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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 024

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Info-ParaNet Letters			Volume 1    Issue 24 


Date: 25 Aug 89 19:34:59 GMT
From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: Cydonia.txt

I can't defend the plaque we sent up, I wasn't consulted (smile). But I
would have the same comment about our plaque, It should have been
completely unambiguous. A good example would be what we left on the
moon. While I suppose we could have carved a symbolic face in one of the
craters, the moon buggy would be a lot more convincing to some future
ET's that sentient life had been there.

Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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Date: 25 Aug 89 19:39:21 GMT
From: paranet!f1.n304.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Delton
Subject: Re: Cydonia.txt

We really don't have a whole lot of options in how we "question" the
"face". Since we are earthians, we will have to deal with it in earth
terms (question it if you will). We can put logic (as we know it) aside
when considering the "face" but ultimately, either it is going to be
meaningfull in terms of something we "know" or it is just not going to
be meaningfull untill we learn more.

Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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Date: 27 Aug 89 03:22:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Interesting article pertaining to New Zealand

To All:

Here is the text from a newsclipping that I found very
interesting on two aspects:

The 'magnocraft', and the caves that appear to have been bored.


DATE OF ARTICLE: May 22, 1989
SOURCE OF ARTICLE: New Zealand Herald
LOCATION: Dunedin, New Zealand
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A Dunedin scientist says he believes unidentified flying
objects may be responsible for an unusual series of tubular caves
discovered near Nelson.
Dr. Jan Pajak has appealed for information about the caves,
which he said could help in his quest to build a magnetically
propelled spacecraft called a "magnocraft."
Other civilizations had already developed such magnocrafts,
he said, and these had given rise to UFO sightings when used on
"When the magnocraft is finally built on earth it will
display a number of unusual capabilities. For example, it will
be able to fly not only in free air, space and water, but also
underground where it will produce (evaporate) long, glassy and
technological looking tunnels," Dr. Pajak said.
"UFOs are able to fly through solid matter. During such
flights they evaporate a unique type of glassy tunnel, identical
to the tunnels I am inquiring about."
A Nelson Speleological Group spokesman, Mr. Arthur Freeman,
said cavers had been investigating a series of caves which fitted
Dr. Pajak's description.
Mr. Freeman said the tubular caves in the Ellis Karste field
at Mt. Arthur had smooth but not glassy walls.
The phreatic tubes known as the Tomo Thyme Caves were formed
by water pressure under the water table, he said.
The caves were apparently first discovered 15 years ago but
Nelson climbers began to reinvestigate them 18 months ago.
Dr. Pajak has been collecting information on UFOs for some
years and has been looking for evidence of tubular tunnels since
his arrival in New Zealand in 1982.
"The purpose of collecting this evidence is to complete our
magnocraft faster and easier than it would take without having a
ready operation model to copy from," he said.
When UFOs landed on earth, the propelling devices acted like
huge microwave ovens which magnetically scorched and sterilized
the ground.
"Such sterilized soil provides ideal mushroom growth
"The former UFO landing sites are subsequently populated by
mushrooms that form a unique type of ring called fairy rings in
New Zealand."
Dr. Pajak said he was the only scientist in New Zealand
doing formal research on UFOs.
"I am the only scientist who has accumulated overwhelming
evidence that indicates the continuous use of these vehicles on
earth, and who is not afraid to admit openly that these vehicles
do exist."



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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Date: 27 Aug 89 03:25:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Interesting Comparison

Here is the text from another newsclipping that once read,
compare it with the next posting from another source who also
talked to NORAD. Notice the interesting contradiction in the
policy and statements pertaining to incoming objects from space.



