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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 010

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

Info-ParaNet Letters			Volume 1    Issue 10 & 11 

Subjects -
Subject: Re: Jaques Vallee & "dimensions"
Subject: Re: Corrections
Subject: Re: Cydonia Breakthrough
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newsletter
Subject: Re: Flying Saucers-top Secret
Subject: Ufo Sighting Or / And Encounter.
Subject: Re: Flying Saucers-top Secret
Subject: Scientific UFOlogy
Subject: Scientific UFOlogy
Subject: Thomas Bearden


Date: 10 Aug 89 17:08:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Jaques Vallee & "dimensions"
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

Long time I havent spoken to you. How are you? I have been taking a new
turn in my investigative examI have read Communion and Transformation
by Streiber, and find HIS perspective rather interesting (note that
interesting does not necessarily mean believed!) and in order to try to
see what his point of view may stem from, I have undertaken the task of
obtaining similar spiritual growth experiences that he has. I am
intrigued by his impressions, and by his wife and son's impressions of
a phenomenon that HE believes he is experiencing. Although he draws
heavily on hypnosis for much material, I still think his perspective
could have some validity and so I have obtained literature and tapes
that involve the topics of meditation and other such items that are
usually found in the occult section of book stores! I am going to
seriously attempt several things that he says he has done and will do
so over the next year or so. I am very serious about looking into this
and will do it because I believe we have a right to know what phenomena
are experiencing US if any. Naturally I still look into regular reports
of abductions and sightings as well. I have been cultivating
friendships with key people that could help me. (that sounded bad, but
these friends know what I want and are interested as well in finding
solutions!) In any case, I will be talking to you!
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Aug 89 17:14:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Corrections
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

You know mike, I have to say that I agree that Gulf Breeze is indeed a
hoax and furthermore I dont even feel it is a GOOD hoax. After looking
at the 'images' I noted that not only are reflections seen where none
should be, but light sources are illuminating the 'craft' from the
outside where darkness should be, and the TABLE THAT THE MODEL IS
Hopkins. He thought it was going to be "one of the most important cases
of the century". How sad that the last laugh is going to be on us
thanks to his silly remark.
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Aug 89 17:35:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Cydonia Breakthrough
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

Hoaglands prediction regarding Neptune is no surprise you know. We (us
astronomers who have done planetary geo-morphology) have surmised that
planets whose axial tilt is shifted as Neptune and Uranus's is,
probably will have a different magnetic field orientation. In fact it
is virtually guaranteed! So Hoagland's prediction sounds to me like
another raving from someone who was shown once to be a very
un-remarkable individual who merely produced a book showing facts that
only support his ideas , and not the plethora that dont, and who is now
trying to recover what little is left of his dignity with a "terrific
comeback" idea.
Did you know that his 'face' image is seen on a handful of images and
not on thousands of others of the same region?
Did you know that the rotation image in his book showing the face
turning around was NOT I repeat NOT produced by assembling photographic
images from various sides but was merely inpute into the computer and
the computer simply de-projected facial lines and produced the 3d form?
Did I give the impression that he irritates me?
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Aug 89 17:44:00 GMT
From: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Marc Dantonio)
Subject: Re: Info-paranet Newsletter
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

Whitley Streiber's books Communion and Transformation are sounding
similar to your message regarding projected grays and voices in the
night. Have you read these books?
Marc Dantonio - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Marc.Dantonio
INTERNET: Marc.Dantonio@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 10 Aug 89 05:50:00 GMT
From: Brad.West@f313.n712.z3.FIDONET.ORG (Brad West)
Organization: FidoNet node 3:712/313 - Avalon Amiga , Chippendale NSW

To all people who have seen or experienced any type UFO encounter.

I am interested in your information.
If you have seen a UFO could you please leave me a message with some
details on the sighting.
1) Type of weather ?
2) Time of day.
3) Colour and shape.
4) State/City.
5) Amount of times seen before.
6) Actions of craft.
No fabrications please...

