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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 391

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 391 

Monday, April 15th 1991

Today's Topics:

Ivan Sanderson
Question from a UFOlogy Sig User - Help
Re: A Seti Update
Message Statistics
UFO Mag. Vol.6 No.3
Offer to ParaNet
Resonant Coil Implications?
Re: Bill Cooper
Re: Resonant Coil Implications?
New Affiliates
Re: physics, orders of magnitude


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Ivan Sanderson
Date: 12 Apr 91 08:25:00 GMT

> Going
> by memory, I think he was an investigator in the late 60's in
> the
> Washington area, possibly associated with such Bigfoot
> relatedpersonell as Rene Dahinden (sp?) and Roger Patterson.
> Does this make sense?
> James

Hi James. Actually he was based in Little Silver, New Jersey. He ran SITU
(Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained) and published a magazine
called Pursuit. I have several copies of Pursuit from my subscription, placed
not long before Sanderson's death -- they're among my most treasured

Dr. Sanderson did investigate many aspects of Forteana, and was one of the
first people to suggest that "vortices" of some kind could be responsible for
UFO navigation and disappearances in and around the Bermuda Triangle, not to
mention Bigfeet and other anomalous animals. He's also regarded as the father
of the study of "Fafrotskies" (anomalous things that FAll FROm The SKIES),
like fish, frogs, coins, or 100-year-old newspapers.

It's worth remembering that one of the most sensational disappearances took
place near Sanderson's home in N.J.: A farmer walked across a field, away from
his family & neighbors, and disappeared before their eyes.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Question from a UFOlogy Sig User - Help
Date: 12 Apr 91 08:28:00 GMT

To: (Dale Wedge)

> 3. Does the 'National Reconnaissance Organization' still
> exist, and what
> can they tell us about UFO activities?
> I never heard of it, have you?

The National Reconaissance Office (NRO) is probably the most secret US
intelligence agency that receives appropriations from Congress. Supposedly, the
mission of the NRO is to plan, execute, and maintain satellite intelligence
gathering activities and to a more "limited" extent, to assemble and collate
satellite intelligence (SATINT).

The last I heard every aspect of this agency -- including its budget, its name,
and the identity of all its personnel -- was top secret. It does not appear on
any published or secure Congressional materials, including public and secret
budget appropriations.

You asked "what the NRO can tell us about UFO activities." I have no idea what
it could tell us. It won't ever tell us anything, of course. Quite likely, it
will become interested in us for asking.

Feel better now?

> 6. This is a long one. How can the assassination of President
> Kennedy/MJ-
> 12/The Council of Foreign Relations/The Joint Alien, U.S.,
> U.S.S.R/The
> Deaths and or disappearance of prominate civilian and
> military people
> and the manned base on the moon connect?

Simple. The moon base is the first of a series of Holiday Spas/Global Warming
shelters created to house the members of the Trilateral Commission in the lap
of luxury during the Third World War. The plans for the place are all laid out
in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The first development contracts were
awarded almost 80 years ago, in 1913, to Count Zaharoff and another even
shadier arms merchant. George Bernard Shaw learned the secret, but was
murdered a scant 22 years after writing Major Barbara in an attempt to expose
the plot.

The moonbase is financed by 15% of all money-center bank earnings, supplemented
by satellite enterprises like international drug sales, romance novel
publishing, zero-money-down real estate tape learning kits, AMWAY
distributorships, and Mount Shasta condo timeshares.

A cadre of Freemasons built and maintain the moonbase. They were trained in
zero-g underground facilities in Nevada, where they learned the latest space
construction and nouvelle cuisine cooking techniques. The Mormons provide the
entertainment (the Osmonds). John & Robert Kennedy discovered the plot and
planned to turn the place into a celestial swing club. But the Mafia and CIA
liquidated them and Marilyn Monroe, too, leaving only Peter Lawford and Jimmy
Hoffa to warn off inquisitive strangers.

