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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 078

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 78 

Friday, November 10th 1989

Today's Topics:

Re: Radar
Re: Bill Cooper's lecture in L.A.
Re: Info-paranet Newslett
Oklahoma UFO reports


From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Re: Radar
Message-ID: <23642.255A5651@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
Date: 10 Nov 89 03:57:00 GMT
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343
Lines: 17

> Could it be that this radar system either had been
> accidently equipped with a system that was able to track
> UAOs ? Something the government (heads) know about and are
> able to track using special equipment attached to their
> radars ? Could it be a flaw in the radar that allowed it

Interesting point, Byron. Has anyone asked Dr. Bennewitz?


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Delton@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
Subject: Re: Bill Cooper's lecture in L.A.
Message-ID: <23648.255A75A4@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
Date: 9 Nov 89 20:03:00 GMT
Organization: FidoNet node 1:114/37 - The USOP BBS, Scottsdale AZ
Lines: 10

Thanks for that report on Cooper. Sounds like he is in worse shape
then I thought. I suspect that the reason he was much more careful in
his UFO statements is because he has been under the gun because of
those statements in the past and is much more aware of what he will be
called on whereas in the other stuff, no one has tried to pin him down
and sensitize him to the absurdity of what he says.
Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newslett
Message-ID: <23650.255A7917@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
Date: 7 Nov 89 06:21:11 GMT
Organization: FidoNet node 8:914/207 - THE SKEPTIC'S, San Francisco CA
Lines: 46

> From: paranet!f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG!Robert.Sheaffer
> Robert, why don't you help us out here and supply the answers to the
> following questions -- as far as you understand the answers, anyway?
> Thanks.
> +If the MJ-12 was a "cover" for Roswell, then both must be equally
> +bogus, it would seem.
> What is your reasoning here?
> + It has now been established that the alleged
> +Truman signature on the MJ-12 letter is simply a photocopy of a
> genuine +Truman signature from the Truman library, and pasted in.
> Who established this and when? And how did they do this?
> +Worse yet, it
> +seems that they typewriter used on these documents, allegedly from
> the +1950s, was not manufactured until after 1960.
> Who established this and when? How was this demonstrated?
> + w3 MJ-12 critics have
> +recently confronted Moore with these embarassing facts
> Who are these critics and when did they do this?

Well, hullo again, Keith!

If you are getting James Moseley's "Saucer Smear", you should be getting
full details on all these matters in about a week. In addition, the
next "Skeptical Inquirer" will have the complete story. (I'm forwarding
this information from Robert Sheaffer.)

You're welcome.

Yrs. Truly,
Rick Moen, Secretary
Bay Area Skeptics
Sysop, The Skeptic's Board BBS, San Francisco

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG Fri Nov 10 14:58:46 MST 1989
Subject: Oklahoma UFO reports
Date: 10 Nov 89 06:13:06 GMT

DATE OF UPLOAD: November 3, 1989
ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: Bryon Smith/ParaNet Tau
(C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service
All Rights Reserved unless copyrighted by Author.
1-303-232-6115 9600 BAUD


DATE: 11/02/1989

A brief overview of UFO investigating and reporting.

U.F.O. investigating and reporting is often a taxing job in
more ways than one. An investigator is often faced with situations
that are either expensive, tiring, or embarrassing. Finding the
right words to express your thoughts to some who report their UFOs
could be a problem also, depending on the personality of the

Many times when a person reports a UFO there will be a rash
of other UFO reports that will quickly follow. This does not
mean that certain of the witnesses did not in fact see something
that is not normally seen in the sky over their area, but many
times reports will come in from numbers of good people with
honest intentions who are seeing things that are quite normal
in their skies but had not been noticed before. A U.F.O. report
that is published will cause people to "start looking up," and
when this happens everything from stars, to planets, to airplanes
become U.F.O.s. It is up to the investigator to decided to the
best of their ability just what it was that the witnesses had

A quick example of this is the report of the "U.F.O." over the
witness's house and it's up to the investigator to ask the right
questions in order to determine the details of the report.

Description of the U.F.O. was a very bright light that moved
into that position and then "hovered" and then would just
disappear as if someone turned out the light. Where was it
last seen ? Low in the South West sky.

At first this report does sound very interesting but when the
proper questions are asked one can determine a good number of
extra details that might very well shed some light on the identity
of the object that is being reported. Where were they standing ?
In the yard. What direction were they looking ? Over the house,
thus the UFO was sighted over the house. At first it was moving
when they saw it ! Yes they were also moving, driving into the
driveway, or even walking across their yard when they saw the object,
therefore even a stationary object will appear to be in motion.
After they realize this unnaturally bright light they will stop
to look at it at which time the "Light" will stop and hover, in
this case "directly over their house." Note the object is not
directly above their house but their line of sight is directly
over their house, thus the UFO was "hovering over their house."
The UFO hovered there for about 30 min (depending on when they
first noticed the object) and then it just vanished in the South
West sky like turning off a light.