DATE OF ARTICLE: February 24, 1989
SOURCE OF ARTICLE: McCurtain Daily Gazette
LOCATION: Idabel, Oklahoma
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If UFOs are alive and well in McCurtain County, here's a
synopsis from the U.S. Space Command:
1: They're intelligent enough to have built spacecraft out
of materials other than any metals we know, and;
2. They're friendly.
Captain Lloyd Tetrault, USMC, who is Chief of Near Earth
Satellite Processing at NORAD Center, Colorado Springs, Colo.,
gave this summation to the continuing UFO mystery today.
On vacation from the nation's communication nerve center
inside a mountain near Colorado Springs, Capt. Tetrault and his
two daughters are visiting Idabel with his wife's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Voss.
Tetrault said since he had been with the space tracking
program for nearly three years, "we've never found an object
three feet in diameter or larger we didn't identify."
"No one in his right mind would say intelligence can't
exist other than on this planet and no one could say for sure
beings do not have the technology to come here undetected. But
we deal with everything around this globe that gets off the
ground. Literally thousands of things each day are flashed in a
millisecond to the command post. We just have not had anything
show up we didn't run down," he added.
Tetrault believes that more than 90 percent of the UFOs
sighted are either satellite fragments or aircraft of some type.
"I remember the time when the radar-proof stealth aircraft was
super secret. It was still detectable at close range and caused
quite a stir even inside the military community. But now the
secret is out and the bat-winged aircraft is just another
military tool.
"Let's put it this way. In the past three years no alien
spacecraft have entered the earth's atmosphere or left it unless
they're totally undetectable. Since 1985 when the U.S. Space
Command took over checking the skies and space around the planet,
we haven't run into one," the Marine space observer said.
Tetrault's job is identifying everything above the earth up
to and including any satellite that goes around in 224 minutes or
less. He said that was the physical number which put all
satellites flying around the earth under surveillance.
Deep Space Division, a group of space traffic controllers
alongside Tetrault's group in the NORAD center, takes care of
everything spinning around the globe in a fixed orbit with the
"It takes 1,444 minutes for the communications satellites to
make an orbit. That orbit is in exact correlation with the earth
and fixed exactly on the equator. This way, satellites can pick
up and deliver TV signals to our homes. If the satellite is off
center from the equator, then the orbit becomes elliptical and
fixed antennas would constantly have to move to pick up a TV
picture," he continued.
Tetrault was of the opinion that many military refueling
operations in the sky at night have been distorted as UFOs.
"Picture if you will two giant C-130's flying about 285 miles per
hour, just hanging in the air to refuel a group of 12 to 15
supersonic F-16 jet fighters. In this case while one F-18 is
slowed down and hooked up to the fuel tank, all the rest are in
various patterns around the tankers, some fast, some slow, all
depending on the military practice maneuver. Sometimes one
single aircraft might be above the group looking for the enemy,
and another single place flying below the formation looking for
missiles or enemy attack from the ground. Depending on what
their orders are, and what kind of simulation they're doing, then
all sorts of weird scenes are visual, especially at night with
proper lighting and reflection.
"One actual UFO scene I saw was footage taken of a dish
shaped object which turned out to be a little biplane under
proper light reflection. It was revealed when the film was
enlarged about 20 times and it had a whole town scared to death,"
he cited.
Tetrault said his command sight two or three TIP objects
each day. He explained a TIP object as Tracking and Impact
Prediction. "All these things up in space, and we're chasing
over 7,000 of them we know of, break up, come down, look like
meteors...all sorts of weird looking scenes, but we have the
technology of telling the planet's occupants within a few minutes
of when it's coming down and within a hundred miles of where it's
going to land."
He said since two-thirds of this globe is covered with
water, and since only one-eighth of the land mass is inhabited,
then chances of getting a piece of space material in your back
yard is about one in three million.
"But it's our job to detect it and predict it. We don't
think much about UFOs because we deal in things we can see. And
we've just never seen anything we didn't identify," Tetrault
The Marine captain said the extension of the surveillance in
the air is live interception by Air Force planes, standing ready
across the country.
"Once in a while we have the Air Force pilots intercept a
craft, but it's very seldom. But if anything at all is there, we
simply identify whatever means available," he continued.
Tetrault said the two beg pieces of space debris which fell
on land were Skylab, which landed in Australia, and a Russian
craft which hit in the icelands of northern Canada.
He cited the mystery of the Northern Lights. "We finally
took pictures from spacecraft in orbit and discovered magnetic
forces of the earth were simply heating up particles which
glowed, and the northern lights mystery vanished. I look at the
UFO problem the same way.
"I know if life somewhere is intelligent enough to get here,
they're smart enough to zap us in a minute. And they haven't,
that is, if they're here. So I'm going to deduce they're
friendly. Maybe they're so smart they can't figure out how to
communicate with us. We may be cave man status to them," he
Tetrault said he and the kids would be soon headed back to
Cheyenne Mountain where he would don his uniform, go through five
checkpoints, ride a bus a mile and a half into the mountain, and
go back to work.
"A turkey in McCurtain County is harder to find and identify
than a piece of junk the size of a washtub in space. I guarantee
that," the youthful career officer concluded.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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Date: 27 Aug 89 03:25:00 GMT
From: paranet!mcorbin
Subject: Interesting Contradiction Part II


