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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 088

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 88 

Monday, November 27th 1989

Today's Topics:

Re: Newest Release..
Re: Newest Release..
The Secret Govt..
Re: The Secret Govt..
Re: Antimatter Drives And Area 51
Don Sudduth - The non-physical reality of UFOs
S-4 Worker Backs Up Lazar's Claims


From: paranet!f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Allen
Subject: Re: Newest Release..
Date: 26 Nov 89 05:25:00 GMT

Jim- ....Great approach, Don! I wish more people would do that. But when you
hand it out.. @ YES I DID! I did mention that it was unconfirmed. I may have
an open mind,but it ain't so open that my brains fall out! Fact is,one of
the people that I handed the releases to is a Naval Commander (reservist). He
was real interested,but didn't say much. I was particularly amused when he
asked that if anything else came out that he would like to see it.. Jim-
WHERE'S DA BEEF???? ....... VERY good question Jim....The LEFT side of my
brain is asking the same thing,however the RIGHT side is leaning heavily
towards considering it as more than true. Lazar's claims sure *seem* more than
credible... Sounds confusing,I know..but I keep the balance by continuing to
look for the "outpoints" of Lazar's story..things I'm mulling over:

"In response to callers who want independently to check up on Lazar,
he says his "
colorful" background has already been checked by George
Knapp of KLAS-TV, who had traveled to Los Alamos Laboratories and
had spoken to former Lazar colleagues, who confirmed he really had
worked there -- in spite of Los Alamos itself denying the fact of
Lazar's employment with them. (Knapp's UFO broadcast displayed a
page from a 1982 Los Alamos Labs internal phone book, listing Robert

@ Thats SOUNDS plausible..but how do we actually *know* that Knapp
checked up on him? Is there any documentation that Knapp can actually
SHOW (read-> Hard copy) that Lazar has worked the places he's claimed

Caller Bill Cooper, who says he has talked to Lazar for over a year,
says that by talking to persons at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and at
another facility, he and associates have confirmed Lazar's previous
work in physics at the places Lazar specified. Lazar replied he was not
aware of this checking done by Cooper.

@ Which Bill Cooper is this? Is this THE Bill Cooper who was (to put it
politely) kicked off Paranet for leaving inflammatory statements to
others? And if so,what credibility do we (users,Paranet) assign to
him? Are HIS "
facts" checkable? Have they been in the past?

Lazar says he has 25 people each wanting independently to check him out, but
he will not allow that.

@ I can understand that. But how about a panel of 5 reputable people?
Certainly Dr Stanton Friedman should be one of the panel..

He says neither REECO (Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co., Inc.) nor
EG&G -- each a well-known U.S. Department of Energy Test Site
contractor -- has people at S-4, that those persons' clearances are at
most Q-Clearances, while his own clearance is "
38 levels above Q-Clearance."
The closest to S-4 that REECO or EG&G people physically...

@ Whew..How is anyone supposed to verify that? Maybe,just maybe the others
that worked with Lazar will come forth and support his story.
Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Allen
Subject: Re: Newest Release..
Date: 26 Nov 89 05:37:00 GMT

Sorry,didn't mean to 'spook' you about discussing the subject..I just
was alittle overly cautious about mentioning conspiracy theories in
this thought was that maybe the moderator woudn't appreciate
it,but hell..on second thought.if he thinks it's "
out of character"
here..I'm sure he'll speak up about it.

Linda mentioned something about secret govt and how maybe they
( that as 'there') might be parallels..I say (in my opinion)
I think so..

Although the President has his duties and powers of his office and
the Judicial Branch has theirs,and Congress makes laws..I feel
that there are individuals (and groups) who pursue their OWN
agenda without answering to the PUBLIC, and Ollie North even said
so during the IranGate hearings...

