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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 098

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 98 

Sunday, December 10th 1989

Today's Topics:

UFOs: The Best Evidence Altered?
Re: Klass of Fyffe
Re: The State of Events
ParaNet Affiliates
Aliens and identifying 'yellow'
Re: The Closest Encounter
Re: Klass Of Fyffe
Re: Macarthur And Mufon
Area 51


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Robert.Klinn
Subject: UFOs: The Best Evidence Altered?
Date: 8 Dec 89 00:18:00 GMT

Part 4
<...Continued from previous message>
I don't think that you can ever synthesize it. The amount
of -- You essentially have to assemble it by bombarding it with
protons; if atom by atom, it would take an infinite amount of power
and an infinite amount of time. The substance has to come from a
place where super-heavy elements could have been produced naturally.

And what sort of place is that?

Next to a much larger sun where there would be greater mass.
Maybe a binary star system -- a super-nova -- somewhere where there is
just a bigger release of energy to synthesize these things naturally.
It has to be a naturally occurring element.

115 is the fuel for the anti-matter reactors, he says. By bombarding
115, anti-matter is produced. A kilo of anti-matter could produce the
energy equivalent of 46 ten-megaton hydrogen bombs, and comparing the
energy potential of anti-matter to, say, the Hoover Dam, would be
like comparing planets to grains of sand. 115 could also make one
heck of a bomb.

We're talking about hundreds and hundreds of megatons off a small
piece of it. It sounds incredible, but total conversion of matter
to energy would release that amount of power. And it isn't that
difficult to take -- get the energy out of it. So it's not something
you'd ever want to fall into anyone's hands.

The dangers associated with 115 and anti-matter may be the reason
Lazar was hired to work at S-4. There was an accident, he says,
back in April 1987, an accident that was passed off as an unannounced
nuclear test.

Some people got killed. I was told flat out I was one of the people
that were to replace these guys.

Is this why the government might be keeping the whole matter a
secret? Because of the military potential of alien technology?
Lazar says he believes the Soviet Union was once part of our
research on the flying disks, but that the U.S. kicked the Soviets
out after making some sort of discovery. He also believes the
program at S-4 is operated with funds allocated to Star Wars research,
but says he can't prove it. Some UFO researchers suspect the
government is test flying alien craft so that it can one day master
the technology and claim it was made in the good old U.S.A., thus
obscuring the possibility of alien visitations.

Stanton T. Friedman:
I think they have the duty to inform us. At least to the bare bones
of what's going on. I don't want technological stuff put out on the
table. I mean, I worked on classified projects for 15 years, and
I don't think we need another weapon's delivery system. But I
think the government does have the responsibility to release information
that, indeed, the planet is being visited. Probably it should be done
in conjunction with the Soviets.

I don't think that it will get to that level. They're not going to have
a fleet of them and fly them around, and I don't think you need to do
that. If you're looking at them from a weapons point of view, you're
looking at an incredibly powerful device. You only need one that
operates. You don't ever need to come public with it. You may want to
learn more about it should it ever break which is -- might be -- what
they're doing.

They've got one --

-- Oh, they've got a few. Yeah.

Lazar is the first to admit that his story is tough to swallow.
He submitted to polygraph exams, has opened up sensitive parts of
his personal life, and fully expects to be ridiculed or perhaps
punished for his revelations.

[The hypnotherapy discussion of Segment 7 further below has been
totally replaced by the following short summary included in the
broadcast of 11/25/89. Note that reference to a mind-control technique
by Lazar's U.S. government employers has been excised.]

Lazar wanted to recall further details from reports he says he read
at S-4, so he went to Layne Keck, a licensed and experienced
hypnotherapist. Keck makes no exaggerated claims about the powers
of hypnosis, but he did help dredge up some specifics from the
reports. He is confident about that, that Lazar is not making this up.

His subconscious mind believes TOTALLY all of these things.

