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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 126

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 126 

Tuesday, January 16th 1990

Today's Topics:

Goodman/Lazar Comments 12/20/89
Re: Lazar/Area51
Re: Lazar/Area51
Re: Interbreeding
Re: Lazar/Area51


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: Goodman/Lazar Comments 12/20/89
Date: 15 Jan 90 08:19:00 GMT

DATE OF UPLOAD: January 15, 1990
ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: Las Vegas, Nevada
(C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service
All Rights Reserved unless copyrighted by Author.
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1-303-232-8303 VOICE

Three Lazar Points Unrecalled

Robert Lazar/Billy Goodman
12/20/89/KVEG-AM Radio 840, Las Vegas

1. The Resonant Frequency of the Gravity Wave

I understand there's an antenna section in this device; what is
the resonant frequency that that operates at?

The resonant frequency of the gravity wave I do know, but I don't
know it off hand; I just can't remember it.

Can you give me a ballpark, like 2,000 kilohertz?

I really don't remember. It's a really odd frequency.

Is it measured in kilohertz or gigahertz or megahertz?

I really don't remember.

2. The Names Used at S-4 for the Low- and High-Speed Modes of
Spacecraft Travel

Using the technology that's being used, the craft are very agile,
aren't they?

Oh yes, very, in one specific mode of travel.

In one direction at a time?

No. There's two modes of travel. There's a low-speed mode and a
high-speed mode. I don't remember what they called them; they
had a specific name for them.
You were talking about the low- and high-speed modes and the
control factors in there. Can you describe those modes and what
the ship looks like each time it is going through those modes?

The low-speed mode -- and I REALLY wish I could remember what
they call these, but I can't, as I can't remember the frequency
of the wave --

The low-speed mode: The craft is very vulnerable; it bobs
around. And it's sitting on a weak gravitational field, sitting
on three gravity waves. And it just bounces around. And it can
focus the waves behind it and keep falling forward and hobble
around at low speed.

The second mode: They increase the amplitude of the field, and
the craft begins to lift, and it performs a ROLL maneuver: it
begins to turn, roll, begins to turn over. As it begins to leave
the earth's gravitational field, they point the bottom of the
craft at the DESTINATION. This is the second mode of travel,
where they converge the three gravity amplifiers -- FOCUS them --
on a point that they want to go to. Then they bring them up to
full power, and this is where the tremendous time-space
distortion takes place, and that whips them right to that point.

3. The Atomic Weight of Alien Element 115

What is the atomic weight of 115?

I hate even to guess. I know it because we've written it down
because we've calculated it, but I really don't remember.

Can you give us a ballpark?

No, 'cause I'd be wrong! Just like if I gave a ballpark on the
gravitational wave frequency -- and that's really bugging the
hell out of me.

There were three things, as a matter of fact, that for some
reason I've developed a mental block on. I'll have to call
Billy, and then he can announce it on the air. I'll just call
him and then he can relay it to everyone.



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 14 Jan 90 17:27:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <01-13-90 17:04> T.s. Bennett wrote:

TB> You are starting to sound like a guy who filled these
TB> columns with talk of Nephilim whatever they are, so please
TB> load it somewhere else.

Let me tell you something Mr T.S. I have been watching you to and I happen
to know you don't own this echo.

Myself and certain others are doing some research here and if you would like
to help that's all well and good but if not then you can just complain to
someone else about it.

That remark was totally uncalled for and is not a statement I would expect
to hear from someone who was truly seeking the answers.

I say the "aliens" were here back then, and even before then, and I say they
gave us certain evidence and I am looking for that evidence. If I am able
to locate that evidence then why is that a threat to you ?

I say that humans and "aliens" have interacted in the past in a certain type
of communications or "communion," as well as to have fought battles of
different types over the centuries, some of which were recorded as
"supernatural" warefare such as the battle of Jerico.

