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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 292

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 292 

Tuesday, August 21st 1990

Today's Topics:

D. Scott Rogo
Lazar Sentencing
Scott Rogo
The Missing Witness
Marcel interviews
more info
Re: Scott Rogo
Re: Lazar


From: Michael.Corbin@f3206.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: D. Scott Rogo
Date: 20 Aug 90 06:18:00 GMT

D. Scott Rogo, 40, a Northridge parapsychologist who wrote
several popular books on paranormal phenomenon, including the
Tunjunga Canyon Contacts with Ann Druffel, was found stabbed to
death Thursday by police who found his body after being called
by a neighbor who noticed that his sprinkler had been running
for two days.

Although police state that there is no evidence linking the
slaying to Rogo's profession as an author, they did say
that the home did not appear to be ransacked. Police say there
are very few clues to help them find the killer.

Excerpted from the Los Angeles Times, Saturday, August 18, 1990.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f3206.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f3206.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Lazar Sentencing
Date: 20 Aug 90 06:21:00 GMT

Robert Lazar's sentencing for involvement in prostitution which
was scheduled for last Friday, has been postponed until Monday,
August 20th.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f3206.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Scott Rogo
Date: 20 Aug 90 06:31:00 GMT

To all ParaNet users. D. Scott Rogo, who in connection with Ann
Druffel co-authoried "The Tujunga Canyon Contacts", was found
Thursday stabbed to death in his Northridge, Calf. home. The
following is the Times article.


By Michael Connelly-Times Staff Writer

A Northridge parapsychologist who wrote several popular books on
phenomena ranging from neardeath experiences to poltergeist
activity was discovered slain in his home, and Los Angeles police
said Friday they had few clues to help them find the killer.

D. Scott Rogo, 40, was found stabbed to death after police were
called to the house Thursday afternoon by a neighbor who became
suspicious because he thought Rogo's back yard sprinkler had been
running for two days.

An officer found a side door to the house partially open, Police
Lt. L.A. Durrer said, and discovered Rogo dead on the floor. The
home had not been ransacked.

"We haven't determined if anything was taken," Durrer said. "We
haven't figured out what the motive was."

Detectives said there was no evidence linking the slaying to
Rogo's profession as a writer and investigator of psychic
phenomena such telepathy, clairvoyance and extransensory
perception. The victim lived alone in the home in the 18100 block
of Schoenborn St. and primarily worked out of a home office,
where he had a large library on the subject.

"It doesn't have any appearance of being related to his work,"
Detective Michael Brandt said.

Rogo, a lifelong resident of the San Fernando Valley, was the
author of 80 books.

Associates said Rogo was considered a serious investigator of
strange phenomena and had also published articles in
Parapsychology Review and the Journal of the Society for
Psychical Research. He lectured on the topic at John F. Kennedy
University in Orinda, Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The victims mother, Winifred Rogo of North Hollywood said her son
became interested in psychic phenomena after having what he
believed was an "out-of-the-body experience." He wrote that the
phenomenon occurred when an element of an individual's
consciousness appears to detach itself physically from the body
and continues to function independently of it for a short time.

"He investigated strange phenomena but it wasn't dangerous,"
Winifred Rogo said. "I don't think it had anything to do with
what has happened. I think it was a prowler, someone off the


We have lost an important reseacher, and I am sure that all of us
here in ParaNet send our best wishes to the family.

If and when more information is received, myself or the
Administrator Mike Corbin will relay it to you.

Don Ecker
ParaNet Director of Security

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f3206.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Lazar
Date: 20 Aug 90 19:09:00 GMT

Robert Lazar was sentenced today. The sentencing was 3 years
probation, 150 hours of community service and a weekly visit to a
psychologist during the probation period.

We will have more details as they become available.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f3206.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: The Missing Witness
Date: 20 Aug 90 04:16:15 GMT

In a message of <16 Aug 90 23:22:00>, Jim Speiser (1:114/37) writes:

>Time's catching up with ya, Paul.

Well you're right about that. Now let's see, where did I put my mind? I think
in the medicine cabinet somewhere between the DentureCream and Grecian Formula
16. :-)

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Marcel interviews
Date: 19 Aug 90 07:18:00 GMT

> From: 'JIM GRAHAM' <>
> Please excuse the mention of what I'm sure is an old subject on Paranet.
> I am trying to get hold of a video and/or typewritten transcripts of the
> so-called videotaped Marcel interviews about the Roswell, NM incident.
> Can any of you point me in the right direction?

