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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 367

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 367 

Monday, February 18th 1991

Today's Topics:

Any significant polls done?
Update on Gulf Breeze
Re: (NONE)
Desert Shield Strangeness
Ideas to Ponder
Saucers & Scientist
Lazar Part Two
Lazar Part III
Lazar Part IV


From: (Mark Plutowski)
Subject: Any significant polls done?
Date: 14 Feb 91 20:06:37 GMT

From: (Mark Plutowski)

I would be interested if any studies have been performed,
preferably by an institutionalized polling organization such
as Gallup or Harris, asking the following questions of the general

Have you personally read or seen accounts of UFO sightings reported in
your local newpaper or television news?

Have you ever met someone who relayed first hand experiences
of what would be commonly referred to as a UFO contact?

Do you know personally someone who has had first-hand experience
of a UFO contact?

Have you ever had what you believed to be or which could be
objectively classified to be a UFO contact?

Of the group that answer 'yes' to the latter, I would like to see a breakdown
according to whether they shared this experience with someone else, the
level of the sighting (1st, 2nd, or 3rd kind, recognition of mechanistic
details of sighted craft, physical after-effects incurred by the witness, etc.)

Also, has there been a similar study with respect to cattle mutilations?
That is, have you seen reports of such happenings by local press, have you
had conversation with persons who claim to have first-hand experiences of such,
do you or have you ever known such an individual personally, have you ever seen
such a mutilated animal first-hand, etc.

Although our readership is certainly self-selecting, and therefore not
necessarily a good cross-section of the general population, it may be of
interest to perform such a poll over our readership. If I knew how to
automate such a poll I would offer to do it myself, but alas, I expect that
this would require some expert knowledge of automatically tabulating
e-mail replies, something I could not do without excessive effort.
Also, I expect that the actual wording of the questions would require
care -- as would the statistical interpretation (significance, error bounds.)

Thank you in advance,

M.E. Plutowski,

UCSD, Computer Science and Engineering 0114
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0114


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Update on Gulf Breeze
Date: 15 Feb 91 05:40:00 GMT


Anymore material or information coming from Carol and Rex?


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: GOD IS ET AND WE'RE
Date: 1 Feb 91 18:05:08 GMT

I won't close my mind to change, but at this point in time I have made some
decisions which to me are rational. No problems on this end adjusting
attitudes and truths when evidence shows there should be change.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: (NONE)
Date: 1 Feb 91 18:22:18 GMT

The point about the dates and predictions is that in the last 30 years I
have seen numerous "end of the world" dates or predictions come and go. At
this point in time I may be anavailable to ever see what happens in 2011 due
to biological extinction of this one unit. I have a vague memory of a psychic
who predicted the end of the world on a specific date, and she died on that
date. I'd say that was accurate in light of her own world.

Lets not exclude the possibility that 4000 years ago, people may have only
lived to an age of 29 if they were fortunate, but they still had intellectual
capabilities equal to ours. I also agree with you that flaming will do
nothing, my intentions are exchange of information not criticism of you

There are many really big question marks as you say, that's why we continue
to observe and study. One problem I have with some of the questions is that
are they really mysterys, or contrived to sell books? Because a rock
formation on the moon looks like Mickey Mouse, does that mean some cosmic
event created it or some other being with precognition knew that Walt would
draw it, or possible was Walt mind controlled into following psychic
messages. (This may be getting abit extreme but hang on please) Or could it
mean that since we know what MM looks like, we see the shape out of millions
of other shapes, and recognize it as something modern. The golden jet in a
tomb could be a stylized bird just as well as an F-15 with landing gear. My
simple point is that we create many of these mysterys in our minds, because
of our human quality (only human) ability to reflect. Yes, even after this
thought there are still some big question marks.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Desert Shield Strangeness
Date: 15 Feb 91 11:24:31 GMT

From: James Roger Black <>

Some rather odd things going on in Operation Desert Storm:

(1) Has anyone noticed that in most of the 'Nintendo' movies they are
showing of smart bombs taking out Iraqi targets there is no
indication at all of any camera motion? You can see things moving
on the ground, you can see the bomb streak in from out-of-frame,
you can see the smoke rising from the wreckage--but the camera
never moves. Surely they're not using hovering Harriers for
bomb-damage assessment! Perhaps ducted-fan drones? I had read
years ago that we were building these for aerial reconnaissance,
and that the Israelis were using them over Lebanon. Maybe we're
using them over Baghdad.

