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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 463

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 463 

Friday, August 23rd 1991

Today's Topics:

Leslie Watkins/Alternative III
Leslie Watkins/Alternative III
Putting the record straight about Crop Circles
Ball Lighting & Crop Circles
Utah Buried Object
Barker collection opening for limited access
Re: Alternative hypothesis for UFOs?
Re: The Atlantic Monthly - August Issue
Re: Betcha you can't touch this :-)
Re: Betcha you can't touch this :-)
Soviet tidbit


From: Kent.Raynor@f0.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Kent Raynor)
Subject: Leslie Watkins/Alternative III
Date: 19 Aug 91 07:46:00 GMT

* In a message originally to All, Peggy Noonan said:

> Does anyone know where I can get in touch with Leslie
> Watkins, the author of *Alterantive III*, the book that
> explains what's been happening to all the disappearing
> British scientists? One source tells me that the book is

Hello There... correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 'Alternative III" the
book that was based on the Tv special of the same name several years ago; it
was supposed to detail the disappearance of various scientists as these
scientists were being "
instructed" to terraform Mars as a prelude to leaving
Earth (since Earth was beyond "
repair"). Is this the same 'Alternative
III' as the one you're referring to? If so, I think you should be aware of
two interesting facts about this program : Firstly, the show went to air in
Britain and Australia on the 1st of April. It would be most coincidental if
this were to happen unplanned. Secondly, several of the people in the
expose" were reasonably well known actors - one of the people who was
intimately involved in the goings on was an American actor named Shane
Rimmer, best known as one of the main voices for the "
Thunderbirds" puppet

Of course, this may be an entirely different "
Alternative III" from the one
you were inquiring about, so I'll just say "
Hello" and sorry to take up your


Kent Raynor - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kent.Raynor@f0.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Galea@f10.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG (David Galea)
Subject: Hypogeum
Date: 20 Aug 91 00:17:00 GMT

> In regards to
> the Hypogeum in Malta there is an article in the NEXUS
> magazine(LATEST) . Its worth getting a copy from the newsagent
> or even better sub to them. The editor (Duncan Roads) is a
> participant on the BB. If you cant get a copy, I,ll write a
> brief on it.........paul

Yes I saw this article also. My father has spent a lot of his
childhood in the tunnels, they seem to go on forever.

David Galea - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Galea@f10.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Bob.Laidlaw@f0.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Bob Laidlaw)
Subject: Leslie Watkins/Alternative III
Date: 21 Aug 91 21:05:00 GMT

> Watkins, the author of *Alterantive III*, the book that
> explains what's been happening to all the disappearing
> British scientists? One source tells me that the book is
> extrememly hard to find now and that Watkins was booked for a

Yes, this book is very hard to find. However I have a copy, and it
is very interesting reading, whether true or not it is great fiction
or "
faction". One of my contacts (and if reading this, that contact
is more than welcome to butt in), says he has contacted the author
who said that (and I hope I quote accurately fro memory):

- the book was "
faction" (i.e. based on a mix of rumours, facts, and
> guest spot on 21st Century Radio with Bob Oechsler but at the
> last minute had to cancel due to illness. Question if there
> are some odd circumstances involved in the last minute
> cancellation. Watkins is supposed to be living in New
> Zealand now and may be teaching Journalism at a college
> there. His story sounds extremely interesting and I'd like
> to discuss it with him re an Omni magazine article.
> Anyone have any leads or background info on this?
> Thanks!
> ---
> * Origin: ParaNet(sm) Information Service - [303]431-8797
> (9:9/0.0)

- but the book resulted in a large volume of mail that in toto said
that the mix of rumours and conjecture was to some extent based on

- the mail disappeared when the author was making a move from one
country to another - unfortunate, as it was possibly going to be
used for a sequel to the original book.

regards, Bob
Bob Laidlaw - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bob.Laidlaw@f0.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Putting the record straight about Crop Circles
Date: 21 Aug 91 19:12:01 GMT

