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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 234

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 234 

Thursday, May 31st 1990

Today's Topics:

Re: Sonic booms & UFO's
Fido UFO
M. Wm. "Bill" Cooper
Re: T.S. Bennett
What do we really know about UFOs?
UFO Questionaire


From: paranet!f3.n1031.z9.FIDONET.ORG!David.Seikel
Subject: Re: Sonic booms & UFO's
Date: 23 May 90 01:33:00 GMT

JD > refraction. Might be a similar effect causing the
JD > mysterious air booms that were being discussed on this
JD > echo.

You mean the "skyquakes" that I was enquiring about earlier? I don't think I
got an actual definition, just managed to figure it out from context.

Thanks for the info though.

the DVS one

David Seikel - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Seikel@f3.n1031.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Richard.Salts
Subject: MJ12
Date: 29 May 90 19:50:00 GMT

What I meant by a 'double hoax' is that documents appearing to look
real but possibly 'really' bogus might serve as a means of discouraging
continued research into the possibility of an elite and highly select,
Top Secret scientific group that actually may have been assembled to
investigate the Roswell incident.

By being proved "false" the MJ12 documents may be serving as someone's
weapon against discovering what may have happened in June of 1947.
Reason: National Security, of course!


Richard Salts - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Richard.Salts@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Ecker
Subject: Fido UFO
Date: 30 May 90 03:12:00 GMT

As most of you will be aware, for at least the last month
Paranet has suffered numerous attacks in the Natl. UFO Echo.
Although we (as Paranet users) have done nothing more than
defend ourselves and Paranet, various Paranet users have
attempted to defuse the flaming going on. The chief instigator,
T. S. Bennett has been the major problem in the Natl. UFO echo.

Paranet sysop Paul Faeder offered to temporarily take over the
UFO echo with the OK of Fidonet powers-that-be, but as it turned
out, George Adam Stanislav had returned from his month out of
the United States. Stanislav, never a big fan of Paranet saw the
message by Faeder and thought that Paranet was attempting to
take over his UFO echo. As if we needed that.............
anyway, when Faeder explained to Stanislav what was really going
on, Stanislav said he was sorry, but that Paranet was banned from
the UFO echo. Paul Faeder net mailed me the information, and I
contacted Jim Speiser and Mike Corbin. After a brief discussion,
we got Stanislav's home number and I called him. We had a brief
20 to 25 minute discussion, and at first George Adam ( as he
likes to be called ) stated that he was angry with Paranet, was
tired of hearing about Paranet, and that Paranet has basically
been the bane of his existance for the last couple of years.
Prior to calling George Adam, Mike Corbin and I decided that if
George A. did not reconsider, we were capable of starting our own
backbone echo, and I relayed this info to George Adam. Also, (and
I do not know how much weight this carried at the time) told
George Adam that if Paranet did start the echo, especially in
light that there did not appear to be any justice at his end, we
would in all likelyhood take away most of the users from his
echo. The rest of the story is this, he lifted his ban, as long
as Paranet is not mentioned. I told him that I can not speak for
anyone else except for myself, but that I would pass this along
to the rest of the members.

What do you think?

Don Ecker
Paranet Director/Security

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Ecker
Subject: M. Wm. "Bill" Cooper
Date: 30 May 90 05:13:00 GMT

To all;

As you may or may not know, in my capacity as a UFO writer and
researcher, I am presently involved in a very large series of
articles for UFO Magazine on the Whistle-Blowers. Because of the
electronic BBS system owned and operated by Bill Cooper, and the
electronic newsletter he carries, not to mention the "work" that
Cooper is involved in, Cooper was selected by me as the first
article to be completed. Because of the slanderious nature of
Cooper's newsletter, and the patently false informtion that he
gives out, it was not hard to pin this man down.

I attempted to speak to Cooper on the phone, and he refused to
speak after a very brief while. As I suspected, I am now accused
by him as being part of the "Secret Government" attempt to
suppress the "truth" of UFOs. The only thing that will cause me
to laugh any harder is when he finally comes out and tells the
world that he saw my name on his "briefing document" along with
Bob Lazar, Lear, Moore, Friedman, Maccabee, and all the other
unamed "agents" of his. He has let it be known that he will
crucify anyone that gets in his way. As Cooper himself said in
the last newsletter "In case you have not learned anything yet
let me assure you that you had better not screw around with me
unless you are willing to go all the way to the wall and beyond
. . . "

The story with the facts is even now going to press, and I feel
that after the two part article is run, the public will see that
Bill is no longer in Kansas, but somewhere along the way, he has
slipped into Oz.... When speaking to Lazar several days ago,
Lazar told me on the record that he has observed Cooper on the
only two times he met him, to have acted "like a lunatic" when
anyone has questioned his story, his claims, or his sources.
What I can say at this point is that anything anyone states must
be checked, double checked and then checked once more. In the
above case, nothing has checked out yet. Stay tuned.

