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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 401

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 401 

Monday, May 13th 1991

Today's Topics:

Re: Alien Alloys
Print your answers!
Phoenix Journals
Mundrabilla Incident
Mundrabilla Incident (2)
Mundrabilla Incident (3)
Mundrabilla Incident (4)


From: ncar!!well!ddrasin
Subject: Miscellaneous
Date: 11 May 91 00:34:07 GMT

From: well! (Dan Drasin)

A few responses to tidbits from recent InfoParanet newsletters:


+ From: Steve Warren

+ It would be difficult to find a sweeter scam than the one that the
+ owners of the Federal Reserve are benefiting from today. They are
+ putting the wealth of America in their back pockets, and they come
+ out looking like our great benefactors, because they are
+ 'regulating' our money supply for us and keeping our economy nice
+ and stable. Gee, thanks, guys.

+ You are right, though, this doesn't have anything to do with aliens. ;^)

Steve, apparently you have not read William Bramley's THE GODS OF
EDEN. Highly rcommended.

+ From: Scott Littleton

+ Even though I'm not quite sure about your argument, I'm very glad
+ to hear that you find my ideas interesting. Yes, I have indeed
+ read Vallee's books (am in the middle of CONFRONTATIONS at the
+ moment) and have a great deal of respect for his ideas, although I
+ still find the ETH the most efficient explanation, at least from
+ the standpoint of Occam's Razor--that is, the Principle of
+ Parsimony.

Scott, any *single* explanation of UFO phenomena (plural) is bound to
be misleading. Beside the fact that nothing has only a single cause,
or even a single *level* of cause, there is abundant evidence
suggesting that what we call the 'UFO' is a broad range of phenomena
that can't be contained within any simple, cut-and-dried category.


+ From: Korac MacArthur

+ I think a great example of such proof would be an alloy of known
+ metals that has a density greater than the sum of its parts, ie
+ compressed on a molecular level until the electron clouds of the
+ atoms 'touch' tightly.

While there is such a thing as material *evidence*, there is no such
thing as material proof. Proof itself is a consensus among people, not
objects or circumstances that might be considered a *basis* for
'proof.' Skeptics are technically correct when they say that such-and-
such a metal sample, while perhaps impossible to produce by means of
publically-known methods, cannot be a basis for proof that the source
is necessarily Extraterrestrial, Intraterrestrial, Extradimensional,
etc., etc.

+ Other possible proof objects: Very high temperature superconductors.

Making 'shopping lists' of "proof" objects or circumstances (a
'landing on the White House lawn' is an old favorite) is more of a map
of our own thinking processes than of the actual territory under
survey. When a mystery presents itself we must get to know it on its
own terms rather than imposing our own preconceptions on it. Otherwise
we'll go round and round forever in a hall of mirrors infintely
reflecting fixed or conventional views, and impose 'criteria of proof'
that simply don't apply in the given context. This is one reason some
people have made almost no progress in understanding the UFO
phenomenon in over forty years.


+From: Pete Porro

+ Specifically in the case of Serios, I have my doubts. Nice parlor
+ trick is as far as I'll go on that one right now. If there is
+ evidence contary, I will be happy to change my mind and adjust
+ current wisdom... Is there a book titled 'The World of Serios' or
+ was that for explination? Any source you can recommend for reading
+ further about his polaroid mysterys.

Pete, the book is the *SECOND* edition of THE WORLD OF TED SERIOS,
by Jule Eisenbud, MD. It's published by McFarland & Company, Inc.,
Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina, 28640. You may have to
special-order it. Well-worth the effort to obtain if you're really
interested in the evidence and the circumstances in which the evidence
was produced. It's a guaranteed 'good read.'


By the way, I just returned from the First World UFO Congress in
Tucson. 40 international speakers, dozens of new photos, videos, etc.
A rather exhaustive (and exhausting) update on what's happening

The Soviet contingent included Dr. Marina Popovich, a cosmonaut and
one of the most highly-decorated test pilots in the Soviet Union. She
is a member of the Sov. Academy of Sciences. Her husband, general
Pavel Popovich, is an officer in the Anomalous Phenomena Division of
the Soviet Academy of Sciences. (That's right, their Academy of
Sciences inquires into anomalous phenomena without prejudice). Her
presentation went far beyond the Voronezh landings, which evidently
were only the beginning of a remarkble series of contacts that are
still going on today.

