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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 329

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 329 

Saturday, November 10th 1990

Today's Topics:

Munich Ufo Sightings?
Re: Belgium
Santa Barbara (Continued)
GB Photos
w .txt file from Jehovah's Witnesses rag.
Awake.tst File


From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Munich Ufo Sightings?
Date: 10 Nov 90 05:22:00 GMT


PARIS (NOV. 6) REUTER - Mystery shapes in the sky variously
described as orange balls, triangles and points of light set off
Europe's latest flying saucer scare on Tuesday.

The silently moving lights were reported from France, Italy,
Switzerland and Belgium.

Only Britain, where millions were firing up rockets anyway in the
annual Guy Fawkes night celebration marking a thwarted attempt to
blow up Parliament in 1605, appeared immune from the visitations.

French police and firemen from the German border to the Atlantic
coast were flooded with calls in the early evening about
''unidentified flying objects.''

A Reuter technician in Geneva reported seeing a large orange ball
streaming westwards across the night sky from the Jura mountains
towards the Alps.

In France, Belgium and Italy, witnesses talked of a moving shape
composed of three, five or six brilliant points of light. The
timing and dispersal of the sightings suggested a very large
phenomenon at very high altitude.

Experts in Munich said a meteorite might have exploded.

But Belgium, where dozens of people reported a triangular object
with three lights flying slowly and soundlessly to the south-
west, said its air force was studying the reports in liaison with
neighbouring air force observers.

Jean-Jacques Velasco, director of France's Service for the
Investigation of Re-entry Phenomena, said the country would
launch an investigation.

He said several airline pilots had reported sightings but no
radar contact was recorded in French air space.

One Air France pilot told a radio interviewer: ''We were on a
flight to Barcelona at about 10,000 metres (33,000 feet) at 1903
hours when we first saw the shape. It couldn't have been a
satellite because it was there for three or four minutes.''

A French yachtsman off the coast of Brittany said: ''We saw this
geometric shape - hard to call it a mass - with five or six
twinkling points of orange light with white trails behind them.''

In Italy, six airline pilots reported ''a mysterious and intense
white light'' southeast of Turin. Pilots also reported five white
smoke trails nearby.

Belgian radio said several crew of civilian and military planes
had also sighted unidentified flying objects. A British pilot
reported four of them flying in formation over the Ardennes hills
in the south of Belgium.

Velasco said French investigators would assemble an ''identikit
picture'' of the phenomenon but this would take weeks.


Regards, John

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Belgium
Date: 10 Nov 90 05:16:00 GMT

>From Bill Chalker in Australia - A ParaNet(sm) special

Mike, Re the Document received from the Belgian Defence Department, the full
document follows:

1. Starting early Dec 89 the BAF has been contacted on several
occasions by eyewitnesses who observed strange phenomena in the
Belgian airspace. On some occassions they described the
phenomena as a triangle-shaped platform up to 200 feet wide with
3 downward beaming projectors, hovering at +- 100 m above the
ground and making only a very light humming noise. Some
witnesses saw the object departing at very high speed after a
very fast acceleration. All observations were made in the
evening or during the night. 2. The radar stations which had
been alerted by eyewitnesses could not definitely determine a
correlation between the visual observations and their detections
on radar. On two occasions the BAF scrambled 2 F16 during the
evening hours. a.On the first occasion the F16 arrived +- 1 hour
after the visual detection. Nothing was observed. b. On the
second occassion, pilots could identify a laser-beam projector
on the ground. After investigation it appeared however that the
description of the observations totally differed from previously
described phenomena. 3. Consequently the Belgian Airforce,
anxious to identify the origin of the phenomena, authorised F16
scrambles if following conditions were met: a. Visual
observations on the ground confirmed by the local police. b.
Detection on radar.

4. On 30 Mar 1990 at 23.00 Hr the Master Controller (MC) of the
Air Defence radar station of Glons received a phone call from a
person who declared to observe three independant blinking lights
in the sky, changing colours, with a much higher intensity than
the lights of the stars and forming a triangle. Meteo conditions
were clear sky, no clouds, light wind and a minor temperature
inversion at 3000 Ft. 5. The MC in turn notified the police of
WAVRE which confirmed the sighting at +- 23 30 Hr. Meanwhile
the MC had identified a radar contact at about 8 NM North of the
ground observation. The contact moved slowely to the West at a
speed of =- 25kts and an altitude of 10.000 Ft. 6. The ground
observers reported 3 additional light spots which moved
gradually, with irregular speeds, towards the first set of
lights and forming a second triangle. 7. At 23.50 a second radar
station, situated at +- 100 NM from the first, confirmed an
identical contact at the same place of the radar contact of
Glons. 8. At 00.05 Hr 2 F16 were scrambled from BEAUVECHAIN
airbase and guided towards the radar contacts. A total of 9
interception attempts have been made. At 6 occasions the pilots
could establish a lock-on with their air interception radar.
Lock-on distances varried between 5 and 8 NM. On all occasions
targets varied speed and altitude very quickly and break-locks
occured after 10 to 60 seconds. Speeds varied between 150 and
1010 kts. At 3 occasions both F16 registered simultaneous
lock-ons with the same parameters. The 2 F16 were flying +- 2
NM apart. No visual contact could be established by either of
the F16 pilots. 9. The F16 flew 3 times through the observation
field of the ground observers. At the third passage the ground
observers notified a change in the behaviour of the light spots.
The most luminous started to blink very intensively while the
other disappeared. Consequently, the most luminous spot started
to dim gradually. 10. Meanwhile the head of the police of WAVRE
had alerted 4 other police stations in the area. All four,
seperated +- 10 NM from each other, confirmed the visual
observations. 11. The aircraft landed at 01.10 Hrs. The last
visual observation was recorded at +- 01.30 Hrs.