Don Ecker

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Daniel.Wisnosky
Subject: Re: T.S. Bennett
Date: 29 May 90 22:35:42 GMT

DA> I read that ParaNet is preparing a file on Bill Cooper...GOOD!
DA> Let's get this out in the open where all the users can SEE
DA> what a paranoid schizo both he and his SHILL really are.

Yeah, and I'd love to post that file on Fidonet. Of course, then I
suppose that I'd be accused of being a goverment agent, huh?
oh well...

C yas,

Daniel Wisnosky - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Daniel.Wisnosky@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Daniel.Wisnosky
Subject: FIDOnet
Date: 29 May 90 23:01:56 GMT

I just took a look at the FIDOnet UFO echo, and the moderator has just
banned all Paranet boards from his echo. He is also threatening to take
Paranet to court!

Well, that means that none of us can now see the B.S. that T.S. Bennett
is constantly posting, so I suppose we should take this banning of us
from that echo to be a blessing!

C yas,

Daniel Wisnosky - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Daniel.Wisnosky@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: What do we really know about UFOs?
Date: 30 May 90 18:39:00 GMT

We have been treated to a glimpse of the phenomenon through the
screens of ParaNet. Our echoes have been lively with all sorts
of discussions on the topic of UFOs. We have also been treated
to more than our share of possible disinformation and the like
which has somewhat polluted the issue to the extent that most
people feel that we have surpassed the explanation of what and
where "they" are from to what do we do now that they are here.
However, as it is, we still do not have one solid shred of
evidence to support the reality of the phenomenon aside from
physical landing traces and sightings. The problem with this is
that although there are things that are there that can be
scientifically measured, we lack the necessary material
representing the actual vehicle itself.

Over the years, there has been great denial to the point that the
press has been put into a position to manipulate the public
regarding UFOs asserting that there is no reality to them at all.
Despite government efforts of the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond
to discredit and debunk them, sightings still continue.

The obvious question is why are there so many people today
claiming to know the answers: actual contact with "space
underground alien bases and the like? Someone coming
new into the realm of ufology would think that all of the answers
have been found. This is very confusing and misleading. One can
believe anything that they hear, however when it comes right down
to it, what is really going on?

We know that theory and hypothesis is a first step to
scientific discovery. However, theory and hypothesis must be
based on predictable outcomes. With UFOs, there is no
predictable outcome simply because they do not fit into any
models that we currently understand. This is not to say that the
rampant stories going around today about the behavior of aliens
is not true, but there is nothing by which to predict the
phenomenon thus it would be considered open territory. At best,
we must employ critical thinking at all times while dealing with
research and understanding as it has been found that the mere
subject and mention of UFOs evokes strong emotions in people.
This is not fully understood, and deserves responsible study. It
is because of this one fact that I believe the subject has been
shrouded so deeply in official mystery. It has been found (I
will cite all of my sources in an upcoming full feature article)
that aside from the actual existence of UFOs, a subversive
government could use UFOs as a method to cause severe social
unrest and the loss of confidence in the government by the
society targeted. However, none of this would be a problem if
everyone employed critical thinking.

It is easy to say that the aliens are here, that they are eating
us, abducting us and running underground facilities. It is easy
to say that our government is deeply involved in an alien treaty
for technology exchanges and on and on. But, the one thing that
I have seen none of is the proof of these allegations.

It was cited by the Robertson Panel in 1953 that education was
the primary way to get to the understanding of UFOs. Education
leads to the responsible study of what we are dealing with,
either Earth-bound or beyond. Fear comes from ignorance as does

With this in mind, we must ask ourselves the one question: What
do we *really* know about UFOs?

In the next few weeks, ParaNet will carry a series of interesting
articles and postings dealing with what actually exists in the
way of evidence. Although it is not a lot, there are findings
and research that has been carried out that has brought us a
little closer to understanding.