<Continued next message....>

Robert Klinn - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Robert.Klinn@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Ray.Griffin
Subject: Re: Klass of Fyffe
Date: 8 Dec 89 03:16:00 GMT

Phil Klass told Susan Stockman of the "Weekly Post" that the objects
sighted in Fyffe were celestial bodies. This was in a radio interview
which she taped, but did not use. Perhaps it was because she saw the
object shortly after that and it was only fifty feet away and 300 feet
long. Other close friends have been that close as well. Now it all fits
Phil just sees a bigger Venus than the rest of us. If you are
interested, the Fyffe encounter never quit. The people just got quiet
about it. Wouldn't you if something that size was watching you, and you
didn't want to make it angry. I know personally that Phil Klass never
followed up on Fyffe. Perhaps if he was forced to talk again with those
people he wouldn't get off as easy as before. You might say that Fyffe
is a trap for the Phil Klass's of the world. All they have to do is
just step into it up to their sanity.
Ray Griffin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Ray.Griffin@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Ray.Griffin
Subject: Re: The State of Events
Date: 8 Dec 89 02:58:00 GMT

Bryon, I'm not sure that they are getting thru or folks aren't
interested in my ideas. I think that a test is in order. Therefore when
folks notice some unusual computer problems through-out North America,
it will be their own fault. As to the satanists, I don't like them at
all. They scare little children so if one is reading this, he can tell
all his friends that the "Devil made me do it". Actually, they scare
very easily. So watch the papers around Ark' & Okla' for a big revival
up that way. Here comes a revelation, It's sacrifice time and guess
who is on the menu.
Ray Griffin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Ray.Griffin@f19.n19.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Mike.Byers
Subject: Tesla
Date: 8 Dec 89 18:05:00 GMT

For those intrested in N. Tesla and his work see a new file in the
ufo area. There is a Tesla.txt and the same file zipped under The text is titled The New Tesla Electromagnetics and the
Secrets of Free Electrical Energy.
Mike Byers - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Byers@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: ParaNet Affiliates
Date: 8 Dec 89 17:44:00 GMT

Due to request, I am posting the entire list of ParaNet
affiliates around the world:


ParaNet Information Service
Michael Corbin, Administrator
P.O. Box 928
Wheatridge, CO 80034-0928
Telephone: (303)232-8303 Office
Telephone: (303)232-6115 Data
International Voice Hotline: (303)431-3703
FidoNet Address: 1:104/422
ParaNet Private Address: 30163/0
Don Ecker, Public Relations 30163/0
Bryon Smith, Public Relations 30163/14
Michael Corbin, Network Development 30163/1
Bob Fletcher, Bureau Chief/Australian Bureau 30163/401
Archie Clark, Bureau Chief/United Kingdom Bureau 30163/301
Doug Rogers, Echo Moderator 30163/3
Robert B. Klinn, Director of Investigations/Research 30163/0
Please direct all inquiries to Alpha at 104/422 or 30163/0

Board Location Sysop Data Phone Baud
FIDO Add ParaNet Address CIS ID Remarks
OMEGA-ALPHA Kingsbury Vic , Australia 011-61-3-467-7984 9600
30163/401 Bob Fletcher Bureau Chief
OMEGA-BETA Mentone, Victoria, Australia 011-61-3-583-4778 2400
30163/402 John Marsden
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30163/404 Lance Lyon 011-61-2-319-1793 2400
OMEGA-EPSILON Milton, Victoria **Temporarily Out of Service**
30163/405 Darren Moore
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30163/406 Scott Furry
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30163/408 Andrew Milner
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30163/407 Grame Thompson
OMEGA-IOTA Kendall, New South Wales 011-065-59-4537 9600
30163/409 John Caine
OMEGA-KAPPA Blacktown, New South Wales 011-61-2-622-9591 2400
30163/410 Robert Jones
OMEGA-LAMBDA Redfern, New South Wales 011-61-2-319-0925 2400
30163/411 Jodi Jackson
OMEGA-MU Footscray, Victoria **Private System**
30163/412 Ken Hayes
OMEGA-NU Ferntree, Gully, Australia 011-61-3-758-9573 2400
30163/413 Lincoln Broomhall

