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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 400

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 400 

Friday, May 10th 1991

Today's Topics:

Vallee & the ET Hypothesis
Points & Procedures
Frank Edwards
CSICOP members
Rima Laibow file
Physical Proof
Re: Ivan Sanderson
Discussion of statements of acceptance
Re: Frank Edwards
Re: Alien Alloys
Answer to your quest. & UFO Conferences
Print your answers!
alien artifacts/physical traces
Getting Smart About Getting Smarts

Moderator's Note: Please note the admin and submissions addresses at the bottom
of this digest. We have articles coming to the wrong address and this can kill
your address as the source.

From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Vallee & the ET Hypothesis
Date: 4 May 91 01:56:00 GMT


> However, I emphatically agree with Vallee's linkage of
> the ancient images
> of the 'little people' and most contemporary perceptions of
> our so-called
> 'visitors.' His insight here was remarkable.

I think so, too, and I think you've hit the nail on the head by
observing ...

> As I said, the evidence
> here is almost exclusively mythological (e.g., the Greek
> Titanomachyia, the
> Old Norse accounts of the war between the Aesir and the
> Vanir, the Biblical
> 'Rage in Heaven,' the conflict between Marduk and Tiamat in
> Babylonian
> mythology, the several divine invasions of Ireland, as
> described in the LEBOR
> GABALA, Seth versus Horus in ancient Egyptian mythology,
> the Aztec and Inca
> origin myths, etc., etc.), but it's certainly persuasive.
> Some sort of mutual
> accomodation seems to have been reached between the several
> colonial 'powers,'
> however, as at least some of the losers (i.e., those that
> don't resemble the
> 'Greys') still seem to be involved with us.

But one wonders: What do they *want*, anyway??? If contact has
been prolonged and continuous, it must serve some sort of purpose
for them (and have an impact on us). I wonder: what's the
purpose, and what's the impact?

> comment on another widespread assumption: that genus Homo
> (or at least H.
> sapiens sapiens) was somehow 'seeded' by our
> extraterrestrial colonial
> masters. It makes no sense whatsoever in light of what we
> currently know
> about this most crucial phase in hominid evolution. Again,
> Occam's Razor. . .

Well, yes and no -- the studies of "Lucy" show that Homo Erectus
was virtually identical to us from the neck down. That's 2-1/2
million years ago!

But the explosion of cranial evolution (and perhaps skills like
speech/toolmaking) in comparatively recent times is very perplexing.
Vallee (rightly) says over and over that applying the ET
hypothesis to explain human evolution and accomplishments demeans
our own genius. But how a species goes from a 900cc cranium to
at 2000cc cranium in 200,000 years or less is a puzzlement.

> I look forward to further exchanges.

Me too!


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Points & Procedures
Date: 4 May 91 02:42:00 GMT

To: donald.WichitaKS.NCR.COM!jsurine

> Here's my start at some helpful questions that could be
> useful
> if answered.
> You happen to see a UFO and you have your camera with, you
> even remeber to take the lense cap off. The next day when
> you get the pictures back from the developer they are all
> blurry. What should you do for the following night so you
> get
> better pictures?

My theory: Get as close as possible to the thing and remain
there as long as possible after taking your pictures. I believe
that UFOs use a localized time-shift as part of their
propulsion/navigation system. It throws off exposure times and
physically alters the character of light emitted by the objects.
Light can be either highly actinic (causes bad overexposures) or,
more likely, attenuated so it underexposes the emulsion. It also
seems to have the characteristic of slowing or stopping
electrical discharges and currents, like those in your car's
ignition system, you camera's battery pack & photocells, and your

Therefore: Get a 100% mechanical camera -- no electronic
*anything*. Use fast film and a shutter speed above 1/125.
Never try to use magnetic media like videotape or electronic
recording apparatus. Get as close as possibly and take as many
pictures as possible at different exposures for as long as
you're there.

Most important, write several notes to yourself about what you're
doing before embarking on your mission: place the notes in
places where you'll find them, even if you lose all memory of
the project. In the notes, remind yourself that the project was
very important, that you should ignore any "feelings" you have
that it's not important, that you should get the film developed
immediately and give multiple prints of everything to as many
people as possible.

This procedure should be followed only by those who value their
photos above their life & saftey.

> You happen upon a recently crashed UFO what should you do?

Grab as much as you can carry and get away as fast as possible.
Photograph all artifacts you obtain and share the photos with as
many people as possible. Divide the artifacts between a number
of individuals and have them store the artifacts in several
different places. Go to see Dr. Vallee immediately after you tell us
on ParaNet. :-)

*Only then* should you return to the site with other people,
equipped with cameras, geiger counters, EM detectors, etc.

> You happen upon a not so recently crashed UFO what should
> you do?
Same procedure as (2), above.