This same object has been reported as "following" witnesses in
their cars and right up to their houses and then hovering for
a short time and then vanishing, and sometimes is reported as
"darting away so quickly the eye could not follow it," once again
(in this case) in the South Western sky.

The same object can appear to change colors, change shapes, and
do other strange things.

After a UFO report has gone out in a certain area and people have
heard of the other reports then the experience becomes amplified,
the UFO watchers are all ready keyed up and ready to see a UFO.

Several other witnesses come and tell of their sighting of the UFO
and the investigator finds it strange that everyone who reports the
UFO describes seeing it within 1 hr. of each other and all who see
and report it describe it as last being seen in the South West sky.
The other strange thing is that it makes no difference where the
witnesses were when they sighted this object, they might have been
100 miles apart when they sighted it, but the story sounds much
the same.

I have seen this object myself and I know it can play tricks
on the human eye and the human mind. This is (in this case)
the planet Venus.

I have been out with witnesses who have become very excited over a
stationary object such as a star that was changing colors and the
witness would believe the object to be moving very quickly across
the sky. After a careful look at the object it was easy to see that
it was not moving in relationship to the other stars. If the witness
is standing still then what would cause them to believe the star
is moving ? I don't have the answer to this question but I do
know that myself and another UFO investigator were standing watching
at the time the witness stated the object was moving and we know
that it was not moving. We must always remember that these objects
require special attention on the part of the observer/investigator
to determine what it is that is being seen and whether or not it is


An investigator will often encounter UFO witnesses who are all
ready convinced that what they saw was not from the Earth. A certain
percentage of them will have seen objects as I have all ready described,
but it will do little good to tell some of them that what they saw
was really something quite normal, but perhaps not often seen in such
rare clarity. It might be difficult for some to imagine that the planet
Venus can glow so brilliantly as well as to change shapes and colors
from time to time. For some of them the truth will not be accepted
and will often insult them, and while Venus is not "from the Earth"
it is still a normal object seen in our night skies at times. What do
you tell them ? This is of course up to the investigator's best judgment
but sometimes it's better to say nothing at all to some people.

The UFO investigator was not there during their first sightings and as
such this leaves certain room for doubt, "...well you weren't here when
we saw this thing so you don't know what it was that we saw, and we know
it was not the planet Venus !"
While this might be true it's hard to
argue when the investigator is standing there when the witness points
into the sky and says "..there it is, that's the object I saw," and the
investigator knows for certain what the object is and can identify it.
I would not wager a guess as to how many times an aircraft has been
reported as a U.F.O. by a witness while Bill Pitts was standing there
with his night surveillance equipment, and the witness would say, "...
there it is , that's the UFO right there, exactly as I saw it the other
Bill takes a look through the scope and is able to see the UFO
is actually an aircraft. It's nice to be able to allow the witness to
also view their "UFO" and see that it is in fact nothing more than an
aircraft of some type, this way it's more convincing.

Another thing to take note of is the way some people can imagine things
into their reports, things like "..seeing the UFO dart away at incredible
One witness was describing the motions of a UFO and stated that
the UFO was able to make 90 degree turns without slowing down and then
to be able to dart away quickly in the blink of an eye. I asked again,
"you saw this UFO do these things ?" The witness then stated that
someone else had told them that it had done these things and as such they
were reporting it as if they had seen it for themselves. This type of
report can be very misleading if the investigator does not do a follow up
and ask the right questions of the witnesses. This witness did not intend
to mislead me or to confuse our investigation, the responsibility for
correct information still lays within the hands of the investigator, not
the witness.

