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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 344

Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 344
Saturday, January 5th 1991
Today's Topics:
Re: Paranet Newsletter 341
RE: MARS FACE - Hoagland's Mars Show
Re: Resonant Gravity Field Coils
Hoagland's Mars
Hoagland broadcast
Mars Face
Hoagland's program
Re: Crop Circles
New Affiliates
RE: Mars Face
I will be changing mailboxes here from 'infopara' to 'paramod' however,
articles should still be mail to the same address. Please, alias 'paramod'
to 'infopara' at your site so this will not be a problem. I will be using
better software to change mail into articles here and the stuff doesn't
like mailer demon messages from bounced mail. This change will happen in
about one week.
-Cyro (Moderator @ UUCP host site.)
Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 341
Date: 2 Jan 91 17:40:57 GMT
From: (Greg Johns)
+Now the bad news. The origin of the file is probably untraceable. The
+Usenet poster said that he had gotten it from a friend, and the friend had
+downloaded it from BIX. (BYTE Information Exchange, a commercial BBS with
+[mostly] a highly technical usership.) No information as to the identity
+of the BIX uploader was given anywhere. Worse, the only identification the
+authors of the file provided were 'Shadow Hawk' and 'Eagle One'. They
+sound like hackers' (negative sense) or phreakers' handles, and in fact
+they list three BBS numbers, one of which is named 'Pirate 80' and another
+which is flagged 'Invitation Only'. I haven't tried the numbers; I don't
+even know where in the U.S. they are or how old the file is.
+If there's enough interest, I could post the file here. I'm not doing it
+now because it's about 19K, and I want to see if it's already been debunked
+as complete rubbish before I waste bandwidth.
Don't put this in the letter, but I know I have seen that file before, and
I'm pretty sure those are 'elite' boards. If you could send me the file, I
could probably say for sure.
'Pirate 80' might even be local to me.
oh, the letter is great!
Greg Johns / _Eagle_ | Be Sure To Catch
InterNet: | Buster & Babs on:
BitNet:| Tiny Toon Adventures!
FidoNet: ? | ---------------------
Subject: RE: MARS FACE - Hoagland's Mars Show
Date: 3 Jan 91 00:18:26 GMT
From: Mike Dobbs <>
On December 14, NASA put the airing of the show Hoagland's MARS on
hold. It was 9 months in the making, scheduled for broadcast for
about 2 months and then 3 weeks before air time (JAN 6) the show was
put on hold by NASA headquarters.
Richard Hoagland appears weekly (usually Fridays) on a radio talk show
called 'For the People' with host Chuck Harder on the Sun Radio
Network. Richard was making the show very public and advising
listeners to contact their local PBS TV station and Cable company to
let them know about the show and let them know how interested the
public was in seeing it. In my opinion, the fact that this show was
no longer going to be seen by a very small and limited audience made
somebody very nervous. So three weeks ago the show was cancelled.
Hoagland then got back on 'For the People' and gave out names and
phone numbers of people at NASA and Bob Roe, Chairman of the House
Committee of Science, Space, & Technology. Thousands of people
started calling, faxing and writing. As a result NASA has now decided
they _have_ to present _something_ so they are completely re-editing the
program and have not yet scheduled the new date. It is Richard
Hoaglands feeling that this 'maniputation' of the show is designed to
make him look bad. They are going to now add interviews with
planetary scientists to debunk the whole thing and _not_ give Hoagland
and the others at the Mars Project any chance for rebuttle.
This thing smells of a cover-up... Why has NASA invited Hoagland to
speak to large NASA audiences at Research Center three times?
Why did they spend nine months working on a educational TV show, get it
all done and scheduled at the last minute pull it off the air when
the audience was going to be much larger than expected? Why do they
feel they need to NOW totally re-edit the show but not allow the
primary speaker to add anything in response to new interviews with
planetary scientists who have not even studied the evidence in any detail?
If you want to write or call somebody to try to get some answers,
here is a list.
