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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 164
Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 164
Wednesday, February 28th 1990
Today's Topics:
Re: Looking For A Book
Re: Looking For A Book
Re: UFO Monitoring Projects
Bell Tell.
Re: Looking for a book
Grist for Conspiracy Buffs
From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Looking For A Book
Date: 28 Feb 90 03:04:00 GMT
> documentary called "The Force Beyond." If you can't find a copy in
> your local video store, let me know and I'll see if I can get
> you a copy. In fact, this little documentary has some interesting
> things in it that I've not found in others. I'm planning to contact
> the film maker to see if I can get more information from them.
Gene, was this the film done by a fellow named Rob Emmenegger? I went to
high school with a Robert Emmenegger (sp?) and have wondered if it was the
same fellow!
Also, I think you may be on to something re: Lunar anomalies. Many years
ago (back in the 50s-60s) a number of astronomers observed lights & surface
perturbations in and around the crater Aristarchus on the moon. I may be
wrong about this, but somehow I got the idea that Arthur C. Clarke used
these reports as the basis for 2001. Anyway, to my knowledge the events in
& around Aristarchus have never been explained.
Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: paranet!Gene.Gross
Subject: Re: Looking For A Book
Date: 28 Feb 90 03:40:00 GMT
Clark, I don't recall the name of the film maker. I will check this
weekend to get names and dates where I can.
I seem to recall reading something about the lights, etc., on the moon.
Then sometime after these things were first seen (I want to say within
weeks, but it might have been months), there was a rather sizeable
explosion and the lights, etc., ceased. Least I have heard any recent
news on lunar activity. Anyone else hear anything?
(gotta get used to this editor for the BBS. 8-})
Gene Gross - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Gene.Gross@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: UFO Monitoring Projects
Date: 27 Feb 90 05:13:00 GMT
> There was a group on the local news (Scottsdale, Az) a year or so
> ago, that claimed they were going to set up unmaned senseing
> stations out in the desert. From the model they showed each would
> have a 35mm camera and some other stuff and some electronics,
> presumably some sort of UFO detector, probably magnetic sensor.
Yeah, that was ICUFOR, Brian Meyers and Tina Choate, the same people who
had the UFO art exhibition at the Scottsdale Arts Center. There are some
interesting stories floating around about them...
> I
> can't imagine anyone but the gvt could possibly afford such a
> system on a large enough scale to have any chance of success. In
> fact, the gvt did toy with the idea of setting up such a system
> back in the fifties but never did.
Seems to me they did set up something in New Mexico for like six months,
didn't they? In fact, I had a skeptic tell me that in six months, it
failed to photograph anything, even an airplane. (To which I responded,
"I take it then, that airplanes don't exist either?")
Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: paranet!f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Bell Tell.
Date: 27 Feb 90 02:55:00 GMT
S.W.B.T. went down in Fort Smith tonight thanks to a computer malfunction
somewhere. They just ran the notice over the air a few moments ago.
Just thought I would mention it.
Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Tim.Hamewka
Subject: Re: Looking for a book
Date: 27 Feb 90 20:41:00 GMT
I don't know who the author is but there is a book called "DANGER ON
THE MOON" which ia about alien bases up there. You can get it from
Tim Hamewka - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tim.Hamewka@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Tim.Hamewka
Date: 27 Feb 90 20:42:49 GMT
If anyone knows where I can get a copy of "THE MATRIX", let me know.
Tim Hamewka - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tim.Hamewka@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: NASA/SETI
Date: 28 Feb 90 16:13:46 GMT
DATE OF UPLOAD: February 24, 1990
ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: ParaNet Headquarters
CONTRIBUTED BY: Michael F. Corbin
(C) Copyright 1990 ParaNet Information Service
All Rights Reserved unless copyrighted by Author.
1-303-232-6115 9600 BAUD
1-303-232-8303 VOICE
by Michael Corbin
As we ponder the question of life elsewhere in the universe,
it is now without question that we should be utilizing our vast
technology to listen for intelligent radio signals coming from
other possible civilized worlds in the galaxy.
