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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 359

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 359 

Monday, February 4th 1991

Today's Topics:

Re: America's Best Kept Secrets
Gulf Breeze UFO filmed
ufo journal
Cattle Mutes
Re: America's Best Kept Secrets
Ufo Journal


Subject: Re: America's Best Kept Secrets
Date: 3 Feb 91 05:13:55 GMT

From: (Douglas Dever)

It will be interesting to see how much this show will go in to detail on
Gulf Breeze and Area 51. (Or many other 'secrets') before it
mysteriously finds it's way off the air! The government has a lot
more influence on TV and Radio than a lot of people think. Who knows?
It will be interesting to see what they can get away with, though.
(I'll bet this show is a let-down for all of us who want to see fact,
ya know? We don't need it to be like another 'A Current Affair')

*** Proud member of The Cleveland Free-Net UFOlogy SIG ***

Douglas A. Dever
Cameraman (1st Class) -- Co-Technical Director
Rocky River High School Video Crew


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Date: 31 Jan 91 14:16:01 GMT

And Don, just who is the largest employer in the country. I am
wondering just what brought this on. Do you have a feel why this was
past? And Yes, it is a shame. ---Jim---
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Skepticism
Date: 31 Jan 91 14:49:02 GMT

Mike, do I detect a bit of satire from my lastest postings on the
skeptic group? Maybe I was a little rough with them but I feel that
this BBS, which I would like to add, is one of the better boards
that keeps the subject on a more scientific nature, then why not ask
the skeptics where there proof is. I appreciate the postings that
Don Ecker and others contribute to this board. I don't feel that
they have to prove anything to anyone. As human beings with the
ability to reason logic, it is up to us to sort out what we feel is
right or wrong. If I want to read about "amazing Randy" and his
tricks then I think there should be a echo for this.
There are a lot of people that spend a lot of there time and
money investigating and researching this subject and I don't think
it's right that they have to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that
what they are saying is the truth and nothing but the truth. What I
appreciate is there effort in the cause for the finding some of the
answers to the puzzle or least trying to find the truth.
You are the SYSOP and you are the one to deside what should be
printed, so enough. 73's ---Jim---
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Subject: Gulf Breeze UFO filmed
Date: 31 Jan 91 17:23:02 GMT

In a message of <30 Jan 91>, John Hicks (1:363/29.0) writes:

> From the Gulf Breeze Sentinel, by Bruce Morrison.
> The Los Angeles based production company, Ohlmeyer Productions,
> working on the ABC special, "America's Best-Kept Secrets," joined a
> local UFO sky watch on Friday night, January 11, 1991, and filmed the
> frequently-seen "red light" over Gulf Breeze.

Sigh...must be getting closer to tourist season. The yearly attractions are
gearing up. ;-)

Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Skepticism
Date: 2 Feb 91 21:55:00 GMT

> Mike, do I detect a bit of satire from my lastest
> postings on the skeptic group? Maybe I was a little
> rough with them but I feel that this BBS, which I
> would like to add, is one of the better boards that
> keeps the subject on a more scientific nature, then
> why not ask the skeptics where there proof is. I
> appreciate the postings that Don Ecker and others
> contribute to this board. I don't feel that they have
> to prove anything to anyone. As human beings with the
> ability to reason logic, it is up to us to sort out
> what we feel is right or wrong. If I want to read
> about "amazing Randy" and his tricks then I think
> there should be a echo for this.

I am not too sure to what posting you are referring to, but
yes, I do agree with you. The evidence should be placed
before us for all to evaluate and make our own decisions on
what to accept.

> There are a lot of people that spend a lot of there
> time and money investigating and researching this
> subject and I don't think it's right that they have to
> prove beyond all reasonable doubt that what they are
> saying is the truth and nothing but the truth. What I
> appreciate is there effort in the cause for the
> finding some of the answers to the puzzle or least
> trying to find the truth.
> You are the SYSOP and you are the one to deside
> what should be printed, so enough. 73's ---

I agree in part with this, however it should also be
expected by the person asserting any claims or opinions,
that they are subject to discussion and should not be
construed as a personal attack on one's belief system.
After all, the beauty of an open forum for the free exchange
of ideas is to promote diversity among opinions and the
discussion of those divergent opinions to hopefully reach
some mutual ground as to what we can accept among ourselves.
Everyone's threshold of belief or disbelief is different,
therefore necessitating discussion to satisfy one's own
curiosity is needed.

