important work and
> should be given credit where due.

No one is attempting to take anything from Hoagland, however he should not
speak on things that he does not know anything about.

I said with a very HEAVY DOSE OF SARCASM;

> + Earl Torun. Torun does work for the Defense Mapping Agency, my
> + heavan, must be CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, NRO, etc. Take your pick.

Dan, what you may not be aware of is the reason for my perhaps poor outburst.
Back in August I was a guest on Chuck Harder's For The People Network, and I
spoke about my research into Popovich and what she told me from a Soviet
perspective on their Mars Phobos mission. Several days later Hoagland came on
the program and after trashing Harder on several statements he (Harder) made
on an alleged asteroid story that a listener sent Harder, Hoagland proceeded
to attack Popovich as "someone spreading noise about Mars that was all
disinformation, to cover up what really went on there."
Then Hoagland, with
nothing for proof other than his mouth, accused Popovich of being KGB. Now, I
can not with 100 percent say she is not, but I will be damned if he can say
she is. If you are going to accuse someone, then by God let us see Richard's
proof. I addressed this on Harder's program over a week ago, and what I said
was "if we use Hoaglands reasoning, that Popovich is KGB because she is a
retired USSR Air Force Colonel, then using that reasoning, one could say that
Hoagland and Torun could be intelligence since Torun is with the DMA."
I hope
that clears this up.

> Don, if Erol (not 'Earl') is an intelligence agent, I'm Mickey
> Mouse.

Well, when I wrote my message, it was after midnite so I did misspell Erol by
spelling it Earl.

> Most unfortunately, Hoagland overstates a lot of things....

Yes he does, and I do believe he loves to talk much and listen little.

> What Hoagland, Torun and others have essentially done is to
> contribute a few more threads to a growing fabric of known
> mathematical correspondences.

OK, no argument with that, but my problem is if Hoagland does not know what he
speaks of, then shut the hell up. Very simple, and if he does wish to pursue
it, then do a little research into the question.

I do not know Hoagland, nor have I ever spoken to him. Vice versa on his part.
I do know a lot about Phobos now, but I do not know much about the "Face".
Therefore I do not talk about the Face in public. If I wanted to address the
Face in public I would first research it. Hoagland on the other hand does not
know much about the Phobos mission, did not choose to research it by all
appearances, but still chose to attack it. Good science? Sounds like Klassic
science to me.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Re: Weird Night On Halloween
Date: 18 Oct 91 16:43:00 GMT

>Let me guess, Wisconsin is not one of those states? I tried
>last week, and found nothing. Maybe I can get up a long wire
>and see if it's out there? Sounds interesting.
>Doing and research at this time?

Hi Pete,
Good to hear from you again!
I don't know for sure, but I doubt if Wisconsin is one of
the states that receives KOA -- but check it in the wee hours, a lot
of states that shouldn't get it do...could be "skip" or something.
He's had callers from Hawaii who're picking it up live and clear and
even from Europe, so you never know. It's worth a try.
I see Wisconsin does have an outlet for Bob Hieronimus'
show, though, so if it turns out you can't get KOA's weird night,
maybe you can catch Dr. Bob's -- Hieronimus on the weeknights and
Bob Oechsler on weekends (UFO and weird stuff). The Hieronimus & Co
catalog says Wisconsin station WBKV in West Bend, 1470 AM, receives
the show. (They also have a catalog of tapes of previous shows --
runs about 176 pages of "good stuff" -- which you can write for if
intersted. $5 for the catalog and tapes are $6 each: Hieronimus &
Co. 4801 Yellowwood Ave, Baltimore, MD 21209, FAX 301-356-6229.)
What research am I doing? you ask...still trying to run down
this Ogden story...then back to the backlog!
How're things going with you?
Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: conncoll.bitnet!gateh
Subject: Re: crop circle researchers
Date: 18 Oct 91 19:34:38 GMT


Rick Moen writes:

+ The claim that these two old geezers were responsible for thousands of
+ circles all over the U.K. does indeed sound implausible, doesn't it?
+ I certainly don't buy it. [Shocked silence descends on the crowd.]

