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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 445

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 445 

Monday, August 5th 1991

Today's Topics:

Mars face and guinea pigs
Antiscience Trends in the USSR
Free Intro Copyu
Re: The Coverup
Lear And Others...
Lear and others...
Radio Program
Re: Hi -where ya been?
Re: Mars face and guinea pigs
Re: Crop circle: Wiltshire,UK
Re: Bennewitz
Re: The Coverup
New Planet
Agenda and Intent of Cosmic Brotherhood
John Foster Incident(s) -------------------------------


From: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Graham)
Subject: Mars face and guinea pigs
Date: 30 Jul 91 06:52:52 GMT

In a message sent 22:14: 28 Jul 91, Linda Bird blurbed to Jim Graham:

LB> Hello Jim,
LB> Yes, it was you after all who asked for a person to look at the
LB> Face of Mars, etc. I don't how to "netmail" so perhaps we could talk
LB> on the phone?
LB> I'm in the Mesa, AZ phone book (on Sunview) and you can call me
LB> collect anytime on Monday, July 29th.

Darn! The time is now 11:51 p.m. EST as I read this.

So, the 29th is almost past to me.

I'll be in touch, though. I really am interested in hearing about what
you "see".


Jim Graham - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Antiscience Trends in the USSR
Date: 30 Jul 91 04:33:19 GMT

The above article appears in the August 1991 Scientific
American. The sub-title is:

"A prominent Soviet scientist traces the reasons underlying
the current surge in superstitions, cults and
antitechnological protests in his country"

I encourage all readers of this news digest to read this
article. I won't say why but I think it'll be obvious to you
after reading it.

I would say that this article is not limited to the peoples of the Soviet
Union, but can be applied to certain personalities, regardless of citizenship.

In addition, perhaps we should proceed cautiously regarding any Soviet
"authorities" bringing forth information.

Anyway, I won't say anymore until you get a chance to read this.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hrusovszky@f300.n238.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hrusovszky)
Subject: Free Intro Copyu
Date: 29 Jul 91 05:44:00 GMT

About 3 or 4 or 5 months ago, there was a message left here about a new
newsletter (or was it a magazine) that was being started. There was a
price, etc. There was also a FREE offer for the first issue to anyone
who netmailed. Well, I netmailed, but have never received anything,
not even a reply. Can anyone shed some light on this? Did it flop?
Was there REALLY a free first issue offer? What gives?
Thanks in advance.

John Hrusovszky - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hrusovszky@f300.n238.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: The Coverup
Date: 30 Jul 91 06:11:15 GMT

> Regarding the Greys:
> you think they are some sort of android.

Yes, I do. At least my experience with them indicates
that they aren't what we interpret them as being. Perhaps
this is something to do with our perceptual field being
different to theirs.

> It's possible. And, perhaps they are some sort of
> lower life form (from somewhere) that has been genetically
> altered in the realm of intelligence because depictions
> of them do not indicate them to be a higher life form
> physically (compared to our standards).

I don't think that physical comparisons apply correctly
to these encounters with them and the Norse giants.

> To me, they just don't seem to be physically strong
> enough to build the machines they fly.

What about the flight characteristics? 40-G turns usually
are quite messy with corpreal life-forms as there is
no such critter as "anti-gravity" involved with them.

> They also do not seem to have an opposable thumb.

Where'd you hear that?

> (They also don't seem to be wearing any clothes!)

Indeed, it would seem to be a pressure suit of sorts
but might actually be an insect-like exoskeleton.
The reports of the "blood serum" smelling like ozone
intrigues me. Anything to add?

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Lear And Others...
Date: 31 Jul 91 08:23:00 GMT

> To: vanth!jms
> Newsgroups: info.paranet
> >
> > I haven't heard anything about Lear recently, but I
> > heard that Paul Bennewitz says that the base under
> > Archuleta Mesa was destroyed a couple of years ago.
> Hmm, we had an intrepid adventurer by the name of
> T.S. Bennet propose a journey to those parts. I've
> yet to reach him by phone again.....