(2) On the first night of the bombing the Iraqis were complaining that
the American aircraft were flying too high to be reachable by Iraqi
groundfire. The CNN news crew reported that they could hear the
bombs falling, but they neither saw nor heard the planes that were
dropping them. Nevertheless, the bombs were being targeted with
great precision, not just dumped out the bottom of a B-52. Could
the U.S. be using something other than standard aircraft to drop
this stuff? Perhaps some kind of high-altitude stationary platform?

(3) 'At least one of the Stealth pilots who met with Mr. Cheney today
complained that his fighter appeared to be cursed. The pilot, Maj.
Lee Guston, said his fighter had been nicknamed Christine, for the
killer car of Stephen King horror-novel fame.' ('To Saddam Hussein,
With Ill Wishes', New York Times, 11 Feb 91). Bob Oechsler says the
B-2's engines came from outer space. Sounds like some parts of the
F-117A came from the Twilight Zone ...


Date: 15 Feb 91 23:25:45 GMT

From: Mike Dobbs <>

I have finally gotten a confirmed date for this show from ABC. The had
it tenatively scheduled a couple of times but had to bump it because
of war coverage. 'The Best Kept Secrets in America' will not be a
series, contrary to what I had heard earlier. Amoung other things,
the show will cover Area 51 and Gulf Breeze. The film crew
actually got some footage of a UFO in Gulf Breeze on commercial
equipment which will be part of the show.

I talked to the producers of the show (Ohlmeyer Communications) and
ABC who both gave me the broadcast time below.

Monday, Feb 25 at 8:00pm EST/PST on ABC.

Mike Dobbs / Internet:


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Ideas to Ponder
Date: 14 Feb 91 21:03:01 GMT

Mike, did you notice that almost all on the board of NICAP were ex
military. It makes a person wonder??? It seems that Fowler hit the
nail on the head. ---Jim---
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Boyd.Naron@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Boyd Naron)
Date: 14 Feb 91 06:12:00 GMT

Stealth Article In 1989
And Some Other Interesting

Boyd M. Naron
February 13, 1991

January 16, 1991; The U.S. Military started the most comprehensive and
thorough bombing campaign ever seen in modern history. Not since the
Vietnam war has such devastation been reigned on a people or country.

One of the supposedly new weapons being used in the destruction of Iraq
is the F-117A Stealth Fighter. The unconventional design of the craft
is a surprise to many, however, had one subscribed to _Popular_
_Mechanics_ in 1989, the January issue of that magazine would have
provided one with just about everything one would ever need to know
about the craft. The article: "Our Most Secret Fighter", by Nick

In reviewing the article, I found some interesting tidbits which I
wanted to share with you. Although, this is not an article about how
the U.S. Government used Alien technology in it's stealth aircraft,
there were some paragraphs within the article that made my eye browse
raise slightly. Since I'm very poor at paraphrasing, let me quote the
pertinent sections.

In discussing extraordinary efforts taken in maintaining a shroud of
secrecy over the Stealth project, the article states:

"This airtight veil of secrecy came very close to being lifted on
October 4, 1988, as Senator Chic Hecht of Nevada prepared for an
afternoon media briefing in which he planned to release certain
technical details [of the craft] along with an illustration of the
heretofore ethereal bird. The morning edition of 'The Washington
Times' scooped the Republican lawmaker by publishing contents of a
Pentagon-generated draft press release. For reasons which remain
unclear, a chagrined Hecht was collared by the Pentagon at the last
minute and firmly advised to cancel his news conference. Hecht
complied, and the Stealth Fighter slipped back into the murky
depths of clandestine Special Access, or 'black,' programs."

Interesting, if you consider what has been published in recent years
about a so-called "Secret Government" that maintains a veil of secrecy
over the UFO phenomenon. Many documents has surfaced that talk about
how the Government "FIRMLY" advised other citizens into maintaining
silence. Proof here that it happens as evidenced by the above.

