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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 361

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 361 

Wednesday, February 6th 1991

Today's Topics:

Aliens To Talk To Us?
Ufo-journal Of Facts
Knock Knock: GBL who?
My First Article
The Pleiades; Astral Entity Chaos
My Second Article
Hudson Valley UFOs, Contactees

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From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Aliens To Talk To Us?
Date: 5 Feb 91 23:15:00 GMT

> From: User <>

I must admit that I am quite disgusted with this stuff as it
comes across. Why? Because although there are many "weird"
aspects to the UFO enigma, I can't help but think that a lot
of this stuff is mere science fiction at its best. Assuming
that UFOs represent a truly ET or UD origin, why would they
choose to reveal themselves in this fashion? After all, we
have been hearing about their great plan to "save us from
and yet the damage to the environment worsens
and other similarly related problems continue. Disease is
something that we have not conquered. Look at cancer and
AIDS. My opinion is that if there were really "space
out there they would have done some of their good
samaritan work long ago and would have sought to educate us
on the principles of good environmental hygiene. Secondly,
after all of these years, the sources of this material have
long been exposed of fraud, i.e., George Adamski --
well-known among UFOlogists that he was actually a paid
agent of the US and British government. The plethora of
other contactees is full of borrowed material and the deep
desire on the part of some of the more famous contactees to
rise to stardom after failing to get a science fiction book
published. Although I can't claim to know all there is to
know about Billy Meier and the "Plieades (sp?)," it just
does not stand up to intelligent scrutiny. After all, these
beings are alleged to be intelligent and advanced. They
must have mastered scientific principles applicable to this
world and the universe to have arrived here. This implies
that they can, if real, stand up to the same laws that they
employ in their travel which would provide us with some
ability to study them physically and scientifically.

> And yes the reference to the Bible as 'sons of heaven'
> is in Genesis, Ch. 6.

This is very interesting. I have read the expanded version
of Enoch. Not the
"off-the-book-shelf-book-of-the-week-club" stuff, but the
scholarly work done by Charlesworth and Charles. I will
admit that it sounds like something from a good Valerian
science fiction book selection, but not necessarily
something to be taken in a literal sense.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Ufo-journal Of Facts
Date: 6 Feb 91 08:02:00 GMT

> John- I've been hearing about this magazine (UFO-Journal of
> Facts) for a few days and was wondering how I could get a
> copy. Do you have an address where I could send some money
> and possibly receive an issue?
> I'm sure others would be interested also. Thanks. Dave
> Zidek in Balto.
> --- QuickBBS 2.66 (Eval)
> * Origin: ParaNet Omicron (sm) 717-588-7549 (9:1010/70)

I hope you don't take offense in this, Dave (honestly) but I'm
NOT going to tell you. I don't want any part of that magazine
and if anyone else does, it's their own business, not mine.

Best regards -- John

John Burke - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Knock Knock: GBL who?
Date: 7 Feb 91 00:17:32 GMT

From: User <>

With regards to Steven Warren's comments on the Phoenix books:
I agree with Steven's analysis of the message, however, his reference to
the 'sons of heaven' is to my knowledge incorrect. Steven stated that
'sons of heaven' means those people created by God, e.g., Adam. This
is easily seen to be an incorrect assumption. Bibles vary depending on
their translation, and what the translators deemed to 'fit' the phrase
or what THEY interpreted the original texts to mean. I have a version of
the Bible that uses the phrase 'supernatural beings' instead of the phrase
'sons of heaven' and other versions allude to the same thing: E.T.s
So we should be careful in throwing away important bits of information
even when confronted with a really REALLY really questionable posting, as
that Phoenix message was. And GBL or whoever you are, perhaps you'd like
to clarify a LOT of points for us here? And tell us something we've not
heard before. If you say each volume is 300+ pages, and there are some 21
volumes, that's about 6000+ pages of text. Now that's pretty hefty, and
hard to think that there isn't something in that 6000+ pages that should
give us some solid information to work with? I mean, this Bible business,
and Kennedy Asassination, etc. etc. etc. is pretty old news (doesn't mean
I think it's true though) from what we have heard from the likes of Lear
and Cooper. And why are these aliens hostile to New Agers? From what I
can gather, so far the Phoenix stuff hasn't been much more than a recap of
many theories of human ET ancestry, and recent UFO conspiracy / armegheddon
in the year 2000 stuff that's been toted around by New Agers and others.
So, GBL, let's hear from you. If you're sincere about all of this that is.
[append large question mark to this message].