DATE OF ARTICLE: April 23, 1989
SOURCE OF ARTICLE: Rocky Mountain News
LOCATION: Denver, Colorado
BYLINE: Charlie Brennan
(C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service
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1-303-431-1343 9600 BAUD


Cr: R. Collins

By Charlie Brennan
Rocky Mountain News Staff Writer

There are strangers among us.
So says veteran Littleton documentary filmmaker Linda
Moulton Howe, who will make her debut as an author next month
with a startling new book: Alien Harvest: Further Evidence
Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life
Caution: People with a low threshold for the bizarre and
improbable may want to stop here. For the rest, here is Howe's
description of the book's hypothesis:
"The case is very strong that we have some kind of non-human
alien life form that is intruding on this planet for reasons that
are still not clear to me, and may not still be clear to the
Howe is far from the first to allege that the highest levels
of government have kept a tight lid on their own knowledge of
unidentified flying objects, and their crews, at least since the
supposed crash and recovery of debris near Roswell, N.M., in
July 1947.
But Howe's credentials separate her from many UFO believers.
Her master's degree is from Stanford University, and her resume
features an entire page of journalism awards - 30 of them. They
include three regional Emmys for television documentaries.
One of those Emmys came from a Strange Harvest, which first
aired in 1980 and explored the possible links between western
states livestock mutilations and UFOs.
Livestock mutilations became such a concern in western
states in the mid-1970's that Gov. Richard Lamm ordered the
Colorado Bureau of Investigation in 1975 to examine the problem.
A year later, the CBI concluded -- in a report many still
criticize -- that all but a few mutilations they studied could be
attributed to predators. And the animals were in most cases
already dead from natural causes, the CBI said.
In her book, Howe expands upon the mystery she first probed
with A Strange Harvest.
Within three weeks of the film's first broadcast, Howe said,
"All I heard from ranchers, from deputies, from sheriffs, from a
fellow journalist up in northeast Colorado -- from one
veterinarian who would only talk to me confidentially -- were
wild UFO stories."
"I heard so many UFO stories that I myself was stunned," she
U.S. Air Force officials have heard plenty of stories, too,
but don't express great interest.
Maj. Lou Figueroa acknowledged that the Air Force did
investigate the UFO phenomenon from 1948 to 1969, and checked out
"over 12,000 sightings."
Of that number, he said, "There were only 701 reported
sightings that could be categorized as unexplained."
The final "Project Blue Book" report, he said, stated that
"there has been no evidence" that any sightings recorded as
unidentified are "extraterrestrial vehicles."
The government stance is vexing to Howe, who has a copy of
the "Majestic-12 Preliminary Briefing for President-elect
Eisenhower." It purports to be a digest concerning findings of a
top-secret panel empowered by President Harry S. Truman to
investigate material recovered from the Roswell incident and
The Nov. 18, 1952, alleged government report describes the
wreckage, and the condition of four "human-like beings" recovered
near the wrecked aircraft:
"It was the tentative conclusion of this group that although
these creatures are human-like in appearance, the biological and
evolutionary processes responsible for their development has
apparently been quite different."
Figueroa said he'd heard of the Majestic-12 report but had
never seen it. Asked if he had ever heard an explanation that
would debunk the report's content, he said simply, "No, I
Philip Klass, a senior editor for 35 years of Aviation Week
& Space Technology magazine, is perhaps the nation's best known
UFO skeptic. He considers the Majestic-12 report a fraud.
Among other things, Klass said, the military style writing
in the document is inconsistent with the military style at the
In short, said Klass, "There's a greater chance that Santa
Claus and his little elves exist, than us having extraterrestrial
University of Colorado physics researcher George Lawrence, a
board member of Rocky Mountain Skeptics, also dismisses Howe's
theories, though in more guarded language.
Lawrence said stories of supposed UFOs "fall into the
category of being too good to be true."*
His skepticism stems in part, he said, from his belief that
"there are no hard artifacts" to prove UFOs and aliens existence
beyond any doubt. Still, he concedes, he's "never really
researched the UFO question" for himself.
Howe denies that she has adopted "some kind of 'ism' or
belief system."
"I am a filmmaker and I am a writer who has been presented
material from a variety of sources that all say the same thing,
that we have alien life forms mucking around on this planet," she
Howe has done more than merely review the already well-
thumbed documentation of UFO lore. She actively investigated
continuing developments in the field as recently as last month.
Howe was contacted in March by Jim Williamson, editor of the
Little River News, in Ashdown, Ark. After a series of what
Williamson called "dancing lights" in the night sky dating back
to August 1987, local residents discovered five dead cows in a
field March 10 of this year. Three had been mutilated. There
were no signs of bleeding. Or of human footprints.
Williamson and Howe said tissue from one of the carcasses
was analyzed at their request by pathologist Dr. John Altshuler
of Denver.
Microphotographs showed that the excisions were made "at a
very high heat" and were done "rapidly," Altshuler told the News.
Williamson, called by Arkansas State Police, said that one
of the cows appeared to have died suddenly, practically in mid-
"Something freeze-framed it," he noted. "If we've got
buzzards that are doing this, they're awesome."
Howe said that although she feels her research has been
thorough and exhaustive, she has no illusions about winning over
the doubters of the world.
"In terms of hard proof, until the aliens and the silver
discs are laid out in front of us by the President of the United
States...I don't think anybody is going to accept anything as
hard proof," she said.



