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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 175

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 175 

Thursday, March 15th 1990

Today's Topics:

Mercury Mines
Richard Murray & Congressional Amnesty
Signals leaving earth; book publisher?
Gulf Breeze and national media; Alternative-3 video tape
Re: Gulf Breeze pictures -- imitations
Re: Central Florida Sightings
What's New?
Re: What's New?

From Cyro at uucp host: 'paranet' is back up after a hard journey so here we
go again. Thanks to all for not bugging me about the newsletters, I had time to
catch up on you job here.

From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: ParaNet
Date: 15 Mar 90 23:29:34 GMT

Sorry about the delay. ParaNet is back online in its new home in
Las Vegas, Nevada.

The new data number is 702-792-9773.



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: (John H. Chalmers Jr.)
Subject: Mercury Mines
Date: 13 Mar 90 00:14:54 GMT

One of the towns in the San Jose, CA area which had
working mercury mines is New Almaden. I visited a
closed mine there in the 1960's, looking for toxic
metalliferous soil to test in a life-detection
assay to be flown to Mars. Alas, another groups's
experiment was flown the landers. --- John


From: (Dan Drasin)
Subject: (none)
Date: 13 Mar 90 05:24:35 GMT

Meier Photos
-+ From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
-+ Subject: Re: (none)
-+ Date: 10 Mar 90 05:26:00 GMT

-+ As to the Meier case, I noticed the disparity between the earlier
-+ photos and the later ones, too. But if Meier was looking to
-+ establish "plausible deniability" for personal reasons (or
-+ whatever) -- he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams!

I'll second that. With the caveat that the actual situation has been
amplified many times by rumor. I find it especially painful that
much of that rumor comes in the form of proclamations by ufologists
whose knowledge of the case is limited to the sketchy and inaccurate
information in those godawful INTERCEP coffee-table books.

-+ Nevertheless, his admitted complicity in the fakes blows the whole
-+ case beyond redemption, in my opinion.

Clark, as I understand it, Meier's models were intended to
illustrate the *difference* between models and the real thing. I
don't understand how that constitutes fakery. Meier's assertions seem
to be reinforced by the fact that the models in question bore only the
crudest resemblance to the "beamships" and could not in a million
years have been mistaken for the "real thing."

-+ Tell me, have you ever looked into the Philadelphia Experiment?

I've heard sketchy accounts of it over the years, but I'm afraid
I've never dug deeply enough into it to have any valid opinions.

-+ From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
-+ Subject: Message From Sally Sheridan
-+ Date: 8 Mar 90 23:11:00 GMT

-+ This individual drives a car, smokes cigarettes, shoots long arms
-+ (no pun intended) for target practice, and holds down a job as a
-+ bookkeeper. Oh yes, he's married to a beautiful woman, too.
-+ When I showed him the book, "UFO Contact from the Pleiades" about
-+ the Meier case, he read the comment about how hard it would be for a
-+ one-armed man to pull off a hoax of this sort, and just laughed out
-+ loud.

Jim, I think this remarkable man's opinion would carry a great deal
more weight had he taken the time to educate himself about the case in
depth. In my opinion, it is extremely far-fetched to think that one
can have any valid opinions based purely on those coffeetable books.
They are superficial and factually inaccurate. The writing and editing
are abysmal. They don't begin to scratch the surface.

Responsible skepticism absolutely *demands* a careful study of, and
intimate familiarity with, any case under consideration. I have
myself read five books about the case, will read the sixth shortly,
and still don't consider myself an authority on it. My jury is still
out, but doing my homework has definitely been a fascinating
experience, and a wonderful exercise in keeping an open mind.

Whether or not Meier could have faked the photos (which are themselves
only a very small part of the "evidence") on his own, is a question
that has been dismissed over and over again as largely irrelevant.
When you *really* look into the case, it's crystal clear that
(assuming fakery) he couldn't have done everything himself. On the
other hand, there's no reason why he *couldn't* have had help -- it's
just that there's no evidence for it. Nobody has ever turned up any
"confederates" -- and that's where it stands at present.

-+ From: Craig Cholar <3432P@navpgs.bitnet>
-+ Subject: Gulf Breeze
-+ Date: 11 Mar 90 01:32:04 GMT

-+ I can say with almost complete certainty that the photo was of a
-+ ceiling light reflected off of a glass window or patio door. How can
-+ I be so certain? Because I have the EXACT same light in our living
-+ room!