Dr. Robert Brown phone (202) 453-1110
Director of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington D.C. 20546
Bob Roe phone (202) 225-6371
Chairman of the House Committee of Science, Space & Technology
Suite 2321, Rayburn Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
Richard Hoagland phone (703) 228-5524
The Mars Mission
P.O. Box 981
Wytheville, VA 24382
Mike Dobbs / Internet:
From: Clark.Matthews@p0.f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Resonant Gravity Field Coils
Date: 3 Jan 91 05:33:00 GMT
To James Shaffer vanth!jms
> 'upload anything you downloaded before the bust, please'
Interesting. I wonder if it was Operation Sundevil. Or something
more recent. Do you suppose anybody bothered getting a
warrant, or is that another outdated, Sixties' notion? Anyway,
continuing ...
> sysop hasn't been
> around for a while -- he's been arrested for computer
> crimes. The sysop
> didn't seem to be too impressed with his file, and said
> that he thinks he
> copied it from a Consumertronics publication.
I think he copied it, too. Except for that interesting little
BTW, "crackers" (as distinguished from hackers) may be amoral,
childish, antisocial types, but as a rule their "accomplishments"
tend to be genuine. I mean, if they weren't dangerous, why seize
their computers and read their userlogs into the FBI computer for
our protection?
> I know that Tesla was rather eccentric (to be kind), but
> I'm not sure if he
> was always that way or whether it was a worsening
> condition. If it got
> worse over time, it could've been psychological.
He got noticeably worse during his work at Colorado Springs &
Wardenclyffe. That was when he started his long obsession with
birds, especially pigeons. His condition stabilized after J.P. Morgan &
Westinghouse pulled the plug on Wardenclyffe and he didn't have
the funding to continue his experiments.
> He was involved in a feud
> with Edison and a lawsuit against Marconi, wasn't he?
Yeah, he saved Edison's N.Y. operation by fixing Edison's
downtown N.Y. generating station. Then Edison refused to give
Tesla the raise he had promised Tesla for saving the bacon. Edison
was a dirtbag, anyway, first trying to steal Tesla's polyphase AC
patents (he failed) and then trying to discredit Tesla after he
sold his patents to Westinghouse. When Tesla & Westinghouse
introduced AC power, it naturally became the world standard
of power generation and transmission, thus dooming Edison to
marketing movies and gramophone cylinders. Read Margaret
Cheny's book on the subject "Man Out of Time". It's outstanding.
Tesla won the patent suit against Marconi, too. Tesla actually
demonstrated remote control by RADIO at the 1897 World's Fair.
He used it to control a small electric boat. David Sarnoff was a
Marconi ally and successfully suppressed Marconi's loss and
Tesla's victory -- and of course the royalties were not paid to
Tesla's estate until many, many years after Tesla's death. And
after many, many lawyers swilled at the trough first.
> Who was Jack Parsons?
Jack Parsons was the founding director of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena and the guiding genius of the U.S. P-80
and F-86 jet fighter program during WWII. He died in 1946 at the age
of 32 (I think).
> I'm sure that such devices could be dangerous. From a
> purely
> electromagnetic perspective, what would happen if the power
> failed
> unexpectedly?
Think of the E-field generated by the coil as a bubble of
alternate spacetime that is pulled into our own
spacetime. A corresponding bubble of our spacetime is intruding
into the "other" spacetime as long as the coil works normally and
the bubble grows, exists, and shrinks slowly. When power fails,
things "snap back". Indications are that the corresponding
"bubble" is much larger, volumetrically, than the "bubble"
induced in our time-space continuum (meaning that the "alternate
universe" is two or three times larger than our own??? you tell
> (The file I have advises against letting
> this happen!) I
> envision the power supply exploding from the induced
> current.
That is certainly a strong liklihood, James. But it gets
weirder. Power fails regularly with the things, despite all
precautions. This phenomenon is one of several anomalies
associated with devices like these. Other anomalies include
capacitors that get colder the longer they run.
> And if it *does* somehow alter local spacetime, have
> you seen the
> Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where Wesley is
> hacking the warp
> drive and traps his mother in a collapsing universe? :-)
> (And it just ran
> again on Saturday, too...)
Yeah, that was a good one. Hardly a "roof raiser", but a good
> +You know your Allende!
> Well, if you're ever in Montgomery and see a group of
> people apparently
> laying their hands on thin air...
Watch it! Al Blieleck might pop up! Or Elvis. Or Jimmy Hoffa.
Or me.
> But seriously, 'Dr. Rinehart' said that the Experiment was
> covered up not
> because of the technology involved but because of the
> embarassment of the
> lives destroyed.
