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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 420

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 420 

Saturday, June 8th 1991

Today's Topics:

Valle Interview
Re: Welcome to Paranet
Re: Paranet Newsletter 414
Re: Miscellaneous
Tab A - Robertson Panel
Tab A - Robertson Panel, (2)
Tab A - Robertson Panel, (Conclusion)
Re: Paranet Newsletter 414
"Martian" Chronicles
Re: INFO: Clandestine Mars Observer Launch??


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Valle Interview
Date: 6 Jun 91 02:24:00 GMT

George Earley's interview with Dr. Jacques Vallee (ParaNet
file number 01154) was for the most part accurate in describing the
current state of affairs in contemporary ufological circles.

However, I must disagree with a statement Dr. Valle made in
regard to the beliefs and convictions of Isaac Asimov and Carl

Dr. Vallee stated (in considering Sagan's and Asimov's
knowledge of the UFO phenomenon) that "...They've < Sagan and
Asimov > never taken time to study the cases themselves. All they
know about it is what they read in the National Enquirer..."

I must admit that I too don't agree with everything that Sagan
and Asimov say, but do you seriously believe that these two
respected men glean their data from the tabloids?

As the file header states, "...we must begin to police our own
, so let's get our act together folks!

Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Date: 30 May 91 20:58:00 GMT

> Where was the real photograph?

Yep, where's the beef?


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Re: FLIGHT 19
Date: 31 May 91 16:58:01 GMT

> Last off topic message to Fla. I stood on the road (Collins
> Blvd?) and it was raining on one side, and dry on the other
> side, Miami Beach.

Typical Florida.

> I have not had time to impliment my "UFO Photos" yet, but came
> up with a third method last week. As soon as I can make some,
> I'll try to send them off to you, without telling how it was
> done.

Sounds interesting.
I think that if either of us ever manage to photograph a real ufo,
the fact that we've been discussing how to fake them will probably be
trotted out as evidence of a hoax. ;-)
Have you noticed that one of the main objections to Ed's photos is
that the craft looks too hokey to be real? Of course the F-117 doesn't
much look like it would fly either.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Welcome to Paranet
Date: 6 Jun 91 00:40:00 GMT

Hi David,
Thanks for the informative write-up/short biography you did of
yourself. This field attracts people of all ages, and I envy you your
early start.
See you,

Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: postmaster@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 414
Date: 6 Jun 91 16:52:35 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

I am employed at GE Astro Space in East Windsor, New Jersey. We
are the prime contractor for the Mars Observer spacecraft. I think
I can report with a high degree of confidence that it is here, and
is not ready to fly. It is scheduled for a Titan III launch. This
is a big vehicle, and is very difficult to covertly launch. Also,
The only Titan III pad at the Cape is down for repairs. The only
other U.S. vehicle that could launch it is STS (well, Titan IV also).
It might just be launchable on an Ariane 44L, but those launches are
all very public. A Soviet Proton or Energia could conceivably get
MO to Mars, but that strains credibility even further - and I think
that by now credibility is past the breaking point.


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Miscellaneous
Date: 6 Jun 91 19:17:00 GMT

> I'll send you the entire article so you can see the Declaration in
> the context of the article.
> Expect a snail in a few days. :-)

Thanks Linda.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Tab A - Robertson Panel
Date: 6 Jun 91 19:40:00 GMT

(C) 1991 ParaNet(sm) Information Service. All Rights Reserved.
ParaNet File Number: 00229

DATE OF UPLOAD: June 18, 1990
ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: ParaNet Administration/Los Angeles, CA

The following file contains what appears to be Tab A of the
findings of the Robertson Panel in 1953. The Robertson Panel was
a highly controversial meeting which was conducted under the
veil of a scientific panel, however it was later reported that
the Central Intelligence Agency actually conducted and possibly
influenced the panel's findings, and that the whole purpose was
mainly for the benefit of public relations.

Although the document appears to be authentic, ParaNet strongly
advises that the reader of this document take into consideration
the possibility that it is a fake consistent with the rumors that
have circulated among the UFO community over the years that the
CIA actually released a "dummy" document to conceal the real
findings of the panel.



