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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 158

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 158 

Tuesday, February 20th 1990

Today's Topics:

Alien Industry
Re: New ParaNet Affiliate
Evidence for Psychokinesis
Re: Greenhouse Effect
The Tasmanian Devil
Strange Rings in Britain
Re: Skeptics
Canberra "UFO"- Newsflash from UFORA.
Music and science/mathematics
UFO research and fiction
ParaNet FAX


From: paranet!f222.n260.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jerry.Seward
Subject: Alien Industry
Date: 20 Feb 90 09:40:00 GMT

> Well, in this morning's _Columbus Dispatch_ (2/17/90)
> there was an article concerning a Russian who has been
> picking up strong signals from an area of the sky near
> Altair (in the constellation of "Alquipa", as the story
> sez......). As these signals (well, actually radiation
> might be a better word) are so powerful, he has deduced
> that this must be the outpouring of energy from some alien
> industry, and that it is evidently such a grand affair,
> these aliens must live on another planet altogether....that
> is, not on the same planet as that which 'houses' their
> industry.

This same article appeared on the front page of our Rochester
Democrat & Chronicle with a byline from the Baltimore Sun. It
struck me as very strange to see this article, without much
specific information, on the front page of the Sunday paper.
Since the article really didn't describe anything technical or
scientific, I'm wondering why it got the coverage that it did.
Normally such articles are poo-poohed The National Enqire et al.

Jerry Seward - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jerry.Seward@f222.n260.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jeff.Marsh
Subject: Re: New ParaNet Affiliate
Date: 20 Feb 90 08:26:09 GMT

MC> This is to welcome the newest member of the ParaNet family.

MC> ParaNet UPSILON(sm)
MC> Jeff Marsh
MC> Las Vegas, Nevada

MC> Jeff will be ready for callers soon. Please take a moment and
MC> introduce yourself to the group, and welcome!

Hello all!

I'm glad I finally made it here! I'm looking forward to finding
out (for myself, and others) the REAL scoop on UFO's, etc... Thanks
for having me.

Jeff Marsh
Twin Star II BBS
(702)457-1866 HST

Jeff Marsh - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jeff.Marsh@f725.n209.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: (Keith A. Fredericks)
Subject: Evidence for Psychokinesis
Date: 20 Feb 90 16:09:36 GMT

I have been following discussions going on in sci.physics and sci.skeptic
for some time now. There is a thread where people are talking about ESP
and stuff like that. There are all kinds of different postings from all
kinds of people. Standing out above the background noise of this thread
has come an extremely interesting exchange. Several physicist-type skeptics
have come out vehemently opposed to ideas of psychic phenomena. One of
the very notable things that they have said over and over again is that
if psychic phenomena is real then there will have been a study that has
proven it. They keep maintaining that all of the studies that have shown
the existence of psychic phenomena have been shown to be in error and that
there really is no evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena.

In a very balanced manner, Roger Nelson of the Princeton Engineering
Anomalies Research Laboratory responded to these people saying that the
viewpoint that they have taken is seriously in error -- that there have
Or in other words, there has never been any refutation of the overwhelming
number of studies that show an effect due to psychic functioning.

This, Nelson points out, has all been carefully laid out in an article in
the December issue of Foundations of Physics, a very well-respected, peer
reviewed physics journal.

The title of the article is ``Evidence for
Consciousness-Related Anomalies in Random Physical Systems.'' Nelson
and his coworker, Radin, consider experiments done with Random Number
Generators where there appears to have been an effect due to consciousness
on the Random Number Generator. They have shown that there is no basis
for the objections that have been raised with respect to the conclusion
that consciousness has an effect on a random physical systems.

Although the authors are very careful about what they say, the article
clearly suggests a strong experimental basis for the existence of
psychokinesis -- that is, consciousness having an effect on physical

This is a landmark article. Pick it up if you get a chance.

Keith Fredericks, Cray Research Inc., 1440 Northland Dr. Mendota Hgts., MN 55120 (612)681-3258


From: paranet!f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!John.Daly
Subject: Re: Greenhouse Effect
Date: 18 Feb 90 23:08:00 GMT

DS> scientists discovered that the CO2 content in the atmosphere
DS> has risen dramatically since the last ice age. They used
DS> ice core samples in Greenland and measured the CO2 content
DS> for each year. One result is that human population alone
DS> can account for much of the CO2 rise.
Point to remember is that CO2 growth is no big deal. All our
vegetation evolved in conditions of 2 to 5 times as much CO2 as we
have now. Plants now are stressed for LACK of CO2. Thats why
gardeners put plants in CO2 enhanced greenhouses.
Doubling CO2 will increase global temp only 0.25 deg in the next 200
years or so. Ask the MIT. They have come out against it too.
John Daly Tasmania
John Daly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Daly@f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!John.Daly
Subject: The Tasmanian Devil
Date: 18 Feb 90 23:10:00 GMT

