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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 035

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

Info-ParaNet Letters			Volume 1    Issue 35 

Subjects -
Re: Public Opinion
Re: Spy in the Sky
Re: Spy in the Sky
Re: Public Opinion
Re: Spy in the Sky
Spy in the Sky
TV program
TV program
Dr. Willy Smith
Reporting Center
PASU reports for week of September 9th, 1989
UFO Report


Date: 8 Sep 89 02:03:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Re: Public Opinion


> I say "keep posting the files" !!
> Also say, establish an "anti-quoting" rule. No more then
> three quote lines per message.
Posting to continue. 'anti-quoting' rule, hmmmm..., giving this some
thought. I agree that some of the quotes have been excessive, mine
included, however we should attempt to limit them to bare minimum but be
able to relate what was said in the previous message.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 7 Sep 89 17:47:46 GMT
From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: Spy in the Sky

How much usable info could a spy satelite pickup if it goes from horizen
to horizon in 15 secs? Are you sure about that speed?

Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!304!1!Jim.Delton
INTERNET: Jim.Delton@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 7 Sep 89 18:57:09 GMT
From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!T.s..Bennett
Subject: Spy in the Sky

I'm not sure of the time, horizon to horizon, but certain of the speed!
Launches from Vandenburg only have to attain 17,000 miles per hour as
they are going "with" the rotation of the earth. From Cape Kennedy, they
go against the grain, and need to attain 18,000. The earth is approx
24,000 miles around, and rotates at approx 1000 miles per hour, hence our
nifty system of 24 hour day and night cycles. Cant you extrapolate from
the Neptune fly by that was travelling at 15,000 MILES PER SECOND, and
Phone noise. took great "pictures" using an antiquated PC with barely
more memory than my AT, and 1960s technology in terms of camera and other
measureing equipment. The satellites are travelling at 17,000 to 18,000
miles per hour at distances varying from 120 miles from the surface to
250 miles from the surface. There are also satellites further away, that
travel slower, but its just an easy equation to figure out escape
velocity vs. distance from surface, to figure out how "fast" the thing
travels from horizon to horizon. One thing I do know for a fact, is that
the time sharing capabilities betwee{n DOD and DEA are non-existent when
there's a problem elsewhere in the world, because DOD the main user takes
all the time taking photos for use in the "defense" or "national
interest" arena. When the other side of the world is relatively quiet,
then DEA can use it for taking images of Pot farms Poppy farms in Mexico,
and Coca plantations. Each plant has a specific notation using {infra red
adsorption. They take the image and then wait an hour and a half, or
whatever for the satellite to come back around to "our side" where it
d{ownloads the info on its happy way across the sky!

T.s. Bennett - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!304!1!T.s..Bennett
INTERNET: T.s..Bennett@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 8 Sep 89 10:31:52 GMT
From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Joe.Holland
Subject: TV program

