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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 074

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 74 

Saturday, November 4th 1989

Today's Topics:

Re: Literate Ufologists
Re: Miami Meeting
Re: New Member
Re: New Member
The Story...
Whole Life Expo
Re: Info-Paranet Newsletter
Re: Info-Paranet Newsletter


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Literate Ufologists
Date: 2 Nov 89 00:09:00 GMT

> air-you-dite.

Better airyoudite than airheaded, as my sainted granny used to say. I'd say
we're well ahead of the pack that way!

> Seriously, if syntactical sin is the worst criticism
> leveled at ParaNet, we're OK, mate.

True again. Would that it were the only sin some members have been guilty
of. See my private email to you re: this crypticism.


Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: Miami Meeting
Date: 2 Nov 89 06:57:00 GMT


Very good report, but I have a small quibble.

>Pulsar. Pulsars are
>known to change colors emitting a red/green/blue light at
>different times.
>Some of these Pulsars can appear very close in the fall
>night sky. Most

I think you'd better look up the definition for "Pulsar." Besides being a
rather pricey make of watch, a pulsar is a rapidly pulsating RADIO source,
detectable only by RADIOtelescopes. They are stars of a sort, but rapidly
spinning ones, and I believe they only exist at the outer fringes of the
detectable universe. None, to my knowledge, are visible to the naked eye.

The stars in the sky that seem to twinkle and change color rapidly are
called "stars that seem to twinkle and change color rapidly."


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG!Rick.Moen
Subject: Re: New Member
Date: 30 Oct 89 18:27:14 GMT

>>Thanks for the warm welcome, Jim. I just now resurrected
>>the board from
>>the earthquake damage, configured and tested the ParaNet
> Oh, that's RIGHT....say, did any of your local psychics predict this
> earthquake with any accuracy?

We have whole gaggles of psychics out in these parts who predict
earthquakes each and every year -- and so do I! You know what? Each
and every one of us has had a 100% success rate. Whoopie, I'm psychic!

Watch for our annual year-end report on psychics' track records to see
if any of them actually lucked out this year. I don't have details yet.

> And how damaged were you?

The primary FATs on both hard drives were plowed through like so much
prarie dirt. Amazingly, I was able to recover or reconstruct 100% of
the board's contents. Thanks for asking.

Rick M., sysop
The Skeptic's Board

P.S.: Our ParaNet designation is delightful. I obviously have a
kindred warped soul somewhere at ParaNet Alpha.

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG!Rick.Moen
Subject: Re: New Member
Date: 30 Oct 89 18:34:01 GMT

> Hello, Rick. Just a note to say hi and, just because you're a
> skeptic, welcome and fire away. Sounds like you didn't fare
> especially well in the earthquake. I hope that you're able to recover
> rapidly, and that the damage wasn't too severe or upsetting.
> Again, welcome.
> Best,
> Clark

Thank you very much, Clark. I'm delighted to be here, and hope my
callers discover these conferences, too. I'm stretched pretty thin,

I actually came through the late unpleasantness almost untouched, as did
about 2,990,000 of the three million Bay Area residents, contrary to the
apocalyptic impressions one would get from the gentlemen of the press.
Thanks for your concern.

Rick Moen
Sysop, The Skeptic's Board

Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: The Story...
Date: 3 Nov 89 04:14:00 GMT

The "Story"
Fourth Installment
I have a $50,000 bounty waiting for the first person to
bring me an alien anus, or any other part proven to be from
an alien body. $250,000 for an alien head. The award for a
whole alien body, dead or alive will be $1,000,000
It's time to turn this thing around. Let's stop being
wimps and react like pioneer Americans would have to a
threat from a strange culture. If you live in the country,
purposely take the most secluded road to your home. If the
possibility presents itself to run an alien down with your
car, DO IT, before they can affect the ignition of your
engine, and you become their victim. Do unto them BEFORE
they can do unto you. Take the initiative.
If these apparently living things come from other
dimensions, outer space, or both, or if they are the results
of our own government's gene spliced biological entity
research to develop pilots that "appear to come from outer
to "fly" our advanced newly developed flying machines
at Dreamland and Area 51, we will know very quickly as soon
as those body parts start coming into our laboratories for
It's time to get off our duffs, and start actively
LOOKING for these elusive amoral little jerks with big eyes.
BTW, I'll give $100,000 for ONE ALIEN EYE.
This is an effort to remind the American people of
values that used to exist when this country was young.
Pioneer men were tough and pioneer women were strong. They
didn't take the media's word for ANYTHING, there wasn't much
of the disinforming type media available. If a stranger came
to town and spread a bunch of lies and admitted that he had
misled one of our neighbors, we used to "tar and feather"
him and run him out of town. Now what do we do? We let the
guy get up and make speeches and get money for it! My how we
have changed. If the pioneers were put upon by a strange
phenomenon (one they didn't understand), they banded
together and fought against the enemy. Look what we did to
the Indians!
If my theory is correct, offers of money will give
people the gumption to take the initiative, so be it. I
fully expect to be able to take some kids to the ZOO to see
varied examples of the different types of aliens, with signs
over their cages explaining where in the Universe they came
from. Dont delay, and when you have a sample, contact my
company, Planet Com, Box 33, Mountain Center, CA 92361
T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Joe.Holland
Subject: Whole Life Expo
Date: 3 Nov 89 04:54:00 GMT

