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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 398

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 398 

Monday, May 6th 1991

Today's Topics:

material proof
Re: Statements of accepta
Re: Extraordinary claims
Re: Csicop Members
Re: Ivan Sanderson
Re: (NONE)
Thos. Townshend Brown Notebooks!
T.T. Brown's Notebooks/Wm. Moore Pubs.
Re: Ivan Sanderson
Mundrabilla Incident (Australia)
Continuum Continues
Call for Submissions

Moderator's Note: The submission address is '' not
paramod@scicom.....! 'paramod' is outgoing only and used to catch returns and
not allow them back into the database.

Subject: material proof
Date: 3 May 91 18:38:07 GMT

From: K_MACARTHUR@UNHH.UNH.EDU (Korac MacArthur)

I think a great example of such proof would be an alloy of known metals
that has a density greater than the sum of its parts, ie compressed on a
molecular level until the electron clouds of the atoms 'touch' tightly. There
are some material science guys that experiment with something called a 'diamond
press' which jams small samples between two diamond tips to pressures calculated
to millions of atmospheres. They have had some interesting results so far. An
example is when they crushed carbon. You'd figure some of it would be converted
to diamond, right? At those high pressures, the diamond tips were bit into by
the sample of carbon (they didn't touch at the point of effect). They theorize
that the carbon atoms re-arranged their structure under pressure to something
that has a higher hardness factor than the diamond of the press. The article
may have been in Sci. American or Science Week. There have been many strange
effects at 3-5 million atmospheres of pressure. Normal compounds and elements
exhibit strange changes in index of refraction, hardness, color, etc. Who
knows what even a few decades advance in this technology will be able to make?
A large chunk of 'superdiamond' or 'collapsed titanium' would be proof enough
to me, as the state of the art (known) can only make guesses, let alone produce
enough of one of these substances to make anything. You'd be able to identify
these substances as not natural by using x-ray crystallography to measure the
inter-atomic distances in the sample and comparing them to the mundane garden
variety alloy/elements.

Other possible proof objects: Very high temperature superconductors.
If these existed now (even in secret) it would be hard if not impossible to
keep others from stumbling upon how to make them, as there are dozens of
totally independent research labs, all staffed with excellent scientists.

A small portable cold-fusion generator. Maybe Pons and Fleishman had
the right idea, but not enough know how. 'Mr. Fusion' by Ronco, soon available
at your local hardware store ($9999.95).

A vial of a substance that can be shown to kill cancer cells in a
living lab animal, a total cure. Unless the major drug companies have been
sitting on it until the economy grows enough to charge up the nose ( a distinct
though remote possibility), this would be nice.

....and many, many more, subject to imagination. Just my opinions
of what may be good proof. Feel free to object, but do offer other examples.

Korac MacArthur


From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
Subject: Re: Statements of accepta
Date: 27 Apr 91 19:55:15 GMT

RM> John --
RM> I note what seem to be your objections to my posting to Jim
RM> Speiser.

I assume that you know this is a public forum, and that persons
other than Jim read your posting, and that persons other than Jim can

RM> I see you are still trying to imply something about my allegedly
RM> deleting download files or listing them classified according to
RM> credibility, something I never said I did, and have in fact
RM> specifically said I don't.

Anyone following the discussion will remember it like this: If such
classification is made, it should be made on the basis of explicit

RM> I note that you deny attempting a two-year smear campaign on
RM> various echoes, preferring a more agreeable characterisation.
RM> Whatever. I think you've made your intent abundantly clear.

The funny thing is, that in all those echoes, for all that time, no
one, no moderator or participant, not even you, issued one word of
complaint about my motives or tactics or unfairness towards you.

I really would like someone who has archived those echoes to let me
know if I can get copies. I would ask you for such evidence, but I have
learned how unproductive that would be.

RM> I note that you indicate comprehension that I am _not_ a member
RM> of CSICOP, but serve as a member of its Electronic
RM> Communications Subcommittee, and do not purport to speak for
RM> it. Good. That's progress of a sort.

I note you no longer mention CSICOP in your signature. Progress

RM> I note that you ask if it would be appropriate for you to ask
RM> if I support CSICOP's views. I don't know if the question is
RM> appropriate, but I will consider the question to be asked.
RM> Before I could answer it, we would have to establish what
RM> CSICOP's views _are_, and then you could ask me how I felt
RM> about each of those views. Perhaps it would be easier if you
RM> were to just formulate a "view" and ask my opinion. However, I
RM> don't really see the point, much less why this should interest

I'm not a member of CSICOP either, not even a non-member member of
a CSICOP sub-committee, so I'm not all too familiar with their current
views. Are there any files available that would yield useful information
in this area?

