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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 324

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 324 

Friday, November 2nd 1990

Today's Topics:

Public Release
Interim Report on the reopening of the Walters' UFO Case
Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Hard Copy/bel. Ufo
Re: Ed's Video
Project UFO
Crop circles and Led Zeppelin


From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Public Release
Date: 29 Oct 90 01:41:00 GMT

The following is from Rex and Carol Salisbury on the Gulf Breeze
UFO case. More will follow.

I have just returned from a business trip and have not had the
opportunity to check the validity of this information. It is
being provided to the users of ParaNet for information only at
this time. Thanks to John Hicks for bringing this to ParaNet.

From: Carol A. & Rex C. Salisberry 23 September 1990
Navarre Beach, Fl. 32566-7235

To: Walter H. Andrus, Jr.
103 Oldtowne Road
Sequin, Tx 78155-4099

Subject: Interim Report on the reopening of the Walters' UFO Case

Background: The investigators, Carol & Rex Salisberry had not been
involved with the prior investigation of the Walter's Case and had
accepted the MUFON assessment of its validity without close personal
scrutiny. When Tommy Smith came forward with his allegations on 15
June 1990, the investigators doubted them and, in fact made several
public statements in support of the Walter's Case. After the press
conferences on 19 June 1990, wherein Mr. Charles Flannigan ( Florida
MUFON State Director) announced the reopening of the Walters' Case and
the commitment by MUFON to finding the truth, we were asked by Mr.
Flannigan to assist him in the next phase of the investigation. During
a meeting of Mr. Walter Andrus, MUFON International Director, Mr.
Flannigan, and Mr. Salisberry on Thursday 5 July 1990, Mr. Andrus
expressed his capacity to accept the result that the Walter's Case was
a total fraud if that was proven to be the case. We deemed this to be
a critical commitment on his part , because we didn't want the results
of our work to " be swept under the rug" if they were contrary to the
then prevailing views of many MUFON officials and others. Upon
receiving this commitment from Mr. Andrus we proceeded with the
investigation with an open mind and with the greatest degree of
objectivity that we could muster. Our previous, personal supportive
views of the case had to be subjugated so as not to influence the fact
finding process.

Tentative Conclusions: Although there is much work remaining to be
done in the investigation of this case, we have arrived at result
that we deem should be brought to the attention of MUFON before it is
uncovered and released to the public by outside interests. On 9
September 1990, our analysis of Photo 19 of the Walters' case
indicated a very high probability that the reflection on the road
could not have been made by an object hovering over the road as
described by Mr. Walters and validated by Dr. Maccabee. It is a
virtual physical impossibility for the reflection to occur as depicted
in Photo 19. Perhaps one of the easiest methods of producing the photo
is by use of a small model (photographed at close range) and double
exposure techniques as demonstrated by Mr. Mark Curtis of WEAR TV. Mr.
Curtis and his associate, a biologist and model maker, have been
harshly criticized by their critics. We were allowed to witness their
effort and know that their intent was to demonstrate that the process
was feasible and their purpose was not to duplicate the Walters'
photo. (It is interesting that they too introduced the fatal flaw of
creating a reflection which was not possible under the circumstances.)
The detailed account of our analysis of Photo 19 is shown in
Attachment 1.

Mr. Flannigan and Mr. Salisberry telephoned Mr. Andrus on Sunday
evening 9 September 1990 to inform him of the results of the analysis.
During the conversation it was suggested that two independent experts
be contacted to confirm the validity of our analysis. Those two
experts were provided the details of the analysis and have orally
responded with their confirmations of the validity of the results.

With Photo 19 shown to be a probable hoax, Photo 14 is likewise
categorized since it is essentially identical to Photo 19 except for
geographic location. With these two photos reassessed as probable
hoaxes, the other photos which depict an image of the same model
should be considered as highly suspect. Intellectual and scientific
integrity then dictate that the suspect photos be downgraded in the
overall assessment of the validity of the case.