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: (none)
Date: 6 Feb 91 19:48:00 GMT

> From: gateh@conncoll.bitnet

> This was a comment out of the blue, simply meant to
> clarify some of the
> things referred to in the quoted article. I might
> also add that the
> Castenada series is a distinctly interesting and
> complex bit of work, and
> should be considered one unit. Interested parties
> should read the entire
> series before making any serious judgements - I would
> treat commentaries on
> this work (including mine!) with a critical eye (I say
> this only because I
> have read 'professional' interpretations of the work
> which I feel are
> entirely off the mark; thus it would seem that it is
> open to a number of
> different interpretations).

I agree wholeheartedly on this as there could be substantial
data available on the psychological aspect of the how and
why's some of this stuff tends to spur a "religious"

In the words of Joe Nickell, "We should be open to new
ideas, we should not wish to become as open as, say, a
refuse can."
From Secrets of the Supernatural.

Thanks for your comment.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: My First Article
Date: 7 Feb 91 02:18:00 GMT

From: David Elmore Coleman <>

Subject: The Pleiades; Astral Entity Chaos

I think I'd like to address this Pheonix Journals business.
The Pleiades is a very troubling subject.

Just because a lot of paranormal and Advanced Science stuff seems to
accompany many UFO visitations and abductee experiences, does not
mean ETs are angelic. I don't believe Pleiadean accounts indicate
this business either. I am referring to Brad Steigers books (one is in
the Univ. of Maryland *Engineering and Physical Sciences* Library) and
the accounts of the Swiss farmer who alledgedly met aliens from planet
Erra of the Pleiades. I heard someone tried to fake a fraud by
*putting* a UFO model in the guy's barn.
Astronomers, i.e myself, generally consider the
Pleiades to be too young for life to exist, as they are only 50 million
years old. Of course, the Pleiades may only be *part* of a spiritually
important part of our galactic spiral arm. Also, a number of books,
including Ruth Montgomery's, indicate that the majority of alien
races interested in Earth are not from planets in our dimension. The
Pleiades may only be a reference point. Indeed, Ruth's books say that
*no* 3-D races exist in our galaxy aside from us, no Zeta Reticulans or
whatnot. There used to be another, but it destroyed itself.
Ruth Montgomery has published 5 or 6 best-sellers, and is well
respected for her predictions of China's move to the right, Ronald Reagan's
candidacy in 1980, and a good number of other predictions. She is *certainly*
not one of the hairbrained 'psychics' that the National Enquirer
uses to make predictions, nor one of the types that Bay Area Skeptics
tends to get when they make the rounds of looking for correct
psychic precognitions.
In a book on Jeane Dixon, Ruth pointed out a
lot of Dixon's failed prophecies, although she also noted a few
spectacular successes (i.e JFK.) Skeptics always bring up the
phenomenon of U.S presidents tending to suffer assassination
attempts after every 20 year period. But how can 'skeptics' accept
such a bizarre claim as the 20-year phenomenon, which seems to
be mere coincidence, while they can't accept experiments on OBEs
where a five digit number is retrieved in a double-blind setup
by the OBE subject? What, do they think that the 21-22 secondary
sunspot cycle causes magnetic tensions on the 'coping' area of the
brain? (There is also an 11-year sunspot cycle.)
Few psychic channelers seem to address the Pleiades. I asked
a friend of my family, who is a trance channeler from Mystic, CT. The
entity who was questioned implied that there is indeed something
remarkable about the Pleiades, but that at this time it is inappropriate
to define an answer to questions about it.