Many thanks Bradley West.
Brad West - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!3!712!313!Brad.West
INTERNET: Brad.West@f313.n712.z3.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 11 Aug 89 04:25:38 GMT
From: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Murphy)
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> To all people who have seen or experienced any type UFO encounter.
> I am interested in your information.
> If you have seen a UFO could you please leave me a message with some
> details on the sighting.
> 1) Type of weather ?
> 2) Time of day.
> 3) Colour and shape.
> 4) State/City.
> 5) Amount of times seen before.
> 6) Actions of craft.
> Etc......
> No fabrications please...

Do you think UFO's make it snow in the middle of the desert on top of mountains in August? (Do they cloak and hide themselves in thick, ominous black clouds that do such things?) ---- (making humor -- but white stuff *DID* fall on the mountain peak just two days ago in the late afternoon. Ominous sight -- one thick, very dark cloud just sat there and then did it's thing while the sun was shining over the City of Flagstaff)

( 1:304/1)
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Linda.Murphy
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 8 Aug 89 06:45:00 GMT
From: Frank.Salerno@f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Frank Salerno)
Subject: Re: Flying Saucers-top Secret
Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/407

I'm curious about this map. If aliens did really create it, why did they use
simple paper? If they were so advanced why wouldn't they have simply
programmed the images into their computer, as we currently do?

Actually, it would be nice to know just what sort of material the map is on.
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps it was a print-out, but even
then the paper it was printed on would be of a quality MUCH higher than ours

-> "Abandoned?" I said. "But why should they be?"
-> "To get rid of undesirables."
-> "That's an ugly thought."

Sounds like Douglas Adams has gotten ahold of this book too. :)

How is it that two different civilizations would have developed and evolved to
be exactly the same?


Frank Salerno - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!407!Frank.Salerno
INTERNET: Frank.Salerno@f407.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 11 Aug 89 21:55:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Ufo Sighting Or / And Encounter.
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> To all people who have seen or experienced any type UFO
> encounter.
> I am interested in your information.
> If you have seen a UFO could you please leave me a
> message with some
> details on the sighting.
> 1) Type of weather ?
> 2) Time of day.
> 3) Colour and shape.
> 4) State/City.
> 5) Amount of times seen before.
> 6) Actions of craft.
> Etc......
> No fabrications please...
> Many thanks Bradley West.

This is very interesting. Are you working on a research project?
Is so, could you share with us what your project is about?


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 11 Aug 89 21:58:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Flying Saucers-top Secret
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

> I'm curious about this map. If aliens did really create
> it, why did they use simple paper? If they were so
> advanced why wouldn't they have simply programmed the
> images into their computer, as we currently do?
Very good question, Frank, however I don't really know. I have
been given a couple of book recommendations to read. They are:

Discoveries in America Before Columbus by Cyrus Gordon, and Maps
of Ancient Sea Kings - Evidence of Advanced Civilizations in the
Ice Age by Charles Hapgood. I am going to check them out.

> How is it that two different civilizations would have
> developed and evolved to be exactly the same?
Interesting question. Would anyone care to jump in?

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 11 Aug 89 22:46:00 GMT
From: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Scientific UFOlogy
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

With all of the discussion of UFOs and what they are, it
seems that we never get into the 'meat and potatoes' of the
issue. Granted, the scientific community publicly condemns the
very phenomenon, however there are scientific studies being
conducted all over the world even as we speak. While the
community as a whole may care to reject the phenomenon, I am of
the opinion that there is something very tangible and physical
about all of this. I find that too many people of today's
generation are wrapped up in the 'belief system' to take a really
objective look at what has been invading our skies for, what
appears, forty years, if not several thousand. To arrive at a
decent and well balanced idea of what is going on, we must
approach this phenomenon from a skeptical point of view and allow
the physical evidence to prove itself out.

On September 27, 1975, Dr. Jacques Vallee addressed the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics in Los Angeles. Vallee is a French
born Astrophysicist who has been investigating UFOs for many
years. He is the author of many books and is considered very
reputable. I am taking this excerpt from a book called
'Situation Red' published (C) 1977 by Leonard H. Stringfield.
What Vallee says is very interesting and I would like to get a
discussion going on the contents of this message.

