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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 224

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 224 

Thursday, May 17th 1990

Today's Topics:

Re: Magnetism
Where'd we come from
New ParaNet Affiliate
Yosemite Crash?
Where I've been...
Re: GB Circle
Re: Woodward and the Company
New Affiliate
Re: GB Circle
Re: GB Circle


From: isis!well!ddrasin (Dan Drasin)
Subject: (none)
Date: 15 May 90 06:15:48 GMT


-+ Magnetic "grid" lines

There has been much discussion on this topic in recent weeks, pro and
con. Apparently no one has noticed that the "grid" concept has almost
never actually been put forward in terms of *magnetic* force. The
various studies I'm familiar with deal with GEOMANTIC, not GEOMAGNETIC
forces. Of course, the very existence of so-called geomantic force is
in fact *denied* by most physical scientists because mainstream
physics has not built devices to measure it.

Why not? Because it can't exist because mainstream physics has not
built devices to measure it because it can't exist because mainstream
physics has not built devices to measure it. That's why.

Never mind that many individuals have reported direct bodily
experience of these forces since time immemorial (The Chinese have
quite a highly developed geomantic science), and that when you connect
the "power points" that have been detected this way, a grid-like
pattern emerges. These points include an apparent planet-wide network
of megaliths and large pyramids (Egypt, the Americas, China, etc.,
etc...). It's important to note here that the placement and angles of
the Cheops Pyramid in Egypt and the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan
are mathematically related to each other, and to the orbital radii and
periods of the Earth, Moon, Mars, and the two Martian moons. These
latter relationships were discovered by Scottish astronomer Duncan
Lunan several years ago and strongly suggest an intentional
arrangement of elements on an interplanetary scale for some purpose
not yet comprehended (or for that matter, even acknowledged or
investigated) within the confines of modern science.

The fact that the sun and moon are, on the average, of identical
diameter when viewed from the earth's surface, is another fascinating
coincidence that might relate here, given the existing observed
mathematical relationships mentioned above.


Re: The Meier case

-+ * Forwarded from "ParaNet UFO"
-+ * Originally from Jim Delton
-+ * Originally dated 05-05-90 1:42

-+ Hmm, the video I saw looked about as fake as they come. You could
-+ even see the tree branches had moved between the frames when the UFO
-+ "disappeared".

As I mentioned recently, there are "jumps" in the Meier footage that
can be explained by momentary camera shutdowns. There are also jumps
that involve phenomena (frame exposure changes) that *can't* be
explained by the known laws of physics with regard to motion picture

In such a case we are left with a) prosaic explanations for some
instances plus b) other instances which are unexplainable.

IMHO, an astute investigator should *temporarily* set aside questions
of motive for the explicable aspects, and focus on the information
implied by the *inexplicable* aspects of the presented evidence.

If it's not already obvious, the whole point of "strategically
weakening your own case"
is to insure that information which carries
power will not fall into the hands of those with an essentially
negative bias. It's a very old technique for protection of oneself and
of sensitive information. The idea is that those with the eyes to see
will see, and those without will preoccupy themselves with scoffing
and debunking. In the Meier case, of course, this principle was
applied *explicitly*. Hasn't anyone around here done their homework on
this case??


-+ From John Hicks

-+ There are areas in which magnetic north isn't the same as true
-+ north, but these are caused by geological features. Also, a large
-+ metallic deposit can cause skewed or increased magnetism. FWIW.

John, magnetic north is almost never the same as true north because
the magnetic north pole is not located at the true north pole, but
rather in northern Canada. On navigation charts, the discrepancy is
called magnetic VARIATION. Local anomalies, caused by metallic
deposits, etc., are termed magnetic DEVIATION.


-+ I thought that there was a relationship between the mass of a planet
-+ and the strength of it's magnetic field. If this is correct, do you
-+ know of any reasons for the "intense" magnetic field of the Earth?
-+ Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:209/722

Paul, the dynamics of planetary magnetism do not seem to be well-
understood. The mass and magnetic field strength do not appear to be
related, and there seems to be no way to predict field strength.
You've got to go there and measure it.


-+ From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser

-+ Dan, Here is where we have to define some parameters. You are right,
-+ this is a matter of philosophy, and its my philosophy that, (a)
-+ short of extracting a signed confession, one can never prove a hoax,
-+ because (b) no matter what the negative evidence, someone can ALWAYS
-+ come up with a mitigating argument, no matter how ridiculous and 180
-+ degrees contrary to common sense (as you must admit the above "time-
-+ shifting"

Jim, if the scope of ufological studies (to say nothing of the
progressive history of mainstream science) has shown us one thing,
it's that one era's common sense may be another's naive ignorance. Why
is "time shifting" any more contrary to common sense than many other
parameters of ufo-related phenomena that, in a general sense, we are
already preprared to accept?