Network censoring is the job of the "other network." We
don't do that here. However, I feel that it is responsible
to disclose all facts of an investigation, no matter how
trivial, to the people who wish to know. This entails fact
finding and investigation. If something can't be verified
or found to be incorrect, it must also become a part or element
of the report.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: (none)
Date: 4 Feb 91 00:13:19 GMT

From: (God of Ultimate)



I am vey new to this group so I may discuss something that you all
have already seen, but I would guess from the questions that are
begin asked that you have not discovered a relatively new source
of verifiable 'inside' information on UFO's.
This series of over 20 journals (>200 pages each, on average)
also discusses human history, spirituality, current events, religion,
extra-terrestrials (including EBE's), and just about anything
else you can imagine.

These books are the Phoenix Journals, and they also produce
a newletter, the Phoenix Journal Express. The chief author of
this series of books is Georgyos Hatonn, and he is an alien
from our Sister Constellation, the Pleiades.

They explain that they are here now and presenting this information
now because we are at the end of the present age ('end-times', as
it is referred to in Revelations and Daniel), and we need to
know what is REALLY going on in the world. We are 'Children of the Lie.'
I figured that the best way to introduce the books is to answer some of
the questions that have arisen in the last few Info ParaNet newsletters.

+P.S: And this explains the 'missing link'. In Genesis they tell of how
+supernatural beings mated with human females... but there's a textfile on that.

In my King James version of the bible, the 'Sons of God' are the ones
who mate with the earth females. In my limited experience in reading
the bible, 'Sons of God' usually refers to aliens.
It says that the Nephilim were on the earth at that time.
I looked up Nephilim in my dictionary and
did not find it but did find 'nephology,' the study of clouds. Could
it mean that the 'People from the Clouds' were on the earth then?

The Pleidians say that the beginning of human history as we know
it now, with a soul, a little good and bad in all of us, and with
Satan hanging around, begins then.

+The theory that God is an E.T. has been floating around for several
+decades now. For those of you not particularly attentive to this, the
+theory is based on evidence scattered around the world, such as the
+Nazca Ground Figures in Peru, the mathematical miracles in the Pyramids,
+the various UFO and Alien drawings in churches and caves, the maps which
+date ages back and show views of Earth only available from high in the
+sky, and various artifacts such as the Easter Island figures (which, FYI
+are huge - most of them have their bodies buried from the neck down) and
+other such carvings (from single blocks of rock). If you want more on
+this I suggest the book (and film) CHARIOT OF THE GODS, and/or other
+such 'Mystic Places' references (e.g., TIME/LIFE series).

There is also a Native American 'legend' about how their ancient
teachers came in a metallic-colored clamshell. The clamshell landed,
flipped open and their teachers walked out. This is found in a book
called Black Dawn-Bright Day, by Sun Bear (Bear Tribe Publishing).
This book talks about the earth changes we are now experiencing in
growing intensity, why they MUST occur to heal the planet, and
what to do about them to help you stay alive. It is a very nice book.

+Secondly, there is a calendar of rock somewhere (I forget) which has
+2 calendars. One is Earth time, 365 1/4 days, accurate to within 17
+seconds, and another shows a shorter calendar, something like 260 days.
+That's not all. The rock also depicts a 90 million year diary, and it
+ends on December 24th 2011 A.D. Anyone with more info on this?

I've read 11 of the 21 Journals the Pleidians have written and more
than 60 newsletters (averaging 10 pages each) so I don't always recall
which Journal has the information I share with people. They did mention
this calendar and something about the year 2011 being very near the
end of this age if not the actual end. They said that the 260 days
is the length of the year for either their home planet among the Pleiades
or having something to do with our sister planet, Venus.
Venus has an orbit lasting about 225 days.
The Pleidians date their Journals with two dates, one being the dates
that you and I use, the second begins in August 1987. (I believe this
is when all the broo-ha-ha about the Harmonic Convergence was going on.
I don't know anything about that except that the Pleidians are not kind
to the New Agers.) Sun Bear also mentions the year 1987 as being very
important to him personally. An interesting sideline to this is that
in February, we will have passed 3 1/2 years into this new counting.
Revelations has four references to 3 1/2 year time lengths.
1987 is the year that the planet started to raise the rate at which
it is vibrating. Since we are tuned to our environment, our
vibrational rate is increasing with it. The only way to 'go back'
is to get off the planet, I guess.