I learned all this whilst serving as a crypto-clerk aboard HMS Indefensible,
off the Galopagos Islands, in 1977. I was killed because of what I knew, but
was teleported back to this reality thanks to a top-secret US Navy experiment-
gone-haywire at a clandestine facility in New Jersey. I awoke in this body,
with Don King leaning over me, in the alley next to the so-called Garden State
Alternator Rebuilding Company in Hackensack. Before the CIA killed me, my name
was Otis T. Carr.

The only way to protect my life is to go public now. I make no claims -- I
only say these things to encourage you to check them out for yourself. But if
you send me $25, I'll say a lot more of these things and send you a tape.

Is everything becoming clearer?


Otis (Clark)

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Re: A Seti Update
Date: 9 Apr 91 16:47:00 GMT

Clark Matthews said:

> Why are politicians always such self-serving
> poltroons?

It is called convincing the "rubes" back home to re-elect
the "self serving poltroon".


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: ParaNet.Information.Service@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Message Statistics
Date: 11 Apr 91 19:27:00 GMT

Overview of message topics "ParaNet UFO Echo"
first: Wed, Mar 1st 1989, 22:31 last: Fri, Apr 12nd 1991, 1:28
(none) .................................................... 21 5.6%
Bill Cooper ............................................... 17 4.5%
Kecksburg ................................................. 12 3.2%
Serios Business ........................................... 12 3.2%
Rick Redux ................................................ 10 2.7%
Fcc Modem Charge .......................................... 9 2.4%
Ss433 ..................................................... 9 2.4%
Gravitational Magnetism ................................... 8 2.1%
Question From A Ufology Sig User - Help ................... 7 1.9%
Statements Of Acceptable Proof ............................ 7 1.9%
They're Here!!!! .......................................... 7 1.9%
A Seti Update ............................................. 6 1.6%
Coverup? .................................................. 6 1.6%
Haaton Stuff, Etc ......................................... 6 1.6%
More Missing .............................................. 6 1.6%
Philadelphia Meteor 4/5/91 ................................ 6 1.6%
Resonant Coil Implications? ............................... 6 1.6%
Goof ...................................................... 5 1.3%
Hatonn And The Pleiades ................................... 5 1.3%
Ivan Sanderson ............................................ 5 1.3%
KOA ....................................................... 5 1.3%
Tesla, Keely, Et. Al ...................................... 5 1.3%
''the Search For Schroedinger's Cat ....................... 4 1.1%
File Disclaimers .......................................... 4 1.1%
Human Visitors ............................................ 4 1.1%
Paranet Newsletter 372 .................................... 4 1.1%
Red Light Special ......................................... 4 1.1%
Skeptics .................................................. 4 1.1%
Thanks, Jerry! ............................................ 4 1.1%
'either-or' Thinking ...................................... 3 0.8%
Arui ...................................................... 3 0.8%
Belgian Reports ........................................... 3 0.8%
Fiery Objects Fall On Northern Texas ...................... 3 0.8%
Halley's Comet Article .................................... 3 0.8%
Hello & Have You Heard??? ................................. 3 0.8%
Indian Has Ufo's??? ....................................... 3 0.8%
Lazar End ................................................. 3 0.8%
Mail Problems ............................................. 3 0.8%
Nasa Plans Nuclear Propulsion Research .................... 3 0.8%
New Echo .................................................. 3 0.8%
New Paranet Affiliate ..................................... 3 0.8%
Old Writers ............................................... 3 0.8%
Openmindedness And Psychic Phenomena ...................... 3 0.8%
Phenomenon Framed Again! .................................. 3 0.8%
Sheriff's Deputy Denied Promotion ......................... 3 0.8%
Solar Flares .............................................. 3 0.8%
Test ...................................................... 3 0.8%
That 'fireball' -- Potentially High Strangeness! .......... 3 0.8%
Area 51 ................................................... 2 0.5%
Batman? ................................................... 2 0.5%
Carp.ufo Revisited ........................................ 2 0.5%
Commander X ............................................... 2 0.5%
Continuum Continues ....................................... 2 0.5%
Fireball Clippings ........................................ 2 0.5%
Forward/transporters ...................................... 2 0.5%
Fritterheads(tm) .......................................... 2 0.5%
Gbl We Love You ........................................... 2 0.5%
Hoagland's Mars ........................................... 2 0.5%
Incinerated Village ....................................... 2 0.5%
Interview ................................................. 2 0.5%
Magnetic Anomalies ........................................ 2 0.5%
Malcolm Puddy ............................................. 2 0.5%
Mars Missions Part 2 ...................................... 2 0.5%
New Affiliate ............................................. 2 0.5%
Philisophical Concerns .................................... 2 0.5%
Physics, Orders Of Magnitude .............................. 2 0.5%
Relativity Woes ........................................... 2 0.5%
Replies ................................................... 2 0.5%
Resonant Gravity Coils .................................... 2 0.5%
Solar Flare Alert ......................................... 2 0.5%
Subscription Termination .................................. 2 0.5%
The Grey Men Tape (1) ..................................... 2 0.5%
The Grey Men Tape (2) ..................................... 2 0.5%
The Grey Men Tape (3) ..................................... 2 0.5%
The Grey Men Tape (4) ..................................... 2 0.5%
The Grey Men Tape (5) ..................................... 2 0.5%
The Grey Men Tape (6) ..................................... 2 0.5%
Ufo Sighting In Nh? ....................................... 2 0.5%
messages total ............................................ 374