Board Location Sysop Data Phone Baud
FIDO Add ParaNet Address CIS ID Remarks
ALPHA Denver, Colorado Michael Corbin 303-232-6115 9600
30163/1 Headquarters Node
ALPHA-BETA Marion , IA Peter Elliff 319-377-0134 9600
ALPHA-CENTAURI San Francisco, CA Rick Moen 415-648-8944 2400
30163/25 The Skeptic's Board
ALPHA-DELTA Los Angeles, CA Don Ecker **Private System**

GAMMA Lexington , KY Doug Rogers 606-271-0558 2400
DELTA Saskatoon , Saskatchewan 306-934-2919 9600
30163/4 Canada John Bowden
EPSILON Warren , MI Jacques Leclerc 313-751-4057 2400
ZETA Bethany Park , IN Terry Fields 317-831-1827 2400
KAPPA Manassas , VA Jim MacDiarmid
30163/202 The Time Portal 703-368-4642 2400
LAMBDA Fairport , NY Brad Langton 716-377-3985 2400
30163/7 Near CSICOP!
MU Sandy Hook , CT Brett Siedman 203-270-1913 2400
30163/8 Heartbreak Hotel
NU-ALPHA Winter Park , FL Ken Macht 407-273-9104 2400
30163/9 Gallifrey
NU-BETA Orlando , FL Mac an Druaidh 407-859-2243 2400
30163/18 The System
NU-GAMMA Cape Coral , FL Bob Sabo 813-549-5158 2400
30163/17 Genesis II
XI-ALPHA Oklahoma City , OK Horace 'Ski' Skinner 405-672-0326 9600
30163/10 Sagittarius I
XI-BETA Oklahoma City , OK Paul Ellison 405-681-6323 2400
XI-GAMMA Luther , OK Rod Wilson 405-277-3603 2400
30163/204 Paraclypse III
OMICRON Bushkill , PA Paul Faeder 717-588-7549 9600
PI ,

RHO Chicago , IL Jerry Ablan 312-876-3652 1200
RHO-BETA Ingleside , IL Jerry Callahan 312-740-2072 9600
TAU Fort Smith , AR Bryon Smith 501-646-5812 2400
TAU-BETA Muldrow , OK Donnie Burton **Private System*
TAU-GAMMA Atlanta , GA Kevin Pierce 404-355-5625 9600
30163/12 Visions-3D
TAU-DELTA Memphis , TN John Komar 901-785-4943 2400
30163/21 GUFOS/MUFON
UPSILON Boston , MA Dr. David Patterson 617-354-2171 2400
30163/15 Viking Magick
PHI Tacoma , WA Lee Fellenberg 206-756-9689 2400
30163/16 North End Skyscraper
CHI Nashua , NH Ralph Schwarz 603-888-3840 9600
30163/2 The Outpost BBS
PSI Flagstaff , AZ Linda Murphy 602-526-8025 9600
ZETA-RETICULI Phoenix , AZ Jim Speiser 602-951-3458 9600
30163/20 USOP BBS


Board Location Sysop Data Phone Baud
FIDO Add ParaNet Address CIS ID Remarks
THETA Fareham , UK Archie Clark 011-44-329-45824 9600
30163/301 The Spider's Web Bureau Chief/United Kingdom
IOTA Gosport , UK Simon Rowe 011-44-705-511501 2400
30163/302 The Shadow BBS International!


Board Location Sysop Data Phone Baud
FIDO Add ParaNet Address CIS ID Remarks
SIGMA-ALPHA Berlin , Germany Andre' Eichner 011-49-30-791-9269
30163/303 9600
SIGMA-BETA Darmstadt , Germany Hendrik Bohm 011-49-6257-7966
30163/304 2400
SIGMA-GAMMA Berlin , Germany Detlef Deutzer 011-49-30-624-98-32
30163/305 2400

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: wmartin@stl-06sima (Will Martin)
Subject: Aliens and identifying 'yellow'
Date: 8 Dec 89 23:36:39 GMT

It may not really be surprising that an alien would have to ask a human
when they meant by referring to "yellow". The definitions of colors are
really totally subjective; we have no way of knowing just what another
person is perceiving when we both look at the same colored object. We
have a convention that a certain range of light wavelengths is referred
to as "yellow" and this is built into people by childhood training, but
a different eye structure could bring about a totally different result.