I would make a quick point here, the UFO investigators that I know of
work without compensation, so why do they go to the expense of chasing
these sightings ? There must be something that motivates them, and it's
not to "disprove" the existance of UFOs, "flying saucers," etc. Perhaps
they have experienced something in their past that causes them to believe
there is more to the UFO subject than just airplanes, planets, and stars.
Perhaps they are aware that their sighting/encounter was far more than
could be explained by normal explanations. They might not know what it
was they saw but would like to discover the answer and perhaps someone
else out there has seen the same object, perhaps someone out there can
lend a clue that would bring them closer to the answer to their own
questions. There must be something very real that drives them on into
the field of UFOs, seeking answers to other people's questions in hope
of finding answers to their own questions. Some investigators, such as
Mr. Bill Pitts of the New Project Blue Book will not be quick to say
"yes that's a flying saucer" but will do his best to answer the question
and to identify the object being reported. His funds come out of his
own pocket and he takes his investigations very seriously. He has only
one thing to gain from his expenses and efforts and that is the hope of
gaining knowledge of the Truth concerning U.F.O.s, at least some of them.
While not being as experienced as he in this field I am motivated by the
same things and am privileged to be able to work with him in this field
of investigation. I also feel privileged to be able to report my
findings to those of you accessing any of the ParaNet BBSs. Despite some
of my findings that I post such as those I have posted above, I am a
believer in the UFO phenomena and desire to see the mystery solved
once and for all and perhaps someday it will be explained, until then
we will continue to seek the answers and do the best we can to investigate
and report our findings. At the same time I hope to be able to share
certain things with other investigators both new and old in hopes that
they will be objective in their investigations and research all
possibilities and then share their findings with us here. I believe this
phenomena will only be answered through a joint effort of interested
investigators sharing their information with each other.


Rod Wilson of ParaNet XI-Gamma has given an excellent report as to what
took place during the day we were there talking to witnesses. I would
like to give special thanks to the Miami Police Department, as well as
the Miami Civil Defense, and to Jim Green personally and those who he
assigned to help us on this investigative trip. I would also like to
give a special thanks to Pam Keys of the Miami News Record and to Valli
Covert of the Vinita Daily Journal, for their efforts and information
that they provided before, during, and after our trip to Miami. Without
their help it would have been nearly impossible to do all that we did
in such a short time. I would like to thank all of those UFO witnesses
who took time out of their daily lives to come see us and report their
sightings in person. I would also like to say that regardless of my
opinion of certain of the sighting reports that we have taken I believe
that all of the sighting reports came from good honest people who were
truly concerned as to what they had seen in their night skies. To clarify
this is simple, I do believe there is a good chance that some of the
sightings were of the planet Venus, others were no doubt of colorful
bright stars, and others were no doubt of strangely lit aircraft, however
I believe there is, and has been, more in the sky over North East OK.
than what first meets the eye.

In order to get to the more interesting reports all reports must be
considered and none should be taken lightly. A number of people reported
objects "flying" and one type of report that I found interesting was
that of a brightly lighted white ball of light accompanied by several other
smaller red lights. Pam Keys showed us photos of what she described as
the same objects and the pictures alone were not enough to make the story
clear. You could not tell just from the photos if the lights were all
connected to the same object or if they were independent of the white
lighted object, neither could you tell just how close the objects were
when the photos were taken. The photos show two brightly lit red objects
and one larger amber colored object. She stated there were other red
objects flying about the area at the same time but she was unable to get
all the objects into the viewfinder at the same time. She was also able
to take photos of the amber colored object at a closer range and those
photos appear to show not one but three amber colored lights on the same
object. Those photos were 1 sec. timed exp. and as I said, you can see
three streaks from what appears to be one object. She also stated that
she had been able to observe this with her own eyes without the aid of
the photos. She stated there was a triangular shaped light on the front
of this larger amber object that appeard to rotate like a beacon of some
kind and she showed us photos of this light which appeared as she had said.
She stated the triangular light would change colors and the colors could
be seen even in one of the photos. Without actually seeing the object it
would be very hard for me to say exactly what she saw. Others reported
seeing something very much like this object, some of those reports came
from people in different areas and were sighted in different parts of
the night sky, and described as moving. One lady reported them and said
the little red lights would also change colors but were most often red
in color. They were also described as flying away from the larger amber
colored light and then returning to it, and flying along side of the
larger amber colored object.

Another report described a fleet of red objects flying in formation
toward the Oklahoma, Kansas border in a north easterly direction. The
witness stated they had seen objects like this at different times in
the past two weeks. I honestly believe these objects were some type
of craft and the lighting configuration does sound strange for a normal
aircraft. They also stated that one object in the rear took off from
the group in a North Westerly direction (during one sighting) and this
object was said to have accelerated to more than twice the speed of the
others and was out of sight in moments. I do not know what these "UFOs"
are and believe it deserves further investigation.

