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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 128

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 128 

Wednesday, January 17th 1990

Today's Topics:

There is a lot of current theories leading me in the direction of th
Re: Cold Fusion
Re: Goodman/Lazar Comments 12/20/89
Re: Lazar/Area51
Re: Interbreeding
Re: Lazar
Re: Lazar/Area51
Re: Cold Fusion
Re: Cold Fusion
Re: Lazar/Area51
Re: Lazar/Area51
Re: Cold Fusion


From: (John H. Chalmers Jr.)
Subject: Replies
Date: 16 Jan 90 23:27:54 GMT

To T. S. Bennet and Clarke Mathews: I also would appreciate references
to the NEC Corporation's having confirmed the Pon-Fleischman
"Cold Fusion" experiments. I have been following this story in
the scientific literature and I know of no laboratory, academic
or corporate that has successfully duplicated the both heat output
observed by P-F and has also found the requisite neutron fluxes
and/or tritium products. Early reports of success were
retracted when the investigators discovered sources of systematic
error in their equipment. A few investigators still report some of P-F's
effects, but the levels are very low, poorly reproducible, and
not independently verified. The story isn't over, but it appears unlikely
that the effects are nuclear rather than chemical.
My recollection is that P-F have never published the full
details of their experiments even after covering their patent
position. Neither have they made their apparatus available for
examination by other experimenters. I believe that the Pd electrodes
were returned to the supplier. So far, the cold fusion story is a
textbook example of what Langmuir called pathological science.
If NEC does confirm P-F's discovery, then the State of
Utah, its university, P and F, and their licensees will become
very rich. You can be sure that funding agencies will be deluged
with CF proposals and everyone will jump on the bandwagon.
Exactly what "infectious plague" are you referring to?
The allegation that AIDS was produced by the CIA
at Fort Dietrick MD by genetic engineering was started by
a retired East Geman virologist named Siegel. The truth of his
charges has been denied by both Soviet and East German officials.
There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support this
vicious claim and very compelling evidence against it.
Before one criticizes Teller too harshly, one should
appreciatethat he was a refugee from Hitler and saw his native
Hungary suffer under a native communist regime (Bela Kun),
then Fascism, Soviet imperialism, and a failed revolt in the 50's.
Anyone might become embittered by these experiences and distrustful
of socialist movements,fellow-travelers, and the like.
I think it ironic that Teller was one of the two scientists
who urged more study of the Cold Fusion phenomenon at a symposium
in Washington last october (Science vol. 246, 27 October, 1989, p449);
the other was Paul Chu, known for his not so close-minded research on
high temperature superconductivity. Teller even postulated that
a new neutral particle was acting as a catalyst to tranfer neutrons
from deuterium to other atoms in a new type of nuclear reaction. He
also proposed U235 as a sensitive probe for the low level of nuclear
I must say I don't see why cold fusion would necessarily be
an erratic phenomenon. It would depend on the relative rates of Pd
lattice charging, fusion reaction, and replenishment.
To refer to academic researchers as grant whores is not
exactly indicative of an open minded attitude either. While academic
grants are usually given to projects with a high probability of success,
SBIR grants also fund specultative R&D in the private sector.
I've seen solicitations for projects as diverse as "warp drives"
for spacecraft and non--traditional health care data bases.
---- John.


From: paranet!f20.n3607.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jerry.Woody
Subject: cows
Date: 16 Jan 90 23:12:00 GMT

->in> on paranet. Have these mutilations occurred near areas
->in> where UFO's have
->The other witness saw a bright orange light come down out
->of the sky across a highway and then disappear behind a

Hmmmm... there seems to be some type of pattern forming with the sightings
of bright orange lights and cattle mutilations. Here in Cullman in November
of 1988 a very large orange object was seen hovering over a cattle pasture.
It dissapeared (winked out), an orange streak was seen and the object
reappeared briefly before again disappearing for the last time.
Unfortunately, the witness did not want to make a report to MUFON nor any
other agency, but I can certainly vouch for his/her sincerity and honesty. A
couple of months after that a piece ran in the Cullman times, Sheriffs'
report, about a, and I quote "The cow's milk sack and rear end had been cut
out. The incident occured between Jan. 31 and Feb. 1"
. I have a copy of the
news article if you'd like it. Notice also that it occured LESS than 24hrs.
in cold winter weather.

