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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 173

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 173 

Friday, March 9th 1990

Today's Topics:

Say What ?!???
Re: Thoughts For Bryon
Re: Gulf Breeze photos
Re: Looking For A Book
Re: Predictions???


From: paranet!f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Ecker
Subject: Say What ?!???
Date: 9 Mar 90 00:38:00 GMT

Let's imagine for a moment ( since it is almost spring ) that we
are sitting on our palatial veranda, somewhere in Africa,
enjoying a sunset while indulging in that quaint British custom
of sipping a long, soothing and very cool "Sundowner". The sky
is painted with a gorgeous palette of reds, purples, and blues,
and as we are enjoying this wonder of nature, somewhere off in
the distance we can hear the throaty growl of a hunting lioness.
(Do you have the picture yet? ) We reach down beside our wicker
chair, just to feel the comforting hardness of our 375 Magnum
Big Game Rifle ( Winchester if ya wanta get picky ), cause ya
can't be too careful when the lions are on the prowl. Now, as
you are imagining all this in your mind, you suddenly realize
that off in the great distance, just on this side of your
consciousness, you hear the troubling sound of the native drums.
They are beating a steady, and very disturbing message. As you
listen, trying to determine just what it is that they are
saying, the impact of it all suddenly hits you! You can "read"
the message, ( you learned how years ago at the knee of the
great warrior chief ) and realize that you have been hearing the
same message from all the different tribes, for at least the
last 3 or 4 years! The message is saying " Hey, Buckwheat, UFOs
are hostile!!"

Now, without trying to get too corny, this is exactly what has
been coming through for quite awhile now, from many different
sources. So just what does it all mean?

I have just received an advance copy of Jacques Vallee's new
book "CONFRONTATIONS" by Random House. It should be on the
stands sometime in April. The content? "It presents, often
with breath-stopping dramatic impact, eyewitness accounts and
case studies from the U.S., Europe, and South America, where Dr.
Vallee has personally investigated claims of UFO sightings and
close, and occasionally deadly, encounters."
Vallee, no less.

And for you who may not know Jacques Vallee, he ranks right up
there ( or even maybe above the likes of J. A. Hynek as a first
rate scientist and UFO investigator ), one of the most respected
of scientific types to become embroiled in the UFO fray. If you
saw "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," the French UFO
investigator in the movie was based upon Vallee. Vallee, a
Frenchman living in the U. S., is a computer scientist and
best-selling author, well respected and known by all the really
"biggie" UFO types.

Well, anyway, here is another suggesting that the UFO enigma is
not the rosey spacebrother epic that many have come to expect
from representatives of a "higher civilization", visiting us
barbarians here on ol' Sol 3! To tell you the truth, I never
really bought the idea that just because someone, or even
something made a better airplane, ( or spaceship! ) had my best
interests at heart. As a matter of fact, the Van Tassels and
Adamskis have kind of fallen from favor since we have
encountered the new UFOlogy.

For at least the last 3 and 1/2 years, the bulk of UFOlogy has
been innundating us with the fact that the UFO thing is bad,
that maybe our govt. has made a nefarious deal with the "little
grey buggers"
, the Lear papers, Bill Cooper and how the CIA sold
us down the river running drugs while using the ill gotten gains
to hide the UFO secret, Linda Howe and her "Alien Harvest" (and
yep, me too, with my research into possible human mutilations.)
As John Keel told me while I was interviewing him for UFO
Magazine, sometimes it just seems like everyone in town happens
to tap into the same telephone call, and for some crazy reason,
we all end up getting the same message.

So anyway, when I received Vallee's new book, I couldn't help
but wonder that if he is also taking the same tack, might not
there be something to it? Let's examine some of the facts.