More to follow on this issue...
Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Allen
Subject: The Secret Govt..
Date: 24 Nov 89 05:35:00 GMT

I just wanted to add that sometime ago,my wife heard an author
who is a Scientist/lecturer on a local radio talk show discuss
about this new super-secret computer system in Brussels. He was
touring to promote his book called "
A Delicate Balance". His
name is John Zajak. His contention is that this computer
is being linked up with vast database info on credit card #'s
bank accounts,home purchases,etc..Maybe nothing unusual by
itself but *he* claims that *the computer* is being programmed
to keep track of people world wide by whatever means available
electronically whether via satellite,fax,phone or whatever.

-His- claim also is that the computer is known as THE BEAST.

Since I have yet to read the book,I can't say what it's about
or what else he has to say,but it might be interesting.

His publisher is: Huntington House Publishing Company
Post Office Box 53788

As I understand it,his credentials are really noteworthy as a
scientist. Usually,I would dismiss this as yet another "
and gloom" publication written by yet another paranoid schzoid
person..but in his case,it just might be revealing.

Just thought you might be interested.

Like I said in another post; Conspiracy theories have been around
for along time..It just depends on the 'checkability' and credibility
of the person(s) involved.

Some of my pet theories:

1) CIA operatives are the infamous "
men in black"
2) The War in the Falklands (Argentina) a few years ago was a cover
for a botched operation funded by the Rockefeller Organization.
3) Lyndon LaRouche is really an Alien from the planet Xenon (joke)
4) The US Govt has been working covertly with the Soviets for over
20 years in what I call the "
International Communist Capitalist
Conspiracy" (ICCP) to subvert the Constitition of the United
States and bring about the Tri-laterialization of Europe as a
Power base.

I can't PROVE any of the above,but that's just my personal gut
level intuitive theories.

If you got some skinny on something,let's hear it..
Don Allen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: 115,Etc.
Date: 26 Nov 89 22:07:00 GMT

> (2) Element 115: I don't know any reason why 115
> would be useful in creating
> an antigravity field or creating antimattter, except
> possibly as an energy
> source in some sort of fission reactor. There is a
> predicted quantum mechanical
> "
Island of Stability" around atomic numbers 112-116, but
> more recent
> calculations suggest that none of these elements would be
> stable enough to be
> isolated in macroscopic amounts. In contrast, only a few
> years ago some
> physicists thought that these elements might have half-
> lives in the millions or
> billions of years.
Thank you for bringing this up. I was hoping that some of our
physics readers would jump on this. Could you go further into
the explanation about the instability of the elements between 112
and 116? Furthermore, Lazar claims that the vessel uses that in
combination with a wave guide which, in his diagram, is shown
protruding from the top part of the reactor and protracting to
the top of the vessel with an antenna of a sort where it
terminates. At the bottom of the vessel is where the gravity
amplifier is located.

Also, what are tachyons and how could they figure into this
scenario. Is it true that gravity could travel twice the speed
of light?

> Antimatter is made today in small amounts; beams of
> positrons and antiprotons
> are used in particle accelerators. Neutral anti-hydrogen
> (positrons orbiting
> antiprotons) would be hard to store, but certainly
> synthesizable. It would be a
> great power source when it mutually annihilated with normal
> matter.
How could this work in propulsion?

Based upon what has been said thus far by Lazar, could you
comment on your feelings about his credibility as a physicist and
his theories regarding the overall implication of this.

Thanks for your time and contribution to this discussion.

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: The Secret Govt..
Date: 27 Nov 89 04:03:00 GMT

> about this new super-secret computer system in Brussels. He
> was
> touring to promote his book called "
A Delicate Balance".
> His
> name is John Zajak. His contention is that this computer
> is being linked up with vast database info on credit card
> #'s
> bank accounts,home purchases,etc..Maybe nothing unusual by
> itself but *he* claims that *the computer* is being
> programmed
> to keep track of people world wide by whatever means
> available
> electronically whether via satellite,fax,phone or whatever.
> -His- claim also is that the computer is known as THE

Interesting ... I heard that story, too. Probably in connection with
Zajak's book.

