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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 317

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 317 

Monday, October 15th 1990

Today's Topics:

Southern Hemisphere SETI
Re: Gulf Breeze
Re: Mystery Teletype
Re: Aliases
Re: JFK's UFO Connection?
Public BBS's
Wall St. Journal
Re: Mayor Ed vs. Mr. ED
Various & Sundry
Magazine _UFO_
The Salisberrys


From: Brian.Clark@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Brian Clark)
Subject: Aliases
Date: 11 Oct 90 17:37:00 GMT

> Er, Brian....I think that CYRO Lord is his real name...
> Jim
Woops! Well, I stand corrected. No offense intended!


Brian Clark - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Brian.Clark@f11.n289.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Stager@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Stager)
Subject: Southern Hemisphere SETI
Date: 12 Oct 90 21:38:00 GMT

ET search begins from Southern Hemisphere

UPI Science Editor
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A powerful new radio receiver began
scanning the sky from the Southern Hemisphere Friday for messages from
intelligent life from outer space.
About 100 people gathered at the Argentine Institute of
Radioastronomy outside Buenos Aires as the high-tech receiver was
switched on at 10:09 a.m. EDT and began monitoring more than 8 million
radio frequencies. Nothing was immediately detected.
"Nobody thinks it's going to get turned on and there will be a,
'Hello, how are you?' sitting there. But this is clearly a significant
step forward,"
said astronomer Carl Sagan beforehand.
The new receiver allows astronomers for the first time to
systematically search the part of the cosmos visible from the Southern
Hemisphere for radio signals from extraterrestrial beings.
"If we were extremely lucky, and there were some relatively
nearby civilization broadcasting us a message, but they were in the
Southern Hemisphere, we could have blithely been going on all these
year and never heard it,"
said Sagan, president of The Planetary
Society, which set up the receiver.
Although there is no evidence intelligent life exists on other
worlds, it is theoretically possible, Sagan said.
"A lot of scientists, the overwhelming majority, expect there's
a lot of life and intelligence,"
Sagan said. "The whole point is we
don't know."

Astronomers are anxious to scan the sky from the Southern
Hemisphere because they will have access to some of the stars nearest
Earth, including those in the heart of our own Milky Way galaxy.
"For the first time, we will be a very capable of searching for
extraterrestrial intelligence in the other half of the sky,"
Sagan said
by telephone from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.
The $150,000 META II or Megachannel Extraterrestrial Assay II
receiver will complement META I, which has been scanning the Northern
Hemisphere's sky from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics'
Oak Ridge Obseratory in Harvard, Mass., since 1985.
"We've sometimes detected some strange signals," said Thomas
McDonough, who runs the SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence project, for the Pasadena, Calif.-based Planetary Society,
which promotes space exploration.
"In most cases we've been able to track them down as being from
the sun or our own civilization. We have on occasion detected strange
signals. But they have not repeated. The most likely explanation is
they are from our civilization. But we don't know for sure,"
With its dish antenna 98 feet in diameter, the new receiver can
simultaneously scan 8.4 million radio frequencies, systemically moving
across the sky in search of incoming signals.
There have been previous searches, but the new receiver, run by
the Organization of Argentine Astronomers, will be the first permanent
outpost that will continuously sweep the entire sky, McDonough said.
NASA, meanwhile, is trying to get money for a 10-year, $100
million SETI project that would monitor 20 million radio channels every
David Stager - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Stager@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: Gulf Breeze
Date: 13 Oct 90 18:25:00 GMT

All those questions that you would like answer to are good questons but
it simply isn't possible to cover everything in a 20 minute segment.
It seems that most people are attacking anyone who trys to cast any
doubt on what Ed says. In an effort to discredit those who question
Ed's story we now have allegations of the debunkers having planted a
fake "fake" UFO, arranged for someone to buy the house and "find" it'
arrange for a newpaper reported to come by and ask about it, arrange
for other newspeople to arrange photo's of it that show how well it
matches the "real" UFO; arrange for a teenager to come forward so he
can be attacked apparently by the believers. The scenerio painted by
the believers to "explain" the apparent evidence of a hoax are about
as hard to believe as the original claims made by ED. The Believers
are willing to pretty much take everything ED says at face value while
questioning the motives and abilties of just about everyone who dares
to question ED's veracity. I heard statements over and over again by
ED's supporters about how the Model in the Attic looked nothing like
anything in Ed's photos yet as shown on UnSolved Mysteries, the match
between the two when photographed in similar perspective is virtually
identical. I have to aske myself how objective these supposedly
objective investigators are when somehting that is so similar is said
to have no similarity. I have to wonder why, when the homeowner says
he found the model months before anyone asked him about I, the
believers continue to say over and over again that the reporter came to
the house only a couple of days after the model was found.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: Mystery Teletype
Date: 13 Oct 90 18:40:00 GMT

Am I reading your messages correctly?? You are saying that Ed's
videos show that the UFO stayed within one video scanline and that is
verification of authenticity??? I thought he took those videos while
the camera was handheld. To maintain within one scan line would
require a very steady hand indeed!! Am I mistaken and he used a tripod?
Remembering that this is the guy who usually used a handheld polaroid
we are to believe that suddenly he turned into Francios Truffant and
set up all his proffessional video equipment and got everything
stablized and framed before even fireing off the camera? Hmm, can you
clarify any of that for me....
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: Aliases
Date: 13 Oct 90 18:57:00 GMT