I say "aliens" or "fallen angels" are the same beings and have been involved
in our religions and cultures over many many years. I say they are also
involved in certain connections with certain upper government officials
(just as you have been indicating), but I don't think you are aware of their
intentions or their natures. Perhaps if you continue to search you will be
able to contribute to the efforts of those involved in seeking the truth
concerning the UFO phenomena, but you have an attitude problem you need to
consider & get out of the way as it's blocking your perception, and making a
stink in the echos.

I am quite willing to allow you to continue your conversations and research
(without throwning mud at you) and am not offended by your line of
conversations or research, but will admit I have observed some of your past
messages that I did find distasteful because of the "tone" and uncalled for
remarks to fellow researchers similar to the one you just made to me. That
is not helpful and has the tone of someone who has something to prove,
rather than being concerned about the truth.

I was with ParaNet, before it was a Network, ask Jim Speiser if you have
doubts about that, and I have been working with Mike Corbin withen the
ParaNet Network every since he took charge, and I don't normally have
problems with the users on here. The last one I had a problem with though
was Bill Cooper and I kicked him off ParaNet TAU and in case you had not
noticed he isn't on ParaNet any more either. He didn't actually get kicked
off for the information he was posting, though that should have been enough,
but he got kicked off because he had a bad attitude and was constantly
offending the good users and researchers who were trying to get some useful
answers to the questions.

Who is this person you mentioned who had talked about the Nephilim in the
past, I would like to chat with him. It's obvious you don't even know what
they are, but perhaps you should do a bit of research on them. Wouldn't you
be a bit surprised if you discovered they were descendants of the union of
the "son's of God with the daughters of men ?" If they are then just how
would that affect our concept of these "aliens" the government is said to be
dealing with ? Wouldn't that give some clues as to their nature and their
intentions ? To many questions have been asked for to long that have not
been given proper answers. If the questions we are asking arn't giving us
the right answers then perhaps we need to ask different questions, and
that's just what I'm doing.

Have you ever had a first hand, up close observation of a giant disk ? I
have and believe me it's not something you would soon forget. I have talked
with others who have had close up sightings, I have driven a good number of
miles and spent a good deal of money just to talk with these people, who I
am staying in touch with. I have compiled enough information to indicate to
me the very things I have mentioned that have brought me into the research
of the "giants" of days of old, and I will continue until I prove it one way
or the other.

If you can't or won't help us with this line of research I would thank you
to not stand in the way, and also not to create a bad atmosphere in the


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 14 Jan 90 17:27:00 GMT

In a message to Bryon Smith <01-13-90 17:04> T.s. Bennett wrote:

TB> You are starting to sound like a guy who filled these
TB> columns with talk of Nephilim whatever they are, so please
TB> load it somewhere else.

Let me tell you something Mr T.S. I have been watching you to and I happen
to know you don't own this echo.

Myself and certain others are doing some research here and if you would like
to help that's all well and good but if not then you can just complain to
someone else about it.

That remark was totally uncalled for and is not a statement I would expect
to hear from someone who was truly seeking the answers.

I say the "aliens" were here back then, and even before then, and I say they
gave us certain evidence and I am looking for that evidence. If I am able
to locate that evidence then why is that a threat to you ?

I say that humans and "aliens" have interacted in the past in a certain type
of communications or "communion," as well as to have fought battles of
different types over the centuries, some of which were recorded as
"supernatural" warefare such as the battle of Jerico.

I say "aliens" or "fallen angels" are the same beings and have been involved
in our religions and cultures over many many years. I say they are also
involved in certain connections with certain upper government officials
(just as you have been indicating), but I don't think you are aware of their
intentions or their natures. Perhaps if you continue to search you will be
able to contribute to the efforts of those involved in seeking the truth
concerning the UFO phenomena, but you have an attitude problem you need to
consider & get out of the way as it's blocking your perception, and making a
stink in the echos.

