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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 358

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 358 

Saturday, February 2nd 1991

Today's Topics:

The Redshift Factor
Forteana Paper
God is ET and we're the kids!
Global Greenhouse Winter
Dave Webb/Spaur Neff
Re: Skepticism (Please... spare us [Again!])
Re: Increase Apocalypse feelings!


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: The Redshift Factor
Date: 1 Feb 91 15:58:00 GMT

> From: (Steven Nelson)
> In one of his Visitors books, Whitley Streiber
> mentioned a
> then-unpublished book called _The Redshift Factor_, or
> something similar,
> which claimed to have translated some alleged alien
> languages through Gaelic
> into English. Has this book made it to press yet?

We are checking into this. I will let you know.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Forteana Paper
Date: 1 Feb 91 16:02:00 GMT

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Eight Fortean Categories

There are in general nine basic classes of Fortean phenomena. These
categorizations are not meant to be all-inclusive and in fact there are
many cases of 'overlap' where one phenomenon could just as easily fit in
one category as the other; likewise there are probably others which would
not fall in any of these at all. But I believe it to be a passable start at
a 'science of Forteana.' The nine categories are : 1) Apparitions.
These are appearances of beings of unknown nature - phantom strangers,
aliens, fairies, monsters, 'spirits', etc. Some apparitions appear to
be 'phantasms' - that is, projections or 'tape recordings' that do not
interact with witnesses; others seem to have some form of direction because
they can interact with the world around them, signifying a controlling
intelligece. 2) Manifestations. These are things that appear in places where
they would not be found normally, either because they are anachronistic,
extrinsic, or come from places where they could not possibly originate
(such as the sky) - 'apports', OOPARTS (out-of-place artefacts), falling
substances (such as blood or frogs), Holes In the Ice, etc. 3) Phantasmagoria.
These are occurences that impact upon the senses, but, strictly speaking, are
not 'things' - spook lights, singing sands, skyquakes, mysterous noises,
upside-down rainbows, etc. 4) Wild Talents. These are 'paranormal', 'psychic',
or otherwise extraordinary abilities manifested during times of other
Fortean occurences: one notable example is the remarkable resistance to pain
demonstrated by fanatics during the Welsh Revival of 1904-05. Such things
include 'electric' girls, stigmata, levitation, firewalking, precognition,
etc. 5) Disappearances. This category includes all things that have either
disappeared out of existence altogether or that vanish and reappear at a
later point in time - vanishing hitchhikers, ghost ships, lost planes,
disappearing people, etc. 6) Synchronicity. These are otherwise 'normal'
occurences except that they display outstanding features of having happened
at the same time and/or in similar locations or circumstances - such as the
death of persons with the same name on the same day. 7) Transformations.
This category includes 'natural' things that demonstrate 'unnatural'
properties - bodies that won't decay, grass that won't grow back, blood
that won't coagulate, rocks that move nightly, etc. 8) Other Scientific
Anomalies. This category includes astronomical, geophysical, biological,
or meteorological occurences that defy accepted scientific description -
planets that are where they shouldn't be, lightning that behaves abnormally,
crop 'circles', 'magnetic' hills, abiogenesis of living things, etc.
9) Delusions. These are occurences where two or more persons hallucinate
things that clearly are not there - such as the outbreak of people
dancing in Italy because they claimed to be immersed knee-deep in blood
or the hallucinations of St. Anthony's Fire in Europe.

