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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 351

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 351 

Thursday, January 24th 1991

Today's Topics:

Re: Couldn't resist
Re: Need information
Paranet node list wanted
Carp.ufo And Gulf War
Re: Eclipse
God is ET and we're the kids!
Message Stats
Lake Superior Crash Update
Hard Copy - Belgium Update


From: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Couldn't resist
Date: 19 Jan 91 21:39:42 GMT

Keith A. Fredericks ( saith:

RM> Keith would no doubt criticise the National Geographic Society
RM> for allegedly creating the implication that astronomy is not
RM> worthy of study, since it never has articles on that subject...

KF> Clever idea, but what I was referring to was the pivotal idea of
KF> skepticism that it is a "healthy" part of all science.

No you weren't. You were saying that skeptics, by concentrating
only on paranormal issues, are implying that mainstream science
isn't worthy of study. However, if you prefer to hastily change
the subject, that's OK by me.

Addressing your new claim: One might reasonably say that
"skepticism" in a broad, Popperian sense is healthy for all of
science. However, that in no way indicates that the various
_skeptics' organisations_ ought to delve into all branches of
mainstream science, as you seem to be still suggesting (with, I
gather, a straight face). I assume that this confusion in your
posting between skepticism as _procedural caution_ and skepticism
as _the activities of skeptics' groups_ is accidental, and not a
deliberate straw-man argument.

KF> You are telling us then that your "job description" is to
KF> focus on this one area of investigation. The implication is
KF> that you want to focus on this one area of investigation because
KF> you feel that there is more "funny business" going on in this
KF> area than in other areas of investigation.

That is not my implication; that is _your inference_. I
_personally_ happen to focus on this area of investigation because
I find it interesting, entertaining, and sometimes enlightening.
(It also _may be the case_ that there is statistically more funny
business there, but you were, as usual, trying to question
_my motives_.)

KF> ...the skeptics organizations are more like vigilante groups.
KF> As we all know, vigilante groups are prone to excesses such as
KF> the "lynch-mob mentality," and should be avoided whenever possible.

I'm pleased to assure Mr. Fredericks that in eight years, Bay
Area Skeptics has somehow managed not to lynch anyone, and that
I'm with him all the way in avoiding that lynch-mob mentality.
Also to be avoided, of course, is casting aspersions on the
motives of others, especially when it's obvious you're doing so
because you have no substantive criticism to offer. Onlookers
will (probably correctly) conclude that you are just a crank.

RM> Isn't it interesting that Keith didn't fault BAS's press
RM> release for any _inaccuracies_? One might almost think that
RM> Keith regards fact-determination as unimportant, that the key
RM> thing on Paranet is that no one to be scared off by
RM> 'judgement' (which seems to mean any attempt to distinguish
RM> fact from fiction).

KF> As far as I can tell, the fact-determination that you are talking
KF> about is the determination that these tabloid psychic predictions
KF> did not come true. I don't think that qualifies as being worthy
KF> of much attention at all unless you are interested in statements
KF> of the obvious.

Members of the public pay hundreds of dollars _an hour_ to these
claimed psychics primarily because their repeated failures are
_not_ obvious to them. Thus the need for our press release.
Does Mr. Fredericks have some interest in the perpetuation of
these particular alleged psychics' scams on the public?

Best Regards,
Rick M.

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Need information
Date: 19 Jan 91 21:39:48 GMT

Dale -

I will pass your request regarding the Portage County UFO
sighting to Robert Sheaffer, per your request.

Best Regards, and Happy Apocalypse to you!
(I've been saying that to people since the first missle attack on
Tel Aviv.)

Rick M.

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG


From: vanth!jms
Subject: Paranet node list wanted
Date: 23 Jan 91 06:50:04 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)

Could someone please post the current list of Paranet nodes? The lists I
have now are from Compuserve and they're badly out of date.

Thanks in advance.

From the disk of: | jms@vanth.uucp | 'Glittering prizes and
Jim Shaffer, Jr. |!vanth!jms | endless compromises
37 Brook Street | | shatter the illusion of
Montgomery, PA 17752 | (CompuServe as a last resort)| integrity!' (Rush)


From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Carp.ufo And Gulf War
Date: 23 Jan 91 06:36:00 GMT

As I had mentioned when I posted the Carp UFO file, it was
sent to me in the proverbial plain brown envolope. No return
address and no signature on it. I tried to track it down but
did not have any luck. The posting was from Canada, and
after checking I could find out nothing that would suggest
that the event that was described was in any way real.