12. The BELGIAN Airforce was unable to identify neither the
nature nor the origin of the phenomena. However, it had
sufficient elements to exclude following assumptions: a.
Balloons. Impossible due to the highly variable speeds
(confirmed visually and by radar). b. ULM. Same as for balloons.
c. RPV. Impossible due to the hovering characteristics. d.
Aircraft (including Stealth). Same as for RPV. No noise. e.
Laser projections or Mirages. Unlikely due to lack of
projection surface (no clouds). Light spots have been observed
from different locations. Light spots moved over distance of
more than 15 NM. Form of inlighted part of spots has been
observed with spectacles. Laser projections or mirages can not
be detected by radar.

Kol Vl SBH
described by E. Lamin, Colonel Brevete d'Etat-Major Chef de la
Section Politique de Defense ad interim as "Veuillez trover,
ci-joint, un resume de la declaration faite a la presse, le 11
juillet 1990, par le Colonel Aviateur Brevete d'Etat-Major DE
BROUWER, Chef de la Section Operations de l'Etat-Major de la
Force Aerienne Belge, relative aux observations en objet."
Summary was the the basis of the press briefing given on 11
July, 1990 by De Brouwer. The copy as above was sent to me in
English albeit a little in error. All in all an interesting
official summary of the pertinent events. Mike, as Richard
Haines specialises in aircraft cases could you please pass on a
copy of this via the fax arrangement you have set up, with my
compliments and warm regards. He may have already secured this
info but in case he hasn't he get this version. Could you also
ask him to advise on his knowledge and position on the affair
particular the photography and a/c RV events. He could do this
via Paranet and/or my postal address: P.O. Box W42, West Pennant
Hills, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2125. Trust you all all the Paranet
researchers find this of interest. Regards from down under. I
look forward to any further info you have on the Belgian affair.
- Bill Chalker

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Santa Barbara (Continued)
Date: 10 Nov 90 04:03:20 GMT

In a message of <07 Nov 90 23:37>, Jim Speiser (1:114/37) writes:

Sounds as if you enjoyed the conference!

Re: Roswell

>If what Schmitt says is true, we are, according to one of his sources,
>"very close" to getting to the bottom of the case.

I read this and said to myself, 'Greeeeat!' ala Tony the Tiger.

Then I read this:

> may be granted immunity for their testimony,

and I'm wondering (a rhetorical) why.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: GB Photos
Date: 10 Nov 90 04:17:03 GMT

I think Ed Walters should get the "Most prominent UFO event and/or hoax in

But while Ed is either basking under the sun or getting burned by the heat, I
somehow feel as if I'm a spectator of a magic show. Because while all this Ed
hubbub is going on, the other few hundred sightings in GB and Pensacola, and in
Fyffe Alabama, are relatively unnoticed - just like the magician who
mis-directs your attention.

I also wonder why the Hudson Valley UFO never received the notariety as GB.
In both cases we have a book, photos, a video, credible(?) witnesses. The only
apparent difference is the fact that Ed Walters is in the middle of everything
in GB, and Night Seige (the book about the Hudson Valley UFO) was written by
respectable and professional UFO researchers.

So lemme see if I got this right: The book written by the professionals goes
unnoticed and the book written by the architect generates a furor.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Doug.Kraft@f502.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Doug Kraft)
Subject: w .txt file from Jehovah's Witnesses rag.
Date: 10 Nov 90 03:16:00 GMT

Just U/L'd a file from the Nov. 8, 1890 edition of "Awake" magazine, the
infamous biweekly distributed by the Jehovah's Witnesses. (No I am not a
subscriber). It is called AWAKE.TXT, and is mostly old-hat, with the
conclusion weakly supported (in my opinion). It appears to be geared
towards the un-initiated (read gullible), but ends up with somewhat
conciliatory religious messages saying (in so many words) that if UFO's are
real, then they must be instruments of God (or maybe the devil).

The article seems to twist the facts a little, but adds a few tidbits that I
wasn't aware of (perhaps because they didn't occur?).

Take a look and let's hear what youou think...

Doug Kraft - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Doug.Kraft@f502.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Doug.Kraft@f502.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Doug Kraft)
Subject: Awake.tst File
Date: 10 Nov 90 04:41:00 GMT

Hi Mike...Just U/L'd a file called AWAKE.TXT, and left a msg in this area,
but didn't realize at the time that the file may not reach you...

The msg points out that the file is a reprint from the latest edition of
AWAKE magazine, the biweekly Jehovah's Witness rag, and attempts to sway our
opinions of UFO's. It is a unique article (though not perfectly written),
and is a mixture of old hat and new innuendos.

If you are interested in obtaining the file, and don't see it there at
ParaNet Alpha, you can get the file from Don's House BBS at (619)440-6038 in
El Cajon, CA. I'm sure others across the net would be interested in this
new viewpoint and the chance to pick it apart...

Also, I've seen mention of several files supposedly on ParaNet, which are
not at Don's House, our local ParaNet source. Is there a way to get all
files available on ParaNet to the local Board. (The only specific file I
can think of right now has to do with the Kennedy assasination).

Doug Kraft - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Doug.Kraft@f502.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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