The 91 most active users of this message area
Michael Corbin ............................................ 71 19.0%
Clark Matthews ............................................ 62 16.6%
John Hicks ................................................ 31 8.3%
Rick Moen ................................................. 30 8.0%
Jim Speiser ............................................... 28 7.5%
Vanth!amix.Commodore.Com!jms@scicom ....................... 28 7.5%
Jim Greenen ............................................... 21 5.6%
Don Ecker ................................................. 17 4.5%
John Tender ............................................... 17 4.5%
Well.Sf.Ca.Us!ddrasin@scicom.Alphac ....................... 13 3.5%
Ecn.Purdue.Edu!lush@scicom.Alphacdc ....................... 12 3.2%
Gregory B Lush ............................................ 12 3.2%
Pete Porro ................................................ 11 2.9%
Steve Rose ................................................ 11 2.9%
Vm1.Yorku.Ca!yscs1296@scicom.Alphac ....................... 11 2.9%
Elizabeth Anderson ........................................ 9 2.4%
Kurt Lochner .............................................. 9 2.4%
Paranet(sm) Information Service ........................... 8 2.1%
Well.Sf.Ca.Us!ddrasin ..................................... 7 1.9%
Astro.Dnet.Ge.Com!carr@scicom.Alpha ....................... 6 1.6%
John Burke ................................................ 6 1.6%
Vanth!amix.Commodore.Com!jms .............................. 6 1.6%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!aa440@scicom.Alp ....................... 5 1.3%
Jim Delton ................................................ 5 1.3%
Matt Drury ................................................ 5 1.3%
Tyson Mitchiner ........................................... 5 1.3%
Unhh.Unh.Edu!k_Macarthur@scicom.Alp ....................... 5 1.3%
Gene Gross ................................................ 4 1.1%
Jim Graham ................................................ 4 1.1%
Jim Shaffer ............................................... 4 1.1%
John Cockrell ............................................. 4 1.1%
Mclarke@ac.Dal.Ca ......................................... 4 1.1%
Mtus5.Bitnet!revjim@scicom.Alphacdc ....................... 4 1.1%
Neptune.Convex.Com!swarren@scicom.A ....................... 4 1.1%
Paul Faeder ............................................... 4 1.1%
Psuvm.Psu.Edu!ccb104 ...................................... 4 1.1%
Psuvm.Psu.Edu!ccb104@scicom.Alphacd ....................... 4 1.1%
Shemtaia.Weeg.Uiowa.Edu!jrblack@sci ....................... 4 1.1%
Vanth!jms ................................................. 4 1.1%
Violet.Berkeley.Edu!chalmers@scicom ....................... 4 1.1%
Afglsc.Span.Nasa.Gov!webb@scicom.Al ....................... 3 0.8%
Jerry Driscoll ............................................ 3 0.8%
Mike Keithly .............................................. 3 0.8%
Peggy Noonan .............................................. 3 0.8%
Shing ..................................................... 3 0.8%
'ed L'esperance - Techpubs Hnl - (8 ....................... 2 0.5%