Sounds right. Look at the "Operation Tiger" D-Day rehearsal.
750 men died in that fiasco and the military still won't admit
it happened.
> So I guess the question becomes, does
> Allende talk about
> the Experiment because he's crazy, or is he crazy because
> of the
> Experiment?
Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p0.f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: ncar!!upaya!tbetz
Subject: Hoagland's Mars
Date: 3 Jan 91 19:34:06 GMT
From: Tom Betz <upaya!>
| From: John.Finney@f701.n362.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Finney)
| In a message of <Dec 26 21:02>, Paul Faeder (9:1010/0) writes:
| > A 30 minute video program based on Hoagland's studies of the 'Mars Face'
| >will be broadcast via the Weststar 4 satellite as part of the NASA Lewis
| >(Cleveland) Educational Television Series. The program will be broadcast
| >at 12 noon on January 6, 1991 and should be accessible to anyone with a
| >satellite dish.
| I heard Friday that this got canceled by NASA with no explaination or future
| date for broadcast.
I heard Hoagland interviewed last night on 'For The People' (WWCR
7520 AM -- just above the 41 Meter band, I believe -- highly
recommended for Paranetters, BTW). He says that Plan A (cancel
the program) has been dropped in favor of Plan B (discredit Hoagland).
The program is being re-edited under the control of the Planetary
Science group at NASA, including statements from NASA
planetary scientists explaining away Hoagland's claims, in such a
manner as to make Hoagland look a fool.
He says that his information comes from NASA insiders who are
POed as he is about it.
-------------- 'Healt ut industri di go hond-e-hond.'
Tom Betz | -----------------------------------------------------------------
914-375-1510 | marob!upaya!
GBS | {att,philabs,rutgers,cmcl2}!phri!marob!upaya!tbetz
From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Hoagland broadcast
Date: 1 Jan 91 13:00:46 GMT
Re: Hoagland "Mars Face" broadcast...
> I heard Friday that this got canceled by NASA with no
> explaination or future date for broadcast. There
> might be a problem since Weststar 4 is almost "dead"
> (meaning almost out of manuvering fuel) and might not
> be operational (with no fuel it can't stay on location
> properly) at that time. There is a big ruckus being
> raised about the broadcast being stopped.
So what transponder was this to be on? I can't find
any mention of this in any of my older sat/references.
Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Mars Face
Date: 2 Jan 91 23:02:43 GMT
In a message of <30 Dec 90 09:52:02>, John Finney (1:362/701) writes:
>I heard Friday that this got canceled by NASA with no explaination or
>future date for broadcast.
Thanks for the update!
Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hoagland's program
Date: 3 Jan 91 15:41:00 GMT
I would appreciate it if anyone able to tape the program
would send me a copy. I will be happy to pay for it.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Crop Circles
Date: 4 Jan 91 20:56:00 GMT
I got this from Science. Thought you might enjoy it.
* Forwarded from "Science Echo"
* Originally from Maury Markowitz
* Originally dated 12-30-90 11:26
> So you're saying that the crop circle phenomenon is just a
>world-wide conspiracy of farmers having a few yucks on gullible city
Not at all. I'm saying that the crop circles in NORTH AMERICA are more
that likely just that though. They are considerably more "low tech", and
much less common. The last I saw was obviously a sprayed crop, you could
see the wilting on the plants.
Now, I'm not too sure WHO is doing it in England these days. It may be
that what started as a simple prank has turned into something else
entirely. However, from the 3 that I've seen from North America, there
is a definite difference in both quality (they are very "poorly" made) and
construction (the North American ones typically result in a small amount
of destroyed crop). There have yet to be any of the "classic" English
style cirlces with the radial patterns, nor are there any of the more
interesting shapes.
I'll admit that it looks like there's a lot to be discovered in England.
I too find it hard to belive that the farmers would do it to this degree,
it's just too much work. However, there are certain facts that can ONLY
be explained by using people as the motive force...
a) The incidence of the circles has grown lineraly with the amount of
reporting done on them by the press. I'm sorry, but I am at a loss
to imagine any natural force that could do this.
b) There are no reported crop circles in England before 1972, as the
group of physicists noted above litterally poured over arial surveys
and could not find one example. This too seems to rule out any possible
natural force.
c) The shapes of the "circles" has progressed from the original circles,
to patterns of them, circles within circles, and finally, that
wonderful shape on the Led Zepplin album cover. This point, of them
all, seems to rule out the natural explaination entirly.
