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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 212

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 212 

Wednesday, May 2nd 1990

Today's Topics:

Flap in progress?
Re: Sonic booms & UFO's
1990 National UFO Conference
1990 National UFO Conference
Sonic Booms & UFOs
Belgium Flap
Belgian sightings news article
Re: Paranet Newsletter 211
Re: Another Movie UFO plot
Re: Another Movie UFO plot
Re: Sonic booms & UFO's
Paranet Newsletter 206
George Knapp/KLAS/Robert Lazar


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Flap in progress?
Date: 28 Apr 90 06:39:00 GMT

> what areas of Tennessee are involved?

Not sure, will check this weekend.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: Sonic booms & UFO's
Date: 28 Apr 90 07:28:00 GMT

I thought I read that the stealth was sub-sonic. I would not be
suprised if there was some sort of problem being "stealthy" at speeds
near or beyond the speed of sound simply due to the shock wave pattern
that begins to set up at those speeds. Very possibly, that wave itself
may be detectable with appropriate radar.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: 1990 National UFO Conference
Date: 29 Apr 90 05:13:00 GMT

HERE IS the skinny on NUFOC '90, for those interested.
James W. Moseley & Timothy Green Beckley present
the 1990 National UFO Conference - Miami Beach, FL
Featuring Ed & Frances Walters & a Dozen Experts

Date: May 11-13, 1990
Place: Holiday Inn Oceanside (2201 Collins Ave.)
Miami Beach, FL

Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)


7-9 PM Welcoming social and no host bar
9:30 PM Join Ed & Frances in a "sky watch" on the beach.

SATURDAY & SUNDAY (Times to be announced)

Ed and his wife will discuss the varied effects the sightings have had
on their lives and how they have coped with their experiences. Ed's story
will be told in detail in the book "The Gulf Breeze Sightings - The
Most Astounding Multiple Sightings in US History,"
published by Morrow.
A TV mini-series is also scheduled to be shown in 1991 on ABC.

Optics expert Maccabee has studied dozens of photos Ed has produced and
declared them the best UFO pictures ever. He will reveal how fakery has been
ruled out.

Investigator Bob Reid will talk on the UFO flap in the Gulf Breeze area
right up to the present moment.

The retired Pan Am pilot made history when in July, 1952, over
Virginia, he witnessed a formation of 5 objects that appeared to change
direction instantly.

A globe-trotting Ufologist who divides his time between New York and
South America, Huneeus will give two slide presentations. His photo
collection is unsurpassed.


Prof. Bill Trantham - UFOS & LIFE BEYOND EARTH


Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo - REPORT FROM SOUTH AMERICA



Carol Lynn Grant - MIND QUEST



Tickets are available at the special rate of $40 in advance for the entire
conference. Individual session tickets will be sold at the door. Room rates:
$68 per double. Holiday Inn Oceanside: 305-534-1511.

Dr. Berthold Schwarz - PSYCHIC ASPECTS OF UFOS


If anyone from ParaNet is attending, we may be able to arrange one or two
press passes.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG!John.Hicks
Subject: 1990 National UFO Conference
Date: 29 Apr 90 19:53:00 GMT

I'm planning to go.
I'll try for an interview with Walters and/or Maccabee and, of
course, some sort of press credentials would help. I don't think my
expired Brevard County press card would work. ;-) I'll try for
interviews regardless.
I'm going to contace Mike McLeod of the Orlando Sentinel. He wrote
the first article on Gulf Breeze which appeared in the Florida
Magazine a couple of years ago, and the recent followup.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: James Roger Black <>
Subject: Sonic Booms & UFOs
Date: 1 May 90 19:50:21 GMT

I am neither an engineer nor a physicist, but I have read that it is possible
to suppress sonic booms (as well as reduce drag) in at least two ways:

(1) use a porous wing that sucks air in along the wing surface and vents it
out the back;

(2) emit microwaves along the wing surface to break up the laminar flow of
the air.