This 'Hatonn' person: This name I seem to recall from Ruth's books. Is it
a popular alien name or something? A 'Hatonn' was reportedly one who
communicated with 'Tuella,' one of the major people in the contactee
movement. Tuella, however, was criticized in Ruth Montgomery's books
as confusing some of the information she received, especially information
she considered sort of biblical. Ruth Montgomery is unique in that her
Guides question the validity of claims by members of the New Age movement
other than herself.

The dates 2011/2012 seem to be fairly common. An entity who 'wrote'
through Ken Carey describes this date in 'Starseed Transmissions' to
be a momentous occasion. The 260 day cycle people are talking about
is recognized by *all* archaeologists studying the Maya to be one of their
calenders, and it is directly related to Venus (phases? orbit?). Or am
I confusing this with a 160 day cycle? I don't think I am.

The name 'Maya' or "Maia" seems to be a universally felt sound. It is one
of the stars of the Pleiades. It is also the name of an alien met by
a male acquaintance of Shirley Maclaine, in the Andes mountains. Sounds,
especially mantras of the Hindus and general linguistics, seem to be
related to universal ways of interpreting energies in the universe.
'Om' or "Aum," and "Ram/Rahm/Ra" seem to be the most popular. Coincidences
between Earthling words and alien words, like the slight similarity of the
sounds of alien words in 'The Andreasson Affair: Part/Phase I' with
certain Welsh words, is not as suspicious as it might at first seem.
However, I *would* be suspicious of some alien supposedly called
Andromeda Rex (who is this guy?). What is he, the king of the
Andromeda Galaxy or something? And just where does an alien get
a name like 'Georgyos'?

Nephilim: I agree that these were beings from space, but I
cannot see them as divine, nor as ever having visited Israel. I
follow Ruth's Guides' view that this is a reference to interbreeding
between aliens and Atlanteans. Atlanteans developed technology quickly
and cleanly, and non-globally, because of alien assistance, and
the turning bad of Atlantis is only one of quite a number of reasons
space beings, indeed all of 70 or so races, do not communicate very
openly with us. The figure of '70' is from the "Andreasson
Affair' abductee (NOT contactee) experience. Psychics also report
quite a high number of races, with a couple notable races dominating.

In Marcia Moore's book, _Hypersentience_, which includes a wealth of
information retrieved through hypnosis, we are warned that many
malevolent astral entities are posing as ET beings in order to pass on
information that creates fear and chaos. Many contactees are unaware of
this. For people who believe in the contactee experience, it could be very
difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, because the malevolent
entities presumably would mix in enough information similar to that
that good entities are distributing, so that the bad information would
become inseparable. Some books (text all in damn capital letters) by
an entity named Michael (Messages from Michael?) also seem ridiculous
in the context of what more 'normal' psychic information tends to
relate. _The Saucers Speak_ includes fallacious material on oceans on
the Moon, cattle on Neptune, and green plants on Venus, and so seems to
be *another* fraud probably conducted by chaotic entities. Of course
some of these could also be fraud. Adamski reeks of this kind of
chaos also.
Has Hatonn assumed another Hatonn's name in order to build his
quest for confusion? I think this is part of it. Ruth's Guides implied
that the other Hatonn, who calls himself a galactic records keeper of
some sort, is legitimate.
_Hypersentience_ includes another idea -- mirroring that
in Ruth Montgomery's works -- that quite a lot of ET's are transdimensionals
whose planets are not on our level of existence.
Many people seem hooked on the OBE books by Moore (what
was his first name?). Entities met in OBE experiences by the
many people attending his seminars seem quite different than
entities met in OBE experiences of people learning quite different
OBE techniques (Out-of-Body-Experiences.) My opinion is that the
ludicrous information that the particular group of entities relates
is garbage, as it agrees with no other paranormal information around,
and as astral entities, *as opposed to* discarnate spirits (who
themselves are not always reliable), are rarely to be trusted. I think
that all the K-95 portals and junk is merely a local world set up
by the entities, as creativity is less and less restrained in entities
the higher up on the ladder of astral planes you go. Supposedly many
people reconstruct scenes from their childhood at times after death.