When I posted that file, I stated then that it was highly
questionable, and my opinion has in no way changed. I would
place the carp.ufo file in the hoax category.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: Eclipse
Date: 21 Jan 91 16:17:42 GMT

> What happens when you have a Nuclear Winter while you
> have Global Warming from
> the GreenHouse Effect?
> Does the whole planet become confused, and start
> wobbling? A schitzo planet...
You'd better have a warm coat and a bottle of suntan lotion
handy, no matter what the outcome...

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Lochner@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: God is ET and we're the kids!
Date: 24 Jan 91 01:56:08 GMT

From: User <>

As an appendum to my query about CARP.UFO and the present situation...

The theory that God is an E.T. has been floating around for several
decades now. For those of you not particularly attentive to this, the
theory is based on evidence scattered around the world, such as the
Nazca Ground Figures in Peru, the mathematical miracles in the Pyramids,
the various UFO and Alien drawings in churches and caves, the maps which
date ages back and show views of Earth only available from high in the
sky, and various artifacts such as the Easter Island figures (which, FYI
are huge - most of them have their bodies buried from the neck down) and
other such carvings (from single blocks of rock). If you want more on
this I suggest the book (and film) CHARIOT OF THE GODS, and/or other
such 'Mystic Places' references (e.g., TIME/LIFE series).

Recently I came across 2 particularly interesting pieces of information
from watching PBS (Channel 17) late night TV clips (they seem to have a
lot of this stuff regularly - maybe someone's trying to 'educate' us?!)
and they are 1) Flight 19 - of the Bermuda Triangle fame - has a dialog
between ground control and the commander, along the lines of:

'Flight 19, what is your present position? We will fly southward to
rendezvous with you.'
'This is Flight 19. Do not attempt to come after us. They look like
they're from outer space.'

This dialog was NOT mentioned in the Unsolved Mysteries 'solution' if
any of you have seen it. Can we get a verification on this please?
It is too darn important to ignore.

Secondly, there is a calendar of rock somewhere (I forget) which has
2 calendars. One is Earth time, 365 1/4 days, accurate to within 17
seconds, and another shows a shorter calendar, something like 260 days.
That's not all. The rock also depicts a 90 million year diary, and it
ends on December 24th 2011 A.D. Anyone with more info on this?

Finally, I would like to put forth an extension of the GOD = ET theory
in that we are presently in the end stages of the 'human drama'. I have
a hunch that this Gulf thing has to do with all of this... maybe a
long shot, but still. I think we should focus more on the Ancient
Astronauts theme instead of getting bogged down on recent UFO material.
then you should be familiar with their author's 'model' of intelligent
machines (as an analogy to our evolution). If not, go read them.

Also, the model of FLATLAND (2 dimensional universe) applied to us, in
a 3D versus 2D interaction, can explain ghost sightings, etc... (as a
higher dimension interaction) and LIFEMAKER's model can explain our
telepathy, clairvoyance, etc...

So basically, there you have it. I am interesting in finding out more
details about evidence across the world, especially stuff that has been
covered up or 'debunked' or ignored by people because it was too "weird".

Any takers?

P.S: And this explains the 'missing link'. In Genesis they tell of how
supernatural beings mated with human females... but there's a textfile on that.


From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Message Stats
Date: 23 Jan 91 23:40:00 GMT