Anyone have any idea who is TS Bennet? Is this his real name or what
transpired of this so called bad guy..

Mike Keithly

> >
> > Just for kicks, has anyone heard about the DEA seizing
> > any land in the area in that time frame?
> > There was supposed to be quite a bit of cocaine left
> > at the base, and the DEA allegedly controls the entire
> > mountain.
> >
> I have no doubt that someone could put together a possible
> scenario about drugs, extraterrestrials and the DEA. My
> question would be much more direct. Why, if at all....
> > --
> > | 'Let's become alive again.'
> > | --Yes
> >
> --- FD 1.99c
> * Origin: -=ParaNet XI-Gamma(sm)=- Lattice 0kc (405)/277-3603
> (1:14766/22)

Mike Keithly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Lear and others...
Date: 30 Jul 91 06:21:27 GMT

To: vanth!jms
Newsgroups: info.paranet
> I haven't heard anything about Lear recently, but I
> heard that Paul Bennewitz says that the base under
> Archuleta Mesa was destroyed a couple of years ago.

Hmm, we had an intrepid adventurer by the name of
T.S. Bennet propose a journey to those parts. I've
yet to reach him by phone again.....
> Just for kicks, has anyone heard about the DEA seizing
> any land in the area in that time frame?
> There was supposed to be quite a bit of cocaine left
> at the base, and the DEA allegedly controls the entire
> mountain.
I have no doubt that someone could put together a possible
scenario about drugs, extraterrestrials and the DEA. My
question would be much more direct. Why, if at all....

> --
> | 'Let's become alive again.'
> | --Yes

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Radio Program
Date: 31 Jul 91 21:22:00 GMT

On Friday August 2nd, I will be a guest on Chuck Harder's "For the People"
radio program. The topic will be UFOs here and in the USSR. The program starts
at 3:00PM EST, 12:00PM PST. He is on the SUN and American Radio Network to my
best knowledge. If you get a chance, tune in.

Don Ecker

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 1 Aug 91 06:25:17 GMT

From: Steve Gamble x3293 <>

Following the introduction of BUFORA to Paranet, several people asked
for further information about BUFORA. I have uploaded a version of our
leaflet for membership which I hope aswers these points.



The modern study of unidentified flying object phenomena (UFOs) is
commonly held to have started with the report of Kenneth Arnold. On
Tuesday 24th June 1947 Arnold, a private pilot, reported 'nine peculiar
aircraft' near Mount Rainer, Washington State, USA. In fact there appear
to have been many reports over the years before Arnold's report. In the
UK there are reports of strange aerial phenomena back at least to the turn
of the century.

There are many theories about the possible origins or nature of these
phenomena including, amongst others, UFOs may be natural phenomena and UFOs
may be advanced technology. BUFORA recognises that there are a number of
explanatory hypotheses and does not advocate any particular theory.


BUFORA was founded in 1962, as a federation of regional UFO groups throughout
the UK. Many of these groups were formed in the 1950s. These included the
British Flying Saucer Bureau, founded in 1952, which is believed to be the
UK's oldest UFO group. In 1962 the group was known as the British UFO
Association, changing its name in 1964 to the present British UFO Research
Association. BUFORA became a company limited by guarantee in 1975. This
means that in the event of BUFORA being wound up each members undertaking
to cover any outstanding debts is limited to 1 pound. BUFORA is registered
under the U.K. Data Protection Act, and amongst other things membership
records are held on a computer database. (It is the policy of BUFORA NOT to
release membership records to third parties.)

BUFORA is run entirely by volunteers, relying solely on its members to fund
and carry out its investigation, research and educational activities. The
day to day running of BUFORA is in the hands of a Council of Management
drawn from the members.

Membership of BUFORA is open to all who support the aims of the association,
and whose application is approved by the Council of Management.


The three aims of BUFORA are:

1. To encourage, promote and conduct unbiased scientific
research of unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomena
throughout the United Kingdom

2. To collect and disseminate evidence and data relating to
unidentified flying objects

3. To co-ordinate UFO research throughout the United Kingdom
and to co-operate with others engaged in such research
throughout the world.


