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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 220

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 220 

Friday, May 11th 1990

Today's Topics:

Magnetic Maps
I actually pay to read this?
Magnetic Grid
New ParaNet node
Re: Magnetic grid?
Magnetic grid?
Re: Magnetic grid?
Re: Magnetic grid?
Re: Magnetic grid?
Brian O'Leary & Dr. Ruth
Yosemite crash?
Re: Paranet Newsletter 213
UFO chronology project


From: isis!well!ddrasin (Dan Drasin)
Subject: (none)
Date: 9 May 90 02:32:22 GMT

-+ In a startling revelation, John Lear admitted that he "and another
-+ person"
had dreamed up the O.H. Krill material and name...

Wait a minute.

1) Doesn't the original name "KRLL" or "KRLLL" (which presumably
identifies one of the "chief" large-nosed grey aliens) appear in
completely unrelated pre-Lear documents? "O.H. Krill," on the other
hand, *was* clearly identified as a convenient pseudonym way back when
the "Krill Papers" first surfaced.

2) Did Lear provide a *reason* why he participated in this fraud?

3) Does this mean that Lear is recanting *all* his statements about
Alien-Government ties, or *only* the "Krill" material?

4) If the latter, doesn't his participation in a fraud (for reasons
unstated?) throw his reputation and hence all of his other revelations
into doubt?

5) Has anyone considered the fact that one may undermine the
credibility of *any* anonymously-written document by first pretending
to have authored it, and then "revealing" it as a fraud?

6) Did Lear mean that the *material* was "dreamed up" or that the
particular *expression* of that material (the Krill Papers) was
dreamed up?


From: "Kim J. Trull" <>
Subject: Limestone
Date: 9 May 90 05:40:55 GMT

Recently, Paul Faeder made the comment:

" Somehow the poisonous gasses
that made up Earth's early history atmosphere were converted into limestone"

Well, I'm no geologist by any stretch of the imagination, but I just
finished reading an article called "From Planetary Atmospheres to
Microbial Communities: A Stroll Through Space and Time"
by L.
Margulis and R. Guerrero that just happened to mention:

"Bacterial communities removed CO2 from the atmosphere,
precipitating, layer by layer, columns of rock (i.e. limestone
mountains)...Such continual precipitation of CO2 over millions
of years has virtually changed the entire planet Earth. Later
limestone deposits were produced by shells of animals and algae,
but early limestone deposits were made by bacteria."

Now, the thesis of this article is that humanity is a relatively
short-term, insignificant "weed" on this planet while bacteria,
having existed millions and millions of years longer, are the
real modifiers of the planet.

Don't know what this has to do with UFO interest in limestone
quarries, but I hope it answered your question, Paul!

BTW, I thought the answer was 42, too!! Where's "Deep Thought"
when y'a need 'im!

K.J. Trull


From: "Kim J. Trull" <>
Subject: Magnetic Maps
Date: 9 May 90 05:41:35 GMT

Have you tried contacting a NASA PAO office? For some reason,
I thought there was a project to map the Earth's magnetic
fields via that I think of it, I'll ask my
prof - a remote sensing expert.

K.J. Trull


From: David L Jarvis <DLJARVIS@suvm.bitnet>
Subject: I actually pay to read this?
Date: 9 May 90 13:16:29 GMT

To Don Allen and Ea Richards:

This is just my 2 cents here guys ... but ... can I remind you both
that some ppl, like me for example (and I doubt I'm alone in my views)
resent having my time and money wasted by you posting your flames
to the list ... I've reread the entire digests three times, and I
found very little useful information in your 'debate' (restraining
myself a bit there) ... PLEASE, I beg you, unless you have some _real_
information to offer, or even some opinions that are relevant, DON'T
WASTE MY TIME AND MONEY! More bluntly I'd like to ask, do you _really_
think THAT much of yourself as to assume that others really want to
hear your opinions(/flaming)??? Guess what ... I don't ...


/david l jarvis

#include <std_disclaimer.h> "I represent only myselves"
#include "/usr/msgs/something_really_neat"
FLAMES >> /dev/null <--- !!!


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: Magnetic Grid
Date: 8 May 90 23:11:49 GMT

To: Gene Gross <>

>The Earth creates a tremendous magnetic field--in fact as I recall my
>readings, the Earth's magnetic field is extremely intense for a planet
>this size (on the order of .5 gauss).

I thought that there was a relationship between the mass of a planet and the
strength of it's magnetic field. If this is correct, do you know of any reasons
for the "intense" magnetic field of the Earth?

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: New ParaNet node
Date: 8 May 90 23:15:00 GMT

This is to welcome a new member to the ParaNet family.