Spatial Patterns

One of the most significant spatial patterns is the tendency for these
phenomena to follow specific alignments - the 'ley' lines of John Michell
and other researchers. Recent discoveries indicate that there may well be
a 'World Grid' in the form of an alternating/ pulsating dodeco-isocahedron
(much like the Dymaxion Sphere proposed by Buckminster Fuller) that envelops
the planet - researchers like Bruce L. Cathie have noted how UFOs and other
apparitions tend to follow the lines of this grid. Others, like Soviet
scientist Zhirov, note that the Grid overlaps with points of extreme
geological, cultural, or mystical significance - ranging from Ponape in
the Pacific to the Giza Plain in Egypt to the 'natural atomic reactor'
found in Gabon, West Africa - and also demarks Ivan T. Sanderson's
ten 'vile vortices' such as the Bermuda Triangle and the Devils' Sea off
Japan. Another important spatial pattern is the affinity that Fortean
occurences have for certain localities - schoolyards, trailer parks,
crossroads, garbage dumps, and swamps. In fact, Fortean phenomena seem to
be recurrent in many areas, often given "devil" names, such as Devil's
Tower in Wyoming.

Temporal Patterns

Fortean phenomena seem to follow a definite 'flap' factor - when a 'flap'
breaks out, all hell breaks loose. These 'flaps' seem to center in certain
years - as UFO researchers have already noted with peak years of the
phenomenon. Some of these 'flaps' seem to follow a mysterious periodicity,
like the multiyearly cycle of locust migrations or the sunspot cycle.
Likewise, Fortean events seem to cluster in certain months (as Loren
Coleman and other researchers have noted), showing an avoidance for May
but definite peaks around certain dates of significance, such as
June 24 - St. John the Baptist's feast day, otherwise known as Midsummer's
Eve, and November 1 (the Celtic Lammas festival). And researchers like John
Keel have noted weekly periodicities - a definite propensity for Wednesdays
and Saturdays around 10 PM is frequently shown. Another significant factor
is that the phenomena tend to occur during times of ecological change - the
Gaia factor - such as during extreme activity of the Earth's magnetic field,
freak weather, extreme temperature, or seismic acittvity.

Relational Patterns

The most important relational factor is the 'Name Game' played by the
phenomena. They tend to focus around people or geographic localities with
unusual names such as Fayette or McDaniel. Jim Brandon calls this part of
the 'Rebirth of Pan' - a magical game of sympathetic attraction where certain
names seem to attract certain mysterious forces. People separated by miles
with the same last name may be harassed with similar occurences; sometimes the
phenomena even inexplicably draw the two individuals together. Other
symbolic patterns turn up though ... numbers like 23 (a favorite of Robert
Anton Wilson) and 33 (important to the Masons) frequently turn up in
connection somehow with the occurences, as do certain icons such as the
Greek letter Sigma or the swastika. Certain colors even seem to be
favored... a recent wave of phantom snipers all drove blue cars when they
carried out their tasks. Many of these patterns suggest a universe linked
by information (events, associations, and allegories) rather than one linked
by space and time. More than coincidence, these patterns may be clues to
synchronicity - the 'acausal connecting principle'behind the phenomena.

Fortean Phenomena and Cybernetics(Systems Theory)

Many Fortean researchers have seriously begun the application of systems
theory to the Fortean problem of 'teleportation' - why certain things are
brought from one place to another. Many believe that these phenomena may
well demonstrate our universe to be an open system, constantly transferring
matter the way a thermostat moves around masses of air to maintain a
constant temperature. Indeed, the whole resistance of life to entropy and
its strange way of drawing in energy to generate increasing order suggest
that the whole cosmos may well be, as Plato suggested, a living being - and
the cosmic currents of space are its 'arteries.' Perhaps there are cosmic
streams of orgone, as Wilhelm Reich supposed, linking the worlds and creating
new potentialities through their superimposition. This is no idle fantasy;
many astronomers such as Fred Hoyle have maintained the panspermia hypothesis,
suggesting that the chemical 'seeds' of life may be blown through space,
generating life when they discover a suitable world. There need be no
'intelligence' behind it; as nature abhors a vaccuum, perhaps when the
supply of frogs is low on our planet, a new batch may be 'teleported' in
to meet the need, just as our bodies dispatch antibodies automatically upon
detection of infection.

