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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 418

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 418 

Monday, June 3rd 1991

Today's Topics:

Bush, Greys, and objectivity
Hopkins' Intruders
Critical Thinking
Eastern Hub
New Affiliate
Re: Miscellaneous
Brandenburg's "Rainbow Declaration"
Re: The Nordics
Re: Communion, the movie.
Re: Critical Thinking
Re: Here's an Item for Inclusion in Info
Re: Hopkins' INTRUDERS
Uri Geller
Re: Miscellaneous


Subject: (none)
Date: 2 Jun 91 19:34:08 GMT

From: (Gregory B Lush)

Subject: Bush, Greys, and objectivity

A couple newsletters ago, I mentioned seeing an article regarding
the picture of Bush and an alien going for a stroll at Camp David.
I did not mention 'Grey' aliens, nor did the article. Why does
everyone assume immediately that it was a 'Grey'?

? From: Paul.Mcavoy@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Mcavoy)
? Subject: Re: Bush and Grey buddy...
? Date: 25 May 91 18:09:00 GMT

+ Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
+ UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
+ INTERNET: Steve.Rose@p1.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG
+ --
+ saw that 'photograph' of the President and a Grey walking arm in arm on the
+ White House lawn. Guess they would like to claim that as 'proof' now...

* From: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Villa)
* Subject: Bush and Grey buddy...
* Date: 24 May 91 20:25:00 GMT
* It was even more funny that the 'Alien' was obviously
* just a man in a body stocking, blurred a little bit.

I'm certainly not claiming that the story was true, but how was
it 'obvious' that it was a man in a stocking suit? I keep seeing
people say things like 'just the facts please.' People seem to have
come up with far-reaching conclusions without even reading what was
written within, and now that three have 'identified'
the alien as being 'Grey,' it must be true.

Does anyone know anything about that fellow Nathaniel Dean--the
self-proclaimed expert on UFOs? He is the 'investigator' who
'found' all the information and obtained the picture.

Oh yeah, watch out for June 10. That is the date the alien is
'supposed' to meet with Gorbachev. According to the article.
Again, I'm not endorsing the story as is; I'm just pointing out
something I think might turn out to be of interest.

Greg (


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hopkins' Intruders
Date: 2 Jun 91 17:50:00 GMT

> I have just read Bud Hopkins' book _Intruders_ and it has really
> added a new aspect for me to consider to what I thought I knew of UFO
> abductions. Some people argue that Hypnosis is not a very legitimate way
> to screen information because people can easily be influenced by the
> hypnotist and may even be able to make things up while under the
> hypnosis. I myself believe in the validity of hypnisis, as my mother is
> a Hypnotherapist and I have seen her do some amazing things with it.

Hypnosis is not the issue...It is the use of it by unqualified persons who
attempt to make a case with it. I understand that California has initiated
new guidelines to be used concerning hypnosis and admissibility in court. The
guidelines are very strict to assure that the information is not extracted by
leading the witness, among other things that happen under hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy has a valid place in treatment regimen, but when you are dealing
with trauma, it should be performed by qualified medical people.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: well!ddrasin
Subject: Critical Thinking
Date: 2 Jun 91 23:32:33 GMT

From: well! (Dan Drasin)

Was just reading the latest UFO Magazine and noticed the Corbin/Ecker
piece, 'Lack of Critical Thinking Feeds Disinformation Virus.' One of
the things that jumped out at me was the following statement:

'Gauges and instruments have been traded for crystals and 'channelers'
who claim that the space brothers are here to save us from ourselves.'

What strikes me as ironic about this is that no contactee I have ever
been aware of has ever claimed that the 'space brothers' are here "to
save us from ourselves.' This myth about 'saving us from ourselves"

was, as far as I can tell, invented by skeptics decades ago as a means
of ridiculing the early contactees, and seems to have been adopted by
generations of ufologists as an article of belief, i.e., without much
research or critical thinking. When you really look into them, most of
the actual 'space brother' messages are nowhere near as simplistic as
these myths make them sound. I don't mind people criticizing this or
that message, but for crying out loud, let's get it straight before we
criticize it.

There's also another area in which some critical thinking could help:
Since at least the 1950s we have heard claims of Venusian contacts.
These are often dismissed out of hand due to the fact that the surface
of Venus is hot enough to melt lead. There's only one problem with
such dismissals: Not *one* of these alleged Venusians has ever, to my
knowledge, claimed that life on Venus is physical-plane life; what
*is* claimed is life on the so-called etheric plane. The 'etheric'
plane is said to be essentially a 'parallel universe,' functioning on
what is commonly called a higher spectrum of vibration, and virtually
isolated from the spectrum of stimuli available to our senses (and the
instruments we build based on the assumptions about reality that hinge
on those senses). . Some of the leading-edge work in so-called free
energy conversion seems to be beginning to tap into that spectrum of
reality. The existence of these parallel dimensions has been described
by almost every philosophical system in history except our own.