RM> Lastly, I note that you seem to second my suggestion of
RM> contacting UFOlogists to ask them what evidence would suffice
RM> to convince them of the ET hypothesis. How nice.

Here's another idea I am, though again roundaboutly, suggesting:
Have CSICOP issue a CD-ROM with all back issues of the "Inquirer", plus
all books of Klass, Sheaffer, and Oberg (and anyone else who is
associated with CSICOP).

RM> Best Regards,
RM> Rick M.


... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
Subject: Re: Extraordinary claims
Date: 27 Apr 91 19:53:54 GMT

RM> John --
RM> I note your 160-line posting on scientific method in the
RM> INFO.PARANET echo-conference. I will consider discussing this
RM> topic with you in some more appropriate forum, such as FidoNet
RM> science or a Usenet sci.* newsgroup, if you like, and will
RM> gladly overlook the various smear tactics, and ongoing use of
RM> such verbiage as "whining" and "platitudes", and assume
RM> _tentatively_ (as you correctly but needlessly note is the
RM> nature of all scientific knowledge) that you seek a substantive
RM> discussion.

You forgot "crank", "grandstanding", "tiresome smear campaign" and

(It's understandable that these slipped your mind; 'you' used them
in reference to 'me'. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't let such
insignificant omissions rain on your self-proclaimed parade of fairness
and open-mindedness).

Sorry, I no longer participate in those echoes. But, if that's the
only way I can continue to "smear" you, I'll consider getting back to
them. After summer's over, though.

I note, however, you are unable to address the issues I raised.

(BTW, congrats on becoming the moderator of this echo. Sorry if the
discussion was out of line. Maybe you can finally pull in the reins on
that Ecker guy who thinks he has your job. (-; )


... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
Subject: Re: Csicop Members
Date: 27 Apr 91 19:57:24 GMT

RM> John T's latest missive brings up a matter I've been meaning to
RM> ask someone about: Basically everyone with at least a passing
RM> aquaintance with CSICOP knows that it's a _committee_, which
RM> puts out a quarterly journal, and that the committee is the
RM> only actual CSICOP _membership_; that the Fellows, Scientific
RM> and Technical Consultants, and subcommittee chairs listed in
RM> "Skeptical Inquirer" are not "members" (much less are the
RM> unnamed _other_ subcommittee members). Occasionally, some
RM> persons disregard this fact for rhetorical reasons, but we can
RM> ignore them.

Once again, Rick, your claim that I disregarded a fact is without
foundation. Although I surmised CSICOP was a committee since CSICOP is
an acronym for "Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of
the Paranormal"
, I did not know that members of CSICOP sub-committees:
1) were not members of CSICOP
2) would have no knowledge of CSICOP viewpoints
3) would not support the majority of such viewpoints even if known
4) would nevertheless use the CSICOP cachet

Forgive my ignorance, and rest assured that you have enlightened me
on this point.


... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Ivan Sanderson
Date: 29 Apr 91 09:32:00 GMT

> You could be right about the book. I don't know where I
> spotted that info about the farmer, only that it "stayed
> with me."
I'll let you know if I run across the story
> again.

Hi Linda. For some reason, I remember Frank Strange in
connection with the vanishing farmer story. Perhaps from one of
his "Stranger Than.." books?


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: (NONE)
Date: 29 Apr 91 18:47:27 GMT

Interesting message, I printed it and will digest as much as possible. I
think I was generalizing when I spoke of defensive thoughts, when something
has been proved false over and over. For example: The open ends at the poles
(hollow Earth theory) John Cleves Symmes Jr., which has been observed
scientifically to be false. There are still people who wish to believe it.
Arthur C. Clarke doesn't set out to debunk things, he investigates and
observes and then reports his conclusions. Sometimes he says they are
unexplained, sometimes he explains, sometimes he says they were hoaxes.
(you've got to get Discovery Channel and watch this show) Now maybe I am
making an error in judgement when I see a TV show on Amazing Mysterys, and I
judge it to be objective opinions.

