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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 093

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 93 

Sunday, December 3rd 1989

Today's Topics:

T.S. rants again...
Re: The Secret Govt..
Bill Cooper
Japan Video
The State of Events
Social Security
Re: Gulf Breeze/circles
Re: The Secret Govt..
It had to happen...
Re: Lazar And His Amazing Saucers
Re: Area 51: The Nevada Test Site's Supersecret Ufo Base?
Re: comments
Re: The Fall of Stalinism
Re: The Closest Encounter


From: upaya!tbetz
Subject: T.S. rants again...
Date: 1 Dec 89 10:47:01 GMT

T. S. Bennett squeals:

| I have stated that scientists DONT KNOW WHAT WILL OCCUR
|JUPITER. THAT'S A FACT. Only a close minded scientist who
|hasn't had an original thought since age ten would disagree
|with that FACT.

You display nothing here but ignorance, stupidity, and general
boneheadedness. It's not a fact, it's a baseless assertion.

50 pounds of plutonium is as a microbe on the ocean of Jupiter.
It won't do anything but break up and be dispersed. You needn't
worry your empty little head about it.

In detail, no one can know exactly what will happen - but it's
quite clear that it will be quite harmless.

You can go back to your fantasy world now, T.S.

Mike, do we really have to put up with this crap?

"I don't run - I tend to black my eyes." - D.Parton | hombre!marob!upaya!tbetz
"One minute I'm in the pasture porkin' ponies, | Tom Betz - GBS
the next I'm a can of Mighty Dog!"
- Secretariat | (914) 375-1510


From: paranet!p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Paul.Faeder
Subject: Re: The Secret Govt..
Date: 1 Dec 89 04:33:45 GMT

In a message of <29 Nov 89 16:25:00 >, Clark Matthews (1:104/422) writes:

>Ah-hah! Maybe we have left out the most nefarious suspect: The Social
>Security Administration!
>If your dad was receiving social security benefits, they probably
>instigated the "freeze."

Yes he was receiving benefits. I notified SS of his death. You're probably right about them instigating the freeze. All banks accounts have your SS number. What was amazing was the speed and extent of this freezing.

Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f102.n268.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f401.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Bob.Fletcher
Subject: PINE GAP
Date: 2 Dec 89 05:34:00 GMT

With all the controversy of Area 51. I thought that it might be
appropriate to raise the question again of Pine Gap in the Northern
Territory of Australia in the area around Alice Springs.

I raise this now as on the surface there is some similarities. Both
bases are situated in deserts. Both of very secret indeed.

Officially Pine Gap is a joint Australian/US Defense establishment and
part of NORAD. Joint in so far as is on Australian soil but what
little we here Australia has very little control in the heart of it.
It has on a number of occasions been the focal point for anti-nuclear

To me those sinister white domes supposedly housing radar dishes
resembles the SF Film of the 50's "Quatermas II", in which secret
government agency was assisting alien lifeforms to establish a hold on

Without going into SF I would like to know if the sightings of unusual
aerial phenomena is higher around the Alice Springs Area.


Bob Fletcher - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bob.Fletcher@f401.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Bill.English
Subject: Bill Cooper
Date: 1 Dec 89 22:49:00 GMT

It would seem that Mr. Bill Cooper has been linking his name with mine
in regard to"his" viewing of the Grudge/Blue Book Report #13. Some
months back (just after the Las Vegas MUFON conference) I
dis-associated myself from Mr. Cooper due to blatantly false
information that he had given to Len Stringfield concerning myself and
my return trip from Las Vegas. He told Len that someone tried to shoot
me while I was driving back from Vegas. Since I flew back and did not
drive, and since this was a falsehood, I felt that I could not be
associated withCooper as it would cause damage to my reputation and
everything that I have been trying to accomplish with the exchange of
factual information.
I once again state clearly that Cooper and I are NOT associated in
anyway. I object to his methods, I object to his preying on the fears
of those who are not fully informed of the facts and taking their
money. Further recent information concerning his activities in the past
and present indicate to me that there is serious doubt that he has seen
blue book 13 at all. this is an offical statement from myself and can
be quoted. signed: William S. English
Bill English - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bill.English@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Japan Video
Date: 1 Dec 89 23:00:00 GMT

Last night I spent a pleasant evening at the house of Dave & Marge
Christensen, after driving Dr. Richard Haines from Phoenix Sky Harbor
Airport to their house in Tucson. After dinner, we viewed a video that Dr.
Haines had received from John Timmerman. Dr. Haines had not seen the video,
so we were all viewing it for the first time.