Boulder!violet.Berkeley.Edu!chalmer ....................... 2 0.5%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!aa440 .................................. 2 0.5%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!ak842@scicom.Alp ....................... 2 0.5%
Don Sudduth ............................................... 2 0.5%
Eniac.Seas.Upenn.Edu!snelson@scicom ....................... 2 0.5%
Frank Ward ................................................ 2 0.5%
Gatech!apple.Com!well!ddrasin ............................. 2 0.5%
Houston Mayer ............................................. 2 0.5%
John Sulik ................................................ 2 0.5%
Neptune.Convex.Com!swarren ................................ 2 0.5%
Steve Paquin .............................................. 2 0.5%
Stl-06sima.Army.Mil!wmartin@scicom. ....................... 2 0.5%
Vm1.Yorku.Ca!yscs1296 ..................................... 2 0.5%
Ac.Dal.Ca!mclarke@scicom.Alphacdc.C ....................... 1 0.3%
Anubis.Network.Com!logajan@scicom.A ....................... 1 0.3%
Boulder!conncoll.Bitnet!gateh@scico ....................... 1 0.3%
Boulder!uunet.Uu.Net!verifone!verif ....................... 1 0.3%
Charles Mcelhinney ........................................ 1 0.3%
Clark Mathews ............................................. 1 0.3%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!ak842 .................................. 1 0.3%
Dave Kutilek .............................................. 1 0.3%
Don Allen ................................................. 1 0.3%
Doug Rogers ............................................... 1 0.3%
Ecn.Purdue.Edu!lush ....................................... 1 0.3%
Ecn.Purdue.Edu!lush@scicom.Alp ............................ 1 0.3%
Eniac.Seas.Upenn.Edu!snelson .............................. 1 0.3%
Eniac.Seas.Upenn.Edu!snelson@s ............................ 1 0.3%
Gatech!apple.Com!well! .................................... 1 0.3%
Glenn Reynolds ............................................ 1 0.3%
Hpvclmd.Vcd.Hp.Com!miked .................................. 1 0.3%
Mark Plutowski ............................................ 1 0.3%
Mike Corbin ............................................... 1 0.3%
Mtus5.Bitnet!revjim ....................................... 1 0.3%
Ncar!shemtaia.Weeg.Uiowa.Edu!jrblac ....................... 1 0.3%
Paranet(sm) Information Ser ............................... 1 0.3%
Sheldon Wernikoff ......................................... 1 0.3%
Tim Rigg .................................................. 1 0.3%
Tosspot!wang.Com!lee@scicom.Alphacd ....................... 1 0.3%
Unhh.Unh.Edu!k_Macarthur@ ................................. 1 0.3%
Unhh.Unh.Edu!k_Macarthur@scico ............................ 1 0.3%
Vanth!amix.Commodore.Com!jms@s ............................ 1 0.3%
Violet.Berkeley.Edu!chalmers .............................. 1 0.3%
Vm1.Yorku.Ca!yscs1296@scicom.A ............................ 1 0.3%
Well.Sf.Ca.Us!ddrasin@sci ................................. 1 0.3%
Well.Sf.Ca.Us!ddrasin@scicom.A ............................ 1 0.3%