+Finally, I would like to put forth an extension of the GOD = ET theory
+in that we are presently in the end stages of the 'human drama'. I have
+a hunch that this Gulf thing has to do with all of this... maybe a
+long shot, but still. I think we should focus more on the Ancient
+Astronauts theme instead of getting bogged down on recent UFO material.
+then you should be familiar with their author's 'model' of intelligent
+machines (as an analogy to our evolution). If not, go read them.

This Persian Gulf Thing is part of the fulfillment of the prophecies, which
they say were written by Satan rather than by God. People feel that
we must have our Apocalypse, but they insist that the (free) will of
humans can change things. We can make a better, less destructive
end to the story.
Life on this planet is a 'play' we are all participating in, so
that we can achieve our highest potential as humans.
Unfortunately, people are not making any attempts
in mass quantities to change the path we are on.

+Also, the model of FLATLAND (2 dimensional universe) applied to us, in
+a 3D versus 2D interaction, can explain ghost sightings, etc... (as a
+higher dimension interaction) and LIFEMAKER's model can explain our
+telepathy, clairvoyance, etc...

This is exactly how the Pleidians describe themselves. We work in
3-dimensional illusion, while they work in 4-dimensional illusion.
In order for their ships to become visible, they must
'lower the frequency' at which they are vibrating to match ours.
Unfortunately, this is most 'uncomfortable' for them, and worse,
it makes them vulnerable to our beam weapons. Their ships are
very sensitive to electromagnetic fields; most of the 'crashes'
you hear about are situations where our government 'shot them down'
with beam weapons.

+Recently, Jerry Clark published the first of three volumes
+titled 'UFOs in the 1980s,' an invaluable research tool
+containing a host of information on the who, where and what
+of UFOlogy. With his kind permission and the kind
+permission of Apogee Publishing Company, we are reprinting
+an article taken from that book -- Extraterrestrial
+Biological Entity. In this article, Jerry culls all of the
+past history and controversy surrounding the MJ-12
+controversy and other related material that has spewed
+forth from the extreme side of UFOlogy representing the ETH
+such as Lear, Cooper and others.

The Pleidians identify Cooper as a liar/debunker of magnificent
proportions. Also, they say that MJ-12 originally meant
Majority 12, and that it was initially headed up by Kissinger.
The Majestic-12 business was created because our then Free Press
was asking too many questions. If you can find the number of
the number of the Executive Order (EO), you will find, according to
the Pleidians, that it is out of order. EO's are written in
successive order, no matter who the president is. The number identified
as the Truman EO for setting up MJ-12 is a number that won't be
encountered for quite some time. I don't know how to look up such
a thing.

+So basically, there you have it. I am interesting in finding out more
+details about evidence across the world, especially stuff that has been
+covered up or 'debunked' or ignored by people because it was too 'weird'.

+Any takers?

You won't find any of these Journals in your major bookstores because
they are not allowed to carry them. The Journals point out a lot of
things that you thought you knew about history, the Hubble Telescope,
our Constitution, the World Wars I, II, and III, Kissinger, Rockefeller
are lies. This is not well received by our governmental leaders.
The Belgian sightings are part of an gradual increase in their presence--in
other words, it's going to be increasingly apparent that the aliens are here.
There are MILLIONS of ships orbiting the earth. They have been and are in
contact with all the major world governments since long before Kennedy.
Kennedy was assassinated in part because he was going to tell the American
people that governments were in communication with aliens, The
CIA/Mossad-run drug rings were getting out of hand, bomb shelters were
a good idea, and the Presidency was being made into a position of
dictatorship, which is being manifested now with Bush.
Our Constitution has been destroyed by Executive Orders.
They expect the governments to eventually blame them for such things as
terrorism, eating people, abductions, near-future economic crisis, etc.
(Remember Ronald Reagan was once quoted as saying the
Russians and USA would combine to fight a common enemy--aliens.)
The Pleidians are here to help us.
I recommend these Journals as the most important information
you ever will or ever have come across. For information on UFO's
specifically, I recommend 'Space-Gate, The Veil Removed'.
It is the 3rd one. You may wish to read them in order, but that one
is also a good one to start on.