The video was shot in Japan, time and date unknown, but sometime this year.
The sighting took place in a town that began with an H (not Hiroshima). The
witnesses were a family, a man, his wife, and teen-age daughter. The family
seemed well-off, judging from their house. The time was broad daylight. The
man sighted the object with his family, ran in the front door of his house,
grabbed his 8mm video camera, which seemed to be a new, high-tech job of
Japanese make, and ran out the back door and started filming.

Shown on the tape is an object, apparently at a distance, with the gables of
a rooftop in the foreground. While it is technically not possible to judge
the distance of an unfamiliar object, sometimes you can just tell that
something's not any closer than a few hundred yards. With photography,
especially, there is a way of telling - graininess, atmospheric diffraction,
etc. I would say this object was no closer than a half-mile to a mile.

At first the object is indistinguishable. It is a laterally-aligned blob of
light, not unlike the fuselage of a large jetliner at about 5 miles, with
sunlight glinting off it. However, the object begins to descend rapidly,
still "horizontally" aligned, much faster than an airplane would descend
under normal - or even abnormal - circumstances. (This is a subjective
judgement, however I feel confident that analysis will bear this out.)

The photographer zooms in on the object, and it now becomes quite clear that
we are not seeing an airplane, a balloon, a bird, Venus, or any other
prosaic object.

We are seeing a flying saucer.

The object is a flat-domed disk. It is seen moving erratically, and at one
point it yaws in such a way that sunlight is clearly seen glinting off the
shiny surface. The photographer was having some trouble focusing in on the
object, while tracking it at the same time. The frame bounces somewhat, not
unlike a network news camera tracking a shuttle launch on telephoto. In a
couple of frames, however, he succeeds in getting a sharp focus, so sharp
that there is no question of what we are viewing. There is no mistaking this
for an airplane shot at a funny angle. Nor is there very much chance,
subjectively speaking, of this being a model on a string. Whatever flying
saucers may turn out to be, there is no question in my mind that this is one
of them.

In the past I've tried to separate the terms "UFO" and "flying saucer," in
the belief that the latter colors the issue too much in favor of the ET
hypothesis. I still don't know who's piloting these things, and I won't
paint myself into a corner. But seeing is believing, folks. FLYING SAUCERS

Timmerman had supplied Haines with an audiotape which contained a
translation of the Japanese, synchronized with the video. If you started
them both at the same time, you were able to hear the Japanese in the
background with a translator in the foreground. The video itself was
followed by a news(?) interview with the family. The family seemed quite the
opposite of Ed Walters or Billy Meier. Somewhat non-descript, staid,
uncomfortable on camera, no-nonsense, no claims of strange conversations in
foreign languages, no buzzing in the head, no exchanges of philosophical
wisdom. All in all, the video seems a ufologists' dream. It is, quite
simply, the most significant and convincing piece of photographic evidence
I've ever seen. It is still subject to intense photo-analysis and scrutiny,
and I will abide by the general concensus of the experts. However, having
viewed it up close, I am very confident it will stand up.

I understand that Bruce Maccabee has a copy, as does Walt Andrus. (In fact,
Uncle Walt tried to show it at the Omega conference, I understand, but was
stymied by failure of the video equipment. Poor Uncle Walt!)

Dr. Haines said that he is not allowed to copy the video at this point. We
will have to wait for CUFOS and John Timmerman to release it. However, does
anyone know if this was the same video shown on CBS News a few months back?


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Kay.Schaney
Date: 2 Dec 89 00:54:00 GMT

Frankly it makes me nervous to hear you of all people say that! Not
because I don't trust your opinion, but because I DO trust your
Kay Schaney
Kay Schaney - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kay.Schaney@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Kay.Schaney
Subject: RE:Stalinism
Date: 2 Dec 89 00:58:00 GMT

BTW, did you answer Linda Murphy'y question to you on "why this year?"
I didn't catch it and was wondering the same thing, could you point me
to the msg# of your reply?
Kay Schaney - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kay.Schaney@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Ecker
Subject: The State of Events
Date: 1 Dec 89 22:22:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "INFO.PARANET"
* Originally to Ray Griffin
* Forwarded by Don Ecker
> sighted in area. I know of others, has anyone else picked
> up on this. I believe that there is apossibility that they
> may even know about paranet. Would anyone care to make a
> special request and see what happens?


Yaa, I have a special request. How about this for size?