1. Motion Pictures, Trementon, Utah

This case involves the sighting and photographing
(Kodachrome Film) of ten bright lights moving across the sky on 2
July 1952 in rough formation. Source is a Chief Photographer's
Mate, USN, with 17 years photographic experience. The local time
was 1110; weather conditions bright, clear, no clouds. Objects
appeared to be "milling about" while traveling in a westerly
direction across the sky. Source was driving along the road when
the sighting occurred. He stopped the car and photographed the
event with his personal camera. Toward the end of the sighting,
one object separated from the rest and reversed course across the

Status: ATIC Photographic Laboratory examination of the film
resulted in following conclusions:

a. 10 objects, all alike in movement and size.

b. Decidedly improbable that they are birds or

c. Exact nature cannot be determined, because they are
visible only as small spots of light. It can be deduced,
however, that they are either non-spherical in shape and similar
to bright metal in reflectance or else variably self-luminous.
Objects which follow similar courses show similar brightness
fluctuations which could be caused by their taking similar flight

d. Apparently a coordination of movement to some
extent among these objects. They seem to move in formations
which are probably 3-dimensional in arrangement.

e. The movements suggest flight paths consisting of
skew curves in space.
f. The single object which reversed course remained
reasonably uniform in brightness. It followed a nearly straight
line path with reasonable uniformity of motion at an angular
velocity of about 2.1 degrees per second. (This is equivalent to
the following speeds: 37 mph @ 500 yards; 75 mph @ 1000 yards;
375 mph @ 5000 yards; 758 mph @ 10,000 yards; etc.).

g. It would probably be extremely difficult to
imitate this photography for fraudulent purposes.

This film is currently under examination by the U.S. Navy Photo
Interpretation Laboratory, Anacostia. Estimated completion date:
15 January 1953.

2. Bright Light sighted from Presque Isle and Limestone Air
Force Bases, [unknown]

This sighting occurred the night of 10-11 October 1952 from
2300 to 0300 local time, by observers at the weather stations at
these Air Force Bases. The description of the light was
"circular orange object with four green lights nearby."
Theodolites sightings of elevation and azimuth were obtained.
Weather was clear.

Status: A comparison of observed azimuths and elevations of the
supposed object with the calculated position and relative motion
of the planet Jupiter leave little doubt that the observed object
was actually Jupiter.

3. Reported Sightings of a Strange Object in Florida

This sighting was reported by a Boy Scoutmaster to have
occurred at 2150 local time on 19 August 1952 near West Palm
Beach, Florida. According to the story given, the source was
driving along deserted road in his car, together with four Boy
Scouts. Sighting a strange light, source stopped the car,
cautioned the boys to wait, and entered the palmetto undergrowth
alone. When he did not return in a few minutes, and witnessing
some strange lights in the vicinity of the scoutmaster, the boys
went for help, returning with a deputy sheriff. The scoutmaster
appeared, badly firghtened, slightly burned on the forearms. His
story was that he had seen a large curcular object about eight
feet over his head which had released a "fire ball" which
descended on him. He stated that he had thrown himself upon the
ground and "blacked out." There were various other [unknown] to
the story. His cap was burned slightly and samples of grass
taken from the immediate vicinity of the "sighting" differed
strangely in appearance from samples 75 yards away.

Status: The background of the source indicates an unsavory
personal reputation and criminal record, resulting in the belief
that the report may have been an elaborate hoax. However, the
unusual condition of the grass samples is currently unexplained.
This fact, together with other aspects of the case, leave final
determination in doubt at this time.



<Continued in next message..>

ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Tab A - Robertson Panel, (2)
Date: 6 Jun 91 19:41:00 GMT

<Continued from previous message>


ParaNet note: The following text is taken from an attachment of
the Robertson Panel Tab A document. It was included in the FOIA
release and contains a memorandum for record dated 16 May 1958.
It should be considered in the same way as the previous document.


16 May 1958


SUBJECT: Meeting with Air Force Personnel Concerning Scientific
Advisory Panel Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, dated 17
January 1953 (Secret)

1. A meeting was convened this date eiwht representatives
of the Air Force to discuss what steps should be taken concerning
the subject report in order to take care of inquiries such as the
letters written by Mr. Leon Davidson. Mr. Davidson has been most
insistent upon getting the entire report released. The full
report is classified "Secret." A declassified version is
available, a copy of which was given to Mr. Davidson.

The following personnel were at the meeting:

Mr. Philip G. Strong DAD/C/SI, CIA
Major Joseph E. Boland SAF LL-3
Major James F. Byrne AFCIN-XIA
Major Lawrence J. Tacker SAFIS
Dr. A. Francis Arcier ATIC
Mr. George Cary Legislative Counsel, CIA
Mr. W. E. Lexow OSI, CIA

3. Paragraph 3 of the report cites examples of actions
that could be taken by an enemy with possibly dangerous
consequences to national security. This is the principal reason
that the entire reason the report cannot be declassified. This
was agreed to in the meeting. In addition, it was pointed out by
Mr. Strong that several of the panel members specifically
requested that while they had no objection to their names being
used in connection with this report, they did not want their
names connected to the Central Intelligence Agency. So far it is
believed that all connections between the panel members and CIA
have been made by unofficial personnel.