In pursuit of its aims, BUFORA supports active investigation and research
teams. The investigation team carries out on site field investigation of
cases, whilst the research team gets involved in activities such as
statistical research and technical support activities. Major research
projects are underway to computerise BUFORA's case records and in the field
of witness lead investigation. These activities are backed up by a press
cutting service and extensive libraries of case reports and published
literature on UFO phenomena. The heads of both the investigation (Jenny
Randles) and the research (Steve Gamble) teams are members of the Council of
Management of BUFORA. Both are assisted in organising the activities of
their sections by advisory committees made up of members with a special
interest in these activities.

BUFORA organises in London a programme of monthly lectures (September to June)
on a variety of UFO related topics. Additionally regional meetings are held,
and every other year BUFORA co-sponsors the International UFO Congress.

Members receive free of charge, six issues per year, of its regular
publication 'UFO Times', which carries details of investigated reports and
results of research projects. Members may also elect to receive six issues
per year of the 'UFO Newsfile' for an additional fee of 6 pounds. 'UFO
Newsfile' is a collection of the best newpaper clippings received from
BUFORA's newsclipping service. The 'UFO Times' is edited by Mike Wootten,
'UFO Newsfile' is edited by Mike Hudson.

BUFORA operates with British Telecom the 'UFOCALL' hot line, which carries
information about reports and updates on events (phone: 0898 12 1886; Note
charge currently 45p per minute peak rate, 34p offpeak). These pre-recorded
four minute messages are updated every two weeks.

In recent years BUFORA has established its international reputation by its
investigation and research work, and a number of major publications. BUFORA
is a founder, and the UK representative organisation of the International
Committee for UFO Research. BUFORA currently provides the Chairman (Robert
Digby), the Secretary (Steve Gamble) and Treasurer (John Spencer) on the
I.C.U.R. executive.

BUFORA is the publisher of the 'UFO Lexicon', which is an international
glossary of UFO-related terms in ten languages. BUFORA is involved in a
number of collaborative projects with other UFO groups both throughout the
UK and the rest of the world. BUFORA is actively seeking to promote local
branches of its members throughout the U.K. and the rest of the world.


The BUFORA Journal was published from 1965 until 1982 when it was replaced
by the BUFORA Bulletin. From 1979 to 1989 BUFORA also published the Journal
of Transient Aerial Phenomena. In 1989 the Bulletin and JTAP were combined
and relaunched as the UFO Times.

In addition to 'UFO Times', BUFORA has published a number of booklets and
papers on specific aspects of research and investigation (for example our
Vehicle Interference Report and Investigator Handbook), or as in depth case
studies of specific reports (eg The Livingstone Encounter). BUFORA
publishes 'UFO World', a series which is a review of UFO Investigation and
Research throughout the world. Recent publications include 'UFOs 1947 - 1987'
(published by Fortean Tomes [1987]), 'Phenomenon' (published in the UK by
Macdonald & Futura [1988] and by Avon in the United States), 'Fire in the
Sky' (BUFORA [1989]) and 'Controversy of the Circles' (BUFORA [1989]).

Details of publications currently available (including back issues of
Journals) can be obtained from the registered office (enclose S.A.E. please).
Some BUFORA publications are also available through Spacelink Books,
115 Hollybush Lane, Hampton, TW12 2QY England; and Arturus Book Service,
P.O. Box 831383, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-0023, U.S.A.

I wish to apply for membership of BUFORA and enclose payment of 18.00 pounds
(or US $36) being my first annual subscription. (Membership is subject to
approval by the Council of Management) All applications must be signed.

Name ........................................................

(In full please)...........................

Title (eg Mr, Mrs, Miss, Sir)...............

Age (if under 18, otherwise optional).........