Craig, I thought the exact same thing when I saw that photo. But
before you debunk it (which sounds as if it won't take much effort),
why not look into the case a little more closely to find out the
context in which it was taken. Over the years I've encountered several
instances (for example, the Meier model photos) in which certain
pictures were not intended in the context in which they were
ultimately publicized.

The Gulf Breeze "craft" always seem rather dim in the other photos, so
I wonder whether there might not be a dim image of a craft in the sky,
(perhaps somewhere near the ceiling light reflection,) that was the
original object of interest. If this were in fact the case, it
wouldn't be hard to understand why the reflection (being more
prominent) would have been interpreted as the "object." I'm not
saying this is the case, but I think it's important to have the
*original* photo (not a fuzzy TV image) in front of you when you make
any evaluations of this kind, and also to have very solid, detailed
information about the context in which the photo was taken. I have
been intimately involved in the independent Martian Anomalies
investigation for five years, and have encountered many
misunderstandings based upon the viewing of poor photographic
reproductions out of context.

By the way, I'm reminded here of the classic dismissal of Adamski's
saucer photos as being of a "chicken brooder" heat lamp unit. Everyone
"knows" it's only a chicken brooder! The interesting thing is that
nobody has ever produced such a brooder to compare it with. All we
have is someone's assertion. The photo may well be a fake, but let's
have some real evidence to that effect, and the freedom to discuss it
without being steamrollered by rumors and alleged "common knowldge"
pro or con. My own opinion of Adamski's photos is not high, but I have
seen a variety of similar "craft" photographed under much more solid
circumstances that bore a very close resemblance to his purported

The bottom line? Be skeptical, but remember the original etymology of
"skeptic" -- "One who looks into things."


From: isis!uunet!sparta!esanborn (Ed Sanborn)
Subject: Richard Murray & Congressional Amnesty
Date: 13 Mar 90 12:40:59 GMT

Yes Keith,

I received the same package of material. The package consists of several
letters which Murray says to simply make copies of and send out. The tone of
the letters is very abrasive (understandably so if his claims are correct) and
full of grammatical mistakes. All that aside I would like to add the following
to Keith Tolkien's update on the content of the letters. The one Keith typed
in (Thanks!) is actually the last letter, from what I can see as the final
"call to arms" so to speak on the issue of the alien/military base(s) issues.
The first letter is a request, which can be made to Senators and Congressmen
for the following documents:

3. HR-5210 Passed 1989.
4. Publication : 7277 / Printed Sept. 1961

5. PUBLIC LAW : 87297 /Passed by the 87th Congress.
6. HR-9118 / Passed by the 87th Congress : DATED : 26 Sept. 1961.
7. SJR-42 / Passed by the 87th Congress : 1961

I have sent this request to Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John Kerry here
in Massachussetts. I have received a signed certified receipt and I await copies
of the requested materials. I was meaning to wait till I received the material
before I posted but I wanted to help give a more complete update on Murray's
package. The letter to 'FREE JOHNATHAN MAY' I agree was poorly explained by
Murray. I heard just last night that he is someone that tried to start a bank
in Illinois or Nevada (?) which had a unique feature in that it was to be
backed by real assets. That is, money, gold, etc. and not just a bank operated
on paper. The government and/or Federal Reserve didn't like this good
approach in starting a bank so they somehow through him in jail. May has
served 3 of a 15 or 18 year sentence. Murray has been following it and wants
people to help put a stop to what he feels is the senselessness (sp?) of
this. The letter about the Federal Reserve has to do with Senator Reed in
Nevada who has been calling for the auditing of The Federal Reserve. He feels
as does Murray, that The Federal Reserve is involved in illegal counterfeiting
and that is ruining the U.S. economy. He asked that you send the letter to
your State and Local officials to express your support for Senator Reed.
A curious note about the Johnathan May letter is that Murray asks that the
person send it to the following address:

Susan Baker
c/o Yelm Natural Foods
P.O. Box 498
Yelm, Washington 98597

If anyone has any info on this or any of the other issues mentioned please
echo them. If I've not been completely clear on the Johnathan May details or
the Senator Reed situation please be advised that I'm simply letting others
know what some of my research/investigations have yielded. As always please
feel free to call or email if you would like. Take care.

Ed Sanborn
Mass. Mufon State Director
175 Cross St.
Lowell, Ma. 01854
H# (508) 453-5609 uunet!sparta!esanborn
W# (508) 937-1600 x.247


From: Thomas Lapp <mvac23!>
Subject: Signals leaving earth; book publisher?
Date: 14 Mar 90 08:13:22 GMT

-+ Subject: NASA/SETI
-+ Date: 28 Feb 90 16:13:46 GMT
-+ by Michael Corbin
-+ [...]
-+ As we continue to close the gap between worldly boundaries
-+ with satellite communications -- television and radio
-+ transmissions -- and all manner of electromagnetic emissions that
-+ occur on Earth 24-hours per day, have you ever wondered what
-+ happens to the signals? They not only reach their intended
-+ destinations, but continue endlessly into the vastness of space
-+ in all directions.