Valery Uvarov, of Leningrad, presented an extensive account of the
ongoing exeriences in the region of Tbilisi, capital of Soviet
Georgia, that include quite a number of benevolent surgical operations
performed on contactees, including himself. These have evidently been
confirmed by the state health ministry. Uvarov also brought a three-
hour documentary composed entirely of relatively unedited (i.e.,
interminable) amateur video that incuded some actual sightings and
lots of interviews with local people (particualrly children) who have
appear to be having quite remarkable experiences including on-board
contacts, paraphysical phenomena, etc.

Some local (Tucson) benefactors contributed three 8mm camcorders to
the Soviet ufological contingent which wants to be able to respond
more quickly to landing reports.


Jorge Martin, of Puerto Rico, presented some *outstandingly* clear
photographs of military pursuit arcraft (swing-wing jets; F-16's??)
circling a vary large metallic disk hovering over a forested area.
According to one congress participant, the disk is a *dead ringer* for
the infamous Roswell craft. UFO activity, including abductions, is
evidently quite common in southwest Puerto Rico, and its main source
seems to be a subterranean base with an underwater entrance south of
the island of Vieques in an area where such activity has been reported
for many years. Martin gave a number of accounts of mysterious,
illegal and exceedingly well-documented miltary operations in the
vicinity of downed craft in that region. Excellent presentation.

Well, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Videotapes of the congress
will be available for $150 (that's 45 hours of tape, not a bad deal)
after about a month.

Dan Drasin


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Alien Alloys
Date: 5 May 91 16:07:00 GMT

> In regard to Meiers Metal that was supposedly examained by
> an IBM engineer - as I recall the "engineer" was a lower
> level technician with a penchant for overstatment.

I believe he was a metallurgist named Marcel Vogel at IBM in

> seem to recall that after the piece was analyzed it
> conveniently was lost - the "engineer" was carrying it
> around in his pocket and misplaced it, or some such
> nonsense.

I heard that too.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Print your answers!
Date: 5 May 91 16:17:00 GMT

> ClarK, that is!
> You should print your answers to the questions on
> Points and Procedures!
> Put in in The Continuum! Aside from being amusing, I'm
> sure your answers were very close to what one SHOULD really
> do.
> Thanks for the enlightening info!
> :-)

You're welcome, I'm sure! Actually, I believe that for the most
part the answers may turn out to be good practice. Especially
the standing rule not to use the telephone if you have important
first-hand information or a primary source.

Actually Otis writes that stuff. He's such a card...

I'd love to print it, but Otis's agent keeps trying to get me to
sign some sort of weird exclusivity agreement in blood.
Something about 7 years free use and then automatic revocation of
the Party of the First Part (that's me...)


We'll see about printing it. I've a little old fashioned about
publishing my own stuff. People like Michael Korda have no such
compunctions, but then again I'm not people like Michael Korda.

I am contributing an article on alternate tech. developments,


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Bryce.Eckstein@f10.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Bryce Eckstein)
Subject: Phoenix Journals
Date: 2 May 91 16:15:00 GMT

Hello Greg!

> The Phoenix Journals are available from
> America West Publishers, Inc.
> P.O. Box 986
> Tehachapi, CA 93581
> Phone: 1-800-729-4131

Thanks for that information - much appreciated.



Bryce Eckstein - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Mundrabilla Incident
Date: 7 May 91 20:51:00 GMT

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In the early hours of Wednesday morning January 20, 1988, the
occupants of a number of vehicles travelling along the main
highway between Perth, Western Australia, and Adelaide, South
Australia, were reportedly involved in an incident.

This report has been compiled from a personal interview with the
main percipients, the Knowles family; a statement given to police
by the Knowles; an inspection of their vehicle; an interview with
one of the truck drivers, and from the extensive media coverage
given to the incident, especially from taped video interviews
which appeared on television. Details of independent laboratory
testing results have been made available to us.

It will be some time, perhaps months before we are able to
present an in-depth report for distribution. However, due to the
constant demand from many quarters for a preliminary report on
our inquiries, we make this material available with the following

The report is a raw information, with no attempt at analysis or
interpretation at this stage. lt will clearly be seen that there
are discrepancies within the accounts given by the Knowles to De
Jong and the story we obtained the following day e.g. which of
Mrs. Knowles' hands was affected. As we have been denied access
to the Knowles for clarification we can only present the details
as we have been given them.

Our investigations have been conducted amidst what can only be
described as a 'media circus'. To indicate the intense media
interest in the incident, the authors have now fielded well over
one hundred individual inquiries from all over Australia, New
Zealand, Northern Ireland, and the U.S.A.

In this report, compiled on March 17, 1988, we hope to cover as
much detail as possible about what has become known as the
Mundrabilla incident.

Members of investigation team in this case have been Keith
Basterfield, Ray Brooke, Steve Bolton, Vladimir and Pony Godic in
Adelaide; Garry Little in Melbourne, and Joan Johnston in Perth.