Further in the article it states:

"... once a black program", [the stealth program in this case] "has
been defrocked, the military has to start answering a lot of
uncomfortable questions about cost and performance"

I could see it now. If the U.S. Government did in fact recover an alien
space vehicle back in 1947 and then blanket the event in secrecy in an
attempt to possibly duplicate some of the alien technology, can you
imagine the kinds of questions that would be raised? Is it any wonder
that if this is true, the military would do ANYTHING to maintain that
secrecy! I mean 44 years of cash outlay, in an attempt to benefit from
the alien space craft, is a lot of bucks! I certainly would not want to
be the one forced to explain where 44 years of expenditures went!
Especially since that money NEVER showed up on the federal budget as an
"LINE ITEM" ("Alien Technology Research"; does this sound familiar?)

Now, I'm not one to push a single side of an issue here. Let me stir
this up a little more. The article goes on to say:

"Some sources have said that a wing of F-117As is already
operational in a high-security section of Nellis Air Force Base
near Tonapah, Nevada and that one of the Stealth Fighters crashed
in the California desert about two years ago"
[that would make it
1987!] "while on a training mission. This appears to be true.
After the crash, an incredible security blanket was placed on the
whole incident. No media were allowed anywhere near the crash site
and few details were given other than there had, in fact been a

Ok, stay with me on this one; If you wanted, in the worst possible way,
to maintain secrecy on this project, what would you do? I wonder if it
might be advantageous to spread the rumor of flying saucers and U.S.
military involvement in duplicating alien technology. Remember, not all
of society today are as open to alternative ideas as, hopefully, we are.
So what do you think society would say? I can hear it now; "Honey,
come listen to this loony talkin' about UFOs and Martians and stuff!
Ain't that just the craziest thing you ever did hear?"
I suspect that
society in general would then brush off the Nevada incident as nothing
more than a bunch of fantasy concocted by less than desirable citizens.
The Government maintains secrecy on the project at the expense of a few

Now, I don't necessarily agree that this is what happened; I'm just
passing this one on as a "what if" type of scenario.

Finally, According to that article:

"Technicians at Wright Patterson AFB are said to have developed the
aircraft's reinforced carbon-fiber skin."

I have to tell you, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio is without a
doubt the most active military installation, with the exception of
Nellis, in the world! Imagine, being the home of "Project Blue Book",
the home of (as some say) a downed alien space craft, and now this base
just happens to be where an extraordinary development in aircraft metals
is designed! The coincidence is uncanny!

Enough said. I hope that my observations have peaked your interest and
causes you to look for tidbits similar to this. Who knows if more
tidbits are put together, one day we may have a complete picture (or at
least one that has shape and can be recognizable.)

Enjoy and "Keep Looking Up!"

Boyd M. Naron

Boyd Naron - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Boyd.Naron@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: vanth!jms
Subject: Nostradamus
Date: 17 Feb 91 06:54:49 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)

NBC is going to air some sort of program about Nostradamus on Wednesday,
February 20, at 9:00 PM EST. I don't know anything about it other than

From the disk of: | jms@vanth.uucp | 'Glittering prizes and
Jim Shaffer, Jr. |!vanth!jms | endless compromises
37 Brook Street | | shatter the illusion of
Montgomery, PA 17752 | (CompuServe as a last resort)| integrity!' (Rush)


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Saucers & Scientist
Date: 17 Feb 91 20:06:00 GMT

In "UFO Magazine" Vol. 5 No. 6, "The Whistleblowers Part III
ran. This was titled "
The Saucers and the Scientist". It
delt with Robert "
Bob" Lazar, and unless you have been in
Saudi Arabia for the last year, Lazar is a young man who
claims to be a physicist-scientist who worked at one of the
most secret installations in this or any other SOLAR SYSTEM.
Site S-4 located in the outback at Nellis Air Force Base
outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.

ParaNet has looked into the Lazar story before, and many
questions were raised about this young man, some that were
answered, and some that may never be. However, I traveled to
Las Vegas this past year and meant with Lazar and Gene Huff
for a story for UFO Magazine. The story incientally, is
still on-going. In the next issue of UFO, we are running a
copy of Lazar's W-2 form. The fact is, much of what Lazar
has stated in the past has checked out over time. In any
case, the story is fascinating. Here then is Part I of the
Lazar story, and the Part Two, in Vol. 6 No. 1 will follow

The Saucers and the Scientist
UFO Magazine Vol. 5 No. 6, by Don Ecker
All rights reserved.