What Bait for Goblins? On the Borderland

The famous cryptozoo hunter F.W. "Ted" Holiday wrote a remarkble account of
his insights into the 'Nessie' phenomenon in his book, The Goblin
Universe. He had explored much of the Anglo-Saxon and earlier lore
surrounding Loch Ness and discovered that the 'Orm' or serpent of the
lake was often iconographically connected with the 'Disc,' usually assumed
by antiquarians to be a sun-symbol. However, he knew that the area had always
been host to a great deal of UFO sightings and that the 'Disc' might well
represent something else... what thrust him even more into paranormal waters
was the elusiveness of Nessie, who tended to vanish into "thin water" and
somehow managed to jam the cameras in his presence. This put ol' Nessie into
the category of other phantom beasties who tended to jump on peoples'
windshields and then disappear in the face of hot pursuit. The bugger might
not just be hiding in the crags of the loch, craftfully dodging numerous
radar sweeps, but vanishing into... where? The most common theory employed by
most cryptozoologists is the 'hideout' theory - that the elusive critters
are simply species that are so well concealed as to have avoided both
cataloguing and capture. But these 'flesh-and-blood' cryptozoo hunters are
often disappointed when their hairy prey fails to leave behind much more
than a footprint or an awful stench. It may be they are chasing something not
quite from this world - such as the 'blob' found on a beach in 1952 which
seems to have melted back into the nothingness out of which it came. There
is a possibility here that these monsters - and much else that is 'damned'
by tunnel-visioned science - may not quite be from our world, but instead
hail from a borderland which is a place of transit between our reality
and another - a place where such traffic is, for the moment, one-way.

The World Grid and 'Forteana' Magnets

At such places, the phenomena may recur for centuries, taking distinct
forms in each new era - phantom airships in the 19th century, flying
saucers in the 20th, etc.

The 'Flaps' of Gaia

Games Nonpeople Play

Teleportation Systems Theory

The Cyberbiological Component

It is clear that the human biological system is affected by external
influences of many kinds - electromagnetic, chemical, meterological,
astronomical, etc. What Michael Persinger and others have noted is that,
under proper stimulation, people often undergo powerful reality-altering
experiences. While Persinger discusses in particular the temporal lobes
within the brain and their role in psychomystical experience, Dennis
Stillings and others involved with the Archaeus project have been looking
at the human bioenergetic system as a totality and how EM fields may
actually influence perception and/or behavior. (Much of this research
is interesting in light of Carlos Castenada's descriptions of Don Juan's
art of seeing , where beings are seen as blobs of light with central discs
which are known as centers of attention. Don Juan and other masters were
able to shift the center of attention and in so doing literally wrench
the perceptions of their disciples to another reality. ) Researchers
like Robert O. Becker have firmly demonstrated that electromagnetic fields
act upon our health, either negatively or positively, depending on their
nature; radiobiologists building on the work of Georges Lakhovsky realize
that EM oscillation may be an important form of communication in the animal
world. But most amazing is the groundbreaking research suggested by Peter
Redgrove and others which shows just how dependent people are on their
hidden senses constantly being informed by their electromagnetic environment -
what Redgrove calls the 'continuum.'

In a similar vein, Andrija Puharich and others have noted how the human
brainwave frequency may be altered by the resonance of low-frequency (ELF)
fields. With the health effects of such low-intensity fields around power
lines being such a hot debate currently, further research on EM physiological
effects on people may be indefinitely stalled.

A Modest Proposal

Fortean researchers certainly will have their hands filled dealing with
these questions in coming years. Until we have universities willing
to teach courses in paradigm revision, anomalistics, and such, there
will not be much headway taking place there. But how about it? Wouldn't
a Department of Fortean Studies be a wonderful thing to start an an
open minded university? Any takers?

Those interested in such cataloguing might consult William R. Corliss'
Sourcebook Project for further guidance.

Childress, David Hatcher. Anti-Gravity and the World Grid.

see also, Tompkins, Peter. Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids.

Coleman, Loren. Curious Encounters.

Keel, John A. UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse.

see Brandon, Jim A. The Rebirth of Pan: America's Earth Spirit.

see Michell, John and Rickard, Robert M. Living Wonders.