It is not anything new to realize that maybe UFOs can be
dangerous or even deadly. God, there is enough documented
evidence to prove it a thousand times over in a court of law.
Going back just the 42 years of the modern UFO era, we have
hundreds ( and possibly thousands if we had all the facts ) of
cases where UFOs have caused injuries and deaths. Some appeared
to be accidental, and some sure looked like they were
intentional. There is the Mantell Case--a F-51 fighter pilot
knocked down and killed, the Walesville NY case, where a jet was
"shot down" by some type of heat beam, which ended up killing a
family of four, and injuring five. The Lake Superior incident
where a UFO "absorbed" a jet interceptor and its two man crew,
never to be seen again. Then we have the report ( but this is a
tougher one, no way to verify it ) of Blue Book Grudge 13, with
elusive reports of human mutilations, known by the military to
have been caused by UFOs. The Fort Itaipu Case where a UFO
fired a heat weapon, damn near frying two sentries, and knocking
the power out over the entire area. Cases such as the Cuban Mig
incident, where a MIG 21 Jet fighter was completely
disintegrated in mid air. Of course, then the more insidious
cases pop up, such as the cattle mutilations, maybe tens of
thousands of cattle and other animals as well--sheep, dogs,
deer, and apparently even a few humans, ( or maybe more ). In
Howe's "Alien Harvest" she alluded to a conversation that took
place at an Air Force Base where the military offered to help
local law enforcement officers who were trying to track down the
cattle mutilators. On the military grid map were pins of
different colors, used to track various cases. All the colors
were explained except one. When the sheriff asked what that
color was for, the briefing officer explained "that's for human
mutilations, but we will not discuss that aspect"

Let's not forget the nuclear weapons bases that were overflown
by UFOs. I am sure that you will be aware of those cases, they
are famous, or perhaps a better adjective would be infamous.
According to some testimony, nuclear components were removed by
the occupants of the UFOs, and even other occurrences even more
bizarre took place. Which brings me to the crux of this
message. Doing the type of writing I do, and the research I have
been involved in, I rather frequently come across really bizarre
information. Some can be checked immediately and discarded as
garbage, and some bears further study. Recently I received two
files, which in themselves have nothing to do with each other.
The first came from Canada, and relayed a report of a UFO crash
in Carp, Ontario, in November 1989. According to the report, an
ultra top- secret U. S. Recovery Team was dispatched to recover
the craft, and unlike other recovered craft, this one was a
"star fighter". According to this report, it had "heavy duty"
beam weapons on board, PLUS ( it gets good now!?! ) 50 SOVIET
Nuclear Warheads in weapon racks. Well, you might ask, where
would it get 50 Russian Nukes? Good question. In Charles
Berlitz's new book, "The Dragon's Triangle" he mentions the
"fact" that over a dozen Russian subs have disappeared into this
area in Asia, which is much like our "Bermuda Triangle".
According to this file, the Aliens grabbed these submarines, and
took the weapons. Over 900 warheads. OK, so what would they do
with them? This report claims that since the "cold war" between
us and the Russkies is just about over, the Aliens, still
lusting after our planet, decided to make a new treaty with Red
China, and also the Arab extremists in the Middle East. The plan
is to nuke Israel with Russian warheads, get us involved with a
shoot-em-up with the USSR, and then the ETs will only have to
deal with one or two minor league groups, instead of two super
powers. ????????

The next file is an interview with a retired 3-Star Air Force
General, by a still active-duty Full Colonel ( who also studies
UFOs ). The file, ( I spoke to the director of this group to
verify many details ) is 8 pages long. In the file, it stated
up front that about 20 to 25 pages of information was excised
because it was "very sensitive" information. When checking, I
learned that the deleted information allegedly dealt with
missing and abducted human children by UFOs, and human killings
and mutilations by UFOs. Of course, after explaining my
interest, I was informed that before the 3-Star or Colonel would
speak to me, they were "going to check me out". They know I am
a former policeman, writer and UFO investigator--but sorry, Pal,
ya know how it is!

Now the drum beats are saying that 1992 and 1993 are going to be
the "bad" years. More sightings, more "atrocities" that will
become public knowledge, more erosion of our Constitutional
rights, and generally a more repressive government. Is there
any truth to any of this? Is it possible that any of what Lear
has said for the last several years is right on? Cooper? John
Keel, or Jacques Vallee? Just what in the hell is going on?

Hey gang, it is time to pool the information and figure a game
plan to educate the entire public about what is happening. We
need a real tough Congressional inquiry, one that is not afraid
to go head to head with the power brokers. If any of these damn
native drums are right, if UFOs do prove to be hostile with less
than our pristine best interests to look after, then we could be
in serious, serious trouble.