-+... therefore (c) since we cannot prove a hoax in a questionable
case, the best alternative is to ignore said cases, because (d) there
are so many good cases that do NOT present questionable evidence. So
when I tell people not to pay any attention to Meier, I'm not saying
its a proven hoax, I'm saying that since its PROBABLY a hoax, let's
not waste our limited time and resources on it, let's look elsewhere.

Jim, there are five books currently in print on various aspects of the
Meier case, and two more on the way soon. I'm not trying to convince
you to accept anything at face value, only hoping that at some point
in the not-too-distant you might consider checking up on some aspects
of the case you might not be familiar with. My feeling is that if you
were to read everything that's been published on the case you might
feel differently about having dissuaded people from checking it out
and making up their own minds.

-+ Yes, of course, there are SEVERAL aspects of the Meier case that
-+ leave me scratching my head; they do nothing to overcome the
-+ negative evidence. They simply raise the question of how he did it,
-+ rather than if its real or not. Science can say nothing about
-+ this; simple common sense tells me that if a man has genuine
-+ evidence of alien contact, he wouldn't sully it by creating hoaxes.

I appreciate your reasoning, Jim, and if the Meier case were nothing
more than a simple, cut-and-dried case of "proof of alien contact" I
would agree with you. However, it seems to be far more than that, and,
imho, needs to be viewed from a number of different angles in order to
be properly understood. As for why one would sully one's own evidence,
please see my comments above.

Dan Drasin


From: Gene Gross <>
Subject: Re: Magnetism
Date: 15 May 90 17:18:57 GMT

-+From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
-+Subject: Magnetic Grid
-+Date: 8 May 90 23:11:49 GMT

-+ I thought that there was a relationship between the mass of a planet and the
-+ strength of it's magnetic field. If this is correct, do you know of any
-+ reasons for the "intense" magnetic field of the Earth?

As I've said before, I'm not a scientist. That means that I don't have
formal training and education to qualify as a scientist. However, my
educated layperson's opinion is that the Earth has a substantial amount
of heavy elements in it--metals, etc. This could well be the reason
for the intense magnetic field.

I do know that I've read articles concerning the intensity of the field.
I recall that the impression I was left with was that no one was really
certain why. Least I haven't read anything that gave a clear cut
explanation. There may be one. Maybe one of our better educated
friends on the net will volunteer this information.

When I was about 19, I read a book on UFOs. I don't recall the author
or the book's title. What I do recall was that the author speculated on
the use of magnetic fields or gravity as the means of propulsion and
travel. In another book, the author (Adamski ??) said that the aliens
used both and followed the great "rivers" of electrical voltage between
the planets. I found Adamski to be a false prophet, as it were, and so
discounted a lot of things. I have only recently begun to re-examine
the possibility that gravity and/or magnetism might play a part in the

I know that we still don't really understand gravity and magnetism well
enough to rule them out as means of propulsion. Shoot, we are a long
ways from really understanding this universe and what makes it tick.
Seems like the researchers no sooner make a discover than they open a
Pandora's box of new questions that further muddies the waters.

If the UFOs do use magnetic fields for propulsion, that might explain
why some of them crash. I would imagine that a field as dynamic and
intense as Earth's would play havoc, even for the most experienced and
technologically advanced civilizations. Just look at the problems we
have with our aircraft getting knocked out of the sky by the dynamic
atmosphere through which we fly.

Also, the "eddies" could well explain such areas of our globe as the
Devil's Triangle. A strong eddy could really mess up the compass--might
even create major problems for electronics gear. Result--a rather bad
day in that area affected by the eddy. As I have noted in the past, I
have gone out into the Triangle. I have seen compasses suddenly do some
very weird and bizaare things. The radios and other electronics gear
also went into the Twilight Zone at the same time the compasses acted
crazy. I can't explain it only testify to it. It is rather like the
incident when I watched a friend of mine die. When he stopped
breathing, I saw what looked like a very fine mist rise up out of his
body. I can't explain it only testify to it. I saw what I saw and
experienced what I experienced. These are just some of the things that
I have been pondering for a few years trying to resolve them in my own
mind without much success.

As for lines of force, I rather think that the magnetic field is more
like a smooth sheet. Once it is perturbed, you get some anomalies, like
eddies, but I would tend to think of it as still this smooth sheet. It
might appear that you are on a line of force, but that would be more an
illusion than a reality.