average message posting frequency per day
0:00- 1:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.4%
2:00- 3:59 ~~~~~~~~~ 3.2%
4:00- 5:59 ~~~ 1.1%
6:00- 7:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.3%
8:00- 9:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.6%
10:00-11:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.8%
12:00-13:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17.4%
14:00-15:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11.8%
16:00-17:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8.0%
18:00-19:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.6%
20:00-21:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11.0%
22:00-23:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13.9%

average message posting frequency per week
Monday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18.2%
Tuesday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12.3%
Wednesday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16.0%
Thursday ~~~~~~~~~~~~--
ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: ParaNet(sm).Information.Service@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Duplicates
Date: 11 Apr 91 22:01:00 GMT

We are sorry for the rash of duplicate messages floating around the network.
The problem is being studied and will be rectified very soon.


Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: UFO Mag. Vol.6 No.3
Date: 11 Apr 91 22:04:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "Ask UFO Magazine"
* Originally from Don Ecker
* Originally dated 04-10-91 23:54

The new issue of UFO just went to press. The third issue of 1991 looks at the
theme of alternative energy, what may power UFO type craft, an excellent and
thought provoking look at the possiblity of "matter transporting", the new
refocused SDI, and an update on the Integratron. These are just a few examples
of what this issue covers. Oh, did I mention that Mike Corbin speaks on his
thoughts concerning an article by Jeff Mitchell in the last issue. (Vol.6
No.2)in regard to Mitchell's claim of offical saboteurs damaging UFOlogy. All
in all another great issue.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Offer to ParaNet
Date: 11 Apr 91 22:05:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "Ask UFO Magazine"
* Originally from Don Ecker
* Originally dated 04-11-91 00:03

To all ParaNet users and members. With the rising cost of postage, printing and
so forth, UFO Magazine found it necessary to raise the cost of single issues of
UFO to $3.95, and as of July 1, 1991, the cost of one years subscription has
risen to $21.00 U.S. and foreign subscriptions at $28.00 U.S. UFO Magazine is
offering a special deal to ParaNet users and members. Until July 1st, if you
decide to subscribe to UFO Magazine, and MENTION that you saw this offer on
ParaNet, you can get a years subscription for $17.50 in the U.S., and if you
are outside the U.S. the rate is $26.00. This is not limited for one year, you
may take out as many years subs as you care to. HOWEVER, this will only run to
July 1. If you need additional information, leave mail here, or Netmail me.

Don Ecker

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 9 Apr 91 16:31:00 GMT

As far as why do "visitors" have similar features. I have a few answers. One
is that what we see is controlled to a large extent by our previous context
and perceeptions. Since it appears that not too many people have had good
close up views, it might be fair in my opinion to say that they are
describing what they see in terms of what reality we know. It's difficult to
describe something to someone when they have no concept of what it is you are
trying to create a visual image of for their mind.

Second point is that certian physical features are logical for advancement
and abilitys. Opposing thumbs for grasping (no comment on how many fingers
though) Two eyes for parralex vision. Two ears for binaural hearing. Method
of ingesting nutrition, (once again may not include a mouth and teeth like
ours). Method of communication, verbal and written. Mobility, a capacity for
intellegence. I think you get the idea I am head towards. The logic in my
viewpoint is that beings with six arms, two heads and 8 eyes are less likely
than something _similar_ in nature to the human form. I'm in no way trying to
say that it is impossible for another intelegent life form to have all of the
above different, it just makes more sense physically to have a like

Last of all, even if there is a high probability that there is life
elsewhere, why presume they/it is visiting us at all?
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Ray.Mutchler@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Ray Mutchler)
Date: 12 Apr 91 04:10:00 GMT

I just wanted everyone to know that solar flares are REALLY Secret
Soviet First Contact Probes being sent into the sun to meet Satan.
Thank you for your attention.
Ray Mutchler - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Ray.Mutchler@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@p1.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Subject: Resonant Coil Implications?
Date: 11 Apr 91 05:20:00 GMT

In a message to Clark Matthews <07 Apr 91 11:18> Jim Graham wrote:

JG> He drew diagrams and so on, but when he
JG> got to the center of the toroid and
JG> how the fields (remember, there must be
JG> at least two in this thing) would
JG> interact, he was lost.

Remember the old 'Outer Limits' episode, where the millionaire financed the
takeover of a local power some researchers could built their test
chamber to explore alternate dimensions? They theorized that the doorway would
open if they generated enough power and suddenly *reversed* the magnetic and
electrical properties of the atoms of objects in the chamber, by reversing the
high-current polarity. I know this is an old fantasy script, but does anyone
see any possibility to this...or is it the usual SF's hokey play on little
understood physics?

Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@p1.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Tyson.Mitchiner@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Tyson Mitchiner)
Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
Date: 11 Apr 91 03:30:00 GMT

> I agree with you 100 % on your statement. If a person was
> released from prison after spending 40 years for a ccrim and
> while walking down to the local diner to get himself some
> real food. If a UFO flew over his head, stopped and pick him
> up as in the Ed Walters case, should we throw out his
> testimony because he had a prison record? Should we throw out
> all what Bill Cooper says because he goes off the deep end
> sometimes? I don't think so, are courts won't let you use
> pass crimes in a case, then why do the ufologist have double
> standards. Why must we have to drag a alien space craft in
> the middle of Washington D.C. for some to accept that this is
> the only proof that they can except. Why always this double
> standard that we try to create. I will repeat this to all
> that are reading this, I know that they exist and I am not
> going to play this game that some like to play. I think its
> time to try and find out the WHO, WHAT, WHERE AND HOW. Tyson;
> with the logic you have, you will help find these answers
> that we all are seeking. 73's ---Jim---

Yes.. I try to avoid wasting time arguing right now if they exist
or not. I do not have sufficient proof to decide that, so for now,
I will consider all sorts of information that I can recieve, with
the hope I will be able to finally have enough pieces to fit the
puzzle of this phenomenon.
Considering all sorts of information is crucial too. At first,
they may seem ludricious, but I will not ignore them, for somewhere
down the line, I may find something that links with that
information. The more I learn, the more I know where to look, and
the more closer I am to finding what actually is the truth.

Tyson Mitchiner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tyson.Mitchiner@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: Resonant Coil Implications?
Date: 10 Apr 91 21:59:00 GMT

Oh, you read it too....
> I too wish _someone_ would build this thing. Of
> course, it can't really be
> studied unless more than one is built.
I've given it some consideration too. I've got most
of the xformers, sealed Westinghouse mfg'd, and would
think it'd be easy to build the rest.
> I'll probably regret this, but I would like to point
> out that I work as an
> electronics engineer at a medium-energy nuclear
> research facility.
My condolensces, I'm just an out of work physicist.
> The only part of this project that I can see might
> present a problem is
> fabrication of the toroid shell itself. Everything
> else is cake.
Yeah, that's what's bugging me, suggestions?
> BTW: I showed the original gravity paper to an
> "expert" and he tried in every
> way he knew how to predict what the EM fields would do
> in this device.
> Personally, I don't expect much out of this thing
> except for some heat and
> perhaps some rather nasty EMP's, but I think it should
> be built (and by multiple participants).
Hmmm, I'm still considering that the power supplies
present the most threat. All else appears to be
quite normal. Suspending electrostatic fields by
way of electromagnets is a known element.

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: ParaNet.Information.Service@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: New Affiliates
Date: 12 Apr 91 18:35:00 GMT

This is to welcome three new affiliates to the ParaNet family.

John Hrusovszky
ParaNet KAPPA(sm)
Auburndale, WI
715-652-2758 9600 HST

John Feilke
ParaNet LAMBDA(sm)
Lincolnton, NC
704-732-1852 9600 HST

Pat Pushor
ParaNet MU(sm)
Calgary, Alberta CANADA
403-289-1209 2400

On behalf of ParaNet, WELCOME! Please take a moment and introduce yourselves
to the group.

Michael Corbin

ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: physics, orders of magnitude
Date: 11 Apr 91 01:55:00 GMT

KL> > One more point: Kurt's reply implies that I might
KL> > think '_gravity is a resultant of space and time._'

Not space and time. Mass and time. I posted that.

KL>Don't worry about it, even Einstein had problem with
KL>that particular concept, heheh.....
KL> > I follow the orthodox view that gravity is due to the
KL> > curvature of space-time and that it should be
KL> > formalizable as a relativistic QM theory involving the
KL> > exchange of spin-2 gravitons.
KL>I don't.

Me neither, Kurt. Einstein`s entire construct of a universe bound by
gravitons is under greater & greater strain, :-).

By now we should have at least SOME evidence of gravitons. But we don't.

As Sherlock Holmes said:

"Then there's the curious fact of the barking dog..."

(Watson) "But Holmes, there WAS no barking dog."

"Yes. And that is the curious thing..."

Graviton = arf, arf, arf...


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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