I have also been told that the USAF has sponsored a lot of MHD and plasma
research that somehow relates to this problem.

Unfortunately, I lack the technical credentials to evaluate all this, and for
all I know it could be pure BS. If anybody knows for sure, I would be glad to
hear it.

Speculation: I am told that the F-117A (i.e., the Stealth fighter) is
subsonic. Could this be a cover story for the fact that even when flying
supersonic it doesn't generate a sonic boom?


From: James Roger Black <>
Subject: Belgium Flap
Date: 1 May 90 19:51:05 GMT

The flying triangle in Belgium sounds very similar to the "Night Siege" vehicle
that haunted New York during the early 1980s. Same size, same shape, same
lights, perhaps even the same sound. It was speculated then that this was some
kind of advanced military surveillance vehicle being tested at the (alleged)
NSA testing facilities in upstate New York. If so, perhaps they've decided to
try it out in Europe and see how well it fares against foreign (but still
non-hostile) militaries. Better to lose one over Belgium than the USSR ...


Subject: Belgian sightings news article
Date: 2 May 90 00:55:01 GMT

I got the following news article via a friend of a friend at a
major newspaper in our area. This friend of a friend was asked to
search the news article database that daily news is culled
from for the newspaper. This article was not printed in the
newspaper. Incidentally, newspapers will frequently edit
material they get from these databases before they print
it. Usually, this simply means lopping off the end of the
story just to make things fit the layout. Jim Speiser, can
you comment more about this?

Some computer services, like CompuServe, are offering more and
more databases to their customers just like the database this
story was found in. I haven't checked out the CompuServe news
database yet -- because of the expense -- but I am thinking about it.
Lucius Farish's UFO Newsclipping Service (Route 1, Box 220, Plumer-
ville, Arkansas 72127 USA) does a very good job of rounding up
important UFO news stories in the US and also includes stories from
Canada, Australia, and the UK.

The following article came from the Financial Times news database.
The Financial Times is a daily, international, London-based newspaper.
-+From the DIALOG Database Catalog 1990: "The FT, one of the world's
most respected newspapers, provides in-depth information on industries,
companies, and markets around the world."


By Lucy Kellaway in Brussels

THE BELGIAN air force has been on alert for three nights
running, writes Lucy Kellaway. Two Hawker Siddeley aircraft
equipped with infra-red cameras and sophisticated electronic
sensors have been patrolling the skies. Down below, the Belgian
police force has kept a constant watch, helped by more
than 1,000 concerned civilians. Along the border with Germany,
20 lookout posts have been set up. Their target: an
Unidentified Flying Object.
Since December, there have been 800 reported sightings,
and even though some resemble a lamp-post more closely than
a UFO, many of the others are being earnestly examined by
SOBEPS, the Belgian Society for Studying Spacial Phenomena.
More surprising is how seriously the army is taking the
whole thing. For the time being it says it is viewing the
matter as a "technical curiosity" as the intruder has
shown no aggressive signs. Should it turn nasty, it will be
a different matter altogether.
The Easter operation was meant to be a world first, a
confrontation between earth-bound defence forces and a UFO. The
world's television crews camped out on a chilly Ardennes
airfield to get the first pictures.
But the event made rather poor viewing. Several times the
UFO was "seen" from the ground, but each time the aircraft
got there too late, in one case missing the mystery intruder
by just three minutes. To make matters worse, the cloud was [sic]
low, the weather changeable, and the UFO tended to hover just
above the rooftops, too low to be confronted by an aircraft.
The pilots, sworn to secrecy until the Defence Ministry
has had time to watch the video evidence, seemed to have
little to report, and could not confirm rumours of all kinds
of irregular blips on their radars.
Far from declaring the operation a failure, the UFO-obsessed
Belgian media appear more convinced than ever that
there is something odd hovering over the peaceful countryside
of Wallonia. Scientists on the ground appear in the
past few days to have produced a clear image of the objects,
which is said to correspond to the reports of eyewitnesses.
It is a triangle 30m-50m in diameter, with red, green and
white lights at the corners, 10 times brighter than any
star. It has a convex underbelly and makes a sharp whistling
Belgium may not quite yet have found its UFO. But it has found
a nice new use for its air force now that its services
are needed less and less by earthlings. FINANCIAL TIMES



