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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 362

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 362 

Friday, February 8th 1991

Today's Topics:

Re: Just Cause
Unsolved Mysteries
Re: Japanese videotape
Re: My interest
"those" Folks
Correction: Moore/Monroe
Re: Skepticism (Please... spare us [Again!])
Ufo Journal


From: Clark.Matthews@p0.f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Just Cause
Date: 31 Jan 91 02:33:00 GMT

Thank you, Don, for sharing this disturbing news with us!

> " On January 1, 1991, a new federal law will take
> effect. In essence, federal employees will be forbidden from speaking
> or writing about non-fiction topics for a fee. Violation of
> this law can carry a $1O,OOO fine.

Here it is at last, folks. The Yankee version of the miserable,
often-abused Official Secrets Act. Good for concealing every possible
type of embarassment, screwup, usurpation of power, or crime!

I am genuinely puzzled that this monstrosity slipped through without any
fanfare or media alert. How was it done, I wonder?

> set aside, but I can't say quite when. It is noteworthy
> that this law was made effective on the heels of a huge federal pay
> raise for top officials.

I'll say! Especially CONGRESS, whpeople, who are practically unrestrained
in how much they can accept in thinly disguised "
speaking fees". And let's
not forget Reagan, who gets $2 Million for every video he does for a
Japanese corporation.

> The saddest part of all is that it is happening in
> the United States of America, a country which prides itself as a haven
> of freedom.

Personally, I'm having a lot of trouble believing that part of the party
line. In my opinion, the United States of America is rapidly
degenerating into the private preserve of a claque of
permanent, unelected mandarins of an unelected government. They are
dedicated to their own preservation and the enhancement of their
institutional power. Laws, leakers, and effective journalists and
legislators are a serious, direct threat to them.

I'm going to start watching this one very closely.

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p0.f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 7 Feb 91 06:29:00 GMT

Pretty sad at how the U.S Government continues to screw the public who see
UFO's, it was rather disturbing on the episode on the Lundstrom sighting how
they were looking to sue the U.S Govt. and they get stiffed. So they suffer
and go on like they are for the rest of there lives, when will this end..??
MIke Keithly

Mike Keithly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Japanese videotape
Date: 1 Feb 91 01:29:17 GMT

Jim, my apologies. I _did_ mean Jim G., but the "
G" was for "Greenen".

Best Regards,
One of the Rick Ms ;-)

P.S.: "
sci.skeptic" is just more proof that any ol' crank can call
himself a skeptic. There are, however, a few lucid and fair-minded
posters there.

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: My interest
Date: 31 Jan 91 03:04:36 GMT

> Many of the messages that appear here represent the extremes - the
> left and right and the black and white. My experience with life is
> that things aren't so clear. It's either what is "
more right" or "less
> wrong".
> All this is to say that I enjoy your postings and I enjoy Rick Moen's
> postings as well. Although the two of you seem to disagree, you both
> have retained proper message etiquette (no flames).
> I enjoy the extremes because it sets boundarys with the truth located
> somewhere within. And until there is some concrete evidence indicating
> otherwise, I'll decide what the truth is (for me).

Although I agree with these principles (largely), I would want to
caution everyone against caricaturing. For example, I've never
expressed the view that the ET hypothesis is impossible, or that there
has been no government coverups, or that UFO reports deserve anything
less than careful and thorough, open-minded research. Yet, all of these
views have been publicly attributed to me. This is more than odd; this
is bigotry.

In fact, I think that the ET hypothesis is distinctly possible (but thus
far not substantially supported, to my knowledge), that there
_definitely have been_ government coverups concerning UFOs (but to cover
up _what_ is another question), and that numerous puzzling cases exist
that should be fully investigated. Now, I believe that puts me far from
the extreme, no? If I _were_ an extremist, I very likely wouldn't be
here, nor would I attempt to keep open (and open-minded) discussions
going, but would be preaching to science groupies in some social society
for skeptics. (They exist; I dislike them; I avoid them.)