> You meet someone who has seen a UFO how do you get a
> reliable
> account from them?

You don't. You get their account and check with other witnesses,
radar facilities, police departments, local people, etc. If
there's independent corroboration, you've probably got a reliable

> You are abducted by a UFO and are about to be made to
> forget
> everything how do you insure you can remeber?

Pocket something.

> How do you keep a low profile with respect to govt
> disinformation
> and UFO harrasment types?

Put yourself under surveillance so you can document what they're
doing. Bug your own house/car and check the tapes -- be alert
for black-bag jobs. From pay phones, call your home phone -- see
who answers. Can they take a message for you??? Be alert for
irregularities in you bank accounts, credit cards, credit
reports, and especially your phone bill -- someone could be
calling from your number (but not your house) and causing no end
of trouble. Keep a tape recorder in your pocket or purse at all
times and be prepared to use it if your accosted *either at home
or on the street, your job, etc.* Also, act "unpredictably" if
you're accosted and maybe you'll confuse them. You'll also
discredit yourself, unfortunately.

> You have a piece of a UFO how should you have it studied?

Independently by several major universities. Choose institutions
in Europe -- France and Belgium are probably best. Dr. Vallee
will suggest several. Go to see him. Do not telephone.

> You find an alien critter cutting up one of your cattle,
> you happen
> to have your trusty rifle handy, what should you do?

Accounts vary, but shooting them is a special treat. Don't
worry, you won't hurt it.

> You have a dead alien critter what should you do?

Call Sears & order a Lady Kenmore upright freezer right away.
They're on sale this month. Do not mention the cause of your
freezer order over the phone. Then photograph the little bugger
and try to get as many tissue samples as you can. Send the
tissue samples to several different individuals, and have those
individuals keep the samples in several different places. Then
go to see Dr. Vallee.

> You happen to have access to govt UFO info (documents,
> samples, actual craft)
> how do you release this info?

Only after you've made multiple photocopies and given the copies
to several individuals, who will keep them in different places.
It's nice if you can send them to some folks abroad. Like
foreign lawyers who expect to hear from you from time to time.
Then, approach newspapers. The London Observer, Paris Match,
the Tribune and Gannett Organizations, The L.A. Times/Newsday
are all good candidates. I believe that you will be betrayed
immediately (and maybe vanish or something) if you approach the
N.Y. Times, so do be mindful of this.

> You're an archeoligist (sp?) who is the first to discover
> that the ancient
> Chinese had portable crystal powered walkmans, what should
> you do?

I heard that story. Any truth to it?


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Wheatrik@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Wheatrik)
Date: 2 May 91 21:58:42 GMT

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) -- The "Amazing Kreskin" offered to pay $100,000
anybody who can prove hypnotism exists.
The man who bills himself as the world's foremost mentalist said he's
risking a year's salary at Harrah's Casino Hotel because he believes
needs to be debunked.
"The only thing that's real about hypnotism is the bill people get when
go through hypno-therapy,"
Kreskin said Tuesday. "A child questioned under
hypnotism could be programmed to give false testimony."

The entertainer said hypnotism is merely the power of suggestion.
"My subjects respond to me while they are wide awake, totally conscious
certainly not in any altered state,"
Kreskin said. "Who needs all this mumbo

Well now I have heard it all.
John Wheatrik - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Wheatrik@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Frank Edwards
Date: 3 May 91 02:55:00 GMT

> Guys, lets not confuse Dr. Frank Stranges, the present-day
> UFO charlatan, with Frank Edwards, the noted Fortean writer
> and author of the "Strange" series (Stranger than Truth,
> Strange World, Stranger than Science).
EEEEEEKKK!!! I stand corrected, Jim -- I started this in a
message to Linda Bird. This is what happens when one answers
one's mail at 3:00 a.m.!!!!!

A thousand pardons.

> Its funny how many in our generation were turned onto this
> stuff by Edwards. I, too, remember the David Lang story
> from Stranger than Science as being my first nose-dive into
> the world of the paranormal.
> Unfortunately, according to an article by Michael Dennett
> of the Northwest Skeptics in the Skeptical Inquirer, the
> Lang story seems to be apocryphal. Something about the town
> mentioned not even existing, and Edwards taking the story
> from a newspaper article which was recounting a legend
> rather than reporting eyewitness accounts. Edwards was a
> good chronicler of the UFO phenomenon, but not much of an
> in-depth researcher.

Jim, the town, I believe, was Bloomsbury, N.J., and I understand
that the "legend" is still alive there.