As we continue to close the gap between worldly boundaries
with satellite communications -- television and radio
transmissions -- and all manner of electromagnetic emissions that
occur on Earth 24-hours per day, have you ever wondered what
happens to the signals? They not only reach their intended
destinations, but continue endlessly into the vastness of space
in all directions.
To answer our question -- "Is Anybody Out There?" -- we must
turn back the pages of history to the beginning of the radio age.
In a small laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a young
and enthusiastic inventor and scientist tuned in on what he
believed to be intelligent transmissions from outer space.
Thoroughly convinced that advanced beings were trying to signal
us, Nikola Tesla revealed to the public this event in 1899.
What did Tesla receive? Was it a beacon much like the
monolith of "2001-A Space Odyssey" intended to give life to what
we know today as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence? A
beacon to pique our curiosity and to formally introduce us to
perhaps our origins? Or did this research perish with all of
Tesla's research papers when seized by the United States federal
authorities? Read on.
22 years later, another young and enthusiastic inventor,
Guglielmo Marconi, the father of the "wireless" also claimed to
have received intelligently coded signals from a civilized world
in space.
Although not widely known, but nonetheless public, these
were not the only incidents where radio signals of a seemingly
intelligent nature were received.
A professor of Astronomy at Amherst College, Dr. David Todd
made a photographic record of radio signals emanating from Mars
in 1924 as it made a close approach to Earth.
According to Dr. Ronald Bracewell, a physicist with the
Radio Astronomy Institute at Stanford University, strange and
unexplained signals were received in 1927, 1928, and 1964.
What could account for such activity aside from galactic
neighbors attempting to contact us?
Some unusual radio emissions could have been pulsars.
Pulsars are very unusual because, rather than producing a
continuous radio intensity at the Earth, they produce short,
regularly spaced bursts of radio emission. Typically, these
bursts last about one-twentieth of a second and occur at
intervals of about one second.
However, pulsars were not the cause of an incident that
occurred in 1959. An incident which shook NASA officials and
began what could be the most intense "Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence" to ever come to the fore. NASA detected radio
emissions from an unknown satellite circling the Earth. Perhaps
this was a Soviet satellite, it is unknown, as our research was
unable to find more information.
Following this event, a quiet effort was underway to begin a
listening project. It was called OZMA and was organized by Dr.
Otto Struve, one of the most distinguished astronomers of that
time and associated with the National Science Foundation.
Notwithstanding a public gone crazy on UFO activity, this
project's credibility was boosted by Dr. Struve's impressive
background and credentials which carried a lot of weight in the
scientific community. Dr. Struve announced soberly to the press
that there could be one million intelligently inhabited planets
in our galaxy alone.
Appointed by Struve, Dr. Frank Drake was Project OZMA's
director. Drake also echoed Struve's sentiments by pointing out
the tremendous benefits to our world by establishing contact with
beings far advanced of us.
Although the subject of UFOs was not discussed, the Air
Force was very uneasy about this listening project.
During formation of OZMA, it was determined by Philip
Morrison and Guiseppe Cocconi that a frequency of 1420 mHz would
be a universally recognizable communication channel.
In 1961, Drake and his staff at the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia took their first step in
the search by focusing on Tau-Ceti, one of the nearest suns
likely to have intelligent life.
Within two minutes something totally shocking happened.
They were receiving intelligently coded signals from the Tau-Ceti
system. As Dr. Drake related later, "the spooky signals had had
an unexpected effect on everyone." Within a short period of
time, the signals faded leaving the scientists in the room
literally stunned.
To avoid possible public panic, all discussion of this event
were kept quiet, but because of the sensational magnitude of the
event, word quickly leaked to the public. A swift and lethal
blow to the credibility of the project soon followed from the
Pentagon which stated that the strange signals had been received
from a military station so secret that its identity could not be
Abruptly, Dr. Struve closed Project OZMA. At a conference
before a bewildered press, Dr. Struve shocked them by stating
that it was "folly" to listen for messages from space, and
besides, it might be unwise for us to answer them without first
knowing their identity and possible intentions.