Jerry Woody - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jerry.Woody@f20.n3607.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: There is a lot of current theories leading me in the direction of th
Date: 16 Jan 90 07:52:04 GMT

There is info leading me to think of the possibility that these "aliens"
have been "bred" by our own genetic experiments in order to "fly" strange
new craft that we designed, in order to fool the "enemy" we use them
against into thinking that they came from "outewr space". There is a
definite underground installatiuon near Dulce New Mexico, it is reputed
to have "aliens" there. My point is that the place is a bio-engineering
lab, and the "aliens" are abortions created by us.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion
Date: 16 Jan 90 07:56:10 GMT

I saw it on our local public tv station (LA) At 12 midnigght they have
Japanese Television Broadcast, The same broadcast that the Japanese see
in Tokyo, in English. So we get to see the Japanese counterparts of Dan
Rather and Diane Sawyer. Anyway I'm looking for more info, naturally its
being overlooked by our media due to embarassment, much like what they'll
do when "proof" of UFOs comes down the pike.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Goodman/Lazar Comments 12/20/89
Date: 16 Jan 90 08:01:38 GMT

BTW, I'm the "Tim from Pasadena" that asked about the "hatch", I keep
calling Billy and asking him to call Lazar and get the numbers on the
"Gravity wave frequency" and the "atomic weight", but Billy always says
he forgets to ask Lazar when talking to him. Its the standard depressing
"put off" that has been used from time immemorial. The whole thing is
good because it got everybody energized again, but its bad also because
when and if Lazar gets debunked, then everything he said will be under
attack, and probably some of it is true. We just wont be able to tell the
difference when it hits the fan.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 16 Jan 90 08:06:09 GMT

Now who's making assumptions? I just soft peddled the thing because a guy
named Patrick Leight had filled pages and pages of FIDO net with the junk
about Nephilim, supposedly mentioned in the "Book of Enoch". I corrected
him, David Rice corrected him, Linda Murphy corrected him, but the guy
was from a "fringe" board somewhere and just kept spouting crap that he
couldn't back up, and so my comment to you, who obviously missed the
whole thing about "fallen Angels" etc, was to try to cut it short. Far be
it from me to cut you short, I apologize, however if you enter any
fallacious info on data concerning "fallen angels" the "elders" or the
hogwash "Nephilim" you can count on the fact that either me or Linda or
David will correct you. I know quite a bit about ancient epigraphs and
apocrypha. Having done extensive reading, I also am well read on Eastern
religions and have corrected numerous people who have tried faulty
thinking in their approaches.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Interbreeding
Date: 16 Jan 90 08:13:50 GMT

Keep up the good work Bryon. There is indeed good evidence to suggest
that there were "men, women, giants, and angels" in the times around the
"flood". Before the flood in ALL the skimpy literature that was saved
from flame in Alexandria, there is no mention of stars in the sky. This
is because most of the water on Earth was bound up in the "firmament".
When "God rent the firmament" to cause the "flood" due to discontent with
the "humans", it rained for a lot more than 40 days and 40 nights!!!
After that there is mention of stars, and astrology came into being.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Lazar
Date: 16 Jan 90 08:18:49 GMT

My reading of the situation as Lazar explains it is that there weren't
any "decent" scientists gabbing around out there. there was a small
contingency (22) of people with specific allocated departmentalized
things to study. Scientists compartmentalized in the same manner at Los
Alamos DO NOT GAB about the things they are working on to ANYONE except
their partners on THE SAME TEAM. The walls have ears when it comes to top
secret, as you well know, and if they are caught talking they are
"punished". This happens to be a fact I learned from a source I have who
works at Los Alamos.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Don.Allen
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 14 Jan 90 09:01:00 GMT

(mucho other stuff deleted to conserve bandwidth).....
BS>They say the intermixing of the aliens with the humans was done for
good. They say the "space brothers" were involved in this for our
good. I
say they are sadly mistaken, and if it's these same "space brothers"
who were
involved in that ordeal who told them these things, then they are
talking to
the wrong "space brothers."

@ I would love to address each one of your other points but time
doesn't permit it for me right now,so I will look at this one point
you mentioned here..

Since I'm admittedly NOT a researcher but just a person who likes
to read various things for my own enlightenment I can only offer
my opinion_as_such. It's my opinion that the intermingling of the
huminoid races of earth and the "space brothers" for "good" is
not entirely accurate. To me,that "intermixing" has the effect
of altering certain biological changes in the DNA/RNA chain.

(Sheer speculation at this point)..What does that mean??
Could it mean a lowering of spiritual potential that should have
long ago come to pass...or was it done deliberately to suppress
the inner knowledge of the "I AM" realization that might
have to to fruition. There are several schools of thought that look
at the intermixing as the raising up of the "carnal" side of mankind
and the "lowering" of the Kundalini/Life Force.

(getting into the metaphysical here)..From what I can recall
the Sanskrit word "Chakra" means literally "spinning wheel"...