Dan Drasin


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Eastern Hub
Date: 2 Jun 91 21:56:00 GMT

This is to notify the network that Paul Faeder's system has lost its power
supply which will have him out of service for approximately a week. We are
sorry for the inconvenience.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: New Affiliate
Date: 3 Jun 91 02:09:00 GMT

I apologize for the lateness of this, David, but I would like to welcome the
newest member to the ParaNet family.

ParaNet ALPHA-IOTA(sm)
David Villa
Santa Barbara, CA

On behalf of the group, WELCOME!

Please introduce yourself to the others with a short bio.

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Miscellaneous
Date: 3 Jun 91 05:15:00 GMT

Subject: Brandenburg's "Rainbow Declaration"

You can find the "Rainbow Declaration" in the 1990 MUFON Symposium
Proceedings. It has somewhat religious overtones.
I bought a copy of the Proceedings last summer and will be happy to
send you a copy of the
Declaration. I know I must have your address around here somewhere....
Why don't you just post it to me? Then I'll send it by SnailMail.
See you,
Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Deane.Ward@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Deane Ward)
Subject: Book
Date: 3 Jun 91 04:30:07 GMT

Jim, I found a book written by W.A. Harbinson ..GENESIS that has a few
questions that are bothering me. He writws the book as a novel but names
people that have been or still are active in UFO Reseaarch....Jessup, Klass,
Ruppelt Menzel and others.
He speaks of the Robertson Panel and Operation Mainbrace. Have you any
information at all about these ?
He also states that some type of experiment began in Canada but was turned over
to the USAF and Navy.** There is nothing available from the Freedom of
Information Act. This has grabbed my interest. I would appreciate any help
you could give me in and about these two areas. Enjoy your postings. Kindest Regards
Deane Ward

Deane Ward - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Deane.Ward@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: The Nordics
Date: 3 Jun 91 06:23:00 GMT


I'm not familar enough with LDS philosophy to comment intelligently, but I
did take the liberty of moving your message to the public UFO echo, where
others might respond. Hope you don't mind.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: Communion, the movie.
Date: 3 Jun 91 06:39:00 GMT

In a message to All <06-01-91 03:41> David Villa wrote:
->Whitley Streiber. I found this movie fascinating! Have
->any of you seen it? The hypnosis scenes were VERY
->powerfully done and I found myself wondering after the
->film, how much of the movie was hollywood imagery and how
->much was based on Streiber's true perceptions (how close to

Well, that makes two of us who actually liked the movie. I, too, thought the
hypnotic recollections were very well done...Mora succeeded in getting
across the "Oz Factor", the feeling of utter unreality. And from what I
understand, there was very little artistic license taken...most of what you
saw was the way Whitley claims he remembered it. I think most people didn't
like it because it didn't measure up to their expectations of what it would
be like to be abducted.

->On the cover is a little blue star which says, "Soon to be
->a major motion picture!"
Wow! This sounds great. Do any
->of you know more about this? Heard a release date? Know
->for sure the movie is being made? I just finished
->_Intruders_ and would love to see a movie.

Its been an on-again, off-again project for about 3 years now. It was
started in the middle of some Hollywood strike, I think it was a writer's
strike. Then the rights expired, and I think CBS picked them up and is
holding on to them, trying to decide between several projects. The bottom
line is, it may never be made.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: Critical Thinking
Date: 3 Jun 91 06:44:00 GMT

->reality. The existence of these parallel dimensions has
->been described
->by almost every philosophical system in history except our

How did the proponents of these philosophical systems gain access to these
parallel dimensions in order to describe them?

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Villa)
Subject: Re: UFONS
Date: 3 Jun 91 02:41:00 GMT

What is UFONS? I would be interested in aquiring an issue or two, maybe

David Villa - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Villa)
Subject: Re: Here's an Item for Inclusion in Info
Date: 3 Jun 91 02:43:00 GMT

>Well, that's not the WHOLE story, Dave, but basically it does look like
>just a lot of disinformation. Whether its government-inspired or not is the
>major debate taking place now. I suggest you get your hands on a couple of
>files called MJ12COM1.UFO and MJ12COM2.UFO, which is a chronology of MJ-12
>events through 1987. I believe they are available at ALPHA.