Maybe I'll poke around down there -- it's not too far.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: ncar!!CARR
Subject: CSICOP members
Date: 7 May 91 17:36:05 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

I recently received a letter from CSICOP advertising something called
'Skeptical Notes,' which comes out quarterly for $15/year. The letter
had a sidebar listing the members of CSICOP. There are all the well
known people: Asimov, Randi, Sagan, Klass, etc., as well as a number of
academics. I'm not volunteering to type the whole list in (about 30+
people), but it should be clear now that they do publish it.


From: ncar!!CARR
Subject: Rima Laibow file
Date: 7 May 91 17:36:53 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

The conclusion of Rima Laibow's paper was apparently cut short. Can we get
the rest of it?

Moderator's note: Not sure if you mean the digest was short or article
in paranet was never concluded after the first part.

From: ncar!!CARR
Subject: Physical Proof
Date: 7 May 91 19:53:22 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

On the subject of physical proof of the existence of UFOs:
First, the evidence would have to be in connection with a very well
documented sighting with more than one well qualified witness. There
are a number of such sightings documented, but I don't know of any
that are associated with available physical evidence. Some of things
'they' could leave behind that would be convincing:
1) Materials with a strength-to-weight ratio more than an order of magnitude
than anything available at present.
2) Materials with radiation shielding not commensurate with their light weight.
3) Micro devices with component densities MORE than an order of magnitude
ahead of the current state of the art.
4) 'Magical' devices - i.e. so advanced that the physical principles of
their operation are unknown.


From: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Graham)
Subject: Re: Ivan Sanderson
Date: 3 May 91 15:12:45 GMT

* Message sent by Jim Speiser on 02 May 91 to Jim Graham:
>Guys, lets not confuse Dr. Frank Stranges, the present-day UFO
>charlatan, with
>Frank Edwards, the noted Fortean writer and author of the "Strange"

Oops! You're right.

Actually, when I wrote that reply, I was torn between mentioning Edwards or

If I recall, it was that same book (yes, it was "Stranger Than Science") that
had a story about the leaning ball which seemed to "defy" gravity.

Thanks for the correction, Jim.

Jim Graham - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: ncar!!CARR
Subject: Discussion of statements of acceptance
Date: 8 May 91 13:53:06 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

This is just a personal opinion...
The vitriolic exchanges between Mr. Moen and Mr. Tender are BORING.
If these two gentleman don't like each other, that is their problem.
I am disappointed that we can't have a mature, focused discussion
about the various statements of acceptance - and these would fall
under more than one category. Also, the side issue about
classifying files on one's BBS is not germane to this thread at all.

I think that Moen and Tender should feel free to continue their discussion
by private e-mail, but should be kind enough not to make us Paranet
subscribers sort through it.


From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: Frank Edwards
Date: 4 May 91 23:33:00 GMT

In a message to Jim Speiser <05-02-91 19:55> Clark Matthews wrote:

->A thousand pardons.
A thousand don't-sweat-its.

->Jim, the town, I believe, was Bloomsbury, N.J., and I
->understand that the "legend" is still alive there.

That may be a different legend; the one I recall from Edwards' book was near
Gallatin, Tennessee.

But if you know of one nearby you can look into....!


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: Alien Alloys
Date: 5 May 91 03:04:00 GMT

In regard to Meiers Metal that was supposedly examained by an IBM
engineer - as I recall the "engineer" was a lower level technician
with a penchant for overstatment. I also seem to recall that after the
piece was analyzed it conveniently was lost - the "engineer" was
carrying it around in his pocket and misplaced it, or some such
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Doug Rogers)
Subject: Guidelines
Date: 4 May 91 21:58:07 GMT

New readers are always joining Paranet. For their benefit, allow me to review
the rules of posting which we ask all our users to adopt:

******* PARANET ECHO POLICIES ********

The following are guidelines for the operation of the Paranet Echos on member
boards. Please take a moment to read (and understand) these policies. If we'll
adopt these attitudes, we'll have a more polite, effective network.

1. No anonymous messages may be posted on the network. Some Paranet BBS's
allow users to use "handles", and USENET users have no opportunity to
place their names in the "From" field. If a user uses a handle, then all
posts to Paranet Echos must be signed at the end of the message using
the user's REAL NAME. In the case of USENET posts, it would help to
place the ADDRESSEE's REAL NAME in the subject field. It is the respon-
sibility of the Sysop of each Paranet Node to enforce this requirement,
either by reviewing all messages before release, or by disallowing
Paranet access to users using handles.

2. Personal Attacks are *NOT* allowed in the Net. In any echo dealing with
issues as emotional as those with which we deal it is a matter of course
that the validity of testimony on the part of certain individuals will
be called into question. It is important, however, to remember that
*ALL* parties are to be treated with respect. If you wish to question a
person's validity, state your reservations AS YOUR OPINION. For example:
"John Doe is a totally unreliable witness" could leave you legally
vulnerable. "I BELIEVE John Doe to be a totally unreliable witness" is
much better, especially if you can add "because...". Please be careful
how you judge the parties involved, and attempt to defend your

3. Any user who is found to have knowingly and deliberately posted false or
misleading information regarding the activities of the United States
Government, its intelligence agencies and/or operatives, with respect
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circulated to other UFO investigatory groups.