Ted Bulmanski
ParaNet TAU-BETA(sm)
Memphis, Tennessee
901-396-7300 2400 Baud

Ted, please take a moment and introduce yourself to the group.
On behalf of ParaNet, WELCOME!

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: UFO'S AND THE CIA
Date: 8 May 90 15:03:00 GMT

Is EA Richards a pseudonym for TS Bennett?? Not suprisely your attack
on Woodward devolved into the tired old conservative/Republican whine
about how "Luckily, for a Democratic Crook, Lyndon Johnson, that the
democrats were in power while he and Bobby Baker were accomplishing
their nefarious schemes to make money."
Aparently, you subscribe to
the idea that if one side does morally and legally wrong things that
makes it right for the other side to do the same. If the best you can
come up with to "discredit" WOodwards book (and it is an excellent
book) is the dispute over the Casey interview you are really grasping
at straws. What would you expect Caseys widow to say about such a
claim regardless of the actual facts? Whether it was true or not she
would be expected to deny that He did or would ever say such things,
her statements are hardly suprising or particularly meaningful
considering her relationship with the deceased.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: UFO'S AND THE CIA
Date: 8 May 90 16:32:00 GMT


While I agree with your point of view, I've gotta slap your hand a little on
comparing EA with TS. Considering TS's present standing as persona non grata
on ParaNet, and considering his obviously demented state of mind, that could
be construed as an _ad hominem_ against Ea who is expressing a legitimate and
widely-held, if unsupported ;-) point of view.

Plus the fact that we're getting off topic.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: Magnetic grid?
Date: 8 May 90 19:22:00 GMT

Clark, how about describing the anti-grav party trick. I don't believe
I've come across it at the many wild parties I go to.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Magnetic grid?
Date: 9 May 90 02:36:00 GMT

> In the case of the Earth, it would actually be more like a hollow
> sphere which would dip toward the surface at the poles.

I finally remembered the word I was looking for: TOROIDAL. That describes the
shape of the magnetic field.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Magnetic grid?
Date: 9 May 90 03:28:00 GMT

->Clark, how about describing the anti-grav party trick.

Shucks, Jim ... and I thought parties were always wilder out west! Well,
now that I think about it, the WILDEST party I was ever at was here in N.J.
-- with Emily Nicklin's Connecticut Weekends running a close second...

But ANYWAY ... you will require a total of five people to negate gravity.
One of these people will be the "negator" -- in other words, they will
become weightless. This individual should not be squeamish or high-strung.
You'll also need a chair, ideally one without arms. [I've seen this done
with both the CHAIR and the person levitated, but let's be safe.}

The "negator" sits in the chair quietly. The four other people stand around
the chair at 90-degree intervals, positioned so that they can put a hand
under the "negator's" knees & armpits. Got that?

The person in the chair must sit with his/her legs together with arms at
his/her sides. Then the other four people stack their hands (alternating
hands) on top of the "negator's" head. Stay that way for a minute or two
and let your mind go as blank as you can.

Then the four people around the chair pull their hands away, make fists, and
put their fists side-by-side with the forefinger of each hand extended
parallel to one another and touching. [Yes I'm aware this isn't clear but
it's hard to describe & I'm calling long-distance]. So you now have four
folks, each of whom has the forefinger of each hand extended and their fists
side-by-side [All four don't have their fists side-by-side -- just each
individual does].

This changeover from "stacked hands" to "extended fingers" should be
accomplished as quickly as possible.

IMMEDIATELY the four people should stick their parallel, extended fingers
under the "negator's" knees & armpits and lift. In many cases, the person
in the chair will rise WEIGHTLESS in the air on top of FOUR SETS OF FINGERS.

I've heard this explained as a "Human Quadripole Gravity Antenna". And this
is the method ostensibly used by the Egyptians to build their pyramids
[except I don't believe this].

Jim, I'll send you photocopies of the "how to" lesson if you like. Leave an
address in email.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: Magnetic grid?
Date: 9 May 90 04:08:00 GMT


One question: Do you think you can raise about 20 pounds with one forefinger?
A 150 lb. person, divided by 8 forefingers, is about 18 lbs.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: Magnetic grid?
Date: 9 May 90 04:19:00 GMT

The part about making my mind go blank I can handle!! You can send the
instuctions to me at POB 24662, Tempe, Az 85285-4662.
>From what you discribed it sounds like they are just lifting the person
with their fingers.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Ecker
Subject: Brian O'Leary & Dr. Ruth
Date: 9 May 90 00:42:00 GMT