At the risk of offending, I thing you are misinterpeting what a
"public" BBS is. When it comes to non-gvt entities there is no free
speech right as many people seem to think there is. The only right one
has on a non-gvt BBS, or magazine, or newspaper is whatever rights the
owner chooses to give you. BBS's by their nature, are far more free in
the rights they grant then virtually any other open forum I can think
of and that has lead many people to think that the owners have no right
to try and control what they own. If you feel that your free speech
rights are compromised on a BBS consider how you would be recieved if
you went to a newspaper office and asked for unlimited access to the
newspaper columns to have them print whatever you wanted printed and in
whatever quantity, and at no cost to you, and with no control over the
content, or the timing, or the legal implications of your material.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: JFK's UFO Connection?
Date: 13 Oct 90 18:58:00 GMT

Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Public BBS's
Date: 13 Oct 90 19:09:00 GMT

RE> the previous message that starts "At the risk of offending"
It was supposed to be address to Someone else, Brian Clark I think,
who was unhappy that there were any restraints on his freedom of
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.White@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Paul White)
Subject: Wall St. Journal
Date: 14 Oct 90 15:47:00 GMT

Cou someoe please post the conent of the recent Wall treet Journal
articl dealing with the Belgian UFO sightings (if it's not too much
trouble). I briefly glanced at thront page art in the airport
in Denver, bt didn't get to read the entire th.
Onetng I did note from the article was thatEuroans were getting
quite a joke out of the whole thing ecausetheobjects have been sighted
in Belgium.ropeans tell `Belgian jokes' like Americans tell Polish
jokes. I rememberthe article stating that they're not laughinnow after
some of the better sightings, correlated with radar video.
Paul White - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.White@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Re: Mayor Ed vs. Mr. ED
Date: 15 Oct 90 04:43:00 GMT

> So, for all I know the esteemed Burgomeister of Gulf Breeze may be as
> deep as the North Atlantic and as principled as Honest Abe, but none of
> it came thru the lens. What's the skinny on Gray? Did you publish the
> interview? How long did you talk to him, and when?
> Inquiring minds want to know.

It was around September of '88, and I published highlights of the interview in
that month's INSIDE UFOLOGY column. I think its still online somewhere. Hall
and Smith referred to it in an article in the MUFON Journal last year. I'll
see if I can dig up the column.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Various & Sundry
Date: 15 Oct 90 05:04:00 GMT

1) Dr. Richard Haines has just published his fourth book, "Advanced Aerial
Devices Reported During the Korean War."
Apparently there were quite a few
reports by our flyboys during that period, 1950-53, and Haines is probably the
most qualified man in the field to discuss them, as he has devoted a goodly
portion of his UFO career to studying pilot reports. The book includes a
forward by Jacques Vallee, who collaborated with Haines on some of the
research. Available for $9.50 + 1.25 s/h from: LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los
Altos, CA, 94023-0880. ISBN # 0-9618082-1-7

2) The aforementioned Dr. Haines will be speaking in Phoenix at the Arizona
Science Teachers Association Conference, at 11:30 Thursday the 18th. Then on
Friday he will appear in Tucson at an affair arranged by Allen Benz'
Foundation for UFO Research. Contact Allen at 602-792-4522.

3) Dr. Marcello Truzzi has been added to the speakers list at the upcoming
Santa Barbara Conference, which is already one of the very best lineups ever.
Truzzi, as you may know, is that rarest and most valuable of commodities, a
CSICOP defector. Not exactly a true believer, mind you, but Truzzi parted
company with CSICOP several years ago in a dispute over their general approach
and attitude towards the paranormal, and I believe the Gauquelin incident
fanned the flames as well.

If you can only make it to one UFO event this year, make it this one. The
other speakers are: Eddie Bullard, Jerry Clark, George Eberhart, Dick Haines,
Budd Hopkins, ParaNet's Dave Jacobs, J. Gordon Melton, Mark Rodeghier, John
Saliba, and Don Schmitt. They've packed all that into one day, and its only
$40. For information, contact: The Santa Barbara Centre for Humanistic
Studies, Inc., Box 91611, Santa Barbara, CA, 93190-1611, 805-967-2669.

4) Does ANYONE have ANY information on the sightings in Northern Minnesota,
which were allegedly reported on network TV news recently? Lights in the sky
is all I know at this point.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Magazine _UFO_
Date: 15 Oct 90 19:11:58 GMT

Someone, I believe, was looking for a place to buy copies
of the magazine _UFO_. As it so happens, I was browsing
the magazine racks at a recently opened bookstore and found
v. 4, No. 5 ($3).

If you're in the DC (Washington) area, try Borders Books
at the corner of Rockville Pike (Route 355) and Nicholson


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: The Salisberrys
Date: 15 Oct 90 05:50:00 GMT


Forgive me if I've asked this before, but what do you know about Rex and Carol
Salisberry now claiming to be convinced that Ed is a hoaxer? I have now heard
this from two sources.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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