Occupation (optional):.......................................................
Please tick any of the following activities in which you would like to help
1. Administration (eg typing ) [ ]
2. Translation (please state language(s)) [ ]

3. Field Investigation [ ]
4. Research and Technical Support [ ]
5. Fund Raising [ ]
6. Publicity [ ]
7. Lecturing [ ]


(Note: Must be signed by parent or guardian for applicants under 18 years of
Please return completed forms to :

BUFORA, 16 Southway, Burgess Hill, Sussex, RH15 9ST, England

Overseas payments should be by International Money Order drawn in pounds
Sterling or by U.S. Dollars (Bills only)


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Hi -where ya been?
Date: 1 Aug 91 00:45:00 GMT

Hi Clark,

Maybe I can call your BBS this weekend when the rates are cheaper (or I
could get up earlier during the week.....huh..?)

Would be nice to chat wid ya..


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Mars face and guinea pigs
Date: 1 Aug 91 00:51:00 GMT

Hi Jim,
We'll try again to touch base. I have a 4-day weekend coming
up, so give me a holler Aug 2-5. I should be around. Or if you can
netmail me your phone #, I'll call you. Or you can call me for 30
seconds and then I'll call you back; if my hubby answers and you call
collect, he won't know who you are....(he isn't interested in this
subject matter, though he does like astronomy).

Looking forward to talking to you!

Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Crop circle: Wiltshire,UK
Date: 1 Aug 91 01:02:00 GMT

Hello Don,
I sure do enjoy your posts from Robert Trevelyan (sp?) in England.
Please tell him thanks for me; I'd sure like some pictures of these
c.c. and perhaps UFO Magazine will print some (hint, hint) or maybe
even the MUFON monthly Journal. Interest in this area is not waning.


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Bennewitz
Date: 1 Aug 91 01:17:00 GMT

Hi Jim,
Bennewitz is the fellow with the Philadephia Experiment, right?
I pretty much know that one. What else does he say? Sounds like he
keeps coming up with new "mind-blowers" to stay in the public eye.
(He tells the stories so much, that even he begins to believe them?)

I think he's going to be in the Phoenix area for a Tim Green Beckley
conference - is Bennewitz worth paying money to hear speak?

Awaiting your reply,

Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: The Coverup
Date: 1 Aug 91 01:26:00 GMT

Hi Kurt,

To add to some people's idea that the Greys look like insects, I'm
reminded of an article in the most recent UDO Magazine in which a man
describes an encounter with beings that looked like insects to him.
It's a rather strange encounter, doesn't seem to fit the norm (what-
ever THAT is), but here's a brief quote:
"Although they had a basic humanoid shape, in size they were
somewhat smaller than most terrestrial humans, with a slight body
build. They were a glossy dark color and seemed to be insectoid.
Their heads were proportionately about the size of a human head, but
shaped differently, with pronounced dark eyes without a white."

He went on to mention that they are "chitinous looking" and their
reply was, " seem very mammalian to us!"

I 'll be happy to sent you a copy of this article if you want it.

Best to you,

Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: New Planet
Date: 1 Aug 91 20:34:22 GMT

From: (Gene Gross)

Funny thing about the idea that life might exist on this new one
circling about a pulsar -- IT WAS SAGAN WHO SAID THAT LIFE MIGHT YET
EXIST ON IT!! I'll dig out the exact quote and post it.

One last thought about this: has anyone really considered that our
definition of life might be far too narrow? We base our thinking on
this on the carbon lifeforms we see here on this planet, and some
rather good brains have determined, by whatever 'magic,' that this is
the most likely paradigm for life in the universe, 'if other life
exists.' Somehow, while part of me likes to believe that this is so, I
have this uneasy feeling that life may be far more ubiquitous and
common than even the carbon model predicts. I think that the universe
is predisposed to the formation of life -- despite the violence and
chaos that we observe. (Maybe this is a wish on my part -- after all,
I make a living using my imagination and creative talents.)

And if the universe is indeed predisposed to life, then we might only
be seeing one small (miniscule) part of life that exists. Maybe the
SF folks aren't as far out into fantasy as one might first think with
their bizarre encylopaedias of aliens. Something to think about

And before some of you smarter ones write a long post on why the
carbon model is the most likely, please don't do it for me -- I've got
files full of that stuff packed away in boxes. Do it for some of the
others, yes, but not me. Thanks.