Much of this was documented posthumously in the book by Colin Wilson,

Redgrove, Peter. The Black Goddess and the Unseen Real,

A good summary of recent controversies may be found in Robert O. Becker
and Gary Selder's book, The Body Electric.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: God is ET and we're the kids!
Date: 31 Jan 91 08:34:21 GMT

I don't know if I've got the hang of addressing
this to you, so let me know what happens.....
> From: User <>
> Finally, I would like to put forth an extension of the
> GOD = ET theory
> in that we are presently in the end stages of the
> 'human drama'. I have
> a hunch that this Gulf thing has to do with all of
> this... maybe a long shot, but still.

I doubt it seriously......still, it could become just
like we all have fears of it doing.

> I think we should focus more on the Ancient
> Astronauts theme instead of getting bogged down on
> recent UFO material.

Hard to say though I've been reading some about it.
> Also, the model of FLATLAND (2 dimensional universe)
> applied to us, in a 3D versus 2D interaction,
> can explain ghost sightings, etc... (as a
> higher dimension interaction) and LIFEMAKER's model
> can explain our telepathy, clairvoyance, etc...

Yeah, I've got a feeling that could explain why most
scientific instrumentation fails to give any evidence.
> Any takers?
> P.S: And this explains the 'missing link'. In
> Genesis they tell of how supernatural beings mated
> with human females... but there's a textfile on that.
Oh, I've been reading the original book about that.
It's pretty tiresome to read but it is thorough enough
that I can give it high marks for veracity. I've
wondered about the asteroid belt for a while, though
there's calculated to be only 1/10 the mass a planet
in that orbit might have.

Any replies?

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Global Greenhouse Winter
Date: 31 Jan 91 08:54:52 GMT

In jest, we poked fun at Sagan's new book release...
> Better yet, give Carl Sagan another grant! He'll find
> out & tell you & Ted Koppel!
Hmmm, yeah...I saw that interview on one of my satellite
dishes one fine early am. I've read through about half
of the book, which is 70% reference to previous papers.
Not exactly "light reading" to be sure, but I do have
the education in physics and meteorology to accept some
of the Nuke Winter Scenario. Still, there's alot of
atmospheric interaction with the magnetosphere that hasn't
really been considered in this "model" that the book
is based on.
> (I knew there was more mileage in his old Nuclear
> Winter model! Maybe if he got a 286 to run it on, he
> could warn us about similar catastrophes every two
> months or so! Hehehehehe)
That's why I bought a '286, to run simulations of a
patent I've been working on. Somehow, working on a
solar energy related device in 0il-Rich 0klahoma
seems a bit of an oxymoron.....
> Best,
> Clark
Ha! Back to you ....

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Date: 31 Jan 91 09:16:56 GMT

In a recent post...

> The one thing that makes America different from most
> other country's is the value that we, as citizens,
> place on our freedoms.

I can go along with that, but here's what that postal
worker said that made me post a reply to you...

> " Has money become such a god in this world that elected
> officials can so openly rob their own citizens of
> basic rights and income, while just as openly granting
> themselves huge salary increases and expecting to be
> admired by those very same people who are now made
> criminals for using the printed or spoken word?

This is relevent to many discussions, perhaps it's
some aspect of human culture that we might examine
history for some kind of lesson. I don't think that
the enactment of this particular law was directed at
anyone other than former government officials that
write about "
inside" goings on in governments....

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Skepticism
Date: 31 Jan 91 09:19:18 GMT

Hey ...

What would it take to get Lynn over here on ParaNet?
I kinda miss his discussions and wit over on UFO/Fido.

I can't get Fido/UFO here and wouldn't want it again....