After re-reading my original statement, I have to admit it does
sound a little weird. I guess what I found amusing was not that the
circle researchers scoffed at the idea that two men had created
thousands of circles, but rather that they apparently scoffed at the
idea that some of the circles (ie the 'genuine' ones) could be
hoaxed at all. The fact that one of the researchers (whose name I've
forgotten) proclaimed a hoaxed circle as genuine to boot was icing
on the cake.

I have to agree that it is virtually impossible for Bower and
Chorley to have created all the circles. However, the fact that they
were able to fabricate what was later declared to be a 'genuine'
circle with simple tools and a simple technique indicates to me that
there is a high degree of probability that many (possibly all) of the
circles are man-made. I must agree that it is strange (and tends to
smack of self-interest) that the researchers have spent a great deal
of time and effort investigating what have to be the less likely
(yet more sensational) possibilities for a solution to the circle
enigma. The fact that they failed to discover such a simple method
as that of Bower and Chorley tells me they haven't tried very hard
to investigate techniques for producing the circles.

While my mind is still open on the topic, the Bower and Chorley
admission has done a great deal of damage, regardless of whether or
not it was an effort in disinformation. There may still be circles
that apparently defy explanation, however the credibility and
caliber of what is supposed to be serious research into this
phenomena has been revealed to be distinctly suspect. (This is what
prompted my comparison with Pons & Fleishman and the cold fusion

Thanks for the reply, Rick, and for making me rethink a little more

Cheers! - Gregg

Gregg TeHennepe | Academic Computing Services | This is the life
gateh@conncoll.bitnet | Connecticut College, New London, CT | you have -V. Reid


Subject: Fragments of information
Date: 18 Oct 91 21:38:36 GMT

From: (David Jones)

I have been inundated with an incredible amount of information in a short period
of time and have this compulsion to share it with you. Rather than go into long
detailed explanations, I will simply throw out fragments of information that
I have been given. [brackets are my personal notations]

In my recent conversations with Wendelle Stevens (the premier UFO investigator
in the world) I asked him what, in his opinion, was the most important UFO
case currently going on right now. He said the sightings in Puerto Rico. Here
is a brief synopsis: A man (who wishes to remain anonymous) was driving down a
road in the fog and, in order to see where he was going, was following a gully.
Suddenly, a [typical] grey alien jumped on the hood of his car. He lost
consciousness. When he awakened, he was inside a large garage of some sort with
many automobiles scattered all around. He saw two grey aliens. Again, he lost
consciousness. When awakened next, he was in a room with 10 other Puerto Rican
people and several grey aliens. A well-dressed Puerto Rican man entered and
began by telling the people that they each had a special mission to perform and
elaborated what that mission was to each of them. The typical response was
similar to: 'Oh no! I can't do that. I don`t have the money.' or "I don't have
the knowledge to do such a thing'. He lost consciousness again. Over a period
of time, he was taken onboard several craft during which time he managed to take
crystal clear photographs of not only the exterior of the craft, but the
interior as well. Jorge Martin, a Puerto Rican UFO investigator [who will be at
the Dec. Vegas International UFO Congress and who showed some of these photos
at the Tucson International UFO Congress- He made everyone turn off their video
cameras and insisted on no photos during the presentation] followed the story
with this man until just after he was found beaten almost to death, at the side
of a road, by United States` Secret Government agents. [This seems to be a
departure from established Secret Government procedures. This is sloppy. This
would indicate to me that things have gotten so far out of control that they are
unable to deploy the necessary resources to contain the events as they unfold.]
The man has gone into hiding after his encounter [with these dark forces].
There are hundreds of civilian witnesses to the fact that several United States
Air Force F-14 jets were ``swallowed up'' by extraterrestrial spacecraft. The
pilots have never been accounted for. In addition, there is a mountain, El Yonke
[sp??], where somewhere between several hundred and several thousand people have
seen scores of extraterrestrial spacecraft come and go from. It seems to be
common news in Puerto Rico. Has anyone else heard of this? Is anyone from
Puerto Rico that is not a disinformation officer willing to comment on all this?