From: Robert Trevelyan <>

Crop Circles

In the last year crop circles have indeed increased in
complexity and size. This phenomenon has been recorded
at least 13 years to my knowledge but is by no means a
new phenomenon. In around 1985 plain circles were seen
and were common place in Winchester and Wiltshire.These
basically progressed to ringed circles and then circles
smaller 'satelite' circles. Progression was next to take
place by including both circles, rings and paths.
In 1990, the height of crop circle season saw not only
the 'usual' circles and rings but right when public
interest was stirring included boxes. These were about
the size of a large car and the corn in these was combed
in one direction. This formation included circles, paths
and detached boxes and was not way a hoax as it is totally
precise and symetric. This formation could not be hoaxed
as it was very large and would be impossible to create the
boxes without creating entry paths to them.
In 1990 the largest of all crop circle formations appeared
in a field in Alton Barnes, this was about one eigth of a mile
in length. It appeared the night that dogs started barking in
the local village and the next morning car batteries were flat.
This formation has 'claws' or "
fingers" in it .(check out the
similarity between this and the ground markings at Nazca, Peru.)
The Army in the UK have tried to produce crop circles
and can from a distance produce a pretty convincing circle but
up close anyone could see the differences as 'real' crop circles
have layed down crop which is not broken but swept.
Also in 1990 triangles were seen, circular swept corn in the shape
of a triangle in addition to various path and rings, arcs etc.
If a crop circle has been created on a hill this crop circle from
the ground is eliptical not circlular, but from the air is totally
circular as one would imagine. This gives the impression that
it was created from above.

Reasons Crop Circles are not Hoaxes

It has been tried. The army can't produce one with planks and
rope.(and we are only talking circles here) as they look damaged.

You would have to enter a field in the pitch dark and create a
formation, sometimes in 5ft high rape with no entry to the field
as rape has no tractor tramlines. Then you would need to create
a perfect formation without being seen, sometimes by busy roads,
and and without damaging the crop only laying it down.

Helicopters wreck the whole damn area. It ain't them.

Animals don't create huge perfectly symetrical formations.

Plasma Vortex - need hills and the correct weather conditions.
Crop circles happen sometimes nowhere near a hill and a plasma
vortex could not possibly create a box, spiralling charged wind
cannot create perfectly rectangular boxes.

Charged dust - (ie the Japanese theory) cannot happen in the rain.
crop circles do.

A analysis was done to judge the time it takes to create a crop
circle. Basically if it took more than 20 seconds the crop would
be 'crushed'. If it took less that 2 seconds the crop would be
'whiplashed' and therefore broken.

The UFO Connection

I believe there is a connection with an ariel phenomenon but
not in the sense that little green men in silver disks land in
a field and create these formations.

As for what creates these patterns I wonder if we will ever find

| The views expressed in this document are not a corporate view |
| nor reflect the views of my employer by any means but are my |
| own personal views on this subject . |
| |
| Robert Trevelyan UKnet: |
| AIX Communications VNET: TREVELR at BASVM2 |
| Voice: +44-(0)256-56144 |


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Ball Lighting & Crop Circles
Date: 22 Aug 91 03:52:00 GMT

Hi, Joe

Thanks for posting that article re: crop circles and ball
lightning. Very enlightening. I feel confident that good scientific
method will eventually prove the circle phenomenon to be caused by
some type of naturally occurring electromagnetic incident, of which
the plasma vortex is a prime candidate.
In regards to your ball lightning experiences, a rather
interesting case was reported last year at the 1990 Ball Lightning
Conference, held in Budapest. The incident took place on May 25,
1989, in a field by the roadside near Kerecseud, a village 65 miles
from Budapest. The victim was a 27 year old engineer WITHIN WHOSE
BODY, it is conjectured, ball lightning formed. The man had stopped
his car and walked to the edge of a field about 30 feet distant to
urinate. Suddenly, his wife, who had remained behind in the car,
saw that her husband was surrounded by a blue light. He opened his
arms wide and fell to the ground. His wife ran to him, noticing
that one of his tennis shoed had been torn off. Amazingly, his wife
was able to stop a passing bus that was filled with medical doctors
returning from a meeting. Unhappily, they immediately pronounced
the man dead.
At the autopsy, a hole was found in the man's heel where the
shoe had been. The lungs were torn and damaged, and the stomach and
belly were carbonized! This is indicative of internal combustion,
just as the blue light is suggestive of atmospheric electricity,
while the damaged heel and shoe are denotative of electrical
grounding. No other effects of local atmospheric electricity were
noticed. The sky was overcast and conditions possibly suitable for
a thunderstorm. The couple had earlier passed through a
thunderstorm when 35 miles away, but at the site of the tragedy it
was dry and rainless. Do you feel this incident may help to explain
the case of so called "
human spontaneous combustion"?
BTW Joe, I still have not heard from Robert Nathan re: your
excellent idea of an accessible computerized UFO photographic
database. Any luck with Bruce Maccabee? Keep me informed and I will
do likewise.

