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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 127

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 127 

Wednesday, January 17th 1990

Today's Topics:

Re: MJ-12 Document - HOAX!
Astronomers and UFOs
Re: Cold Fusion
Re: Lazar/Area51
Some personal thoughts


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Torson
Subject: Re: MJ-12 Document - HOAX!
Date: 15 Jan 90 16:54:42 GMT

Yes, the article by Klass in the latest Skeptical Inquirer seems to
be pretty convincing evidence that the MJ-12 Truman memorandum is
a fake. However, I guess I have to ask. Has anyone checked the
authenticity of the Truman to Bush letter that Klass says is the
source of the signature? I don't happen to have a copy of it in
my files. :-)

It will certainly be interesting to see what Freidman's response will
be to all this. Do you know if anyone has contacted him to get his

Jim Torson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Torson@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Torson
Subject: Lazar
Date: 15 Jan 90 16:55:46 GMT

Well, I finally got to see a tape of the KLAS Saturday night 2-hour
special on UFOs. It was pretty good, although I think they might
have tried to cover too much ground. Also, there were a few errors.
For one, it is not correct that Linda Howe's research has found
evidence that animal mutilation cuts slice between the cells without
damaging the cells. When I talked with her during a break at the
MUFON conference, she said that is a false rumor. Instead, they
have found evidence that the cuts were done by something very hot,
e.g., maybe something like a laser.

I was disappointed that they didn't have more of the interviews with
Lazar. However, thanks to the lengthy transcipts of other Lazar
interviews provided by ParaNet, I have begun to form a "gut" feel
for what he is saying. I must say that I agree with you. He just
doesn't sound like a scientist who has actually worked with the stuff
that he is claiming. There seem to be numerous places where he just
doesn't provide the technical details that I would expect (and want).

For example, he says that they used an X-ray spectrograph for testing
the magic element 115, but fails to provide any details. Didn't he
say that 115 is stable and not radioactive? So, does the stuff emit
X-rays without being radioactive? Doesn't make sense to me. He says
they did density and weight calculations. Surely such basic analysis
would have been done long before Lazar arrived on the scene. He also
says he can't remember what other tests they did on it. I simply
can't believe that he would just forget. He just seems to be unable
to provide any real technical details. He is claiming that this is
a supposedly new element. Well, I have worked with scientists for
about fifteen years, and I would expect that you couldn't get a
scientist to shut up about all the technical details on how they
analyzed it!

He also claims that the 115 emits an anti-matter particle when
bombarded with protons. So, where do the protons come from? He
of course doesn't explain. All in all, my "gut" feeling is that there
are just too many holes in his "technical" descriptions. If he really
had access to the things that he claims, then he would be providing
plenty of technical details in an attemt to convince the technical
community that he knows what he is talking about.

If we only had Lazar's claims, I think I would be tempted to just
dismiss the whole thing. However, with all the other curious aspects
of this, you just have to wonder what's really going on! Perhaps it's
more disinformation to keep us confused. Maybe the purpose is to
divert attention from the Roswell crash investigation, which seems to
be one of the few things that really stand up to scrutiny.

Jim Torson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Torson@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Torson
Subject: Astronomers and UFOs
Date: 15 Jan 90 16:57:25 GMT

Your message of about a month ago finally got routed to me. You had
asked about the professional astronomer who was part of the reason I
got interested in UFOs. He has had only one possible UFO sighting.
He once saw something that looked like a meteor near the horizon.
However, it was going nearly straight up rather than down as a
"normal" meteor would. He said it could probably be explained as a
meteor that just grazed the atmosphere and then returned to space, so
it certainly was not very mysterious.