Another aspect of the Walters' case which has come into question is
whether or not he knew how to take double exposures prior to 11
November 1987. Mr. S. Peter Neumann, of WEAR TV and a resident of Gulf
Breeze, has informed us that Mr. Walters had told him and his wife
much earlier than 11 November 1987 that Walters sometimes used double
exposure photography to amuse the young people who attended the
parties in the Walters' home. Mr. Neumann has declined to provide us
with a written and signed statement to this effect, but indicated that
he would provide the same information to anyone calling by telephone.
Additionally, the young people whom we have interviewed relate that
Mr. Walters consistently "had a camera in his hand" at the various
activities at which he was present. These young people also confirmed
that Mr. Walters sometimes took what appeared to be trick photos and
that they could not understand how it was done.

Discussion: It is emphasized that the reassessment of the Walters'
Case should not be cause to believe or disbelieve the hundreds of
other UFO related experiences in the Pensacola area. Each reported
case had been evaluated on its own merits and should stand as
reported. It is even quite probable that the Walters family have had
experiences with UFO related phenomena; however, this is difficult to
assess at this point because of the previous preoccupation with the
photos which may have distorted the data.

Recommendation: MUFON should release the results of our analysis to
the public as soon as practical. We consider this important to
maintain our integrity as an objective UFO investigative organization.

Attachment One

Preliminary Analysis of Photo 19 of the Walters' UFO Case made by Rex
C. Salisberry on 9 September 1990.

(1) The object and the light ring at the bottom are circular
(source - Mccabee, 1988 MUFON Symposium Proceedings).
(2) The distance from the camera to the object is 185 (+/- 5)
feet (source - Maccabee, page 145 of 1988 MUFON Symposium Proceedings)
(3) The diameter of the light ring at the bottom is 7.5 feet
(source - Maccabee, same as #2).
(4) The tilt of the object away from the observer is about 13
degrees ( source - Dr. Willy Smith, page 14 of his " The Gulf Breeze
(5) The height of the object above the road is about 3 feet
(source - Maccabee, same as #2).
(6) The height of the camera was about 5 feet.
(7) The reflection on the Flat and relatively level road should
have a round or slightly oval shape. Regardless of the shape of the
reflection, since the cross dimension of the light is roughly equal to
the cross dimension of the reflection, fore-and-aft dimensions of the
light and the reflection should also correspond.

It seemed to be a prudent scientific approach to determine what
the reflection should appear to be under the given assumptions and
then compare that result with the photograph.

(1) Since the three-dimensional appearance of the reflection is
converted to two dimensions on film, the two dimensional presentation
to the camera should be determined. The horizontal presentation is
unchanged because of the geometry of the scene, however the height and
depth presentations are converted to a vertical only presentation as
5ft-> |
|90__________> (Angle A )

Angle A = arctan 5/185 = arctan (0.027027) = 1.54815 degrees

The fore-and-aft dimension (x,) of the reflection on the road is given
by ^ <-7.5ft
/_____________13 degrees
x, = (7.5 feet)/(cosine 13 degrees)= 7.6972813 feet
The vertical dimension (y,) as it would appear to the camera is then
given by
5ft | ^y,
| |
|90_______________7.6972813______>Angle A = 1.54815
y, = ( 7.6972813 feet)( sin 1.54815 deg.) = 0.2979574 feet = 2.49549

(2) Computation of the comparable vertical dimension from the photo
facing page 129 of Walter's book is as follows:

The ratio of the vertical dimension to the horizontal dimension
is approximately 1 to 4 as measured on the photograph.
Then by proportion Yz / 7.6972813 feet = 1/4
Yz = (7.6972813feet)/4 = 1.9243203 feet
which is over 9 times greater than the expected value computed in (1)

(3) If the road surface was sloped up abruptly below the object at an
angle of about 14 degrees, the presentation of the reflection as shown
on Photo 19 could have been attained.

. |
. |1.9243203 feet
. |
Angle B <________________90|
7.6972813 feet

Angle B = arctan (1.9243203)/(7.7972813)= 14 degrees
(This computation is not precise but is a close enough approximation
upon which to draw a conclusion.)