Could there be a way to tap into the magnetic fields and use them to
travel--not like the trains in Japan or Disney World, but rather to fly?
You've got me there. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but maybe it
is. The same holds true for gravity.

Speaking of gravity, I've seen the anti-gravity trick that Clark talked
about. Was at a party while in college and someone brought it up. So
we got a fellow who weighed in at 285 pounds to be the subject. Then we
got the four smallest ladies present, and they did in fact lift him
straight up into the air over their heads. Most bizaare little stunt
I've ever seen. There might be a good explanation, but I haven't heard
it yet.

Gotta go.



From: Gene Gross <>
Subject: Where'd we come from
Date: 15 May 90 17:21:13 GMT

-+From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Clark.Matthews
-+Subject: Re: Thoughts and miscellany
-+Date: 11 May 90 05:16:00 GMT

-+ Hi Gene! Long time no type. BTW, can you furnish a mailing address again
-+ so I can send you the Harris paper? I think I probably have your address
-+ somewhere on my file disks of captured BBS traffic but I cannot find it!

Indeed it has Clark! Address:

Gene Gross
5510 McCormick Road
Durham, NC 27713
(919)544-0779 [H]
(919)248-5908 [W]

Mind sending yours--got something I'd like to send your way.

As to O'Leary's statements, thanks for the info. I knew that Lucy had
created quite a stir, but I didn't know the details. O'Leary made the
statement in sort of an off-handed manner. But it stuck in that stuff
in my head that passes for brain tissue. ;-)

This field seems to attract some rather bizaare things at one time or
another. I'd heard about the idea that humanity hadn't originated on
Earth somewhere else, but it was a long time ago. I had pretty much
discounted it. But the way in which O'Leary said it caused me to wonder
a minute if I had missed something somewhere along the line.

-+ sapiens. Even her pelvis is within present human parameters (people had
-+ smaller heads in those days, remember). The similarities are really quite

Wonder if that means they also had fewer problems with egos!? ;-)

-+ Interesting sidelight: Many feminists have latched onto the RNA studies as
-+ proof of a "Universal Eve" -- in all probability a black woman who lived in
-+ the vicinity of Kenya upwards of 2 million years ago. There is, in fact, a
-+ rather involved feminist rubric of beliefs growing up around the RNA
-+ studies, but I'm not familiar with them.

I can think of a few groups that might not like this. Frankly, I'm not
surprized that the placental RNA is alike regardless of "race." We are
one race--the human race. Everything else is spice.

Wonder what the feminists are reading into this? This really isn't the
place for a discussion of this, but if you get more info please pass it




From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: New ParaNet Affiliate
Date: 15 May 90 01:11:00 GMT

This is to welcome a new affiliate to the family.

James Pallack
Burlington, Vermont
802-860-1875 9600

On behalf of the group, WELCOME!!

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and describe your

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: asuvax!mcdphx!xroads!gmz (Gerry Zeitlin)
Subject: Yosemite Crash?
Date: 16 May 90 02:48:41 GMT

(Sigh.) I can't vouch for the veracity of the source of that
Yosemite "crash" report.

If it turns out that there really is something happening up there,
I'll feel better about supplying the additional details that I

In the words (more or less) of Dan Drasin, with whom I had a private
email discussion of this, "Clearly, either something is going on there,
or it isn't."

=gerry zeitlin


From: Tom Betz <tbetz@upaya>
Subject: Where I've been...
Date: 16 May 90 05:16:16 GMT

| From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
| Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 213
| Date: 11 May 90 06:22:00 GMT
| > From: Tom Betz <tbetz@upaya.UCAR.EDU>
| And where, pray tell, have YOU been! Howdy, stranger!

I've been right here, lurking mostly, though I've posted
a thing or two. I really appreciate being able to subscribe to
the mailing list instead of having to call Arizona/Colorado/Las
Vegas/Los Angeles/Who Knows Where? to join in the Paranet

What I want to know is how
suddenly became a member of the UCAR.EDU domain!

Where's our Paranet Security chief? Any idea?