In the third installment of the
Whistleblower series, UFO is tak-
ing a look at the Robert "
Bob "
Lazar story. It's one that has all
the ingredients for a blockbuster
Hollywood epic: Sex, mystery,
violence, plus the biggest potential
story of all-alien visitation, plus
recovered flying discs, ultra top
secret (and denied) government
installations, hints of mind
manipulation, government spying,
intimidation, television exposes,
arrests, charges of pandering,
hints of local political maneuver-
ing enough to even satisfy a
Richard Daly), not to mention
worldwide interest. Okay, enough
of the preamble, now the facts.

At the end of August, Bob
Lazar was sentenced as a
result of his conviction on one count
of pandering. He's now on three
years probation, and has been
ordered to perform l50 hours of
community service and to make a
weekly visit to a psychologist during
the probation period. This came after
his admission that in January of
l990 he helped set up a computer
system and install security equipment
for a longtime prostitute then run-
ning a brothel in Las Vegas.
What makes Lazar important, as
far as the UFO community is con-

Starting November 6, 1989, Las
Vegas TV station KLAS, Channel 8,
broadcast a week-long television
special dealing with the UFO enigma.
Covering the story from the l940s to
the present, the KLAS-TV series,
produced and narrated by George
Knapp, investigated the UFO story
from purported military involvement
to cattle mutilations, to finally a seg-
ment introducing a young man
named Bob Lazar, who described
himself as a physicist-scientist who
had worked at the super-secret area
S4, also known as "
The "
Skunk Works, " and the
Lazar was no stranger to televi-
sion, however. As the story later
developed, it was found that Lazar
had given interviews before. But in
those interviews, he had been elec-
tronically altered on screen and had
gone under the pseudonym of "
nis. " Dennis, as later came to light,
was the name of Lazar's supervisor
at Area S4. According to Lazar,
after that segment had aired, "
nis" called him up and stated "Do
you know what we're gonna do to
you now?" Lazar said no, and
Dennis" hung up.

The 'big secret'

Just what is supposed to be the big
secret? According to Lazar, the
government has nine flying saucers
stored at S4. They are also working
on anti-matter reactors and other
technology which, according to
Lazar, is beyond what is currently
possible under existing human
technology. Where did it come from
and why is he telling what he knows?
This stuff came from somewhere
else," Lazar said. "I know it is hard
to believe, but it is there and
I saw it.
"I know what the current state-of-
the-art is in physics and it (the
technology) can't be done."
reason he came forward? Simply
self-protection according to him, no
great humanitarian impulse, but
simply self-protection. "Well, they
are trying to make me look non-
existent, the schools that I went to,
the hospital that I was born at, past
jobs, and nothing comes up with my
name on it . . ."
Lazar says he
worked at Los Alamos National
Laboratories, but they claimed no
knowledge of him. However, an old
phone book from Los Alamos tells a
different story. Lazar is listed there,
along with the other scientists and
EG&G, the government contract
company where Lazar claims he in-
terviewed for his job at Area S-4
also claims never to have heard of
him. However, Lazar received a copy
of his W-2 form (the form one needs
for taxex) from Naval Intelligence, at
least proving that he worked for that
military agency. Knapp aired this fact
on an update carried on KLAS.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Lazar Part Two
Date: 17 Feb 91 20:08:00 GMT

Cont. from last.

All rights reserved.