Lastly, I would caution that you cannot trust the truth to be ensconced
snugly between what appear to be two extremes. At least, that sounds
unlikely to me, for what it's worth.

Best Regards,
Rick M.

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: "
those" Folks
Date: 31 Jan 91 03:10:11 GMT

> Keith, Talking to these people is like talking to the wall. They offer
> no proof and rely on a magican for there answers. Another word, their
> proof as they call it is a illusion. 73's ---Jim---

Jim --

What illusive proof are you referring to Also, what answers have
these people" relied on a magician for? Lastly, what do they offer
no proof _of_?

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Correction: Moore/Monroe
Date: 7 Feb 91 22:21:42 GMT

From: David Elmore Coleman <>

In my recent article on the Pleiades/contactee issue, I mistook the name
Moore for Monroe. It is Monroe, not Moore. Monroe, of the Monroe
Institute, leads many people in OBE experiences, using special techniques
he has developed for a good number of years. The astral worlds his
subjects visit, I stated, seem to be a local world, not the normal state of
astral planes, since in spite of how many (thousands?) people have 'visited'
these astral planes under his guidance, the entities there seem to
put forth an amount of information that no other paranormal experiences nor
the OBEs of non-Monroe people seem to agree with. Astral plane existence
is portrayed with many restrictions and gradations in soul development.
The 'portals' of travel have blasted English designations, like K-95.

Another very suspicious group is the Unarians, whose leader believed her
husband, who has since died, was the reincarnation of Jesus. They also
believe in cities on planet Uranus, which is, by the way, a planet of
no hard ground, only gas and liquid under high pressures and cold surface
temperatures (i.e -320 degrees.)

Velikovskyians are another group whose beliefs are shared by no one but
themselves, no New Agers or other significant occultists. I can't
understand how sci.astro ends up once every two years having to deal
with the Velikovsky debate.
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Unknowingly, he picked up a whirly blue throwstone with strange hieroglyphics
on the opposite side he didn't see, and he tossed it into the sunlit stream;
A note said he had opened a gate to some place indescribable.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Skepticism
Date: 6 Feb 91 06:50:55 GMT

> Do you know how to get in contact with Lynn? I would
> be happy to call him, if we can find access to him.
Hey, if I can find a local UFO Fido node, I'll leave him
some line noise specifying his absence on this echo...

I'll keep ya's spec'd on it as I log around town....and?

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: Skepticism (Please... spare us [Again!])
Date: 6 Feb 91 07:01:36 GMT

> Please...
> The very sarcastic skeptic (Lynn Parham) seems to fail
> to notice the fact that 'skeptics' often
> fail to give proof or evidence for their claims.
> The door seems to swing both ways...
> --
> Douglas A. Dever
> Cameraman (1st Class) -- Co-Technical Director
> Rocky River High School Video Crew

Lynn is a research chemist, he's not only just a "
he's annoyingly correct with his "
objective analysis" of
highly "
strange phenomena" such that I, as a physicist, will
alway respect his observations, as well as his humor, which
it is evident that you have missed in your investigations...

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Pleidians
Date: 6 Feb 91 19:59:41 GMT

> Hello.
> I am very new to this group so I may discuss something
> that you all have already seen,
> but I would guess from the questions that are
> begin asked that you have not discovered a relatively
> new source of verifiable 'inside' information on UFO's.

Glad to have you on board, I've some questions that I'd like
to examine with you...please excuse my extensive quoting.

> The chief author of this series of books
> is Georgyos Hatonn, and he is an alien
> from our Sister Constellation, the Pleiades.
Eh? Are these journals the product of automatic
illuminated") writing? That seems kinda far-fetched.