...Let us consider the characteristics of the sightings
that are not explained by trivial natural causes; we can
recognize six major "dimensions" in terms of our perceptions of
these characteristics.
First is the physical dimension. Most witnesses describe
an object that occupies a position in space; moves as time
passes; interacts with its environment through thermal effects as
well as light absorption and emission; produces turbulence; and,
when landed, leaves indentations and burns from which approximate
mass and energy figures can be derived. Furthermore, it gives
rise to photographic images and magnetic disturbances.
The second dimension is anti-physical. The variables are
the same as those in the previous category but they form patterns
that conflict with those predicted by physics-an object that is
described as physical and material is also described as a)
sinking into the ground, b) becoming fuzzy and transparent on the
spot, c) merging with an identical object at slow speed, d)
disappearing at one point while appearing elsewhere
instantaneously, and e) remaining observable visually while not
detected on radar.
The third dimension is the psychology of the witnesses and
the social conditions that surround them. Human observers tend
to see UFOs while in their normal environment and in normal
social groupings. They perceive the objects as non conventional
but they try to explain them away as common occurrences, until
faced with the inescapable conclusion that the object is truly
Physiological reactions are another significant dimension.
The phenomenon is reported to cause burns, "beeping" sounds,
vibrations, partial paralysis, heat sensation, pricklings. Some
witnesses have become temporarily blind when exposed to the
objects' light. Others have described nausea, difficulty in
breathing, loss of volition. The most frequent reported symptom
in the days following a close range encounter is drowsiness.
The fifth category of effects is labeled psychic, because
it involves a class of phenomena commonly found in the literature
of parapsychology, such as a) impressions of communication
without direct sensory channel, b) levitation of the witness or
of objects and animals in the vicinity, c) poltergeist phenomena:
motions and sounds without a specific cause, outside of the
observed presence of a UFO, d) maneuvers of a UFO appearing to
anticipate the witness' thoughts, e) premonitory dreams or
"visions," f) personality changes promoting unusual abilities in
the witness (as in the case of Uri Geller and others), and g)
The sixth category could be called "cultural." It is
concerned with society's reactions to the reports, the way in
which secondary effects (hoaxes, science fiction imagery,
scientific theories, cover-up or exposure, censorship or
publicity, sensationalism, etc.) become generated, and the
attitude of members of a given culture towards the concepts that
UFO observations appear to challenge. The greatest impact of the
phenomenon has been on general acceptance of the idea of life in
space and a more limited, but potentially very significant,
change in popular concept of nonhuman intelligence.
A framework for scientific speculation on the UFO
phenomenon can be built on the identification of the six major
dimensions of UFO effects as follows:
a) The phenomenon is the product of technology. During the
observation, the UFO is a real, physical, material object.
However, it uses either very clever deception or very advanced
physical principles, resulting in the effects I have called
"anti-physical," which must eventually be reconciled with the
laws of physics.
b) The technology triggers psychic effects either purposely
or as a side effect of the presence of a UFO. These psychic
phenomena are now too common to be ignored or relegated to the
category of exaggerated or ill-observed facts. All of us who
have investigated close range sightings have become familiar
with these effects.
c) The purpose of the technology is cultural
manipulation-possibly but not necessarily under control of a form
of non human intelligence-and the physiological and psychological
effects are a means to that end.

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!mcorbin
INTERNET: mcorbin@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 12 Aug 89 06:18:05 GMT
From: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Murphy)
Subject: Scientific UFOlogy
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

Vallee also states the following:

UFO's cannot be analyzed through the standard research techniques, if they are the means through which man's concepts are being rearranged. All we can do is trace their effects on humans, and hope that we will eventually stumble on some principle that explains their behavior.

....What could a paranormal phenomenon control? I suggest that it is human belief that is being controlled and conditioned.