However, he lent me a copy of a survey of the members of the American
Astronomical Society (if I remember correctly) that was done by Peter
Sturrock, who was at the time (if I remember correctly) director of
the Stanford Linear Accelerator. That was about ten years ago, so I
don't remember many details. However, I think it mentioned that a
number of the respondents HAD seen puzzling things in the sky and
I think most of them wanted to remain anonymous. Also, a number of
the respondents felt that the UFO subject deserved serious scientific
study. Jim Speiser recently mentioned this report. (Jim, can you
supply any further details?) Perhaps a copy of the study is still
available from Sturrock, who BTW is currently President of the
Society for Scientific Exploration, which is dedicated to the study
of various anomalous phenomena, e.g., out-of-body experiences,
evidence for reincarnation, and various psychic phenomena.
Sturrock's current address is: Center for Space Science and
Astrophysics, ERL 306, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.

Another astronomer who was convinced of the reality of the UFO
phenomenon was of course the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek. His books are
still a good place to start for someone who is unsure about whether
the subject deserves serious study. The title of his 1977 book is:
_The Hynek UFO Report_.

Jim Torson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Torson@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: cows
Date: 15 Jan 90 00:39:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <01-14-90 15:10> John Komar wrote:

JK> I've got a stack of papers from the Oregon State Police
JK> concerning the cattle mutilations around the Fort Rock/Pine
JK> Mountain areas that occurred around June '89, and the
JK> reports only cover the actual animals, anything else
JK> connected is not included such as strange lights, etc.

I have discovered that you must take it upon yourself to ask them if there
have been any UFOs in the area during that time. Normally they will not
give out that information unless you ask them.


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG!John.Komar
Subject: cows
Date: 15 Jan 90 01:08:00 GMT

In a message to John Komar <01-14-90 17:39> Bryon Smith wrote:
BS=>I have discovered that you must take it upon yourself to
BS=>ask them if there have been any UFOs in the area during
BS=>that time. Normally they will not give out that
BS=>information unless you ask them.

Even then they are reluctant.

Received a phone call from MUFON (cringe) State Director of Illinois. Three
persons in East Memphis (my backyard) saw lights near in the sky. The Guy
and 2 teenagers (one his son) were witnesses. The guy is a scientist,
credited with research on magnetic ??? (didn't catch the rest of it), also
has missing time experiences. DOES NOT want to share this with anyone. The
SD in IL has a new member who is the cousin of the son and received the
info. She is trying to get them to talk with me at this time, but I must
wait until they approve.


John Komar - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Komar@f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG!John.Komar
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion
Date: 15 Jan 90 07:00:00 GMT

In a message to All <01-13-90 17:06> T.s. Bennett wrote:
TB=> There are several pewople in this net who are likewise
TB=> CLOSE MINDED and unimaginative when it comes to allowing
TB=> ideas to flow in to displace old ideas.

Who appointed you OVERSEER of the psychology of man? Don't mean to be
snippy, just curious. I've noticed you have made personal judgments against
(and I use the word "against") persons here who you have never met in person
and I was just wondering where you obtained the power to "see" into other
people's minds thru your computer.

Just curious, that's all.

Happy New Year to you and your's.

Regards, John

John Komar - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Komar@f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG!John.Komar
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 15 Jan 90 07:02:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <01-13-90 17:04> T.s. Bennett wrote:
TB=> You are starting to sound like a guy who filled these
TB=>columns with talk of Nephilim whatever they are, so please
TB=>load it somewhere else.

T.S., could you please explain your understanding of "Nephilim" to me?
It is possible, although you'll agree not probable that you might be using
the word in the wrong context.

Regards, John

John Komar - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Komar@f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: cows
Date: 15 Jan 90 14:45:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <01-14-90 18:08> John Komar wrote:

JK> Received a phone call from MUFON (cringe) State Director of
JK> Illinois. Three persons in East Memphis (my backyard) saw

JK> this with anyone. The SD in IL has a new member who is the
JK> cousin of the son and received the info. She is trying to
JK> get them to talk with me at this time, but I must wait
JK> until they approve.