I met with three people that have been investigating and studying the crop
circles for many years: Richard Andrews, Busty Taylor and Leonie Star. If you
have studied the crop circles, you will recognize the names. The issue of the
hoaxers was dealt with swiftly. The hoaxers are hoaxers and nothing more.
They had nothing to do with the creation of the crop circles. [There is wide
speculation as to why they lied, but after they were proven to be liars, why
is it that the U.S. media, which quickly reported it as a hoax, did not retract
their statments, or even do their homework, when it was proven that these
guys were lying?] The way in which they count the images has changed. In the
past [1990 and before], each item in a pattern was counted separately. Thus, if
there was one large circle surrounded by four smaller ones, it would be counted
as five. Therefore, there were about 1,000 last year. This year, for the first
time, one pattern is counted as one, and not as five in the example. Based upon
this new way of counting, there were somewhere between 250 and 300 this year in
Great Britain. They have 16 ways in which to analyze the validity of a crop
circle. They are keeping this to themselves so that liars such as the infamous
D & D will not be able to so easily pull a fast one again. Two brief stories:
Some investigators surrounded a field with Viet Nam style trip wire, radar,
infrared detectors, motion detectors, infrared film, video cameras, sound
detection equipment and many people. That night, fog descended on the field.
Nothing set off any equipment. When the fog lifted about 5 or 6 am, there was
a pictogram. The Prime Minister lives in a place called Checkers [sp??] which is
surrounded for a radius of 1/4 mile with all kinds of high tech detection
equipment to prevent terrorists, etc. Pictograms have appeared this year
inside this zone and without setting off any detection equipment [except for
equipment that Her Majesty's Secret Government may have to detect UFOs]. The
meaning and source of the makers of the pictograms was discussed. We expect that
they will become more complex next year. In addition, the local MUFON
representative indicated that there were crop circles in Pleasonton and Modesto,
California [this last appeared within the past 2 weeks -- real or not real?].

I have a friend that just returned from visiting with Billy Meier in
No, he is not in hiding. Yes, he claims he is in contact with the Pleiadeans.
Ptah, more specifically. Basically, he doesn't like most people. He does not
like the Jews since he has discovered their true origins [and who YHVH really
was] and since they tried to kill him. He doesn't like Americans because he
claims he was lied to and ripped off by them as well as having the U.S. Secret
Government try to kill him. [He has had at least 17 attempts on his life that
I know of]. Why, do you ask, that if Mossad wanted to murder him, is he still
alive? Well, apparently, Billy has a higher power protecting him. The
Christians have also tried killing him. So, anyway, my own personal opinion is
that the contacts in the mid '70's are valid, but I think that Billy has flipped
out over time due to the incredible experience of it all.

I reviewed some of Gordon-Micheal Scallion's predictions for between now and
the year 1997. We are in for one hell of a ride! He correctly predicted the Loma
Prieta earthquake [2 year anniversary on the 19th]. In June he indicated that
the next series of earthquakes at 5.0-6.0 would be in Eureka. Last month [Sept]
there were several in that range off the coast at Eureka. He indicates that
the next series will be in the Bakersfield area on the order of 5.0 +/-. Within
24 months of the Eureka quakes, California, as we know it, will begin to break
up. It will come to be known as the ``Isles of California''. The area to the
east of the Hayward fault from Eureka to Bakersfield will be inundated.
San Francisco north will be like an island. This will be the first of three
major changes for California. There is much more, but why say anything until
we see how things go. Oh yea, New York and Japan will go bye-bye.

Information from Fyfe, Alabama indicates that the 100+ year series of UFO
interactions with people in that small town continue. The consensus is that
the good greys are following the evolution of earth human families over many,
many generations. I understand that there is a man that publishes a newspaper
there with current stories about what is happening. Anybody know how I can
contact this person/paper?

In one of my ongoing investigations, a man, through hypnosis, indicated that
the greys are taking cellular tissue from inside the abdomen every several
years to make a determination as to how the earth human cells age, so that
when the greys complete their cross-breeding program, they will have a
mix-n-match humanoid with longer life. I wonder if, after they figure out how
to stop or slow the aging process, if they will share it will us earthlings that
have a propensity of dying at such an early age of 80 or 90?