According to what Lazar told
Knapp, he was never told exactly
what he would be working on. "But
I figured that it had something to do
with advanced propulsion, "
he said.
"I read a series of briefings on the
First day, and immediately realized
how advanced the propulsion really
was. The power source is an anti-
matter reactor.
They run gravity amplifiers.
There is actually two parts to the
drive mechanism. It's bizarre
technology. There (are) no physical
hookups between any of the systems
in there. They use gravity as a wave,
using wave guides that look like
Lazar said it took a while before
he actually saw one of the discs, but
that there were hints everywhere.
They had a poster, and it looked
like a commercial poster-like it was
lithographed, like you could buy it at
K-Mart or someplace-but they were
all over the place, and it had the disc
that I coined the term 'the floor
model' which lifted off the ground
about three feet in the Dry Lakes
area, and the caption on it said
'They're Here.'These posters were
all over the place. "

'Assortment Pack'

Later Lazar relayed how he finally
got to see one of the craft.
When I was led in, it was the
first time that I saw the floor model
in the hangar sitting down, and I was
told they could have walked me in
the front door, but they purposely
wanted to walk me by it. I was told
not to say anything, to keep my eyes
forward and walk past the disc to the
office area . . . As we went by it, I
just kinda stuck my hands on it, just
to run it alongside the thing and, uh
. . after that I got to see it lift off
the ground and operate. " When ask-
ed if he saw more than one he said,
Yeah, the hangars are all connected
together . . there were nine, total,
that I saw, each one different. Like
they had the assortment pack."
Security at S-4 offset the thrill of
working with alleged alien craft,
however. Lazar, when asked by
Knapp if he was ever threatened,
stated: "
They did everything but
physically hurt me. " Knapp asked,
They put a gun to your head?"
Lazar: "
You mean they actually put a
gun to your head: " Knapp repeated.
Lazar: "
They did that even in the
original security briefing. Guards
there with M-16s. Guys were slam-
ming my chest, screaming into my
ear. They were pointing weapons at
me. Like I said, it's not a good place
to work. "
Later, while Lazar undertook
polygraph testing as a part of the
original KLAS report, his underlying
fear surfaced. Polygrapher Ron Clay
administered the first test which, ac-
cording to him, came back in-
conclusive. Lazar appeared to be
truthful on one test, deceitful on the
Clay asked that another
polygrapher be brought in, and Terry
Tabernetti was called. Tabernetti, a
former Los Angeles police officer,
runs a corporate security operation.
He ran Lazar through four tests, and
concluded that Lazar did not attempt
to deceive. Tabernetti then sent the
tests to a third polygrapher, who
concurred with Tabernetti's conclu-
sions. A fourth polygrapher,
however, concluded that Lazar may
have been relating information which
he heard, not that which he saw. At
that point, no final general consensus
was achieved. Tabemetti stated,
The difficulty in determining
Lazar's truthfulness stems from the
fear that was drilled into him. "
Over the course of his work with
the alleged craft, Lazar apparently
familiarized himself with them. "
gave everything names, " Lazar
stated, "
the'top hat' one, the'jello
mold,' and the 'sport model' (which)
operated without any hitch. I mean it
looked new, if that is what a flying
saucer looks like. One of them look-
ed like it was hit by some sort of
projectile. It had a large hole in the
bottom and a large hole in the top,
with the metal bent out like some
sort of large caliber . . . had gone
through it. " The realization came
that is was from somewhere else
when he looked inside, and it had
really small chairs. I think that was
the first confirmation I had."


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Lazar Part III
Date: 17 Feb 91 20:09:00 GMT

Cont. from last.

All rights reserved.

Program's 'plodding pace'

Lazar says he became disenchanted
at the plodding pace of the program,
however. "It is just unfair, outright,
not to put it in the hands of the
overall scientific community. There
are people much more capable of
dealing with this information, and by
this time would have gotten a lot fur-
ther along than this small, select
group of people working out in the
middle of the desert. They don't
even have the facilities, really, to
completely analyze what they're deal-
ing with. "

The Lazar story would not be
complete with mentioning another in-
dividual whose name is significant in
this apparent saga. Gene Huff, a Las
Vegas real estate appraiser and
Lazar's very good friend, is part of
the story and purportedly observed a
test of one of these objects. When
Lazar could hardly contain himself
with the knowledge he had, he took
Huff and several other people out to
the edge of the Groom Mountains to
observe the lights for themselves.
Over a two-week period, five peo-
ple managed to dodge the security
patrols long enough to witness a
strange glowing object ascend above
the mountain. The object was
videotaped. (The final video itself
does not prove much, but listening to
the witnesses while they observed the
object is enlightening.)
According to journalist Knapp,
Lazar is not the only "insider" to
claim knowledge of a saucer program
at Groom Lake. But he is the only
one who has gone public. While sta-
tioned at Nellis Air Force Base, one
Las Vegas "professional," according
to Knapp, once witnessed a "saucer"
landing outside of Area 51, part of
the secret testing area, and reportedly
was "taken away for several hours
for debriefing. "