Sounds kinda like this case over here where the woman was visiting her
mother south east of Fort Smith in the country, and was outside putting the
bike into the garage when she noticed a blue beam shine down on her and she
looked up and saw a blue disk hovering over her mother's house. She dropped
the bike and tried to screem and could not, she tried to run but could not,
she looked back at the disk and suddenly the blue beam vanished and the disk
shot straight into the air, then darted off toward the east in a flash and
was gone from sight.

Her husband heard me on a radio program one morning and wrote my number
down, then he called me and told me the story, but she refuses to talk to me
about it. He wants some answers, she refuses the answers and don't want to
talk with anyone about it.

Certain information in the case causes me to think that she has had
encounters with this disk (or one like it) before.

Makes it hard when people won't talk to you about their encounter.

Good luck.


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: (Gene Gross)
Subject: Some personal thoughts
Date: 16 Jan 90 16:25:53 GMT

This is not in response to anyone in particular. It is more a series of
thoughts that have been running through my brain rather like children
playing hide-and-seek. I'm throwing them out to see what discussion it
can spark and what feedback I can get from the rest of the folks out

As some of you may have noticed by now, I'm not big on Lazar. I have
posted thoughts here on what concerns me. Now let me talk about it from
a "what-if-it-is-true" perspective. Keep this proviso in mind--I am not
a recognized expert in anything except putting my feet in my mouth,
which I often do with great alacrity and without outside assistance.

It seems to me that our current state of science provides no way around
the FTL limitation on interstellar travel. This would mean that to
colonize beyond this planet would take untold generations moving at even
99% of c. Yet, if Lazar is to be believed, the possibility of FTL
travel exists. It could be done using something we still don't quite

Reading one of the interviews with Lazar (so kindly posted by Michael
Corbin--thank you), I was struck by something that he said. When asked
about traveling those vast distances, Lazar said they pointed the
gravity amplifiers at the place they wanted to go and space/time seemed
to fold. Then I recalled something from Frank Herbert's wonderful book,
_Dune_. In there, the Guild folded space to bring about travel to
distant planets defeating the FTL limitation.

Such a method of travel, if truely possible, would enable humanity to
move out into space as a serious spacefaring species. We could build
smaller craft than what we currently envision. We could move out in
directions that seem the most promising of finding planets that are

Okay, we now have that capability. Who controls it? What does this do
to the society as a whole--don't forget to include religions in this.
Often we exclude religions as if they were some anathema or pox on the
society. In fact, they are one of the major glues holding diverse
peoples together. Granted all the negatives--but don't overlook the
positives and the strength of belief. Where do we go first? How many
people go and who are they? What happens to our own planetary struggles
and strifes?

To think that answers to these and many other questions are simple or
don't really matter is to ignore the nature of the beast. We set aside
our differences, at least in public, with our Allies in WWII, but
shortly after the war was over and recovery had set in we were back at
each other's throats. (and this isn't something my Mom told me--I
remember) Just because we have a golden opportunity for the human race
doesn't mean that we'll be able to set aside our internecine struggles
back on the home world. And what concerns me is the potential
destructive capability of such marvelous technology.

Now, I'm not saying that we should wait until we solve all of our
earthbound problems--poverty, racism, illnesses, bent emotional states,
etc. That is like people who wait to get married or have children until
they can afford to do so--it just never happens. I think that if we
have such technology let's go ahead and use it. But in doing so, let's
at least be a bit wiser than those who have gone before. Let's look at
the potential affects of this technology on the the people and world
around us. Let's prepare for it now--even without such marvelous

I would like to see humanity go into space and not have to worry if the
home world will be here when they get back.

One last thing and then I'll close. It has to do with the so-called
Philadelphia Experiment. In the most recent Paranet newsletter someone
mentioned it. I understood from what that person said that he believed
its basic validity. How much investigation has been done into this
recently? Does anyone out there have more information other than
Moore's book, which I have read? If Teller was involved with it, why
hasn't he done something about it since then?

Gene Gross

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