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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 196

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 196 

Wednesday, April 4th 1990

Today's Topics:

Re: Klass acts
Re: Klass acts
Re: The 'Alien Starfighter'
Re: I Dun Ben Thunking 'gain!
Spies, Lies & ET's
Re: Fyffe Sighting
Re: I Dun Ben Thunking 'gain!
Re: The 'alien Starfighter'
Re: The Last Starfighter
Re: Spies, Lies & ET's
Re: I dun ben thunking 'gain!


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: Klass acts
Date: 3 Apr 90 06:26:00 GMT

> Gee, Jim... what would we do without someone like you who knows the
> "rest of the story?" <smile>. I think we should put that thread into
> a file, and follow up on Chalmers request on how Klass was able to
> accomplish what he did in Nebraska. So how did Klass do it?

Workin' on it, Linda.

> o In a survey conducted for the National Science Foundation, only
> one third of the public understood what a molecule is, fewer than
> one third understood radiation, and only one sixth understood DNA.

Understandable, since many high school seniors don't know where Canada is.

> o The Same study found Americans suspicious of science and embracing
> peudoscience and even superstition. Fifty-three percent declared
> scientists are dangerous because they know too much, 46 percent
> rejected the theory of evolution, 43 percent believed UFO's
> carry visitors from outer space, and a significant number expressed
> a belief in astrology.

Now that's what REALLY pisses me off about Establishment Science. They ask
about UFOs in the same survey as astrology, as if there is no fundamental
difference. I've asked it before, I'll ask it again: Is Joan Quigley really
the philosophical equivalent of J. Allen Hynek?

> This was back in 1987. Where do you think we are today? Any current
> info on this stuff? (Above article is from "Mind" column by Norman Lear.
> OMNI 2-87)

I remember the column. I'd say we're probably not much better. But here is
where I see the good in CSICOP: I think if it gets down off its high horse,
it stands a chance of doing some real good in this area. I also foresee ParaNet
helping to create better understanding between the intellectual elite and the
great unwashed. In fact, I'd say we stand a BETTER chance than CSICOP, given
enough growth.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Linda.Murphy
Subject: Re: Klass acts
Date: 3 Apr 90 15:16:00 GMT

Re: High School Seniors and Canada

This is a parody in life. I dropped out of school when I was very
young. My brother struggled through school (same school systems) and
still could not read or write and was not diagnosed as having a
learning disability until he was (egads!) 28. (He is a true dyslixic).

I had a management position, and a hired a dishwasher who had gone to
college and could not find work. She took what she could find. (She
had a degree in special education). Kinda strange, because at that
particular time, Special Education was not available within that
school district in which she was living in (for the type of education
she had gotten her degree in). What a waste of human resources.
I say it was a waste, because special needs children did not have an
opportunity to get educated. (That has been resolved, however).

I have come to the conclusion, I may not be the smartest around these
here parts, but I sure know where Canada is! I had often pondered if in
fact the systems didn't educate the natural intuitive desire to learn
right out of the students. I don't know.

When I take these things and evaluate UFOlogy (and believe me, there
is enough information to make ANYONE think) I had wondered why, perhaps
so many are inclined to jump to conclusions without actually examining
the facts? It can't be an educational problem, because some can and
some cannot examine things closely, irregardless of what level within
any educational process they have been raised. Perhaps some just do not
know how to think because they are told that they simply are incapable.

For example, individuals who suddenly feel that they are having bright
ideas. I can imagine (and this is based upon discussions with those who
are more realistic about these things) that the first thought is, "I
can't have those ideas. I am not smart enough"
and so they *think* they
are having divine revelations. A person who can accept the fact that
they could contain those thoughts and realizes that they do stem from
their core personality, would gain self confidence and begin to use it.
We don't know enough about the operatives of the human mind and how it
functions... It takes high tech equipment that is relatively new, and
so there will be many NEW things discovered in regards to brainwave
activity and etc. that will explain many "unusual" things. (For when I
even think of Whitley Strieber and the "light" found in his brain --
has anyone questioned the sophistication of the equipment used, and how
long it has been used? And what the percentile is within the given
framework of the population this equipment has been used?).