Another report I find interesting came in from a lady and her sister
who described, and drew, a triangular UFO having lights on it in a "T"
shape. Both said they believed the UFO to be slightly wider than a 2
lane highway and drew almost exactly the same picture. They said the
edges of the object were rounded and that it was slightly wider than it
was long. The first sister said that she saw it come over her house
and her and several others watched it as it stopped directly over the
house and hovered for a few moments and then moved away. She stated
the object made no sounds at all and that she could see it clearly.
Needless to say I found this report of interest on the spot, but there
is more to the story. Then her sister filled out a report and while
it was very much the same it did not hover over her house but was seen
moving over the city near her house only moments after it was seen at
her sister's house. Come to find out they live on opposite sides of
a city having a population of approx. 14,000, one on the north side and
one on the south side of the city. As an investigator I found something
in this that just didn't sound right to me. Why hadn't there been a
flood of reports of this object ? Why only two and they were sisters ?
What are the odds that this same UFO or one looking like it would fly
over or near both these sister's houses within min. of each other ?
At this point some might have thought to chuck this report in the
back of the files as being a prank, or perhaps the second sister was
just wanting to report what the first sister had seen, I don't know
but there is more to it than just that. At least two other reports
have made their way to us of an object sounding very much like their
UFO from people who do not know these two sisters and as such the books
are far from being closed. I can't speak further on this until I am
able to talk with the other witnesses and get their descriptions of the
object they are reporting. Perhaps the unlikely has happened but it's
obvious that the books are still wide open on the UFO sightings in North
East Oklahoma.

One report we find interesting was from two officers, that we did not
get to speak with personally, though we tried. They reported seeing
something come up into the air that had triangular positioned white
lights on it and a red light in the rear. The object was reported as
being metallic in color (gray unpainted or polished metal) and the shape
of the bottom being like that of a boat. Obviously not the planet
Venus. The craft was then reported to have made a sound like that
of some type of engine and then as it started moving it went silent
again and passed directly over a portion of Miami, OK. and out of sight.
The witnesses are not saying this "UFO" is "alien" to our planet, but
they are saying that they believe it was something that is not normally
seen in the night sky in that area. I personally must reserve judgment
as to what I think it was, perhaps a blimp, but why would a blimp be
in that area in the middle of the night ?

Another report that was interesting was from a deer hunter who stated
that it was right at dusk when he had shot an arrow at a deer and did
not know if he had hit the deer or not. He climbed down from his tree
stand and was looking either for his arrow or blood on the ground when
he was distracted by what he described as a large oval shaped light
in the sky that was moving quickly past him. He described the light
as being far larger than any aircraft light and being (as I recall) a
light greenish or blueish in color. He stated the light was so bright
and so close to him that he was able to see it lighting up the tops
of the trees near him as it passed by. He also stated that it made no
sound at all and was moving quickly. He believed that he should have
been able to hear something from the engine had it been a conventional
craft. He did not fill out a UFO report for us but I taped the entire

During our little adventure north of Miami as we waited and watched
for anything that might fit any of the descriptions of the UFOs that
we had heard, we noticed two aircraft having a strange lighting
configuration. Myself being a pilot, and having lived at an airport
for 2 years, am aware of lighting configurations for conventional
aircraft and the lights on these two airplanes were unfamiliar to me.
There was a bright red light in the front and two pale yellow looking
lights on what would be the wings. The aircraft were both headed south
toward the city of Miami and at first had their strobe lights on. As
they came near each other the rear one turned their strobe lights off
and left them off. Shortly afterwards the front airplane turned their
strobe lights off, leaving both with this "triangular" lighting configur-
ation with a red light in front and pale wing lights. There was no red
rotating beacon either atop the vertical stabilizer (in the very back on
top) or underneath either of the aircraft as is normal to most small
aircraft and the solid red light was ahead of the wing lights which is
not at all normal. There should have also been a white light on the very
tail of the aircraft, and there was none. Another thing that was odd is
that no one heard any sound at all from either of these airplanes. I
thought this was strange and we radioed ahead to Bill and his crew to
have him check out our opinion, which he verified they were in fact
conventional small aircraft. For a short time they flew very close
to each other and then over the city one of them turned West and the
other continued South. The first one that was now headed west turned
his strobes back on once he had passed over the city.

As I said before, there is more going on in the skies over North East
Oklahoma than what first meets the eye. Just what type of aircraft has
a lighting configuration like this ? I have been in the Dallas area now
for nearly 5 days and the sky is full of all types of airtraffic and yet
I have not sighted any of them having this type of lighting configuration.
I think someone needs to check the airport there in Miami and just see
what aircraft might have a lighting configuration like this. Perhaps they
are based right in that area and could be located. These aircraft were
south bound and we were west of them and viewing them toward the East, just
in case someone out there might be able to make sense of this before we
figure it out.

Reporting from ParaNet TAU in Fort Smith, Arkansas...
Bryon Smith
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


To have your thoughts in the next issue, please send electronic
mail to 'infopara' at the following address:
UUCP {ncar,isis,nbires,boulder}!scicom!infopara

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