> It says that the Nephilim were on the earth at that
> time. I looked up Nephilim in my dictionary and
> did not find it but did find 'nephology,' the study of
> clouds. Could it mean that the
> 'People from the Clouds' were on the earth then?
Have you found anything about an alledged phantom
planet, Marduk? Sitchen's book refered to it as
being in a 3600 year orbit, highly eccentric...

> This Persian Gulf Thing is part of the fulfillment of
> the prophecies, which
> they say were written by Satan rather than by God.

I've always held these self-fulfilling prophesies
to be suspect in that they do serve to keep the
denominations enthralled rather than investigating
the religio-manipulation being exerted on them.....

> People feel that we must have our Apocalypse,
> but they insist that the (free) will of
> humans can change things. We can make a better, less
> destructive end to the story.

Yeah, I can relate to that. I was showing a friend
some of the orbital projections from Sitchen's book
and they were recalitrant about "
being saved".

> Life on this planet is a 'play' we are all
> participating in, so that we can achieve our
> highest potential as humans. Unfortunately,
> people are not making any attempts
> in mass quantities to change the path we are on.
Well, I don't expect any wholesale changes of
behavior because of this. I really don't want
to be a "
teacher" of this perspective either.
I have enough trouble convincing people of facts
about their machines, toys and computers, and then
there's always the question of how much I must
bill these customers for the trouble endured.
> This is exactly how the Pleidians describe themselves.
> We work in 3-dimensional illusion, while they work
> in 4-dimensional illusion.

I seen from a different perceptual field that Time
is multi-folded, almost an awareness of being itself.
This provides a media (petri dish analogy) for various
life/time-lines to exist side by side in a quasi-
concentric fashion, not unlike tree rings.

> In order for their ships to become visible, they must
> 'lower the frequency' at which they are vibrating to
> match ours.

Any way possible for us to monitor this with some
kind of hardware, or is it a psi-related phenomena?
> The Pleidians identify Cooper as a liar/debunker of
> magnificent proportions. Also, they say that
> If you can find the number of
> the number of the Executive Order (EO), you will find,
> according to the Pleidians, that it is out of order.
> I don't know how to look up such a thing.

I'll look into this, I have the materials....

> The Journals point out a lot of
> things that you thought you knew about history, the
> Hubble Telescope, our Constitution, the World Wars
> I, II, and III, Kissinger, Rockefeller
> are lies. This is not well received by our
> governmental leaders.

I've only recently determined that this unseen yet
felt alien presence is the Pleidians. I cannot
attach any significance to what the entrenched
official-dom may want us to believe. I am reminded
of what my Grandmother taught me about lies.
Make one lie and you'll soon have to make several
more to hide the first one.

> The Belgian sightings are part of an gradual increase
> in their presence--in other words, it's going
> to be increasingly apparent that the aliens are here.

But you mentioned something that I hadn't considered...

> They expect the governments to eventually blame them
> for such things as terrorism, eating people,
> abductions, near-future economic crisis, etc.

No doubt about that, heh! And don't forget what the
earlier Judeo-Christian religions did with the
likes of Bruno, Galileo and Copernicus...

> The Pleidians are here to help us.

Probably because of several facts about our local
universe, it will be an interresting life, eh?


Yeah, write back soon and leave your name...
Thanks for an informative post...

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Ufo Journal
Date: 6 Feb 91 21:33:00 GMT

John; I don't remember mentioning Welch in my message and I don't
think that I mention that they work on any other cases. I do believe
that I said Lee & Bret Elders and others. There were a lot of others
that invested their time and money into Billy case then Lee, Bret
Welch and Wendelle. There were a number of people behind this that
chose to remain in the back ground.
No, I don't think that Wendelle Stevens will be a guest speaker
at the MUFON symposium but why should he. He is hosting the worlds
lastest gathering of Ufologist in the world in May of this year.
Don't you think he is going to have enough to do putting that one on?
As far as the health insurance is concern, I think that when this
is all over and said. Your insurance policies would make good
wallpaper. 73's ---Jim----
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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