Not sure they were videotaped originally, but there is a filmed interview with
Marcel done shortly before his death in 1979. I believe its on the Unsolved
Mysteries segment, if anyone has taped that.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rich.Woods@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rich Woods)
Subject: Prophecy
Date: 20 Aug 90 00:38:00 GMT

Well someone asked me about the prophecy file and I can't remeber who. I am
putting it in the general message base as it does pertain to UFO's and may
be of interest to most in light of the recent developements with the
soldiers etc.
Current Prophecies: written on June 11, 89


1. Oklahoma earthquake (4.0 to 6.0) soon, probably before Aug.
2. New leader of Iran, new [Iattola, ibid.], is worse than
first. Small war breaks out in Persian Gulf, USA is involved.
3. Probable attempt on President's life in August. 89, if he is
in the southeastern USA during that month.
4. Huge earthquake located on Kansas/Missouri stateline now to
late Aug. 89.
5. Ivan comes to USA in 89 and easing into power in Russia in
late 89. Ivan is the False Prophet. [ed. note: We are
attempting to find out who 'Ivan' is.]
6. Dormant volcano erupts in Hawaii in 89.
7. Hurricane in Gulf of Mexico in 89, UNPARALLELED!
8. Events to bring the Bush Administration down in late 89.
Possible nuclear warhead? Nicaragua involvement?
9. Limited nuclear exchange between now and March, 1991.
10. Government in trouble with evil ET's. Comes to us for help
in 89.

89 and/or 90

11. Giant earthquake in China. Late 89 or early 90.
12. New oil reserves in US in 89 and 90.
12a. Space shuttle of USA is intercepted and retained by UFO in
89 or 90. Released after several hours. Causes panic. All
defense locations shut down during interception. Same thing
happens with Russia later the same year.


13. Bob Dole, of Russell, Ks., becomes the next, greatest and
last president of the United States. Temporary "white house"
set up in Russell. Russell bombed and Dole escapes.
14. Governments acknowledge UFOs in late 89 or early 90.
15. Open contact with governments by Amorcans, (The Good ET's or
16. Earthquake in California--unbelievable!
17. Contact with government by Creasians, the evil ET's or
Angels, is revealed.
18. Stock market crash, again.
19. New virus killer reaches USA. Hideous sores with most
people susceptible.
20. Cures for arthritis, cancer, M.S. very probable.
20a. Nuclear plants in Russia and USA experience nearly
simultaneous explosions.
21. More fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and devastating
weather patterns [excalate, ibid.] by two witnesses for God.
22. Ozone becomes worse and by 91 temp. rise of 10 to 30 degrees
around the world.
23. Russia closing seaports and war begins.

1990 to 91

24. Pollution in streams and rivers and finally oceans, so bad
that sea life explodes, turning water to blood.
25. Food shortages and radiation sickness in USA. Result of
drought and limited nuclear strike between Nicaragua and USA.
26. True Anti-Christ arising.
27. Rioting and panic, caused by stock markets, droughts,
unemployment, food shortages, and UFOs.
28. Land masses, (small islands), simply disappearing. 90-93.


29. People killing and burning those with new virus. At first,
quarantined, then destroyed.
30. Easing out of fossil fuel.
31. Floods begin from melting icebergs, into 1992, from increase
in temperatures around the world.


32. New economy and temporary prosperity set up by AntiChrist
when he takes power.
33. Creasians, the Darkside Et's or evil angels, activating
subconscious programming of subjects, causing insanity and
instantaneous combustion.
34. S.D.I. deployed in defense of world against UFOs, but
ineffective even with countries working together.

Note: These prophecies were received by Donna between about
March, 87, to February, 88.


Rich Woods - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rich.Woods@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Matt.Story@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Matt Story)
Subject: more info
Date: 21 Aug 90 03:21:00 GMT

I may be a Little out of touch with the recent info and soap opera on
this bbs regarding Bill Cooper and his claims, But you are the
evident "other side of the coin" when it comes to Cooper.
If you could direct me, I would be interested in learning more about
this "other side of the coin" so to speak. Are there any books or
articles written from your perspective in the areas which Bill Cooper
speaks of at his "lectures" which I can obtain for my own personal
research ?
I have just recently logged on to paranet after coming from CIS, so I'm
a little "green", Please go easy on me (I've seen what happens
when ever Bill Coopers name is mentioned)
Thanks !
Matt Story - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Matt.Story@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Scott Rogo
Date: 21 Aug 90 04:22:00 GMT

> We have lost an important reseacher, and I am sure that all
> of us here in ParaNet send our best wishes to the family.
> If and when more information is received, myself or the
> Administrator Mike Corbin will relay it to you.

I agree, we have lost a talented writer and a capable researcher in Scott
Rogo. Speaking for myself, he will be missed.

Don, I hope we can get some updates from you on the progress of the
investigation into Scott Rogo's murder. This makes three homicides within
the UFOlogical community within the past six months -- a cause for concern
among all of us, I'm sure.

Public saftey hasn't been as bad or as tenuous in the U.S.A. since the turn
of the century -- so these events could well be unrelated, a testament to
our dangerous times. But if these events are related -- well, it behooves
us to get to the bottom of them.

Either way, this is a tragedy and a setback.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Lazar
Date: 21 Aug 90 04:24:00 GMT

> Robert Lazar was sentenced today. The sentencing was 3
> years probation, 150 hours of community service and a
> weekly visit to a psychologist during the probation period.

Does Nevada have anything like a pre-sentencing report? Anyone know what it
said? Particularly with regard to Lazar's work history?

Just curious.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:30163/0
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f320.n207.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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