Colorado, along with the entire Rocky Mountain region, has
long been fertile ground for tales of strange doings that may --
or may not -- be linked to visitors from beyond.
The following are highlights of recent oddities that have
surfaced in reports to police, the military, the media and
MAY 1988: Unexplained cattle mutilations, the target of hot
debate in the 1970's, continue. Weld County sheriff's deputy
Mike Stark photographs a mutilated cow near Greeley that bears
wounds corresponding precisely to those suffered by hundreds of
other livestock around the world.
OCT. 31, 1988: Jefferson County sheriff's personnel
investigate a "large orange ball of fire" that falls to the
ground near Aspen Park. They conclude it "probably was a meteor"
but no debris.
MARCH 10, 1989: Little River County, Ark., is the site of
three cattle mutilations. A Denver pathologist's examination
reveals findings identical to results of tests on "Lady," a
mutilated horse discovered in Colorado's San Luis Valley 22 years
MARCH 21, 1989: Flight controllers at the Denver Air Route
Traffic Control Center are baffled by strange radar blips. Some
controllers "had a dozen or more of these targets merging with
actual aircraft targets over a half hour period," controller
Kevin Cain wrote. Cain now dismisses the episode as "false
targets" generated by a computer malfunction.
MARCH 28, 1989: A Longmont resident writes the Rocky
Mountain News to report her sighting of a daytime UFO she
witnessed March 21, the same day FAA controllers made their
puzzling sightings.
APRIL 3, 1989: A "brilliant blue object" rocketing across
Colorado daytime skies tentatively is identified as a possible
"rare daytime meteorite" by a Boulder astronomer. North American
Defense Command at Colorado Springs acknowledges sightings, has
no explanation.
APRIL 18, 1989: Capt. Thomas Niemann, at the U.S. Space
Command in Colorado Springs, says that military facility
routinely tracks 6,900 man-made objects in space. Each day, he
says, an average of "one or two" objects enter the Earth's
atmosphere which do not "correlate" with any known object.



Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

Info-ParaNet Letters Volume 1 Issue 24


Date: 27 Aug 89 21:43:00 GMT
From: paranet!f20.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Re: Interesting Contradiction Part II


FASCINATING stuff. Being in Colorado, is there any way you might be able to
follow up with Therault and the guy from the Space Command, to see if they
can get their stories to jibe?

I've run into this contradiction before. Noted UFO skeptic Maj. James
McGaha of the US Air Force told me he talked to NORAD, and they basically
gave him the line that "nothing called into us over the past year
has stumped us. We've been able to identify everything that people have
asked us about." I know that's not the case, since I called in a report to
NORAD myself, an object seen over Scottsdale last November. They had no

Furthermore, see next message.

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f20.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 27 Aug 89 21:50:00 GMT
From: paranet!f20.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Jim.Speiser
Subject: Speiser File #2

__ __
/_ /_
The __/peiser / ile

Ubiquitous UFO Untruth #2 NORAD Does Not See UFOs

In 1968, Dr. Robert M. L. Baker, head of Lockheed's Astrodynamics Research
Center and UCLA astronomer, made the following statement concerning the one
US radar system in operation at that time that, to his knowledge, exhibited
sufficient and continuous coverage to reveal UFOs operating above the
Earth's atmosphere:

<<The system is partially classified and, hence, I cannot go into
great detail...[S]ince this particular sensor system has been in
operation, there have been a number of anomalistic alarms. Alarms
that, as of this date, have not been explained on the basis of
natural phenomena interference, equipment malfunction or
inadequacy, or manmade space objects. >>
Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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