The incident occurred on a stretch of the main bitumised highway
between Perth and Adelaide. Between the localities of Madura and
Eucla, Western Australia, the area is more locally known as The
Basin and it is here that the episode reportedly occurred (see
maps 1 and 2). It is an isolated stretch of road with the Great
Australian Bight (Ocean) to the South and a range of hills to the

Due to the distance of the site from Adelaide (1100 km by air)
and the ephemeral nature of the physical evidence at the spot, we
have not visited Mundrabilla ourselves. However, driver De Jong
has provided us with an excellent description of the location,
and showed us pictures of the general area. Together with TV
shots of the area this has given us an understanding of the
isolated nature of this stretch of road, the terrain, road
surface and vegetation present.


As pieced together to date the sequence of events was as follows.
Four vehicles were involved. Three were travelling eastwards (see
figure 1) towards Eucla, and the other is understood to have been
on its way westwards in the direction of Perth. These vehicles
were spread over at least a 10 - 15 kilometer distance and not
travelling in a close convoy.

On initial media advice it was thought that there was a fifth
vehicle travelling westwards. This now appears spurious.

Vehicle one was a car and caravan, which is reported by the
Knowles to have almost collided with their car when driver, Sean
Knowles, stated he took evasive action swerving to avoid a close
encounter with the object. The identity of the occupant of this
vehicle has not been discovered by anyone to date and, in fact,
this person seem to have been entirely overlooked by the media.
On Sean's testimony this driver should have seen the object at
close range. We placed an article in a Perth Sunday paper in an
attempt to locate this person, but there has been no response to

Vehicle two was a truck being driven by a Mr. Graham Henley, 57,
transport operator of Forest Hill, Victoria. Media reports place
Mr. Henley driving his truck though The Basin some 10 - 15
kilometers ahead of the Knowles' car. We have contacted Henley's
wife and asked him to talk to us. However, to date he has not
responded, although most of the time he is apparently on the

<Continued in next message..>

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From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Mundrabilla Incident (2)
Date: 7 May 91 20:52:00 GMT

<Continued from previous message>

Vehicle three was a Ford Telstar sedan (car) containing the
Knowles family from Perth, to whom we shall return later in this

Vehicle four was a truck owned by a transport operator whom we
now know to be named De Jong (nickname 'Porky'). This vehicle was
at an unknown distance behind Knowles' car, and at the time was
being driven by a woman friend of De Jong's, named Anne.

As at March 17, we have now identified and spoken to the
occupants of two of the four vehicles involved. It may be some
time before we are able to personally interview the others,
particularly the currently unknown driver.


The story broke to us about 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday January 20.
The Ceduna police telephoned Ray Brooke whilst the Knowles were
present at the station. Arrangements were made for the family to
proceed to Adelaide where they would be interviewed and the
vehicle inspected, documenting the physical evidence. Ceduna
police advised us they had secured written statements and a
sample of a deposit for analysis. Nothing else could be done by
UFO Research (SA) until family and vehicle arrived in Adelaide.

The story leaked to the media, however, and the family were
intercepted enroute and concluded a deal with the Channel 7
television network. It appeared at this stage that 'cheque book'
journalism has scored over scientific evaluation.

On Thursday January 21, after negotiations with the 7 network,
the authors were able to spend three hours at the Adelaide
Channel 7 studios whilst the Knowles underwent extensive
interviews. Between interviews we managed to talk informally to
all members of the family. No formal in-depth interview was
possible in the circumstances. We confirmed their basic story as
related below.

The family was distressed and tired at this stage and told us
they wanted a finish to all television interviews. They appeared
to us to be down to earth people trying to cope with some
traumatic episode. Indications of a hoax were minimal.

Following the end of the interviews at the station we sought our
own formal in-depth interview. However, the family declined and
then left for an undisclosed location. The next day they
travelled on to Melbourne, Victoria, some 800 km from us, where
we understand they still remain.

However, the story as pieced together from our first hand
interview, and from notes taken whilst watching several TV
interviews being taped, is as follows.


Mrs. Faye Knowles, 43, and sons, Sean 21, Patrick 24, and Wayne
18, were travelling from Perth, Western Australia (WA) to
Melbourne, Victoria, for a surprise visit to Mrs. Knowles' family
in Melbourne.

