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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 170

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 170 

Tuesday, March 6th 1990

Today's Topics:

Re: More On Ets And The Atmosphere
Re: Predictions???
Moore Taking More Heat


From: (Dan Drasin)
Subject: (none)
Date: 6 Mar 90 03:30:11 GMT

Organisms and Environments
-+ From: Gary Knight <>
-+ Subject: More on ETs and the atmosphere
-+ Date: 5 Mar 90 20:03:34 GMT

-+ 3) When organisms are moved from one location on Earth to
-+ another, the change in habitat (though seemingly similar) can have
-+ devastating effects on the life forms. In short, you don't do well
-+ in places other than where you evolved (unless you carry your entire
-+ environment with you).

Gary, that may be technically true of many organisms, but surely not
of homo sapiens, who, with a little help from his brain, is
adaptable to an astonishing variety of environments. As long as
we're speculating, it might be fruitful to imagine human-type beings
with even *larger* brains, who have actually bioengineered their own
species to adapt to different ranges of environments, at least
sufficiently to accomplish certain tasks. I bring this up because
some of the lore surrounding the Grays suggests that they might have
done just that.

-+ I find it hard to accept that living things which evolved in a
-+ non-Earth environment, whether carbon-based or not, would be
-+ anywhere near adapted to Earth's atmosphere -- certainly not so that
-+ they could walk around in it for a hour or two with no adverse
-+ consequences (similar doubt whether Earth types would do well in an
-+ alien atmosphere).

What *specific* living things? *Which* non-Earth environment? These
questions can't be answered generally or hypothetically, but only
with specific information... which, unfortunately, is in short
supply. Hypotheses can't be used as proof or disproof (or for that
matter cause for worry or hope), but only as tools to help us get
closer to the truth.

The questions are important, though, and it's essential to bring
them up. They *have* been addressed in various non-abduction
contactee cases, though rarely in abduction cases because abducting
aliens apparently volunteer so little information. Benign contactee
cases seem to be currently out of fashion in ufology, so unless one
does some independent homework one isn't likely to find much
information along these lines floating around. Personally, I find
them interesting because they tend to involve species that appear to
have developed along lines more similiar to our own.

The conventional "accidentalist" theory of evolution is currently
being challenged on a number of fronts, and may be yielding to a
paradigm that allows for somewhat less randomness. This includes
concepts such as "morphic fields" as well as the more prosaic idea
of widespread intergalactic "commerce" that would provide a lot of
cross-fertilization (and therefore uniformity) on various levels
over time. Even the more bizarre "intelligent" creatures which some
claim to have encountered seem to belong to definite classes, some
of which are similar to terrestrial genera such as insectoid,
arthropod, reptilian, etc.

The bottom line is that we simply don't know enough, but should
listen carefully for information without prejudice wherever it
presents itself, and at this stage of the game avoid coming to any
conclusions whatsoever.


From: paranet!Gene.Gross
Subject: Re: More On Ets And The Atmosphere
Date: 6 Mar 90 03:17:00 GMT

Gary, your analysis of constituent gases is duly noted. However, I
have a problem in making an assumption that other carbon-based
lifeforms couldn't make it in our atmosphere without breathing
apparatus. The case of inert gases that you mention I don't see as a
problem either. Argon and other inert gases do not tend to cause a
problem so long as they are trace gases. Anything that could breathe
and live on argon would be a real sight to behold.
Aliens, if they in fact do exist and are visiting this planet, may not
be able to stay here long, not because of the atmosphere but because of
the pressure of our atmosphere (rather than the constituents) or, more
likely, our gravity. Even the species who grew up on this planet has
trouble with the gravity--it wears us down. Now imagine a race that
has spent the last few hundred, or even thousand, years traveling
through space with minimal gravity (microgravity). Our Earth normal
gravity must seem crushing to them.
Gene Gross - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Gene.Gross@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Steve.Gresser
Subject: Re: Predictions???
Date: 6 Mar 90 01:22:00 GMT

Truly observant of you, and thank you for reminding me of that
prediction. It gets me thinking again about the situation in the
greatest (size) Asian country. This is a truly weird situation.
Moscow will find it difficult to deal with its individual provinces,
now that several opposition leaders are being elected to the
presidential positions, and reforms will come most quickly on the heels
of public demands (or unbelievable violence). However, the United
States, long the freedom-fighting role-model of the Communist world,
has twice sent its ambassadors to the great tiger and did so without
the knowledge of its citizens. Furthermore, Bush (and Quayle, and
nearly every member of Bush's cabinet) refuses to budge on the question
of sanctions against China and its government, and continues (as far as
I know) to maintain dialogue with them! This is bizzarre! Well,
that's about as well as I can do on that subject on such short notice.
I appreciate your tolerance of any spelling or grammatical errors and I
think you for your time!
Steve Gresser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Gresser@p0.f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: (none)
Date: 6 Mar 90 06:16:00 GMT

-+ For example, I find it
-+ particularly
-+ difficult to believe that Bruce Maccabee would have allowed
-+ himself to
-+ be "bought."

So do I, Dan, PAINFULLY so. I have nothing but the utmost respect for
Bruce, and he knows it. Nevertheless, all the reports I am privy to
indicate that Maccabee received a five-figure sum to compensate him for
the work he did on the case, as summarized in his appendix entry. The
sum was either paid by the publisher or by Walters himself. If it was
negotiated with the publisher, and if Walters was NOT A PARTY to those
negotiations, MAYBE we do not have a conflict here. But I certainly
would like to know the details of this arrangement, and whether any of
this money was a kickback from Walters for the use of Bruce's material.
If so, I have to ask, How can you remain objective in an investigation,
when being paid by the party you're investigating?

-+ Speaking of red flags, I note that as far back as Sept. 1988 Mr.
-+ Pitts
-+ (director of the "New Project Blue Book"), in a letter to you and
-+ Bryon Smith, went out of his way to characterize Gulf Breeze as
-+ particularly unworthy of attention by his organization -- an
-+ organization curiously devoted to "the older, classic cases" and,
-+ by
-+ his own description, structured in so rigidly compartmentalized a
-+ fashion as to completely preclude dialogue among its members. This
-+ approach (to put it charitably) does not inspire my trust.

Why not? Its simply one approach to a multi-faceted problem. Some areas
of this enigma need to be treated with some rigidity. I would not
recommend such an approach for ParaNet, but for what Pitts is trying to
accomplish, it may be just the ticket.

And I preceded Pitts by a month in my characterization of Gulf Breeze
as "less than worthy." This case has stunk out loud for a long time,


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Moore Taking More Heat
Date: 6 Mar 90 07:27:00 GMT

There are a couple of more shoes to drop on MJ-12, and especially
William Moore. One of them I can report here.

Apparently CAUS researcher Robert Todd is claiming to have found
another peculiarity in the MJ-12 documents that points right at Moore.
He claims that the rubber stamp used to stamp "TOP SECRET" on the
Eisenhower Briefing is the same, MOVABLE TYPE rubber stamp that Moore
uses on his stationery, even the same character font. Details should be
forthcoming in the next issue of JUST CAUSE.

And, there is more to come, from a source who says he will be
submitting a paper to ParaNet around mid-year that will drop some more
bombs on Moore and MJ-12. The source, who is highly credible, says that
Moore "did NOT come completely `clean' in Las

Stay tuned....

Jim Speiser

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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