Overview of message topics "ParaNet UFO Echo"
first: Sat, Dec 1st 1990, 11:44 last: Tue, Jan 22nd 1991, 23:36
Interview With Jean-pierre Petit .......................... 13 6.1%
Phenomenon Framed Again! .................................. 11 5.2%
Couldn't Resist ........................................... 10 4.7%
Paranet ................................................... 9 4.2%
Cooper .................................................... 7 3.3%
Need Information .......................................... 7 3.3%
Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Edition ....................... 7 3.3%
Prof. Jean-pierre Petit ................................... 6 2.8%
Belgian UFO/Hard Copy segment ............................. 5 2.3%
Information On Past Rio Grande Sightings .................. 5 2.3%
Mars Face ................................................. 5 2.3%
Statistics ................................................ 5 2.3%
Super 8 Film Light Streaks ................................ 5 2.3%
Al Seckel ................................................. 4 1.9%
Eclipse ................................................... 4 1.9%
Fyi ....................................................... 4 1.9%
Hoagland's Program ........................................ 4 1.9%
Online Ufo Database ....................................... 4 1.9%
Phoenix Skeptics .......................................... 4 1.9%
Resonant Gravity Field Coils? ............................. 4 1.9%
Roswell Witness Surfaces .................................. 4 1.9%
Scanner & Ocr ............................................. 4 1.9%
Test ...................................................... 4 1.9%
Waiting Mail .............................................. 4 1.9%
Carp.ufo And Gulf War ..................................... 3 1.4%
Don Ecker ................................................. 3 1.4%
Netmail ................................................... 3 1.4%
Omni Magazine - Special Ufo Issue ......................... 3 1.4%
Whistleblowers ............................................ 3 1.4%
Bald Head, No Eyelashes, Eyebrows, And Pink Lips [...] .... 2 0.9%
Bas Predictions Review .................................... 2 0.9%
Corn Circles .............................................. 2 0.9%
Danny Gordon .............................................. 2 0.9%
Hoagland's Mars ........................................... 2 0.9%
Media Coverage ............................................ 2 0.9%
Newsletters ............................................... 2 0.9%
Phenom 12-7-90 ............................................ 2 0.9%
Returned Mail: Host Unknown ............................... 2 0.9%
Rio Grande ................................................ 2 0.9%
messages total ............................................ 213

The 62 most active users of this message area
Michael Corbin ............................................ 66 31.0%
Don Ecker ................................................. 35 16.4%
Jim Speiser ............................................... 24 11.3%
Rick Moen ................................................. 16 7.5%
Kurt Lochner .............................................. 15 7.0%
Steve Rose ................................................ 13 6.1%
John Hicks ................................................ 11 5.2%
Clark Matthews ............................................ 10 4.7%
Pecan.Cray.Com!keith ...................................... 10 4.7%
Houston Mayer ............................................. 8 3.8%
Postmaster@scicom.Alphacdc.Com ............................ 8 3.8%
Paul Faeder ............................................... 7 3.3%
Vanth!jms ................................................. 6 2.8%
Brian Clark ............................................... 5 2.3%
Hpvclmd.Vcd.Hp.Com!miked .................................. 5 2.3%
Vm1.Yorku.Ca!yscs1296 ..................................... 5 2.3%
Conncoll.Bitnet!gateh ..................................... 4 1.9%
Dale Wedge ................................................ 4 1.9%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!aa440 .................................. 3 1.4%
Jerry Woody ............................................... 3 1.4%
Jim Greenen ............................................... 3 1.4%
John Finney ............................................... 3 1.4%
Josh Slates ............................................... 3 1.4%
Keith Fredericks .......................................... 3 1.4%
Peggy Noonan .............................................. 3 1.4%
Compuserve.Com!70142.2426 ................................. 2 0.9%
Cwns2.Ins.Cwru.Edu!aa440 .................................. 2 0.9%
Cwns2.Ins.Cwru.Edu!xx044 .......... ....................... 2 0.9%
Daniel O'donnell .......................................... 2 0.9%
Frank Wegori .............................................. 2 0.9%
Jim Delton ................................................ 2 0.9%
John Tender ............................................... 2 0.9%
Mtus5.Bitnet!revjim ....................................... 2 0.9%
Mvac23!louie.Udel.Edu!thomas .............................. 2 0.9%
Pete Porro ................................................ 2 0.9%
Afglsc.Span.Nasa.Gov!webb ................................. 1 0.5%
Anyone .................................................... 1 0.5%
Awiuni11.Bitnet!u3011vac .................................. 1 0.5%
Bad? ...................................................... 1 0.5%
Ben Metzler ............................................... 1 0.5%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!ak842 .................................. 1 0.5%
Cwns1.Ins.Cwru.Edu!xx044 .................................. 1 0.5%
Cwns2.Ins.Cwru.Edu!ah174 .................................. 1 0.5%
Cyro Lord ................................................. 1 0.5%
David Stager .............................................. 1 0.5%
Doug Kraft ................................................ 1 0.5%
Doug Rogers ............................................... 1 0.5%
Everyone .................................................. 1 0.5%
John Burke ................................................ 1 0.5%
Lou Zucaro ................................................ 1 0.5%
Michele Lord .............................................. 1 0.5%
Ncar!mailrus!umich!samsung!uunet!root ..................... 1 0.5%
Ncar!marob.Masa.Com!upaya!tbetz ........................... 1 0.5%
Ncar!marob.Masa.Com!upaya!tbetz ........................... 1 0.5%
Pecan.Cray.Com!keith ...................................... 1 0.5%
Postmaster ................................................ 1 0.5%
Root@scicom.Alphacdc.Com .................................. 2 0.9%
Scott Savage .............................................. 1 0.5%
Shemtaia.Weeg.Uiowa.Edu!jrblack ........................... 1 0.5%
Shemtaia.Weeg.Uiowa.Edu!rblack ............................ 1 0.5%
Sparta.Spartacus.Com!esanborn ............................. 1 0.5%
Vanth!jms ................................................. 1 0.5%
Moderator's Note: you may see you name in this list mor than once as
I edited all the addresses so they were more or less correct.
average message posting frequency per day
0:00- 1:59 ~~~~ 1.9%
2:00- 3:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.0%
4:00- 5:59 ~~ 0.9%
6:00- 7:59 ~~~~~~~~~ 3.8%
8:00- 9:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.0%
10:00-11:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10.8%
12:00-13:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8.5%
14:00-15:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.0%
16:00-17:59 ~~~~~~~~~ 3.8%
18:00-19:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18.8%
20:00-21:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20.7%
22:00-23:59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.9%