I'm a believer in the tremendous inner spiritual potential of
each person on planet Earth..whether they believe or know matters
not..seems to me we are being led in the latter part of this century
to have a deeper understanding of _Why we are here_ ,Who_are_we,
and _what_is_our_purpose in the scheme of things..

The Bhagavad_Gita is a book out of a VAST collection of works that
as I recall are older than anything (including our BIBLE) that has
a tremendous wealth of information in it,if you're so inclined to
pursue that avenue in your research.

Seems to me that it's really not possible to separate the metaphysical
spiritual aspects of the UFO phenomena. There's some connections here.

I have read of many phenomena happening in the Himalayan/Tibet area
where translocation (being in 2 places at the same time) and other
non-newtonian univeral things things have taken place. Alot of this
is in relation to an "etheric" city in the GOBI desert called
SHAMBALLA,and the regent of that city is called "The Ancient of Days"
whose name is Sanat Kumara.

What does your Bible research indicate about Melchizdek? (who was
without mother or father and just WAS).
Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion
Date: 17 Jan 90 02:47:00 GMT

Hi, T.S. We get NHK Tokyo's English broadcast in New York, too.
Unfortunately it's at 2:30 a.m., so I arrange to sleep through it, as a
rule. Interesting people the Japanese. A lot of queer human-interest stuff
in their broadcasts -- very conventional-looking and -acting people who do
weird stuff and talk about it very politely. And it seems every third story
is about a flower festival, a fish festival, or a quaint rock-paper-scissors

I just wish they could give the currency/stock quotes in real time! They
beam over a newscast with yesterday's financial news. The way the U.S.
government acts with UFO information, Japan Inc. behaves with money info, it

Maybe success breeds success?

Nice typing to you!


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion
Date: 17 Jan 90 04:42:15 GMT

I certainly dont name names, and I'm being very general. The people who
I'm talking about know who they are and have not responded to my
inference, which is as it should be. It may sound judgemental to you, but
its not. To those whom the shoe fits, they made the bed now lay in it!
All those who piled on against Pons-Fleischmann are now burdened by the
weight of everyone else on their back. America loses, Japan wins, and
that also is how it should be. Closed minds should ALWAYS LOSE.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 17 Jan 90 04:45:47 GMT

The word was brought into the net out of context from a fringe board from
a book called "The Secrets of Enoch", something like a 1925 "national
collection of unwarranted assumptions and a collation of
incomplete and completely misunderstood ACTUAL texts like the Dead Sea
Scrolls and other ancient writings, which were "channeled" into the
"Secrets of Enoch". As to the derivation of the word, I wont waste your
time, it is a combination of two words in Aramaic, in this case
improperly assumed to mean something.

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 16 Jan 90 17:28:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <01-13-90 09:49> James Nannemann wrote:

JN> share with American citizens. The same thing applies to the
JN> UFO issue. The
JN> government seems to be more afraid of it's own
JN> constituents, than it is of
JN> forign powers. I think it is just plain stupid that they
JN> would treat us
JN> like that. What do you think?

I think you are right about that.

Our government does appear to be more concerned about keeping the
information from its own people than it does from other governments.

Perhaps they are afraid of something. Could it be they fear the "power of
the people"
to pull their plug through legislation ? They may not want to
account for where certain money is going in regards to the UFO situation.
It could be they have to much dirty laundery in the closet, and fear that
one explanation (of one project) might create new questions that might lead
to answers such as "who really did shoot J.F.K." etc etc and why. I think
they have a lot more to hide than just UFOs.

It would make a heck of a movie wouldn't it ?


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Don.Allen
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion
Date: 17 Jan 90 05:54:00 GMT

In a previous message to Bryon Smith you wrote:
"You are starting to sound like a guy who filled these columns with
talk of
Nephilim whatever they are, so please load it somewhere else."

Ironically enough,you mentioned in another message:
"There are several pewople in this net who are likewise
CLOSE MINDED and unimaginative when it comes to allowing new
ideas to flow in to displace old ideas."
(part of a message)

My comments to you are that you come off more like the close-minded
person to whom you so generously ascribe to everyone else who *don't*
agree with *your* viewpoint.

Last time I looked..this was STILL a free country..WHO appointed YOU
the echo moderator on topics to be discussed and those that don't
fit *your* viewpoint that you jump om someone's back and tell them
in effect "get lost".

I see plenty of contributions from Bryon Smith in the HQ files but
pray tell.....>>>>Where are YOURS???????

(Sorry Jim Speiser..trying to keep my temper in check)
I can handle just about any subject to be discussed on these
bases..but one thing I have a hard time with is your [patronizing
know-it-all attitude.

Why don't you play it more cool instead..
Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name

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