4. In dealing specifically with Mr. Davidson it was
agreed that Major Tacker would answer for the DCI at the same
time that he was answering for the Air Forces. (Mr. Davidson
sent a copy of his letter to Major Tacker to the DCI for a

5. Mr. Strong pointed out that perhaps the best way to
forestall any future inquiries along these lines was to put out a
press release covering the subject of unidentified flying
objects, utilizing the panel report as much as possible. Major
Boland agreed that this was perhaps the best way to handle it,
inasmuch as in his capacity of Legilsative Liaison, it would best
satisfy congressional requirements. Major Tacker will draft an
Air Force press release, clearing it through the various sections
of the Air Force, and will then submit it to Mr. Cary for Agency
review, Mr. Cary will consult with the Office of Security, Mr.
Strong and the undersigned when he receives the draft press

6. The Air Force representatives believe that much of
the trouble they have been having with Major Keyhoe along these
same lines could be alleviated if the Major did not have such
important personages as Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter, USN
(ret.), former DCI, on the board of governors of his
organization. They suggested that perhaps if the Admiral was
shown the Secret panel report he would understand and take
appropriate actions. Mr. Cary said that he would relate this
suggestion to Mr. Houston (General Counsel).

7. Major Boland suggested that it might be advisable
to contact the panel members to consider a rewording of th epanel
report somewhat along the lines that Dr. Menzel suggested in his
letter to all the members of the panel. Dr. Menzel has received
the unclassified version from Mr. Leon Davidson. Mr. Strong
feels that this may be inadvisable at the present time, inasmuch
as the report has already been made available to thge public and
any change may arouse suspicion. However, he will contact Dr.
Roberston and disucss this.

W. E. Lexow
Chief, Applied Science Division, SI


Orig - DAD/C/SI
2 - ASD/SI
1 - Mr. Chapin (Ass'n to the DCI)
1 - Mr. Cary (Leg. Counsel)
1 - SO/SI ([blanked out] Office of Security)
OSI/ASD/WELexow: gl/682


<Concluded in next message>

ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Tab A - Robertson Panel, (Conclusion)
Date: 6 Jun 91 19:42:00 GMT

<<Continued from previous message>>


ParaNet Note: The folowing document was released under the
Freedom of Information Act. It was contained in the same package
as the previous material. As before, we do not represent that
the information contained is accurate.

The documents lists various people who attended an Intelligence
Advisory Committee meeting to deal with the UFO problem.
According to information gleaned from the document, it appears
that the meeting was number 90 in a series of meetings of this
committee. This does not necessarily mean that the meetings were
specifically regarding UFOs, however we are attempting to get
information on this. It is further interesting to note the
number of CIA personnel in attendence, indicating that
information that has been passed along over the years that the
UFO problem was highly regarded by the CIA.

Security Information
4 December 1952


Minutes of Meeting held in Director's Conference Room,
Administration Building, Central Intelligence Agency on 4
December 1952.

Acting Deputy Director (Intelligence)
Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Robert Amory, Jr.


Mr. W. Park Armstrong, Jr., Special Assistant, Intelligence
Department of State
Brigadier General John M. Willems, acting for Assistant Chief of
Staff, G-2, Department of the Army
Rear Admiral Carl F. Espe, Director of Naval Intelligence,
Department of the Navy
Major General John A. Samford, Director of Intelligence,
Headquarters, United States Air Force
Dr. Walter F. Colby, Director of Intelligence, Atomic Energy
Brigadier General Edward H. Porter Deputy Director for
Intelligence, The Joint Staff
Mr. Meffert W. Kuhrtz, acting for Assistant to the Director,
Federal Bureau of Investigation


Dr. Sherman Kent, Central Intelligence Agency
Dr. H. Marshall Chadwell, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Paul Borel, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Ludwell L. Montague, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Philip Strong, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Joseph W. Smith, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. William C. Trueheart, Department of State
Mr. Miron Burgin, Department of State
Lieutenant Colonel T. C. Anderson, Department of the Army
Lieutenant Colonel Edgar H. Thomson, Jr., Department of the Army
Colonel John J. Morrow, United States Air Force
Colonel Jack E. Thomas, United States Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas J. Grant, United States Air Force
Colonel S. M. Lansing, The Joint Staff
Captain John A. Holbrook, USN, The Joint Staff

Richard D. Drain, Acting Secretary

Declassified per sec 3(A), E011652
Approved for release 207789
Date 6 Ocotber 1978

Approval of Mintues

1. Action: The minutes of the last meeting, 1 December
1952 (IAC-M-89), were approved.

Conditions and Trends in Latin
America Affecting U.S. Security

2. Action: Approved with minor modifications.

Unidentified Flying Objects

3. Action: The Director of Central Intelligence will:

a. Enlist the services of selected scientists to
review and appraise the available evidence in the light of
pertinent scientific theories.

b. Draft and circulate to the IAC a proposed NSCID,
which would sifnigy IAC concern in the subject and authorize
coordination with appropriate non-IAC departments and agencies.