World Peace, or an end to world hunger, or a re-affirmation of the
Constitution, or an end to the double talk, or how about just one damn good

Pass that along and lets see, eh?

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f22.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Social Security
Date: 1 Dec 89 17:47:11 GMT

I worked for the Social Security Administration from about 1975 to
1980 (low-level, district office job) and still have friends who work
there, including one who now works in the Central Office as a go-fer
for one of the Regional Commissioners.

I think the SSA is one of the more innocuous of the Federal
bureaucracies. In fact, it's not true that the SSA is "off-budget".
It really should be, since it is a completely independent program, but
because it's running a surplus it helps to have it in the budget to
reduce the deficit. In addition, having it in budget makes the
"defense" percentage look smaller. As far as I know, SSA trust funds
are accounted for to a penny. The money has in the past been
"borrowed" by other Federal agencies, etc., at low (almost zero)
interest rates, but as for SSA itself being a "Beast" of some sort, I
think it highly improbable.

In addition, SSNs are given only to people who work in the United
States. No foreign national who doesn't work in the US needs or has
one. It could not be the basis for a world-wide system of

Finally, as far as I know, SSA has no *direct* ties to people's bank
accounts and other assets. The District Offices routinely receive
notices from all the Funeral Homes in their service areas giving the
name and SSN (if known) of the deceased that are handled by the FH.
(At least, this was the case in 1980. There was at that time a $255
Death Benefit that was payable in some cases to a Funeral Home for
unpaid burial expenses--if there was no surviving spouse. That
benefit has been mostly phased out, so FH directors no longer have the
same vested interest in letting SSA know about recent deaths.) Some
offices, too, used to routinely look through the obituaries in the
local newspaper. I'm sure banks, etc., might well do the same, if
only to protect themselves. I think that banks could well be liable
if illegal transactions are made to an account after the owner's

I will admit, tho, that an erroneous notification of death could well
mess up someone's account. Since such action is supposed to be taken
only on the basis of convincing evidence (death certificate, notice
from FH, etc.), it is rather difficult to reverse the action. But
even if the person's check were being deposited directly into a
checking account, as far as I know, the bank is not notified of the
reason that the SSA check is no longer arriving.

Stephen Helmreich (


Subject: comments
Date: 1 Dec 89 23:02:49 GMT

Re implant: The photochromic glass used at least initially
in automatically darkening/fading sunglasses contained
silver as the photoactive element. Such lenses are also curved.
The surface of a fragment might etch if implanted in the body
or have gotten etched before implantation and thus appear
"honeycombed." If somebody stepped or fell on an old pair
of such sunglasses, the result might be similar to the reported
"implant." A hoax is not impossible Someone should contact
Corning Glass or whoever manufactures photochromic glass
and get more information about its composition, and stabilty.

Byron Smith: the creatures you describe sound
like the popular idea of "Djinns." Are there any
Muslims on paranet or does anybody know any to talk
to. I'd like to get a non-Judeo-X'ian perspective for once.

The" designing force" controlling the shapes of life forms
is Evolution which is driven by Natural Selection, Mutation
and Genetic Drift. The interactions between cells are
due to the chemical properties of their surfaces, i.e.
various carbohydrate groups attached to proteins and protein
receptor molecules. This is a very active research area
as it pertains to embryonic development and Cancer.
The physical force mediating these interactions is the
Electromagnetic one.

Granted that mass/energy can neither be created nor
destroyed, nothing guarantees that the energetic or material
patterns survive the transformations. The evidence strongly
suggests that they don't, else perpetual motion machines
would be possible.

Entropy accumulates in any closed system
such as the Universe. Living objects and the earth's biosphere
are open systems thermodynamically, so local patterning or
order arises spontaneously.

Can anyone provide me with any references to articles
in reviewed journals on Kirlian photography or "auras"?
The only one I've seen was in Science during the 1970's
and it showed that KP's were corona discharges and that
the patterns were a function of surface roughness,
moisture, finger pressure, electrical field strength, etc.
- John Chalmers


From: paranet!Kay.Schaney
Subject: Re: Gulf Breeze/circles
Date: 2 Dec 89 22:12:00 GMT

>I got a call from a source in Gulf Breeze the other day and he
>related to me that there have been numerous sonic-type booms being
>heard in the area. Residents have become very concerned and the local
>media has been covering the story. However, a 7'8" circular-swirl-
>type indentation was recently discovered in Gulf Breeze. My source
>indicates that there appears to be no connection to the swirl and the
>booms, however strange they both appear to be.