Quite peculiar behavior for such a man of Struve's
credentials to say considering his strong comments in favor of
the project, not to mention the future of what SETI is today.
Were the strange signals merely from an earthly military
station? Perhaps. But, consider that if this were the case,
would OZMA have to close so abruptly? Reasonably, no.
On the other hand, consider next the actions of a man who
claimed it "folly" to listen in on our galactic neighbors.
With some urgency and in complete secret, November 1961 saw
a meeting held at Green Bank to seriously discuss the number of
worlds capable of communicating with Earth. On this panel were
many well-known scientists, among them, including the man who had
suddenly ridiculed the original project as "folly" -- Dr. Otto
Struve, Dr. Melvin Calvin, Dr. John C. Lilly, Dr. Frank Drake,
and Dr. Carl Sagan.
It was concluded at this meeting, known as the "Green Bank
Formula" that "There are between 40,000,000 and 50,000,000 worlds
which are either trying to signal us or are listening for
messages from Earth."
Following this, the control of listening projects were
turned over to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in
Puerto Rico. Although the true story of Tau-Ceti may never be
publicly known, it is known that this was the birth of SETI.
As part of NASA's Exobiology Program, NASA SETI has been
ongoing since 1982 geared at understanding the origin, evolution
and distribution of life in the Universe.
What does it take to launch a program of this sort?
Through Stanford University, a compact and flexible
prototype Multi Channel Spectrum Analyzer (MCSA 1.0) has been
designed and built. It provides 144 channels with 576-Hertz
spectral resolution and 74,000 channels at 1/2-Hertz resolution.
Present signal recognition software algorithms have demonstrated
efficient and near optimal detection of continuous wave (CW)
signals and narrowband pulses whether stationary or drifting up
to (+/-)1 channel/observational frame.
This system, in testing, was able to, in the Targeted Search
mode, detect the one-Watt signal from the Pioneer 10 spacecraft
transmitter beyond the solar system using MCSA 1.0 at Goldstone.
In the test of the Sky Survey mode, it was able to map a portion
of the sky at a frequency corresponding to one sideband of the
Voyager 2 transmitter and to detect that spacecraft more than 3
billion kilometers from Earth on its way to Neptune.
The operational phase of the program will consist of two
modes: the Targeted Search and the Sky Survey. The Targeted
Search will examine 800 to 1000 nearby Sun-like stars for
evidence of continuous wave (CW) and narrowband pulsed signals
over the frequency range from 1 to 3 GHz (Gigahertz). The Sky
Survey will search the entire sky for CW signals over the
frequency range 1 to 10 GHz. The Targeted Search will have
significantly more sensitivity than the Sky Survey, whereas the
Sky Survey covers a larger area of the sky and a greater
frequency range.
Are the millions of dollars put toward this research
justified? Would this suggest that science is convinced that
life exists beyond our tiny little planet?
Consider the next two statements from the Astronomy Survey
Committee of the National Academy of Sciences in 1972 and 1982,
"Our civilization is within reach of one of
the greatest steps in its evolution:
knowledge of the existence, nature, and
activities of independent civilizations in
space. At this instant, through this very
document, are perhaps passing radio waves
bearing the conversations of distant creatures
-- conversations that we could record if we
but pointed a telescope in the right direction
and tuned to the proper frequency...
Indeed there exist the know-how and
instruments to search for extraterrestrial
civilizations...Each passing year has seen our
estimates of the probability of life in space
increase, along with our capabilities for
detecting it. More and more scientists feel
that contact with other civilizations is no
longer something beyond our dreams but a
natural event in the history of mankind that
will perhaps occur in the lifetime of many of
us. The promise is now too great, either to
turn away from it or to wait much longer
before devoting major resources to a search
for other intelligent beings...