Caught your message on channel hoping, and the Dr. Ruth show
with Budd Hopkins and Brian O'Leary. To answer your first
question, O'Leary's book is "Exploring Inner and Outer Space"
and is out from North Atlantic Books. I reviewed this "New
offering by O'Leary in UFO Magazine in Vol. 5 No. 2,
and O'Leary sent a somewhat angry note to the Editor in Vol. 5
No. 3. FYI I submit both messages, and you will get an idea of
what I thought of his book, and what O'Leary see's in lieu of


"A new offering by Brian O'Leary, Exploring Inner and Outer
Space, is categorized by the publisher on the book jacket as
new science." O'Leary, who received a doctorate in astronomy
and completed NASA's astronaut program in the '60's, is no
stranger to science. He trained for one of the first missions
headed for the Martian landscape, but as he relates in the
forward, the Viet Nam war plus budget cuts forced the space
program to cut back, and O'Leary never took flight with the
select few who escaped earth into the great beyond.

After receiving his doctorate in 1967, he took an assistant
professor's appointment at Cornell University, at the invitation
of Carl Sagan. His credits include being involved in NASA teams
that were exploring the solar system via unmanned craft. Just
the sort of scientist the establishment was looking for.

Well, not really. Much like the "
hippie" generation of the
'60's, O'Leary became disillusioned with the establishment, and
over a period of time went looking to discover his inner self.

This book details, somewhat superficially, the entire spectrum
of the "
New Age" experience. O'Leary recounts a slightly weird
but inconclusive overnight experience at Whitley Strieber's
cottage in upstate New York, but altogether the subject of UFOs
is only given one chapter, and that in no great detail.

The cursory approach, however, is found with most of the
subjects O'Leary covers. He moves from his awakening, to his
inner self, to experimention with ketamine-Vitamin K- to the
Mars Anomalies Research Society, to the paranormal, the Lear
papers, and then a brief sojourn into out-of-body experiences.
On to homeopathic medicine, channeling, past life regression,
etc. and etc. Now any of these subjects would rate a book or
two, but his (counting chapter-by- chapter bibliographies)
numbers only 177 pages? By default, that's entirely too shallow
for even one subject, not to mention over a dozen.

O'Leary tries to cover too many subjects and please too many
people in Exploring Inner and Outer Space, and unfortunately, it
shows. Perhaps he should tackle one thing at a time, give it
some depth, and then go for the gusto. If your bent is New Age
(not new science) you just MAY like it, but if you are looking
for UFO information, the book will leave you wanting."



Your favorable review of my book, Mars 1999 (UFO, Vol. 3, No. 5,
1988) and unfavorable review of my new book, Exploring Inner and
Outer Space (UFO, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1990) are symbolic of the
troubles of our time regarding progress in UFO research. The
Mars book is a realistic scenario of an international mission,
acceptable to our linear minds. The new book is far more
profound and apt to be misunderstood by reviewers such as Don
Ecker, who seems to view UFO research as a fact-finding mission.

I feel that many outspoken ufologists, in their zeal to gather
facts and outguess the government and one another, fail to see
the forest for the trees. We have tens of thousands of UFO
reports on file, yet we still do not understand what is going

A new scientific paradigm is emerging, of which UFOs are an
integral part. The growing framework demands that we look at
our own experience as well as experiments in mind-over-matter,
healing, and the new physics to lead us to embracing a
multi-dimensional view of reality. These experiments described
in my book reveal far more than the New Age shallowness Ecker

Ecker's paradigm seems similar to that of many empirical
scientists, involving a futile attempt to understand the UFO
phenomenon from our provincial Western perspective of reality. .
. . we need to expand our experience to embrace a greater
Brian O'Leary Scottsdale, AZ

Well Gene, if I still have to give my impression of his book,
save the bucks. O'Leary is still too much New Age Pie in the Sky
for me. If indeed aliens are among us, then I guess that they
are here for another purpose than presenting us with a gift like
"How to Serve Man". (sorry, couldn't help that--Grin) If the
idea of UFO research IS NOT A FACT FINDING MISSION, then I wish
someone like Brad Steiger, Frank Stranges, Fred Bell, or Virgil
Armstrong would PLEASE explain what is really going on. Oh, one
more thing, if you are not sure who the above guys are, then
boy, are you in for a real treat! ( DON walking off with a
cryptic grin on face......... )

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: asuvax!mcdphx!xroads!gmz@ncar.UCAR.EDU (Gerry Zeitlin)
Subject: Yosemite crash?
Date: 10 May 90 01:19:10 GMT

I've just heard a report of a possible UFO crash that occurred in
Yosemite within the past few days. A group of people in the area
witnessed a "red sphere" descend to the earth, the actual point of
contact being out of sight from their position, and were subsequently
herded out of the area by government or military personnel, who
proceeded to close the area.

When I say "area" I actually don't know whether it was in the park
proper; the town of Mariposa was mentioned.