When you mention "one time treatment by skeptics" or carefully selected
facts that cast suspicion, I think you are selling doubters short as being so
closed minded that one flaw obviates the thought process. If I have doubts
about something, if I question, if one asks for valid proof, it does not (in
my case) mean it's been thrown out. It does mean that more evidence needs to
be presented in order to make a decision. To be reasonable about this if one
time treatment covered it, I wouldn't be reading messages every day, carrying
UFO and Paranormal echoes, storing numerous megabytes of information, and
hunting at the library on a weekly basis for more information.

Specifically in the case of Serios, I have my doubts. Nice parlor trick is
as far as I'll go on that one right now. If there is evidence contary, I will
be happy to change my mind and adjust current wisdom.

If an alien craft ever landed anywhere and there was some good footage
available, I have to believe it. Mostly what we see in UFO photos to date are
hoaxes or reflections. I know this topic has been covered, but someone else
said, if it's a good photo the debunkers say "It's too good it must be a
and if it's blurry the response is, "Oh, it's just a blurr, nothing can
be seen."
(ha ha no way out) I prefer to say if something with reasonable
validity were to be photographed, we'd finally "blow the lid" off the UFO
controversy. I am attempting to retain an open minded view, which means
continue to look at all sectors of an issue.

I agree with you that there are events that have enough validity to warrent
continued investigation. Just because my personal view of Ed's photo's is
that they are nifty tricks, doesn't mean that all of Gulf Breeze is therefore
a nifty trick. It's just as unreasonable to believe in something that has
been reasonable proved to be a very natural event, just because the first
person thought it was paranormal. Somewhere in the process the glass needs to
be seperated from the diamonds. If one sticks to outdated or invalidated
wisdom, mixes it with new evidence, the outcome is abrogated. <GIGO>

Is there a book titled "The World of Serios" or was that for explination?
Any source you can recommend for reading further about his polaroid mysterys.
If you have time read "Night Siege" since the authors avoided making sweeping
generalizations, and stuck to the evidence. It's been reported that they even
left out some questionable material.

What's Rendelsham?

Where is that sunlit stream with the blue stone? I'm still searching for it
myself. 8*)
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Robert.Mcgowan@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Robert Mcgowan)
Date: 30 Apr 91 03:27:32 GMT

You are right, I have let my UFO studies go for a while and it shows. I
need to brush up, I'll be following the Echos now again.
That is where I read it, is there any new information since then?
Robert Mcgowan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Robert.Mcgowan@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Robert.Mcgowan@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Robert Mcgowan)
Subject: Re: YES
Date: 30 Apr 91 03:34:27 GMT

Hi Linda,
I have read the material you sent me and found it quite interesting. Can
you tell me something about the periodical that that article appeared
in? It will be interesting to see what will happen in 92' when we go back.
What other things have you been studying these days?
Robert Mcgowan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Robert.Mcgowan@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Thos. Townshend Brown Notebooks!
Date: 1 May 91 11:04:00 GMT

Anyone possessing copies of the William Moore Publications
edition of T.T. Brown's notebooks is encouraged to contact Clark
Matthews at ParaNet Pi 201-451-3063 or at Internet!Clark.Matthews

Also, note the contents of the following messages re: William
Moore Publications.

+ Originally from the KeelyNet BBS
+ Cross-posted by Clark Matthews

Message 142 DATE/TIME: 03/22/91 13:03
Subject: (R) Re: Upload of TESLAPIC.ZIP
Folder : A, "Public Mail"

For a short time (days?) the Six volume set of T.T.Browns
notebooks where available from W.L.Moore Publications.

I going by memory here my documentation is else where at the

In 1986 Moore was selling the six volume set, which were Xeroxs
copies of Browns hand written (scraled is a better discription)
spiral bound note books. I ordered a set at a price of about $130 for
the set.

I received volume one, then a couple of months latter got volume
two, several months latter I got volume four with a note that said the
printer messed up volume three.

In about Aug. of 1988 I called Moore and asked him what
happened to the other volumes.

He said [parapharazed] "Dr. Brown was a great scientist, but a
lousy business man. He double sold the rights to his note books, to me
and an other party [He would not identity the other party]."
believe that this information should be kept confidential and not be

It seems that this other party was suing to prevent Moore from
publishing any more of the note books.

In December of 1990 I got a letter similar to the following:

W.L.Moore Publications Being Reorganized:

On December 31,1990, as part of a reorganization effort aimed
at providing better and more efficient service, William L. Moore
Publications & Research ceased to exist as a business entity after
eleven years of operation. Essentially, the very important Roswell
Incident and MJ/12-related research projects, along with a reorganized
portion of the publications operation, has been absorbed by PEREGRINE
COMMUNICATIONS, of which Moore is presently a partner. Non
MJ-12/Roswell research will be assimilated into the on-going work of
the Fair-Witness Project, which will continue to publish FOCUS, now in
its sixth year, on a quarterly basis.