As the drum beat gathers tempo and volume, and our whiskey
begins to run out, the hunting lioness draws near . . . (did I
remember to clean the rifle, is the action clear?) We look up.
What is that bright light on the horizon that seems to be
drawing closer? Damn, it is bright, no shape but a solid white
light. And now it seems to be landing . . . . .

Events and time are speeding up, and we are still bogged down in
personalities and egos. I hope it is not too late. . . . .

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Re: Thoughts For Bryon
Date: 8 Mar 90 15:23:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <03-07-90 20:11> Clark Matthews wrote:

CM> Isn't that interesting!? I believe, in the Upanishads, the
CM> ancient Hindus believe that their precursors gadded about
CM> it flying machines powered by mercury! Vimanas, they
CM> called them. I'd be interested in chad in chatting with
CM> Mr. Clendenon about his Vimana...

I just sold another one of his 2 hour tapes yesterday. He describes quite a
lot in it.


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Re: Gulf Breeze photos
Date: 8 Mar 90 16:11:00 GMT

In a message to all <03-07-90 11:22> John Hicks wrote:

JH> I took a look at the photos in the new Gulf Breeze book,
JH> and, since I am a pro photographer, somehing struck me as
JH> being a little odd.

Yeah, that's one strange case all right...but.

JH> I suspect that if the object was bright enough to use a
JH> high shutter speed, it would illuminate the whole area.

Now I can't say much about the G.B. UFO's but I can say that from my own
close encounter with a very large UFO that it was bright white, hovering
near a tree right in the middle of town and it should have lit up the entire
town it was that bright to look at, but it didn't. In fact only a slight
glow could be seen on the tree that was closest to it. It did have a halo
type ring around it though.

Why in the world would something 150 foot across and 75 ft high that was
very bright to look at not light up the entire area around it ? That defies
my understanding of the properties of light and that indicates to me that
something very out of the normal was taking place. Which in other words
means that it might not have been a constructed craft as we understand it
and the light that was present was not of a normal nature. Perhaps we were
seeing it as it was between dimensions. Perhaps the shape of the saucer was
being generated by an intelligent energy form and was not what we might
think it to be upon first observation. Not a "light" being generated as we
are familiar with, but something totally different.

I am certain had I taken a photo of it that it would have been consider a
fake for some of the same reasons you mentioned, because it did appear so


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f790.n141.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Phil.Imbrogno
Subject: Re: Looking For A Book
Date: 6 Mar 90 22:55:55 GMT


Phil Imbrogno - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Phil.Imbrogno@f790.n141.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f790.n141.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Phil.Imbrogno
Date: 6 Mar 90 22:58:40 GMT


Phil Imbrogno - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Phil.Imbrogno@f790.n141.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f790.n141.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Phil.Imbrogno
Date: 6 Mar 90 23:01:25 GMT


Phil Imbrogno - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Phil.Imbrogno@f790.n141.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: (Dan Drasin)
Subject: (none)
Date: 9 Mar 90 13:29:09 GMT

Mercury and Meier
-+ Isn't that interesting!? I believe, in the Upanishads, the ancient Hindus
-+ believe that their precursors gadded about it flying machines powered by
-+ mercury! Vimanas, they called them. I'd be interested in chad in chatting
-+ with Mr. Clendenon about his Vimana...
-+ Best,
-+ Clark

Clark, you may be interested in a rumor I heard recently: that Grays
have been working the "depleted" mercury mines south of San Jose,
California. I'll try to dig up my notes about the exact name of the
closest town there. The area was once quite famous for its mercury
mines (hence the original name of the big San Jose newspaper, the
MERCURY, now the Mercury-News).

-+ From: Sally Sheridan
-+ To: All
-+ Subject: Billy Meier Case

-+ It has always been a puzzle as to how Billy Meier could
-+ possibly have managed to operate a model AND take pictures
-+ of the model with just one arm.

Sally, the Meier case is *extremely* complex and multi-faceted. I'd
strongly urge anyone trying to make sense of it to first read all
*six* books on the case that have been published, view all the
available videotapes, and take some time to think very carefully about
it all, before coming to any conclusions one way or another.