4. Discussion: The acting Chariman, Mr. Amory, presented
to the committee the DCI's request that this subject be
informally discussed. Dr. Chadwell briefly reviewed the evidence
and peripheral considerations, and noted that most of the
available evidence is processed by ATIC. General Samford
offerred his full cooperation. It was recognized that he problem
is best approached if directly related to specific problems of
intelligence and defense. It was thought desirable that the
action noted above under "a" be undertaken immediately, with
consideration of a proposed NSCID to depend in some measure on
the results achieved by the scientist's studies.



ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 414
Date: 7 Jun 91 03:32:00 GMT

> From: Paul Carr <>
> I am employed at GE Astro Space in East Windsor, New Jersey. We
> are the prime contractor for the Mars Observer spacecraft. I think
> I can report with a high degree of confidence that it is here, and
> is not ready to fly. It is scheduled for a Titan III launch. This
> is a big vehicle, and is very difficult to covertly launch. Also,
> The only Titan III pad at the Cape is down for repairs. The only
> other U.S. vehicle that could launch it is STS (well, Titan IV also).
> It might just be launchable on an Ariane 44L, but those launches are
> all very public. A Soviet Proton or Energia could conceivably get
> MO to Mars, but that strains credibility even further - and I think
> that by now credibility is past the breaking point.

Thank you for that information, Paul. This is why ParaNet stays ahead of the
game! BTW, what do you know about the failure of the Phobos mission?


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Deane.Ward@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Deane Ward)
Subject: Reply
Date: 7 Jun 91 04:43:32 GMT

Thanks Mike for your prompt answer. I am waiting for your info. Could the
other person's name be Lloyd Berkner?

I am still looking through Hyneks' books, but, up to now I'm still walking
through the desert.
Thanks again
Deane Ward

Deane Ward - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Deane.Ward@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: "Martian" Chronicles
Date: 3 Jun 91 04:45:00 GMT


Regarding your latest series on Richard Hoagland; I have
found them enjoyable reading, but certainly wouldn't call
them the absolute last word of "Truth" , nor would I go
out on a limb on categorically stating that the "Face"
on Mars is no more or less than what we all have been
speculating for the last few years.

As you may have have noticed, I have been circulating
a few UFO related files around on UseNet and thought
to provoke some insightful discussions by their subject

I just got finished cross-posting a few articles off this
echo (intact with headers, as mentioned in your "sharetext")
and some of these have been on Hoagland's Mars theme..

You might be interested in this response I saw tonight in


>Article 434 of alt.alien.visitors:
>From: (Lydick, Carl)
>Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,alt.paranormal,sci.skeptic,
>misc.headlines ,,misc.misc
>Subject: Re: INFO: Clandestine Mars Observer Launch??
>Keywords: Follow-ups to alt.alien.visitors
>Message-ID: <>
>Date: 1 Jun 91 00:22:23 GMT
>References: <1991May31.022927.35@bilver.uucp>
>Organization: California Institute of Technology
>Lines: 18
>News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.3-4x

>In article <1991May31.022927.35@bilver.uucp>, dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
>> ParaNet has received information that Richard C. Hoagland,
>>the noted author of The Monuments of Mars - a book detailing a
>>possible surface anomaly on the planet, that NASA has covertly
>>launched the Mars observer spacecraft to speed to Mars to find
>>out what is going on up there. Below is a reprint of that
>>article. Our members are encouraged to provide any information
>>that would substantiate or disavow these claims.
>Thanks, Don. The folks upstairs working on the Mars Observer Camera got a
>pretty good laugh out of this. Also, isn't this the SAME Richard C.
>who, as of about two years ago, was running around ranting that NASA was
>to SUPPRESS investigation of the Cydonia formations? Hey, if you believe in
>enough contradictory conspiracies, eventually you may even believe in one

This got me to pondering that if the folks that actually WORK on this
project are ridiculing Hoagland, then how much more proof of evidence
(on Hoagland's end) would be required to settle the matter, once and
for all, before the reports come in from the Mars Observer mission?

If people at NASA appear to be "stonewalling" Hoagland, ridiculing his
claims, and seem to blow off his theories...he is in for a very rough
uphill climb.

IF he is proven right after a time, then what?

Do you suppose that NASA will "suddenly" change their position?

>From what I've read, Hoagland isn't exactly a "nut" nor does he
appear mentally deranged, judging from a small list of credentials
I've seen on him.

He may come off as a "Don Quixote", but my suspicion is there is
"something" that we (the public) aren't being leveled with by NASA.

I just wish I could put my finger on it more.

Just thought you might be interested in this small amount of feedback.



Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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