Well, Ufology managed to get a little air time on TV locally in
Los Angeles. The program was "Inside Report", with Betty Daniels,
9/5/89, 7:30 PM, Channel 13. The address of Channel 13 is
915 N. La Brea Ave, L.A. CA 90038, 1(818)851 1000.
The program ran quickly over some of the basic materials of
Ufology. It showed groups of abductees gathered to share experiences,
and showed on camera, individuals giving discriptions of some of
their encounters.
Examples: they experienced missing time, such that they seemed
to be in another place, in one case an open field, with no memory or
awareness of the time in between, as if they had gone directly from
one scene to the next, with no gap in their awareness, with people in
the former scene disappearing, and they only later became aware they
could not account for the missing time.
They described the aliens as taking a firm, strong grip on them,
a hard, harsh clamp. One woman said she felt a sensensation like an
electric current when the alien held her arm, and that this was
charactaristic of these experiences.
They said that the aliens had large black eyes, and that their
skin was gray, and touching them had a hard feel like touching the
skin of a dolphin. One woman said that she was taken to a cold,
sterile room with bright lights, and medically examined. Also, one
woman had conversed with them and argued with them.
Then Doctor Richard Neal appeared in the tape, and he is the
local obstetrician and gynecologist recently featured in an article
in the National Examiner 8/29/89 on page 41. In this article he gave
descriptions of genetic experiments as described by Budd Hopkins, in
which women were abducted and injected with alien sperm, after which
the aliens returned in a few months to take the half-human, half
alien fetus.
In the tape Dr. Neal said that he had come accross 75 to 100
cases of identical scars among patients who were abductees. He
described the missing embryo syndrome, in which patients were first
pregnant, and then found to be not pregnant.
One kind of scar was described as a "clean scoop" on the lower
leg. A male abductee said that he was astonished to be presented with
photos of twenty or thirty scars just like his, after which he began
to beleive something was really happening.
Budd Hopkins also appeared, and reiterated the material in his
book Intruders: how ovary and sperm samples were taken. (Because I
came in partway through the program and I did not have a tape set up
for it, I'm not sure which item was which, between Hopkins and Dr.
Neal, but the point is that a gynecologist is supporting Hopkins.)
The Roswell, NM disk crash was also mentioned.
It was also mentioned that Blue Book had been cancelled, but that
leaks had shown that the Air Force was still very concerned with
One of the abductees expressed the opinion that since we are the
victims of this, the government had darn well better tell us
something about this, because we are the ones trying to cope with it.
Betty Daniels said she contacted the US Air Force, and they said
that they were not aware of any aliens, but if they come accross any
hard evidence, they will appoint an agency to look into it.
HAW HAW HAW. Oh, er, excuse me, I was behaving in an un-Vulcan
manner. They must have been talking to someone like Steven Northover.
I think it is probable that your typical Air Force establishment is
not in on what is happening, because of the policy of need to know.

Joe Holland - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!304!1!Joe.Holland
INTERNET: Joe.Holland@f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 8 Sep 89 14:58:54 GMT
From: paranet!Linda.Murphy
Subject: TV program

Speaking of "On THe Air" -- I heard that Bill Cooper is doing a Radio Broadcast in Las Vegas, on super-station AM 840.

( 1:304/1)
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Linda.Murphy
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 9 Sep 89 10:50:00 GMT
From: paranet!James.Vincent
Subject: Majestic

Well, I just saw it today...Whitley Steiber's new book: Majestic.

It has an eerie (sort of) cover, showing an alien, lying broken and
twisted in the desert. As you might be able to guess, the book is about
the Roswell, New Mexico crash. It is billed as a hybrid of "fact and
fiction" but looks a lot more like fiction.

I'm fairly certain it reveals no new information; only takes what is
"known" about the case currently, and weaves into a gripping yarn.
However, I haven't read it, so I'm not sure.

Anyone read it? Has Whitley still got his fiction-writing ability?

Be seeing you...

James Vincent - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!James.Vincent
INTERNET: James.Vincent@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 9 Sep 89 10:52:00 GMT
From: paranet!James.Vincent
Subject: Dr. Willy Smith

Mike, I've been getting all sorts of flak from up here (making gesture
above head) about this guy. Is he on the level? What does anyone know?

Be seeing you...

James Vincent - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!James.Vincent
INTERNET: James.Vincent@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Sep 89 04:22:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Reporting Center

Recently, ParaNet began a reporting hotline for international
use. The purpose of this hotline is to become more involved in
what is going on with the phenomenon. Anyone wishing to file a
report with ParaNet is encouraged to do so by phoning
303-420-6758 24 hours or through access at ParaNet Alpha at
303-431-1343. There is a special area set up to enter these

In addition, we will be entering the reports, minus the names of
the witnesses for the users of the network. Stan Gordon of PASU
in Pennsylvania is going to start providing us with weekly
information as it comes into his organization.

Hope you enjoy.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Sep 89 04:24:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: PASU reports for week of September 9th, 1989

Notes Report by Profile

Page :
Michael F. Corbin Report Date :
ParaNet Information Service Time : 8:55
P.O. Box 928
Wheatridge, Colorado 80034 For Date(s) : 9/09/89 -

Name: PASU Phone: 412-838-7768 Ext:
Contact: Gordon, Mr. Stan Status/ID: Investigation &
Title: Director Referred by:
City: Greensburg, Pe Created: 4/30/89
Date Notes
--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------

9/09/89 : 8:42 pm Quite a resurgence of a wave going on here.