At a still undetermined point West of Mundrabilla WA, Sean, the
driver, saw what he at first took to be a truck's light,
apparently along the road, approaching them from the East. As it
approached, it then disappeared after "jumping about a bit". It
became visible again and continued to approach their vehicle.
Sean commented that it looked like a "spaceship". It become
brighter and bigger. They kept driving towards it. It then

The next thing they knew it was behind them. Sean accelerated the
car in an attempt to get away from it. Suddenly it was in front

At some stage Sean did a U-turn and travelled westwards for a
while, then did another U-turn to resume the original eastwards
travel. It is not clear whether this was an attempt to elude or
follow the light.

At another time Sean commented that the light was seen close to
their vehicle and they swerved to miss it and nearly hit a car
and caravan coming the other way.

The exact sequence of events from here is very confused. It

* The rear right tire blowing out while they were travelling at
speed. Sean braked the car to a halt.

* Mrs. Knowles placing her hand on the car's roof and feeling a
"spongy substance". Mrs. Knowles told us she was sitting in the
rear passenger seat, behind the driver, nearest the center of the
road. (In Australia vehicles are driven on the left hand side of
the road). She stated she wound down her window and placed her
right hand on the roof. She had retracted it after feeling some
material on the roof. Immediately the back of her hand felt warm
for a few seconds, then the sensation of heat faded.

* The family winding down the windows and a "greyish-black mist"
coming into the car.

* The sound of their voices changing in pitch and appearing to
slow down.

* Them believing that the object had landed on the roof. When
questioned they said they did not see anything approach and land
on the roof, nor did they see anything protruding front, rear or
over the sides of the roof.

<Continued in next message..>

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From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Mundrabilla Incident (3)
Date: 7 May 91 20:52:00 GMT

<<Continued from previous message>>

*A humming sound was heard.

* Sean blacking out over a period.

* Them all becoming hysterical, shouting and crying. Mrs. Knowles
said she believed they were going to die.

*A black deposit being found inside and outside the car.

* Indentations being found on the roof.

* Them believing the car was lifted off the road. However, when
asked if they looked out of the windows and saw the car off the
ground, they had not done so.

* Them saying that the vehicle was dropped to the ground and the
tire burst.

* Their two dogs going "crazy".

* A smell like "dead bodies" in the air.

* Them reporting that the car started shaking.

It should be emphasized that the exact sequence of the above
events has not been able to be obtained from the family as they
have not been available to us since January 21.

After a period of time Sean stopped the car and they all got out
to adjacent scrub. They reported that the light/object remained
in the vicinity of the car and then departed. Some fifteen
minutes, after stopping, they returned to the car and rapidly
changed the tire. From that point (believed to be some 40
kilometers West of Mundrabilla) they drove to Mundrabilla Motor
Hotel (WA).


On March 17 we received a copy of a statement of a Senior
Constable First Grade of the Port Lincoln crime scene section,
Port Lincoln.

It records details, related a few hours after the incident and so
is presented (unedited) in full.

At about 1.00 p.m. (SA time) on Wednesday January 20, 1988, I was
approached at the Ceduna Police Station by two male persons (Sean
Knowles and his brother Patrick Knowles).

They reported to me that while driving on the Eyre Highway, at a
point between Madura and Mundrabilla in Western Australia, at
about 5.30 a.m. (WA time) this date, they were confronted by an
extremely white light about 15 - 18 meters in front of their
vehicle. They described the light as being extremely bright white
with a yellow core. They further stated that their vehicle, a
Ford Telstar, had been damaged by the object when it landed on
the roof of their vehicle while they were travelling at a speed
of about 110 kilometers an hour. They further stated that the
object, while on the roof of their car, had showered the vehicle
with a black ash type dust.

They displayed great anxiety and were visibly shaken by the
ordeal. I asked why they had not reported the incident to the
Police Station at Eucla in Western Australia prior to leaving
that state, and they informed me that they had not sighted a
Police Station at Eucla.

Neither did I receive from them a completely satisfactory
explanation as to why they had not reported the matter at Penong
Police Station being the first Police Station in South Australia
which they had passed.

This may have been a double sided question therefore receiving
one answer. The vehicle was parked in Poynton Street, Ceduna.

I attended at the vehicle in company with two persons and made an
inspection of the damage to the hood of the vehicle which they
indicated to me as having been caused by the object when on their

I found that there were superficial dents to the four corners of
the hood although the remainder of the hood appeared undamaged.

The exterior of the vehicle was covered by a fine black/grey dust
similar to a road film left on a vehicle in need of washing. That
same dust was obvious on the upholstery within the vehicle.

An inspection of the complete vehicle indicated that it appeared
quite well looked after and did not display any noticeable damage
consistent with having been involved in an accident or collision
of any kind. All tires on the vehicle were in good condition and
showed at least 3/4 tread.