The address to receive a catalog is:

America West Publishers
P.O. Box 986
Tehachapi, CA 93581

Phone: 1-800-729-4131



From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: skeptic
Date: 2 Feb 91 17:10:01 GMT

To quote Mr. Webster, the word SKEPTIC is defined as:
1. a member of any of the ancient Greek philosophical schools which DENIED
real knowledge OF ANY KIND.
2. a person who believes in or practices philosophical skepticism.
3.a person who habitually doubts, questions, or suspends judgement upon
matters general accepted.
4. a person who doubts religious doctrines, especially those of Christianity.
These are pretty strong words for a group that claims to be of OPEN MIND.

I really don't think that these 4 definitions fit the cause for what the
Ufologist and this echo is striving for. I think that the word RESEARCH is
what the echo is about. Mr. Webster defines the word as: careful or diligent
search especially for new knowledge. If you look at No. 1 above you will see
that it's the exact opposite of Research. Should a person or group that
practices skepticism and denies knowledge of any kind or habitually doubts be
apart of a research echo?
As you notice I left out " questions" because I think thats good for reseach
and good questions are a benefit.
Believe me, nobody enjoys a good hot bebate then I and if I have one fault,
it's that I'm very opinionated but I will change my mind and have done it often
in the past. I struck by Bill C. for a long time and still think some of the
information he has is valid but was convinced by others that he has gone off
the deep end on a lot of what he says.
I also patronize some of the other UFO echos and notice that this same group
also spreads their disbelieves though out and very little information is now
coming out of these echos. Its like a virus and now its spreading to this one
which I kept in high esteem for it's contents. It reminds me of NICAP all over
again, infiltrate, disrupt and shut down all information coming in and out.
While reading this and checking for any big errors, I still feel a deep
sorrow that the 4 uninvited guest at Las Vegas have went there own ways. I just
wish they would get back together and become friends again. They were a pretty
dynamite group together and they still are in their own way. But just think if
they could combined there efforts once more. I still remember that voice from
the back of the room "your full of sh--, Bill Moore". Maybe I am too, only time
will tell . ---Jim---

Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: ufo journal
Date: 2 Feb 91 17:11:02 GMT

John, I also received my copy of "UFO-journal-of-facts" and I thought it was
one of the best magazines that I've seen. You might disagree with me but I think
that Wendelle Stevens is the best there is when it comes to the investigation of
UFO's. He is the only person I would trust in this field to give information to.

His books our by far the best that have hit the market, excluding a few like
Above Top Secret and Clear Intent. When Wendelle puts into print a articule
about a Crash UFO and mentions Frank Drake was ahead of this project (not just
the medical portion) then I think that people should listen.
You failed to mention that Stanton Friedman was also involved in getting
this story and also MUFON investigating team. Your message remind me of a
acticule printed in the Orlando Sentinal by a Mike McCleod on Gulf Breeze. The
articule was of a very negative type and when I called him and ask where he got
his information, he said that he talked to Phillip Klass, Mayor and the Police
Chief of Gulf Breeze, Jet Propulsion Lab. and Willy Smith. Do I have to say
anymore. He didn't even call Ed Walters, all he was interested in was to debunk
the sightings.

To believe or to not to believe that this articule is true is up to the
individual that reads it. But taking into account that Mr. Stevens let this
articule to be printed in his magazine warrants merit from my end.
The SETI project in my opinion is a big waste of our tax dollars and it is
a shield for something else. I have this gut feeling that when the government
finally admit to the people that we are being visited by E.T.'s, it will come
from SETI. And if you want to believe the story that was written, then who else
then Frank Drake to announce it. I'm not the only one to believe that this can
happen. Just look at the motion pictures that you seen in the past 10 years.
They might be written as fiction but the writers of these movies like ET,
Starman, Close Encounters, etc. made the government as people that was only
interested in themselfs and no interest in the feelings of the aliens.
Wendelle Stevens, Lee & Bret Elder and a few others are the only ones that
took the time out to go over to Switzerland and investigate the Billy Meier
case. Yet very few people have read his books that have been written by
Wendelle on Billy, yet they make quick judgement that this is a hoax.
Hang onto that first issue; John, 10 years down the road it might be a
classic and someone might pay big dollars to put with the other 39 issues.
When I showed my issue to the other MUFON members, most have sent ther're
$19.95 for a years prescription. Again, I would like to mention, don't throw
away any of the pieces to the puzzle because someday you might find out that it
fits into the big picture. 73's ---Jim---

Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Cattle Mutes
Date: 3 Feb 91 23:07:48 GMT

>From the:

IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, Pocatello, ID - June 20, 1990

Can't we solve this?