(Moderator's Note: I usally remove this part but forgot last time.
This is about the UCAR.EDU stuff)


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: UFO'S AND THE CIA
Date: 14 May 90 19:47:00 GMT

That's all well and good but nothing you have said in anyway challanges
the material in Woodwards book. The essense of your disparaging
comments is that since you consider Woodward a leftist liberal then
whatever he writes simply must be wrong, made-up, disinformation, etc,
etc. but you have presented nothing to back up those claims. As has
been true so many times in the past, most of what the "liberal press"
has written about gvt improprieties invarialbly turns out to be true
while most all of the complaints of the conservatives never amount to
anything more then invective, denunciation, and railings against what
the liberals have written. If Woodward is oh so wrong in what he has
written, why doesn't the conservative wing write a best seller
explaining all those errors to the world. Given the number of
conservatives in the world it would surely be a best seller. Of
course, it would have to have some substance to it so you have that
little stumbling block to overcome in order to write it.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: GB Circle
Date: 14 May 90 20:08:00 GMT

Never one to stay away from limbs, I'll go out on another one in
regard to the GB circle. I read the article in the MUFON. I found it
odd, to say the least, that not one of the many "investigators" made
any mention of taking samples both in and outside of the circle, for
microscopic analysis of the grass to see if there was any animal fur or
feathers on any of it. The circle looked like something that might be
made by a dog or wolf or cat who was trying to make a "nest" to call
home. Of course, other things that could be looked for would be any
scrapes along the top surface of the stalks vs the absence of such
scrapes alone the bottom surface. Ever since the 50's we seem to be
mired in the idea that an investigation means digging up a gieger
counter to "check for radiation". Since "checking for radiation" has
never resulted in anything you'd think something else would be tried
once in a while.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Gene.Gross
Subject: Re: Woodward and the Company
Date: 15 May 90 02:53:00 GMT

I see this is coming from Orlando. I'll be down there at the end
of this month for a visit, and a well deserved vacation. Post your
phone number, maybe we can get together for some coffee or something.
My wife and I are going to be staying with my mother-in-law and
visiting friends in the area.
As to trying to get an idea of the inner workings, please be aware
that not even the people who work inside always know the whole story.
The compartmentalization that is the rule prevents this. Also
understand that the real power doesn't rest with the Director, a
political appointee. Rather it resides with the "civil servant" who
about once, maybe twice removed from the Director.
With that in mind, I'm sure that you'll find interesting
information in many of the books written about the CIA and other groups
within the community. Just keep in mind that each writer has an agenda
that flavors the writing and you should be able to build up a
reasonable idea of what the Company is about.
Gene Gross
Gene Gross - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Gene.Gross@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Doug.Rogers
Date: 15 May 90 06:21:47 GMT


At the risk of your labeling me a leftist-bleeding-heart-liberal-

son-of-a-flying-saucer, allow me to suggest that you might be viewed
as more productive here if you would cite evidence to support your
views instead of indulging in name-calling.

As to your views of our guidelines, I'm sorry you feel as you do,
and I'm sure you'll be even madder since those guidelines are being
used against you.

This is warning #1.

Doug Rogers - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Doug.Rogers@p0.f1.n606.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f102.n167.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Patrick.Laberge
Subject: New Affiliate
Date: 15 May 90 21:18:00 GMT

Ok. First a little presentation as asked by M. Alpha :-)

My name : Patrick Laberge. I'm curently 20 years old. I just finished my
first university year in programming at the Montreal University. I run a BBS
since the beginning of August the last year with a dedicated message board
for paranormal and strange things that run very good. Since some weeks it
has become an Echo in my net. I'm not great in sports but I love to make a
lot of walking around. I'm in Montreal for my school but I came from a
little town some 100 miles north of Montreal so I love going out into the
woods (fort). I think it's all. If you want to now anything else... ask,
I hope I'l have some answers...

> Bienvenu au ParaNet, Partick!

Bien content d'apprendre que je suis pas le seul a placoter anglais dans le


Patrick Laberge - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Patrick.Laberge@f102.n167.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: (none)
Date: 16 May 90 05:42:08 GMT

To: isis!well!ddrasin (Dan Drasin)

>various studies I'm familiar with deal with GEOMANTIC, not GEOMAGNETIC

Need a simple education here; what's a GEOMANTIC force?

Re: "power points"

How would these power points be connected?

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: GB Circle
Date: 15 May 90 05:06:00 GMT

Good points, Jim. As usual, the investigators don't measure up. Also as usual,
Ed is right there on the scene - along with Ray Griffin.

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: GB Circle
Date: 15 May 90 22:38:00 GMT

And not suprisingly, although they at least did mention it instead of
ignoring it, the whole thing started with an anonymous phone tip about
the existance of the circle. I have to wonder why anyone would feel
they need to remain anonymous for finding a circle in the grass when
they are living in a community where hundreds of people aren't shy
about reporting lights in the sky. Unless they have something to hide
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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