Suppose we postulate aliens who can distinguish many subtle (to our
eyes) graduations of color, and who care about these distinctions.
Perhaps they use color as a method of communication akin to our speech,
or their writing is based not upon letter shapes but upon color shadings,
so that they have names for, and consider as distinctly different
colors, shades which we tend to see only as slight variants under the
overall label "yellow". It's like the old example of the Inuit (Eskimos)
having hundreds of different words for what we lump together under the
term "snow". It would be hard for an Inuit learing English to understand
that all these things, which are distinctly different to him, would all
be referred to simply as "snow". It's like if we were learning a
language which called all four-legged animals "dog".

An alien could then well be thoroughly confused by our continually referring
to "yellow" when we are obviously (to him) meaning "ZZipp" AND "`xpflg"
AND "@9ugjk" AND "hYi8)'" AND a hundred other distinct colors.

Another reason could simply be eyes that respond to a different band of
wavelengths, maybe blue-shifted with respect to what we call "visible
. Thus our "yellow" may be as black to an alien as infra-red is to us.

There are vast differences between humans in color recognition and
appreciation, even ignoring severe conditions like color blindness.
Fabric and fashion designers see color gradations that other people
cannot distinguish. There may even be genetic sex-linked differences,
but it probably is more due to training and environment. There are old
joks, though, about husbands and wives having totally different concepts
when one says "green" to the other, for example. So with these widely-
recognized variations in human color perception, think of how much more
variations there could be when speaking of aliens and humans!

So I would not use color and color apprehension or interpretation, or
the understanding of the "color" words in English, as an indication of
the intelligence of an alien. It could be an area in which we truly
would have a "failure to communicate"!

Regards, Will


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: The Closest Encounter
Date: 9 Dec 89 03:29:00 GMT

> I would need to see the house just as it was when the video
> was taken and I would also like to know if these people
> have had anything to do with witchcraft type activities

Byron, why the witchcraft question? Any reason why you'd expect to see an
apparition in conjunction with witchcraft? I don't see the connection.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Klass Of Fyffe
Date: 9 Dec 89 03:44:00 GMT

> 'Why would these UFOs travel across space to keep coming back to Fyffe
> and not Washington DC, London, etc.' Hmmmmm.....

Sure London would be nice ... but then they've been appearing there since
1745. At least...


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Macarthur And Mufon
Date: 9 Dec 89 03:51:00 GMT

Hi Don. Well, you beat me to it. I was going up to West Point this weekend
with the object of getting McArthur's speech, too. He was my great-uncle.

He was also something of a mystic, although he disguised it better than his
other contemporary, Patton. I've put out some feelers for family lore on
Gen. Doug's interest in UFOs. Lord knows, they turned up all over the
European theatres -- surely they must have been "fooing" around the Pacific
during WWII and Korea.

I'll let you know.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Robert.Klinn
Subject: Area 51
Date: 9 Dec 89 08:31:00 GMT

At 10:00 p.m., 12/8/89, on Billy Goodman's KVEG 840 AM radio show,
caller "Chris" reported his recent daytime (dusk) sighting at Groom
Lake near Area 51 of the U.S. Government's Nevada Test Site.

Chris says he viewed the UFO from Papoose Lake, "right at the edge of
where I wasn't supposed to be."

Looking through a 50-power telescope from five to seven miles away, he
saw a jet-black, flattened, diamond-shaped craft rise 5,000 feet into
the air from the floor of the dry lake bed and go 15 miles in five
seconds. It was 60-70 feet long and 30 feet thick. It made "no noise
in an environment where he says he would have been able to
hear a bird chirp. He watched it for 20 minutes.

Because he doubted a human could survive the G-forces involved, Chris
wondered whether the UFO was a holographic image or a robot-controlled

A reader of many popular science magazines, Chris says he doesn't think
humans could have manufactured a device with those performance

Robert Klinn - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Robert.Klinn@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

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