Anyway, when people talk about grammer and spelling and the like and
tell me that I am not a good speller, I guess I could use my lack of
education as an excuse. However, then if that is the criteria for bad
spelling, then what is the excuse for a Ph.D'd pedegree's inability
to spell? In terms of UFOlogy (and any meaningful and thought provoking
discussions) I would then tend to believe that a person as myself would
have as much to contribute as anyone else (and so that lack of
education struggle for my ownself has been resolved so I can justify
why I even hang out here <smile>).
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Linda.Murphy
Subject: Re: The 'Alien Starfighter'
Date: 3 Apr 90 15:38:00 GMT

Re: Carp (fishy stories) and Canadian Fables

I have had to deal with that man on a one to one bases. His logic is
sound, but his approach is as bad as his mentor's whom he apparently
has taken to heart (William Cooper). The "Stories" by T.S. Bennett took
existing information (in various "off the wall" type files) and were
vamped up with some untruth in them (even in the context of the files
used) then introduced into the echos (most noteably off of this board)
and people responded/reacted to them in a somewhat "astonished" manner.
(Or responded to descredit, but not providing an accurate bases to
descredit). For example, his "Story" which dealt with the greys. I do
believe it was part two -- where he in a single hand contradicts all
of the information in a manner that those who are NOT aware of the true
contents of existing information (be it real or unreal, etc.) acted
upon it with astonishment. I suspended the man for awhile (along with
anyone else who violated my board in other areas of interest), and the
return was monitored quite closely, and he behaved. He then posted a
series of scenarios in the INFO.PARANET that did not make it out. (I
was in the beginings of having hard drive problems, and the message
packets had to be deleted due to inability to fix the files). However,
a user who logged on had SEEN those posts that were still intact in
the message bases, and directly went and told a major player that was
implicated in this particular "Story" about it. (And I had to deal
with one angry physicist). It was at that point I saw the gravity of
a real problem, and removed access. (And it is total now, thanks to
this new version of QuickBBS).

So when I read that "fish" story the first thought that came to my
mind, was, "I wouldn't be surprised if that was sent to ParaNet to
solicit a response to see if we were capable of "
seeing through" it."

I nearly made a comment about it, but decided to see what happened
first. (Plus the fact that neither you or I have messaged for awhile).

I hope that provides an answer. Mike knows the details.
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Linda.Murphy
Subject: Re: I Dun Ben Thunking 'gain!
Date: 3 Apr 90 16:02:00 GMT

Re: Bush and the likes

What does UFOlogy seem to consist of, Don? Mostly "hidden" or "secret"
things that are "unseen" (thus clustered under the headings dealing
with the occult). If we look at the files and the books and all of the
information, where does the person's mind begin to wander towards when
the topic of Government Conspiracy comes up? This *awareness* is
obviously beyond waking people up towards probable ET's, but many
different things. Such as belief structures, and possibilities within
the various realms of sciences which could provide a "working model" to
see if such a possibility exists -- and the thought that perhaps there
is a core central group within our government (or wherever) that could
be undermining our freedoms and liberties. As a psychological ploy, we
must admit, it is doing it's job rather well (if that is what this is
all about).

Thomas Jefferson himself said that our form of government was a "noble"
experiment. And he had wondered how long it would last (Federalist

If people are growing into an apathetic state, then just the info
contained within all of this material "wakes" them up to possibilities
that maybe we have reached a point where we are taking our "freedoms"
for granted. They then think about these things, then begin to act
upon it. Get enough people going into a direction where they want to
do something about it, and the check/balance system works. There are
various ways to look at all of this -- from the negative to the

Anyway, if you truly think of the different things your own ponderings
into UFOlogy have led you to further investigate, you may see how this
could be working.
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Ecker
Subject: Spies, Lies & ET's
Date: 2 Apr 90 18:40:00 GMT

To All:

In my previous message on Spies, Lies and ET's I must make a
correction. Where I mentioned CONDOR speaking I meant FALCON.
It was late when I posted the message, I was tired, and I
mistakenly mentioned CONDOR where I should have mentioned FALCON.