In the long run, this may be one of science's
most important and most profound contributions
to mankind and to our civilization."
"While the Committee recognized that this
endeavor has a character different from that
normally associated with astronomical
research, intelligent organisms are as much a
part of the universe as stars and galaxies;
investigating whether some of the
electromagnetic radiation now arriving at
Earth was generated by intelligent beings in
space may thus be considered a legitimate part
of astronomy. Moreover, the techniques that
can now be most effectively brought to bear on
a SETI program for the 1980's are those of
It is hard to imagine a more exciting
astronomical discovery or one that would have
greater impact on human perceptions than the
detection of extraterrestrial intelligence."
What if we do receive communication from extraterrestrial
intelligence? Do we answer if we receive that big "hello" from
across the galaxy?
SETI, to be distinguished from communication with
extraterrestrial intelligence (CETI), which implies actual two-
way formulation of a mutually understandable language for
discourse, has had at least nine searches since its beginning in
1960 with no reported success.
Dr. Arthur C. Clarke, a highly respected author and space-
travel authority, believes that a malevolent super-race might
transmit vicious, compelling information which could cause us to
destroy ourselves.
Perhaps one person responsible for the seriousness with
which scientists take the possibility of life in the universe was
Nobel Prize winner Sir Martin Ryle who stated that no signals be
intentionally sent to other stars for fear of an invasion or a
loss of human values when contact is made with a superior
Despite these warnings, for over fifty years, radio,
television and radar emissions have been traveling away from
Earth at the speed of light, making our presence in the universe
If true that life exists elsewhere in the Universe, we could
benefit tremendously from such a discovery. It could
revolutionize many aspects of earthly life.
Or, on the other hand, it could be devastating to us.
Dr. Carl Sagan once stated we should refrain from
transmitting "because we do not know the intentions of a superior
galactic society."
Recently SETI was appointed $40 million dollars for the
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence from 1993 to 1999.
Through efforts of a host of agencies associated with the
NASA/SETI program a set of guidelines have been established which
is to act as a global protocol for dealing with our neighbors.
It is called the "Declaration of Principles Concerning
Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence," which reads as follows:
We, the institutions and individuals participating in the
search for extraterrestrial intelligence,
Recognizing that the search for extraterrestrial
intelligence is an integral part of space exploration and
is being undertaken for peaceful purposes and for the
common interest of all mankind,
Inspired by the profound significance for mankind of
detecting evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, even
though the probability of detection may be low,
Recalling the Treaty of Principles Governing the Activities
of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space,
Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, which
commits States Parties to that Treaty "to inform the
Secretary General of the United Nations as well as the
public and the international scientific community, to the
greatest extent feasible and practicable, of the nature,
conduct, locations and results" of their space exploration
activities (Article XI),
Recognizing that any initial detection may be incomplete or
ambiguous and thus require careful examination as well as
confirmation, and that it is essential to maintain the
highest standards of scientific responsibility and
Agree to observe the following principles for disseminating
information about the detection of extraterrestrial
1. Any individual, public or private research
institution, or governmental agency that believes it has
detected a signal from or other evidence of
extraterrestrial intelligence (the discoverer) should seek
to verify that the most plausible explanation for the
evidence is the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence
rather than some other natural phenomenon or anthropogenic
phenomenon before making any public announcement. If the
evidence cannot be confirmed as indicating the existence of
extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer may
disseminate the information as appropriate to the discovery
of any unknown phenomenon.