Since the road is known to not have a 14 degree slope at the point
indicated in the photo, this possibility is ruled out. However, a
similar reflection to the one shown in Photo 19 was produced by Mark
Curtis for WEAR TV which indicates that the reflection could have been
made by using a small model and double-exposure camera techniques. Mr.
Curtis and his associate made the mistake of slanting the top of their
light pipe and then covering it with thin paper to create the image
for reflection. The fatal flaw produced a similar " fat " reflection
as the one shown in Photo 19.

(4) It is possible that the camera elevation could have been higher
than the 5 feet assumed, so the camera elevation needed to produce the
photo image of the reflection is roughly calculated by using a
proportion as follows:

Y3 | |< 1.9243203 feet
| |
7.6972813 feet
|<.............185 feet.......>|

Y3/185 feet = 1.9243203 feet/7.6972813 feet

Y3 = (1.9243203) (185 feet)/7.6972813 = 46.25 feet

Visual inspection of photo 19 indicates that a camera elevation of
46.25 feet was not possible.

(5) It could also be argued that the fore-and-aft dimension of the
reflection on the road could have been greater than the approximate
7.7 feet calculated in (1) above. Therefore a calculation of the
fore-and-aft dimension needed to produce the reflection of Photo 19 is
as follows:
| .
5 ft | | <1.9243203 feet
|> 185ft <|
X2 = (185) ( 1.9243203feet)/5 = 71.2 feet

Again, a visual inspection of Photo 19 rules out this possibility.

(6) Other arguments could be offered, e.g. heat from the bottom of the
UFO heated the wet road which caused steam to rise. The reflection on
the water droplets in the steam would then cause the reflection to
appear " fatter " than expected. Such arguments employ circular logic
and hence must be discounted. Additional, the case file does not
contain any evidence to indicate that the road was subjected to heat.

(7) Anyone can perform a simple demonstration to convince himself of
the validity of the above analysis. Construct a model of the scene
using a scale of 1 inch = 1 foot as follows:
(1) Cut a 7.5 inch diameter circle from a piece of white paper.
(2) Place the 7.5 inch circular piece of paper on a flat surface to
represent the reflection on the road.
(3) Move away 185 inches to simulate the distance from the camera to
the object.
(4) View the circle from an elevation of 5 inches above the elevation
of the circle as shown below ( You can cut a peep hole 5 inches above
the bottom edge of a piece of cardboard to help in setting the proper
height above the circle of paper):

|5 inches
|____________________________()7.5inch white disc
185 inches

One can then easily see that the circle appears as a thin line and not
as the "fat" reflection shown in Photo 19

Conclusions: It is virtually impossible that the object as described
in Walter's book and Maccabee's analyses could have caused the
reflection as shown in Photo 19. A small model and double exposure
camera techniques could have been used to produce the reflection as
described in (3) above.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Kraus@f10.n371.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Kraus)
Subject: Re: Horse-patooties And Sonic Booms
Date: 29 Oct 90 03:33:00 GMT

> One item that was forgotten was that the shape of the
> aircraft helps to deflect radar waves away from the radar
> transmitter thus reducing returns. Ever notice how there are
> practically no flat surfaces facing you on an F-117? Hmmm...
Yes,all surfaces are CURVED too.
Mike Kraus - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Kraus@f10.n371.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hard Copy/bel. Ufo
Date: 29 Oct 90 03:08:00 GMT

> Just saw the Hard Copy report on the UFOs over Belgium and
> must agree with others here about the even handed reporting
> of the events by that organization. Not too sensational,
> but yet they did cover the events as thouroughly as
> television time would allow. I was most impressed by the
> fact that the Belgian military was so open and up front
> about the entire affair. Now if someone would convince the
> US military that with holding information is going to cause
> much more serious problems in the long run and full
> disclosure is the only reasonable, decent and perhaps
> intellegent thing to do!! When it finally does come out,
> public confidence in government will be non existant
> anyway. With the mess in DC now, what else can they do?

I am surprised that our foreign policy has not kicked in and had
the matter censored as has been the past demonstration with
France and other European countries. Perhaps this is meant to
get some treatment?