MC> > Here is a puzzle for our American Paranet users only -
MC> > Is there a Tasmanian Devil?
MC> > First correct answer from an American user gets an all-
MC> > expenses paid
MC> > trip to Alpha Centauri (wherever that is).
MC> Where are my damn encyclopedias when I need them? -:)
MC> Yes, there is Tasmanian Devil. I don't recall its genus
MC> exactly, but...
MC> Now, about that trip to Alpha Centauri.....
MC> Mike
Well, tell us all about the Tasmanian Devil, then.
John Daly Tasmania
(Land of the Tasmanian Devil)
John Daly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Daly@f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!John.Daly
Subject: Mutilations
Date: 18 Feb 90 23:18:00 GMT

DE> The mystery of animal mutilations is a world wide one.
DE> Reports have come into UFO researchers from all over North
DE> and South America, England, Europe, Australia, and most
DE> recently Japan. One of the premier mutilation reseachers
DE> here in the US is Ms. Linda M. Howe. This past year she has
DE> released a new book detailing the mutilation mystery; An
DE> Alien Harvest. An excellent read, and if you are
DE> interested, let me know. I will be more than happy to give
DE> you the information I have. Mutilations is where I have
DE> centered my research.
I have lived in England up to 1980, and in Tasmania since then. I
have never heard of cattle mutilations in either place (which of
course does not mean they did'nt happen, merely that I never got to
hear or read of them). I would be interested to hear of any cases
down this part of the world.
Of course, any mutilations in Tasmania would be blamed on
Tasmanian Devils!
John Daly Tasmania
John Daly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Daly@f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!John.Daly
Subject: Strange Rings in Britain
Date: 18 Feb 90 23:29:00 GMT

JS> That would not explain how the circles appear literally
JS> overnight, however, or why they went unnoticed for
JS> centuries. Still, digging down a few feet might show
JS> something.
Overnight appearance would happen in Britain due to the heavy humid
air common in Britain. A heavy dew is very common in Britain, even
in summer, and it leaves the land and vegetation soaking wet. It's a
climatic condition, and the action of dew could cause the visible
surface mark of a buried structure.
As I said earlier, iron age man in Britain built numerous
ring-shaped earthworks, many above ground, mainly for defence.
John Daly Tasmania
John Daly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Daly@f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!John.Daly
Subject: Re: Skeptics
Date: 18 Feb 90 23:35:00 GMT

CM> > Here is a puzzle for our American Paranet users only -
CM> > Is there a Tasmanian Devil?
CM> > First correct answer from an American user gets an
CM> > all-expenses paid
CM> > trip to Alpha Centauri (wherever that is).
CM> I claim the prize!!!! There IS a Tasmanian Devil. It is
CM> the size of a hamster and has the temperament of a puff
CM> adder.
CM> When do we leave?
CM> Best,
CM> Clark
The Alpha Centauri trip is still open to American users!
The question is - Who or what is the Tasmanian Devil? or is it just
a Bugs Bunny cartoon character?
John Daly Tasmania
John Daly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Daly@f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!John.Daly
Subject: Cows
Date: 18 Feb 90 23:37:00 GMT

CM> > One thing puzzles me about all the cattle mutilation
CM> > messages on Paranet.
CM> > They all seem to happen in the USA only. I've never
CM> > heard of them
CM> > happening in Europe or Australia.
CM> Ah-hah! There's actually a little mystery about Australian
CM> mutilations -- namely sheep mutilations. It was the subject
CM> (supposedly) of a silent, two- or three-reel film about the
CM> time of the First World War.
CM> The title was supposed to have been "The Haunted Bilabong".
CM> Linda Howe referred to it in one of her posts on Cattle
CM> mutilations here in the U.S. I thought about writing Kevin
CM> Brownlow about it at the London Film School but never did.
CM> So, to my knowledge, it has never been resolved whether this
CM> film is "art imitating life" from the turn of the century --
CM> or whether the film ever existed at all.
CM> Have our Australian friends ever heard of this little movie?
CM> Best,
CM> Clark
No. I've never heard of that movie.
John Daly Tasmania
John Daly - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Daly@f2.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f7.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG!Vladimir.Godic.
Subject: Canberra "UFO"- Newsflash from UFORA.
Date: 21 Feb 90 05:58:00 GMT

You might have heard it on the radio, seen on TV or read in your daily
newspapers, about the guy in Canberra who took shots, on his video
camera, of an object early in the morning (0515hrs EDST). Apart from
the media (who are very excited about it) our Canberra associate has
interviewed him and is forwarding a written report to UFORA. Our
immediate reaction to this report, after checking our astronomical
data, is that there is a strong possibility of the "UFO" being an
astronomical object. There are also a number of discrepancies in this
report, especially the date when the shots were taken. More in our
next despatch. Stay tuned.