These John Lear and Cooper guys, whom the author of the Pheonix posting
mentioned, seem in MUFON Journal articles to be products of a
misinformation campaign that has gotten out of hand, and that started
with Dr. Paul Bennewitz. I last heard Bennewitz had been committed to an
asylum for his paranoia and 30 cigarettes in 19 minutes habit.

On the question of Satan: This subject has been abused over and over.
There are three 'Satans,' one is merely a symbolic name for the
tempter in each one of us, the Id that attempts to get us to take
another cookie. Another is merely the UN-powerful 'Lucifer,' merely
a high being like many astral entities, who has decided to side with
creating problems. Other 'dark' forces have gathered around "
Christianity confuses these two Satans and unites
them as an all-powerful Devil, because of the fetish with demons Christians
had during the Romanesque era of Europe. The third 'Satan' is the
supposed Anti-Christ, who is supposed to be an incarnate
person no greater than the rest of us, but who believes he is much
more than he is. Ruth Montgomery's Guides, the only of New Agers to
look into this subject, said in the early 80's that he has grown up
in suburban Maryland (he would be about 33-38 years old now) outside
DC. Nostradamus referred to this guy as wearing a blue turban, although
it is always hard to say which of Nostradamus' words are symbolic
and which are not. But, you can see why I cringe when I see an
Arab at the University of Maryland, just outside DC, wearing a
blue turban. The Anti-Christ is supposed to try to raise sentiment in the
south of Asia in the middle 1990s, and probably the Middle East which
overlaps South Asia. Anyway, my only point of bringing this up, is that when
some contactee or New Ager, or investigator of the paranormal brings up
mention of Satan, or mentions it off-hand, do not look for agreements with
other texts by contactees, for there are many 'dark' entities that hover
about Earth, since Earth has such a low energy from all the hate on Earth.
'Dark' entities cannot stay around high vibration environments.

The poster of the Pheonix Journals business was ridiculed for believing
that all major world governments have been contacted by the aliens.
The way his statement was phrased inferred that 50 nations had been
contacted, but this can't be what he meant by 'major' world nations.
I think three or four is more like it. I do *not* see how it is
impossible for these things to be kept under wraps. The point is,
that they are *not* being kept under efficient wraps. Look at all the documents
coming out under the Freedom of Information Act, and look at all the
other documents and memos that have come forth, and all the various
retired army lieutenants, and the MJ-12 business (misinformation?).
The point is that the public has a short memory when it reads about
UFOs. AP or NBC reports something spectacular, but never 100 percent
endorses something, no matter how spectacular. More importantly they
never follow it up. The person who criticized the Pheonix poster
seems not to realize that 'The UFOs Landing!!!' is NOT a potential
big story. It is a story that is so phenomenal that it is not
phenomenal. Did people enter the streets when the Alaska airline
UFO case came up? Or when a University of Florida plant specialist
analyzed every possibility at a Gulf Breeze landing sight, to the
extent that it was obvious a craft had landed there?