Back to stretching Interleaf to new boundaries while trying not to
crash my system. <GRIN>

Gene Gross
Project Lead
Data General Corporation
RTP, NC 27709


Subject: (none)
Date: 1 Aug 91 21:51:40 GMT

From: (Gregory B Lush)

Subject: Agenda and Intent of Cosmic Brotherhood

In response to Michael Corbin:

? Do you really know the agenda of these aliens or whatever they are?
? If you do, then why don't they come out and show themselves?

I'm assuming these were not rhetorical questions. There has
been a lot of discussion about this lately so I thought I'd
put in my perception of what is going on.

The second question is a common one which I have often seen asked.
This is not as simple a question as it appears so it may be hard to
write the answer in a believable form without getting long-winded.
I don't want to make this too long, so I'll try to give short
answers. I'm not asking anyone to believe this; just please
read it figuring now you'll know what some believers in the
'cosmic brotherhood' are thinking. I'll just tell you the
explanations as I have read them in the Phoenix Journals as they
are representative of the 'cosmic brotherhood' of which you spoke.

I do not endorse any other publications supposedly originating from
Pleiadians or others because I have read little of what people call
'channelled' material. I do find that other "channelled" material
I have read justifies the negative response I have received from
readers of ParaNet when I discussed the Phoenix Journals previously.
I say again that this material is different.

For those unfamiliar with my previous posts about the Phoenix
Journals, the publishers claim that they are written by Hatonn,
an alien from the Pleiades. I understand that this is not
'scientific,' but here goes anyway. This first is in reference
to what you asked about their 'agenda.'

Hatonn says that his 'command' is here first and foremost to educate
people as to what is and has been going on behind the scenes on this
planet. This includes going back to time before recorded history,
but mainly it means events in the last couple centuries. (Current
times are obviously more readily researchable for personal
confirmation.) They say that they are presenting this information
so that every human can make a conscious choice as to whether he/she
wishes to continue to support the causes of our problems--some of
which you briefly describe below. Secondly, they are here to retrieve
what they call their 'ground crew.' I don't know what "ground crew"
means precisely, but I know they are not referring to what people call
'walk-ins.' I don't understand if this means humans, or if it means
actual aliens on the planet. They are also happy to evacuate anyone
who wishes and requests evacuation in case the need arises. Events
that could cause need for evacuation of the planet would include, for
instance, a flipping of the axis, or possibly a different human-made
calamity such as a nuclear war (but not under all circumstances,
severity is an issue with the Nukes). (They also claim to have
rescued the Challenger crew and many soldiers on both sides in the
Persian Gulf war.) Evacuation is not necessarily permanent.

They are also here to make sure we don't blow up our planet with all our
nuclear bombs and beam weapons. They are allowed to interfere if it
comes to that. The destruction of this planet would destabilize the
local cosmos, and that would affect them, whereas our conventional
warfare is our own private business.

Why don't they just show up?

People have written to the publishers asking why the aliens don't
just show up on the 50-yard line at the Super Bowl and announce
their presence. (In fact John Burke recently posed this very
question in this newsletter.) Hatonn claims that making such an
appearance would start a nuclear war. Now is a time where a lot of
factions (from countries to bankers) of the Global 2000 people are
battling for power positions. The truth of the alien presence would
prove false a lot of other apparent truths so the invisible powers
would have to make themselves more visible. There is still time
for the American people to regain control of our government so the
aliens don't want to speed up the timetable. There are also, Hatonn
says, many plans in the works and working to blame aliens for all
sorts of dastardly things of which the most familiar would be cattle
mutilations. Plans also include the possibility of destroying a
city and its inhabitants and blaming aliens. This is all to make
people fear aliens. It is clear that many people fear aliens.

So in short, they are here to educate, pick up their 'friends' and
anyone else who wishes to be evacuated (temporarily or permanently),
prevent destruction of the planet, and to help those who ask. They
do not 'show up' now because it is not "time" yet, and it wouldn't
be helpful.