Vladimir Godic - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic.@f7.n1030.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Gary Knight <>
Subject: Music and science/mathematics
Date: 20 Feb 90 20:20:53 GMT

For those who have been exchange information on the relationship
between music and science/mathematics, I highly recommend a recent
novel by Katherine Neville entitled THE EIGHT. It's not only a good
read in its own right, but has some very interesting history about
music/mathematics. Infinitely more readable than Eco's FOCAULT'S PENDULUM.
For what it's worth.



From: Gary Knight <>
Subject: UFO research and fiction
Date: 20 Feb 90 20:21:31 GMT

UFO 4. Writers of fiction often get their plot ideas from real life.
I'm interested in pursuing those written and film stories which have
antecedents in current theories about UFOs. I've made a tentative list (see
below), but would appreciate your sending me by e-mail any suggested
additions (I'll post the full list to the net later).

The books and films should NOT just deal with science fiction, or
space travel, or ETs generally, or with UFO research peripherally -- (1)
there must be a connection between the fictional work and some aspect of
current, legitimate UFO data, and (2) the UFO data must serve as the central
theme of the work. I think the examples I give will be illustrative of what
I'm after:

A. Books:
Whitley Strieber, MAJESTIC (Roswell Incident)

B. Films:
HANGAR 18 (Roswell Incident)
STRANGE INVADERS (Several incidents combined)
WAVELENGTH (basically the Roswell incident)





From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: ParaNet FAX
Date: 20 Feb 90 19:26:00 GMT

This is to announce ParaNet's new 24-hour FAX number. Now you
can get access to ParaNet when you need it.

The number is 303-233-4800.

All documents are accepted via this number.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: MacLeod <drivax!>
Subject: (none)
Date: 21 Feb 90 00:28:18 GMT

A friend asked me to post his commentary on the "circles" discussion:

I've seen a lot of discussion on the "circles" in Britain, and I'm a little
confused. Actually, I think some of the posters are confused.

Someone posted something about "rings", which I think is a completely
different phenomenon. Here are the interesting "facts" as I recall them from
an episode of Unsolved Mysteries aired about two weeks ago. The people
interviewed are "scientists", for whatever that's worth, including a fairly
well known astronomer (names forgotten).

Over the last decade or so, all around the Stonehenge area, there have
appeared circles mashed into the crop fields. The seem to appear overnight,
and vary from a single large circle, to one or more small circles, to groups
of circles, in no particularly exact symmetrical pattern (although sometimes
they roughly line up in a pattern). These "circles" have the following
(almost always consistent) characteristics:

o The circles themselves are pretty symmetric (that is, very circular).

o The crops have been mashed down in circular sweeping motions, but sometimes
(or maybe always, I'm not clear on this) with a layer sweeping one way and a
layer sweeping another. To visualize this, imagine a steam roller with an
incredibly short turning radius rolling over and mashing down the crops while
driving around in decreasing radius circles. Now imagine there is another
layer of crops underneath going the other way.

o For the most part, the crops themselves are not damaged (as they would be if
mashed mechanically). In fact, some of the scientists (or psuedo scientists -
you can't trust the credentials given in tabloid journalism) say that the
bases of the individual plants look as if each had been softened, bent over
(the mashing process), then hardened again - and this achieves the mashing
down without damage.

o There are no vehicle tracks leading to the circles.

o There are no footprints or damaged crops (as if someone walked in through
the crops) leading to the circles.

o They have been increasing in appearance over the last decade. Over 270 have
been discovered since summer of 89. This is a rather large number for a hoax
without someone finding out about it or beeing seen doing it, given the
publicity of it all.

o All of the circles have been found in a triangular area around the
Stonehenge site. I don't remember the square mileage (actually, they were
using metric figures, and they just didn't stick in my mind). They know of no
other sitings outside of this area, anywhere.

o This team of "scientists" has spent a lot of time trying to recreate the
circles artificially (to see if a hoaxer could do it). They have not succeeded

o They setup a watch over some "popular" fields for a period of a week or so.
No circles appeared during that time. Statistically, several should have
appeared, even if not in their watch area. [some may leap to the conclusion
that they must be UFOs and they knew we were watching - I would be more
inclined to believe that the government knew they were watching (given the
publicity) - *if* I were to lean towards a craft type explanation].

o An astronomer at Cambridge who has some interest in these phenomena is
completely stumped, and as far as I can tell, no one has any reasonable
explanation for them.

o Occasionally these circles have been found after reported mysterious
light sightings, including a classic UFO encounter. The show, amazingly
enough, did not really push the UFO explanation; neither did the "scientists".
They just left it as an unsolved mystery.

NPR (National Public Radio) also did a story on this some time ago (was it in
89 or 88?). If you want more information, contact NPR and see if they can
find the story. They will mail a tape of it if they can, for a small fee.

kral 408/647-6112 ...amdahl!drivax!braun

"To surrender is to remain in the hands of barbarians for the rest of my life;
To fight is to leave my bones exposed in the desert waste"

- ancient chinese poem

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