From: (Alex Leavens)
Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 211
Date: 2 May 90 17:17:33 GMT

Regarding Sonic Booms...
There's been a fair bit of research done on avoiding sonic booms; most
of it, unfortunately, is classified, so we can't get at it. However, a few
interesting things are known--most of them have to do with imparting a failry
(er, that's _fairly_) serious electrical charge to the object (The reason
much of this is classified is because it has applicability to missile
nose-cones (ie nuclear warheads) during the re-entry phase of flight).
The principal here seems to be that if you impart a charge to the object
in the proper fashion, you can get the air molecules ahead of the
object to 'move out of the way' on their own accord. So basically you're
creating a hole in the air in advance of the object (be it missile nose
cone or whatever) getting there; since the actual object is never running
into air and shoving it aside at some huge rate, you don't get a sonic
boom. (The NSA is hereby encouraged to point out any defects in my
summarization, <grin>)

Regarding the Nevada Aerial Research Newsletter...
I'm not even going to try to summarize what's in it; it's just too
weird. If you're interested, you can pick up copies of the current
issue from Arcturus Book Service, (404)-297-4624 (note, I have no
connection with Arcturus other than as a satisified customer).



From: "Kim J. Trull" <>
Subject: Re: Another Movie UFO plot
Date: 2 May 90 18:05:57 GMT

Sorry, but I forgot to mention in my last note, regarding the
TV movie Thomas Lapp was describing, that the reason the hermit
was "feeding" animal and body parts into the "warp" in the
tunnel was because this somehow kept him from aging. BTW,
he discovered the warp while digging for gold in the tunnel.
The warp and the alien ship are tied together, as if the
warp allowed the ship to remain in contact with this world
while it was "waiting" to return -- suggested by a star
chart left behind years ago which indicated when it would



From: "Kim J. Trull" <>
Subject: Re: Another Movie UFO plot
Date: 2 May 90 18:07:00 GMT

Recently, Thomas Lapp said:

(Sorry, I missed the very beginning of the film, so I don't know the
circumstances of how things started in the first place).

I remember the movie very well, although I don't remember the
title either. The major actors were Cybil Shepard and Jan
Michael Vincent. The beginning of the film, which Tom missed,
was important to understanding the end. It started with
a yound Cybil and her father stopping at a gas station in
this small, New Mexico town. While "Dad" was inside, the
little girl saw a little boy about the same age across the
street from her. They were the only ones outside. Suddenly,
a large ship drops from the sky and they are engulfed in a
bright light. After just a few moments, the ship goes away,
and the two kids run to say what happened. The girl and her
father drive away, him not believing her. The boy grows up
and is never believed either. IN later years, the girl, now
a geologist returns to the town (not realizeing it's the same
one) to investigate a "magnetic field" or some such anomoly
that showed up on some remote sensing photos. The boy is now
a sheriff/deputy who is investigating the mutilations. IN a
scene, Cybil goes to Jan's house, sees all of his bookshelves
lined with books about UFOs, they get to talking, and suddenly,
realize that they were the two children years ago. At the end,
as Tom described, the laser light wanted harm Cybil, nor will
it harm Jan, and they are "taken up" by the light again, and
we get vague scenes that suggest they were "observed." It's
as if the aliens were doing a follow-up exam on subjects they
tested years before (thus the protection).

BTW, the movie release was '89, although I don't remember
a more exact date.



From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Karen.Henderson
Subject: Re: Sonic booms & UFO's
Date: 2 May 90 04:40:49 GMT

Your theory about sonic boom causes sounds good to me!