With the advent of optical mass storage, the nightmare "
Beast" could be a
reality right now. Access times would be slow, but such a monstrosity is
definitely within the scope of present technology.

I've never gone in much for the Trilateral conspiracy theory. I don't think
the CIA, NSA and FBI would tolerate such an intrusion onto their "
But from what I know about information technology, the "
Beast" could be used
to quickly destroy anyone who came to the attention of its masters --
especially if the thing could interact with credit bureaus, tax records,

What's more, the day is not too far off when the "
Beast" could be a virtual
machine, ie: capable of near-instantaneous information retrieval and
transaction processing. Then you could summon up almost all the
financial/lifestyle details of a "
target" at the touch of 9 keys (social
security number). You could also wreak absolute havoc with the person if
your "
Beastie" was equipped to freeze bank accounts (or simply draw on
them), draw out credit lines, and maybe post a few phantom liens for good

Even if all the transactions were spurious, you could destroy someone
utterly and leave them penniless -- with the prospect of years of lawsuits &
financial reconstruction before the hapless victim could even come CLOSE to
understanding what had happened.

I know some ParaNeters work in the info technology field ... do any of us
have any knowledge of such a super-system? At this stage it would probably
have to be hydra-like, with network nodes in several different places on
each continent. It would have to be tied together over leased lines (T1s or
CEPT lines) and almost certainly satellite up/downlinks.

It's possible NOW.

Pleasant dreams.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Don.Sudduth
Subject: Re: Antimatter Drives And Area 51
Date: 27 Nov 89 05:38:00 GMT

Perhaps, Lazarium??
Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: Don Sudduth - The non-physical reality of UFOs
Date: 27 Nov 89 07:41:00 GMT

Don Sudduth is a user on ParaNet Alpha. He uploaded this file
and asked that I post it in the message area. For further
information on this refer to a file titled: ABMATTER.UFO


AUTHOR: Don Sudduth

DATE: November 26, 1989

There is a certain sense of stability in the physical world that
most of us take for granted. However, in the current realm of UFO
abduction literature, the term "
physical world" may need some
redefinition. UFO abductees have found their world stretched and
distorted in a way that defies modern science. Testimony from
abductees now includes levitation, paralysis, telepathy, and
startling visions. To ignore these reports is to ignore the vast
amount of evidence that seems to be mounting. To accept these
reports blindly, however, is to accept data whose source is
testimony from hypnosis, vague memories, and spontaneous recall.
Are abductees really levitating out of their beds at night, floating
up to a hovering UFO, and being subjected to physical examinations?
Perhaps this question can be answered by looking closer at
abductee's testimony.

Recently, Budd Hopkin's and Whitley Strieber's works have strongly
promoted the notion of physical abductions as a norm for UFO contact
with humans. However, from a recently published article in UFO
Magazine (Vol 4, Num 4), Ann Druffel has offered a new perspective
on the abduction phenomena. This perspective alters the focus of an
abduction from something physical to something within the mind. Ann
Druffel, in her book "
The Tujunga Canyon Contacts" tells of hypnotic
regression of a particular abductee named Emily who "
learned that if
she could manage to move even one toe or finger, the paralysis broke
and the creatures vanished." The article goes on to report that
Emily could use mental effort to wake her roommate and also break
the abduction paralysis. In another case Ms. Druffel notes that the
abductee was able to break out of the "
contact" by making a sound or
mantra within herself.