For example: It has been noted that there has been very little
in the way of scientific research conducted. It is also widely
known that measuring the phenomenon scientifically is a very
difficult thing to do. Its appearance in geographical locations
is unpredictable as is its time of appearance. But, there have
been instances where a UFO was measured scientifically to
determine size and speed. On April 24, 1949, Navy Commander R.B.
McLaughlin and a crew of scientists were preparing to launch a
skyhook balloon into the atmosphere at the White Sands missile
proving grounds in New Mexico. The day was clear and calm enough
that "you could hear a whisper a mile away." In preparation for
launch of the large skyhook balloon, the team launched a small
balloon to determine atmospheric conditions. There were three
people performing measurements utilizing a theodolite (similar to
a surveyor's scope with 25 power), a stop watch, and a clipboard.
When the balloon reached 10,000 feet someone noticed an object to
the left of the weather balloon. He shouted and within a split
second, the man operating the theodolite swung it around and
brought the object into view while the man operating the
stopwatch reset it. One witness reported that the object was
very clearly observed with the naked eye and it was easily seen
to be elliptical in shape and had a "whitish-silver" color. For
fifty-five of the sixty seconds of observation, the object moved
to the east and had dropped from an angle of elevation of 45
degrees to 25 degrees, then it zoomed upward and in a few seconds
it was out of sight. During the sighting, the object passed in
front of a mountain range allowing for reference points to be
used in further calculations. When the data had been distilled
it was found that the UFO had been traveling 4 degrees per second
or 7 miles per second or 25,200 MPH! The object was 100 feet
long and 40 feet wide traveling at an altitude of approximately
56 miles or 296,000 feet. The object demonstrated that it was
under intelligent control and thoroughly convinced McLaughlin
that it was an interplanetary vessel.

In this case, a scientific measurement was made which supported a
theory that the object was a TRUFO (True UFO). This case has
many merits: 1) Daytime sighting; 2) Multiple witnesses; 3)
Scientifically trained witnesses; and, 4) the object displayed
maneuvers indicating intelligent control.

This is but one of the cases which we will review on ParaNet in
the future.

The next message will contain a questionaire which I would like
to have full participation in by our subscribers. It has been
borrowed from a book called 'The Scientific Study of Unidentified
Flying Objects.' It will be our basis for discussion. Please
answer it online by using the quote/reply feature and also
place your comments for each question. You can also answer it
offline and upload it to your host system as a text file. I will
gladly post them.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: UFO Questionaire
Date: 30 May 90 18:57:00 GMT

This questionaire is for all ParaNet users. I hope to see full
participation in this.

For each of the statements shown below, please indicate the
degree to which you feel the statement to be either true or

1. Definitely false means that you are fully convinced the
statement is false, and you would act without hesitation on
this belief. You would question the wisdom of anyone who
disagreed with you.

2. Probably false means that you are not sure whether the
statement is true or false, but that if you had to act on it,
you would regard the statement as more likely false than true.
Your opinion might be changed by discussion with another person.

3. Probably true means that you are not sure whether the
statement is true or false, but that if you had to act on it,
you would regard the statement as more likely true than false.
Your opinion might be changed by discussion with another person.

4. Definitely true means that you are fully convinced that the
statement is true, and you would act without hesitation on this
belief. You would question the wisdom of anyone who disagreed
with you.

Please answer each question completely and place any comments
after your answer, if you have them.

Also, you are free to answer this in text file form and upload
it to your host system.

1. Some flying saucers have tried to communicate with us.

2. All UFO reports can be explained either as well understood
happenings or as hoaxes.

3. The Air Force has done an adequate job of investigation of
UFO reports and UFOs generally.

4. No actual, physical evidence has ever been obtained from a UFO.

5. A government agency maintains a Top Secret file of UFO
reports that are deliberately withheld from the public.

6. No airline pilots have seen UFOs.

7. Most people would not report seeing a UFO for fear of losing a job.

8. No authentic photographs have ever been taken of UFOs.

9. Persons who believe they have communicated with visitors
from outer space are mentally ill.

10. The Air Force was told to explain all UFO sightings
reported to them as natural or man-made happenings or events.

11. Earth has been visited at least once in its history by
beings from another world.

12. The government should spend more money than it does now to
study what UFOs are and where they come from.

13. Intelligent forms of life cannot exist elsewhere in the universe.

14. Flying saucers can be explained scientifically without any
important new discoveries.

15. Some UFOs have landed and left marks in the ground.

16. Most UFOs are due to secret defense projects, either ours
or another country's.

17. UFOs are reported throughout the world.

18. The government has done a good job of examining UFO reports.

19. There have never been any UFO sightings in the Soviet Union.

20. People want to believe that life exists elsewhere than on Earth.

21. There have been good radar reports of UFOs.

22. There is no government secrecy about UFOs.

23. People have seen space ships that have not come from this planet.

24. Some UFO reports have come from astronomers.

25. Even the most unusual UFO report could be explained by the
laws of science if we knew enough about science.

26. People who do *not* believe in flying saucers must be stupid.

27. UFO reports have not been taken seriously by any government agency.

28. Government secrecy about UFOs is an idea made up by newspapers.

29. Science has established that there are such things as
"Unidentified Flying Objects."

30. Abduction reports are the result of hallucinations.

Finally, what do you believe UFOs to be?


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********
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