There will be another annual Whole Life Expo at the L.A.
Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA, the weekend of
Nov 17, 18, and 19, 1989.
Featured will be over 100 speakers. Included are:
Bill L. Moore (Mr. disinformation), 5:30 PM Saturday 11/18
"Exposing the UFO Coverup: a Progress Report".
Bill Cooper 3 PM Sat."Government UFO Coverup"
Tom Bearden 5:30 PM Sat.
Brad and Sherry Steiger, 3 PM Sun.
Dr. Raymond Moody, of Near Death Experiences, Friday 8 PM.
Also: psychics Kevin Ryerson, Kenny Kingston, Uri Geller.
Costs, one speaker plus three day pass to exhibits, $39 preregisterd,
$66 at the door. Preregister by mail by Nov 3, by phone by Nov 7.
Late registration might do for will call.
1(213)305 8887. P.O. Box 5249 Playa Del Rey, CA 90296
Joe Holland - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Joe.Holland@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: taos!uucp
Subject: Re: Info-Paranet Newsletter
Date: 2 Nov 89 20:32:25 GMT

+In article <18336.2544EA00@paranet.FIDONET.ORG> Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Don Sudduth) writes:
+>The Nation Bureau of Standards did an
+>experiment on plasma produced by high stress on rock formations. When
+>a rock was crushed or pulled apart by high pressures, it produced a
+>significant plasma display. This result was postulated as a possible
+>source of UFO sightings. The sighting of a police officer in northern
+>Minnesota, whose car was thrown off the road by a bright light has been
+>considered one of these plasma displays. (This area of MN has high
+>geologic pressures.)
+>Don Sudduth - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
+>UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
+>INTERNET: Don.Sudduth@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
+Hey, I am a geologist, and the above makes zero sense to me. Plasma?
+What kind of plasma? High geologic pressures in MN? I don't think
+you could find a more stable area of the continent. IMHO, the information
+in this article, at least as it regards geophysics, should be entirely
+disregarded. If Don could provide me with the source for this information,
+I can likely tell you specifically why it's crackpot stuff.
+Robert White

Don's recollection is essentially correct. I just watched again the
NOVA production (the PBS popular science show ) called The Case for
UFOs. Sorry, I don't have a date for it, but I'll guess 1987. You can
get a copy of this at Blockbuster Video, I think, if you want to view

During a middle segment of the show, it first introduced psychologist
Michael Persinger's theory about how very strong EM fields might
produce anomalous events/perceptions by creating plasma and by
affecting the brain of percipients. (See Persinger's Space-Time
Transients and Unusual Events, Nelson-Hall, 1977, ISBN 0-88229-334-6.)
While acknowledging that this theory is controversial, it did bring up
the work of Brian Brady of the US Bureau of Mines in Denver, CO, as
tentative support.

Next, we watched a piece of rock being crushed in a press and heard Brady
describe the RF fields detected during the failure of the rock. We
were shown the process with the lights out and saw "sparks" fly
around the rock during the failure. Brady said he believes these
"sparks" are actually tiny balls of plasma. He then went on to say
that during earthquakes, and possibly (I think) from the strain in the earth
before earthquakes, that these plasma balls could form, and just
possibly be the causative factor in some UFO events.

Then the police officer Val Johnson case was introduced as a
possible candidate for this kind of explanation. The Johnson police
car sustained undeniable windshield and antenna damage during some
sort of UFO event. I believe the car was shown.

Robert, please give us a report if you look into this interesting aspect of


>From: paranet!f207.n914.z8.FIDONET.ORG!Robert.Sheaffer

Robert, why don't you help us out here and supply the answers to the
following questions -- as far as you understand the answers, anyway?

+If the MJ-12 was a "cover" for Roswell, then both must be equally
+bogus, it would seem.

What is your reasoning here?

+ It has now been established that the alleged
+Truman signature on the MJ-12 letter is simply a photocopy of a genuine
+Truman signature from the Truman library, and pasted in.

Who established this and when? And how did they do this?

+Worse yet, it
+seems that they typewriter used on these documents, allegedly from the
+1950s, was not manufactured until after 1960.

Who established this and when? How was this demonstrated?

+ w3 MJ-12 critics have
+recently confronted Moore with these embarassing facts

Who are these critics and when did they do this?

+, and he is busily
+concocting excuses as to why his critics - both UFO skeptics AND

Can you name the critics for us? Klass, you, Greenwood, Fawcett,
Hastings(?), and who else?

+ - can't possibly be right.
+ The MJ-12 papers have now been dealt a mortal blow. They're the
+walking wounded currently, but before long will roll over and die. The
+really interesting question is WHO faked them, HOW, and WHY?

It seems to me from reading Moore's own words in his Focus
newsletter and elsewhere that he is definitely playing games --
playing games with and for the US intelligence establishment. I
don't think we're going to get to the bottom of the MJ-12 affair
anytime soon. However, I have faith that historians of the UFO will
eventually sort it out in 20 to 30 years from now, just like many of
the CIA operations from the 1950s and 1960s have been documented
in the 1980s. The recent PBS documentary "Secret Intelligence"
with Bill Plant(?) is an example of this.


From: taos!uucp
Subject: Re: Info-Paranet Newsletter
Date: 3 Nov 89 14:46:57 GMT

Hi there

I would like to know, if there is any magazines particularly for UFOs. If
there is no such thing, how about starting one?


SWAMY BALE, 819 W. Riverside, Muncie, Indiana 47303. 317-288-2056, 285-1670
arpa: UUCP: <iuvax,pur-ee>!!bsu-cs!mysore


To have your thoughts in the next issue, please send electronic
mail to 'infopara' at the following address:
UUCP {ncar,isis,nbires,boulder}!scicom!infopara

ADMIN Address

End of Info-ParaNet Newsletter

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