-- from "Dimensions"

Nuts and Bolts Mike? They only valid thing that is consistant (which you and I had bantered about numerous times) is people -- We have no physical saucer -- no captured aliens on display to the American public -- yet the *belief* grows and grows and grows....

Vallee then goes on, in an interview at the end of the book, when asked about Messengers of Deception --

"But it went further, it added a new idea which was very sensitive at the time with most ufologists: the UFO problem is a social phenomenon, and as such it can be exploited, and it isbeing utilized even now, for purposes that have to do with contingency planning and psychological warfare."

Strand then asks "Do you have data to back this up?"

Vallee: "I think so. When you spend enough time in the field you come across cases that turn out to be hoaxes, but the hoaxes that were not contrived by the witnesses. Instead they were contrived by somebody else for the benefit of the witnesses, as part of a covert exercise.Sometimes the exercise gets aborted, other times, gets out of hand."

Vallee then continues with thoughts on how such activity would affect a small number of reports, but the problem is, those reports are the ones that tend to become well known through the media, and as they are researched, a lot of energy is waisted before they are recognized for what they are.
( 1:304/1)
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Linda.Murphy
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 12 Aug 89 07:09:43 GMT
From: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Murphy)
Subject: Thomas Bearden
Organization: Paranet Information Service, Denver, CO (303) 431-1343

UFO Studies in Huntsville Alabama?

The following is from a book called "Mind Wars" by Ron McRae

Several Bearden contracts deal with his theoretical link among ESP, UFO's, and
quantum physics. According to the abstract of a technical report delivered by
the Computer Sciences Corporation of Huntsville, Alabama, Bearden

"...introduces a speculative model of mind and matter and their interaction
that is consistent with the experimental basis of physics and which offers
mechanisms for paranormal phenomena of all types, including UFO phenomena...
A solution to the problem of the nature of the mind is generated, using the
author's fourth law of logic, and a seven-dimensional hyperspatial physical
model of the living biosphere is developed. Using this model, an infinite
dimensional cotemperal hyperspatial model of the physical universe complete
with all its life forms is constructed. Levels of unconsciousness -- including
the collective human species unconscious -- emerge natually as types of
crosstalk between hyperframes... At the level of collective human species
unconscious, the psychokinesis is sufficient to materialize symbolic tulpoids
(thought forms), given a sufficient stress stimulus in large groups. Using the
cold war as the major stress stimulus on mankind since World War II, the author
shows that most major UFO wves in the literature precisely fit the model.*"

[* Quoted from a classified Department of Defense abstract of Bearden's study]

Some of Beaden't theories have actually been officially adopted at the command
level. The 1981 Fire Support Mission Area Analysis (FSMAA), a highly classified
periodic document that promulgates official army combat doctrine, noted that
psychotronic weapons, which it lumps into "cryptomental" technologies, might
effect the stamina and performance of field artillerymen. The FSMAA explicitly
defines psychotronics as "a union between mind and matter -- a form of energy
about which little is apparently known in the United States, but which appears
to have significant miltary application and implication," including psychotronic "mind jamming":

"While consiering the subject of Psychotronics, it is essential that people
remain open-minded and recognize that the technolgy, physics, and mathematics
involved are real, and not matters of the occult or supernatural. Details of
Psychotronics offer a "physics of metaphysics" -- a fully developed theory of
paranormal phenomena that unites physics and psychology ...

"Supernormal happening arise from the laws of the mind and phenomena like
extrasensory perception and telepathy are not as out of the ordinary and
inexplicable as they are generally considered to be."

The report concludes that the "key deficiencies in this area is the apparent
absence of an organized U.S. military or government effort to investigate the
offensive and defensive potential of psychotronics.

[Bearden, An Approach to Understanding Psycotronics, DDC, June 1976,
AD-A027866. Bearden published several similar studies, all available
through DDC.]

( 1:304/1)
Linda Murphy - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: ...!scicom!Linda.Murphy
INTERNET: Linda.Murphy@paranet.FIDONET.ORG

ARTICLE SUBMISSION info-paranet@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM

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