Well, I've got lots more and I could go on but ... Yes, yes, I know, some of you
thank God that I'm stopping, others are on the edge of their seats wanting
more. I try to answer all of my email, but it's tough when I get 60 to 80
pieces of email a day. It's pretty well evenly divided between those that wish
I would go away and those that hear the ring of truth in my words and HAVE to
have more. My purpose is to stimulate POSITIVE discussion. I do not have time
for disinformation freaks or flame throwers. I am interested in corresponding
with anyone that can shed light on any of the above. Oh, yeah, I never said
that computers would take over the world, they already have. :-)

By the way, did I mention that I have another friend that just spent the
afternoon with John Lear 2 days ago? Well, maybe more on that later.

David W. Jones OR


From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: FOX Show
Date: 19 Oct 91 04:18:00 GMT

Well, that sure stunk.

Why can't someone do a regular, one-hour, in-depth series on UFOs and
related topics? And I mean do a GOOD job, with at least a touch of

Hypnosis is gaining acceptance"? I'd say its just the opposite, we're
learning more and more about the pitfalls of hypnosis, the deeper we get
into abductions.

Gerald Anderson's story gibes with dozens of other witnesses? Since when?

They started to do a fairly credible job on the cover-up, and hit on the
disinformation angle, then they focus on Lazar, who is Disinformation
Suspect #1. Didn't anyone tell them there IS no Department of Naval
Intelligence? Vicki and Don, did these guys come to you for anything?

Fellow ParaNetters, be prepared for an onslaught of inquiries from your
friends and neighbors who never thought much about UFOs. All of a sudden
they're gonna be real interested, and that's good, but they're gonna say to
you, "
Hey, what about that Lazar guy?", and that's bad. Because as soon as
they find out how squirrely his story is, they're gonna be real
disillusioned, and we may not get them back.

What a shame.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Date: 18 Oct 91 11:35:00 GMT

> this time. To have a delay would me the delay occurs
> between the object casting the shadow and the object
> projecting the shadow. At 1/1000 reduction in speed the
> shadow would show no delay since it's traveling at 186
> miles per second. Move it to 1/10,000 the speed of light
> and it's still 18.6 miles per second, which turns out to be
> roughly 66,960 miles per hour. To go just one step further
> to 1.8 mps, it's still over 6,000 miles an hour.

Pete, thanks for the calculations! They're thought-provoking to
say the least.

I'm completely unable to reconcile these calcs. with the
observations of the Bentwaters witnesses (and many others in
other cases), but the observations are there. Weird, or what!!??

> Where does all that energy come from in a few feet, and
> wouldn't you think the people standing that close to it
> would be fast fried by some sort of energy radiation?

OK, true to form you have hit the nail precisely on the head
here. Radiation passing thru such a drastic time warp would
theoretically be deadly. Also, the thing shouldn't have been
visible at all, right? I'll take the visibility thing first:

Given the time distortions you worked out -- why should
the Bentwaters object bear *any* resemblance to reality in our
dimension? Indeed, the delay described in the shadow works out to
C / 370,000. (2 seconds, guesstimate, right?)

With this distortion -- or even 1/10th of it -- the radiation
from the object should have fallen into deep, deep infrared.
Nothing should have been visible.

You're also right about the radiation, and if the Cash/Landrum
and Michalak (Falcon Lake, Ontario) cases are any guide, the
Bentwaters observers *should* have serious cause for concern.

Yet none of them reported symptoms similar to radiation sickness,
nor strange sunburning effects (Michalak had a third-degree
sunburn" through several layers of clothing that looked
precisely like a *grating* of some kind).

Like I said, I can't reconcile these effects and your
calculations. Heck, it's a major stretch just to imagine
technology like this, never mind deduce how it works. I do,
however, allow the evidence for precisely this type of
technology -- the Michalak case is very compelling, in my
opinion, and the Cash/Landrum case is only less compelling
because someone came along and *removed the road* that was baked
by the radiation.

The debunkers go to the heart of the case by simply denying the
evidence, of course. When all else fails ... assassinate the
character. Easier to sandbag a witness/victim -- even
if they're totally unimaginative, like Steven Michalak or Mss.
Cash & Landrum -- than to admit their observations or radiation


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Dr. Fredrick Bell
Date: 18 Oct 91 11:38:00 GMT

> There was a "
prediction", about 25 years ago that Jupiter
> will became a second Sun in our solar system. As we all
> know this has not yet happened (and I don't think it will)
> - most of those so called "
predictions" just don't seem to
> work out.
> Have you heard this before and do you see any connection
> with Bell's statement Steve?