Evidence FOR humans can be summed up either using the above, or by adding...
a) The original crop circles ALWAYS intersected a "sprayer row", where
the wheels of the tractors tending the fields leave two parallel lines
in the crop. This is the ONLY area where a person (or any other
animal) can get into the field without leaving a trail.
b) In the famous pattern where you see one large circle, surrounded
by 4 small ones in a cross, you'll note that one of the 4 circles
does NOT intersect a sprayer row. This particular circle has a
clearly visible line of footprints leading from one of the others!
c) Last summer, a TV crew went out to the fields with enough IR equipment
to make the CIA greedy. After sitting and watching one particular
field for a few days, they awoke one morning to find a circle!
After clapping themselves on the back and cheering that they
"finally caught one", they replayed the tapes to find people
out in the field! At that point, they quickly ran down to the
circle and gave a host of reasons why "this one obviously isn't
real" and such, and how they weren't fooled for a second. Ya, right.
What REALLY makes me mad is that no serious attempt has been made to
look into the events until just recently. I've heard some of the most
boneheaded theories comming from otherwise respectible people.
For example, consider the one meteorologist in England that remains
convinced that the patterns are made by small tornadoes. He continually
chants about how windy weekends have more circles, but has absolutely no
way of explaining the chain of events from wind to circle. The first time
I heard him on the radio, he was trying to tell us about how the wind
going over a hill makes a vortecies, and that makes the pattern. However,
wind going over a hill makes a HORIZONTAL vortex, and he's at a loss to
explain how these chaotic winds suddenly make themselves vertical, and then
organize into a very precise tornado!
When I last heard him, he was using examples of patterns that could
OBVIOUSLY NOT be winds as proof positive of his claims! When anyone
attempts to point this out to him, he starts horrible ad homenem arguements
againced these people, right as they may be. This last summer pretty
well shut him up though.
This is just one example, I've heard microbursts, static electricity,
UFO's and a host of other off the wall theories. My personal view at
this point is that there is finally a team at work that seems to know what
the hell they are doing, so I'll just wait it out.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: New Affiliates
Date: 5 Jan 91 02:32:00 GMT
I would like to welcome a couple of new affiliates to the
ParaNet family.
They are:
Clark Matthews
ParaNet PI(sm)
Jersey City, NJ
Up after 1/5/91
John Burke
ParaNet TAU-CETI(sm)
Private System
Chicago, IL
Cheryl Mathison
ParaNet XI-BETA(sm)
San Leandro, CA
Dan Toy
Philadelphia, PA
On behalf of the group, WELCOME! Please take a moment and
introduce yourselves to everyone.
Michael Corbin
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
Subject: RE: Mars Face
Date: 5 Jan 91 06:17:50 GMT
From: (Douglas Dever)
John Finney commented on the Hogland's Mars which was canceled by NASA.
I'd just like to add to those comments....
First, though, the information which I have is from a radio transcript
from the Chuck Harter Radio Show, "For The People", On WWCR, 7520 kxz, short
wave, on the Sun Radio Network, Friday, December 14th, 1990.
I'd like to thank Robert Parish and the Cleveland Free-Net UFOlogy SIG for
making this information available.
Although the Hogland's Mars was originally scheduled to air on West 4, it was
later bumped to Space Net 1, Transponder 3. The program had footage on
Cydonia and some structers which appeared to have been cause by some inteligent
form of life. NASA said that they cancled the program because it advertised
Richard Hogland's book. In the script, Richard Hogland says something about
how he wrote an article on the same subject in his book.
If you want to find out more about 1) Why the show was canceled or 2)
request that the show be aired...
You can call Dr. Robert Brown at (202) 453-1110. Or (because things in
writting usually have more pull than voice requests) you can send a fax
to Dr. Bondurant at (216) 433-3344.
** Douglas Dever ** ** **
"Run to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite
axe. Don't look so frightand, this is just a passing phase. One of my bad days."
"All in all it's just another brick in the wall" --Both Quotes of 'Pink Floyd'--
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