Thanks, Jim, I'll inquire as to those files. One of the most
annoying things about a precarious situation like this (UFO speculation and
research) is that with so much assumed and extrapolated data floating
around, it is incredibly easy for anyone intending to throw a monkey wrench
in the works to do so. Is most cases with UFO info, it's all based on
credibilty of witnesses and interpreting mere hints of happenings. It is
all too easy for disinformation to get around, I agree. Looks like we had
best just keep objective and deal with the facts. Thanks.

David Villa - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Villa)
Subject: Re: Hopkins' INTRUDERS
Date: 3 Jun 91 03:01:00 GMT

Thanks for the very swift reply, Linda. Yes, I agree. Hypnosis,
being the very new, unknown and unfounded science/parapsychological remedy
that it is, is subject to much critical review. My mother has been a
liscenced Hypnotherarist for many years. She has done (from what she tells
me) some very amazing things with it, ranging from aiding people to recall
what they experienced as they were 'clinically dead', to guiding people to
heal bodilly damage doctors deemed 'incurable'. I never have really had
much interest in her work, that is, before I got into this UFO infromation
gathering. I think I will have a talk with her and ask her about what she
does. That may be very interesting. I'll show her some of Hopkin' work and
see what she says.
From what you say and the way you talk, I get the impression you have
done a fair share of UFO information gathering and field work. You must
have had an important reason to meet "Kathie Davis". I feel like such a
small fry caught up in this phenomena sometimes.
Oh! I very strange thing happening to me this weekend. I was
hanging out with a friend, at his house and we were talking about UFO, which
I brought up. I was telling him about Hopkins' book and the experineces
told in it. It seemed I struck a memory in him when I told him about these
'dreams' people have and he told me about a dream he rememberes from his
very young childhood in which he saw a weird light in the kitchen moving
around over the stove and it spoke to him. He says he can't recall any
other odd things that could be UFO related after that and he himself doesn't
know much about the current UFO situation and recent development. I asked
him if he would like to know what he saw and maybe my mom could hypnotize
him. He didn't seem to interested.
It was very weird for me to hear this type of experience from someone
I know. I didn't know how common it could be. Wow. I will have to give
this some thought.
Hey, I think all us West Coasters (and anyone else who wants to come)
should plan some kind of ParaNet get together somewhere. Just for us all to
meet, maybe exchange stories and the like. It would be nice if we all were
a little closer then a 'computer network' seeing as how we are dealing with
such highly controversial material and friends in this situation are allways
very nice to have and share. What do you think? Maybe an Arizona camp-out.
I could easily arange going to Arizona or Oregon or one of the other
neighboring states to CA. It's not that bad a ride.

David Villa - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Villa@f2704.n206.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Bob.Trevithick@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bob Trevithick)
Subject: Re: UFONS
Date: 3 Jun 91 13:35:00 GMT

Hi Peggy,
This is my first message here...I'll probably mess it up somehow! I
have yet to send in my bucks (procrastination again!) but plan to soon.
In fact I will write out the check now so I get it over with.

No..don't get the ufo magazine...but I DID get the packet of articles
you sent me. Thank you! Much appreciated, and very interesting. I
will comment further on CIS...easier to talk when the meter isn't
running, ya know? :-)

Thanks again!

Bob Trevithick - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bob.Trevithick@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: scicom!ncar!!lush
Subject: (none)
Date: 3 Jun 91 17:47:10 GMT

From: (Gregory B Lush)

Subject: Uri Geller

I wasn't following the talk about law suits regarding Geller
and Randi, so I don't know exactly what was going on, but...

I talked with a fellow who knew or talked to Geller (so this
falls under the heading of rumor), and he had something
interesting to say about him.

Geller was making a lot of money bending spoons and whatnot
for a long while, right? This fellow said that Geller knew
how to bend a spoon the same way a illusionist can because
if, for some reason, his mental prowess were having a bad day
and he couldn't do bend anything that way, he couldn't afford
to 'disappoint' his audience. It's not good for business!

Am I to understand that someone 'proved' Geller to be a "fraud"?
I thought that there is a case where they compared two bent spoons
and found that Geller's spoon did not suffer from the strain that
the other's did. Anybody know anything about this?


Greg (


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Miscellaneous
Date: 3 Jun 91 21:33:00 GMT

> You can find the "Rainbow Declaration" in the 1990 MUFON Symposium
> Proceedings. It has somewhat religious overtones.
> I bought a copy of the Proceedings last summer and will be happy to
> send you a copy of the
> Declaration. I know I must have your address around here somewhere....
> Why don't you just post it to me? Then I'll send it by SnailMail.

Thanks. It is P.O. Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172.

Also, I would be interested in hearing your interpretation of what that
document represents.

Thanks again.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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