average message posting frequency per week
Monday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16.0%
Tuesday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13.1%
Wednesday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.4%
Thursday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.5%
Friday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19.2%
Saturday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21.6%
Sunday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13.1%
Qlist [1.1] wb 2:310/11.100

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Re:CUFOs
Date: 24 Jan 91 21:31:43 GMT

From: (Dale Wedge)

I wanted to thank all of you that relayed the fact that
CUFOs had the old NICAP files. CUFOs called me back and said
that they would provide the original reports to the Spaur-
Neff case.

The reason that it took time was that my message was garbled
oon their answering machine. So, thanks to CUFOs and especially
to Mark Roddigher of CUFOs.

Also, thanks to you who steered me in the correct direction.

Lastly, I'm still trying to find William Weitzel. If anyone
who reads this lives in the Pennsylvania area, around
Allegheny, I am told that he lives there, but his address
is not known to me, and his phone number is unlisted. If
anyone could find out his address and/or phone number,
this would be appreciated.


Dale B. Wedge-----(aa440)----(xx044)----Co-SySop----UFOlogy Sig


From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Lake Superior Crash Update
Date: 24 Jan 91 18:46:00 GMT

ParaNet has followed up a reported crash of an object over
Duluth, MN into Lake Superior. We have been in contact with
the television station that originally ran the report and
have been told that as of now, nothing further has developed
on it. They suspect that a meteor was sighted which led to
the sighting reports. We will inform you of further
developments as they become available.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hard Copy - Belgium Update
Date: 24 Jan 91 19:00:00 GMT

Continuing to make the news is the Belgium UFO. On Tuesday,
January 22, Hard Copy ran a "Belgium Update," explaining how
the UFO over Belgium continues to elude experts and is still
being sighted. To add a new twist to the story, similar
reports have been coming in to France, Italy and Spain.
Recently, a person shot video of a strikingly similar object
in the skies over Spain to the daylight disc which Hard Copy
featured on a fall report. Although the Spanish video is
not as remarkable as the Belgian video, there are very
similar features. Hard Copy featured ParaNet's and UFO
Magazine's very own Don Ecker who commented on the sighting

Recently, ParaNet contacted Dr. Richard Haines, a noted
optical physicist, who has been working closely with Michele
Bougard of SOBEPS, a Belgian UFO study group, and Haines
commented that the latest preliminary findings in Belgium
are that the videos do depict a TRUFO (True UFO). Although
the findings are only preliminary and not conclusive, there
is much excitement among UFOlogists that Belgium could
represent a truly unique opportunity to study the elusive
UFO phenomenon. As the reports pour in, the Belgian
government is increasingly more concerned as to what this
could represent. Dr. Haines will be joining us soon on this
conference and will act as a conduit to SOBEPS to keep our
constituency updated on the ongoing investigation. ParaNet
has also been in touch with Bougard at SOBEPS and will
release information to our members as it becomes available.

One last thing...Don was shown sitting at his computer on
the Hard Copy segment. Were you typing in a report to
ParaNet, Don? <grin>.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG

********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********
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ADMIN Address


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