So far, nobody has actually come up with any real evidence of a hoax
in connection with the Meier photos taken pre-1980. That is, they
*may* have been hoaxes, but nobody has ever proven that. (The infamous
Kal Korff analysis seems unspeakably crude, and fairly bristles with
unsupported allegations and techno-doubletalk. I can get specific if
you'd like. The models and model photos found on Meier's premises bore
not the remotest resemblance to the "real" photos, and Meier has
explained the reasons for the models at length. In fact *no* string
was ever found "supporting a model" in the Meier photos; the "string"
was scanline noise in Korff's digitized *third generation* photo,
which Korff had cropped very tightly -- hence the *top* end of the
"string" was hidden. Look closely and you'll find at least a half-
dozen identical noisy scanlines scattered throughout Korff's version
of the photo. Also, the alleged supporting string was not even
connected with the top of the craft's "antenna.") Yes, Meier could
have had confederates, but none has ever been found. To explain away
the pre-1980 photos, sound recordings, multiple eyewitness
testimonies, and the whole complex, interlocking fabric of
circumstance would be quite a task.

By the way, I'm not defending some of the behavior of certain
investigators of that case, but I find ludicrous the surprisingly
widespread notion that their sometimes questionable approach
has necessarily proven the case false.

Now, please bear with me. The photos taken *after* 1980 are a
different question entirely. I'm speaking of the "aluminum wedding-
saucer, ringed with spheres. I have been a professional
photographer, cinematographer and modelmaker, and I'd stake my
reputation on *those* photos having been fabricated. Note that
*everything* about this later series of photos was different:
location, proximity to camera, photographic contrast, depth of focus,
apparent altitude, quality and behavior of materials, finesse of
design and construction, reflections on convex surfaces, relationship
to nearby objects, illumination, etc., etc. This does not prove the
earlier photos to be illegitimate, but it certainly does require an
explanation. I can imagine several reasons why Meier might have
produced these crudely-faked later photos. i.e., for reasons of ego or
"internal politics" (to give the impression to his close associates
and others that contacts were still occurring after they in fact had
ceased). I've also heard it theorized that Meier produced these fakes
to give his case some "plausible deniability" after the various
attempts on his life and the attempted kidnapping of his daughter.

In the end, the case still remains complex, fascinating and deeply


From: paranet!f7.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!Vladimir.Godic.
Date: 10 Mar 90 03:37:00 GMT

We have just received the following reply from Australian National re our
"OZTRAIN" enquiry:

"Thank you for your letter dated 24 February 1990 regarding the UFO
sightings on the Trans and Central Australian Railways.
Australian National is not bound to release information under the Commonwealth
Freedom of Information Act 1982. I have enclosed your cheque.
We do not know any more about the incident other than the article
supplied by you. The officer in charge of Train Control and who made
out the TIMS* report at the time has since retired.
Thank you for your interest"

(* Traffic Information Management System)

Well, it's back to the drawing board folks. We will now attempt to
track the men (drivers, guard etc) mentioned in this report. An
electoral roll (WA & SA) search means several trips to the State
Library. We'll also check WA & SA telephone directories.

Vladimir Godic - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic.@f7.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f0.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!Mark.Jose
Subject: Re: Predictions???
Date: 9 Mar 90 17:22:00 GMT


>(or unbelievable violence). However, the United States, long
>the freedom-fighting role-model of the Communist world, has
>twice sent its ambassadors to the great tiger and did so
>without the knowledge of its citizens. Furthermore, Bush (and
>Quayle, and nearly every member of Bush's cabinet) refuses to
>budge on the question of sanctions against China and its
>government, and continues (as far as I know) to maintain
>dialogue with them! This is bizzarre! Well, that's about as

Indeed, I totally agree with your sentiments. Suffice to say that
morality goes "out the door" when economics is at hand.

We see countries like England who are still trading OPENLY with South
Africa on one hand and saying how bad apartheid is on the other. They are
also dumping raw sewage into the North Sea and then telling all the other
North Sea countries just how dirty they are in letting pollutants out into
the sea via their river systems.

And you have Australia which detests the French and their "subterranean"
testing of nuclear bombs in our backyard, yet we sell them un-enriched (RAW)

As you see, and know, money IS EVERYTHING!


Mark Jose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mark.Jose@f0.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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