Thanks again and best of luck,


Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Utah Buried Object
Date: 1 May 91 11:04:00 GMT

+ Originally from the KeelyNet BBS
+ Cross-posted by Clark Matthews

Message 616 DATE/TIME: 08/18/91 09:32
To : ALL
Subject: Mysterious Object
Folder : A, "
Public Mail"

Hello everyone. We have just heard about an object found approximately
640 feet under the earth while excavating for room to store radioactive
waste. The object is from 25 to 40 feet in height and there are
apparently 9 of them in a row on a north-south line. There are photos
of it which I have yet to see, but OMNI and several other news services
are doing their damndest to get the photos and/or more info. The site
is around Ogden, UTAH, so if anyone there knows about such an
excavation, please give us the details. The Ogden newspaper has not
knowledge of such activity or such a discovery. When we get the
photos, we will digitize them for those interested. I'll probably get
in trouble for mentioning even this little bit of data but we would
really like info if you know anything. The object has gears and
appears to be a machine or a part of one. One guy says it looked like
a gimbal to him though I have yet to see it to confirm. The story
and photos comes from a scientist working with the Super-Collider
through a mutual friend. That scientist was flown out to the site to
see what he thought the thing was. It is made of an unknown metal or
alloy and cannot be welded or cut. We question how they could take
such an enormouse object from 640 feet down to the surface since it
must weigh many tons. There is speculation that since it is such an
unknown metal, it might be lightweight like some of the fragments from
crashed UFOs are supposed to be. Guess I'm in hot water now but you
guys might furnish more detailed info....I will try to get the
pictures so everyone can see it.....Jerry

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Shaffer)
Subject: Barker collection opening for limited access
Date: 22 Aug 91 08:07:00 GMT

I found this on Compuserve and certainly thought it was worth posting here:

#: 152530 S10/Paranormal Issues
18-Aug-91 22:51:58
Sb: Barker Collection
Fm: David Abruzzino 73210,1271
To: all

The "
Gray Barker UFO Collection" of flying saucer books,magazines,newspapers
and correespondences will open Sept. 14 at the Clarksburg-Harrison Public
Library in Clarksburg WV. Those wishing to see the limited access collection
should contact Ruth Yeager at 304-624-6512 (Do not respond to the message's
Barker, who died in 1984 left a collection of 300 bools, 75 oh
journals, and 30 filing drawers of related material. Barker began his UFO
research in the 1950's by investigating the Flatwoods Monster sighting in
Braxton Co. WV and gained further attention with his investigation of the
collapse of the Silver Brige in Point Pleasent WV in 1970 and its related
Mothman" sightings. Barker's files also include information on , The
Philadelphia Experiment, MJ-12, the Hanger-18 case as well as Project Bue

Jim Shaffer - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Alternative hypothesis for UFOs?
Date: 22 Aug 91 10:48:00 GMT

MS>Sure: The Holographic Paradigm and other paradoxes, edited by Ken Wilber,
MS>New Science Library, 1982. lc: 82-50277. Dist by Random House, isbn:
MS>0-394-71237-4 (pb).

You are a gentleman & a scholar!

(And there aren't many of us left... :-)


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Re: The Atlantic Monthly - August Issue
Date: 22 Aug 91 15:40:30 GMT

From: Mike Dobbs <>


I'll be glad to send you a copy of the article. Can you email me your
snail mail address?

Mike Dobbs / Internet:


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: ussr
Date: 20 Aug 91 08:07:00 GMT

> I just read in the Paranet/Hynek Ratings on UFO cases. I
> noticed that the Voronezh, USSR sighting was recently upgraded.