I am quite willing to allow you to continue your conversations and research
(without throwning mud at you) and am not offended by your line of
conversations or research, but will admit I have observed some of your past
messages that I did find distasteful because of the "tone" and uncalled for
remarks to fellow researchers similar to the one you just made to me. That
is not helpful and has the tone of someone who has something to prove,
rather than being concerned about the truth.

I was with ParaNet, before it was a Network, ask Jim Speiser if you have
doubts about that, and I have been working with Mike Corbin withen the
ParaNet Network every since he took charge, and I don't normally have
problems with the users on here. The last one I had a problem with though
was Bill Cooper and I kicked him off ParaNet TAU and in case you had not
noticed he isn't on ParaNet any more either. He didn't actually get kicked
off for the information he was posting, though that should have been enough,
but he got kicked off because he had a bad attitude and was constantly
offending the good users and researchers who were trying to get some useful
answers to the questions.

Who is this person you mentioned who had talked about the Nephilim in the
past, I would like to chat with him. It's obvious you don't even know what
they are, but perhaps you should do a bit of research on them. Wouldn't you
be a bit surprised if you discovered they were descendants of the union of
the "son's of God with the daughters of men ?" If they are then just how
would that affect our concept of these "aliens" the government is said to be
dealing with ? Wouldn't that give some clues as to their nature and their
intentions ? To many questions have been asked for to long that have not
been given proper answers. If the questions we are asking arn't giving us
the right answers then perhaps we need to ask different questions, and
that's just what I'm doing.

Have you ever had a first hand, up close observation of a giant disk ? I
have and believe me it's not something you would soon forget. I have talked
with others who have had close up sightings, I have driven a good number of
miles and spent a good deal of money just to talk with these people, who I
am staying in touch with. I have compiled enough information to indicate to
me the very things I have mentioned that have brought me into the research
of the "giants" of days of old, and I will continue until I prove it one way
or the other.

If you can't or won't help us with this line of research I would thank you
to not stand in the way, and also not to create a bad atmosphere in the


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: cows
Date: 14 Jan 90 17:54:00 GMT

In a message to All <01-12-90 21:19> wrote:

in> From: "MCCREA, SAM" <
in> I have seen several references to cattle mutilations in
in> various postings
in> on paranet. Have these mutilations occurred near areas
in> where UFO's have
in> been sited? Are the mutilations similar? Are parts of the
in> cattle missing

I researched a mutilation in MO not long ago and the Sheriff said the usual
parts of the cow was missing. He said there were no tracks in the
field near the carcass, & no one had entered through the gate which was also
locked with a chain. He said it was the strangest thing he had ever seen
and he has no answers for it.

I asked him if there had been any reports of UFO's or strange lights in the
sky around the time the cow was found and he said there had been two reports
and he gave me their names. Aprox. two weeks before this cow was found
there were two reports of strange lights in the sky. I called the witnesses
and talked with them. One man saw a bright white light come out of the sky
and fly low across a field, he pulled off the road and watched until the
light just "vanished" from view.

The other witness saw a bright orange light come down out of the sky across
a highway and then disappear behind a hill. He called and reported it, and
said he thought it might have been an aircraft crashing in a field nearby.
The Sheriff and a highway patrol officer both went to check the area and
said they found nothing unusual in that area. The believe the man certanly
saw something that was not normal and was truly concerned about it otherwise
he would not have called it in.

About two weeks after the first cow was found a calf's head was found on a
hillside. The sheriff checked into it and he said it looked as if the head
had been dropped from the sky as there was no foot prints near it. He said
it was strange the way it had been found like that but he had no answers for
it. Perhaps it had been "thrown" there by someone from a distance, who
knows, but he was willing to leave it at that and didn't want to talk much
more about it.

He told a bit about a man who had been found mutilated in that area not
long before the first cow was found, and had his hands cut off and certain
other parts, and as strange as it had been they believed it had been done by
someone and not "aliens or UFOs" because of the type of cuts that were found
on the body. But the cows were different.

