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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 160

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 160 

Thursday, February 22nd 1990

Today's Topics:

Re: Warning From Uucp
Re: Music And Science/mathematics
Evidence for Psychokinesis
Re: Reich
Evidence for Psychokinesis
UFO research and fiction
Reich again...


From: paranet!Don.Sudduth
Subject: Re: Warning From Uucp
Date: 22 Feb 90 05:38:00 GMT

Sounds like electrmagnetic radiation from a satellite. When I worked
in Radio Astronomy, we thought we had discovered a new source. It
turned out to be terrestrial microwaves.
Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Don.Sudduth
Subject: Re: Music And Science/mathematics
Date: 22 Feb 90 05:40:00 GMT

Yes! Don't waste any time on FOUCAULT's PENDULUM. THE NAME OF THE
ROSE was much better!!
Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: Evidence for Psychokinesis
Date: 22 Feb 90 04:29:20 GMT

To: (Keith A. Fredericks)

>Although the authors are very careful about what they say, the article
>clearly suggests a strong experimental basis for the existence of
>psychokinesis -- that is, consciousness having an effect on physical

Keith, perhaps you also saw this message in sci.skeptic which I cross posted
here: (this is condensed)

"To whom interested in the recent debate in this group on the scientific
evidences of psi ( ESP & PK, Parapsychology, "
non-optical EM transmissions",
etc. ), there is a special talk on air tonight on CBS' AM national broadcast
program ( Mick Pintk ) in which the Princeton University professor Robert
Jahn and his colleague Brenda Dunne will discuss the "
hard scientific
proof that people can influence computers and machines with their thoughts."
It is scheduled to start at 10:30 pm here on KDKA in west Pennsylvania."

[End of message]

I called KDKA a couple of days after the show was scheduled to air for a
transcript. They don't do transcripts anymore. But because of a hockey game
that preceeded this show ran overtime, it was never aired. A woman from KDKA
called me the other day and told me that this show has been rescheduled for
March 8 at 9:00 PM EST. Frequency 1020 on AM radio. I don't know where you are
but KDKA claims to be heard in 36 states.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: <GRAHAM@iucf.bitnet>
Subject: Reich/book-burning
Date: 22 Feb 90 15:55:36 GMT

Perhaps I've overlooked it, but has it occurred to anyone
debating the Reich/bookburning issue to check legal records?

It seems to me that any decent library could help.

If no one has, I may do so myself (I really would like to know the
story, i.e. were the books burned or not?).



From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Reich
Date: 22 Feb 90 06:35:00 GMT

> It is interesting to note (especially with respect to our biblical
> discussions) that according to the construction techniques outlined in
> the old testament, the ark of the covenent was a bi-layer metal box (to
> which also are attributed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> many strange and miraculous things).

... not the least of which things was the ability to zap anyone who fooled
around with it without proper preparation.

Sounds to me like the Ark of the Covenant was one big Leyden jar that the
Israelis strapped to a camel and promenaded around the Sinai from time to
time. It built up a big charge during its travels and warded off
intruders with a healthy electric kick.

But the Ark of the Covenant is old news & rather primitive. What really
interests ME is the proto-electric technology that seems to have existed in
EGYPT long before the Israelis were confined there. I'm talking about the
apparent copper-sulphate wet-cell BATTERIES that have been identified in the
Cairo Museum ... along with the tomb frescoes that seem to depict similar
wet-cell batteries in use with large LIGHT BULBS. No, gang, I'm not making
this up. It's there (for about 100 years they thought the battery jars
were Canopic Jars for embalming purposes -- then an electrical engineer
examined them and discovered the electrodes in the covers & the copper
sulphate crystals still clinging to the insides of the jars). The Cairo
Museum also has a nifty collection of TOY GLIDERS, by the way. Neat little
fixed-wing jobs with highly efficient airfoil cross-sections.

Anyway, Moses -- being adopted into the Egyptian priesthood -- would have
known of these mysteries. The fact that he had the Ark of the Covenant
built to hold the tablets suggests to me that he (and certainly his
Egyptian mentors) still knew plenty about generating & storing static
electric charges. So, even though the Cairo artifacts seem to predate the
Jews' flight from Egypt, perhaps some of these technologies were still in
use during Moses' time.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Evidence for Psychokinesis
Date: 21 Feb 90 06:33:00 GMT


This one belongs in ParaNet General (and so I am moving it). I have
heard of that study; didn't Robert Jahns also have something to do with
that article?