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Re: Ed's Video
Date: 28 Oct 90 07:21:00 GMT

Forget it, Jim, the whole Ed Walters case is blown. Look around for
a file called ED-FAKE.UFO; it's the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
As for the video, I've found a fatal flaw which either proves Ed
knew a whole lot more about photography than he let on, or the tape
wasn't shot as advertised.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Lou.Zucaro@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Lou Zucaro)
Subject: Project UFO
Date: 29 Oct 90 12:05:00 GMT

Hi everybody. My name is Lou Zucaro and I work for a company called
the WPA Film Library (by the way, it stands for White Production
Archives, and not Works Progress Administration), and we are a
division of MPI Home Video, the largest independant video distri-
butor in North America. For a while now we have been working on a
series of video tapes to be released (at least) nationwide titled
Project UFO. There will be four tapes dealing with various areas
of the UFO subject. Hopefully, the first tape will be on store
shelves by February.
The reason I am telling you all is not only to let you know
that it's on the way, but also to ask for help if you can provide
it. We especially need visual materials such as photos, artwork,
and (most importantly) motion pictures or video footage of UFOs.
If you think that you have something that might be able to aid us,
please call me toll-free at work.
We are also selling ad space in the tapes, so if you have
some type of product or service you would like to advertise, also
give me a call. Rates are CHEAP, especially since we can create ads
for you if you don't have the facilities.
Another thing we need is statistical information - average
number of sightings per year, area where sightings are made the most,
etc. All sorts of it - if you've got anything like that, leave a
message for me here or, again, call me at work. So basically, if
you think you can help or if you just want to find out more about
the tapes or if you just are bored and want to say "HI!" then give
me a call. Thanks a bunch.

Lou Zucaro
The WPA Film Library
A Division of MPI
Lou Zucaro - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Lou.Zucaro@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Paranet.alpha
Date: 30 Oct 90 14:49:00 GMT

> From:
> Date: 29 Oct 90 23:41:30 GMT
> Message-ID: <7616@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM>
> Newsgroups: info.paranet
> From:
> I am getting the Paranet Newsletter. I have 2 problems.
> First, How can I log
> on to Paranet.Alpha where apparently long data files are
> sent for reading by
> subscribers? Can I just get a listing of what files are
> there?

The phone number to ParaNet Alpha is 714-985-0666. Let me know
when you arrive and I will get you validated.

> Second, I am on SPAN and occasionally Newsletters don't
> reach me. I can tell
> by the cycling of the Newsletter No. What can I do?

Send a message to our host administrator, Cyro Lord, at That should get it fixed for you.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:207/109
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f110.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim McCabe <MCCABE@mtus5.bitnet>
Subject: Crop circles and Led Zeppelin
Date: 31 Oct 90 06:10:28 GMT

Jim Shaffer <rutgers!vanth!jms> recently posted this to ParaNet:

+ Paranormal phenomena have suddenly become a hot topic with various people
+ outside the research field. And I'm not talking about New Age material,
+ but about some of the same things we discuss on ParaNet! For example:
+ o I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but my brother says that
+ Led Zeppelin's new album has the famous huge crop circle pattern on
+ the cover. In fact it may be the entire cover. I don't know what the
+ album is called but I imagine that soon we'll be hearing that the
+ circles are trying to spell 'Zoso'.

The band is defunct, but there is a new boxed set out which has the
cover mentioned above. It is a photograph, probably from a plane,
which shows one of the huge crop circle patterns which have become
famous lately.

I'm no expert on these patterns, but I recall seeing this exact pattern
rendered in ASCII graphics on PSI-L a while back. I didn't realize how large
it was until I saw this cover.

Anyway, for those interested, the Led Zeppelin album 'Coda' also has a
shot-from-above field picture, this time on the back. (It's interesting to
note that this album came out around 1981 or so.) I had always thought
that the picture was human-generated, perhaps with some strange large-scale
harvesting device.

Can anyone tell me whether or not the 'Coda' picture is also an older
example of these crop patterns? The pattern depicted is much simpler
than the one on the new set, and looks like a couple of enormous circles.

-- Jim

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