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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 047

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 9 months ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 47 

Monday, September 25th 1989

Today's Topics:

And what of Socorro?
Meteorite Brings 'Mail' From Mars
Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Unsolved Mysteries...
Re: Unsolved Mysteries
This is getting intersting
Which one is nuts?
Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Bill Moore as 'Savior' of the UFOlogical Community
Re: Unsolved Mysteries


From: rcw
Subject: And what of Socorro?
Date: 24 Sep 89 07:32:56 GMT

The Unsolved Mystery segment was very convincing and pretty
well done. Some time ago, a set of documents regarding this
incident was published on USENET. If any of you have a copy
of them, can you please send them to me via e-mail?

If someone can also provide me with the date of the alleged
incident, I have an extensive weather database for eastern
New Mexico, and I would like to see if I can verify the
violent thunderstorm activity mentioned the night of the
crash. Does anyone have precise coordinates or know the
exact location of the crash? If not, then how far and in
what direction from Socorro?

Robert White


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: Meteorite Brings 'Mail' From Mars
Date: 23 Sep 89 20:41:00 GMT

Just food for thought, but I came across this article in the
Rocky Mountain News regarding an interesting finding relating to
Mars. I am interested if anyone subscribes to Nature. If so,
would they kindly submit this article in its entirety and provide
me with subscription information.

DATE OF ARTICLE: September 22, 1989
SOURCE OF ARTICLE: Rocky Mountain News
LOCATION: Denver, Colorado
(C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service
All Rights Reserved.


A meteorite that thousands of years ago crashed onto
Antarctica apparently brought with it organic matter from the
planet Mars.
This finding, reported by British scientists at the Open
University in Milton Keynes, has fueled debate once again about
the possibility of life on the 'red planet'.
The scientists found the organic carbon and nitrogen
materials in a meteorite that an American team dug out of the
Antarctic ice in 1979. In the British journal Nature, Dr. Ian P.
Wright and his colleagues recently reported that the meteorite
possibly produced the first 'organic connection' with Mars yet to
be found.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Keenan.Anderson
Subject: Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 21 Sep 89 18:02:11 GMT

I think Unsolved Mysteries did a very good job on Roswell. I'm surprised
at how it seemed that they were trying to convince instead of debunk.
Usually, TV has either a really cynical view (like Larry King with
Streiber last night) or sensationalize it beyond belief. And I'm
surprised how long and involved the story was instead of a quick mention.

Keenan Anderson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keenan.Anderson@f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jon.Long
Subject: Unsolved Mysteries...
Date: 21 Sep 89 23:35:34 GMT

Yes, I agree with everybody so far, it was a very well done piece. It did
not try to discredit the people involved or the incident, instead I go
tthe impression that they were trying to convince and portray it
seriously, rather than some joke with stupid alien sets(UFO Cover
Up:Live). I must say I was impressed, and with the audience that the
show has, it will reach many people who may know something about the
incident, or simply to put a little thought of the whole UFO concept to
people who think that it is all a bunch of s**t....
-Jon L.-

Jon Long - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jon.Long@f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Keenan.Anderson
Subject: Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 22 Sep 89 13:25:53 GMT

Well, Cyro, the story goes: the artifacts and the 'ship' were transfered
to Wright-Patterson in Ohio (hence 'Hangar 18'). And as far as the bodies
go : don't ask me, all I've seen about it was the stuff going round by
Lear, Cooper, etc. And I didn't even KNOW that any civilians had seen the
actual ship and bodies. The farmer who first saw it died in '68 or '69
(don't remember) and according to Unsolved Mysteries, no one could find
the archaeology students. Maybe now that it was on TV, some of them might
step forward (or so we hope).