I haven't had a chance to check the news media; possibly all of you
have heard all about this by now. I do understand that the official
information on the incident is that a domestic aircraft went down.

=gerry zeitlin=


From: Tom Betz <tbetz@upaya.UCAR.EDU>
Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 213
Date: 10 May 90 10:09:56 GMT

| From: paranet!mcorbin
| Subject: UFOs Abound
| Date: 4 May 90 17:39:00 GMT
| Are we on the event horizon of a startling revelation about the
| reality of UFOs from an official standpoint?
| George Knapp has been broadcasting his sequel to the November
| "UFOs: The Best Evidence,".
| [...] Knapp comments that perhaps we
| are approaching a "planned release" of information to be
| forthcoming from our government.
| Today, Inside Reporter, a documentary news-type program will air
| a UFO special addressing just the sort of issue concerning the
| alleged "planned release" of information from the government.
| All the while KNBC-TV in Los Angeles has been running a UFO
| special on Roswell nightly during the news.
| Is this simply the result of May's Sweeps Ratings or is there a
| more serious explanation as to why all of a sudden the media is
| giving this subject serious attention?

All I can tell you is that, except for the low-quality segments
on the various network and syndicated shows ("Inside Edition",
etc, all of which have been commented upon here) we on the East
Coast are getting ZIP! in the way of serious discussion of UFOs.

I really envy you folks in Vegas and points west... I drool at
all this talk of TV and radio talk show coverage.

Nobody in the Big Apple media even suggests taking these topics


From: cyrill@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM (Cyro Lord)
Subject: Roswell
Date: 10 May 90 17:30:47 GMT

Channel 4 here in Denver has been having a report this week about
the Roswell NM UFO incident back in the 40's. It now seem they have
some proof that the Gov did a huge cover up including telling a local
radio station that if they aired the report/interviews they had, the
stations license would be pulled within 245 hrs. Some one down NM way
should look up this person (the owner/former owner (?) of the station)
and get all the information they can from as he also said (I believe,
as this came from my wife) the the Major (USAF) that did the work at
the site of the crash, told the reporter to remember all this as the
Gov would try to make all the information disappear. Having been in
the USAF just after this time, I can say this strikes me as true as I
personally know of two other UFO sightings that were covered up by the
USAF/Gov, one that was filmed by gun cameras on a B36 bomber and another
that was seem by a cast of thousands.

Cyro Lord Alpha Comm. Dev. Corp. - DOMAIN
UUCP {ncar,nbires,boulder,isis}!scicom!cyrill
Endeavor to Persevere - Chief Dan George


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: UFO chronology project
Date: 10 May 90 05:15:24 GMT


>things like finding out that a friend of mine has apparently had
>experiences similar to Whitley Strieber's. Which happened last week.)

Are you going to tell us more or leave us hanging ala Perils of Pauline :-)

>I would greatly appreciate all of you suggesting UFO events that should
>go into this UFO chronology.

The only thing I can think of that I consider an "event" of the '80's is the
Hudson Valley (NY) UFO. There's a book out on it called "Night Seige" written
by Phil Imbrogno, Dr. Hynek and (I think) Bob Pratt. Unfortunately my copy is
out on loan so I can't give you the ISBN number. The Hudson Valley UFO was
sighted by thousands of people from all walks of life over a period of several

Good luck with your project!

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: Limestone
Date: 10 May 90 05:30:54 GMT


>From: "Kim J. Trull" <>
>Well, I'm no geologist by any stretch of the imagination, but I just
>finished reading an article called "From Planetary Atmospheres to
>Microbial Communities: A Stroll Through Space and Time"
by L.
>Margulis and R. Guerrero that just happened to mention:

Thanks Kim. Glad that you just happened to be reading that when my message got
through to you.

>Now, the thesis of this article is that humanity is a relatively
>short-term, insignificant "weed" on this planet while bacteria,
>having existed millions and millions of years longer, are the
>real modifiers of the planet.

Oh Yea! Where's my can of Lysol? I'll show 'em!

>Don't know what this has to do with UFO interest in limestone
>quarries, but I hope it answered your question, Paul!

Yes it did clear that up. The original conversation started when I was looking
for a connection between UFO's and something else. Someone had mentioned
limestone caverns as a place where UFO's seem to "hang out".

In the current issue of UFO magazine there is an article about a possible(?)
connection between UFO's and nuclear reactors, missile bases and nuclear waste
facilities. UFO's in these areas are cause for concern (to say the least), but
if there is a connection between UFO's and anything, *I* haven't found it.

>BTW, I thought the answer was 42, too!! Where's "Deep Thought"
>when y'a need 'im!

Well I just hope we figure it all out before the Vogon's get here!

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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