Antonio Huneeus had a bit about it in last years MUFON Symposium Proceedings.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Date: 20 Aug 91 08:43:01 GMT

PP> I'm still very suspicious about the crop circles validity.
PP> In aprox. the last year they have gone from swirls and
PP> circles to pictographs. The lab that says there is
PP> crystaline change, is some fringe nutritional group. The

Yes, they have undergone a drastic change..what were once just
common" circles have now developed into complex patterns.

I am a bit gun-shy myself of coming right out and saying that
UFO's are creating the circles. I haven't seen any _hard_ evidence
of this. We hear reports of UFO's in the areas where "
new" circles
are created..some are spotted "
leaving the scene", but as far
as I've been able to one yet has actually gotten photo/video
proof of a circle being created by a UFO "
in the act"..

As far as the "
lab" you mentioned..shall I laugh now or later :-)

Gimme a large break (grin)..

PP> Now we have almost all connected with lights and UFO's.
PP> Something is very wrong.
PP> If you remember Crop Circles were almost a non-topic last
PP> year, and considered not UFO related. (of course for us
PP> Paranet folks it still fits either way fortunatly) While
PP> this is not directed at you, I see that you are more
PP> current with related information. Any ideas on why things
PP> are changing, or what's going on here? Sudden change of the
PP> phenomenon, characteristics, results and perceptions is

I've been relaying the reports that have been placed on the Internet
from the UK by Robert Trevelyan. They have been fascinating to
say the least.

I must say that I'd have to echo your sentiments..I'm at a loss
to explain it.. "
damned if I know" :-)

The only theory I have is that whatever "
intelligence" is causing
these circles/patterns must be having one helluva good time watching
us trying to figure it out.

I wonder how many times Meaden has had to revise his "
plasma vortex"
theory in the last 5 wks :-)


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Re: Betcha you can't touch this :-)
Date: 22 Aug 91 02:25:00 GMT

JS> ->I don't know if you've ever seen this, but if you can get ahold of
JS> ->a tape called "
UFO's are Real", I think you would find it most
JS> ->interesting. It builds a pretty good case, in my opinion. Wendelle
JS> ->Stevens,Bruce Maccabee, Stanton Friedman and many others have
JS> ->segments that help explain in various ways why "
all this secrecy"
JS> To Linda: Yes, I have the tape if you want to view it.

I have the tape, and it's one of the better ones, in my opinion.

I get the feeling though, that it was made like in the early 80's..


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Re: Betcha you can't touch this :-)
Date: 22 Aug 91 02:40:01 GMT

LB> Hello to Don Allen & Jim Ser,
LB> I'm quite sure I have that film (UFO's are Real) myself --
LB> starts out with some sort of object flying across a
LB> desert-scape at very high speeds. It's worth another
LB> look-see since it's been a while.
LB> Thanks to you both,

Anytime :-)

Listen...walk over to the UFINET echo and start bugging Bill (what
a curious phrase :-) about his new tape on Lazar..

I saw Bill recently and he played the tape for about 40 of us at a
informal get-together. The tape is composed of *out takes* from the Knapp
interview and it's pretty interesting. Frankly, I was amazed at some
of the things that were in it. Some bits never made it into the televised
Knapp series on Lazar that are in _this_ tape.

How Bill got ahold of this tape is also fairly amusing :-)

Seems that the *original* tape was in John Lear's possession. Lear
had made arrangements to come over to English's house, so Bill knew
in advance that the tape was going to be shown. Rather sneakily, he
had a video friend rig up a video cam and had it pointed at the TV
screen in an un-obtrusive location, so when Lear showed up....chuckle..

You can ask Bill for the details and costs.


Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Soviet tidbit
Date: 22 Aug 91 05:41:00 GMT

A wire story in today's newspaper reported that General Maltsev, CiC of the
Soviet air-defense forces, gave the command which prevented Gorbachev's
aircraft from taking off for Moscow a couple of days ago. Maltsev appears to
have been a conspirator, or at the least was following the orders of the
Emergency Committee.
The ufo connection is that in an interview with a Soviet general-interest
magazine a few months ago, Maltsev candidly said that Soviet fighters had on
many occasions attempted to intercept UFOs after ground-based radar contact. He
said the he believed the UFOs certainly were not of this world, and that he had
no idea at all what they were.
I think ufology may have lost a truth-seeker in a high position, since
Maltsev will almost certainly be gone very soon.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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