4. Direct Flames are best posted elsewhere. They will not be tolerated in
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5. References should be included if required for clarity. Some users tend
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others never quote anything and simply make comments about previous
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7. Enforcement. Users who violate these guidelines will be advised of the
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request that their Sysop plead their case in the Sysop Echo. In such
cases, ALL net Sysops will be asked to vote on the matter. Vote of the
net is binding on all concerned.

Doug Rogers
Echo Moderator

Doug Rogers - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Answer to your quest. & UFO Conferences
Date: 4 May 91 21:50:05 GMT

Hi Dan,
Heck no, I did not write that article on Mars. I only sent a copy to
Rpbert McGowan who had requested it. It came out of a quarterly publication
from Florida called FOR THE PEOPLE.
I received flyers about the conf. in Tucson. You are right--it did not
receive much/any press from the Phoenix area. I'm doing term papers right now
& can't get free. And I'll be unable to go to Calif. for the same reason.
Why do you think Wendelle Stevens lost credibility/popularity with the UFO
community? Was it because he backed up Billy Meier at one time (and Billy has
only a few supporters anymore?) I'm asking because I do not know; have only
graduated to Kindergarten in my knowledge of UFO subjects and people.
I wish I could write an article as well-written as the one on Mars. And
I would love to see more NASA photos. Do you know how I could obtain some on
Mars as well as those of the moon that have stirred up so much interest?
Thanks for your comments, Dan.

Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Print your answers!
Date: 4 May 91 22:19:57 GMT

ClarK, that is!
You should print your answers to the questions on Points and Procedures!
Put in in The Continuum! Aside from being amusing, I'm sure your answers were
very close to what one SHOULD really do.
Thanks for the enlightening info!


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@p0.f95.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: ncar!!chalmers
Subject: alien artifacts/physical traces
Date: 9 May 91 13:41:17 GMT

From: (John H. Chalmers Jr.)

RE Korac McArthur: Materials Science is advancing so fast,it's hard
to say what is possible with terrestrial technology if one wanted to
spend enough money on a hoax. I suspect we could duplicate any artifact
we could understand.
Working artifacts that do something 'impossible' like FTL, space
warping, time travel, psychic amplification, matter transmission,
etc. would be another matter, of course.
The problem with high pressue phases is that they usually revert when
the pressure is removed. Neutron stars are hypothesized to have hypersonic
volcanos powered by B-decay as the collapsed matter reverts at the surface
where the gravitational field is weak enough to destabilized the
electron-degenerate and/or neutron-rich phases.
Even if the aliens had been studying us for a long time, I doubt
they'd just happen to have an universal cancer cure, since cancer is
a catch-all term for several hundred diseases with different causes
and characteristics. Several dozen oncogenes have been identified
which control growth and differentiation in normal tissues, but lead
to cancerous growth when mutated, overexpressed, expressed at the wrong
time, or inactivated. I just can't conceive of a single cure for
all cancers since cells can become cancerous for so many different
Chemotherapy works very crudely; some cancer cells are more
sensititive to growth inhibitors or radiation than normal tissue, so
they die faster, etc.
I expect the 'cure' for cancer will be many different cures for many
different conditions, possibly including ageing as well.
I think biological specimens might be the best evidence for ET's,
as I would expect that they would have very different biochemistries,
genetic codes, etc. from terrestrial organisms. DNA-less organisms are
certainly a possibility, even proteinless ones are not too far-fetched
given the recent discoveries of catalytic RNA's. Different optical
activities would also be a smoking gun -- an organism composed
of D-amino acids and/or L-sugars would almost have to be ET. Silicate
could conceivably serve in some of the roles that phosphate does in
energy metabolism.
---- John


From: ncar!!CARR
Subject: Getting Smart About Getting Smarts
Date: 10 May 91 01:36:04 GMT

From: Paul Carr <>

Could we start a discussion about Zen Faulkes article in the last
SE on the subject of extraterrestrial life (Spring 1991)? I sense
that his reasoning is specious, but I've yet to nail down my counterargument.
If anyone is interested, I will try to summarize the article for those
who don't have access to SE (anyone seriously interested in the
Paranormal should pop for the $15/yr, though). BTW, same issue carries
an interview with Dr. Thomas R. McDonough, the astrophysicist who heads
up SETI.

********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********
'infopara' at the following address:

UUCP {ncar,isis,boulder}!scicom!infopara
ADMIN Address


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