Hi Vlad. I've heard it before, but I understand that all of the
gaseous giant planets put together (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus)
are not massive enough to support self-sustaining fusion.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Special Rel
Date: 18 Oct 91 11:41:00 GMT

> I maintain that to build an FTL ship you need some new physics - not
> just a loophole in STR.

I know! That's what I'm saying!


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Fragments Of (mis)Information
Date: 19 Oct 91 10:48:00 GMT

> From: (David Jones)
> * * *
> In my recent conversations with Wendelle Stevens (the premier UFO
> investigator in the world) . . .

Wendelle Stevens is also the premier ex-convict in ufology. Or
should we reserve that honor for Ed Walters?

> * * *
> I have a friend that just returned from visiting with Billy
> Meier in Switzerland.
> No, he is not in hiding. Yes, he claims he is in contact
> with the Pleiadeans.
> Ptah, more specifically. Basically, he doesn't like most
> people. He does not
> like the Jews since he has discovered their true origins
> [and who YHVH really
> was] and since they tried to kill him. . . .

Yeah, that's what happens to people who spend too much time with
Pleaidens: First, they realize how much they dislike "
The Jews"
and then people start plotting against them. Hmmm ... And I
thought that the idea of "
Nazis from the Pleaides" started with
those lovely people at America West Publications. Maybe Hitler
got his flying saucer specs from Pleaidens?

> Why, do you ask, that if Mossad wanted to murder him, is he still
> alive? Well, apparently, Billy has a higher power protecting him.

The PLO? (Pleaiden Lunatics' Organization)

> . . . My purpose is to stimulate POSITIVE discussion.
> I do not have time for disinformation freaks or flame throwers.
> * * *

Oh yeah, right! It's hard to tell that from reading your
message, though.

> * * *
> By the way, did I mention that I have another friend that just spent the
> afternoon with John Lear 2 days ago? Well, maybe more on that later.

Does she know Bob Lazar?

-- John

John Burke - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Fox Show
Date: 19 Oct 91 11:08:00 GMT

Jim Speiser writes:

> Well, that sure stunk.

Yeah, I knew we could count on Linda Howe for a top-quality show!

> Why can't someone do a regular, one-hour, in-depth series
> on UFOs and related topics? And I mean do a GOOD job, with
> at least a touch of objectivity?

Uhh... I guess there's no money in it.

> Gerald Anderson's story gibes with dozens of other
> witnesses? Since when?

Since they all died!

> They started to do a fairly credible job on the cover-up,
> and hit on the disinformation angle, then they focus on
> Lazar, who is Disinformation Suspect #1. Didn't anyone tell
> them there IS no Department of Naval Intelligence? Vicki
> and Don, did these guys come to you for anything?

Probably just for Guy Kirkwood's phone number.

> * * *
> What a shame.

Another wasted opportunity. Too bad they didn't spend more time
on Belgium with more videos. Too bad they didn't show the
Japanese video. Too bad they didn't spend more time showing how
Doug & Dave's hoaxed "
crop circle" looks compared with the
others. Too bad that they had to spend so much time on Gulf
Breeze instead of the *real* sightings that took place in
Westchester County, N.Y.; Wytheville, Va.; or Pine Bush, N.Y.

More of the same!
-- John

John Burke - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Graham@f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Graham)
Subject: Our buddy takes flying lessons
Date: 19 Oct 91 17:37:21 GMT

This may be old to most of you, but I have a GIF of Phil Klass performing
a feat completely out of character, available for download from my bbs.

If any of you want it, feel free to call and d/l it.

The number is: (812)334-0418

It is called --- UFOOCC.GIF and may be found in file area --- UFO Stuff.

Jim Graham

Jim Graham - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Graham@f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@p0.f8.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Jupiter as Second Sun
Date: 19 Oct 91 23:00:21 GMT

Hi Vlad,

Aha! I just remembering reading in a "
National Geographic" some years ago in
a special issue called "
The Planets" that "Jupiter could have been a second
sun, but that its nuclear fires were never ignited." If it had, I guess we'd
be a binary solar system. I'll see if I can find that magazine.


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@p0.f8.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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