An unidentified airman working at
one of the Nellis radar installations
told Knapp of sightings of
"unknowns" on the radar scopes,
objects that zipped around the range
at speeds of 7,000 miles per hour and
that would stop "on a dime." When
word about that got out, the airman
said that they were then ordered to
turn off their sensors for that area,
shut up, and that it had not happen-
So if any of this technological
capability exists, how is it being ac-
complished? According to Lazar,
these craft have the ability to harness
gravity. The technology that he
claims to have witnessed extends
beyond "mere" flying saucers; the
anti-matter reactors allow the craft to
produce their own gravitational
fields. And what powers the reac-
tors? "Element 115," he said. "It
would be almost impossible: well, it
is impossible to synthesize an element
that heavy here on Earth.
I don't think that you can ever
synthesize it. . . You essentially
have to assemble it by bombarding it
with protons. . . atom by atom,
it would take an infinite amount of
power and an infinite amount of
time. The substance has to come
from a place where super-heavy
elements could have been produced
naturally. . . . Maybe next to a
much larger sun where there would
be greater mass. Maybe a binary star
system. . a super nova. . .it has to
be a naturally occurring element."


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Lazar Part IV
Date: 17 Feb 91 20:10:00 GMT

Cont. from last.

All rights reserved.

Alleged accident

According to Lazar's story, as
reported on the KLAS special, Lazar
was hired because of an accident
which was said to have taken place
in April of 1987. Lazar claims that
he was informed that the accident
was passed off as an unannounced
nuclear test. "
Some people got
killed. I was told flat out I was one
of the people that were to replace
these guys. " So how did Lazar
become employed with such an ultra-
secret installation? "
I had sent
resumes to several national labs
around the country, " he claimed.
Like Livermore, places that I would
not mind moving to, some around
here (Las Vegas) like EG&G, and
some other places that do similar
scientific work. I got some responses
from a couple of them. I went in for
an interview, they had a job in mind
and as it turned out they said I was
'over qualified' for it. They said they
might have something in the near
future that I would be very interested
in. They wanted to know what I did
in my spare time, they really seemed
interested in that. I told them of my
hobbies, like working with jet cars. "
Lazar met Dr. Edward Teller at
Los Alamos National Labs. "
ward Teller) told me where to send
my resume to. He gave me a specific
name. I was at Los Alamos and I
had built a jet car that made the
front page of the paper. (Teller) was
lecturing at Los Alamos. I walked up
to the lecture hall and noticed Teller
sitting on the brick wall reading the
front page. I walked up and said
'Hi, I am the one you are reading
about there,'and he said that is real-
ly interesting, and I sat down and we
had a little talk, really about
nothing. As it turned out, he
remembered me. He was one of the
people I sent my resume to. What
went on behind the scenes I don't
know, but he had told me who to
send my resume to."
Lazar states that after he began
working at the site, he was asked to
read briefing documents dealing with
flying saucers." As he commented,
I was completely shocked, I
couldn't believe it, I was so excited.
It was a science dream." According
to Lazar, it was never stated in the
purported documents how the
government retrieved the craft, or
where they came from. As is com-
mon in classified work or
documents, everything is compart-
mentalized, and this was no dif-
ferent. "
Specifically, I had to deal
with propulsion and physics of the
little workings of what was
going on. "

Anti-matter reactor

Lazar also reported a demonstra-
tion he says he was given while at
S-4, which showed the functioning of
an anti-matter reactor. "
They had
one of the reactors out of the craft,
which was an anti-matter reactor. I
was given a demonstration on how it
worked, the things it did and the
physics of it. The operation of it is
incredibly difficult to understand . . .
anti-matter is the most potent energy
source there can be. As an example,
a kilogram of anti-matter is equal in
energy to 47 ten-megaton hydrogen
bombs . . . to create fields and
power such as these discs would re-
quire, to do what they do to lift off
the ground without an auto-
propulsion system, requiires a tremen-
dous amount of energy."

Cont. next file.

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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