Linda Howe has this case in her files and she believes the cows were the
results of the "E.T.s" and not done by man. She said she took samples of
the hide at the point it had been cut and it was exactly like some she had
researched in the past. She said it had a hard plastic feel to it and
looked as though it had been done by a very hot cutting tool.

I have seen other reports in which UFOs were said to have been in an area
where cattle mutilations had been found.


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bryon.Smith
Subject: Re: Interbreeding
Date: 14 Jan 90 18:13:00 GMT

In a message to All <01-13-90 19:08> wrote:

in> viable issue is another thing. The Biblical story of the
in> "Son's of God" and
in> the "Daughters of Men" sounds very like an intertribal
in> exogamous marriage custom
in> not dissimilar to those practiced today. In some areas
in> women of one tribe
in> marry men of another ( and vice versa) so that the children
in> grow up speaking
in> their mothers' language and later learn their fathers'.
in> The "Giants" suggest
in> that the offspring were healthy and vigorous.

I am doing research on this very thing at this time and my information
indicates the children were in fact "giants" and were not normal.

A man named Dake has done a great deal of research on the scriptures and has
included his information about these "aliens" or "fallen angels" in a book
called "God's Plan for Man." He has spent his entire life researching and
finding the information and evidence to prove the scriptures and has
compiled information in his work that were also discovered by others
involved in historical research.

The giants who lived in Jerico made the men of Joshua's army look like
"grasshoppers." It was evident to Joshua's men that it would take more than
their army to defeat these giants.

Several remarks in the bible indicate these "son's of God" were not like
humans. The "son's of God" were not the product of the doings of man,
otherwise they would have been refered to as the son's of man and not the
son's of God. God cursed them because the spirit of God would not remain in
mankind forever. This indicates again a major difference between the nature
of the "sons of God" and the "sons of men," their spirits were different.

There is a great deal more to it than this, and I hope to have something
more to show soon, but am at a loss to locate a certain book(s) that I need.

Several of us are working at it though and hope to have something to file on
it soon.


Bryon Smith - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bryon.Smith@p0.f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG!John.Komar
Subject: cows
Date: 14 Jan 90 22:10:00 GMT

In a message to <01-14-90 10:54> Bryon Smith wrote:
BS=>in> I have seen several references to cattle mutilations in
BS=>in> various postings
BS=>in> on paranet. Have these mutilations occurred near areas
BS=>in> where UFO's have
BS=>in> been sited? Are the mutilations similar? Are parts of
BS=>in> cattle missing

I've got a stack of papers from the Oregon State Police concerning the
cattle mutilations around the Fort Rock/Pine Mountain areas that occurred
around June '89, and the reports only cover the actual animals, anything
else connected is not included such as strange lights, etc.


John Komar - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Komar@f26.n123.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f630.n283.z1.FIDONET.ORG!James.Nannemann
Subject: Re: Lazar/Area51
Date: 13 Jan 90 16:49:15 GMT

I dont really trust what ANY country's government has to say. There is
just too much "dis-information" being put out. What is really weird is
that if you asked the communist block countries what the U.S. military was
doing, you would find out more THAT way than directly from our own
government, and yet they are SUPPOSED to be on the other side of the
fence. They are the ones that the intelligence community and security
agencies are supposd to be protecting us from. Yet those forign powers
have easier access to information than the citizenry of the US. That
doesnt really seem very logical does it. Like who is the enemy? Is it US,
the citizens of the USA that the security agencies consider to be the
problems? It would seem so, the way that they treat us anyway. It's the
same story, no matter what part of the government, or which government you
try to work with. Just like the POW/MIA issue, the Soviet Union has more
up to date information than what the American Government is willing to
share with American citizens. The same thing applies to the UFO issue. The
government seems to be more afraid of it's own constituents, than it is of
forign powers. I think it is just plain stupid that they would treat us
like that. What do you think?

Jim Nannemann

James Nannemann - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: James.Nannemann@f630.n283.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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