For the time being, Peregrine Communications will continue to
use Mr. Moor's Burbank address (which is the same as that of the
Fair-Witness Project), or they may be reached by writing 12226 Victory
Blvd. #207, Norty Holly-wood, CA 91606. Questions and/or comments are

I contacted them and asked what the deal with the note books
was, and their reply was "That matter is still unresolved".

So I'm out lots of $$$ and still don't have the complete set.

The ones that I do have do have a bit of interesting info in
them, but not really as much as I had hoped for. The do show that Brown
was into may things besides 'stress in dialetrics'...

What was the rummor that you heard?

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: T.T. Brown's Notebooks/Wm. Moore Pubs.
Date: 1 May 91 11:04:00 GMT

Anyone with copies of the William Moore Publications edition(s)
of T.T. Brown's notebooks is encouraged to contact Clark Matthews
at ParaNet Pi 201-451-3063 or on Internet at!Clark.Matthews

Many thanks!

+ Originally from the KeelyNet BBS
+ Cross-posted by Clark Matthews

Message 151 DATE/TIME: 03/22/91 23:05
Subject: (R) Re: Upload of TESLAPIC.ZIP
Folder : A, "Public Mail"

I have heard of Peregrine Communications, but I can't remeber where I
heard of it. As for the rumor I heard, I was told that Brown was into
other things as well besides stress diaelectrics. I've heard that some
type of underground orginization managed to get hold of Brown's notes,
and were planning to publish them through some sort of underground
network. I have been in touch with a few people I know, that are have
knowledge of this network, but so far nothing has come of it. Perhaps
someday people will stop being paranoid and begin releasing some, if
not all, of this and other information. The thing that bothers me is,
that if the government somehow were to get control of this information,
they could release it to the public, but change just enough, so that it
would be absolutely useless. I hope this doens't happen. Somewhere,
somebody has the information, all we need to do is find them and
convince them to release it. Perhaps you should look into possible
getting the notes you have put on the computer, and upload them. Of
course for security and copyright infringment, use a diffrent name.
But you didn't here that from me.....Dave

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Graham)
Subject: Re: Ivan Sanderson
Date: 1 May 91 00:08:07 GMT

* Message sent by Clark Matthews on 29 Apr 91 to Linda Bird:
> > You could be right about the book. I don't know where I
> > spotted that info about the farmer, only that it "stayed
> > with me."
I'll let you know if I run across the story
> > again.
>Hi Linda. For some reason, I remember Frank Strange in
>connection with the vanishing farmer story. Perhaps from one of
>his "Stranger Than.." books?

Pardon the intrusion, but you're right, Clark.

As a child, I remember reading a book called "Stranger Than Truth" (I think),
by Frank Strange.

The story of the disappearing farmer was indeed in that book. It's one of
those things that has stuck with me all these years.

Jim Graham - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Graham@p0.f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: ncar!cwns4.INS.CWRU.Edu!xx044
Subject: Mundrabilla Incident (Australia)
Date: 6 May 91 01:52:50 GMT

From: xx044@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (UFOlogy SIG)

I had a request from a Cleveland Free-Net user named David
Coleman concerning the 'Mundrabilla Incident.' He
claims that an anaylsis was done on the debris left on the
car after the incident, and was wondering the disposition of
the test and of the validly of the case.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best, Dale B. Wedge
UFOlogy Sig

Also, another user left a message pertaining to where
he could write for more info on Big-Foot. Although we do not
indulge in the discussion of Big-Foot, I did give him the
names of U.AA.P.A. in Cleveland which puts out a tome called,
'Weirdology' and also of a group in Twinsburg, Ohio. Anyone
having any additional info on this would also be appreciated,
since we do not exclude any types of conversation on the
Sig, although we do try and maintain a discussion on UFO's.


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Continuum Continues
Date: 30 Apr 91 23:04:00 GMT

*** P a r a N e t C O N T I N U U M ***

Continues ...

CONTINUUM is back!

ParaNet's newsletter of UFOlogy, online communications, paranormal
studies and research is resuming publication.

An exciting forum for an array of interests -- and a handy resource
for finding:

-- Current UFO events and symposia

-- Computer bulletin boards

-- Study groups

-- Contact groups

-- Researchers and research organizations

-- Writers and more.