What is so strange about sonic booms? Eglin AFB, the largest Air Force
base in the world, is within 50 miles of Gulf Breeze. Right across the
bay from Gulf Breeze is The Naval Air Training Station, Pensacola,
also the largest in the USA, there is an aircraft carrier stationed
there for practice. This would mean that Gulf Breeze is within
seconds, by jet, of either.

My husband, who grew up in Pensacola, says "
When I lived there
(Warrington) houses would shake on a fairly regular basis, since sonic
booms are not an uncommon phenomena, when I asked him why then would
the people of Gulf Breeze think it unusual, he said maybe because it
is one of the wealthier communities of the area, it is probably
usually avoided. (Who knows, with all the problems the Navy has been
having recently, maybe they don't know any better than to fly over
"that community", or maybe they are having a little fun, considering
all the media attention Gulf Breeze has been getting.)

As for the Saw Grass, maybe the ol boys are out doing doughnuts in
their all terrain vehicles.

Kay Schaney - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kay.Schaney@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Kay.Schaney
Subject: Re: The Secret Govt..
Date: 2 Dec 89 22:17:00 GMT

>Maybe nothing unusual by
>itself but *he* claims that *the computer* is being programmed
>to keep track of people world wide by whatever means available
>electronically whether via satellite,fax,phone or whatever.

-His- claim also is that the computer is known as THE BEAST.

This is OLD news, the born agains have been saying this for years.
Everytime you use a bankcard.... Everytime you use a charge card....
Every time you use the PHONE.... "THEY KNOW"

And for all those who think it is safe to just wipe your disks, I've
heard that "certain agencies" can read info from a disk down
to six levels, in other words you can delete and write over files six
times, and "THEY" can still read what's there. Hey, they don't call
them "THEY" for nothing.

See Skeptical Inquirer Vol XII No. 4 / Summer 1988 for a great article
on the "The Bar-Code Beast" by Michael Keith. That article also
mentions two other books for "666-aphobes";
"When Your Money Fails" by Mary Stewart
"Satan's Mark Exposed" by Salem Kilbran

To add my own suggested reading for paranoia buffs, I might suggest;
"Electronic Nightmare, The Home Communications Set and Your Personal
by John Wicklein.

And for those paranoia, 666-Aphobe, UFO Buffs;
A novel by Michael Redfinn called "BEING", where upstanding citizens
are being abducted by UFO's, (GASP) and THEN they uncover the greatest
deception the Earth has ever seen.... the "Being" is none other than
that ole Arch-enemy to Earth, SATAN and his league of deamons! (Wait a
minute, is Micheal Redfinn a nom de plume for Mr. Lear?)
And of course any novel by W.A. Harbinson, start with "Genesis", the
epic novel of the worlds most fearsome secret, then read "Revelation",
He has come, now the world will know the truth and terror ...

I'm looking forward to this new book Zajak, I'm always interested in
adding to my library.

Sweet dreams ya'll, and charge, charge, charge,

Kay Schaney - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kay.Schaney@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f20.n3607.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jerry.Woody
Subject: It had to happen...
Date: 2 Dec 89 04:38:00 GMT

On the lighter <?!> side of the Ufo question:

Aircel Comics recently announced a new comic called "The Men In Black". The
ad featured 2 men dressed in black suits (naturally) with a variety of
assault weopons. At the top is the banner... "SEEN ANY UFO'S LATELY?".
This should really encourage potential young Ufologists to enter the field

The creator/write of it is Lowell Cunningham... Anybody ever heard of him?


Jerry Woody - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jerry.Woody@f20.n3607.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Lazar And His Amazing Saucers
Date: 3 Dec 89 05:22:00 GMT

> 3) After reading on the subject, I am inclined to believe
> that the spiritual/supernatural/extradimensional aspect is
> the most significant. I could go into this, but let me
> just say that I too have been reading Dimensions, and the
> ideas presented there make more sense than anything else I
> have seen on the subject. This story does not fit the scenario.
> Instead it fits into a neat materialistic mold which would
> allow the military to control the phenomena by purely
> physical means. This does not mean it is necessarily
> bogus, it just makes me suspicious. It is too neat; too easy
> and pat.

Hi Steve. Well, like you I have been quite taken with Dr. Vallee's
hypothesis in _Dimensions_. But let's not get carried away here...

A few days back, pre-Crash (Alpha's hard disk, not the markets) I wrote a
semi-tongue-in-cheek riposte to someone about how unimportant it is who or
what builds and operates the UFOs we see, hear of, and investigate. Whether
they are built & operated by elves, pixies, leprechauns, Titans, Nordics or
whatever is not the point.