Breaking out of the alleged abduction by shear force of will is just
one clue of its non-physical nature. Are there others? Looking at
the varied testimony of abductees, one gets the sense of the lack of
coincidence from report to report. One person stated that she was
transported through her apartment wall. While others feel the
abductors take them "
by hand" into waiting UFO's. Whitley Strieber,
in his book "
Transformation", writes about his attempts at astral
travel and the similarity of that experience to his abductions. He
also notes the strangeness factor of abduction reports from his
article in UFO Magazine (Vol 4, Num 2). Strieber writes, "
Of the
690 narratives sent to me by Communion and Transformation readers,
only a few appear to support these present theories of abduction.
The vast majority instead describe perceptions and experiences far
stranger than any reported by mainstream abduction researchers."
Another UFO researcher, Richard Grossinger, writes of the inability
of contactees to distinguish between the concrete or real and the
psychic or hallucinatory. He suggests that we may be dealing with
both levels of reality thereby creating the current paradox of
conflicting abduction testimonies.

Before the "
Communion" and "Intruders" phenomenon, astrophysicist
and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee cautioned the conception of UFO's
as being something truly physical. Vallee's position is that
individual and social psychological manipulation of UFO contactees
may not be extraterrestrial at all but encounters with another
reality. He suggests that the intelligence community worldwide is
probably "
in the dark" about most aspects of the UFO phenomena. On
the MJ-12 document he writes, "
Given the names on the list of MJ-12
scientists, however, it seems to me their work could have had an
entirely different orientation, having to do with psychological
warfare. I scratched the surface of that issue in "Messengers of
, and I got burned because the UFO research community was
not ready to even consider that side of the problem". Now that the
verdict is out on the MJ-12 documents with Bill Moore's revelation
of planted information, Dr. Vallee's comments seem much more potent.

In his book "
Dimensions", Dr. Vallee strongly emphasizes the
psychological nature of UFO encounters. His research has shown that
historically, UFO encounters have been perceived to be the common
myths of the time period such as the miracle at Fatima, Portugal in
1917. "
The events at Fatima involve luminous spheres, lights with
strange colors, a feeling of 'heat waves'--all physical
characteristics commonly associated with UFOs...They also encompass
prophecy and a loss of ordinary consciousness on the part of
witnesses--what we have called the psychic component of UFO
sightings" (p 174). Dr. Vallee even implies that much of human
history may have been shaped by the psychological effects of UFO
encounters and that the shape may have a purpose.

Extraterrestrial or not, it seems that abductions by UFOs are much
more psychological in nature than physical. Yet the common belief
is in physical contact! Is this what we are meant to believe?

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Robert.Klinn
Subject: S-4 Worker Backs Up Lazar's Claims
Date: 27 Nov 89 11:28:00 GMT

Six "
Scared-To-Death" S-4 Workers Reportedly Meet Outside the Nevada
Test Site at Lathrop Wells to Unite and Join Lazar's Expose of Alien
On KVEG-AM Radio in Las Vegas, on The Billy Goodman Happening,
11/24/89, 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., with Robert Lazar on the line,
another caller introduces himself as "
a colleague in Lazar's
Calling himself "
MW" for Mercury Worker [Mercury is the military town
inside the Test Site], he distinguishes his work -- "
hands-on" -- from
Lazar's. MW says he is a construction worker, installing and
He says he and others like him work in S-4 -- especially underground --
in deep sections.
We all know a lot."
Someone had to install the hangars."
There is more than tunnels -- everything you can imagine -- cause we
did everything."
He says people are now meeting in small groups to talk about backing up
Lazar. There was a meeting of six workers the night of 11/24/89, he
says, to discuss whether or not they should publicly say what they saw.
The five others are scared to death, he says. He himself sounds scared
on the telephone.
They are trying to get it where it will be safe for them to join Lazar,
he says.
The MW's are "
putting something together to join you."
There are two more MW workers supporting you, he says.
We got together at Lathrop Wells [a small town close to the southwest
end of the Nevada Test Site] and said we got to do something."
Only two out of the six are willing to do something."
The guys are for you."
Although encouraged, Lazar points out there's a ten-year jail term for
them if they talk.
Robert Klinn - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Robert.Klinn@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


To have your thoughts in the next issue, please send electronic
mail to 'infopara' at the following address:
UUCP {ncar,isis,nbires,boulder}!scicom!infopara

ADMIN Address

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