On this point, I would like to just make one comment. From my
Electrical Engineering background and some work at broadcast
radio stations, I've found that contrary to popular belief, the
signals from broadcast stations do not radiate in the half-sphere
above the transmitter. It is inefficient to do so since radio stations
are not trying to target ET markets, just terrestrial ones. So the
antennae are designed so that the actual signal resembles a flattened
doughnut shape where the tower is in the center of the doughnut hole.
Most of the signal goes out horizontally from the transmitter, and only
the side lobes (which they try to supress) are broadcast upwards into
the sky. Also, many frequencies do not make it out of the ionosphere
but are reflected back to earth.

With that out of the way, the only point is that signals leaving the
earth aren't nearly as powerful as they are under the ionosphere. However,
as shown further on in this paper, if we are able to detect the signals
from very weak transmitters of interplanetary satellites, than surely
an intelligent life form can still amplify what signals we create enough
to hear them.

Now for a question: Does anyone know if a book publisher out of
Clarksburg, West Virginia is still in operation. I forget the name,
but most of the stuff they published was about the paranormal. There is
a pretty good collection of their books in the West Virginia collection
at West Virginia University Libraries in Morgantown, WV.


- tom
internet : mvac23! or
uucp : {ucbvax,mcvax,psuvax1,uunet}!udel!mvac23!thomas
Europe Bitnet: THOMAS1@GRATHUN1
Location: Newark, DE, USA
Quote : Virtual Address eXtension. Is that like a 9-digit zip code?


Subject: Gulf Breeze and national media; Alternative-3 video tape
Date: 15 Mar 90 00:28:04 GMT

I have just read Walters' The Gulf Breeze Sightings. It is certainly
the most convincing of any UFO percipients' books. (Note that this only
includes Travis Walton's book, a bunch of 1950s and 1960s contactee books,
and Walters' book, though.) At any rate, I would like to know how
much *national* TV, radio, magazine, and newspaper coverage these sightings
have gotten. I know about the KNBC LA TV show, and the shlockily (<- is
that a word?) produced UFO Coverup: Live! show. Does anybody know about
other national exposure for Gulf Breeze? Please be as specific as you
can. Thanks much.

A UFO researcher friend wants to know how he can get a copy of the video
tape of the British produced Alternative-3 show. He has seen this
on TV, I think. Also, I seem to recall that one of the authors Leslie or
Watkins "confessed" that this show was a hoax. Does anyone know more
about this. Thanks again.


From: paranet!Sandy.Barbre
Subject: Re: Gulf Breeze pictures -- imitations
Date: 14 Mar 90 08:21:00 GMT

At a private MUFON directed meeting they showed a video of very recent
photos taken at Gulf Breeze, which was done after the TV show and also
after the book. I really saw nothing spectacular about the video and
it's pictures of UFO's however some of the comments where OK (views) by
members of mufon, a couple of writers, and newsman.
Sandy Barbre - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sandy.Barbre@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Sandy.Barbre
Subject: Re: Central Florida Sightings
Date: 14 Mar 90 08:23:00 GMT

Thanks John! Missed talking with you. Have been up to my ears in
moving and now that I have that settled, I'm straightening out about
200 diskettes that I have and zipping some files.
Sandy Barbre - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sandy.Barbre@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 15 Mar 90 16:24:26 GMT

-+From: paranet!Phil.Imbrogno

I have another book on apparently the same topic--

Somebody Else Is on the Moon, by George H. Leonard.

My copy is a Pocket Books paperback (ISBN 0-671-81291-2), published in
1977. The book was originally published in hardback by The David McKay
Co., Inc., NY, 1976.


From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Karen.Henderson
Subject: What's New?
Date: 13 Mar 90 02:42:01 GMT

Anything NEW happening recently out there? Let's hear it!

Karen Henderson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Karen.Henderson@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Tim.Hamewka
Subject: Re: What's New?
Date: 14 Mar 90 20:26:49 GMT

I just read an interesting article in UFO Magazine. It seems that one
of the latest rumors is that the Hudson Valley UFO is actually the real
Stealth aircraft. The one they have showing off is a ploy. They said

Tim Hamewka - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tim.Hamewka@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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