Karen Henderson - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Karen.Henderson@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Paranet Newsletter 206
Date: 2 May 90 17:16:00 GMT

> From: (Ricky Poole)
> Could you please forward the 3 * interview file to me I
> seem to have
> lost part of it.

It is on its way.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: George Knapp/KLAS/Robert Lazar
Date: 2 May 90 17:20:00 GMT

Last evening saw yet another UFO special being aired on KLAS-TV
Channel 8 in Las Vegas.

I received word that something will be breaking on the Robert
Lazar matter and will be revealed by Knapp on his special in the
very near future. Knapp plans on running his special at least
through this week. I will keep you abreast of developments as
they happen.

BTW, ParaNet got a big plug on the special. I did not see it
yet, but Knapp interviewed me while I was in Las Vegas. It shows
me operating the computer and doing my thing with the network.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Knapp/Lazar
Date: 2 May 90 17:49:00 GMT

Below is a file that I prepared in Las Vegas on April 17. Due to
the move it did not get posted on a timely basis.

(1816) Tue 17 Apr 90 12:01a
By: Michael Corbin
To: All
Re: William Cooper and CAJI BBS
ParaNet received a message downloaded from Bill Cooper's so called Citizen's
Agency for Joint Intelligence BBS as uploaded by a ParaNet subscriber detailing
yet more information which appears to be in the style of Bill Cooper --
Inaccurate and highly unreliable, bordering on fantasy.

What follows is merely a reprint of a message taken from Cooper's CAJI
Newsletter on his BBS.

Cooper material follows:

Information, not money, is the power of the ninetys.

Bob Lazar Exposed - Arrested

FLASH!!!! Las Vegas
Bob Lazar, self claimed physicist who worked on saucers, arrested today
for participation in one of Las Vegas' largest prostitution rings. He
was also accused of running a drug lab which manufactures
methamphetamine. Lazar was supposedly involved in a scheme with John
Lear to penetrate the Top Secret base in the Nevada Test Site where the
government has stored flying saucers. The truth is that he is a member
of a ring of government agents that includes some of the so called
greats of UFOlogy, William Moore, Jaime Shandera, Stanton Friedman,
Bruce Maccabee, John Lear, and several others. Their goal is to
put out disinformation, test the reaction of the public to an alien
presence, discredit those who tell the truth, spy on researchers
and whistle blowers, and collect names to update the CIA's list of
abductees and contactees. (See identity of "Condor" below.)


Stacey Borland Murdered

Recently, Stacey Borland, the leader of a Las Vegas contactee group
sponsored a talk by Budd Hopkins at a library in Las Vegas. It is
rumored that a man who worked in the top secret area known as
"DREAMLAND" approached Stacey and gave her some documents. The next
day it was reported that Stacey and her brother were found dead in her
Las Vegas apartment. They had both been stabbed many times and blood
was all over the walls and floors. As if that were not enough, Stacey
was set afire and burned horribly. The apartment did not catch fire.
Odd, don't you think? The list of members of the contactee group and
the sign-in sheet from the Hopkins event are reported missing.

John Grace, aka Val Valarian, aka Mr. Wilson (in shadow with voice
disguised in a video entitled "Top Secret Coverup") moved right in and
took over leadership of the contactee group. John Grace is the
co-author along with John Lear of "The Matrix" and authored "The Secret
. John Grace is also the director of the "Nevada Aerial
Research Society"
. A "Capt. Grace" is mentioned in the "Aquarius

that was leaked by the confessed agent William Moore.

John Grace is an active duty agent of the Counter Intelligence Division
of the Air Force Office of Special Investigation. He has been seen
wearing an Air Force officers uniform bearing the rank of Captain, an
Army officers uniform, and an Air Force enlisted mans uniform with the
rank of Staff Sargeant. He attends most all UFO conferences and always
wears a name badge with an alias printed on it such as "Klark Kent",
the badge he wore at the 89 MUFON symposium .