They told me that whilst attempting to escape from the object,
the rear right hand tire had blown out. I asked to see the tire
which was produced from the boot of the vehicle. The tire was of
the same make as the other tires on the vehicle and had the same
amount tread wear. It was in good condition. However, complete
outer side of the tire was fractured at the base of the tread. I
asked for the vehicle to be conveyed to the police station at
Ceduna where I could speak further with the occupants of the
vehicle and make further examination of it.

<Continued in next message..>

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From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Mundrabilla Incident (4)
Date: 7 May 91 20:56:00 GMT

<<<Continued from previous message>>>

On return to the station I spoke to Mrs. Knowles in a location
where we were out of earshot of the other occupants. Mrs. Knowles
was visibly shaken by the ordeal and insisted (upon) her honesty
in the belief that the Police were skeptical at the report they
were making.

It was stated that they had been on the Eyre Highway, at about
5.30 a.m., when they were confronted by the brilliant white light
in front of the vehicle. The light remained a short distance
ahead of the vehicle and began to 'zig-zag' from side to side
across the road. They stated that the object was about one meter
in width but were unable to estimate the height except to say
that it blocked their view of the road ahead of the vehicle.

At this time, a second vehicle approached their position
travelling in a westerly direction on the Eyre Highway. They
stated that the object gave chase to this vehicle and, in fact,
they lost sight of it to the rear of their vehicle as it circled
around their right hand side in apparent pursuit of the other
vehicle. At this point I asked Sean to draw a sketch of the
object which he did. The sketch resembled an egg in an egg cup.
The ground was indicated at the base of the egg cup.

They stated that the object then came from behind their vehicle
and their vehicle began to shake violently on the road from side
to side. Both stated having been extremely scared at this time
and Sean stated that he increased speed of the vehicle in an
attempt to escape from the object.

Mrs. Knowles then stated that she wound down the rear right side
window and reached toward the hood of the vehicle. She stated
that she felt something on the hood of the vehicle and made her
distress known to the other persons in the vehicle. Both, Sean
and Mrs. Knowles, could not recall any indication of light, at
this time, from the object on the roof, but Mrs. Knowles stated
that it felt soft, spongy and rubbery, and was hot although she
did not burn her hand. On retrieving her hand, however, she found
that it was covered in black/grey dust.

Both stated that at this time they were aware of high pitched
whirring or hissing noise but which was of normal intensity. Both
stated they felt disorientated and that they noticed that their
voices had become slow and deep when they spoke.

They were unable to say how long the object was on the roof of
the car but, during the time it was there, it appeared to lift
the vehicle off the road and forced it back down heavily on the
road. The rear right side tire on the vehicle then blew out. Sean
considered that this occurred as a result of the weight of the
object forcing down on the vehicle.

They stated that the object then vanished and they were able to
stop the vehicle. They both stated that the wheel was changed
hurriedly and they were about to move off again when they noticed
the object again, glowing bright white, ahead of the vehicle. The
object appeared to be in the center of the road.

They were extremely concerned and scared and, in fact, drove the
vehicle behind roadside bushes, vacated the vehicle, and
themselves hid separately from the vehicle. They remained hidden
for a short period until they could no longer see the object and
then drove from the location to the Mundrabilla Roadhouse where
they spoke with persons at that establishment shortly prior to
6.00 a.m. (W.A. time).

I then spoke to the passenger who had been indicated as sitting
in the front left side of the vehicle, Patrick Knowles. I spoke
with him separately from Sean and Mrs. Knowles and before he had
an opportunity of conversing with them.

His indication of the situation, which had occurred, was similar
to that as told to me by the others, although his description of
incidents differed. He stated that his impression of the object
was about similar in size, to that indicated, but it appeared to
him to have a brighter light at the top and at the bottom. He
described it as being bigger than the car and that the light
which it gave off was brilliant white. He also stated that, after
the object was apparently on the hood of the vehicle, and his
mother had felt it and remarked, he had opened his left side
front window and had been showered with a black powdery dust. He
was also aware of a foul smell. He stated that he began speaking
with a deep voice which was obviously sluggish and he gained the
impression that the object was 'taking over his body'.

His impression of the object on the roof of the vehicle was that
it was heavy, and was pushing down on the vehicle, and concurred
that at that point, while driving faster to escape the object,
the rear right tire blew out.

His impression of the noise, which apparently emanated from the
object, was that it was a deep whirring sound. He made no mention
of any light being emitted from the object whilst on the vehicle.

He stated that they had driven from the location to the
Mundrabilla Roadhouse where they had spoken to persons including
a semitrailer driver who, they believe, had made observations of
the white light as it was travelling on the Eyre Highway in the
same location and the time indicated.

<Continued in next message..>

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