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 30 Jan 91 20:10:46 GMT

When you see the replys I hope you get another laugh. Could not help myself
from being silly. Healty debate of issues and skeptic questioning is
necessary to maintain some control over the flow of information and
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Dave Webb/Spaur Neff
Date: 2 Feb 91 12:15:26 GMT

From: (Dale Wedge)

Dave, CUFOS was quite good in supplying information. The
letter from Mark Rodeghier states as follows, 'As promised,
enclosed is a great deal of the material in the Ravenna, Ohio
case from April 17, 1966. The amount of material we have is
quite extensive, and I've sent along initially Weitzel's report
plus some additional investigative
documents and clippings. As time permits, we'll try to
send along some more copies of file documents.'

So, from this you can see that they have send alot of info.
Basically what I have are all of Weitzel's files up to about
October of 1966. I do not have any documentation by you, or
any subsequent work that was done was the end of 1966 to
now. That is really what I am looking for. Those things that
other people gathered during this time who were not in the
Weitzel report and anything afterwards.

Again, I praise CUFOS for their releasing of the documents to
me and I hope that mark reads this and releases more. I'm
sure he is bogged down with other requests.


Dale B. Wedge-----(aa440)----(xx044)----Co-SySop----UFOlogy Sig


Subject: Re: Skepticism (Please... spare us [Again!])
Date: 3 Feb 91 04:16:02 GMT

From: (Douglas Dever)

The very sarcastic skeptic (Lynn Parham) seems to fail to notice the fact
that 'skeptics' often fail to give proof or evidence for their claims.
The door seems to swing both ways...

*** Proud member of The Cleveland FreeNet UFOlogy SIG ***

Douglas A. Dever
Cameraman (1st Class) -- Co-Technical Director
Rocky River High School Video Crew


Subject: Re: Increase Apocalypse feelings!
Date: 3 Feb 91 04:37:28 GMT

From: (Douglas Dever)


I, too, hope that 'they' are all wrong. However, although I do
not believe that this is 'the beginning of the end' , recently I have
at times considered the thought. The reason is, you hear so much from everyone
about how the war of 'blood for oil' will be where the end starts from.
Also, how the Bible gives a 2,000 year deadline. I believe, however, that
the war in the gulf is for so much more than oil and that these people are
wrong. However, when you keep hearing it from everyone, you do begin to
wonder... many begin to believe.

*** Proud member of The Cleveland FreeNet UFOlogy SIG ***

Douglas A. Dever
Cameraman (1st Class) -- Co-Technical Director
Rocky River High School Video Crew


Subject: Kudos!
Date: 3 Feb 91 04:38:41 GMT

From: (Douglas Dever)

I would like to publicly tell Info-Paranet how much I enjoyed the EBE
series of 18 messages. I found the article extremely enjoyable and informative.
The information is one of the many reasons why I read the net.
Great Job!

*** Proud member of The Cleveland Free-Net UFOlogy SIG ***

Douglas A. Dever
Cameraman (1st Class) -- Co-Technical Director
Rocky River High School Video Crew


Subject: Re: JUST CAUSE
Date: 3 Feb 91 04:39:28 GMT

From: (Douglas Dever)

I can't believe that the government is trying to get away with this.
I am a high school free-lance writer who is working on his second short-story
but more importantly than that, writes for his school newspaper. I write
some editorials that have given me a small fight over censorship, so I
can say , I know how it feels when you are censored. The government
*cannot be allowed* to infringe on the 1st amendment. It goes against
everything all of our soldiers (and everyone else who is an American) has ever
stood up for... and is still standing up for to this day. If the government
can do this to one of our most sacred rights... which one can they take
next. Write your congressman (women) and demand that this be repealed.
We the people cannot allow the government to start taking rights away from
us... and we are the ones who have to do something about it when they
do. So, take a stand!

*** Proud member of the Cleveland FreeNet UFOlogy SIG ***

Douglas A. Dever
Cameraman (1st Class) -- Co-Technical Director
Rocky River High School Video Crew


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Skepticism
Date: 2 Feb 91 16:02:00 GMT

> What would it take to get Lynn over here on ParaNet?
> I kinda miss his discussions and wit over on UFO/Fido.

Do you know how to get in contact with Lynn? I would be
happy to call him, if we can find access to him.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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