Let me say again, these are not my opinions, but are taken from
the Phoenix Journals. It is up to you to decide if you think
the reasons given are valid, and therefore support the thesis.
I offer it only for your information (and a good laugh, as I'm
sure some will say). I cannot 'scientifically' "prove" any of
of this, nor can anyone prove it is not true. It's up to you
to decide what it means to you.


? If they really are in
? contact with those out there, then why do we still have social
? problems? Why can't we cure cancer and AIDS? The answers are
? simple. If the 'space brothers' are real, and their intentions
? were good, we would see drastic social changes, but we don't. We
? would see a movement to be indoctrinated into the galactic society,
? but we aren't. There is no progress being made at all.

Why would contact with aliens change these things? These are our
problems; why would you have someone else clean them up? If you
clean up someone's mess all the time, he/she never learns
responsibility and never feels the repercussions of his/her
negative actions.

More importantly, you cannot fix a problem until you know
the cause(s). These Journals explain the root causes of problems.
They don't blame one group for everything; they recognize that it
is the greed and power lust of people that cause most of the
problems. The aliens are not allowed to interfere directly.
However, they can tell us what is *REALLY* wrong, and then we can
more ably fix those problems ourselves if we choose to do so.

If, as you say, there is no visible progress, then who is to blame?
How much does each one of you reading this do every day to make this
a better planet? I know I don't do enough. Maybe after we straighten
out our own world, we will be welcomed into this 'galactic society'
of which you spoke.

Enough of aliens.


? On another note, do psychics really have the answers? If so, then
? why didn't they channel the dead president that they thought was
? poisoned so we could get the real scoop?

I really think this is unfair. Some people really expect too much
from 'psychics' and "channelors." Don't forget that they are still
human beings, capable of mistakes and misinterpretations--the same as
a scientist using the scientific method is capable of such human
errors. No, they don't have all the answers. Should they?

I wouldn't claim that every psychic or every channelor is valid
any more than someone would claim that every UFO sighting is a hoax.
There will always be disreputable people out to make money, but
that should not invalidate the honest psychics and channelors.
There have been significant contributions made
by people such as Edgar Cayce.


? After reading your message, I have come to the conclusion
? that there is just no common ground between our viewpoints.
? I suggest that we agree to disagree.

That's cool with me. We'll just keep trying to educate each other.
I can only speak from my end; I have learned a great deal from you
Mike, and from ParaNet.


Finally, for many of the things I have talked about in this post
such as evacuations and cosmic brothers, I haven't made up my mind
as to their meaning for me, personally. I talked to a skeptical
friend about aliens and such, and his response was that, 'If you
look at anything long enough, you can come up with all sorts of
theories to explain it.' His measure of any theory would be it's
usefulness to him. He found my 'theories' to not be of any use to
him so I stopped talking to him about them.

The most powerful force in my life is me. Aliens or not, I have a
life to live and things to accomplish. If I have a chance to be
'evacuated' when things get really bad, I'll decide about that
when the time comes.

What I found from the Journals to be of the most use to me is the
idea that things are not what they seem. With all the research I
have done this past year or so, I am better informed on US History,
current events, and political machinations. I am also better
informed on UFOlogy through ParaNet and my own reading.
This is good. I know that our society and political structure
is not as it was designed by our founding fathers, and I feel
that we would be better off if we returned to their design
for government. That is my opinion, based on the facts.
This is what has made the Phoenix Journals useful to me.

Greg (


Subject: John Foster Incident(s) -------------------------------
Date: 1 Aug 91 21:52:56 GMT

From: Doug Helbling <>

I taped an hour long show on local public access TV this weekend
from PUFOG, the Portland UFO Group (Portland, OR), which featured a
presentation by John Foster. John reported himself to have been
involved in hundreds (I believe I heard the number 3,000?) of
encounters over the span of his life, many or most of these taking
place in Illinois. He drew several parallels between his own case
and other more publicly known cases. He had no photo evidence,
but quite a few similarities to Gulf Breeze craft and 'entity'
reports were apparent in the drawings that he displayed.

Has anyone heard of this person? Any knowledge of his case?
Apologies in advance if this is an echo, but my local paranet
archive showed no reference to it.

Doug Helbling

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