From August 31st. These are preliminary information being
investigated by field investigators.
Reports have been coming in mainly from Cambria,
Westmoreland, Boyer, Butler and Alleghany Counties. Most reports
occurred between 9:15 and 10:00 P.M. Most reports were dealing with
lights moving up and down and sideways. Several CE-1 reports. Some of
these objects have been seen by Sheriff's Deputies.
September 1st at 12:45 A.M. Outside of Johnstown in Cambria
County. A delivery worker coming along Route 56 observed an object to
be 60 to 100 feet long and oblong about 200 feet above the ground. Saw
four lights on object. Watched five minutes and became frightened and
took off.
September 3rd 4:30 P.M. formation of three bright silver
disk shaped objects moving from east to west at a fast rate of speed.
Observed by several people in the Sharpsburg area of Pittsburgh.
September 3rd 10:30 P.M. Ebenfburg in Cambria County.
County last year had the highest number of sightings. Rural area.
Object came over no more than 100 feet above the ground. Large
triangular object with red, blue green and white lights. Came over
house and slowly began to spin in a counterclockwise motion. Moved
over the house and up over hill and out of sight. Very shook up.
Butler Eagle newsclipping. Butler County. Criswell Road
residents. August 31st. Bright mushroom shaped object hovered above
home. Saw two small objects come from the large objects with red
lights. The three objects shot out of sight. No sound. Witness saw
eight military jets come into the area and pursue the objects.
Report from a military officer on same night claimed he
observed to the west an object chasing an aircraft. Bright white light
moved from north to south and shot straight up into sky and disappeared
within seconds.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Sep 89 04:25:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: UFO Report

Profile Report

Page : 1
Michael F. Corbin Report Date : 9/09/89
ParaNet Information Service Time : 9:10 pm
P.O. Box 928
Wheatridge, Colorado 80034 Number of Profiles : 1

Name: Addrs:
Phone: 702-000-0000 Ext: home :
Contact: Witness, Ms. Elaine City: Reno
Title: Sec: State: Nevada
Dear: Ms. Witness ZIP: 89502

9/09/89 Status 8/03/89A
9/09/89 Status 080389A

Profile Report

Page : 2
Michael F. Corbin Report Date : 9/09/89
ParaNet Information Service Time : 9:10 pm
P.O. Box 928
Wheatridge, Colorado 80034 Number of Profiles : 1

9/09/89 : 9:00 pm This report was received on 8/03/89 by telephone.
Ms. Witness contacted me regarding a sighting that she had on
August 3rd, 1989, at approximately 1:00 A.M. The details are as
At approximately 1:00 A.M., Ms. Witness woke on her
stomach. She turned over in the bed and while doing so, looked out the
bedroom window which is located above the head of the bed. She was
startled to see a large triangular shaped object hovering over the
backyards of the adjoining homes in her neighborhood. The ojbect
appeared to be black with three very bright lights located on the
points of the object. The light was flooding the area. She made a
similar remark to the shape of the object by stating that it was like a
'bat wing'. She was extremely frightened by this sight and immediately
awoke her husband to see the object. While she was watching it, it
simply vanished and scared the witness even further. Her husband was
too late arising to see the object. When asked about the departure of
the object, she stated that it did not move away, but vanished into
thin air. Following this, she ran outside to see if she could locate
the object, but could not.
Next morning, after a sleepless night, she contacted the
Griff's Observatory in Reno to determine if they had any information
about what she may have seen. She was told that they did not. She is
located near the Reno/Kennon Airport but was adamant that the object
was not an airplane.
The witness claims that she did not feel anything proximate
to the sighting.
The witness related that she had seen a UFO when she was a
little girl while living in Los Angeles. She claims that the object
was round and had lights flashing like a traffic signal. This sighting
was reported by the newspapers and was witnessed by several people in
the area of Wilshire Blvd. Her parents were present during this
sighting and it lasted ten minutes. This was in the late 50's.
Witness is providing a full report and drawing of the object
that she witnessed.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


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