Keenan Anderson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keenan.Anderson@f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Keenan.Anderson
Subject: This is getting intersting
Date: 22 Sep 89 13:32:06 GMT

I just read the excerpt from Moore's letter, Jim. According to him,
Bennewitz ISN'T crazy or lying, but somebody's feeding him 'fluff'.
This is getting pretty interesting now. I'm just new to this
'disinformation' stuff. If somebody would tell me what the heck THAT
implies it'd help a lot. I don't mean to sound like Devil's advocate,
but you've got to admit it's starting to sound a little paranoid.

Keenan Anderson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keenan.Anderson@f319.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Joe.Holland
Subject: Which one is nuts?
Date: 23 Sep 89 20:01:46 GMT

DW> Don, we all know that you are a governmental disinformation
specialist Your orders: bring the downfall of organized UFOLOGY as we
know it.<
I had wondered why you got thrown out, since I did not bother
to follow all the gory details. You just made it perfectly clear
why: you deserved it. You're on again for only a few weeks, and now
you are at it again. When you make a statement like that, I assume
offhand that you are nuts, and that it would be a waste of time to
ask if you could back up what you say.

Joe Holland - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Joe.Holland@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 24 Sep 89 08:50:00 GMT

> Cyro are you still doing ALPHA? I cannot seem to find it
> anymore!
> --- QuickBBS v2.04
> * Origin: -=<ParaNet Alpha(sm)>=- Denver, CO (303)431-1343
> (1:104/422)


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 24 Sep 89 16:24:00 GMT

> I think Unsolved Mysteries did a very good job on Roswell.
> I'm surprised
> at how it seemed that they were trying to convince instead
> of debunk.
> Usually, TV has either a really cynical view (like Larry
> King with Streiber last night) or sensationalize it beyond
> belief. And I'm surprised how long and involved the story
> was instead of a quick mention.
Although I have not seen this segment yet, it is on the way,
ParaNet was involved to a very small degree with the producers of
the show and I found that a lot of detail was paid to the
dramatization of the segment. I understand that this was to the
tune of about $200,000.00 for the props. Nevertheless, I feel
that they did a good job in the presentation of the material,
however I would have liked to see the money spent on props better
applied to more research and more of a documentary format
presenting this detailed research. Stan Friedman was a paid
consultant on this segment and Stan only got a very small piece.
Too bad, because Stan makes such a good case.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: Bill Moore as 'Savior' of the UFOlogical Community
Date: 24 Sep 89 17:16:00 GMT

With all of the statements going back and forth, particularly
Bill Moore's conscious soothing writings pertaining to Paul
Bennewitz, I am shocked at the apparent lighthearted attitude
that he is taking while at the same time setting himself up as
the self-styled, self-appointed 'Savior' of ufology. Although I
have *not* seen his transcript of the speech delivered at the Las
Vegas MUFON, I would *not* pay the $10.00 'exploitive' fee for
this discertation, I am a person of ethics. Irregardless of how
he or anyone else 'sugar-coats' these irresponsible actions, the
fact still remains that he knowingly contributed to the emotional
destruction, among other things, of a fellow human being and
cohort in the field. He claims that he does it in the name of
Ufology. This is not only absurd, but is another untruth in the
rapidly growing reams of untruths already unveiled in this
elaborate scheme. I have never been impressed with Bill Moore or
his research. It appears that this man has never had any serious
interest in anything whatsoever to do with this mystery except
the exploitation of it by virtue holding findings and failure to
cooperate with other investigators in the field until it was
financially feasible for him to release his information.
I may be totally wrong about all of this, but I cannot help
but feel that this is just another 'brick in the wall' for
disinformation. I also do not feel that Mr. Moore has
sufficiently answered our questions about his possible
involvement in the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), or for that
part, whether he is still involved with them in some other plot
to do someone else in. We must never lose sight of one thing. A
person is only as good as their word. Their integrity is all
that they have. The question that should be carefully
scrutinized here is 'Has Mr. Moore's integrity been compromised
here'? If so, what steps should be taken to assure that this
crass action is never repeated? I, for one, feel that a public
censure is in order. I feel that it is our responsibility to
demand that this never happen again. Of course, I stress, that
this is all my personal opinion. Bill Moore is most likely a
real nice guy, but his actions should be carefully considered.
Sally Sheridan has prepared an essay which follows. I feel
that this is totally appropriate and I hope that we all can