2. Prior to making a public announcement that evidence
if extraterrestrial intelligence has been detected, the
discoverer should promptly inform all other observers or
research organizations that are parties to this
declaration, so that those other parties may seek to
confirm the discovery by independent observations at other
sites and so that a network can be established to enable
continuous monitoring of the signal or phenomenon. Parties
to this declaration should not make any public
announcement of this information until it is determined
whether this information is or is not credible evidence of
the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. The
discoverer should inform his/her or its relevant national
3. After concluding that the discovery appears to be
credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and
after informing other parties to this declaration, the
discoverer should inform observers throughout the world
through the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams of
the International Astronomical Union, and should inform the
Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with
Article XI of the Treaty on Principles Governing the
Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer
Space, Including the Moon and Other Bodies. Because of
their demonstrated interest in and expertise concerning the
question of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence,
the discoverer should simultaneously inform the following
international institutions of the discovery and should
provide them with all pertinent data and recorded
information concerning the evidence: the International
Telecommunication Union, the Committee on Space Research of
the International Council of Scientific Unions, the
International Astronautical Federation, the International
Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute of
Space Law, Commission 51 of the International Astronomical
Union and Commission J of the International Radio Science
4. A confirmed detection of extraterrestrial
intelligence should be disseminated promptly, openly, and
widely through scientific channels and public media,
observing the procedures in this declaration. The
discoverer should have the privilege of making the first
public announcement.
5. All data necessary for confirmation of detection
should be made available to the international scientific
community through publications, meetings, conferences, and
other appropriate means.
6. The discovery should be confirmed and monitored and
any data bearing on the evidence of extraterrestrial
intelligence should be recorded and stored permanently to
the greatest extent feasible and practicable, in a form
that will make it available for further analysis and
interpretation. These recordings should be made available
to the international institutions listed above and to
members of the scientific community for further objective
analysis and interpretation.
7. If the evidence of detection is in the form of
electromagnetic signals, the parties to this declaration
should seek international agreement to protect the
appropriate frequencies by exercising the extraordinary
procedures established within the World Administrative
Radio Council of the International Telecommunication Union.
8. No response to a signal or other evidence of
extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until
appropriate international consultations have taken place.
The procedures for such consultations will be the subject
of a separate agreement, declaration of arrangement.
9. The SETI Committee of the International Academy of
Astronautics, in coordination with Commission 51 of the
International Astronomical Union, will conduct a continuing
review of procedures for the detection of extraterrestrial
intelligence and the subsequent handling of the data.
Should credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence
be discovered, an international committee of scientists and
other experts should be established to serve as a focal
point for continuing analysis of all observational evidence
collected in the aftermath of the discovery, and also to
provide advice on the release of collected in the aftermath
of the discovery, and also to provide advice on the release
of information to the public. This committee should be
constituted from representatives of each of the
international institutions listed above and such other
members as the committee may deem necessary. To facilitate
the convocation of such a committee at some unknown time in
the future, the SETI Committee of the International Academy
of Astronautics should initiate and maintain a current list
of willing representatives from each of the international
institutions listed above, as well as other individuals
with relevant skills, and should make that list
continuously available through the Secretariat of the
International Academy of Astronautics. The International
Academy of Astronautics will act as the Depository for this
declaration and will annually provide a current list of
parties to all the parties to this declaration.
We, as a global society, must act responsibly in our
endeavors in this search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
This is only one small piece in the overall picture.
Perhaps in our lifetimes we will discover the truth to this
enigma concerning UFOs and the possible connection they have with
a government-funded search.
So, the next time you turn on your television or you use the
telephone, ponder this question -- "Is Anybody Out There?"
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Gary Knight <>
Subject: Grist for Conspiracy Buffs
Date: 28 Feb 90 22:22:02 GMT
All you conspiracy buffs out there are going to love this one
(bet it gets worked into Cooper's next edition, too!). From the 2/26/90
issue of New Technology Week (Vol. 4, No. 9):
The Department of Energy in recruiting eight major manufacturers
for an industry/government specialty metals consortium to be based
at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M. The
consortium's objective is to improve U.S. technology competitivenss
by making the most efficient use of the nation's existing know-how
and facilities
. . . .
Through the consortium, DOE will open up access to the corporate
partners to conduct research at Sandia. . . .
. . . .
[Under new legislation] if a government lab is involved in a
cooperative venture with private industry, it is not required
to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request.
Actually, it's all relatively harmless -- and quite standard procedure --
but I couldn't help thinking what paranoid minds could do with it!
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