This Executive Orders and U.S Government drug ring and assassination
of JFK business all appears in just about every conspiracy theory,
as the critic correctly noted. I can't understand how a US drug
ring would come into existence and operate with such a small amount
of people being onto it. Who are the governments 'trustworthy'
drug dealers? I think this Hatonn guy is one of those nasty entities
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Unknowingly, he picked up a whirly blue throwstone with strange hieroglyphics
on the opposite side he didn't see, and he tossed it into the sunlit stream;
A note said he had opened a gate to some place indescribable.
-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


Subject: My Second Article
Date: 7 Feb 91 02:17:25 GMT

From: David Elmore Coleman <>

Subject: Hudson Valley UFOs, Contactees

If Dr. Bruce Maccabee of Maryland MUFON is reading this,
he might want to put me (a Maryland member) in his
Maryland MUFON list, as I transfered from Connecticut's
division but MUFON seems to have neglected sending he,
and the section director, information on this. The Doctor
is the State Director, or at least he has been up to the
last time I looked. He also lives only about five miles
down the road, in Mount Rainier, Maryland. For Maryland
MUFON events notices, my address is

David E. Coleman, Apt. 612, 8125 48th Ave, College Park, MD 20740

In reference to the Hudson Valley Sightings in New York and Connecticut
during the 1980s, it was often seen that UFOs would focus beams of
light on lakes and reservoirs of the region. However, I don't think
anyone noted that from Candlstick Reservoir in Connecticut, to
Bridgeport, across to Mt. Kisco in New York, and up to Putnam (?) county,
is about the greatest concentration of lakes in the northeast U.S? If
you graph the area of the sightings onto a map of New York-Connecticut,
you will see that the sightings fill the lakes region very well but
rarely venture beyond (i.e to Enfield and New Haven, Connecticut.)
This is more evidence for the relationship between the boomerang UFOs
and their apparent interests in water or lakes.

A lot of investigators of abductee experiences, with the exception of
Dr. Leo Sprinkle, tend to discredit contactee experiences (as opposed to
abductee experiences.) But, I don't think they realize how many
abductee experiences seem to overlap contactee experiences. John
Bielinski for example, who is an average abductee with the point scars
and stuff, is a Connecticut MUFON section director. His sister and
a couple of his friends have all been abducted. He reports that he
has been trained in the operation of UFOs, and has been told he will
have something to do with partial planetary evacuation at the time of
coming Earth changes, changes which the Hopi, Jose Arguelles'
controversial research, and contactees continually refer to being
upcoming. The important thing to note here is that he is an
*abductee* not a *contactee*.

Mr. Bielinski has done a good deal of homework in UFOs. One thing
I find appropriate for discussion here is the issue of the UFO
in Belgium breaking sound barriers without sonic booms. In the
January '91 MUFON Journal, Professor Jean-Pierre Petit, the
*Director* of the National Science Research Center (CNRS) of France,
was interviewed with respect to the Belgian UFO flap in which the
most famous UFO was clearly found breaking a sound barrier with
40G acceleration without making a sonic boom. He says that
Magnetohydrodynamics proved in the 1970s that objects can be designed
that break the sound barrier without producing shock waves. Since then,
he has helped make the Mhd Aerodyne, an object 'devilishly resembling
a flying saucer' which is he says the optimum shape for objects
trying not to produce shock waves. However, John Bielinski showed
me an obscure physics text, quite old, that had already shown
included the fact that a disc shape can be designed that does not
create sonic booms. I don't know if anyone else has any information
on this. I just received the January MUFON issue today, so I only
had today to make the connection between what Petit had to say and
what Bielinski showed me in that book two summers ago.
Petit says that 'There have been computer simulations as
well as publications in international technical journals, and two
doctoral theses demonstrating the feasibility of supersonic flight
without a 'boom' by using [Magnetohydrodynamics]."
More galactic thoughts from:
Amicitia Subjugat Omnia Hweohthte... (Hwe-oath-T)
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
David E. Coleman
8125 48th Ave, Apt. 612
College Park, MD 20740 1-(301)-474-7424
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Unknowingly, he picked up a whirly blue throwstone with strange hieroglyphics
on the opposite side he didn't see, and he tossed it into the sunlit stream;
A note said he had opened a gate to some place indescribable.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

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