I have to say that I am one who is very skeptical of psychic claims,
especially those coming from "professional psychics" like Uri Geller,
etc. And I'm afraid its true that just about every controlled ESP study
ever done in laboratories has either come out negative or flawed. The
ONE exception that I'm aware of, and I hope this is the one the Nelson
article is talking about, is the work of Helmut Schmidt with Random
Pattern Generation. I met Schmidt at the 1986 CSICOP Conference, where
he gave a presentation on his results, which sounded impressive enough.
Then Robert Milliken stood up to debunk him, and I naturally assumed it
was going to be a rout. But Milliken never touched him. He blathered in
generalities, something about "fudge, nudge and grudge," then sat down,
leaving Schmidt's actual data and results completely intact. I've looked
for something more specific ever since, and have not seen it. Even
Martin Gardner has been silent on Schmidt, at least from what I've seen.

So I'd be very interested in seeing that article, or a synopsis of it.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: UFO research and fiction
Date: 21 Feb 90 06:34:00 GMT

> A. Books:
> Whitley Strieber, MAJESTIC (Roswell Incident)
> B. Films:
> incident?)
> HANGAR 18 (Roswell Incident)
> STRANGE INVADERS (Several incidents combined)
> WAVELENGTH (basically the Roswell incident)

MY SCIENCE PROJECT (Eisenhower Incident)


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: (none)
Date: 21 Feb 90 06:48:00 GMT

Some corrections to your friend's comments (which were mostly correct):

> of circles, in no particularly exact symmetrical pattern (although
> sometimes
> they roughly line up in a pattern).

It is fairly clear that someone or something is ATTEMPTING to do
patterns with some of the circles, unless its a monstrous coincidence.

> you can't trust the credentials given in tabloid journalism)

Mostly true, and the "scientists" were more like ad hoc investigators.
But Unsolved Mysteries is not really tabloid journalism. Its stated
purpose is to entertain and titillate, and as shows of its kind go, its
quality of information seems to be very high. Witness the Ogopogo video
they showed the next week - which they paid handsomely for, by the way.
They didn't HAVE to interview the expert who said it was a beaver. They
made a point of doing so, however.

> o All of the circles have been found in a triangular area around
> the
> Stonehenge site. I don't remember the square mileage (actually,

I think they said all were within 30 miles of Stonehenge.

> They
> know of no
> other sitings outside of this area, anywhere.

There have been a few in this country and Canada, I believe.

> circles artificially (to see if a hoaxer could do it). They have
> not succeeded
> yet.

I thought those soldiers came pretty darn close, though.

> o An astronomer at Cambridge who has some interest in these

Thought it was University of Edinburgh.

> The show,
> amazingly
> enough, did not really push the UFO explanation; neither did the
> "scientists".
> They just left it as an unsolved mystery.

Again, UM is not all that bad. I think they're a darn sight better than
shows that have a stronger pretense to journalism, such as Inside Edition.

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: <GRAHAM@iucf.bitnet>
Subject: Reich again...
Date: 23 Feb 90 03:04:51 GMT

The question "Was Reich's books burned...?" is answered in the book
WILHELM REICH VS THE U.S.A. by Jerome Greenfield, Published by W.W.
Norton & Company, copyright 1974, 1st edition.

The book is primarily the story of Reich's dealings with the FDA,
or vice-versa...take your pick.

In the appendices, page 304 begins a complete copy of the injunction
against Reich. It begins:
In the United States District
Court For the District of
Maine Southern Division

United States of America Civil Action
No. 1056
A MAINE corporation, WILHELM
and so on.

Under the statement "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED:", item 5 lists 10 works
by Reich, and orders them to "be withheld by the defendants...".

Item 6 is the more interesting: "That all written, printed, and graphic
matter containing instructions for the use of any orgone energy
accumulator device, instructions for the assembly thereof, all printed,
and other announcements and order blanks for the items listed in the
paragraph immediately above, all documents, bulletins, pamphlets, journals,
and booklets entitled in part as follows;....."
then 13 items are listed, and
then item 6 ends with the words "...but not limited to those enumerated,
shall be destroyed;...."

So, there you have it.

For those who may want to check the casebooks, the end of the injunction


March 19, 1954
2:45 P.M. /s/ John D. Clifford, Jr.
United States District Judge
for the District of Maine
A true copy of original filed at 2:45 P.M. on March 19, 1954
Morris Cox
Clerk, United States District Court

The book has indepth coverage of the events and people involved in
the FDA case. Another book entitled "A Book of Dreams" by Peter Reich,
1974 gives a "childs-eye" view of this incident.

Hope this helps.


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