DATE OF UPLOAD: September 10, 1989
ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: ParaNet Alpha/Denver, Colorado
CONTRIBUTED BY: Sally Sheridan

Are we about to live through extraordinary times in the
history of mankind?
Let's assume for a moment that we are.
The rumors and tone of the UFO literature have become deadly
serious. It isn't much fun to be a UFO investigator anymore.
I keep thinking about the people living in Western Europe
during the Nazi Era; the people living in Amsterdam at the time
Anne Frank's family was hiding. I wonder if I would have had the
courage to hide them. I think about that a lot.
These days we scrutinize the behavior of people who lived
through that time. We praise and admire the ones who did not.
I believe we investigators may be living through a time when
similarly enormous stresses and, yes, dangers may threaten us.
And for that reason I think we all should think about how we
should proceed. I think we all should think about how far we are
willing to go to get credit for the Big Story.
Here is a quiz to measure your Ethics Quotient.

Question: How far would you go if you could be reasonably
certain of being the investigator who would get the credit for
finally breaking the UFO mystery?
1. Would you betray a stranger or an acquaintance?
(for example, divulging a name you promised to keep secret?)
2. Would you betray a close friend?
3. Would you betray another investigator?
4. Would you betray a member of your family?
B. RISKING HARM (physical, emotional, financial or other
forms of harm)
5. Would you risk possible harm to a stranger or an
6. Would you risk possible harm to a close friend?
7. Would you risk possible harm to another
8. Would you risk possible harm to a member of your
C. CAUSING HARM (physical, emotional, financial or other
forms of harm)
9. Would you CAUSE harm to a stranger or an
10. Would you CAUSE harm to a close friend?
11. Would you CAUSE harm to another investigator?
12. Would you CAUSE harm to a member of your family?


There is only one right answer. NO to all of the above
without any equivocation!

Whatever the future holds, we must experience it as
decently, as ethically as we possibly can. I believe that no
secret, not even this one, is so important that we have to get to
it by stepping on our brothers and sisters.
No times are so stressful that it becomes acceptable to
betray, risk or knowingly cause harm to a fellow human being.
At the beginning of this essay I assumed that we are living
through, or are about to live through, extraordinary times. I
really do not know if this assumption is true.
What if it is not? What if none of the Lear-Bennewitz-
Cooper-Moore-"aliens making deals with the government" material
is true?
What if the world just goes on with its mundane problems?
Then, if we've justified answering "yes" to any part of the quiz,
we've betrayed, risked, and/or caused harm to others for NOTHING.
Either way, if its real or if its not, ethics matter because
living in dangerous times does not excuse us from the
responsibility and the obligation to act ethically.


Sally Sheridan is an investigator for the Center for UFO Studies
and is also the MUFON Section Director for Yuma County, Arizona.
She is also a special contributor to ParaNet. She is currently
researching the connection between UFOs and the Tibetan culture
as reflected in Tibetan Buddhist teachings

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!Clark.Matthews
Subject: Re: Unsolved Mysteries
Date: 24 Sep 89 20:15:00 GMT

Hello Jim. As you see I'm back. Hope you and Mary are well, happy &
still fighting the good fight.

RE: Your response on the Unsolved Mysteries show (which I MISSED!), as
has any effort been made to identify archaeology faculties within UPa?
Might require digging thru old yearbooks for the many U. Pa schools,
but the info must be there.

Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


To have your thoughts in the next issue, please send electronic
mail to 'infopara' at the following address:
UUCP {ncar,isis,nbires,boulder}!scicom!infopara

ADMIN Address

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