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Gene Gross <>
Subject: Re: Fyffe Sighting
Date: 4 Apr 90 05:47:19 GMT

# From: paranet!f20.n3607.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jerry.Woody
# Subject: Fyffe Sighting
# Each
# of us looked at the object through binoculars and observed what appeared to
# be a 'classic' "flying saucer/disk". It was a very bright orange and white
# with one member observing a red flame coming from the bottom of it. The
# object was tilted 45 degrees and had a flat bottom, tapered at the 'ends'
# and a definate bulge at the top. 2 poloroid pictures were taken and 2 110
# cameras also took pictures. The poloroids did not show much except a
# 'smudge' where the object was. We are still waiting for the 110 camera
# pictures to be developed. After 5 minutes of observing it the object
# disappeared. It was not covered by clouds and it did not speed off. All
# sides of the object began dissappearing -- like a hole closing -- until
# finally it just vanished. MUFON reports are currently being filed on the
# object.
# The object had a definate 'solidness' to it and was located between us and a
# large dark cloud bank to the west.

Hi Jerry,

Only one person noticed the "red flame coming from the bottom." How
long did this flame appear to last?

When the object disappeared, could the "like a hole closing" have been
due to it vanishing in the distance? From the way you put it, I was
wondering if it simply vanished into the distance, which might appear as
a hole closing. The other thing that is hard to picture is just how
large the object appeared to be to you and the other two observers. If
it appeared large, then the "hole closing" image could well convey an
interesting piece of information. However, if the object was small and
moving away from you, it could well appear to be a hole closing as it
vanished from the limits of you vision.

Also, was the object seen by other people in the area? How was the
object oriented to you three? From the sounds of it, you got a look at
it from the side. Would like to read the reports of the others who saw
this object. When you can, could you arrange this?



Keep your eyes on the stars, but don't forget the potholes ahead! ;-)


From: paranet!p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Sudduth
Subject: Re: I Dun Ben Thunking 'gain!
Date: 3 Apr 90 21:40:00 GMT

I wasn't thinking of conspiracies so much as I was thinking of the
unelectable officials in government; i.e., the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, etc.
These are the people "we" as the public cannot elect or push out of
2SEEN-BY: 109/134 114/37 115/876 120/80 132/113 138/111 140/80 141/790
Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Gene.Gross
Subject: Re: The 'alien Starfighter'
Date: 4 Apr 90 02:35:00 GMT

Forget it. This old reprobate wouldn't know what to do <G>.
2SEEN-BY: 109/134 114/37 115/876 120/80 132/113 138/111 140/80 141/790
Gene Gross - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Gene.Gross@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Gene.Gross
Subject: Re: The Last Starfighter
Date: 4 Apr 90 02:37:00 GMT

Not so sure I really want to know--except maybe to avoid the person
in the future. However, with his imagination, he could get a job
writing scripts for FOX TV. ;-)
2SEEN-BY: 109/134 114/37 115/876 120/80 132/113 138/111 140/80 141/790
Gene Gross - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Gene.Gross@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jeff.Marsh
Subject: Re: Spies, Lies & ET's
Date: 3 Apr 90 19:32:44 GMT

DE> FALCON: the man behind the scenes...

Don't ask me how I know, maybe a combination of, accent and lisp in
his speech. Falcon was on that big national UFO special about a year
or so ago. Between what he said, and how he said it, I can tell you
for almost postitive... this guy is John Lear. Does anyone else get
this feeling?


Jeff Marsh - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jeff.Marsh@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: Re: I dun ben thunking 'gain!
Date: 4 Apr 90 06:38:29 GMT

In a message of <01 Apr 90 22:41:27>, Edward Melville @ 123/21 (1:123/21)

> At the same time, we as human beings, and human nature the way it
>is, will not want to understand their nature, and reazoning behind their
>visit here. Panic will be pervasive in our society. Unfortunate, but

I was ready to argue this point by saying things like, "Give mankind a little
more credit."
or "We are intelligent, reasonable people with minds of our
but then I remembered the type of TV programs that are on during
prime-time which are supposed to be the most desired by the majority of the
nation. I guess you're right.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:209/722
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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