One of Idaho's most vexing mysteries is the question of
who, or what, is responsible for killing and mutilating
cattle. The latest case to come to attention of authorities
appears identical to scores of others in recent years. A 400-
pound bull calf was found dead on a farm in southern
Bannock County, with some organs neatly excised, and no
indication of the cause of death. As usual, there were no
footprints or vehicle tracks in the vicinity, and of course, no
A rash of mutilations last year in Bear Lake County
spooked ranchers and resulted in legislation to strengthen
the penalty for such acts. However, someone has to be
caught first.
Speculation on the explanation for cattle mutilations
has ranged from theories of extraterrestrial beings to
satanic cults. Some think sharp-toothed wild animals are
Those who think unearthly forces are responsible also
believe little green people land from flying saucers. There
must be a more logical explanation, though ranchers and
lawmen alike are baffled. The Idaho Cattle Association has
offered a reward for information leading to apprehension of
mutilators. Bannock Crime Stoppers also invites anyone
with information to telephone 232-1983, and offers a cash
reward of up to $1,000 in case of an arrest.
If humans are involved with killing cattle, someone
somewhere knows about it. Let's hope the motive is strong
enough for them to speak out.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: America's Best Kept Secrets
Date: 4 Feb 91 05:04:00 GMT

> From: (Douglas Dever)

> mysteriously finds it's way off the air! The
> government has a lot
> more influence on TV and Radio than a lot of people
> think. Who knows?
> It will be interesting to see what they can get away
> with, though.
> (I'll bet this show is a let-down for all of us who
> want to see fact,
> ya know? We don't need it to be like another 'A
> Current Affair')

I think too many people give the government a bad rap.
Although it might appear to be so, there has been too little
real evidence of government "cover-up" regarding UFOs. They
have seemingly covered their position of classifying some
documents concerning them due to other non-UFO related
intelligence concerns which may be very legitimate. There
is a lot of talk going around, but very little hard
evidence. Until then, we should persist in our efforts of
trying to figure out what is going on with the phenomena
utilizing the tools that we have at our disposal --
reporting and investigative mechanisms, FOIA requests,
civilian scientific investigation, etc. As for Barry
Greenwood's plight, I do not think that he was trying to
imply that the government passed this law solely to "clam up
UFO investigators."
Let's look into this more closely and
figure out what the reasons are for this action.



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Ufo Journal
Date: 4 Feb 91 08:43:00 GMT

Jim Greenen writes:

> When Wendelle puts into print a articule about a Crash UFO
> and mentions Frank Drake was ahead of this project (not
> just the medical portion) then I think that people should
> listen.
> You failed to mention that Stanton Friedman was also
> involved in getting this story and also MUFON
> investigating team. Your message remind me of a acticule
> printed in the Orlando Sentinal by a Mike McCleod on Gulf
> Breeze. The articule was of a very negative type and when
> I called him and ask where he got his information, he said
> that he talked to Phillip Klass, Mayor and the Police Chief
> of Gulf Breeze, Jet Propulsion Lab. and Willy Smith. Do I
> have to say anymore. He didn't even call Ed Walters, all
> he was interested in was to debunk the sightings.

I didn't talk to Phillip Klass. I don't think that the Ed
Walters case has anything to do with Wendelle's magazine.

> To believe or to not to believe that this articule is true
> is up to the individual that reads it.

Why is it that some people must be reminded of this?

> The SETI project in my opinion is a big waste of our
> tax dollars and it is
> a shield for something else. I have this gut feeling that
> when the government finally admit to the people that we
> are being visited by E.T.'s, it will come from SETI.

Hmmm... Doesn't sound like a waste of money to me!

> Wendelle Stevens, Lee & Bret Elder and a few others are
> the only ones that t ook the time out to go over to ...

I don't remember that the Elders & Welch team worked on any case
*other* than the Billy Meier case.

> put with they other 39 issues. When I sho wed my issue to
> the other MUFON members, most have sent ther're $19.95 for
> a yea rs prescription.

But will their their health insurance cover it?

Better yet: Will Wendelle Stevens be a speaker at this summer's
MUFON symposium?
-- John

John Burke - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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