It is reported that as the new leader of the contactee group he is
categorizing the members into groups as to their degree of alien
encounter. He is compiling lists labeled "CONFIDENTIAL" and the forms
have been reported to look like official military or government forms.



... Cooper material ends.

While this material is highly sensational, ParaNet did some follow-up with
KLAS-TV's George Knapp in Las Vegas. George prepared a statement in response
to this material which follows:

11:24 AM PST
April 16, 1990

To: Mike Corbin

>From: George Knapp

Dear Mike,

I have just received a copy of the excerpts from Bill Cooper's newsletter and
I must say I am not surprised in the least by the content. It is filled with
distortions, exaggerations, and half truths for which Cooper has become so
famous. Cooper claims that Bob Lazar was arrested in connection with a large
prostitution ring and that he is also accused of running a drug lab. Bob Lazar
has not been arrested for anything. On April 12, Lazar appeared on our news
program and admitted that he had been involved in a small prostitution
operation because he needed the money. His participation included the setting
up of computerized accounting systems and certain security equipment.
Following the televised and open admission, the prostitution setup was shut
down by Las Vegas police. Whether or not Lazar will face any charges because
of his admission remains up to the police, but as of today, no charges have
been filed and Lazar has not been arrested. And there is absolutely no
indication from the police or anyone else that Lazar has ever been involved
with drugs. Cooper also states that Lazar is part of a secret ring of
government agents, including Bill Moore, Stan Friedman, John Lear and others
who are out to discredit the people who tell the "truth."

Bill Cooper wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass. Anyone who knows
any of the people mentioned above knows that such a secret organization is
highly unlikely. Moore and Lear can't stand each other. Moore and Friedman
have tried to contact Lazar thru me on several occasions but Lazar has been
reluctant to meet them or to provide them with information on his background.
What these people have in common is that they all know that Bill Cooper is a
liar and a fraud. Some of the individuals have provided me with proof of
Cooper's dishonesty, proof that will be made public in the near future. Thus
it behooves Cooper to go ahead and try to discredit them before the information
is released. In fact, anyone who disagrees with hsi ridiculous claims is
automatically labeled a government agent. It is a strategy worthy of Joe
McCarthy. But soon enough, Cooper's tactics and falsehoods will become very
obvious, even to his most ardent supporters.

The same newsletter that distorted the Lazar story also befouls the reputation
of a kind woman, the late Stacey Borland. According to Cooper, Borland and her
Las Vegas contactee group arranged for Budd Hopkins to lecture at a local
library. Borland was supposedly given some documents at that lecture and the
next day was found murdered. Stacey Borland was murdered, that much is true,
but the crime occured three weeks before Budd Hopkins came to town. The
lecture wasn't arranged by a contactee group, it was set up by the Library
District. The disinformation from Cooper seems designed to discredit John
Grace, who was appointed to take over the contactee group following the murder.
Grace is an odd character, but it seems very unlikely that his is a murderer
in the employ of the government. The reason Cooper wants Grace discredited is
that Grace is a close associate of John Lear's and thus knows much about
Cooper's lies and distortions. In fact, Cooper got his start in the UFO field
with the help of Lear and Grace and has spent a great deal of time with both
men. I have been at Lear's house and have heard the threats from Cooper
regarding the possible publication of Cooper's fiction. Bill Cooper does not
want Lear, Grace, Lazar, Moore, or Friedman to be believed by anyone, because
they all know that he is a phony. Soon, others will know as well.

The Lazar matter is painful and perhaps embarrassing, but it is
not over. Perhaps he will eventually face charges, it hasn't
happened yet. His full and public admission about his activities
prior to the police involvement should be considered by those who
would judge him.


As I mentioned earlier, Knapp has begun his sequel to "UFOs: The
Best Evidence"
airing on KLAS-TV Channel 8. In our conversation
yesterday, George told me that something would be coming out on
Lazar. I will keep the network posted on this information as it
becomes available.

As Knapp mentions in his letter, the Lazar matter has embarrassed
him. Perhaps the tide is about to turn.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

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