The point (to my mind, anyway) is that they print on radar, leave leave
dents in the ground when they land, occasionally scorch things and let
people get close enough to touch them -- even get inside. They are material
things. Whether they come from Zeta II, a parallel universe or Middle
Earth, they are physical objects.

Even though these devices and their makers/masters may seem to us as
present-day astronauts must appear to the most primitive Bushmen, I really
don't allow myself to doubt their physical existence or impute anything
supernatural or religious to them. I do not think Dr. Vallee does either --
as least as far as I read his book.

It may be that the U.S. has some of these things somewhere and has
discovered that they are as real -- yet ephemeral -- as a leprechaun's pot
'o gold. I.e.: They've got them, but they can't DO anything with them.
Nevertheless they could exist. And Lazar may be telling the truth.

If your doubts center around Lazar's still being alive -- in other words,
why was he allowed to "leak & live". Well, people like Lazar
are double-edged swords. Nothing gets public attention faster than an
untimely death. Especially if it's the death of someone who's been telling a
story. It looks like Cooper's theories (which coincide with Lazar's
revalations) may stem from Lazar himself. So if Lazar is authentic -- if
his references check -- then the Cooper sideshow may be just that. A
sideshow, and not the main event.

Anyway, until Lazar is discredited -- or discredits himself -- I'm
definitely prepared to stay with this one.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: Area 51: The Nevada Test Site's Supersecret Ufo Base?
Date: 2 Dec 89 05:28:00 GMT

>etc.? I know these items have already been asked for and
>it would be great
>if he could deliver.

T'would be great if he WOULD deliver. As you say, he has already been asked,
and I understand that he has refused, especially in regard to the pay stubs.

By the way, Ed, welcome to the echo!

-- Jim

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: comments
Date: 3 Dec 89 08:35:00 GMT

>Can anyone provide me with any references to articles
>in reviewed journals on Kirlian photography or "auras"?

Skeptical Inquirer did an article about 2 years ago (I wish they published a
subject index). Results were pretty much the same as your "Science"
citation. Possibly even the same authors. I was very impressed with the fact
that No. 2 lead pencils have "auras." I wonder if a pencil's aura changes
with its mood?


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Todd.Starcher
Subject: Re: The Fall of Stalinism
Date: 2 Dec 89 03:55:00 GMT

->I'd like to think Gorbachev is just a real swell guy, and
->apparently Dick Cheney thinks the same thing. But my gosh,
->it was all so *easy*. Everyone just fell in place. Does
->Gorbachev really have that much sway?

You're is just *to easy*. Ya wanna know why? The Ruskies are in
more financial trouble now than ever b4. They need our money. They want our
banks to loan them money. They want us to give them a certain financial
status that will allow them to default on our r loans if they want. And the
S & L industry has nothing to fear. If they DO default, then the government,
<ahem> the tax-payers will bail them out. West Germany and some other
European countries have already loaned out all kinds of money. (and they'll
never get it all back IMO). The wall has fallen in Berlin. Ya know what that
means? An influx of money and technology from the west. You're right though,
Gorby DOES seem really nice...he's quite a con-artist. In fact, in a poll
(I think it was taken in Sweden) the majority of the people thought that
Gorby had done more for peace between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R than Bush
had. Possibly even true...but you have to look at his motives. They are less
than pure. And as long as I'm on the subject, I don't know why we actually
pulled some of our forces OUT of Europe...I know that the Soviets did the
same, but they outnumber (sp.?) our forces there something like 3 to 1.
Well, see ya.

Todd Starcher - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Todd.Starcher@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Todd.Starcher
Subject: Re: The Closest Encounter
Date: 2 Dec 89 04:01:00 GMT

-> > something WAS in there.
->Something did appear to be in the house, her and her
->husband were outside as he was the one who saw the objects
->in the sky and called her to come out and see them.
->What ever "it" was, did not appear to be natural either.
->It didn't appear as a "man walking" at all, but almost
->floated across the window.
->I have considered the wind blowing something inside the
->house, a curtain or something, that might have appeard to
->look that way when viewed through the camera lens.

Ya wanna know what it kinda looked like to me? Something like a mutated
Opus (Bloom County). To me it appeared to have a beak and even appeared to
have small legs. To me it also appeared to WALK across the window sill. I DO
think it's a little ify connecting this with the UFOs...I guess anything's
possible, though.

Todd Starcher - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Todd.Starcher@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

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