Complimentary copies of CONTINUUM's premiere issue will be available
to ParaNet participants and other interested parties for the price of

Thereafter, CONTINUUM will be available by subscription only, mailed
First Class within the U.S. Please inquire via NetMail for more
information and subscription rates, including overseas rates.

Send mail to:

* ParaNet Alpha 1-303-431-8797 -- address echomail to Michael Corbin at
9:9/0 (ParaNet) or
1:104/422 (Fido) or (Internet)

* ParaNet Pi 1-201-451-3063 -- address echomail to Clark Matthews at
9:1012/4 (ParaNet) or
1:107/816 (FidoNet) or!Clark.Matthews (Internet) or
P.O. Box 3934, Jersey City, NJ 07303-3934

* James Roger Black on InterNet at!jrblack (Internet)

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Call for Submissions
Date: 30 Apr 91 23:10:00 GMT

*** P a r a N e t C O N T I N U U M ***


CONTINUUM is back!

ParaNet's newsletter of UFOlogy, research, online communications, and
paranormal studies is resuming publication -- and calling for

We are seeking articles of 500 to 3000 words for the premiere issue,
which is scheduled for publication in July 1991.

Publication will be quarterly. Payment will be in copies.

*** S U B M I S S I O N D E A D L I N E ***

May 15, 1991

Send submissions to:

Clark Matthews
The Wrong Number BBS
P.O. Box 3934
Jersey City, NJ 07303-3934

*** E D I T O R I A L S U B M I S S I O N S ***


We don't PROMISE to publish it, but if your topic interests you as a
UFO buff, we think it's a safe bet that others in our "circle" will
share your interest.

Science fiction. Science fact. UFO/paranormal history. Scaly-eyed
skepticism. A book review. A television critique. An interview.
The results of your last physics experiment. You name it: If it
interests you, it will probably interest us and your compeers here.
And it's welcome in CONTINUUM.

Registered copyrighted material will be protected but we do assume a
grant of non-exclusive serial rights from you, the author, upon
submission and before delivery of complimentary copies. You must
inform us of other, pending rights sales upon submission.
Likewise, if you submit work-in-progress, your unpublished copyright
will be respected but a grant of non-exclusive serial rights is
expected in exchange for editorial and development work and before the
delivery of complimentary copies. (Heck, we might even improve it!)

*** P L A N N E D T O P I C S ***

Planned articles in the coming issue include:

* The Fatima Enigma

* Online listening post -- best of the ParaNet echoes

* The Philadelphia Experiment: Build It in Your Basement?!

* ParaNet -- 5 years and counting...

* UFO History

* UFO current events

* Handy UFO classifieds

* And more...

*** M A G A Z I N E H I G H L I G H T S ***

* Free classified public notices of:

-- UFO events and symposia

-- Computer bulletin boards

-- Study groups

-- Contact groups

-- Researchers and research organizations

-- Writers and more.

Maximum ad length 40 words, including address and zip code. Dues-
based membership organizations and sponsors of symposia may advertise,
but free classified ads cannot offer anything for sale.

Space for free classifieds is limited, and the offer does not apply to
display advertising. The management reserves the right not to publish
It's definitely "un-commercial", but we're committed to keeping the
the "bulletin board" concept alive in the UFOlogical community. So we
want CONTINUUM to be a helpful resource for its readers -- just like
ParaNet is for its users. What goes around, comes around, in other

Complimentary copies of CONTINUUM's premiere issue will be available
to ParaNet participants and other interested parties for the price of

Thereafter, CONTINUUM will be available by subscription only, mailed
First Class within the U.S. Please inquire via NetMail for more
information and subscription rates, including overseas rates.

Clark Matthews Michael Corbin James Roger Black
Editorial Director System Administrator Contributing Editor

Send netmail to:

* ParaNet Alpha 1-303-431-8797 -- address echomail to Michael Corbin at
9:9/0 (ParaNet) or
1:104/422 (Fido) or (Internet)

* ParaNet Pi 1-201-451-3063 -- address echomail to Clark Matthews at
9:1012/4 (ParaNet) or
1:107/816 (FidoNet) or!Clark.Matthews (Internet) or
P.O. Box 3934, Jersey City, NJ 07303-3934

* James Roger Black on InterNet at!jrblack (Internet)

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG

********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********
'infopara' at the following address:

UUCP {ncar,isis,boulder}!scicom!infopara
ADMIN Address


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